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ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome everybody to the ancient evil around 100 bossfight hopefully on the first try here we'll see we'll see how it actually goes or well we'll see you know it's uh it'll be it'll be it'll be an interesting run for sure how's everybody doing today hope you guys are doing well I don't need to hear myself but I appreciate it thank you anyway today my friends we are doing the ancient evil round one hundo cut seems round 100 run high rounds and everything like that there's a super easy method that is actually like really really simple to to get to round 100 it's probably the easiest round 100 that's ever existed so we're gonna be using that method just because it's the only way I like legitimately have time to do it it should take about five six hours something like that so we're probably in for a pretty long extreme I I am doing a little something different you'll see you'll kind of see the strategy but essentially we're gonna be doing the entire solo Easter Egg and then getting to the boss fight then getting to round 100 and then yeah so it should be good it should be fun I hope you guys are hope you guys are ready for this it's been it's been a long long time I've got to say it has been quite a while since since doing what since doing something like as long as avi stream as I'm about to do now even like launch day I don't think I did like and extremely extreme that a long one so should be interesting we'll see we'll see Oh before I forget oh my soldiers I got it I got a tweet on the stream I always forget to I always forget to tweet up the stream here we go hold on um boop boop around 100 on ancient evil right now feels like 2015 again baby all right there we go we're all tweeted out we're ready to go get some get around with 99 blue-screen yeah bro can you imagine that can you actually imagine if that happened though how funny that would be nice hat thank you thank you I appreciate it I'm new to the channel welcome welcome my friend how's it going yeah it's been a minute since I've streamed hunt yet it's actually it's actually like been a while it's a 50 I'm not gonna lie it feels a little feels a little weird to be back you know I need to use my my chakram sheer bloody Pegasus baby oh my gosh so loud how's the how's the volume on everything guys is again is it good to go mucho mucho buenos although we had a something here um let it load up you know what did you get a ticket today I found some radio to check them out on Twitter did you get a ticket today what do you mean did I get a ticket today I am confused Mike chef thank you for the - I appreciate it but I I'm a little confused as to what you mean can anyone I can't what help me out there mom and thanks for the 20 SEK I don't know what just dumb denomination of money that is Ron plays with the with the five doses remembering what's a prob in Antonio thank you for the dollar as well I'm cutting around somebody won five times oh gosh the greatest the greatest video do melee damage oh heck yeah brother Wow that this was absolutely perfect for this absolutely perfect let's go baby I wonder if it increases my melee damage to higher so I'm getting like full credit for every melee or what's going on don't know I hear Pegasus alright um where's this gauntlet uh-oh I have to do I have to ride Pegasus first before she tells me where the gauntlet is and everything I think I do think I do oh yeah always my tweet no I didn't know no no I didn't I didn't did you get a ticket no I did not that's so funny now you're doing a great person yo thank you Rick Rick Sanchez and gay me I appreciate that very much my friend you are too kind too kind I'm watching you with the broken finger Oh wrist dude fun fact about me each at fun fact about me chat I actually have never broken a bone in my body does that does that come as a surprise to any of you or now having fun with the map dude dude this is like the best map man the best map they've released in quite some time for sure um kit actually oh there is a dormant hand down here all right Pegasus let's go baby let's go baby no don't you love the tombstone jingle remix yeah dude I love it it's one of my favorite things in the entire world one of my favorite the only only zombie your song is the only thing I watch on YouTube hey Thank You Daniel glad you enjoy it this is new idea actually actually playing zombies and the year 2019 Omega wolf me actually let me actually play some music we're gonna just just since we're chilling out we're just doing the Easter Egg yeah I got someone help me out with that thank goodness and of course your nerdy self hasn't hurt themselves alright chill yo chill dawg listen yo chill alright let's we want to do first probably and arounded super dope yeah I really hope the blue screen of death doesn't happen either I would be very sad if I managed to get blue screen of death is that a little bit of a fire didn't hurt nobody all right yeah you know the additional upgrade you can do with the four hands yeah I'm actually I'm actually doing that I'm actually going to be doing that actually before we do anything else let me let me go ahead and knock this down I think you can do both of them in the same specialist is there a way to knock this there yeah oh my gosh I don't have enough money for that or you see okay well I'm definitely not gonna have enough for that then how do I get one of these guys again already what in the world what do heck wait it does it actually doesn't make any sense why I got one of those already again oh well where is the hairline you're just hilarious flash you're just you're just you're the funniest guy I've ever seen in my entire life dude the best Jacob Navarro says for my first donation ever I've got it's two of my favorite Stream PS I hope the blue screen of death doesn't happen yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah why am I so low on points the thing is I don't think maybe after black ops 3 it could have happened but after black ops four I honestly don't see that happening I just I just don't think they have enough faith in the mode honestly you know I would absolutely love if they did but is it normal to get two of these guys so early feel like it's not but oh well look from the UK yo Thank you Thank You Lea appreciate that did I get enough did not get enough mmm don't have enough Souls oh when you get the first bird it spawns really I did not I did not know that 1,000 on that door and might as well buy it I gotta get I got a gift from the person but I need to go grab it need to go grab it I also need to get enough kills here shadow nods b1 thanks for coming to new channel member I appreciate that thank you thank you thank you very much oh I just realized there's another what's the call here there's another dormant hand here it's super nice beautiful beautiful what do you think about Lee Ross joining chair can you think it will affect affect I dub you zombies bro I'm gonna be honest dude now that now that Lee Ross join them I'm gonna be completely real with you dog I don't see I don't I don't see what's the call iw zombies coming back my guy I'm gonna be complete I'm gonna be completely real with you dude I don't know I don't know about you guys but I honestly don't think iw on he's gonna come back thoughts chat thoughts I don't think it I just don't think so v effect that literally the guy behind iw zombies is gone it doesn't I don't think so I don't think so when did the zombies always not take the headshots when they're supposed to I wonder if I even have to do I even have to kill them here yes I'm not sure I even have to kill them trying to finish the round here Oh beautiful nice still have a few of them alright um let me I need to grab this all right shadow mugs everyone thank you again yeah thoughts on the thoughts on this game on this map brother over overarching thoughts bro I think it's incredible Easter Egg Easter Egg take you keep up the good work thank you so much Jordan for the 25 pound bombs I appreciate John Whittaker was the 20 bomb great work up and then it's Monday's oh my gosh Yeller yell arms hopping right now Easter Egg take high Tiki Oh up the good work pal yo thank you so much you know Jordan and John thank you guys they know it first time donate them I've been $1.00 ever done an easter egg thanks for all the walkthroughs and tips I love you hey thank you dude John you get it you got to try out some of these Easter eggs man they're fun stuff I think I think you would and if you enjoy watching you would definitely enjoy doing him dude you should definitely try them out okay I'm missing a coin here donde esta la biblioteca coin there's one dude my I don't know what the deal is but my controller keeps like losing sensitivity rave is the best iw map I couldn't disagree more poopy oh how wrong you are oh how very very wrong you are chat what was the best I Debbie map the false idol bro where is the last Idol is right I already got this one didn't I another false idol holy crap where is it anyone does anyone know where this stupid last one is a map that is worth playing replaying thank you try our coat dude for real it's so like the fact that it's replayable there's like limited multiple spot do I need a plug in my is it dying is that what it is oh my gosh there's so many so many dormant hands over here found it please be the one there it is wow I jumped over that zombie he's still hit me and then it's been days know it love watching your videos may it keep up the good work oh thank you it's Monday's appreciate that 25 you are the realest real one appreciate you very much and you know one more just a reminder for anyone who's new or anyone who may not know if you guys would like me to get the biggest percentage of your donations make sure you use the link in the description rather than the super battle all never been able to do one I have just not able to complete them I've never been able to Oh see you like literally like keep bailing them it happens it happens what's your favorite IW map zombies his face line was by far my best my favorite one [Applause] recipes is down for the count over velvety you're bleeding out your effort just says you die to welcome me thank you sir ma'am I appreciate you more than you more than you could ever know my friend yep I wish you could use this use this to charge up your specialist like I can pull out my specialist right now by the last but alas rave had the best wonder weapons I also disagree brah there was nothing about rave that I really liked I'm gonna be honest with you I'm gonna be completely honest with you hey subscribe last night I loved how the ancient evil my voice we can't wait to play look I love the how the ancient evil map looks can't wait to play bro thank you Tim thank you thank you David that's my guy right there kill zombies with equipment where's lost AMI this oh this is actually the perfect setup right here for killing zombies with equipment oh this is actually perfect let's go it's easy but rave was good for general gameplay dude I just I don't think so I hated rave hated everything about it dude hated everything about it like there were there was honestly nothing about rave that I was like oh heck yeah brothers nothing about it dude test its power come on one or two more one or two more that's all I need brothers actually I need whoa whoa whee oh that really sucks for a round 101 run oh that's the worst did you hate to see that you actually hate to see that I need to get dying wish man Wow oh I'm upset I'm a little upset by that one that was not cool that was that I just mm-hmm I always forget that you get stuck in that corner I should use my specialist I don't know why I didn't gosh that was such a stupid down oh it happens it happens that's one of those downs were like it's completely preventable but you're just like you're trying so hard to maximize that you screw yourself for it it's Pathfinder thick alright we need we need Jesus in this chat right now how did that not hit them okay whatever no what do you think this game can be the best Ami's game when its life cycle is done probably not to be honest probably not it's it's just it's it's it's just the gameplay needs tweaking if they tweak a bunch of the gameplay related stuff maybe okay I need to respawn these zombies they're - they're too clumped up right now yeah I don't know I don't think so you know David think you did yeah this map is incredible I mean that being said if they keep releasing bangers like this map that's a whole nother thing hey that one's good I'm pleasantly surprised build the Pegasus strike yeah I do need to do that you are right come on someone respond come on here we go I think that's good all right beautiful honestly the whole IW game was just a big mean to me mmm I mean it has good parts it wasn't my favorite but I I do appreciate it trying like new stuff and everything for sure I do I do appreciate it trying new stuff and everything for sure I screwed myself over so many times cuz I'm a sucker for Mac maximization dude same man that's literally like 90% of my deaths and Easter eggs and stuff like that it's like I cannot kill these zombies because I have to maximize everything I can do on this round or something that died literally exactly how I feel yeah literally exactly how I feel I need to get dying wish though that helps that helps to minimize like that usually thank you thank you thank you so I like honest question you like if you don't that's fine I'm just I'm just curious do you guys ever go back and watch like old black ops 3 like Easter egg hunt streams or me just doing the Easter Egg on black ops 3 Tyler says Noah not a rush but wins the next apex stream gonna be I don't know it seems to me like people aren't really watching apex anymore are you guys bored of Apex cuz it just doesn't seem like people are as interested in apex videos like already okay there's like something messed up with my controller or like the connection with my controller or something Wow all of my things were due should we build the Pegasus Shrek Barney yeah I brought it thanks so all of my all of my dormant hands were all in the all in this place which is interesting okay okay and the next question what do you guys watch morgue what do you guys watch more do you watch do you guys watch the custom like when you go back to watch old maps and stuff do you more often watch custom zombies or or do you more often watch the the like actual zombie maps what do you guys watch when you go back to watch old zombie streams for those of you guys who do till we're back badda Roya battle royal games for getting old yeah I mean that's just the way it's gonna go right now like every type of game has its cycles like MOBAs were really big for a while and then it was battle Royales and everything so everything everything has its cycles hey what do I need to buy oh yeah I need to open up the rest of the map I'm gonna buy raw easy to get dying wish I'm not gonna be able to afford it though of course a Pierce a freaking curse okay what is the other part I need it's at the bridge okay remind me like the next thing next thing I need to do is uh what's it called by dangle I need to buy anguish stat dude I hate not having it when I'm trying to do maximization runs dong English is just so nice to have when you're playing solo cuz you get you get one free oh the zombie trapped me but I didn't want to kill him you have a scuf no yeah I do yeah sorry I'm holding I'm holding it up really high it for the hope that it doesn't lag out again guys where's the last shield piece again I know there's one more shield piece obviously because I don't have all of them where's the last shield piece again does anyone remember shoot I don't remember the last shield pieces you want one so bad what a scuff yeah I mean I'm not sponsored by scuff I don't have like a code with them or anything but bro like I mean they're super popular and they make they like their sue a super successful company because they do make a really good product I like my stuff where is I know I think the last shield appears I don't know I think the last shield pieces over here somewhere have a habit hold up over here look Pegasus I just hate having to look for shield pieces man one of my least favorite things Pegasus pack-a-punch oh do they not have the shield piece on this Pegasus strike Pegasus how do you not have the shield pieces on this guide you just passed it I think it's in this area I don't remember where exactly in this area it actually is or all that are all this one's in the stoah that's it for a second it's the spear right okay let's build the shield and then we'll go on to the next round build the shield start the challenge go to the next round that's that's my plan right now such that date such that so while yeah this is my first okay alright the next challenge actually it's gonna cost a thousand I don't know what are you gonna play the room I'll finish it don't worry don't worry it'll be it'll come when you least expect it kill zombies and the river of sorrow really of all the locations you could have given me all the locations you could have given me the river of sorrow really I don't know I don't have enough points to get to the river of sorrow that's the worst I guess we're going to the river of sorrow for the next minute and 15 seconds doing what we can don't forget die anguish yeah I need I need points though rivers up here Wow I got the like worst spawn point everything oh my gosh this is such a waste dude I think I think I would have been better off just not going here goodness gracious is that what that is it walking on two zombies seems like it's walking on two zombies dude I am I don't know why that keeps here let me plug in my controller it's freaking me out man don't forget to get a new weapon yeah I need to what's it called hopefully this'll fix this did you ever stream bo2 buried easter egg um yes did my god I'm so stupid dude why why did I just buy that oh my gosh I'm so mad at myself now I can't even now I can't oh my god oh my gosh chat can I can I get a big can I get a big F in the chat dude for for how poorly I'm playing this try I'm trying to go optimize but I keep screwing screwing my optimization over all right so I need points so let's go to do the next fist need the gauntlet ties around sticks for the dollar wouldn't you play the room Thank You melee I read that one hexagon all the sense are always legendary bro hexagonal sensor just the just the greatest yeah the greatest but worse Bleacher 52 thanks for coming to channel member I watched you for 4 years have drawn an Easter eggs with you 1 days hey if I ever do Easter eggs with our hands again I'll be there KJ I hope you'd be there oh man I missed a lot honestly oh I read that one read that one David Zachary Scott says I just started watching the strange to see I've been binging on all your old zombie oh I read that already and I just I just want to grab this I'm so close I just want to I just want to grab it please let me grab it so freakin close okay hold on no I don't want to end the round rip rip II dip I let me go ahead and do this real quick seedling okay I think I think that's all the Deniz Oh flash placer do I think I'm gonna be playing destiny - anytime soon no I'm kind of done with destiny - I love the game don't get me wrong I love it I love destiny but I'm just I don't know I'm not doing a whole lot of loot looter shooters right now just because of the huge time commitment they take hopefully hopefully that's cool hopefully that's cool but yeah it's just I don't know man looter shoot looters shooters just takes such a big did I not what did I not get a single rank up from that or was I already uncommon I can't remember okay whatever um what do I need to do I need to do the nature gauntlet stuff and then I need to do the nature challenge I just need to get more challenges done honestly [Music] I know this is allowing messaged about 15 years all I've been playing zombies for about three years to beat every Easter egg that can be done still OBO one to one iw and that and the devil fight am I good if he be the the message da Felice or whatever it's called fight on solo you're a god dude that I I tried that one time and I was just like nah fam that ain't me it just takes too long man then again I've never tried the boss fight mode or whatever I don't know if I'm a good comparison but either way either way I mean you're obviously you're obviously if you've beaten like any amount of Easter Egg solo you've got you've got like a certain level of skill for sure you don't forget that anguish thank you okay after I do this challenge I'm gonna go do die English don't let me forget after new this challenge we're going to get bangla sh hey no what did my first show last night I was a DJ for the whole concert 250 there and quite quoi Decca headlined as his first ever show plus 3,000 to cherry also to buy me and my friend 2:16 wow that's super super impressive Joseph Congrats dude that's actually like mega impressive that's really really really really impressive nice job dude real big ups big up see you lad big ups I'm gonna give the double-up great for the hand I am indeed my friend I am indeed all right so we're gonna deposit our hand back get dying wish travel to the underworld get the glove actually shoot crap we can't we can't get bang which just yeah we're really close to being able to get it but we can't get it just yet cuz I need to get this and then travel back really close we're almost there alright we need more challenges though see what do you got for us please just be a lockdown area please hold position cliff ruins by the Forge okay thank goodness we have something that's just a hold position finally this is the easiest challenge the hardest part about getting this Easter egg started is getting the the eternal flame going so we're straight chillin hey luck in my home in the underworld I need a shield repair actually I probably just get a new shield and honestly you will see though maybe I'll get a carpenter I don't I don't need my shield just yeah I need to do the chat and do my tributes only need two epics for solo a great optimization wall I thought it I thought it didn't matter like the I give you turned them in early and everything I thought it like you could do to two epics or just do like like eight Commons or whatever that's actually a good question I don't know like do the epics count more than the then what like with just two epics count more than four Commons is that a thing because I thought that's how it worked but I'm not sure don't forget dang glitch thank you might appreciate that you have any tips for someone looking into streaming also is anyway that sometime in the future I could do a game with you if not that's okay I'd just that's unfortunate I do I don't do games for donators just as kind of like a rule to some people that like some people don't get disappointed if I'm not able to or anything like that it just just doesn't roll but I do appreciate it and tips for getting the string find something you like doing find people that like watching you do that thing and have fun with the dude the son got some miles upon your efforts one legend area one epic works I think it's different I think it's different depending on your game I'm not sure though either way we got to do the hand here are worthless for the time being I really need to get dang English I'm gonna get dying wish off after this dangerous step okay I should have what's it called I should have set up the the plates earlier I'm going to do another challenge I feel like I focus on everything else except for the challenges and the challenges like literally the most important part kill zombies with headshots yeah brother I'm on it my dudes can do that one all day long you meet immediately misses two shots accuracy a mega wall actually I kind of need one of these zombies - oh I ran out of ammo ah crap I'm only on the rare reward - I'm gonna throw up man making me cry there goes my shield suck my entire around already Wow didn't even rank up from rare to legendary yikes dude okay so I need to let's go ahead and get our light gauntlet upgraded that's our that's the next thing on our agenda and after that happens we can do everything else run run run dang wish yeah i'ma need anguish still need it my friend you missed my dono can you please unban me raise I don't think you're I don't think you're band-aid I don't think so my friend if you if you're able to chat you're not banned well thanks Apollo can you make it so I don't have to do my efforts as much cuz it's taking forever yeah I'm about to grabbed an English chat thank you appreciate y'all appreciate y'all go get that Ross - ooh here right quick run run run run run run run run run yeah honestly like tips for getting industry and just just start doing it have fun with it and keep up everything else in your life like you know don't I don't know I would say at this point at this point during like how many people are doing YouTube how many people are trying to do YouTube and everything like that you got to do something special honestly if you just like sit there and play video games like that's not really spent like there's a ton of people who are already established who can do that you're gonna find it really really difficult to get noticed you have to do something special that would be that would be my advice do do something that no what you haven't seen anyone else do that makes sense completely original that's I mean that's honestly the best way they like start getting viewers you need a shield I do need a shield you are correct but I also need to buy a tribute before this round is over and unfortunately also a necessity takes precedent because I can't move on in the easter-egg till I get the stupid things done I wish it was just one epic reward that would make this Easter eggs so much more speedrunnable I mean it's already I mean it's already great don't get me wrong don't get me wrong I'm sorry it's already great almost have all four of these done in which case all we have to do [Music] roadkill Cooking Channel I mean I you're gonna have to make it entertaining because it's gonna gross a lot of people out but I mean you could definitely do that that'd definitely be unique that's for sure how would you compare this map with de I actually think it's super similar to de the only difference is you have to make all four gauntlets rather than undie if you're playing solo you only have to upgrade ones though but the boughs are a little bit more in-depth to upgrade I think some of the hand upgrades are pretty easy what do I need first underworld but beautiful absolute beaut all right let's see what my challenge is cuz that's that's the only other thing I really need to do here tribute do not take damage let's go dude alright that's an easy epic hopefully wait it takes a long time for that to come back up come on baby need to get to epic really need to get to epic on this one really need to get to epic on this one come on now hey we got a little be so good in this manage imagine fighting Pegasus for around 30 yeah the the upgraded gauntlets I haven't tried the the actual boss fight with it yeah but we're gonna try it do you think it's obviously mater if they made the mask look less difficult but more fun kind of like kino der toten it would not be very hard but a lot of fun I mean I think that I think that easier is better just generally in zombies for sure come on upgrade upgrade don't make me spend another thousand points oh you suck hold position bridge ok well I'll definitely get it now so I'll at least have epic and then that will hopefully give me the eternal flame this round I'm still confused why there's a rarity and basically like it increases the rarity as you do more stuff so you get better stuff round around at 100-plus Mozambique only can you imagine come on baby give me that it should give me the epic pretty quickly here how do you have face scan without PlayStation camera what are you talking about there we go come on baby give me that eternal flame give me some fire emojis in the chat dude to give me the luck give me they'll give me the absolute luck here come on now I believe dang it we need probably I'm gonna get do one more rare I think if we do one more rare we should be in business dang that sucks dude I'm not there yet soon in des masse thanks for the dollar appreciate that thank you the beacon is lit I know where and when you are give me a common I am going to buy this okay let's see what my next challenge is I think we just need to get a rare and we should be fine those zombies with special wetlands well this isn't ideal cuz I only really get one specialist yeah I only really get one specialist this entire time if that all right let me round up all the zombies that humanly can we're gonna kill them all with the special weapon and then go turn in and then hopefully we have the eternal flame at that point [Applause] come on me and that was the round already okay well that's the legendary that should 100% do it for me 100% this should be eternal flame done what was that wait I'm confused alright so we can start doing that I also need to punch a worthy tribute nice use beauty no tonight hmm I did not want to kill that special zombie perf endure that's nice but not what I needed come on give me another specialties on dang it I'm so mad at myself for accidentally killing that guy he was not supposed to die I need him for my double gauntlet upgrades let's go that was an extra revive was it the extra vices usually like the heart was it a shield repair Oh might have been a shield repair that makes sense I'm sure you've been asked this few times but we do some bleeding's some playthroughs of Borderlands 3 when it comes out yes absolutely I will absolutely I will you know whenever you whenever you do the Hoosier moon visit what's the Macauley whenever you do the double gauntlet upgrade do you have to kill the kill the specialty zombie with the gauntlet or can you just kill it with any any weapon on the platform because I don't remember oh my 25 Joseph thank you so much from what I dunno including this one thanks to your awesome guides just got out of the road 45 bucks completion love you yeah I love you too man oh thank you so much for the for the support unfortunately I don't I don't play with donators just to keep it fair to everyone I don't want people to play feel like they have to donate to like to get in the game suppose me I do it completely randomly for that for that for that fact you know I mean so thank you so much for the 25 but I it's like the only way to keep Affairs just to not do it I don't want people to donate and then if I don't like if I'm not playing with randoms then they get angry you know enemy and so I I just I just don't do it sorry dude but that being said where's the last oil spill again where's the last oil spill oh yeah it's upper road that's right forgot just complete this easter egg last night a GG is my guide Jonathan I worked really hard on my guide so that it would be perfect for everyone watching any weapon on the platform okay cool cool cool cool my shield ignite the beacons baby here we go whoa look at the dead in the eye good work yeah thank you conman tree [ __ ] that fiber deep my guy my guy drop the venom see [Applause] alright don't in the round please down in the round please don't in the round don't think we did I think we're good beautiful what wait so they eventually die if you what's it called if you hit him enough I did not know that one done oh just missed it come on baby come on around the water's fine come on around hurry please oh my gosh that's a bite daddy yikes dude big yikes on that one that was almost a down I got two of the statues turning I need to get one more come on man let me make sure the there are no elemental zombies here all right why zombie come on baby get full when all the statues are facing middle that didn't work yeah the only thing that was like and not completely like 100% of my tutorial is that I didn't know that you have to throw this when all the statues are facing the middle dang it I'm missing everything I didn't what why would you give me a gift on my Spears oh my gosh why's it's not working dude come on baby what I'm so confused am I am i dumb am I actually dumb chat I think I might be dumb that it's have all three of them turning right yes align the frickin citizen there we go oh my gosh a new shield we need to get the this gauntlet just throw the spear lol please are my other donation Jack let's see no I'm really surprised how this map would be bad it's really good what do you think about this map and what's your favorite upgrade my favorite upgrades probably the wind one and yeah this map is honestly incredible it's honestly super super good I wish there was a way to keep the zombie away for like 10 seconds that's all that I asked do it yes we got it nice all right this is this is a really good trick that I learned if you get down to one zombie left if you get down to one zombie left literally just just do that part first and then go over and do the other part all with one zombie left it's so much easier dude if you if you do it in this order it's another little trick yes you use your guide shortened to the point hey that's that's what I try to make it you know wanted to make it easy easy to do crawlers need to come back yeah crawlers haven't really been a thing since black ops 2 they just respawn as regular zombies they don't crawl across map anymore unfortunately come on down the price is right all right give this back to raw here you go my friend tell this dude come on please die oh my gosh she's literally not going down fun fact turtles can breathe through their anus Thank You mr. bowl of vipers for that wonderful wonderful piece of knowledge there can we get big claps in the chat for a blow-up vipers for that one big claps for him that is funny oh yeah let me go grab hey I need Z I need Zazu Spitak you should do a viewer Lobby I knew you stories with Ranas eventually thoughts chat thoughts there are crawlers I mean yeah kinda kinda well ok chat honestly when was the last time you went for a crawler in a game I literally don't even try anymore there's no there's not as many explosive weapons there's always a risk of killing them you know what I mean it's just like there's no reason to go for crawlers anymore I watched your live streams all the time you will forever be my favorite youtuber or sellout streams or jokes on shopping spree with sponge and slash how will I ever get a chance to play zombies w here zombie Joe I just I make it completely random right so like I do these things called Easter eggs with rams where I just queue up randomly on PlayStation or whatever and that's and then sometimes I like sometimes I get people to play with me through my discord like I did some poor Knight videos where people could play with me and stuff it honestly just depends honestly it just depends why did you go that way mr. Lecter Tommy poor KY mister lecture oh that was it first playing off-key see what I got that dude it's kind of funny how much of a PC Gamer I've become like compared to compared to before like I would I would literally only go for games on the console but ever since I got my - my two PC stream setup really how he fell off the stupid thing oh there we go Scranton what the Electric City strand what the electric city Scranton what the Electric City can you feel the electricity first person to let me know where that's from it's a big smooch great anywhere but here dude loop all these guys around up here Scranton what the Electric City hits Kelly's the real Skelly boys I almost got trapped there come on baby come down oh my gosh I can't get him on there [Applause] work finally oh my gosh thank goodness now that's one of the hard ones oh my gosh this is gonna be so annoying [Applause] although I could have gotten it there weren't 50 zombies in the way gosh this stuff is always three four oh my gosh the zombies you guys you guys have got to go you've got to go actually I couldn't kill zombies until I get another electric one one two three four five that's one big fat Ripper ruski they're brothers dang it I got it wrong I should probably just end the round huh [Applause] I need more ammo Oh last night it's nice that one worked right yep dome super dope super super dope chat I need a new shield and then we can go on to the next round wait did I not do it right wait I'm gonna be so sad of that didn't work Pro mister gave me thank you for coming to channel member do you appreciate JA I appreciate JA thank you thank you thank you you know would be nice it would be having the the staff for the step I got her right okay I did thank goodness all right here we go actually you know what be super nice oh yeah that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna get an electric kill over here so I can start filling this up yeah and then that'll that means less zombies overall and that means a happier Noah I need no electric zombie kill on here actually this might be a really bad idea I'll do electrics right there this might be a really bad place to Train [Applause] I think it's good now yeah okay that one's good all right beautiful so we got 1/4 of the extra upgrades done now we can go do the step all right we're making progress we're making progress yes good is very good we should have two more Electric zombies at least by the end of this round all I need to do is kill one on there and then I can start killing normal zombies again it should be good yeah this is the only step that's kind of annoying so low when you're trying to maximize rather than speed run it because when you're speed running it you just kill all the zombies as quickly as possible right that's the that's kind of the strap I hid here big footsteps wait here why do i why do i hear big like feel big digging the footsteps really I didn't get a single extra oh it's this alright last one and then we're in the clear last one and then we're in the clear I need to I need to double pap after this double pap get a new shield because then then the next step here is probably the hardest step and then and then we'll be good scram what's the electric city are you streaming all night until they gets around 100 yeah how does the head of the leprechaun Easter Egg even work I'm confused on that Church this beautiful oh now you want now you want to give me all the [Applause] cool all right beautiful so let's go let's go get a new shield get a new shield double pap now we have the raw and then we have the raw thing ready did the silly string with the help of one of your videos hardest part was the raw step yeah I is honestly the hardest part that's that's for sure Louie with the help of your video hardest part was the raw step yeah if you can make it past the raw step you're finding you're honestly fine pack-a-punch how did you you have to press square you just you just track the blue symbol a symbol under the ground and stop it on the stuff on the line just tracking underground and then whenever it stops on the line you I stop it basically did you ever play infants on infant warfare zombies again [Music] maybe I get it let me get a different on till what that's fine all right let's go get a new shield and then let's do this step here we go friends this is this is honestly the hardest step first solo but if you don't do it on like round 50 you should be fine should be it's the key word all right here we go oh shoot no no no no no no no you suck I hate you with all my heart you suck so bad why did you have to come in with that kind of timing dude all that sucks so bad I wasted everything dude I wasted actually everything Oh hate you dude I hate you I'm actually so upset right now all right here we go we're gonna try that we're gonna try to no use anything solo this boy here we go do you believe in miracles chat is that's what we're gonna need for this one this is so bad No hi I'm dad gosh I ran out of ammo this is just all bad this is just actually all bad I hate everything oh man I'm so sad this is the custom you tation still work I have no clue dude couldn't care less either I am oh my gosh does anyone else is anyone else just exceedingly sad right now now just me oh that's so damn dude did you die all right [Music] all right can we at least get some like cattle Asami's that are the correct element there we go that's water okay so that needs to go into the wind Department send you I need a teleport taenia dude you know I just confirmed my own a that only two epics will rekindle the Apollo's life yeah I think it's I think it's either this like because some people have said that hasn't worked for him but it's either like eight or nine like levels if that makes sense alright come on mr. waters a'm be I need you to come down here while I wait for my Pegasus to charge man that sucks so bad wasted the equipment in the Pegasus bingo big goof for the boys oh yeah come here quickly actually you're gonna have to infect all these zombies first aren't you yeah a little mouse all right we're good we are good all right Bobby Johnson thanks for the dollars dude so now let me see if I get any other cattle a zombie if not all that means is that we're gonna have to try to actually we almost have I couldn't use a max ammo gobble gum I did put him on for a reason what do you guys think should we go for the should we go for this again and I'll just use my max ammo gobble gum probably worth right hard part is it so hard to [Music] I shouldn't pick that up those dumb I was a freed that was a free specialist extension and I wasted it okay come on we're almost there baby we do it oh my gosh we did it whoa we're step in the game but we did it okay all right what do we what do we gotta do next hit your marks all right let's hit let's hit our marks here boys [Applause] got a return yeah this one is really easy with a good light gallant Supes easy alright here we go [Applause] [ __ ] dude a tire is he really around 19 I'm really I'm doing pretty much the entire East Troy this is like the second last step of the Easter Egg and then we're going for the high rounds I have to upgrade my gauntlet one more time my I have to upgrade to more of the little gauntlet things and then we're pretty much like at the end of the Easter Egg more or less honestly oh don't go miss this there we go now what's after what's after this one oh yeah we just need to shoot the door right I'm pretty sure it's just shooting the door I need the wind gauntlet we need to shoot the door and then I think we're pretty much we're pretty much done with everything there's really very little please unban this channel alright alright raise all I'll check I'll make sure I don't think you're banned but I will check and make sure ii hear my guy for the day now oh and I need a Elemental zombies come on elements I need what do I need poison and I need fire those are the two that I need come on I know I know I know for a fact you got some poison fire hanging around here somewhere hit the box guaranteed leprechauns yeah I'm saving that until after I do this next step here oh there's fire okay so I need to take him down to the fireplace no you might not answer but what is your mark 12 attachments uh both of the steady aim ones I think both of the ones that make it more accurate when fired from the hip pretty sure and what's the other one don't know I don't I basically all of them except for Dragon Fire I don't have the Dragon Fire one some people run it I don't like it I don't know what I don't know what's actually better I haven't done like the testing or anything on it but okay yeah this to do we've got one more very interesting to train down here not what I would come not what I would call an ideal training spot but using my elite zombie skills I need to get eyes on the fire zombie ASAP ooh that would have been bad there's the fire zombie so I want to go ahead and switch his pathing to over here to get him here faster there we go so I might be able to train these guys [Applause] nice all right should be able to train these guys pretty easily around and then meet the firing guy right in front as long as he doesn't self combust on me mother-of-pearl oh my gosh I hate this game sometimes he's self combusted [Applause] it was great of water yeah of all the things we needed that was not one of them you have a 50-50 chance and you got it wrong congratulations a 50/50 freaking chance dude happens hey know what attachments do you have on your I read that one already Thank You Colin dude when is the last time we had a proper like high round Ron chat Oh what am i doing I went to the brought a complete opposite side of our I'm supposed to go when's the last time we had a proper like hi around run I'm wondering I guess it was dead of the night how is dead of the night the only other map that I went for around 100 on I guess that's because it had an actually like fun strategy don't remember what's next here watches okay oh it's down there then it's the three circles right and there are three circles and then it's the upside down triangle think yeah do we do we have to watch this give me a tic leave me a cheek oh I wonder if I wonder if you're not playing as Shaw or Brunel cuz I'm I'm Shawn this game I'm wondering if you don't play is either of them I wonder if you can just get the cutscene for like speedruns and stuff I know your favorite perk is the Tim Stan always dude always King no when's the last time we had a proper donation war i toned that if i don't know Bom Bom Bom Bom oh I haven't heard this [Applause] this gauntlet I didn't I didn't know the I don't know dark stick standing actually started talking to them it's crazy it's pretty wild that's pretty wild not gonna lie wilderness Oh Dennis stabby stabby indeed that all right so all we really need to do now is we need to get some I need to get some upgrades for everything or they'll we need to get a fire zombie and we need to get a poisons on me fire sombre fire zombie poison zombie and then we're ready to go pretty much let me go ahead and open this up love you dad yo what love you too did love you too crew thanks for that name I know you're hooking me up with some 100 thieves merch you assume I assume I have access to all these to all these these beautiful pieces of merch but I don't but I might be doing something soon that you could possibly win it keep in mind keep in mind please not me don't run into that actually you can run it good to see playing zombies any thoughts on what will happen in the next map I mean it's gonna be ether we know that much or actually we don't technically know that it's ether all we know is that it's not what's a call.we great that's the crazy thing we don't actually know good that's gonna be either all we know is that it's just not gonna be a next map not gonna be the in the round gonna see play zombies Ricky thank you so much wow I didn't realize those 420 thank you so much dude leprechaun my brother is in the map now yeah the the Leprechaun Easter eggs kind of wild it's kind of crayon ously actually I kind of like the like outlook for this No why do I keep doing that can I get some EPS in the chat dude why I looked right at him and I was like yeah I should be good to fire this bullet oh my gosh I'm an idiot an actual idiot and I hate everything well if it's not chaos once what then I know I'm just like they literally just confirm that the rest of the risk of the maps are not gonna be house so I mean it couldn't really be anything we don't actually know we don't actually know poison zombie fire zombie those are the two zombies that I need and I need to not kill them when I see them how hard is it Noah how actually hard is it got to be more careful I know what do I need a new shield I think it's really all done I'm here right now do this round the round 100 strat that I'm going to show you guys is so cheese it's actually ridiculous okay I actually can't wait to show you guys this it is ridiculously cheesy was that electric oh my gosh I really hope all of the break yourselves on my body that there was a fire up here oh my gosh how hard is it to literally just not kill specialty zombies I'm so bad chat pretty sure said that pretty sure they said that would return to aether or ether did they did they I thought all they said was just it's not chaos that's all I thought they did this water I hate everything milk sugar happy for school you are nurse I remember trigger-happy from your skills yeah I feels like you added trigger-happy to my skill set fire all you have to do not allow the fires on me to combust upon your body how hard could it really be okay okay we all we have dude if I manage to mess this up I'm I'm I'm uninstalling myself from life dude if I actually managed managed to mess this up then I'm gonna cry there's literally only one zombie left it is the exact zombie I need all I need to do is make sure it doesn't kill itself before it gets to me and that needs to explode itself on this little platform here that's all that's literally all I need yes okay now I need 10 kills on this on this platform and that's pretty much it right oh here we go where do the second upgrades on the gauntlets actually do more damage more ammo that's basically what they do [Applause] okay we're good all we need now is a poison zombie literally the last thing that we need like actually the last thing we need is the poison zombie and we're good to go here we go know what happened this myth place what do you mean what happened to him he's uploading for tonight and killing it on it poison look at all the friends I haven't got the electric so we still cool what we still cool I'm gonna go get the nature gauntlet while I'm waiting all I need to have is just the I need to have the hand of char on or whatever and the hand of Karen that's all I need to have also I might get a new weapon as well because this the this gun isn't super good for Pegasus thinking I don't think I need any gun I'll be using the hand of the hand of Karin pretty much the entire time Karin took the kids she took the kids chat break yourselves upon my body feel my wrath [Music] [Applause] good nature got Loki sucks man not even Loki he's just bad it's just very bad there's another water zombie not what I need I need you infecting the children water zombie thank you send another water that's a fire don't need that come on you're so close you're so close to getting to the one I need I need poison poison zombie please give me a poison sobs please give me poison sobs please really no poisons this round very very cool thank you chat very cool very very cool I wonder if the RPG locks on the Pegasus do you guys know it was like the fire boat tutorial all over again the way what was yo chill yo chill mr. Crisco thanks for dollar [Applause] oh I hear a transformation frickin electric okay that was fire I thought I just killed a poison that was about to spawn I was gonna cry how hard is it [Applause] how hard is it what is that what is that what is that as if as a green oh my gosh I hate you thanks for the gift for the gift of sadness Oracle Shiva never fill this come on come on poison zombie chat we have to will this into existence we have to will this into existence goodness gracious goodness gracious dude [Music] it's my dream to hit 100,000 can you guys tell me on the road to 1k yo never miss Carter shout to you dudes hope your hope your road goes well hope your road it goes well all right there's two transformations happening ones electric was that the only transformation don't hear another transformation nope poison poison poison poison I believe in the heart of the cards chat I believe fully in the heart of the cards dude chat do you guys you guys find that alternate ammo types Bing as bad as they are kind of ruin high rounds I feel like it's not fun to play high rounds when you literally have to use infinite damage what do wait is that I'm wondering if being in this area come on [Music] oh that sounded like poison oh my gosh it's fire what do I actually have to do to get a poison zombie does anyone is that am i doing something wrong maybe I need to go down to the underworld I don't know should I go down to the under is that better strat I don't I honestly couldn't tell you I'm gonna go down there I guess cuz I'm just straight up not getting poisoned zombies up here why poison cuz it's needed for my it's neither for my for my upgrade really one-shot me into dying wish there why don't you I literally hit my I hit my charms but didn't do anything the poison zombies the new fire buddy I swear just let me know you can get unlimited ammo for the for the white you got one on the scepter step really that's interesting that's a very interesting it's better than waiting for alternate ammo types to come up I'll tell you that much one of these days it'll die no remember me I just want to say oh email remember me just want to say you love your zombie videos and so happy you like zombies again hope you play a lot more man I'm gonna have a good a good time with with what's the called having a good time with zombies honestly on this map I just realized something did I glitch out my at least I did it but where is the where's my wind gauntlet do we know where that went did you overall hate or like world war two zombies I was kind of just indifferent I wasn't inspired to play it a whole lot this is the first ami map probably since probably sends revelations that I really truly like love like I love this map it's great you just have put it I understand let it fail in the mo before yeah I figured as much come on that's a fire Tommy come on now my favorite part is how we can just chuck those from outside the map are you actually effing me dude that's so dumb that's actually so dumb oh my gosh chakrams our shotguns are like either the best or the worst they're down wasted actually that's that's probably good I mean I'm just kind of like obviously it's better if I just don't waste it down but that's probably good because it might reset whatever's not giving me a poison zombie and if I go down during my during the actual in the boss fight when I can't get purse back I'll at least get my wrapper I'll at least get dying wish back and that's definitely me nice to be able to get anguish back is huge chakram charged what do I need I need Odin where's Odin oh yeah Odin's back up the what it's back in there who's my favorite character or Richthofen Richthofen is the real MVP man man you've gotten sloppy I mean when you're waiting like 13 rounds for one poison zombie you tend to get a little you tend to get a little annoyed try to speedrun it a bit it's literally what I've been doing 13 rounds okay might these gauntlets are like actually disappearing I don't know where my gauntlet sir [Applause] [Music] oh goodness all goodness fire again I know for I know for a fact you don't have to have the gauntlet that you're gonna do the upgrade on on you because I did all the other ones with a different element so what what is it that's preventing me from getting what I need the fact that the hands are missing are they glitch I don't understand is they're not returning to their pedestals like they should which is fine I didn't it doesn't matter at all cuz all I need is the the hand of char on it the hand of Karen and I'm able to pick that up come on baby poison zombie oh my gosh chat we got it oh my goodness okay all right they're all gone so that means all of them are ready to upgrade what how do i how do I get them back does that means they're ready to upgrade right how do I get them back what do I do wait how do I actually come back [Applause] wait how do I get him back I'm confused I got all they're all done what's the what's the last step I thought I thought that was it you just pick them back up and now you can pack a bunch um what's the actual last step am i dumb am I am I actually done we're nuni yep feel it as if I am a put your hand of Gaia down back in the pat pedestal well that calls all of them to show back up oh this isn't even one shotting anymore okay put the hint of guy back and do the guy challenges again by holding out the gauntlet and pack a punch really do I have to do all four of them or do I just have to do the Gallants that I want [Applause] hmm that hands gone now so now do I go to the pack punch monka hmm monka hmm man was gonna get blue-screen har do you think you see he think that's my fate as to be blue screen [Music] hold on let me just let me at let me look at this interns attack machine what's you favorite math kind of worried right now to be honest what's their favorite map oh my gosh $50 from gamer boy holy crap thank you so much what's my favorite map okay hopefully this works what's my favorite map derived racks up there and mob of the dead is pretty up there for me honestly those two are pretty incredible maps okay so now will it let me love your beads keep it up love your vids capo thank you feel beast gamer appreciate that $10 thank you thank ya your legend your ledge okay is this should I deposit this or is it gonna disappear forever gamer boy thank you so much dude really appreciate that I'm kinda I'm low-key kind of worried that if I put it back I'm not gonna be able to pick up any more hands cuz I think it might be glitched because I'm not getting in the I'm not getting the challenge thing at pack-a-punch I'm not getting the pack-a-punch thing at all you have this yesterday it's glitch due to opening the boss portal really so if I can't if I go to this so when you open up the boss portal it breaks that's I did all that extra work and I'm just gonna have to do it with the normal redeemed Han anyway that's oh yeah it's definitely glitched out unless this is some sort of weird step this is definitely shot I did all that extra work and I'm just gonna have to use the normal redeemed one I mean it's still it's exceptionally easy either way but still that sucks Sharon took the kids to the afterlife yeah that's what it feels like man known deposit it's closed yeah it's glitched dang it dude oh it's gonna just take me longer cuz I could probably one face Pegasus on every single every single phase hmm well that sucks oh well should we take in the should we take in the OMG right hook or should we something else you have plenty of point I feel like it's probably better to take something else you forgot a step I didn't forget a step it's just glitched all of them are done all of them are good and stop loving me to do the challenge and they're not showing up here I think whenever you open up the portal you're right it it it glitches out all right is there anything else we need to do before the boss fight they only give more ammo I'm pretty sure it's the same day which I'm pretty sure it's more damage which means I could down Pegasus faster which means that I could get to around 100 faster let's see if we can find a good good weapon here restart now I did I've been I've been doing this entire thing for way too long as this map changed your opinion of Chaos now I still love you Thor way more than chaos good map storyline just isn't as interesting as ether is for me cuz they could have done everything here like in this with either easily KN and training the amphitheater easy around the hundred oh you haven't you haven't seen this method have you you you you haven't seen just how easy this method is that sucks it a glitch cuz it could be even easier but unless they patched it in which case cuz they probably will patch this I want a long-range gun is that ps4 anyone fall for any what you want the guy doing press ctrl W to fix it you almost got me did almost got me I was that close to just windowing out my game what it got me so good this is the game end after the boss fight yes it does end up to the boss fight hi Noah can you say hello to my girlfriend that is watching what's up this weed and hello hello to the Swedes girlfriend appreciate that I don't even know what gun I'm going for what's that what's the best the long-range gonna get should I get the alien salvo that could work doesn't it has anyone tried the Hylian salvo on the Pegasus part of the boss fight I feel like the Hylian salvo would be mad Opie [Applause] haha yeah you'll see it's so cheesy dude it's so cheesy it's like the easiest around 100 that's ever existed I'm pretty sure as long as you like just pay it a little bit of attention you won't die it's so incredibly easy joke's on you the real boss fight is Ricardo I mean it facts but oh my gosh that's scary I could have almost accidentally deposited the hand right there how does the does the Box not stay down here Salva works ok cool all right let me get the solver then it wrecks but it also ran out of ammo maybe I should mmm the Maddox could be good let's go Maddox oh let's just use the Maddox I feel like the Maddox is really good because it has that fast reload which is what I'm gonna need for this boss fight this this weapon actually doesn't even matter it all that much but actually the tight let's go Titan Titans probably what I need as long as don't get rid of this beautiful beautiful hand of Charon alright here we go Titan Titan is probably gonna be best there ever was I can't believe the hands glitch I did all the work and then the hands glitched out sucks why are you such a smooth brain I thought it was a smooth brain too I thought it was just missing steps but as it turns out it's just the fact that this stupid thing glitched out and I can't get the upgrade feels bad but some of the Swedes girlfriend once again use the wingman yes I'm done with you guys all right kilowatt all right here we go let me show you just how easy this bus fight actually is this is this is this is a purpose she'll bash oh there's the round change soon oh did he kill this I know it does that you canceled my reload aren't friends anymore I don't care that you hurt your arm really there we go finally we almost got a boys all right are you guys are you guys beginning to see the strap I don't care that you hurt your arm I don't care that you hurt your wing Pegasus yeah how do you feel about that oh there's my max ammo I need you I need you max ammo thank you thank you very much oh come wait come on I'm having to fight these guys all the time [Music] are you dead oh is that nice okay I think if that means we are in the in the loop now I'm pretty sure I'm not for sure for sure pretty sure down do that easy rounds easy clap baby easy rounds easy clap chat I haven't noticed you see no extreme Isola I know dude it's been it's been a minute it's been a minute I think I have to do like a little bit of damage on them first like that I chat those of you guys who are familiar with this strategy do I have to do a little bit of damage to Pegasus first before he closes down one of the platforms I think I do right is that that's how what I have to do I think I do [Music] see I think I do don't remember completely though [Music] I think yeah I think I'm supposed to do with this try I think I'm supposed to do like a little bit of damage to him until he closes down one of the platforms I think pretty sure always take the sound the same around 100 you're right but I ain't done with the bus by yet ham I damaged him someone flat from the screws that's right yeah time to fly yeah the thing I think that's all it is also fun fact if you guys stand in these little fire things you charge your specialist obviously at the cost of health but all right I think I think we've damaged him a little bit until he closes down that first platform because he's not closing him down didn't do blow that one up oh he did wait I didn't even damage him though wait I didn't even damage him yet did they oh did they patch this method oh my gosh if they patched this method I'm gonna be mad sad dude huh I'm wondering if they actually did or not that would be wild if they actually patched it we'll see we'll see we're running around thirty five already how does the strat work basically the strat works like this every single time you down Pegasus he add the round changes see how around chase already said that this is the last loss of the chaos story for a while I'm not really I'm not like a huge lover of the chaos story tbh did I mess up come on give me the platform thank you are you sad that this is the last lap of the king of story oh my gosh I would that was 50 euros oh my tits dude check y'all are straight Wilding out here did y'all are straight Wilding out here thank you so much for the insane notes also if you guys if you guys want a bigger percentage of the dough know to go to me use the link in the description use the link in the description and I get a way bigger percentage okay it's just Pegasus you are a horse Pegasus you are a horse Pegasus so he's gonna get to around 100 by 8 by downing Pegasus the yep that is the strap my friend okay so they don't so good good to know it don't walk on when he's picking himself back up oh my gosh these things track from so far the track from so far this poor horse man this poor horse is just gonna take up beating today if you throw honks at a down Pegasus you get a random drop why would you get a random drop yeah I mean I'm getting the unlimited max ambos so it doesn't really matter getting there everything I need is right here I feel like we're gonna be here for a long time way faster than any normal round 101 beat I'll tell you that much for absolute certain especially when we start starting to talk about the later rounds oh my gosh you have no idea how much faster the strat is PETA has occurred the chat wait you don't like this he's an angry Pegasus he's a very very angry Pegasus I'm not sure kind of route as that Pegasus what kind of RAD are you running over here wow that one hurt what kind of what kind of operation you think we're running here Pegasus huh oh don't don't don't escape again oh my gosh it's probably dead next time it comes up no don't go over there again oh my gosh okay beautiful beautiful when's your next sellout stream that's a good question I don't know I think it says that's like that's a really great question I don't know when my next ello stream will be maybe tomorrow possibly maybe not I don't know I'm gonna stop taking so much damage from that from them boys aye sir nuke what 60 more rounds to go yeah I mean it's probably gonna go pretty fast someone already got around 200 on this I'm using this track I wonder does anyone know if it actually makes it go faster if you if you get the upgraded version I probably shouldn't grab this just to be safe just to be safe no you have some balls make it so people I can play with you for $200 seriously now do you know I want to keep it fair to everyone I don't want I don't want the money you know I'd rather be fair than then make like money off people you know to me I don't know I'd rather rather be fair no that's just me I know maybe maybe I'm being dumb but I'd rather be fair to everyone then make it so people have to pay a lot of money to play with me I don't like that yeah please go down before then thank you upgrade version doesn't make it doesn't make a difference it goes way faster well the first two comments I get about my question have completely opposite responses so I don't know which one to believe I feel like that might have actually done that one phase we'll see we'll see I don't know what why you why you didn't upgraded because it was glitched yeah just waiting him friended down from fire I mean if there's the way I go out that'd probably be right really the only way it would go it would go faster is if it can one phase them and I don't know if I can or not don't know are you still friends of the Smiths plays yes of course each time Pegasus goes down it skips around year he's an angry horse but I landed on a fireball on either side incredible absolutely incredible I'm gon die haha I'm gone there goodbye Pegasus this new jigsaw game is awesome what were you torture Pegasus the poor thing yeah I don't understand how anyone could say this is this is fast this is literally this the or slow I mean this is literally the fastest round 100 that exists has ever existed in Sami so for the people who say this is going to take forever I don't think you've watched round 100 run from start to finish before chuckles I am in danger I am in danger yes um someone seriously call Peter for this man this poor horse this poor poor horse grunting relatively this is long I have compared to other games compared to other games what do you mean we depends on how quick you did the Easter eggs this is still like a minute a wave yeah I mean it's I mean it's still well you take some time to Reese I mean it take it takes a minute to reach around 100 even if the round was changing every second that still be like 30 minutes of round changing oh gosh I might die here can someone can someone time the exact time okay after Pegasus uh can someone next round like like after the round changes can someone time exactly how long it takes to do one full round can someone can someone time it like so whenever the round changes can someone start a timer on their phone and then whenever it ends in the timer and let me know how long that was okay start your timers now here I'll do it to start okay let's see how well let's see how long it's taking around basically it basically takes to Pegasus runs every single time to get him to down there we go okay so it's about a minute around that's really fast chat that's really fast roughly a minute around oh my gosh so yeah that's real fast a little bit weird among timing on that one [Music] hello lat hello what one minute one second surround - that's so incredibly fast it's like that's like a three-hour round 100 and that that's like doing the easter-egg decently slow that's crazy that's actually a wild actually wild should we go for around 200 should we should we do it a good old fashioned like a good old fashioned like super high round I mean like so normally it takes like what eight hours to get to around 100 like on a fast map we could probably hit round 200 and like not that long at all I mean it's a minute around and it's not gonna go up anymore I mean what could we could do around 200 we could it's not super fast like an hour and 40 minutes yeah like less than 2hours hour 40 minutes per hundred rounds go for max round I think the games gonna crash way before that I'll tell you that much for sure yeah I would love to know if the upgraded hand 1:1 phases him several points right bum bum bum go and tell the crashes ooh I don't know about that I don't know about that one I need to protect my show ol bit more why stop at 200 I don't know just amount of time yeah my shields gonna go and then it's gonna be a little bit more my cast me time up good hand is done doing more damage on the single shot really I'm wondering if I can one phase start shooting now seems like it seems like he can take a little bit of damage when I get when he's getting up so I might be able to get on one phase off if I can get a one face off hmm then happen that time I'm gonna try it I'm gonna try it we're gonna bring the truck we're gonna try one bit let's say I'd be interested I'd be interested to see if it's possible for sure I'll say we'll see cuz then if the one phase is possible oh my goodness I can't even imagine one face on that gang levels are you staying that purser speech I'm probably staying at this prestige tbh see we'll see man if it's possible this will be this will be big Theory booy booy Jane thanks for coming to channel member appreciate that come on baby give me that one face give me that one face no sad I feel like I'm doing enough damage it's not fast enough where did my hunky let's go here let me try it let me just try not shooting let me see if he's already done enough damage he just needs today yep that's how it works I mean that might be a strat that might be a strat right there oh crap my shields gone well no more shield for the rest of this boss fight that sucks no still not still have one face I wonder if he has to make the pass okay like I wonder if it's even possible to one face I'm gonna find out dang it I'm gonna find out if it's the last thing I do chat does he meant to attack the boss of the special so he's done yes you are but I'm not that's the crazy part mmm the boss could stop throwing bombs all over me that'd be great come on go down go down no that's stewed I think it's doing enough damage it's just doing it too late I need to do it a little bit sooner I think that's the problem go out of the mountain Hey Pegasus gets killed by homunculus wait does that does that mean I can accidentally kill him like actually kill him like not down a bit actually kill him if I if I hit him with too many homunculus is that true cuz that's not good if that's true move zombies oh my gosh I actually didn't down on that that turn I need to stop getting trapped in corners how could i how could i down him kill him while he's down I knit guys I know how the boss spy works I'm trying to those don't track at all Sam's if there was one that's gonna work this would probably be in mmm rip in peices dog rip in peices dog why are using the worst cotton in the game this is the best for this for doing what I'm doing here pretty sure I'm like literally what I'm doing is dodging you forever any ideas any ideas chat on how we could how we could optimize this I would look I would love to figure out how to optimize it I would love to I need ideas [Music] Kobe Kobe gauntlet dude what that didn't kill him okay apparently apparently Co being is absolutely useless now I know all right Jeff remind me not to Kobe anything ever going down now thanks for sure bye-bye [Music] maybe I can try specialist ting after he's finished ping down try that come on baby down please down no oh so sad could you hit him with the Rasta please in the air I don't think it basically I need to do just a little bit more damage when he's when he is when he is standing up from being down and I don't know how to do that like I'm doing just under enough damage I didn't seem like you did anything you can actually dodge him forever yes it's not even that hard to dodge them forever come on baby down to one go down on one go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go looks good no thought that was it that's dying wish out nice that much nice nice Noah literally literally doing the easiest thing in the game and you're downing great job let me try a charged shot maybe you cannot dodge me forever I need to stop standing like so close to the launch pads what's up what's up everybody in chat everybody saying hey hello hello hello try headshotting him try headshot him that would have been bad if I died there you see the church I work here Shuma well he's down yeah that's that's the one thing I can't do unfortunately yeah I don't think I don't think it's possible at least with my current stuff it's not possible feels bad Dean feels bad definitely going down now yeah there it is actually charters shoot some I don't think it I don't think it does any damage of the chart shoot yeah it just it just splatters on this back it doesn't actually do anything this is a special weapon to damage him yes I know yes I know yes I understand should I go for a beep stop gavin coach got him coach you were using the wrong magic this thing to do down I wanna go oh my gosh why did I just hear why did I just hear a train sound go wow and then I down okay that's well that sucks well who knows chat next down I have is actually my death so maybe I won't make it to round 100 I sucked it I'm just I'm just trying too hard to like optimize and it's just not like actually taking care of my life here I'm so dumb why am I so bad chat alright we're definitely not going for around 200 and I can find out if there's if someone finds a way to one phase it if someone finds the way to one phase it I'll go for a 200 but wow I didn't even to face it you just died please oh my gosh well this sucks oh my gosh oh my gosh not like this holy crap that was close I'm not gonna lie that was a little monk ass that one was a little monkey ass chat yep do that to death what about a fully upgrade Moses was with skull-splitter I don't know man honestly honestly I couldn't tell you if there's any way to one-phase him he might be scripted to not be one feasible oh my gosh do these zombies oh I'm that's why oh I'm forgetting that's what the difference is it's round fifty-five but that's why it seems so much harder because it freakin is man it's around 55 plus so the zombies are are zooming wow that's that's what they do oh wow okay everything makes so much more sense now that's Wow okay yeah that that's the that's the difference maker right there then I I forgot that round 55 plus the zombies become super sprinters you big you big dummy Noah yeah everything everything everything makes sense in the world again everything makes sense right there we'll be in school beams all right round 70 everybody well sound delays everything everything makes sense dude everything Chadd he wants me to hold still should we hold still should we hold still chat what do you think double points a Mozambique yeah Mozambique Mozambique Oh [Music] Mozambique cap is the third island blocked out for something yes exactly is it blocked off my friend yes hold still okay whoa easy there monka dunk ran out of a very bad time right there this is round 71 Noah it's a lie guys I'm getting there I'm getting I do not see the rats progressing I'm freakin progressing over here I'm progressing dude [Music] good old curse around 70 well yeah it is around 71 I've even know this I made it past the curse around no problemo dude no problem I don't I almost have my dying wish back up to almost Mozambique yeah really you're gonna you're gonna 3-phase me like that you're just gonna do me like that it's fine you gotta be going down right I was about two hours I was fitting about to say like dog you got to die now wait wait it wasn't even there I still got electrified Hitler you can use the Pathfinder crapple on the islands I guess you really wanted to see you guys here that say it sounds like a train horn legit sounds like a train horn you almost have our dying Wish back up and then I can feel much better about my life and then I can start playing stupid and lose it instantly again I can't wait [Music] personally can't wait if Pegasus could talk what would he tell you now I don't know chat whoa what would Pegasus tell me if he could speak right now what do you think what do you think Pegasus would say if you could speak right now probably something about putting him out of his suffering I would guess I would assume something about a suffering I know how you feel love you shame see I think you solid appreciate that appreciate that five CHF what kind of denomination of money of CHF can anyone okay my hunk just disappeared super dope super dope mr. homunculus very cool who's that oh cool goodness gracious that sucked that was terrible do you have any tips for so lowly as in what gone fit in weapons for boss buy their perks hand of Chara works pretty good you honestly don't need to kill any zombies if you have amongst until the second phase I guess I gosh I got to remember man I got to remember these are round 50 zombies they catch up to you in like half of a second oh is that the hand or char on hitting the zombies is that what that noises I think that's what that train noises I think that's what that noise is actually you know Peggy boy you good you good Finn pull that horse he almost blocked me for a second okay we're back on the rotation so it's Frank ooh interesting okay I need to remember this little step right here is where the hunk can fall underground that's right near watch out for the homonka dunk Ulis it's like this angle right here made it disappear - why is this taking so long it's really not honestly this is the the fastest run 100 that's ever existed it's not that it's not that long some a minute every single round the fastest around 100 that's ever existed obviously they should patch this but I mean I don't really enjoy high rounds and Bo fors on these to be honest I just I don't like feeling like my guns are useless after like round 40 like absolutely useless like my guns are beyond useless after around 40 I have 11 HP it's very unfortunate I should have I should have washer just dodged that Swiss franc thank you solid that's funny I don't know I don't know the translation is Nick be thank you again Caleb thank you again my brother screaming since I sittin up my client okay that's what makes it fun what not not my guns being absolutely useless after like round 40 dude I like I hate how much they nerfed alternate ammo types I honestly think it's like it's not complained about that much but it is legitimately one of the worst decisions they've ever made in my in my mind them nerfing alternate ammo types into the ground was like legit one of the worst decisions they've ever made I don't know I don't know if I'm being like I don't know if that's me being like dumb but that's honestly how I feel I hate it I hate that alternate ammo types are trash I gotta go over quicker more quickly faster around 80 boss fight we're on round 81 now oh I should have I should have jumped in that yeah I wish buying ammo from pack punch was brought to back block up for that vehicle change whoa wait I had my sounds all mixed up oh that's definitely not a two-phase I'll tell you that much tell you that much for sure didn't plz plz enemy of ossified versus ultra and since our highest ultra indistinct recover I'd be down dude sign me up honestly that should be enough damage I shouldn't even have to damage oh wow that did not feel good he's a hundred percent dead I'm just gonna run around in circles here hold Steidle oh yeah it wasn't real where - that's right forgot about that prime this bad boy awesome out what's that wonder weapon the redeems a hand of Taran very redeemed at very hand of char on a monk didn't disappear that's good around 83 baby this method is actually so fast bro it's straight Opie Pegasus abuse Pegasus abuse hey 108 his first time I'll I've never had much money I'm heading to bed past midnight here in Germany you know Bleacher thank you so much for the dough no man you did not you did not have to do that my guy but I appreciate you very much for doing it I appreciate that thank you Ricardo Ricardo what a great name oh boy definitely not to facing this one but that's okay that's okay there it is beautiful yeah I know I can upgrade it again but a glitch out of my game apparently if you're gonna do the the gauntlet upgrades do it before you open up the portal to the boss fight save to save the shield step until absolute last cuz that's I think that's what glitched out for me what type of animal is that what Pegasus it's a zebra he's a flying zebra very rare very rare I think nine was easier for solo players I think this oh crap oh my monk ran out or something I don't know what happened I was not good timing though good timing at all and will you do aside to the guide to the second upgrade on the gauntlets I feel I feel like everybody everybody like has already done their guides on them and everything so probably not it's very very easy to do it's like a two-minute tutorial - I just wanted to get my easter egg guide and my upgraded hands guide basically my timing is all off right now it's not it's not boy no [Music] slap through slats roof of course this baby right here has got about one and a half horsepower slaps roof how you're holding the monkey not throwing it straight you just hold you sold r1 whatever whatever your throw button is I'm hyped for Borderlands 3 Bravo borderland three like one of my most anticipated games right now we go what kind of games are y'all playin like consistently right now just out of curiosity oh shoot what hit me he already threw his thing oh I'm pissed what hit me oh I just killed myself I might have just killed myself I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty sure I just killed myself oh my gosh I almost cut I took that teleporter so late it's insane oh my gosh that was very monk ass right there very very monka I could have used my shield too but wait how did they get a wife back Wiki hello how did I get a wife back chat anyone now wait does anyone does anyone know how I got a life back I definitely I definitely only had I definitely only had or like zero lives no but you were crazy good don't call me crazy good while I'm doing this track did the strat is the easiest thing in the entire world Oracle does the Oracle just randomly gives you give you lives wait is that an actual thing wait does that legit an actual thing Oracle the real MVP man are you eating me Oracle it was dying which boys wait yeah can you guys even hear the crab rave playing in the background right now I don't know how loud the music is opinions only Leros and no continuous and continuous in front warfare zombies I think it might help the community a little bit to not have three zombies three years in a row is it it wasn't fun to see everyone else's like renditions of it yeah but I feel like it's not a bad thing because I think community you just got really fatigued and that's kind of like like black ops 4 isn't as and isn't as popular I feel like it's partially because it's not me fatiguing a little bit dizzy drinks for the dollar cool Perot thank you for the dollar man it's definitely gonna be a three face I'm almost 100% did in a done enough damage down Koby around 91 ladies and gentlemen we're almost there you can't hear the crap rave oh it's over now anyway oh well know what's up with a voice prompt one mailing the Golden Apple don't know dude honestly could not tell you what that's all about probably need to imagine a jerk buff dying wish to give you a self revive oh my gosh then literally everyone would use it there would actually be no reason to run any other perk overtime wish the end of the zombies storyline was so sad with a smiley face are you wait something's not adding up here you can't handle the truth you can't handle the truth I really sponsored by rocket Morgan more division redbull one I'm on a hundred thieves the eSports team so and they are sponsored by that so yes sir feels bad around 93 ladies and gents around a 93 peeta peeta slab Spurs of a horse why just don't boss my Egyptian take this long [ __ ] it well I'm using like a like a trick exploit whatever you wanna call it to to go through the rounds quick much easier much faster and much more safe come on two-face come on two-face come on to phase I'm not getting the to phase am i yeah the young three-phase dude the fabled three-phase man known across the land go die over there 55 zombies are so fast we got ourselves one of them they're catalysts one of them they're catalyst chanting I love me some catalysts unicorn I help I've been bullied for over an hour whoo my gosh if I win a second later that was a death if I actually win a second later that was a death the zombie right next to me just spawned in last second oh my gosh well you play the equivalent to zombies next year that's about returning to eat their story next man as soon as the dying Wish pop you got the self rent really I got the suburbs right when dying wish popped are you serious is that like a permanent perks I love your videos keep it up first time to a thank you dead shot and Olivia what are your thoughts about returning the aether story next Matt I mean I'm just like a huge fan of the ether story just in general so I'm happy about it honestly I hate when he goes over here so annoying got em coach got him are you going for round hundred cousins hundred - yes grant what the Electric City Scranton what I'm very clearly dodging you forever like it's very clear that I am dodging you forever it wasn't because of dying wish I don't think it was but I guess the Oracle just gave it to me Oracle the real MVP question mark ninety-seven boys are almost there fastest round one hundred this year side of the Mississippi River yee-haw yee-haw chat we're almost there oh I didn't realize that was like right in the middle of the screen yeah it's could have told me it was right over the you guys could have told me it was right over the the round yeah I mean I guess it was an Oracle gift I literally don't know what else gives give cell survives like that egg gift floating room my champion of course you're going over there if you don't get to phase I'm gonna be real upset with you oh my gosh I hate you cook unicorn yeah that's right you're not Pegasus anymore you're unicorn because you're being real stubborn I hate it now you're gonna die thank you all shengcĂșn yo coming back I watch the dying Wish popping of the self row straight away no Oracle quote really that is very interesting I wonder why that is [Applause] oh that's still killing around 99 baby one more round chat actually we might end up being doing this on like around 1 or 2 or something cuz I cuz it's gonna take a little bit of time for me to kill like actually kill him and everything one more round chat if you guys haven't love to like it you guys are over here watching can I get a like can I get a like for every person watching this they'll be very much appreciated just one one singular like from every single person watching if you haven't subscribed already hit that subscribe button as well alright so now we're actually gonna do damage to him when he gets down we easiest around 100 of my life boys absolute easiest around 100 [Music] yeah I think we're gonna finish on like around 102 or 103 or something honestly I'm dead oh my gosh am I actually gonna fail this chat please don't tell me I'm actually gonna fail this wait what did she give me shouldn't give me a self-reflection I dude if I actually managed to freaking lose this I'm gonna know I'm on it that's what happens when you lose your focus chat [Music] reconnections successful ok sorry we lagged out there for seemingly no reason whatsoever so that's pretty dope you know the specials part of this can be so annoying [Music] died Pegasus died speed very interesting I thought I thought they would be dead by now but I guess not it's but it's buffering I think we're good an hour though right oh great we got it in this all right are we good now hello can I get a hallo in the chat if we back can I get a quick Heller in the chat if we back crap I might actually lose this chat I'm gonna keep it real with you I don't have any of my perks I'm gonna keep it completely real with you chat I might lose this I have no shield no perks it's around 103 I might lose this just just tbh with you guys I got my specialist now so that should help [Music] all right almost back up can I even outrun these zombies without standing up cuz they're round 50 zombies they're super fast really that's all you're gonna come down for super dope of you dude super super dope you you son of a [Laughter] [Music] Oh oh my gosh blackouts for zombies hi rounds are literally the stupidest thing that exists they're literally the stupidest things that exist they it's there actually in the black ops for like black ops 3 was perfect for high runs they had wonder weapons that were good they had they had alternate ammo types they had not stupid sprinting zombies after around 55 it was perfect oh okay well you know what you know what it's not clickbait because around 100 high rounds boss fight Easter Egg I didn't say I was gonna beat it dang it I can't believe I just lost that the chakram czar trash I don't I'm never let me change him right now so I don't forget to never use the never not use the chakram again they're actually trash I mean use the hammer like everyone else I thought I was smart and using the chakram snow they're trash okay well thanks for tuning in everybody I hope you enjoy if you enjoy put a big old smile on the demons are escaping everyone put a big ol a big ol smile I can I just get a smile from everyone in the chat just one smile [Laughter] hmm well thanks for tuning in everybody I guess I deserve it for using the cheap strategy but nonetheless I hate everything I death come swiftly and make sure you subscribe and leave like if you haven't already see you never do
Channel: NoahJ456
Views: 1,496,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zombies, call of duty, cod, new, call of duty black ops 4, black ops 4 gameplay, black ops 4 trailer, call of duty treyarch, cod bo4, black ops 4 zombies, black ops 4 zombies gameplay ix, bo4 zombies, bo4 zombies gameplay, black ops 4 easter egg tutorial, black ops 4 zombies easter egg, botd, black ops 4 zombies dlc 1, black ops 4 zombies dead of the night, round 100, bo4 dlc 2, bo4 ancient evil gameplay, black ops 4 ancient evil, ancient evil bo4, ancient evil easter egg ending
Id: H1i7zRRc6Cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 4sec (12844 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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