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hey guys what is going on my name is no J four five six and today ladies and gentlemen boys and girls it is time that we begin I took a little I took a little break yesterday from Easter egg hunting we did the we did the solo we did the solo Easter egg running on blood of the dead we we did a video explaining the blood of the dead and in cutscene and then today we had did the rage compilation but I feel I feel like I'm finally rested and I finally recovered a little bit from the blue screens to finally finally actually jump in and start hunting for the Easter Egg unclassified because I'll show you guys why there is one right now obviously this is this is not not that this is blood of the Dead me it me in the bot me and the bots are just are just slaying out right now I was just doing a little bit of a rank up game and now we're on the round 39 but I'm gonna go ahead and in that and well we'll get started here we'll get started it's gonna be a good time dude I'm looking forward to it I'm looking forward to it indeed hope you guys are hope you guys ready I know it's finally happening the classified fun is finally happening let's go sleep deprivation for the win bro if you if you stayed up with me for every single little every single stream bro oh my gosh like if you stayed with me for every single stream I am so impressed I am so so impressed so a few things are still unknown on the map so we know for a fact that there's a shield upgrade dude look at them ranks baby woah look at them ranks we know for a fact that there is a shield upgrade on let's let's kick these BOTS out of here that's Lex let's change the thing we're gonna be hunting with Lex to your game settings have changed yeah I got a game setting update I'm gonna update real quick where's the controller dude oh my gosh it is beat-up you guys see this controller the thumb stick is permanently broken it's permanently broken like that and the two little things are completely gone bro this controller and it actually popped back into place but this little area right here was completely indented one of the times when I threw it it actually fixed the indent it was crazy it was wild it was wild a trencher did didn't mention that they are bringing gold camos and diamond camos and like the other camos to zombies which is why I've been doing like headshot games and stuff like that bro zombies is gonna take so much longer than multiplayer to actually rank up all the way for all your camos I'm just letting you guys know right now you got this now one hundo bomb coming xenon next paycheck love you appreciate it appreciate appreciate it crafting animations commander Cobra thank you so much for becoming channel members I appreciate you I appreciate you much okay so let's go ahead and choose the game which is classified make sure it's on Normal difficulty yeah so oh yeah I was gonna show you guys right here so I've done three completions of blood of the Dead I've completed nine once I've completed invoice or despair once classified zero completions and I have done the project Scottie Easter Egg so that's that's why people are saying that saying that it has the main Easter Egg and I honestly I honestly believe it does I think classified is supposed to be like the secret map and that's why there's no achievement for it or anything like that but classify me III really think it is so let me let me get hop into my armory real quick dude let me show you guys you have to get 3,600 headshots I basically used the Titan LMG and I still don't have oh my oh I'm actually so close dude wow I wish I just say that game for like 50 more headshots oh that sucks I need like 50 more headshots for green tiger oh I should've stayed in the game oh that's annoying okay anyway so the headshots are absolutely I used basically the Titan from round 10 to round 40 and still didn't complete it so if that tells you anything about how ridiculous the headshots are gonna be in this game to get the game because I'm really gonna want the zombie camo of course like if there is a zombie specific camo but oh my gosh freaking nuts man it's absolutely nuts sniper right let me make sure I have all the attachments not for all the guns I unlocked with my rank ups she's mad yeah it's gonna be ridiculous alright alright I'm ready oh dude have you see the Halloweeny both wait wait how do you look at him so go to black market and then the Halloween event just came out oh it just came out well how's it can't come out but you can get the items there's what were you dance with the dude from the homunculus wait where I'm only seeing an operation first strike Oh for me I see Halloween event what the heck dude do you guys see this doesn't sane well rank isn't for you uh it's rank 21 to get the himangshu shovel [Laughter] [Music] interesting actually I'm already start my game okay Chad do you guys see this do you guys see that Hudson at level 9 dude you have - apparently play 10 hours a day to get Hudson like until the end of the event that is really it's pretty nuts that is pretty darn notes 10 hours a day for a man in a suit like he looks good he looks great but I wish I would do it I wish the zombies would get someone for this stuff or at least I think zombies is getting its own event there right I feel like they just MP and all that but the Halloween event ends in 12 days which means you have to get to rank let's see here 25 within 12 days dang ball boys I'll play oh I got it there it is yeah actually a lot of emails I can de veau dick Dracula even boys the homonka shuffle is the best this is the one I'm rockin oh my gosh bones e Jones by the way come on Oh apparently somebody just told me there are zombie callings that are out how do you look at them oh and we actually have something for zombies now press Start you can get the Cthulhu Wharf 800 or pain Oh sick is the 12-day step step 104 so we need 1500 kills wow I'm glad I just did a game with 3,000 kills so sick baby there it is oh dude zombies this personalization now so Oh Oh II vain' the 9 characters oh my gosh that's hilarious dude oh my dude look at Pumpkinhead Bruno his eyes are like glowing Oh all of them are brah I'm so happy they did this oh let's just say I'm glad we haven't finally have stuff to work towards a zombies it's like worthwhile does that mean that okay so the separate zombie event challenges are just within this little Halloween calling here that's so so it is the first time Cthulhu or paint for scarlet so what is that one fortnight killer lads oh that's not even here how do you unlock these I want Pumpkinhead is it on is it not there I mean now it's there but how do you unlock it um I don't know I'm assuming you have to do each of the steps or something challenges maybe that's so crazy how many dark ops challenges has that have been found as well uh I'm not sure I've only gotten one though some of them are really dumb like yet that's like what's throwing that you have did you get the completion completely complete main quests online in under one minute the only one I have is complete all three main quests are for each map right or all three main course for the first three maps yeah that's so cool that you can personalize you character at all dude I want to earn these okay well first of all I guess we gotta get kills fifteen fifteen hundred kills that is so cool boys scream arundel welling this game for the electric explosives dang that is so cool wait wait wait for personalization what's interesting is you can't put this on altas oh yeah you can I guess it's since it's uh since it's a season pass map maybe they don't have it out yet okay that's what I would guess I can't wait to go it's gonna be so good boys mine cutscene you're holding Diego [Laughter] I'm de yogi says no I'm still like having slopes in the livestream they're waiting for the street wha oh my boy but hey you know I appreciate you very much dog get some sleep next time you crazy man thank you that I appreciate I appreciate you tuning in I really appreciate it yeah let's see next I'm in next paycheck love your brother hey Rudy van thank you dude thank you I really appreciate you flexible mozz with the five says how much do you want for this kit for the broken controller dude why would you want to but chat who would want to buy this why it's a broken controller I don't and it's probably gonna end up taking some more beatings by the time vo4 is over dude I don't even know where the little triggers went you're getting red dead reading too early I can't wait I actually am getting it early I'm really excited I'll have I'll have early gameplay of it for you guys I'm actually mad excited to be playing Red Dead Redemption too and it's gonna be played alongside zombies but yeah Red Dead Redemption too is gonna be played alongside zombies I'm really really excited for it it's gonna be so sick will you do a higher end attempt after this Easter Egg I'll do it after all the main insertion please so after this main Easter Egg is completed I'll be doing a high round attempt damn good luck in this my first tip in a substance GTA 4 mods mom an anonymous X super Noah's was a 25 bomb thank you so much supernovas I really appreciate you I really really appreciate you I was no no no I was wondering if you could try the dodgy Devil door cops challenge where you get around 20 without getting hit would love to see that oh I'll try that this game I'll try that this game actually round 20 without getting hit again that'd be sick up with the crooked paintings over here I feel like there's got to be mode more than do it the thing with the paintings is you finish all the stuff and then it just like the quest just like dies from there there's like a cool little quote you get but there's definitely more like I feel like you gotta do projects karate and then you got it you got to do something else it's probably not much but it's just something that we're missing people yeah I think I think this game I'm gonna go for a dark ops challenge which is make it to round 20 without getting hit dude that is ridiculously different do you I like I want to hunt for this Easter Egg as well do you wanna this first game just go for get the 1500 kills so we can see that what the next step is you and just grind out the kills and then we can just do an elevator strat and the in this floor do you want me to still get the like okay I'll still get the upgraded walk yeah yeah from all of us we have 1500 kills that's like - what round 40 50 around around no not that high I think it's around around 30 30 okay the second challenge somebody just told me is survived a hundred rounds in total okay okay well they'll be an easy one to just play like three or four games around 25 yep that's really cool the grind for the Halloween loot boys here we go [Music] would you get baby Maddox a mad one all the dogs in this game oh I forgot about the dogs yep hey they do not let all their been slowly maybe that game up they did something I saw that bleona doing kind of sloppy all right I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and hop in the elevator for a few uh for a few rounds here actually we'll see guts everything one week later feels bad I know but at least you get it like not a month later it's an improvement that's for sure it is it definitely is a prove it but it does still suck okay I'm gonna just try and maximize points you just make sure you don't against rad on this mat actually we could yeah I think I think I would if we are gonna go for it if we are gonna go for the kills to get that Halloween paint the best the best thing to do it would be back out get to bots in our game and literally sit in this elevator the bots insta kill anything that's close to us and then we just shoot down the hallway I think as though the box the box take the kills only at the close ones they don't shoot the super far away there's also a bunch of like missing cloth outlines everywhere yeah that's all that I feel like I've asked gotta be a step as well irony now I'm gonna get hit on like round 13 or something and all this is gonna be worthless well I can just shut the elevator I have a nuke so do you want if we want to just play like that I'm just ready I'm gonna I'm gonna start spinning the box for the winners halvah oh boy a Spitfire ok I'm a whip on my sword for you you and I'll just take all I'll take all the I think they're sponsored it pretty far away alright I feel like there bit slower wait wait let one run a bit feel like he's got it slow yeah they're definitely not Usain Bolt like in the last game elevator yeah you can get it talking you orbit spawn in the wind oh yeah that's the Samantha Easter Egg I don't think that's gonna be a part of the mania stray also I wonder if this steps the works is that there's there's like a red light at spawn that you just know it's a it's a reflection off the window someone did testing on it I see no I got hit where did he come from okay well no I was killing up these windows so they didn't just all pour out on once in I don't know I can't even hear him well I really hope they had a blue screen face fan so fun I did yeah that's that's what we're all going for pop one tip don't take damage best zombie tips oh my gosh all right there's lobby actually I'll just get rid of mine yeah well in here Justin boy so I pick up the Titan I want to get the I see are actually up I see right below us the Titan is so whack feels more powerful but before I was just like it took dude I do not is to love it in the beta for blackout it melted but then they like nerfed it and it's just terrible in the main game now yeah I think on every mode the Titans not really that good ATS is like the new Titan I think yeah for sure classic foxy strike you find kilowatt charges electronics in the news server room interest that's really a that's for the [Music] so you can so you can listen to the radio or the punch cards you find oh alright well sure lads that was not for the the punch cards oh yeah don't you have to find like a fuse and then shoot the fuse to charge it okay Titan is opion up that is the one thing it's good on I'd see people destroy the most range of the Titan and I'm to use an SMG okay right when we were raging EMP last night we played a few games just like I'll just say like SMGs are terrible like every sweat on the game juices up I see R it is unblocked rip to literally shooting or laser beams actually shooting proton lasers out of your gun there's not gonna be a way to upgrade like monkey bombs and the homunculus is on this game I feel like there is absolutely a omegle all okay you want to take the elevator yeah we start doing stuff no oh that was truly one of those where this part always spawns in Lane do you want me just get power and go down and get the BART system hey man same guy two chips you yesterday from Dubai you sure there is a meanie in that map I thought it got solved already I'm those guidelines that how'd you find it curious the crawlers can show you in there oh yeah they're there so he did that wasn't a thing in chronicles were like black ops one right it's definitely it definitely wasn't as noticeable as it is in this game let's build a shield top floor we're just missing the one part down downstairs yeah it's just dogs there's everything no dogs what I just saw the other side of the Oh people actually use that to get into a secret room in this map really yeah there's a secret room that's like it's it's like a full room there's a few there's like a phone on the wall and stuff right there's like a few it's like a it's like a secret room basically the parts I think are in the corridors I don't either these are the ones I don't know okay good sauce what are you gonna give me Oh Bhd and of course to the game I get rid of the welling of course get you a helium Salva did whoa dude that guy was cooking I've never seen him move that fast okay oh yeah the party's over here it's like it's like buy one of the teleporters oh I just played them play the radio don't worry about me boys don't worry about me boys okay I found the part all right I'm going back up to top floor I'm gonna go top four to build shield and then middle floor to a finished game pop open my my blind where is the thing what are you looking for the one oh dude I love the fact that there's cameras now or there's like stuff to do like and I really want them to add diamond can't a diamond camo is legitimately my favorite can't like the diamond camera in this game when it starts like rainbow lighting up is my favorite camo and any game ever that I've ever seen I want it so bad for zombies well that's the thing I'm just oh my gosh there's so many what am I supposed to do team I'm sure he got his head you get up here stick this needle in you I know did you hear that Rick time we plays but isn't the one from black ops 3 I guess people don't know see this x coordinates right out right I that he got under the does he does he know I thought he did have the scar did it does he not I really I really thought he had really thought I had this car does he not let's see no I just wanted to say you need to change your outro the temple everything cuz you know our boy be dead I did rib I was actually thinking about doing that but I don't think the model exists for that yes that we can't do it yet unfortunately I know it's the government that I know it's the government went to buy the controller so they can clone they want to make more of you to take over the world I mean I wouldn't I wouldn't be opposed dude I would not be opposed listen if it has to happen has to happen thank you Jackie Chan snooze you have tonight off the cuckoo pings and the three spawn rooms with the bow the Neptune yeah there's some kind of door open but I cannot find it you actually wait you actually hear a door open for real I did not notice a door opening sound is that is that true cuz if so that that's cut that's kind of that's kind of a big lead for this for this Easter Egg for sure that is definitely a big a big step in the right direction do you actually hear a door open whenever you knife all the paintings huh oh I'll have to I'll have to check that out meet my wife Katie say hi what's your sensitive gta5 has the Firebug coming along and dislikes like Jimmy John's or subway it's imperative that we know I'll actually need to ask him that I need to ask him that as well yeah so this is the crooked one right there yeah I need to ask him thank you for the support guys really appreciate you really really appreciate y'all I have to question this I when the cycle continues normal is roped off and go in the machine or they pull them out or is it starts over they do they go from Tipler time and from origins wait when the cycle continues as normal Richtofen going in the machine and they pull a matter now no open the cycle continues as normal they go there again they get the blood with no problem and they never even like I've basically everything I experienced in blood the dead doesn't happen when the cycle happens as normal it's basically everything happens as normal and nothing nothing happens weird basically that makes sense nothing nothing weird happens uh yeah you have tonight call the crook of pain oh yeah read that one thank you thank you thank you thank you oh crap there's a lot of zombies already it's art isn't only around 14 feels like around 100 perhaps the Easter egg involves the buildable spawn trap okay Green tiger baby there we go dude it is in this game legit makes it impossible to read no nose man for all for all for all how many kills my at 200 in 1500 goodness me uh yeah I think I think basically it uh when it continues as normal they never even have the events of like the warden stopping them from tell basically the the beginning cutscene doesn't happen azmuth says perhaps easter egg involves the buildable trapping spawn char something and DGM overpower just thought if he end up looking for ideas yeah yeah III honestly think that actually plays a big part of it the thing in the spawn because there people have actually spotted red crawlers red Nova six crawlers which obviously is not normally in the game sorry bro i-i'll legit like this why does this get game gets so crazy so fast man like so many zombies here crazy world we live in [Music] just in the defconn's fire sale okay thank you much time oh you do not have you where did you get all those you who do nothing for this mug just pack punching whatever I have in my inventory right now bro it like if you are not playing solo it's literally impossible to like actually read anything oh that's what I mean you have to pay so much attention in this game I'm getting out of here brother okay wow this is all right you want to get to the elevator especially when we don't have the winters house my wife said she dies laughing when you throw your controller do it for the vine black slices so it's only rough 16 I'm going upstairs I'm going to the elevator oh my goodness oh I just got the cold ones oh it's again bro all the all the reviews of this game are basically just like saying how terrible the how like insensitive all the like ultimate characters are and like they're all mad at them good luck I'm going into the army is really not who's who's man who's man it was Tyler yo let's get some love in the chat for Tyler dude absolute ledge with the 50 bomb thank you so much for your service dude and you got this man you got this I believe dog I believe I believe dog thank you thank you thank you I really appreciate you I couldn't quit right back to you so becoming a member Tyler so much love dude good luck Josh check your Twitter me my mate that just got this calling card that makes no sense okay I will I will check that out in a minute after I do not die hopefully old Jake Richtofen jump-scare so I think next time it'll be a blue it'll be a blue screen jump scare can you imagine can you imagine yeah I've been following the progress and classifies what steps have been so found so far basically we can we found a bunch of portraits that you can knife and you can like correct the orientation of them and then you can actually summon a picture of premise nicolai which is obviously it's pretty crazy because those two story lines don't interact at all or I mean they do but not in that way so that's what we've seen can says hey made some guys from history donate from device that the Easter Egg was solved already do you think there's another main he's trying classified with the cutscene I do I do I don't think projects Yeti is the actual main easter egg but yeah what do you think I'll have an cutscene for this map I've no clue literally no clue I do think there is going to be an cutscene though I can a man tip yessiree oh yeah read that one thank you can Rick ripped off and would have died if he had dug I mean I don't know if that adds blood to your veins but circle-k says now that not the one we played with the one that and the crevasse lumber doesn't have this car me except is the blanket it is black ops to Richthofen wait he does I'm so confused dude oh my gosh [Music] wait you're stuck we're wait you can't kill wait what I'm not gonna survive here but I need you okay here I'll come get you I'll come get you what do I do there's no zombie spawns here I'm just stuck I'll come get you dude don't worry I'm getting hit what did I just think 70 damage from boys I'm so confused what's going on all right don't worry don't worry turning the Deaf cons on now don't worry don't worry dropping IKEA I'm almost there what DEFCON am I missing I didn't get that one oh that's the worst one I could have not got oh my voice miss catalog have gone for sure oh let me where by here oh all right were you okay let's go - lets go back to - first floor Oh oh my wait a second lads chill you thought I was dead for a second I was like wait help you have your katana I use my anguish for that one all right here we go the Scott disgusted er East right here yeah this is basically the giant blackout SOI so let's get that once accepted there's two windows right here we're just gonna have this warmed by I was doing this trap with bots earlier and they would kill the windows and I was just shooting at maja way how many do we have I have four four thirty you have two eighty so we're like we're always actually done in the round I need I'm gonna go pack my weapons I'm coming in Oh where's my boy bring me two back a hunch boys whoo my goodness you already had nine hundred kills get him in there get him in there do the mode the mozu is pretty good but is there an attachment that reloads it faster I don't know it reloads so slow [Music] all right the teleporters up I think that was for more storyline the problem with a lot of this map is story I'm not just active yeah yeah just case Willie it will leave the one down here right next to the portal all right let's go back to first floor okay dad that was for Morse code with it which is a storyline related stuff Jax so I think I think the first step is the I feel we're just gonna we're like without speed Cola it's gonna be these kind of strats don't work quite as well green wisp Oh if you have green whist then that's a I've no idea what that is send pictures please because those were Ravens these were like see get back to the Tim they're already time having them to origins oh we don't know yeah we don't know yet I star was not the play we're strong old one you like sweet I think we overestimated ooh I'm using like okay I got my top mozu plays ready okay I'm gonna run ahead scan here it's gonna be a big big yeah big place big place I'm a [ __ ] a monkey bomb right now yeah [Music] and now this is wax I'm reloading so now I'm going inside I'm going inside oh I got you I got you oh boy katana oh dude it's so much easier when it can reload fast like I get all the kills protect I'm protected I'm protected whoo I don't know how long this is gonna work here I'm a third of the way there you're a fifth let's go easy dude easy no close calls it all so far perfect time to pack Oh get me in there in the fire boats are the same thing the cycle has been broke my dude my wife says she's diving laughing when you third controller do it for the vine well we're not doing it for the vine just yet but Dakota trust just trust me when I say the rest of your a points for Emma oh wait wait we got a maximum of this these dogs are leaping through the window I don't know if you see them right now I got you I got you got you um covered covered man just oh make sure you don't kill him outside the zone we need the salmon we need this Mac so bad okay all right let's get out of here back to the back to the elevator dude back to the elevator right here dude also the second part of the oh yeah thank you sorry go catch up in a second if you can't can't tell this is a lot of death right now are you are you on first Lauren but at the end of the day we're the def cons right if you don't have katana probably not I'm using anyway oh my gosh you i gosh and protect there's some boys boys yeah I got it if we need it okay okay you use yours first if you need to oh yeah make the judgment call okay I'm using huge did boys are back to 900 year reload time this is an experience we're getting those skills up dude that's all that matters okay I'm gonna I'm gonna back I'm gonna go for you I'm gonna go for it again well I'm just gonna get the last Def Con in dude what if what if the classified Easter egg is like the blood Easter egg you can only start it after around 50 could you imagine I honestly I would not be surprised for this paper map I I gotta be honest I would not be surprised bro this I think honestly this one is like maybe not in terms of difficulty but in terms of like solved I'm ones that when people actually start getting some steps I think it's gonna be one of the longer ones yeah start what it's gonna be like yeah start like round fifty for the bus Oh huge power huge switch we got a power of way back there I don't know what that is that whoa hello okay okay okay I'm like dude speak I wish head speed coal is so bad that's the only perk I actually miss the speed cola boys I made in this just because like no one towel equals death like in one round goodness gracious ah there's dicks like portrait correspond the appearance of red Nova's I don't think so I don't think so I think I there's only been a few people who have gotten the red Novus before but I'm pretty sure that has to do with the first step I don't know interesting de has the scar 2d is des scars long nose nose got some water what a beast looking down matters you like yeah we were like like tell me when to throw monkey just tell me one I've got a I've got throwing my last one throw my last one okay let's get it cryofreeze Omega long all right how are you hey you dad I'm glad I'm getting I'm [Music] trying to get some Mosu kills but literally it's so useless because the reload so uh I can't to my gun okay I shot my gun oh yeah oh my gosh Wow we're just we're just the best players did drown 26 Murray we're incredible I have a dachshund wait oh I lost my dying wish No I'm about to get my I just don't have the pride I realize I didn't even have the birth anymore [Music] I'm gonna focus on the left yeah I've got my katana from the next bad time I guess you I'm sure this is like the Drakon of this game oh okay Oh max let's go baby I love your vids first time doing good look at the easter egg yo thank you so much again yeah sorry guys we're getting kind of distracted by just how like crazy classify this right now sorry about that we're gonna start we're gonna actually start hunting in a second this is just ridiculous so far sorry yeah well we'll get back on track eventually I'm sure why so Halloween is like the Halloween of it just released though so we're a little distracted with that I've got one gun I've got to pack punch yeah it's a scar scar there's a little baby so we're doing it dude we're doing it we're alive okay I'm getting some ice yeah probably good idea here we from last room how are you today what's the black Rex course to do how's it going dude killed Nova by the brilliant ear headphone odd maybe I actually won't be surprised of that that's how you got the red that was just fun ain't no better fan of yours for a while now I thought I'd give you this first general of the streams keep up the good work or keep it chill brothers thank you thank you guys oh wait don't kill lost dog I'm gonna get die anguish again so much for a nice train blast we're gonna get the war paint yeah I want that want to work on that a brand new event stuff yeah you can't do an easter egg until you get your pumpkin it's just it's just how the world works oh come on baby this is this is bad rotation right now uh murderer source says when you eventually do straight back out of the PC port is a real difference having that uh I get a game I have the game for ps4 and PC ps4 it makes the inventory two hundred percent smoother the game more fun have a good night yeah I definitely want to try it on PC I actually haven't played at all on PC yeah this is gonna be a tough one what's a carpenter oh boy do the SDM is mad good I'm talking a monkey bomb how many little boys there are oh my gosh I just got so many headshots right there okay okay I'm gonna use mine I'm using my hat yeah I'm gonna I'm just gonna watch you kill okay okay okay oh there's nothing one window spot that is for sure you have a window directly behind you all right we made it so 30 dude how many we got we got alright clothes I need you know yeah yeah this is really like the Drakon 2.0 it's really good I'm so one shot headshot hang on around 30 yeah I'm gonna need another gun cuz all my guns are running out of ammo so bad I'm stuck katana I got mine I'm gonna use mine oh man Max's the crotch of Axl's right now you know I feel like I'm never at home or for my Bethenny that's when you might like what you hear what their grenade a hanger for over at hangar for please when you have time you might you might like what you hear if it works what does it work whereas hanger for me wow you get the Dempsey quotes he's honestly I'm not sure are you talking about the Samantha Samantha thing let me grab this okay I have my katana dude I love the speed reload that you get and use that that's so good all right I need 400 more you need 900 more tea more actually only 800 uh let's see snow says the star de but only work time has the scar awakes of the crowd dream so many that new cycle is not the one we experienced before that's very interesting snow I definitely want to go back and look at that that's true that's huge Oh actually huge if I'm understanding what you're saying and everything that's actually a huge revelation dude some might even say revelations sweet fire lives we made can you hit the box later the katana no I can't do that Oh Big Five billets boys want to see I'm just gonna get rid of my wrapper oh boy I'm dead I am probably dead come on wait I get out of this oh my god oh let's go to likes the elevator misses you there's a max ammo up here too oh I got it I got it no my god oh let's go baby okay okay I'm coming up I'm coming I'm gonna get this thing back much Oh boys easy easy clap words easy clap you want a nuke trapped whoo SDM is a beast dude monka stress dude no I just got a blue screen on the nine boss fight very upset but also received mine it was a poster day and made it better it looks amazing keep it up yo god you like a dude yeah I definitely definitely I'm excited to get the get the restock goin that restock is coming very very soon by the way for everyone else who's interested oh no one J four five six shop not come if you guys want to check out the the stuff holy crap Chad this is insane this kid if you guys want a fun quick game do this get set up and get in this elevator right here how's the heck going so I read that one buddy would you so about that yes I did actually because I'm coming off sick dude very very proud of myself for beating it right yeah I'm just activating DEFCON so I'm coming through I'm coming through no I didn't okay okay I'm calling the elevator down I'm calling the elevator down a very nice thing to open the elevator - all right okay you're so close about 200 more kills to get a pack of us SDM is literally Drakon 2.0 oh I'm almost out of a mode mastiha I'm not a Amma with my SDM I'm using this I'm using this show yeah I've got a bad idea I'm throwing a monkey bomb up there down anywhere back to the elevator hopefully dog around next round I uh I'm down to like literally my most ruthless can ever okay this thing with school splitter is apparently very very good but not right not default well it looks like your wish has not been granted yep yeah I'm gonna go get a shield as well I'm gonna use my katana I actually I'm gonna throw a monkey bomb shake for you hahaha that's my last one that's your watchful max ammo ammo oh my gosh they're really just well I can't see move moved your a little bit I'm down I'm down oh my gosh okay got you okay oh me oh my bad got you back in the back we're gonna drop yeah the the crawlers spotting in do look like drops though we're getting so many some samples right now but you're getting Sam coats yeah I'm gonna kill you guys Oh boys monka stress bead I'd like to thank the Halloween event for taking my sanity okay dude you're a hundred kids wait I am so like seven hundred I'll try to slow down unless you just winners how the rest of them after I get it I'll just I'll just shoot if we get trapped basically kills baby why not stone cold struggle because we we kind of decided as we loaded in that we were gonna go for kills this game perfect it's a dog let me kill these guys with mozu no aren't you Oh boys it's crazy oh yeah what are we doing this for so there's a Halloween event that you have 15 lot of kills to get face mask on your zombie characters and that is what we are doing what's and that is what we are doing oh yeah this is this is pretty brutal I've burned balance yeah animator I don't know what I'm I don't know what what what actually happens and which one hanger for is II mean like downstairs hanger for we've been doing doing waves in area 51 and this man accused me possibly been training them around teleporter yeah there is stuff that you get for surviving rounds there but it is a I mean issue for all we know it could possibly be the storyline all right it couldn't possibly be a little trap there had to get it yeah yes sir Samantha always talks to you if your if you play as Richthofen it's the only way oh yeah you are 30 kills away sir I am too many kills away foreclose baby oh boy I'm the superintendent for the boys big carpenter huge carpenter can you check my kills yeah I'll try it I'll try to shoot the ones that get super super close and then you can just worry about keeping everybody likes answer me area 51 hangar for is in area 51 oh okay Samantha Samantha okay mr. troll say whatever Derrick Moroz thank you sir Morse thing you've become and remember no way just punch image on subways locks you know Jimmy John's gang and chat also I've been a big fan but watch this this gene now and then you think Jimmy John's better than subway you got you gotta leave that's just that's just facts that is just facts oh yeah spam spam that winter cell [Music] goodbye everything in the here chill yo chill oh I'm dying where I'm not chilling I'm munching oh I don't have super yet I don't have super yet I almost sidelined again almost online again okay okay I got mine again I'm super how long is this around 36 I feel like we've been on this round for like a year all right now Oh winters how super worse - all right you've got 800 just got the lead in hush did you get a challenge pop up when you go out yours no I haven't got one I swear they didn't if it's like locked and didn't count I'm gonna cry okay 500 more to go for me I wish I could give you this SDM it's literally insane oh you can share weapons that you hold right yeah okay I'm sure emotes in zombies too go go hey I rigged up a club ball he's that's me okay big insta big insta I'll try to shoot the low-hanging ones I don't the ones that flank you obeyed carpenter okay I'm shooting for you I can't see your gunshots coming through looks like your shield is shooting do you need 1500 kills from one gamer does it all that out I think it all adds up we're just gonna get a big winner big winter easy clap oh yeah but whatever you want whenever you need it bro if we keep getting drops like this you're gonna be done real quick I'll start shooting and try to marque the whole time here do monkeys to kill now well with the insta kill they will oh yeah forever things kill oh oh you'll love to see that West Virginia you have 350 left 340 left okay we can get it did I actually have no clue Gavin it's a great question okay how many he's burnt down you boys Jamie think he starts to come to my channel member appreciate you much I'm cocking it these drops are on another tier right yeah why actually are we getting somebody max amp we've gotten so many max amaz I got nan diagrams you're being bamm-bamm I'll just say my super fur for a last-ditch effort you just get it so fast of the winners out oh sorry I ate that literally spawn on top of me I split it away in half yeah your last almost there will probably end of that round 40 I assume that winners house nuts just keep using it and then and then just grab it at the end and keep going ham I'm actually really surprised we've managed to stay alive this long yeah the lock on the windows out actually also the kills are getting hard sing what's up guys welcome to my brand new youtube channel today we're doing a prestige rank up giveaway as you can see it's pretty simple guys all you're gonna need to do is you're gonna need to sit in this elevator for about 30 hours I got them I got them you need 200 more dude I got like 40 Naboo Liam from this game dude actually I actually guessed that Perdue I said it as probably take like Ram 40 for us to get both actually no you guessed right I said it was probably not only take 30 I was wrong yeah well you were around 30 right I was I was around 40 hello fun by the way sponsored by the way that was like a world record dog round right there man I've gotten some levels from this game from this game oh that is rough okay a monkey Oh baby look at that look at that mad skill did actually yeah I just saw that I just sorted I'll put it back away then okay I got my 20 150 more dude this thing is still one shot headshotting round 40 without dead shot with us Dunkle's without anything it's really great and I don't even have it I don't even think I had attachments on this when I started I had like one I think I had just the scope attached [Music] I just can't see anything right now between the winters how long those gas explosions let Julie just yellow and green or blue and green you're almost there just about a hundred kills to go whoo man mama the monkeys also DualShock for battery is low are you looking for the Easter egg not on this one watch the Halloween stuff started up literally as we started okay Oh 46 baby step on the gas I just got a trophy no idea was it yeah you like kill zombies wall blinded by gas or something oh and I just got breaking the ice okay achievement man what do you won okay I'm 25 kids all the way once should be good we should be good I'm gonna just lock this lost monkey and then we'll be ready to go lads easy pod yeah easy careful that thing man somebody's family 15 more kills Mamata vamos a lot along the winters okay I'll try to protect give your super Oh bro the Wyatt why was her look so good this run okay you did it baby easy round 40 did I'm 41 because the dogs oh that would have been a great call I can't even believe it's that pack with the grenade it'll cause a group for moon to talk interesting so it's 1500 a player interesting around 40 I might be scared by who it's confirmed by who Thank You West Virginia who donate if I want to be I was using the SDM and BOSU pose it wasn't awful without the warping um wait did we get it oh yeah I just got mine survived for 100 total rounds oh and it actually counted are well I'm 60 mm oh that's sick dude look at that oh it's going way I'm gonna I'm gonna just put it on all of them right now wait do you get it for all them oh you do oh my god all the boys so Ultima Sun fortunately ain't got it maybe it's because we haven't done the Easter egg on all time class fun because it's a black ops past mountain one or the other dude that's so sick though look at that chat Cthulhu got stationed here for the air for you want to come in to like another game real quick just a yeah let's jump on or something I want to look at one I look at the the crew on the blood I just want to see if it looks like I'll hop back in class but let's see here Zach says Almost Heaven West Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains Shenandoah River life is old there older than the trees chat you know what to say [Music] was that no much like from Okinawa I got stationed here for the Air Force come up with your keys like completely suck them up with your key and turn them red in terms of pregame lobby I saw you guys to do sérgio be say hey no it is easier for see having this year or next remember end of this year beginning next year one of the other Zack Mars country roads take me home to the place I belong West Virginia Mountain Mama take me home tree rolls I'm actually really excited to see this is the first time there's been customized little characters and zombies let's see you lads Oh show me that to show me that mug Lex I wanna see that mug now that's the war face oh yeah it's a shame you can't do it I'm classified yeah you feel 40 hold on eyes are light come over here to [Laughter] this dude showing your bottom left be so funny there's so much I love maybe I'll check that this game are the stream Wow well I think what are the first people to get that and we literally ground that out from right when they right when they came on with it all right let's back out let's do yeah we must be some risk but I'm glad it's so easy like 15 other kills is like like a couple hours of playing like that's that's a lot of fun yeah next one happens just literally do around which is nice too I wonder if all of them are just face paints or there's anything special at the end I think for now they're just face face but it would be cool I can't believe they brought Darth Maul the zombies oh my god you can see it in the post screen gamescreen as long [Music] [Music] - good that's good okay I got a 45 here let's see what I get lots challenge is not available on PC yeah it just seems like it's only on PS ps4 you guys get it we plated I got absolute Garbo feels bad man feels bad okay oh did I legit cannot believe how long it's gonna take to rank up until you get everything yeah yeah I feel you like dude especially doing like I think MP dark matter isn't that bad like playing the whole day well I'd say like five or six hours I got two guns gold and I was like really focusing on them so it's like it's oh my gosh I just okay so whenever in zombies whenever you finally get the thirty six hundred headshots here are the next challenges two thousand more kills while it's pack a punched two thousand more kills without any attachments two thousand more kills with an optic and five attachments and 50s hit fifty heavy kills and ten mini boss kills to get gold on one gun that is that is so basically it's another four thousand kills on top of the thirty six hundred kills that you already have to do plus fifty heavy zombies plus ten mini bosses for one gold camo whenever and a mini and a mini boss is the blight father right yeah oh my gosh dude and that's the thing I've been using ICR forever and I'm like I'm about 300 headshots away from green Tiger dude they've got a nerf these camos did they have legit got a nerf these cameras that is that is too much and that's what the wall by weapon that you can get every game yeah I imagine doing that with like that like the G KS or LG guesses all by but you know I mean like the like this Y hander how in the world are you supposed to get this why hand are done but it literally just immolation every game and just insta kill every game headshot head skin like that is gonna be rough the but the bowie knife is a thousand kills yeah it's ridiculous and only one shots around nine so like after that you're screwed you like you start your game Omega low or or get sword flayed that's a classic Omega well we're not we're not camping and I never actually hunting Masood this time this car looks terrifying I want the pumpkin head so bad yeah I wonder what stage 3 is as well okay yeah I've got the Wehling for the thing hmm I don't know if I'm gonna keep going to prestige 10 well this is the thing no I'm not naming it in my classes and this is the same thing I did with bl3 until I hit prestige master where it's just you keep leveling up right yeah just during these procedures every time you you rename a class at resets or skating your courses on PC or is it just me it seems to 50/50 crash at whenever I get into one can have to get like four thousand extra kills with it after getting like three thousand headshots with it I don't think you know the worst one the worst one is the Welling cuz you have to get headshots with this wait are you serious yeah and the package is is tupid a launchers and it's like 2400 headshots I think for the max camera like what oh my gosh that is awful like that's just actually insane that's like literally loaded like the best way to grand that would be loading up round one over and over and over and over like I was I was able to get to round 10 using it was like head scan chemical insta culés mm-hmm but like at that point is just like it's just stupid yeah I hope now you know i hope they nursed some of these challenges you have these so many elixirs to get to 2400 headshots with Hawaii yeahthere's they are adding a gold the chat there's no gold yet but they are adding one all right so let's let's do the Samantha you strike get points on low around this time for you wouldn't it be crazy if you got Dark Matter on zombies and on bro you would literally have to no life this game yep me by the way big big me big me alright so we should do what's it called as long cream corresponds creepy crawlers and the the projects caddy in just in case it is a repair requisite yeah I think I'm gonna stop prestiging my weapons what cuz I've received my I see are like a lot and you can't see your clotting and you can't see the kill counter on it I don't know how to turn that on right another clan Tagus burr against the kill counter still broken yeah because the kill counter yep for a second Lucy what's she doing [Music] wait you just call this George Washington oh sorry sorry my brain boy hate Canada Omega can I get some George Washington with shallots wait wait that's Ben Franklin right lads yeah did George knows my favorite president Washington is crazy he's like the fifth residence Wow that wild man I could tell you the I can't even tell me the first Prime Minister I think it tomorrow McDonald could not cannot guarantee you yes aren't as obsessed about your forefathers about as America is that's for sure father's are just gonna work whatever hey guys so we're gonna we're gonna do something crazy we're gonna make America - they'll never they'll never see a comedy Laska someone Google but you have to realize it our history class in Canada teaches more about this us like US presidents than the Canadian Prime Minister's well let's not kill Sami let's let's do the Nova crawlers do you still get points for opening doors it doesn't say plus points and the thing anymore what what uh what level do you get the MOG again 53 i perma unlocked it I need to good because isn't it like it's like okay not that great but then it's really really good with the operator mod on it that yeah the operator the dragon's breath is apparently I saw a video of somebody one shining a zombie without like an alternate ammo type on round 63 with it you want me to come down the elevator you want to wait for the crawlers let's wait for crawlers it's my boy John the dog hey boys they all your super IQ a million she did 10 winners how first hit are you kidding me are you kidding me boys that's a huge intelligence lots let me name them okay let me name I'm not gonna look at the name points okay I'm okay here we go George watch George Clooney the club to clean my stir my favorite President Abraham Lincoln Hillary Clinton oh that's lyndon b johnson Thomas Jefferson John Adams of course this is Franklin D Roosevelt and this is man sitting on the chair my favorite present me man sitting I'm sure personal favorite president man sitting this come to me I will educate the boss the number one number one master of man sitting in chair let's go downstairs you wanna do shield top floor again why would you ever buy the bottom no some people like it bottom floor [Music] MPD with the $5 says hi what's up a PD hello that's gun dude I'm packin cannabis you had like 92 people if you pull you're shooting the other night it was incredible stuff you identify these days well whatever's going on I hope it I hope it gets better definitely definitely let us know if we can do anything to support you and and hopefully gets better I'm sure well but we got Joe back we got Joe back for sure for sure let's get some let's get some hearts in the chest for a package yes I'd be the voyage despair solo record round 64 took forever oh my gosh you absolute absolute mad lab that is a very high round for voyage very very high round thank you finding out what is Canadian made me so happy was born in the UK like Milo and John but yeah likes pretty sure it was Sir John a McDonald well there you go history lesson for everybody to know a little late how come you guys were going for fifteen hundred kills unclassified well it could have been any map but they just released a uh they just released a zombie face paints that you can unlock by getting fifteen hundred kills the first step is why we were doing it I mean that anyone else getting random clashes on PC or is it just me seems 54 5050 crash out of whatever I get into whenever I get into one on MP no I've not been crashing it all on MP ok yeah let's save this last time e let's uh get some stuff done the first one okay I'll try to get this on me you need you need to turn on PAC to start it I don't know actually maybe oh no you don't I just got it Shang is all eight do I'm gonna do I'm gonna write him down I'll just put them in the chat I need you anyone's getting Noah - did you watch the video there were whisper character oh yeah we've seen that green with those are the gold I was got the key and yeah yeah I've seen that one I've seen that thank you for letting me know that I'm up here whenever you grab the key taking my money again thank you peepee poo-poo man [ __ ] what's it called right zero seven zero zero five zero seven zero five okay it's sory sorry I think so I haven't actually looked at the pictures at all I just I just write them down by like drawer I like right drawer or whatever why are we talking politics because I am such a huge brain big brain let's let me just name let me go back I'm gonna name all portraits again let's get a test going okay I also have the Bowie I also have the bowie knife okay let's start again so this is jesus H Christ he roamed the earth this is dilapidated paintin dilapidated painting this is my dad yeah what is the definition of dilapidated likes bust up the dictionary we need to know okay the lab boys can somebody Google the lab all right what is the order that unites these things again I have the Bowie now there's there's the crooked ones do you get a knife a min a certain order there yeah okay so that one's first okay okay this one's second good old good old Barack Obama deed did right here come look he's right here here's right here the whole time no one ever saw and then here we have here we have the Smith place no no that's a man sitting on chairs no man sitting on Joe right right I don't know how it could be so stupid wait I remember if I'm missing one okay boys so let's do the quiz chat oh yeah yeah over here over here who is this shot is this shot tell me tell me though like smear oh yeah I got another quiz for everyone who is this man that's Hillary dude that's Hillary and here we have Trump boys are correct this is Barack okay and who is this who is this once also I built the shield over here if you want to old Lex that's correct okay we do do we need a pack for the other three codes the other two or rather yeah I gotta I gotta get my Welling pad man sitting on chair what a guy did I'm a huge fan of the man there's still one more cookin fading [Music] lives apparently a barely our chat is calling this president monkey whoa I miss her on the hall painting beside shield all right right here oh yes all the old pensive thinker okay I'm gonna go grab the part you want to go down to the lab and build the teleporter uh yeah yeah I got you monkey he was the third president and Senators country now we trust you at this [Music] from there when I got no easy tarp oh my god the the trap party yeah I'm assuming those are gonna be needed for the egg-like we've probably got a truck used to something have you seen the images of the people who have somehow gotten red crawlers this month I got the part oh my elbow hurts rip in the chop for Noah's I just want to rip it out of my face to get to get the one in the thing you do the DEF CON on the upper storey over here right first yeah catwalk server upper low key get server yeah just got some you are so angry there's need points for packed lunch now yo just to get just guess who just gave me the pride I know uh who just gave you the prime do you wanna do the three rules to open it up now oh wait do you want me to go to group Laker yeah you're good girl four seven seven zero four seven seven zero and I think that one's Kingdom yeah cuz the last one this place familiar okay I'm gonna just use my katana here's not like both katana their big katanas we can actually we can actually do all five of our rounds here if you are it's a five or six yeah so we can get both sides up and right well I assume that kind of like how you have to be on round 18 to do the Easter Egg yeah what's it called you have to do you have to be on a higher around like you have to get both sides up in order to do these also I don't think that round counts as one I think this is our first yeah this is everyone Javan up doing all that crispy very the vapor lads goldenrod focusing stone damn it Richthofen what the [ __ ] is scheming man Dez Dempsey I'm actually so glad I didn't get Richthofen this part is so annoying when you have Samantha yelling for 14 rounds straight in your ear yeah even apparently when you uh I did blood so yesterday and you know how like we're Richthofen goes in there when I went in there I was playing solo as for topping there was just no one fighting Brutus outside that's pretty cool you can hear him stomping around up there yelling he was gonna kill everybody but he wasn't even fighting anyone I just sold in the lab for a bit do we have that first side dude dog dogs count me thanks yeah yeah I hope like I don't mind the cameras being hard but dude that is the little like I don't understand how anybody who doesn't like who wants to do anything else besides Ami's and has like a job or something he'll be able to do that you know literally take them like two full years of grinding yeah I think for a one-year game oh crap we already have the stuff like it like call duty is a one-year game I mean obviously they're gonna try to stretch this one cuz it's okay the creepy bags wait wait pygmy oh my god yeah there's some interesting looking stuff over the other side but I think that you can really also you can't throw a monkey bomb out to where the plates are break this thing is yeah where's hanger for is hanger for out here like someone's time oh yeah someone said throw grenades at a hanger for okay I think this just triggered fencing close Dempsey Kooiman Dempsey coats by Dempsey has quotes about how he skeeved everybody or something with when you throw grenades chat am i right on that I obviously don't know oh my gosh they like to wear the husband's on the top yeah very interesting post moon Dempsey talks about how to Richtofen trick them all interesting yeah yeah that's pretty sick [Applause] old school should be eating that the surrender in the next time that we're good I think oh you know what no I think if they're gonna round walk you this is I don't think they have yeah yeah they would definitely round walk from this [Music] was there something that happened with the 49 cube today chat I saw some stuff about that four night all right dude it says I still enjoy the game it's still a fun game I clearly don't play it hardly at all anymore but whenever I do I still have fun once in summer at least like with the way of all the grinding man there's no way I can was it was it anything cool I feel like the cube itself has not been very interesting at all well it just kind of came out of nowhere I thought they were gonna do a lot more for season 5 season 6 I don't know the rocket the rocket stuff was really cool I like that a lot yeah I love that was cool I was there for that come on opening right after this yeah chat what we're doing right now we're looking for the Easter egg and we think it might be gated behind it like kind of like blooded dead was behind like a time or a round based thing but instead of a round [ __ ] for this you gotta wait for oh my oh I was trying to help you with like the Mustang but instead of it being actually round bases this opening up which is technically round is because you have to survive a certain arounds for this side to open up Open Sesame there must be something on this side trusted you or get once it opens sorry i wonder we have to do projects maybe we had to leave and come back at the end of this run if it doesn't move or we'll go back Oh I just don't know I'm going mangrove interesting okay I think we might have to do scrappy yeah let's let's wait for the next round and change music let's start yep I got the 11 so I'll just I'll just shoot them at it right now what's the first gun uh first code I don't have it's the one I'm about to get okay somehow I doubt this this this a package explosive one to me is like always read the last painting over here to our you go middle right and then this one middle of the roll up right maybe cuz I've tried was the middle of III dyes just don't know just shoot it five three seven six is the echo always make me laugh must be American flavor all right let's put five to six in this round I'll protect you actually you should five three what is oh oh you saved all than the best shot yeah let's just wait to the end oh my gosh you were up in the air okay careful oh yeah I've got your meat import or do you have a gun that you can use Lex hates it when the pig dies don't tell him okay Zach never mind you just answer it I'm just dumb okay now I'll get I'll get Zach uh what is this why is the circuit on the winners how glowing it's just how it is I don't know it's just a cool weapon the fact I know Jay is my favorite fit president the way he got was first of all that you really spoke to me four more years say hey Collette you know it's it's a lot of hard work being president of everything you know but when when the council elected me president of the world just just it was it was a whole new world for me you know I mean Thank You ppreciate stuff dungarees thank you so much for the 10 appreciate that killer commoner says first time didn't you been watching since Bo - can I get a hashtag man cynical Church do you probably putting eight seven - how about one one five maybe six six six Jake and I will love it you got this brother oh my god I'm gonna eat you dude thank you this Macedo man says I read finally if you deal with punch cards then check knees to the left side the trick knees left side of the bunker forward post moon dip see quotes happen oh is that is it all the punch cards do you ever do the punish cards first is that the Easter Egg it's interesting okay thanks - receipt oh man well if your stream snow by the way can you pick up the silver Power Core in the bills its room in the lab you can put this part in the server room yeah wait you mean this thing right here not here right here this thing yeah you do that and then you charge it up with kilowatt and then you can play the punch cards [Music] okay we are full you get two winners how normally I'm not sure we're both gonna get them here those shields are so weak in this game wait don't go to it don't go to back punch yeah I just want to see all my secret sauce for his yeah this is it random every time you do it or is it random yeah no it's random every time baby it there I'll see what we get Oh mule kick perfect okay I'll just get on might be ok cluvin okay and then I'll just use aftertaste so I don't lose it okay you can activate Oh No all right so now now we should just get kills yeah now wait now we go through the rounds wait hey give me I should pressed and hold it to press and hold for ammo yeah no the sequence is incorrect now it's that sequence correct yeah why did we got the winters howl yeah it's obviously last Sambi hello one of these days dude I was that promise is it actually spawning let me let me go should I go back and kill them all right so should be three more rounds than this side will open oh did we even oh yeah let's go back quickly I we didn't even do don't go back we didn't even do the last portrait didn't we I don't think it'll matter at the end also you know what's really cool Noah is back here and there's like this oh yeah MPD's shaped hole it's just like it's hard because there's no Easter a progress tracker [Music] yeah it sound like a glowing I think you can just walk behind the boxes no not on the right side not yet Nicolai on CKO have come a long way round 255 here we go boys Russian cosmodromes and German theatres [Laughter] the only one out of premise that I'm like yeah yeah he's literally all doom and gloom like all the time like brother please please just smile once it's lantern expect especially we interact with others like it looks great it's there to eliminate the hedge against I can't be seen - how does it know we guess right or normal oh yeah that's a good point oh I'll try swing the hell out it right now but I think it's just there to illuminate you open the second device is a 5 a 3 additional house you do not even need to do the use very acceptable to do to go back in between or something we should be getting it here soon you keep it to get hard work no I hope you don't get blue stringing this Easter egg my watch this is the first string of gta5 hey you've been around for a while than - thank you so much - appreciate it there's something orange behind the truck the list to the left of a package thank you our saviors yeah thank you so much for staying tuned that long [Applause] yo yo come here for a second hurt whenever the saw grounds over your bones feel a little brittle look at look at this right here is that is that just a bottle I can't tell it when you shoot it no it's not the Brie oh wait we got the other side open what does I think we're so they did double Naboo Liam plasma no one really cares I would rather have double xp in a heartbeat yeah alright let's try to get one at the end of this round boys that doesn't be elevated to the air do Easter Easter complete numbers on the box got you can Tim putting any more numbers into the box yes combined yeah when I have a brain rot going up here okay I have one if you want to kill all yours I'm I really hope they change saving a zombie I the only thing I can think of if it's like a balance thing where they like don't want people to be able to like refresh their dying wish but like literally just said it so if it it recharges like for the first five minutes but then after that if you don't get it kill it doesn't research anymore [Music] there's still a few zombies got Liz oh no brain rot run zombies run run away no no no okay we're good one zombie left he's just chasing him down all right I'm gonna hit the I'm gonna hit the last sugar go to the last painting I I also could see it being is something like you have to do literally every single other side Easter egg in this map in order to oh wait what does never been done in zombies though that's why I don't think you could be that there yeah so Nicola is here oh the top parts are after starting or more illuminated now I don't that happens with the power but they're bright plus I don't think is Eastern goes to - III could definitely see it being assault like being finished around around like 24 did you do the jump scare I if I get a sniper and boy has to do something with the house because you get it and it's like yeah you have to all the maps have Easter Egg steps what they're actually do you even need the blender get for blood of the Dead maybe do I'm not sure okay this is a long shot here but there are smoking cigarettes and they're really really bright and maybe there's something we have to do with like shooting the witches how I have to cigarette smoke or something I could say it what is that ringing yeah you need this spoon okay but the spoon you don't need the blundergat right yeah you know you don't need this phone was just ringing a second again my own 100% just ringing see found out what makes right now I guess there's a pipe next to the first elevator that does it you should go do that to see the rest right gasps could be done with anything maybe combine with Noah's with knocking Easter egg there's a pipe next to the first elevator that does it how do you how do you do it though like what like what do you mean how do you how do you get it to activate which pipe you see a pipe next to this first elevator in this hallway somewhere first someone's saying they found they found out how to make the red crawlers with the pipe next to the first elevator I don't see no pipe there's types of Thera but like bring it on gutters plugs detective Lex is on the case yeah if you could elaborate on how to actually make them I'd be great hand around lads also we should probably get the second trapper oh wait I returned it in there on your save one yeah we're trying to end the round or save one I'm really for the second shot part where did you pick up that chopper that one was on second floor the last ones downstairs yeah either inside there where you are or bottom four uh no I can confirm what you saw is a bottle because it's down here as well okay that's out yeah [Music] um do you guys know any of the occasions for the trap parts cuz that might be something we need to unlock the something where are my mods boys the chat mods YouTube chat please all w did lord of you yeah I don't I found it [Music] ba-ba-ba-ba okay I'm putting the second trap in all right I've confirmed that found that next to the third floor though via pages or files were Richthofen has a quote saying trying to find out today were files on the floor will worked often okay night kids where I'm trying to find this pipe that he said it's by the first elevator yo can you look around on the floor for any files or something someone said that they found files and Richtofen said like he'll have to figure out what to do next after he picked up the files is it anywhere just on the first floor are they first third floor this is a third floor so is that at the bottom floor yeah they're boys about well well I actually I don't know I mean everyone calls it third floor okay files how do you how do you activate the the bottles for the music e-string I've no clue not that so I'm actually done the music you straight yeah I know that's the bottles but I really feel like this clock on the ground we're gonna have to pick up and use eventually you can't do the no fur collar you so I get mutations there's also uh there's also a four number code on a box and grooms like please spam so he sees thank you I mean we can't enter it we can't enter in anymore codes is the thing but there's a four numbered codes so maybe we can put it somewhere else hey you know I just logged into your stream I was wondering if you could fill me in on what I missed also I'm a big fan or just trying stuff out and see if we can find any Easter egg steps thank you know where Patterson appreciate it chests crazy need more mods yes you alright Brennan I do turn of character volume that's why I turned out gunshots I have I have our gunshots I have subtitles on now what that's for you can hear quotes through it now it's a it's a quote thing it's like kind of like a radio GG God drills thanks so much for for becoming a new channel member it's above closer the paintings do the knocking and bring out the notes I just I just got a quote well I just got a quote can't you make Richthofen like this stuff you might give a [ __ ] and it was some type of file I think I picked up it was up here well y'all hear that or is that just like something else consider was it a radio part or was it a I don't know I just got the quote that might have just been a file but I'm not sure Rob progress who knows I see it I think you picked up a let me go make sure I think you picked up a punch card oh this thing in the Wallace shock and you picked up a punch card it wasn't yeah no no this thing along it was not shot before I saw like stuff coming out of it oh yeah oh wait is it like shocking blue I know no it has no it wasn't like that no fear thank you so much for becoming a new channel never did appreciate it huh y-yeah Kurt Russell what's up these how's the gun did did I never ever tell you have a name like a movie star Kurt Russell sounds like a movie star maybe it maybe it is the famous person you have the same name that's what it sounds like to me no Patterson thank you so much for becoming a new channel member no going for around 100 and blood currently 95 taken ready to watch you as my hands are sweating holy crap you got that hi I'm below that's impressive dude very impressive just wanted to say hi I think you can Kurt Russell it's above closer to the paintings later you'll see also she was the easy easy ready to get info without spending money or fighting chat spam well unfortunately that's the that's the unfortunate part about having a bunch of people if you I mean if you want to tweet if you can tweet me pictures and stuff a big like if you go into a theater mode and then like look like show me where it is in theater mode and then just tweet me a picture I'll look at that as well see oh my gosh the member hi punch whoa be TF Thank You social come in a brand new channel number and Ben says don't worry lad okay Ben and I I think we have I think we have some voice and morning why is every SLI SLI SLI SLI SLI our same guy thank you for that supreme supreme thank you oh my gosh presto why do you think you deed see who did thank you so much today I appreciate the day now I appreciate the 25 BOM saw they saw I also think I definitely there there's something with these these missing at wall clocks there's a lot of them yeah I mean we already we already like reorient and paintings and there's another crooked painting out here right there yeah it's beyond the map though right yes you have a collar no collar I'm just trying to shoots up with my wedges how I want to know how I like how to get the Nova crawlers over here because maybe maybe the first step is something to do with the Nova crawlers and that's why the the door Easter Egg is not in custom mutations because you need the Nova crawlers oh I just don't know how to turn them to read did he shoot the leaking pipe with the winter towel [Music] I don't think so I feel like yeah that might be some type of step good guna corn thank you so much for coming to channel member as well appreciate you I'm looking I'm looking we already did the door knocking Easter egg this game what's my Twitter loading so slow Hiller I have to use my second computer yeah also there's a missing man I'm just gonna play this now this one works no nobody has sent a screenshot hmm dude if we can falling orb in the window yeah that's are you guys are talking about this right we can figure out how to get red Nova crawlers the ones back there yeah I know that doesn't have anything to do with anything wants don't worry about it you're talking about this right that has nothing to do with anything that's just it well it's just a quote without ammo only weapon will be body on them bro it's actually impossible this right now yep I really hope they fix it even though I became a channel member a few days ago I still believe in hashtag to its face face face face face [Music] have you tried shooting the Woods's howl at the Blue Train itself nothing goes here oh I just got monkeys how can we get if we can get rid brawler's who can shout so much stuff with them there's also some of these crawlers when they teleport in and have this really weird blue animation yeah hmm [Applause] where did you hear that ringing Madden so there's there's three phones and if you have kilowatt you can you can activate the phones too I have to listen to the quotes okay first one is over here I shoot this one you will regret okay come over here I know this thing Clark I turn on all the pack a punch things and don't go to a groom Lake but take this portal over here hey mama gonna throw up you know I guess what what right here two point nine Nikolai I just let them drink the fruit crunch of kool-aid my did hey I came who am I to say who who shouldn't be able to drink the fruit punch boy thank you yeah it's esters we're gonna as soon as this changes Michael everything sir should come to channel numbers do see Missy even though I keep it a good work is completed about Easter eggs suicide of him see my boy will let to rob ripped off in 2013 to 2018 hate to see it you really do right next to Paris wish okay if you guys haven't already make sure you guys subscribe if you are new we're gonna do lots of classified Easter kind of solo Easter eggs all that stuff look for citations and stuff Morse code where the Lud's something that monitors upstairs it's been solved already oh my gosh oh I didn't heard that one was there I would never shoot that one do you think it's bugged that there's nothing on the left side or is that purposeful what do you mean there's nothing offset when you press the hog like for the Easter Egg no I think it's supposed to be like that yeah supposed to be like classified it's just missed it's a mystery you picked on the wrong Murray hitmarkers on x-ray there's an x-ray Danny like the x-ray pictures bouts because I was killing it a zombie there at one time course there's some guy in chat activate the Nova wave with a guy behind the door and take those Nova's to the pipe Noah see this pls oh we already used an ovoid for this game so that just work and I don't know what the pipe you're talking about is please precisely if the specifications are not exact we could create temporal rich with ripple effects that will undo the very fabric of space-time itself and there's some and there's an interesting post on snob for sure what does it all mean you want to say with Arden okay that was lost whoops I feel like there's gotta be something with Michael Scarn love the name thanks for coming member dude with the wet she'll yeah yeah I can see that can easily see that do you need Wow Chadd any ideas I'm just gonna I'm gonna use the traps and see if something happens now tell Noah to make them drink the fruit punch kool-aid yeah I'm activating both traps I got an order dinner before everything closes idk lads the clocks what about the clocks what do you own me to do with them it's the issue it's like there's so much stuff to like mess around with and do apparently giant waffle knows how to get the red zombies everything I've seen so far is basically there's no like real method used to activate the thing at the beginning and then just walk over there but does anybody in the chat know how giant waffle did it anybody he just did it 4head easy dude just spawned impregnate the pig thank you he just stood next to a president we know we know we know we know of a boy I know a boy in our in our thank you there's still two part of the secret I'm going to get the part yeah we've already all right that's that's the last-known step to the portrait correcting step into I but thank you we got it already don't worry I know what two things have you seen the machine with code numbers second is their way to deem you for helping helping you with the yes right now you just got used tweet me if you're talking about this this machine can't accept any new numbers after you do those numbers electricity and elevating tweeted you you don't have to do anything after callers just rise up spike on each one yeah maybe I'd like to try to a lot of stuff with the red Nova crawlers but I just wish we had I just wish we had a confirm first step for this it makes it so much easier after we have a first step yeah rat no fur collar seems to be a PC visual but if you shoot the floor under president painting red particles come up which president baton that's true I think all the gameplay I've seen of them has been PC I'd be really disappointing if that was a visual glitch yeah [Music] not waste our time what the devil is happening to you sorry it's that damn diary hearing things like police in my head pull yourself together this is a major breakthrough be proud of your way don't worry I still hear you they are oh that's creepy dude don't worry it will be done they're fools oh it's creepy dude hey having no direction did you know where the punch card machine is my that was dated the purple glass punch card machine is [Music] does not confirm I mean take em in not in terms of like an easter egg or anything like that to confirm that we have this but on the on the menu it literally tells you how many completions of the me it's just like Oh attention all zombies game needs to catch you escape the code is your credit card number thank you thank you mega appreciate that also don't nobody put your freaking credit card number in the chat or all our you deserve to have so soul the server room there's tapes I don't have to do anything yeah the tapes are four main Easter Egg stuff is jamming Jan Victor sucks a zombies [Music] okay I'm coming brother I have aftertaste so if you can just get me it'll be good I don't know I feel like my body is part of the egg and I feel like really close I'm very convinced there is one but I just like literally there's literally no direction on it there's so many there's so many Easter eggs and stuff on this map but they're all like sigh - Easter Egg so far yeah we have a lot of never crawlers the pyramids try to try to lead them through here - there should be switch on the wall I'm going down where are you Oh baby 3 HP literally 3 HP Floria I'm groom Lake oh ok and now I'm locked in this room it seemed police does not have cleaning staff a zombie thanks for your help guys oh the admin power as oppose you have given us with your credit card look around a little bit first okay bye zombies I can't hit him I mean but I actually have an but um no you see that big projector I love you on the table they're not first ever time donating do you think that the updated Reverend load and storm this handsome at the death of Primus Richtofen all along and now he will be replaced by ultimate defense attorney oh okay what is that nobody clipped that boys that is terrifying purple flask is in the window beside the punch card machine please spam okay oh my gosh just watch just one let's see Samantha uh should I go check this for the first thing yeah [Music] I'm just trying to look you through things on paper sir and I'll see very quietly third person teleport oh you crazy to the right of the window or like inside oh there's something for it so when Windex bottle boys is not a flask literally cleaning supplies rid of powell boys rip the how well i don't know it's just really are you just like as soon as somebody finds up first if there is a first step as soon as they find a first step it'll be really easy some sort of direction right now it's just like literally running around the entire hassle anything could be a step I don't know I'm down the end up there I've been playing a lot of zombies today turning out rank up lads in the chat what are you saying I'm tired man dude I don't know about like I survived them so little sleep for the first like 2 weeks of vo4 and now I'm just sleeping like so many hours a day and I'm still so tired when I wake up I got slept for like I think like 11 hours last night and I still woke up exhausted yeah where did that crawler disappear hollow plastic shopping cart be quick so the chances it's great food punch plate for punch plate for punch great things what are you guys saying to me that's great that's great mother what are you saying to me what if there is no did you notice that the hustle this chain helped spur on it did it no ours knows looking for the Avakian sir without gate on shadows and then it just wasn't there now please don't please don't do that to me there's what we say intruders and a patek group there should be a switch on the wall near the TV's that oh I hate the wrong oh good okay one third wow that was actually a really good neighbor fit here I hit the wrong button so somebody just said in the panic room there should be a switch on the wall near the TV's then activate DEFCON 5 then the teleporter should show a question mark I got you Oh door closed wait what right the store open up again wait what why did it open up wait wait look for that switch I'll activate DEFCON 5 wait what what switch where there's a switch in that panic room on the left side okay and apparently when you do that and left on five there's a question mark show on the top right I'm my DEFCON 4 did you find a switch in the TVs or something kinda there's a okay Ida's activate DEFCON 5 mmm haven't found that does anything yeah my job seen into debate what are you guys talking about King thank you for the donations what are you talking about bathtub and see jr. I was still up right thank you so much for that appreciate Benzes yeah I think that was just a rendering in bed even an angle I struggle hi says the now gamers you'll need to take the rest of the cute accrue with two bits of info Dempsey needs your credit card expired in check it needs to go through security force my gosh stop [Music] thank you for that again Omega what are you thinking boys abstract abstract abstract green with the 27 no uh first time Dunning do you think that the updated rev loading screen is hinting at the death of premise all along a place like Ultimates Rick Rick toughen to come Monty maybe it's present is it possible yeah I don't know we're gonna have to see I feel like that wouldn't just give us the answer that early though maybe it was like a hint but not exactly the real answer nice to pig maybe Patrick Costa but watching this is via one stare with you during the Easter egg hunts all six to eight hours great greatly a great conscience to see your biggest fan would love to play with you sometime mom man mom man thank you for thank you for state is sticking through those long strands they were they were very long no that let it last year could be something I know everyone says try to find this try to find that but no real direction maybe you could fly the Dyer on the map somewhere pick it up that actually might have some direction in finding the diary that might actually be something what did you just do five your monkey ball ok I was like oh my gosh we did it Easter Egg did you know I want to try I want to see what happens if you throw a monkey bomb in that panic Oh hanger for monkey oh that might be it let's do it what this happen lads I don't even have this on level three yet I've barely been using it I don't know man I don't know winners Hellas garv already monkey bomb area 51 Seoul border Noah this is your long-lost daughter are missing so much daddy how did you put me out of chute knobs appreciate real nice dude real nice i king doll I think searchers coming remember dark matter all right I'm gonna wrap up my shroom okay all right Chet well it was good run we we didn't we done good we've done well but unfortunately I don't think I can anymore I've been playing all day ranking up I didn't release a video earlier if you guys would like to check out the rage compilation the full rage compilation I uploaded the fold rage compilation earlier it is really really good it's probably the best compilation it's coming out so far if you guys would like to go watch it it is on my channel I think I'm gonna go ahead and wrap it up there though Rufus I just kind of thought about this Easter Egg what if you need a Richthofen and game in to spawn something and for you to collect that sure it matters not in - Australia based on blood of the Dead we know that if there is a certain character needed the game will spawn and BOTS to allow us to do it basically which is nice Matthew says no when blood of the Dead doesn't the warden say his dark machine's not meant to kill rock to him but just use his blood and give him a thousand years of imprisonment and he doesn't he doesn't really say anything about the the the dark machine I think the dark machine is is something kind of separate honestly but you may be right he doesn't really mention the dark machine though anyway uh thank you guys for tuning in that yes coming out for the Easter egg hunt uh wait let me see it let me see how far we are on the so we unlocked some of the face paints we're working on unlocking the next one right now but yeah that is what we did 42 rounds out of 1/100 for that level I'm currently level 48 second prestige and yeah did that all I'm saying man I really I really want to get the the camo for everything but dude it's I think it's just gonna take way too much time I don't I don't think I don't think I have the time to do it it's like thousands and thousands of kills for one for one camo it's crazy I really hope they attach it to make it easier anyway that's about it for me guys thanks for tuning in thanks for coming out appreciate you guys well we'll be back hunting somewhere on classified very soon but thank you guys for tuning in I will see you guys the next one and peace out
Channel: NoahJ456
Views: 1,405,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zombies, call of duty, cod, new, call of duty black ops 4, black ops 4 gameplay, black ops 4 trailer, call of duty treyarch, cod bo4, black ops 4 zombies, black ops 4 easter egg, black ops 4 zombies gameplay, black ops 4 zombies gameplay ix, black ops 4 zombies voyage of despair, black ops 4 zombies blood of the dead, bo4 zombies, bo4 zombies gameplay, black ops 4 easter egg tutorial, black ops 4 zombies easter egg, blood of the dead early gameplay, botd
Id: ChUczecRWIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 52sec (12232 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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