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matt cassel I'm joined by el hecho para hello oh god sorry I just saw the pumpkin on and I got so scared because it's Halloween and now we're scared you screamed and then in the top-left of the court corner of the screen it just said airplane crash every doll every time I scream I bring down an airplane definitely not buried Halloween edition it's yet nightmare castle but definitely not buried and there's definitely not a spooky map there's this guy the very music just being in maps gives me so much nostalgia for Halloween you know it really big my neighbors for candy just gonna leave it at that what what was the last Halloween costume you ever went as question to both of you well I actually my answer is very topical for this map uh-huh that's perfect it's the pumpkin on my head big old pumpkin head Milo big chop what was yours actually you guys saw it in the Jon Snow big Jon Snow that they had up they had a full replica it was mad it's nice i I absolutely the hotel is so nice that's dumb no game right there oh you should've did a YouTube YouTube moment it missed out on YouTube moment man lies rookie mistake from your boy alright let's move on oh we got a yes oh I found an easter egg oh there's an easter egg sitting up it's glowing it looks like dynamite dude i legit thought that was like the the magma stone from beautiful don't you mean the fire elemental crystal sorry baby where's the Red Skull apparently this map is a full easter egg and a boss fight so oh okay that's kind of it's it's very rustic how will we know which we're doing right now because it's Halloween do you get do you get it guys I did a Halloween about the door come come soon we gotta build it on this here table that's conveniently placed right next to it okay but light I'm landed at ESA okay are these eggs pretty sure they float as well that like they kind of like extinction aliens almost Halloween dark support I can tell like you know it's the Zerg rush oh I found a showpiece back here there's a switch here it's not available as a power yes okay well I guess keep an eye on this cuz this thing oh this is oh it really is buried oh [Laughter] [Music] that's definitely I'm pretty sure that step has got to be the single most frustrating step in any zombies map of all time thoughts dude that is that is single-handedly of the map that prevents people from speedrunning a man through is like Dom RNG very very dumb I don't know we've had some we've had some stupid easy steps over the years man keep talking damn it over here there's two drops I gotta get a screenshot oh he's going he's gone run run oh that's Andy you going keep going crazy Doug you're going absolutely crazy right now we got a new cannot wait like Barry not like do I sleep like that thirty seconds back we just pops out no you good yeah I think I'm okay hey do you want to buy this mr. mr. mean oh wow look at that it's a perfect amount of points it was on me oh yeah okay it is very nice so I guess we're looking for dynamite pieces dynamite pieces and I don't have the Easter egg spreadsheets up so we're gonna have to hurry this one had on our own voice switch eyes there is a there is a jump here that's quite sus jump scare scare because you have to jump the minute I open it my I'll just pull on himself I could keep it man got a spent fuel morass here oh there's a drop-off right oh my gosh wait why would you ever buy it this is definite death if that's what that's in our hands a little bit suspect just a bit wait there's a lot of suspect jumps however if we have to look and the TT look it's right here where the whole time oh wow hey man there's a blue switch here but it illegitimate Lee is buried you want to come place the GMT on the thing down here yeah let's go yeah yeah yeah yeah here we go sure hope it doesn't yeah oh it cost me fifty to place it huh you go ripped off cheap Oh myself spinning Springs blow a hole I'm going in oh god I almost died mind your language Jesus that's multiple context yeah good thing in the first 30 seconds of the video did you go in the hole I mean the hollow I went oh and look at the pack a punch look at this moment oh I can already tell this is a Sphynx map look that's the PAP yo that's sick this is actually like like melee nice down here I love this how how do you clean house you can sit I just look at her chops like on the complete opposite side yo there's an extra punches on here guys come come oh yeah activate ritual table hey also works so delicious should we do this ritual yeah man come here okay I'm coming Fievel shut by the way he stole ammo here we go wait he stole who's gonna guess colors are a leverage that's the result that's the ritual this is a spooky map dude I swear wow dude I'm so delicious 4.5 K chance to double the points you get for his own be hit soul kills whoa whoa pretty hot how did he get out of here aha good question I was right is this thing right here oh I found it oh there's a red arrow over there that you wanker okay so far I found uh two switches wait where did you guys go watch her oh oh oh is a does an arrow here yeah I don't know how to get over there I'm gonna yeah okay I turned a lever to I'm okay I'll turn another one come on big progress guys I'm turning on right now I turn bone okay where's the first potable I don't know I think I'm being a complete [ __ ] by genuinely I'm not sure how you guys got out of the time blinkers yeah we land yeah yeah looks like the like the teleporter from de kind of like it'll want you up Oh like the well the one one five well yeah Oh best one that's deaths desk that's the ticket where the heck oh I see I stink space they don't wanna end it fire sale here you go epic gamer moment ii wonder weapons in the box huh but aster I'm gonna give it a whack though I eyes I have the Ladda machine gun I'm not alright I'm keeping this yeah you I mean I'm pretty sure I just sort yeah okay nice dude the lad is great no you won't mate I'm a mate not allowed night Luke boy okay we need to find the the other two lever nice I flicked one lever is that all we're done that show select one as well right yeah I did the other so so they did both have like colors next to them right so we can we could probably just look for the coloreds the things the tenth said the colors are the leverage does anyone want to risk their life was there one down here back in squad that's why the I don't think the indicator went away as well okay I can flick it back and forth so uh well we know rate has to be up because we found that arrow so oh damn you you are just wow what's recent find that you just look in the candy store it tells you that Trinity you have to look at the gumballs dude just like yeah gumballs in black ops 2 dude yeah dude that was an epic youtuber moment it was two drops I'm looking for a blue arrow then we got a fail noise which one's red we know is this red oh let's not let's give this on me so we need to find a blue arrow now too I mean they can only be up or down so I'm gonna look down here yeah where's the blue switch itself well blues my PhD about this that's a weird-looking brick I don't like that brick oh you know pack a punch area come back next round oh it says come back next round the switch does the ritual table Oh so maybe it resets every round let's yeah let's hang around here we'll see what happens right yeah it went away it went away the the arrow went away so yeah let's sit around and then there's also you know in in shadows the box that you knock down from the crane right the beginning mm-hmm that box is hanging from a chain kind of this little walkway here oh actually oh yeah I see it yeah the colors are leverage look at us to be to to be more flow red is it red is up again okay did you already said oh so maybe yeah well it started out like that so I'm just going to go do red first and then maybe the same arrow will change once you've got red correct and maybe oh yeah maybe you know maybe she's in the same spot let's go shop I'll keep an eye on here oh please where's the blue oh here it is okay so I'm gonna change wait on a new red first what Reds are you set right Reds August which I switched blue and it didn't do anything no fail noise no activation noise you wanna go check the ritual table yeah yeah blue do you still have the ability to turn it back down although if it was like locked cuz red looks like it's locked right now the colors are leveraged wrong so we need to find the blue arrow surely we can go down into the tunnels head like this looks so far so accessible hold it why don't you think this should be an accessible area oh I just pack a punch the lad Oh how's the most chopper statement I've ever heard in my entire life I mean you're not wrong I'm looking for blue arrow down here but I meant to sing anything [Music] okay I didn't say well what did you have to be like on a walkway and like you haven't like an elevated view to be able to see it or something yeah that's what I was thinking good check the spawn area I'm trying to search like these outer towers that we can't get in cuz doesn't make sense yeah look what Oh green is down green is down we're just under era nice right here oh oh yeah yeah good shot thank you oh it's fine it's time then okay okay so we need to go in other rounds of the arrow show back up so we need to have to have have the leaders been in the same zone as the colors that they correspond to or have we found a green yeah first of all have we met on oh gosh Sheena green switch unless blue oh I found green switch okay that's a spreadsheet right now you look for the lantern look for the lanterns they they show yeah oh we have three levers and threes or three switches and two locations so we need to find whoo arrow yeah the hours are gone right yeah because we need to learn another around yeah is the one at pH D green or blue I think it's look at the lanes looks kind of green to be quite honest no the one the one onto the bridge is definitely green okay yeah come here wait can you still see that yeah this is blue this is blue this is blue was a great but did you find the green one yeah the green lantern's down downstairs okay so let's let's start a new round let's do red and green yeah and the ones that we know what it is and then yeah okay so can someone call out the green arrow whenever it spawns back yeah I can do okay you got a shot okay yeah I'll get ready to hit blue lever then whichever way we need it to be sounds goochy goochy my right no yep greens down bring us down okay okay cool I'm about to tell you what red is okay cool red is up okay so I shouldn't have changed I'll go I'll go August yeah make sure Reds on up and we have a blue arrow somewhere right so we have a blue arrows somewhere yeah I mean if it's only three we could just try it there yeah so we have to we have red set right yeah Reds on up yeah switch blue see if it does anything yeah blue down is oh I did know I heard a sound was that yeah I don't thought was I'm gonna go check the ritual table okay yeah sounds good is there per climate on Smith I have four right now so I can tell you in a second oh oh oh oh yeah well we did it we did it we did it oh okay Oh what is that what was that I just said release me I heard chief and then there's a pyramid that says press F to activate oh there's a new area with two new perks in it as well press F I'm coming we're yet yep Doh table okay oh god yeah you're right it's dying wish and victorious tortoise way I said those are pretty good all right this I think it's gonna activate all those little shadows of evil tower thing dude this is a cool custom MPD I rate this a lot that's really good it's guys it's statement YouTube is head returned to me when you've completed my task is what it says on the front of this pyramid I do not want guess what yeah holy smokes dude okay so maybe it's these things or it's gotta be those surely let's try it let's try this let's on be I here's we have to bounce up well those things everywhere so maybe we have to start the spawn or something yeah maybe look for anything new that's Bauer's and I hear the dog now where is he dog that boy stuck dude I feel like this box is gonna have the summoning key in it like shadow style I reckon that's what's gonna happen I found him okay cool and nice I need a new weapon oh wait wait no Jay I'm gonna I'll do a gamer thing for you hold on my favorite what is the boys up with a favor you're gonna love so yes someone send one by one of those ritual things and see if I flex oh yeah right yeah yo didn't seem to do anything but it might might just not work on dogs yeah yeah this one isn't doing anything here you'd think they would like tossed as well like that would be some kind of like animation change or something you're welcome every wait for the free purchase in the fire sale Mike you're popping raindrops like it's a no big deal right now doing it the pentagram yet I thought I called abhava no no yeah good bear the covere yeah bear come on baby come on hit me with that oh boy another diaper I got like a mile a mouse' are you oh it's still going this is a long yeah oh nice an m1911 yeah just what I was looking for thanks game I got ribeye roly's nice dude I got a blast don't tell JC bye guys you mean somewhere in the universe JC just heard that and put that I was gonna say he's rolling in his grave but not ain't it it is actually a lot of stuff yeah you just started a grave and is now rolling in it yeah dives headfirst and he's like nah I'm excited for this stuff dude oh my gosh wait copyrighted song to play [Music] [Laughter] okay we need we need to save a zombie and figure out what the f this guy wants from us okay okay I'll go check and see if it's storm the same thing I'm really white is that just the Easter egg song yeah is the gramophones around the map I'm pretty sure oh gosh so Satan still says return to me when you've completed my task thanks cool yeah you know exactly oh you said my god skipped a leg day so many times look at this man don't you get on that deadlift my guy yeah soil boxes what if we need a suntan gun out of the box oh no oh gosh my game just likes very cool yeah well that means the the boss is spawning in boys let's know getting Satan's the boss I mean I'm gonna spin the box a couple times and see if I can get a gun or something what if I just get beast arms out of the box I'll be dogged I'll be so cool I've never seen the hell are we dumb gamers like what's go I'm genuinely not sure what to do I feel I mean I feel like we need something for these virtual tables okay oh hey Margo hi here Oh woah 600k I there was a what's it called yeah this this was in is a new stairway to heaven math basically if you do certain tasks you can get different helmets and they give you different likenesses it's really cool okay so that might be the activation noise the because we have on a little bit go right I think well that was for that was for completing the know what right my right of course yeah yeah yeah what did he just say when he was taught when we were talking to Satan I don't know he said he said something about um she said collect something I sounded like soul boxes to me has anyone tried killing zombie down here like maybe wait should we collect souls of in front of Satan I mean we could we could try each of the individual yeah and just just kind of like double check each one kill a zombie bun well we could try and kill zombie by Satan I'll do Satan you guys do the dance there is also a ritual table down here to the camp I don't know that kind of makes me think that that's what it is I'm bringing the site and I mean uh zombies do let me just hold Satan's hand real quick dude [Music] all of us don't do it this is so sad Oh Oh then then that's like his old map - uh so if you get like I forget how many but if you get kills with the guns that you pack a punch it gets diamond camo and then it does like extra damage on hit and then if you get more kills with the gun it gives you like acid bullets that kills aam be so after you should have dude that is insanely cool there's some really really cool custom mods that he has on these maps so basically like it's like reactive camos on every gun yeah that's not oh wait is this what we do no oh dude the first kill it looked like below as well dude right oh right okay well we should make use of that [ __ ] gun yes yeah axe guys there is a brick right here I don't know I saw that maybe like I don't know I got a feeling that might be something oh I got I got it for a second that's where a time where they just keep on beating me with the thundergun here I just need theme to get it yeah same dude say like it's it's a it's a relatively small map too so yeah it's not like we have found like an area something come on help help prove everyone wrong say that we can do this without the the spreadsheets we are epic we are epic that's the light that you to Bacall we we already gamers so me cuz maybe need something to put in the rest of it feel like it would have helped a lot to actually understand what the f he said to us yeah that was a was a mistake that we made for sure maybe I definitely weren't the pagan to speak to Satan again I was worth trying to be fast that's right okay return me when you've completed my task oh that was lost on me goddag no triggers what I what the heck I shot a I shot a teddy bear okay ugh there's more than shirtless dude Teddy and I avoided shooting it because I thought would be the music Easter Egg no that was the record shoot teddy bears okay I know another one is nice okay dark I'm on it I'm on it you don't want it wanna morning it's gone wait got another one nice okay I shot someone right up right above oh here's his last one got it sick do we know this one maybe there's more than right before there is more you know maybe there's like maybe there's 17 with with forty a unique spawn locations for each one okay it's not done yet so keep looking for teddy bears Satan wants more teddy bears versus dude these days it's going on with Satan I'm saying good oh that's a kaboom excuse me Sam yes total zombie this round yeah excuse me zombies all the things I'm just gonna keep spending my points on the box while we while we do this cuz I want myself that T guy that's a teddy bear but that's a box teddy bear so never mind where's the one you shot chop it's it's me it's like I think I just found it hold on I need to just not die real quick actually it might that might be just a box location that's like visible from a window yeah I think it's just a box nevermind now my gums are sliding a little weak just a little bit I was about to say dude even my unpacked flesh is doing fine but then I realized we were on insta kill very cool yeah they're very big brain from knowing there's a Teddy on this barrel but I'm shooting it it's not doing anything yeah oh he's already shot out okay cool I think what I think we're just missing one teddy bear oh wait we've got dogs that are like frozen around the map don't kill them and I say you guys can kill him if you don't vote you know I got a regular gear I swear I saw I've seen like one down here somewhere there's one in Satan's room in the back corner but I think those forgot that was the one I shot yeah oh yeah yeah so other than that Tedric barrington where are you dude go check outside barriers boys check house I buried good idea buried ah yeah I think that they can be outside the mouth we need to be can I crawl under cries and mr. dan tuned that's the classic the classic Jam dude on my party goodness gracious see honestly this is where the spreadsheet would bail the brothers out yeah yes it is but we don't need it we're better than that there right right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hey Google uh you choose search for a spreadsheet thank you hey hey Alexa and the map mayor forest jungle Halloween 2.0 where is the fourth teddy bear I don't know that one that's why we're on electives we're done yeah we're really all done here boys let's it's the end so we hit it I think it's my location I'm double checking to make sure there's not a spreadsheet and we and we shot one down by Satan we had okay yeah corner then there's two upstairs I think I don't know where you guys got the third one there's two upstairs wait I got one shot one then yeah when I was getting three total yeah okay oh I have no shield now come on son mm-hmm that's a hole in the map not gonna be in there dude wait I could just check if the map makers online right now I haven't mattered Yohei up jason blundell guys on line seven seven hours ago we're screwed boys hold on hold on wait no is there putting some crafty business or I know how hate good I'm gonna do this personal phone number hit his line so then this room is yeah why it's just like right in front of me I'm just not paying attention my screen dude like we've probably run past a hundred times already that's the way these things always guarantee ya have any been like up like elevated outside of some outside barriers oh don't so so don't worry there there is soul boxes coming up yeah I know everyone was wondering but hell yeah thank God I'm I'm not sure where to even look right now I'm trying to add some weight hey Satan where's my girl my god someone checked all the windows in Satan's room like yes I'm here like outside the barriers yeah yeah yeah there's there's a barrier here with quite a lot of stuff back there but I don't see a teddy bear yeah there's I was looking in that one as well cuz there's like a metal helmet huh yeah yeah dude if there's one like outside the map in Spore and I'm gonna be heared oh I'm a shield at Baron about looking like a negative on this room wait wait Oh what was that I bought John I heard a ding oh sorry I bought shield I mean oh wait did you like I just picked it up I think that was I think that's all the sound was I could be wrong about that wait why are there so many Teddy's can we try to interact with a Saiyan again cuz okay okay no idea okay it's coming out it's coming up oh yeah yeah yeah Noah's just organically discovery I'm just thinking really hard right now perfect I believe in you no Jay oh you got a beep phone Shores follow me boys you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me there bud who shot this and didn't realize there's an effing summoning key inside of it dude I shut it in the frickin burgers like gods Freud hates this game and it did nothing so it must have been like just now as well all right so now I'm pretty sure you take this and you put it here and now we get zombie kills around that disgrace Kumar go ahead looking but alright well that was uh that was productive no I was playing about with you boys this is a scene we figured it out thanks Satan yeah we definitely figured that out chief yeah you're learning this the truly scary part of this map is that chopper was real saving the whole time no those are complete opposites DeLonge the way chopper is Satan yes that means act 2 titles I am poopoo king and Satan alright so now we get to charge el summoning key oh dude I've just done is called cleaning of incinerator why nice why why we incinerate in the emus dude what do they do to us Oh hit the last bear [Applause] I looked on Bob I couldn't see it was it behind the summoning key like ena is pretty heavy all right got it yeah let's go up yeah okay there's like a million and a half locations by the way how some pieces are also wash yourself okay come my zombies come you come down oh I'm gonna make you a million down here yes are you able to get back up you good yeah I'm gonna get the Thunder gun at my first trying now it's gonna be don't go don't go be go yeah I got this it's actually gonna be kind of difficult dude so those emus I've been saturated get on into one okay nice - falling you know Freiberg let me buy any other person yeah I'm on seven as well you need speeders speed go just pop a raindrop that's rally voice go late police Loomer dog coming out more like late boomer am i right yo boomers ooh right Noah by the way what is the way the upgrades work I just got a royalty cam we going off baby we going up booby dude are they coming oh no oh yes they are do sumers work now no they don't oh yeah they really like the soul effect you know I like how it's just so incredibly slow that you don't know if it's like we're all jumping off this edge once we complete this okay we're going PhD or else you are dead Wow Zuma dogs are gonna kill me smile where do you guys go sport yeah okay yeah so I gotta scrap this was a Halloween map until I saw the pumpkins again I was like oh yeah that's weird well how dare you stay out of the Halloween spirit for even one moment for this graceful behavior can't believe it do we reckon we need to keep looking for Teddy's I mean we accidentally got one with like Woody Allen or something so I'm just gonna son there are gonna be more my mom no go Bart polis we're not getting our max ammo by the out there oh it's about a say no J you caught me do it really I'm cheap look out that alright so next one is gonna be over here by shield that's the next something key okay we got Fisher's okay quick yeah this one's gonna take take some time cuz we only have like we got a good we got another helmet but it's completely useless nice nice nice because there's no Tigers on this map wait huh excuse me there's a timer on the longer I'm gonna clap right here hold on okay got it nice go go go go right here right now yeah here's back yeah I'm gonna you know make a big horde oh dude look at that diamond can't wait no no you you didn't put it next to shield you lied to us oh sorry I let me know any ready for the Zoomers oh we're ready Oh bring bring resumes bring the action oh yeah we're done yet it's so slow that was so many Thomas yeah all right Izumo hold okay okay yeah yeah I'm fine I'm actually upset that that thing was in the brick wall the entire time no one found it dude but the thing is like I shot up before and I didn't read and then and I quote you shot it but you didn't think it meant anything that's a big play right there that's a super play all right I don't know where the next one is there's one that I don't say almost seems ready for our summoning key oh boy you just led me to death I'm gonna die happy welcome okay got this one it's Satan ready oh oh we did it we did it come back to season okay okay come back come back okay hello lads okay let's all right everyone let's speak it really did suck it like that Jesus okay hey you just said the de thing that yeah this is oh wait maybe it's the what if it's the metal helmet I shot it didn't seem to do anything oh I know you're talking about the the thing by spawn know by by the by the Zuma by Satan okay you go for your thing I'm gonna go for my thing and whoever's thing does the thing is the best thing yeah it's not my thing it's just scattered I think I'm pretty sure it's the bone oh the the like ox-head look and thank you okay I are on this right here right now you know they're attacking something nothing whether it's active tracking something not me you always this or each instant I know they started running towards something oh wait my per Clement went up for some reason we all have moments right now one slowdown have a cheater I just wants to be Cola wait return that was just scattered maybe every time you do a Satan challenge he gives you a free perk slot yeah possibly Thank You Satan cool so where's this oxide y'all were talking about I just needed it and shot it didn't do anything try it make sure you're using PAC punch gun yep that seems to be like the key on this map did indeed do that [Music] shooter famous say if you could be a little more specific about what you need this to make it a lot easier we're trying to catch up your face yeah so before it was literally wait could it if it's in the dang brick again okay I was just like it could be the the colored fluid by the levels or something if we get one zombie I can consult my huge brain and definitely not this video yeah yeah let's do that hey up your humongous brain dude yeah chop protect me I'm going go go go into that mind Sherlock what's going on here my boys entering the mind palace --cz go into your mind tell me what you see I see a man can I go ahead I'm protecting no J Oh No no no boy he's gonna come out of your brain I need to go get my oh no I bought suit I'm coming at him I have returned from the brain discover that brain I love the role-playing yeah what knowledge of you have you been blessed with no I I don't know I haven't had a chance to yet stole my sanity this isn't in the knowledge center but oh my god I don't think so wait do we in the round and I think so I got one zombie here save save that lad okay so you've had okay I buy my paw and she's your mind enter the mind okay cool that is definitely not a you video on dude Satan's feet are ashy oh no no the zombies gonna die hello yeah he is for American it's not the brain you got time you got time go go go I'm control today that was just scattered that we just kept it consult harder what would it be Gobert there are you hurt I'm just gonna keep spinning that got back mystery box it's it's my only recreational hobby at this point that's all I have although to be honest it might be a bad idea to be oh wait what hold on I did that earlier but it didn't do anything come on oh my god do we have another Zuma moment happening it was in the day it was in the dang summoning key box I got the redemption key I don't know what the Apple Redemption key is but I sure I sure got it okay gold state and honestly that wasn't really scattered it's just in one place yeah come on now bad description Satan should have done more creative writing class as a child sir as they like what's gone on there Oh press f to start survived survived why yes I do it like to start survived I sit down here mouth I got my comic um we're gonna start survived ready for three rounds what you're kidding me yeah don't leave boys well see I would have went to go get a near death for the boys that I know what's gonna happen we're known I need a near death and we just got a sure death coming right up it's on the way dude I cut like that is so insane it's like a big Tower of pumpkin heads I was the scariest thing snap so far hmm [Applause] that we scatter okay please go back now no don't go oh Christ thank you little bit so boys animals looking a little dire yeah are we gonna have a dot we're gonna have a dog around the next round if we don't I'm gonna I'm gonna cry I'm gonna end myself oh because where's mo down here for only 654 back punch go Oh big game a move nice for the Thompson [ __ ] are you tell you honestly it's okay remove there's a way we can like yeah two rounds okay cool all right hopefully get a dog oh yeah the ground that would be very nice they'll be very nice very bored they'll be very bored moose has entered the chat okay I don't like this okay you guys I'm gonna hang out here so don't product in there okay I think me and noren head can probably good oh no I did the dark matter thing yeah that's the bullets or something yeah I understand you guys get all these things Islip drive any cam oh yeah how much is not killing anything do you have a gold cam I think it's okay gosh I keep on going gamer smile gamers Michael was not like coupled what a Donna I sure do oh cool I have to walk Matt it let's go baby yeah everyone get cracked yes slay out as much as you can because we need to borrow through the round flex shoppers now killing zombies on its to kill with the death machine let me have my moment I really hope this next round the dark round yeah we're gonna need it all there's my shield sompob baby don't hop you boomer half oh yeah I really like the packed lunch system in this I think it's really cool yes it's a good idea honestly be nice to be able to double pop that would be that would be good what what's the highest I want dork matter what's the highest I darden matters the highest okay okay I would like to see a combination of the two like your weapon can get more and more damage as you kill with it but you can also get the double pop effects I think that would be a perfect combination right what's so sick that sick if you go to late rounds you'd be killing less though so although I guess with your Papa fact you'll be killing with that so you still get the damage boost so yeah cool mid runs more damage than the higher because you still you still wouldn't use your weapon for life oh crap did we have no no just yes is this one it's cuz we're too good yeah do it too - cracks - cracked gameis efficient rounds go Bart follow me I don't know why these rounds are incredibly slow down here yeah like it's just as of this moment got really slow oh yes the blunderbuss again good it's already done wait yeah oh wait yeah we're done oh wait hold on I don't yet hold on not yet not yet not yet nice travel - boss arena oh not yet we already smile okay let's go have to be a minute okay okay I'm gonna secure a big bag for the boys here they tend we are coming I'm gonna grab myself a shield cuz I don't have one I don't know what that round it completed instantly but I am NOT going to complain okay cherry I'm coming back now we need to flip the round really quick before we go okay just well good I have no suspicions as to why absolutely none there's not I promise I'm securing the big bag in the bag that's good it sounds like all the dogs are upstairs with you sir yeah I think that you've got to bag them up yourself chief it's like they don't want to fly thanks me poop okay okay I'll be done there one sign guys are you doing don't worry Thomas which key is my power vacuum Oh bye oh did you analyse it wait boss fight without me okay we're taking you in boy yo it's toxic yo ready this is actually super cool what the hell dude that's Halloweentown man we made it oh okay nice yep coming out of what is the sole box this is just the boss bot the bosses of the film ugh okay we can just cut anyway that so that they light on fire when you when they run through the toxic fluid oh yeah something happened oh yes look at the souls playing and that's so sick yeah they take an extra class and looking ass oh nice very big I don't know if this repairs shields but poet dies sick oh go to my psycho hair I'll save that for a second because yeah if it starts blinking then just go ahead and grab it I got another one go ahead and grab that one I think this one might be a permanent ones I'm gonna wait for a second like I think it would give them to us although it may be your one did as well alright I'm gonna definitely came out of this Bobby oh my gosh at max ammo just gave me quick revive below and I'm not kidding proud of you radhiya love to see it wait - we just got close wait this is it there's an OL in here Oh shields seals up you know dawg i heard you like max ammo so here's - down the max I'm oh okay yeah I just yeah they're not permanent I'm getting toxic guys I'm getting toxic don't be toxic do not be toxic gamer I protect from toxicity oh there we go that's a bit no one of these cameras nice Oh puck hey you're back music wow why don't you go double top bless up I've needed that double tap it's good like this because I died this game yeah how we doing find my voice you guys good right here yeah yeah yeah I'm in stacks right now okay boys the chunky assault box I've ever seen I know right yeah we reached another checkpoint or something already second I heard Santa like Souls this I just heard that one that's true where we are ferrying Souls right now that's truly a cursed map the ferryman of the okay so that that makes a bow right there is permanent yeah yeah I think that we should pick them up though just because if there are too many spawning at once in my tradition yeah we'll just get the second one anyways yeah double top get in my belly [Applause] just you wait and Hitler's buzzsaw something Punk I don't even know how to read this all right very big so yeah those are my gonna nice dude nice thought I asked there's something really satisfying about all the sauce going to live I know right like is thank you so much oh it's got all the perks wait review it I got victorious Merida that was does it drop this is drop everything's dark matter yah-yah-yah doctor the zombie corpses are like starting to de-spawn when I kill them I'm gonna worry about that I think that going for new ones my hopes are where that's not [ __ ] out oh yeah this is very Halloween I'm glad we did this guys you guys are my friends gonna pay applause these are lethal that I'm playing this video game well god roll the same page at least right we'd be ready for one of us I don't know it was a better investor than this one you know like friends I'm going to in the game now dude will these with are you even seeing any souls anymore guys yeah yeah I'm like my face are your legs broken break your specimen yeah happens to the best of us are hell yeah brother hey house Hitler's buzzsaw good like John can I take sentences I never quite here for 500 days sir I mean I should check on everyone's wet sugar you know it just keeps dropping first rate as well what is right yeah it's a birth drop way I'm full on birth yeah yeah we came X is less often now as well here's another spurt just literally getting a burqa holic for anyone that doesn't have one Yeah right just in case there just in case oh no he hit me reached another checkpoint nope okay nice dude watch out for airplanes dude look oh another checkpoint oh it's nothing sells anymore oh that's very yeah that's Zoomer okay shoot Satan no yeah yeah good for Bogut for dude this is a long bus fight I'm scared to go in yeah well you can go in because I secured to be back the biggest advice oh yeah cheering shirt and sharing shredding tree are you good oh yeah okay bad idea don't try to go touch them okay you're asking me man I haven't done foot yeah kid salt the brain midbus position yeah yeah you're gonna cover me yeah get me st. there sings buzz saw buzzing oh I heard is Owen Thoreau thought wait oh we got it we got our stuff that's nice just half the stuff good stuff very epic moment for the game as that try and predict some Oh try shooting a ball I just found them a little bit it made it sound oh yeah it look like I just I think I just did damage I think I gotta have my pen I think I was beginning hit markers but I think what it is actually oh that's toxic over there don't go there guys dude that's toxic me that's time it's actually incredibly toxic oh no I think it's my widows that got me the hit marker I don't mind I'm trying to put in football to them just in case [Applause] yeah root is getting a little scuffed here boys there's like zombies all over the place now Satan do something guy Satan please say please in the arena we can shoot or like guys you're like all holed up together so we just got one big hole behind us yeah that's gonna be difficult oh the other sound another sound yeah I mean we really need a max soon because on this show um isn't Gomi option or you know I don't know actually no I'm good for a minute what I like I mean it could just be shooing a billion zombies Loreena feel we've already shot billions so maybe another billion but I couldn't metric billion of zombies yeah no one sees those anymore right no but my facts are all done so I call yeah maybe it is still thinking fools I mean I know some B's like dying my zombies are fine animation it look effects seem to be working no is your cherry poppin when you reload yeah dangerously low on ammo okay I'm still decent for now [Applause] so I consult my massive intelligence please the big brain may need to be consulted yeah I'm full thing I'm gonna try and keep my oh no guys what I just skip to the I skip to the end of the video and the guy just down themself wait are you serious you got stuck to holding up on stuff try holding a fun stuff okay oh my fix our broken up - okay yeah minor as well we're all on the same boat now boys yeah I'm just bullshitting because I've got like one mag left in both guns and that's it less than that even boy okay we need to hold up on everything let's see I'm reading some of the comments okay and your brain is tough yeah yeah yeah I would I would stop chewing like dogs oh thank goodness I wonder what kind of thing [Applause] by Satan why am I getting hit Marcus what the hell oh it must be my hot box yeah say install taking any damage right now I'm so confused yeah pick oh this guy has an easter egg completion hell yeah okay that's good right all right took me a year and a half but I made it boys just finished it by the way there are so many zombies oh my goodness oh I heard as I heard the sound we hit a checkpoint what did we do what did we just do yes I think it's the tension of music volume so you guys aren't hearing it turn the music at all I turned my music back on I heard a checkpoint I have no idea okay yeah I didn't hear anything sir I was just shooting zombies okay at the very end they do no gotta slow down man okay I'm trying to oh I think they just kept kept just keep killing everything okay I think I think it our effects are just broken it's just Souls okay we can do that an obscene number of souls like a million wired yeah they just kept killing zombies been eventually it screen what goes white Jesus okay okay another point we did another point shoosh okay oh he's gone he's dead oh we did it that was epic Wow first try definitely very smooth definitely no problems at all with that and definitely very spooky great job yep I'm sorry this is a thank you to those big brain as well for figuring that one out that was really much computing power it's the same game right there guys you are my friends Oh on the ocean
Channel: NoahJ456
Views: 652,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Black Ops 3, Noahj, NoahJ456 zombies, black ops 4, custom zombies, zombies mods, custom map zombies, custom zombies smallest map, black ops 3 zombies smallest map, world's smallest map, zombies boss fight
Id: 1oTLa2SDSDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 44sec (4304 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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