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okay I swear my mom if I load up to this game and my mouse and keyboard do not work you're plugging in the stakes don't be so upset if I have to play on console again we have mr. slicey okay so I know that there what fine wife cupboard why John well I didn't mean to do I don't know what I did that's different game modes no oh my terrifying reset you have to do it now we all did you're turned on by completing challenges Oh No is everyone done no what did you do yours though that's a question the other years now punch Bobby dude that was not me that time so it's me Nick the 112 okay wow that was that was an epic moment different day boy oh boy do I feel that psycho with that being said this is spongebob this is another one of those maps of the Tri phobia thing the fear of holes [Laughter] [Music] spongebob I don't like that dude I'm telling you Bob on the bottom right of ya it's mr. slicey is that what was that his name in the lore yeah yeah let's go press square on that um that wall wait I wanted that did you get a ride filming all right seal from a truck every time I'm like trying to observe things and you guys just take things without even thinking oh I'm just gonna go over to it it means Lex my god even the Skelly's have holes no it's not a real phobia it's literally not no yeah you're gonna sit here and tell me that's a fear of holes is your phobia oh you don't even know you're right I doubt that are you you ever see the movie holes with Shia you must take Madame Zeroni in the mountains my girl Madam's right good maybe maybe that's why you have a fear of holes because Madame Zeroni we're missing a singing Gary here I also what are we like I know this is supposed to be like the revelation spongebob map where it's just like that's the Pharaoh I don't like that do we have to reach the top of the tower before we can leave is that what's going on yeah no I'm gonna die that's okay you don't die oh thanks bro the ogre looks oh my gosh downing with the shield by the way Lex can you block the zombies ily no why are you did no one buy an actual gun Nikola mr. slicey you know Lex has a riot shield oh I know that guy every one last trial there is a there is a vector Vesper on the other side of the wall here let's go get it moving we comment on what happened all this whole box oh no we had more Geary's earlier what do you do secret without even saying anything what you do chicken on a jellyfish I mean that's true a chicken on a jellyfish hello I'm dead no come on [Laughter] dude I'm holding it even if there's a Gary up here come come come come come come come come come come come go up fish dude there's weird music playing where if like I'm in space there's music playing for you it's the revelations music I'm not getting any music I had it earlier visual bush have it right now why would you grab the time hmm because we're gonna get over in here dude no we're not it gets loaded guy had a car all the time in the world now let me get the car move the police inhibits your movement you cannot pass trespass move spongebob what is going is this just cheese cube like what is it I don't know wait there's a tower and apparently we have to get up the tower oh no no this is different this is different this was experience to the chickens only one man out of like six there are like six different spongebob maps in this one this is just the spawn one I guess I don't know you the Krusty Krab hotel map Asti krab pizza is that Lisa yeah yeah we love that for you spongebob mr. slicey ain't it honestly this boy Connor yes it's gone on this whole box I don't know what to tell you it's not working using the Miele 500 monies melee kill melee kills okay everybody has to get them now we have to use the sword I traded my sword there's Galvin uncle's here oh yeah here where I'm gonna I got on my floor I don't know to final form on just follow the SpongeBob's oh is this the challenge for the perk think so papa [Music] look keep looking for chickens as well we need it when you shoot all the chickens I need me melee kills what per kisses oh it's just a cold table yes [Music] who still needs melee kills we would be me dude is an individual no I swear to God I swear to God Wow bait friend dude dude are you paying listen listen we're just we're making sure that everyone has the chance to get the pack punch weapons this time you know alright we're almost out of here boys whoa oh retriever this is okay I have music now and it's very strange yes because you know like yeah it's like sorry baby [Music] how many levels are around level 9 right now dude omid look out we got like three more to go three or four more to go Oh fine chicken short Tim short enemy favorite level is IX yo today we're gonna be playing the new zombies map eleven way to do this Gary here yesterday on stage we have a dog round is that's what is that what's going on here nobody's over here your house retriever do this I gotcha spawn right here we go we go we go if 1927 is right here spongebob giving the meanest lips we got that whip game yes smart great there oh my gosh we have so many drops ah 48 dredge bill oh I know that we got to be almost in the next area I think we actually are all right one more Gary here yeah this whole sleep look at the vibe of this man right here you got the drive did his mouth to his like barely open made it sleep got a look at the mystery let's fight tutorial on that one sure sure sure dude you should make us sleepy K's on the wall over here if you want to get gun yeah is that a melee gun yeah yeah I'm buying the next sponge good very good I'll follow this on I'm gonna do mr. sleep over here too okay but what's over here yeah trickle into the arena Oh trickle in yours on the wall did the ali-a Alastair okay I'm merely ensuring all boys we actually up at the krusty krab up here hold on make sure we uh make sure we finish up the Gary's first goal to do over Gary's cuz caution quarantine area so boys are you serious we can't escape the Krusty Krab I'm gonna have to get a mask or something you can't go on it gotta get my social distancing but imagine man just up dude there should be like a social distancing zombies like mod where you can like it'll like push you away if you're like closer than six feet to someone if you get within six feet of a zombie you just die do we miss any Gary's me okay finish that Gary JC are you kidding me good baby bro y-squared have a knife in his head oh dude the order here what they got this yet is there a place to like leave uh yeah they're still here here that's not easy stuff dude she's back relax if anybody had I'm gonna fly out mrs. puff mrs. puff 450 500 euro hey I got what we all have to get two power-ups remember we gotta we gotta be smart about it who's your fool all right who's gonna buy um mrs. puff later I wish man with your tennis what what just happened okay pushed around dude dude please please here crawl crawl crawl oh yeah mr. Brisbane Brisbane Brisbane did did he friend where'd you guys go wait where'd you guys get bugs they're on the wall for 500 points yeah you go buy dg2 they're 500 bucks up there we're dying this is only the beginning [Music] okay go off okay let's fold this last dairy and then I think we can leave so everyone make sure you to get junk if you want young guys look how far down I am from you you are very fun we each have to get to power of drops wait what is this oh yo ant a lot of tokens in yes did you just get it they plant around royale yeah I just got round Royale I gave him a super fun for a week honestly I forgot what that game was just in my brain do we have to come back to this place there's no way we have to come back right I'm just checking to make sure we did all the Gary's are you going up or down yeah likes I think I'm gonna leave you dog I'm sorry surviving that's just the play I'm probably gonna die I don't know her jug this lot I'm like completing a different area now you know oh my god spawning effects of the zombies are so cool oh I'm getting spooky music now okay bro I'm up for two you actually went all the way down okay make sure you let some of us pick up the drops if you complete your power-ups challenge oh yeah sure true true hello oh my gosh what realm is this there's like eight thousand million chickens off my shop most of them there's still a lot more right now okay we did all the Gary's I can't confirm I'm coming back up I'm not the very what am I getting yeah I'm gonna be honest we're not even in the same realm miss you anymore we need to start this challenge yeah we need to do our power a head shots do we can do head shots as well wait how do I get to Lex I want it no you literally can't yeah okay literally on the first floor is where we spawn do you're an idiot there are so many chickens the majority the more invisible more this is amazing honestly just to see what was there we knew what was there less we watched from that location inviting lights over to your house for like a party or something and he's there for like 10 minutes and then he walked back outside to the front door and you're like Lex what do you do any fight I just wanted to see what this is all about the experience chop you miss something back there is everyone done with their head shot I'm trying to go back to find the dog no I'm like four seven by that I'm going to fight the trypophobia yeah again not a thing it isn't it is terrifying again don't pick up any more drops I still have a job oh nevermind pick up more drops Lex are you still dead are you alive no I am dead I'm spectating mr. James back firing through Lexington now I'm dead there are so many chickens chicken a very start you're at the very start sir alright guys I don't think this is happening wait where's where your chops what I'm coming back up the gauntlet here dude it's a good time like an hour very cool I can't even see oh there oh this perfect for life like you have to go I can't see the headshot so sure let me see yeah yeah it doesn't show up on my screen it's just super bright on the sights dude it's like yeah the sights on all right I'm getting lens flare on for nine well I got I got the bow challenges done yeah I have both done has someone else looking on floor for whole things for life but by your challenges since what what are they yeah headshots with a sword yeah they're coming open this door okay yeah go for it oh this opened up over here there's no chicken watch I can jump up here now another chicken there's no chicken I can miss this puff is here by a rocket shield right you my shield here for $1,000 what's your name is her name sandy no that's a pearl wife why can I hear your mp7 from across the map I don't know you but more chickens we're never completing this map I have nothing what are you at the very top I'm close monkey bombs no let's go check one check one check one now maybe the zombies will leave them alone I did it clear this debris Roxy wait well I still have my DG's shops I've included a brief of these ad trucks no way we're like on the other side in the water it's a teleporter that's where you go to the next area okay what do we what's over here then that's the shield that's the she'll buy it oh yeah it's like halfway down though I would just come to this area you're gonna keep dying if you're over there how am I actually no yeah you put yeah please get a new gun it's so loud I should have taken it just that you could get a new gun Oh Lex you're not smiling till next big bottom I don't know how to I know anything I can make it back so Noah the next thing from the next area is 6 K okay I have enough Jake will be completing the map chop we're just at purgatory Noah this is great bro and now I see I see the light in a while I know you see how it's like fun staying alive Thank You DeeDee another powerup no but take it from the point to dad Oh Maya imagine having the OBS skeleton like he's bodybuilding it's Kelly boy see that the main problem is y'all that keeps funny and like literally the worst possible spot all the way back at the beginning so yeah so y'all are like we have to go in like a rescue mission to save you all there's a spongebob at the beginning though so there's a way to get back to the spawn probably Oh JC and I open up the way all the way around the last one will go there which means that y'all can leave that way we probably did I'm worried about survival how you doing over there shop mmm on level six okay I'm gonna try to open my way around oh this is chicken right here Oh got a VMP and a jury going to the next area oh my what kind of Bikini Bottom business is this all dude there's the freaking Z no matter stuff let's see the boxes here pick it up and get jug this is really just like that I'm and I J see oh my life thank you no you're good yeah this is this is literally that other map but I'm a harder ha ha ha JC in the same yeah the door is open my way around thank goodness ok there's so many chickens or even in a custom we're even are you guys dude let's get this man's in the rusty splatoon or something dude I don't know where this dude is oh my gosh the spider in here this is terrifying this case it's like this there's one up here as well JC I'm gonna aim a that spider gave me a mo let's go yeah kill him wait we're gonna need we're gonna need points to open our way back to them this is what world 3 so what we have 2 more worlds to get through and we should be able to get back oh you're on a world war 500 grenade kills oh wow okay so we're being hunted down MLA is crazy all that was la I thought that was in game they round them up and give them a little big blast [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah get your grenade kill yeah you're gonna kill oh yeah yeah I don't have any more I'm done with mine I'm just trying to get a kill is that okay I got it got him well I had to whip out my dg4 done yet are y'all out there's double points I'll get a new get a new form I missed it yeah I had to get the pack-a-punch thing before it went away we got the new oh this is the next area there's a bar sale I do not know if you can't please yeah you four get grenades I'm not killing on this around pal true I'm gonna go to the next area I need six points again six six six only Twitter what are all the green things like what doesn't matter do they're more so about face you know okay I'm gonna the area JC let's go oh this is beautiful oh you're DG force No okay mr. slicey and that is quite literally all mr. slicey got no chicken doors open magically is this the package right here wait we got you all the boats here about I bet we have to do all of them throughout the entire map actually might make it I have jugging quick revive and the hell's retriever now oh my gosh come on I got one over here it's more monkeys no you want you want monkeys or hell yeah we do the entire rap I bet we have to do the entire map okay Dee dog well chop and I are gonna make it to this next portion here I think we are if we can get an insta-kill and finish off the uh maybe we finished Gary oh yeah wait there's Gary here so maybe maybe it's the Gary these challenges are so hard when people are screwed over yeah because we just haven't been able to get any perks or anything here I made it okay I think so wait we can go back I think how do I get ten points um great questions wait Oh is there chicken bye mama my gosh chopper blade chicken bye mama mama laughs have to be spot the beginning oh yeah so Gary here in the wrist grab there is no chicken by mama Krabs what are you talking about challenge grenade kills fail yo y'all applause ah me uh yeah they're probably here growing power I think I'm here with y'all where are y'all right now what world where's on the spiral okay can y'all hit the challenge and then come in and kill the zombies and come through the portal there yeah okay I kill the zombies in the round and come through the portal there's a Garrity all left we're gonna fill it yeah okay else it safe there yeah maybe we do all the Geary right we just need a one kill then it was done [Laughter] finish the kill the last ami and let's let's track him boys okay you made it okay over here is the shield for a thousand points right here right here she'll wash Wow she owns the 1k of course it's mrs. puff of course do you know these are Gary's Ole Miss to this yeah we we were just trying to get to you guys we didn't sit here power then the power is up each of the perks individually is the power switches like you the challenges are the power switches for the purse okay Vanya your oh shoot JC can you hit the speed cola thing no where where it's it's in the room I just saw it earlier hold on the room or we teleported trying to finish some stuff we need them during the insta kill for our grenade kills okay someone you're here somewhere [ __ ] I'm going for it in there yeah okay everyone get get grenade kills get grenade kills right now we find them I'm not have grenades Oh careful if we get everyone else to it okay mine is done someone have a gun I'm done I need this I need these two thing alright wait what oh I'm ready right as I did it Oh yo yo yo tomahawk counts uh skills as grenade kills oh yeah okay we got a nice week oh [ __ ] we need double tap though yeah we do I can't buy it alright that's not the perk the perk is somewhere oh wait where's the further room maybe it'd be somewhere brother oh that was the electric cherry that we involved for the power-ups power-ups is for electric yeah we just unlock speed cola what's double tap don't know what challenge well that's probably the headshot one where is the headshot one that was back there we go they're gonna okay Emeril get headshots and make sure if you have if you already have two your power ups done let someone else to get pick up the power no I'm gonna teleport back to the I'm filling up gear I'm in the wrong to get a fire sale thought to get a fire so what is this ring axes with each the DIY 11 R emanated oh that's that nothing is fun to use dude I'm getting an insta as well hit this box box ice no need to power up a low wall I've come to help you fill up some stuff shop alright what does everyone still need on challenges come turn around try mr. chicken no here that I'm trying to fill up you just forget all right I didn't know I could not find that speed cola JC Wow big shocker bro every time I can't find speed looks I think you got that power of more something over here over here chop will fill this one or maybe Noah's here where are you guys I think it was deal s no where is it the speed yeah yeah no no ma'am I actually don't know you just found it now I didn't okay ice everyone done with their headshots mom I got way this takes under gun I got it oh my god fire sale dude alright shop all this you get this drop here I just need head shots yeah I'm out of bullets Oh hate that there you go get that okay okay get your head tough get your head shots so that is electric cherry done it boy let's let's have the sleep stream go some people were wondering really educational you almost got banned so oh well what's new right wait what happened it's played a clip that was not supposed to be played wait Lex is your mod stay up with you all night all the mod right now that is doing a 24 hour stream and he's finishing it up right now and he was there the whole time he reacted to me sleeping it's all not just a new level of content right there Wow some actions I'm truly impressed I think it's the word I'm looking for the secret room and I am freed wait how'd you find a secret room speed I'm coming Pecola got you there's so many chickens in here too oh you just open up another oh there was another room over here I'm God's here at this map or something dude I'm Jay see whatever we all like are having fun on the zombies map and you're just miserable hating life this is the experience we're having all these are soul boxes were actually doing we're actually doing pretty well on full boxes right now we don't have any left I don't think anyway pick up a dredge what did the chickens do I don't know 101 here Wow I got a upgraded dredge Wow love the chickens last time we're going to Hunter I first wanted to I think it was for perco yeah no no one by the mp7 is foolish yes sir Oh chicken right there no he's glitched how are we supposed to find the less oh all the way up there to these chickens are actually everywhere there's one more soul box back here chicken in the back right corner couple more in this room there's a couple slow boxes in this room with people there was no chicken I see the disc gun yeah it's it's pretty good it it's not too great like passed around 30 but before that like one shots worst pack-a-punch we have to fill this hole boxes dude what about this big Gary what if it the solar box be be getting you all right everybody come in this room let's bulb all the souls in here wait where is Spiegel it's in a secret room it's in one of these other small rooms I see it yeah there's a giant holy skulls no dude don't see that gallon X right there if anyone wants it we pack up on things not collecting like real bad chop look in the fridge what fridge there's all right there it's a giant massive fridge oh yeah look oh there's so many there's so many chickens up high oh crap yeah just look at my oh yeah there's literally everywhere take what Oh some of this free shield on me and someone needs good chickens this is whole room done and here in this corner right here oh my gosh was this poster close glove world glove world Wow blow almost did you try English is a water language dude pronunciation lol I don't think that one's done now over here my life how many 1bobby fire sales can one man get all these drops Oh y'all should speed cola with Jesse here's the journey to bathtub a trekker ritual so mark 300 not some nail-gun oh my gosh I can hear it in my headphones okay everybody come this way we're going to the pack-a-punch area where is the box where sire where thanks Joe another chicken I see another one lay in here yeah ladder okay guys going up the logical overall business all right this is a little tougher right here let's go I feel like we're mice yeah mice I can relate JC do you miss Noah I do miss Noah what do you mean oh yeah JC I'll show you last night in your honor oh it's the boat oh yeah where'd you guys go Oh through the teleporter in the room we were in it's not it's like behind the back left side of the room monkey bombs here for someone yeah I hear birds chirping oh my lucky didn't get the monkey bombs did you there's not these little boats are what we need to fill up I think these are the last one unless we miss one which is very possible I think these are the last ones music is my vibe right now I don't hear any music I'm like God responds oh my gosh this is gonna be this is gonna be a wild wild area to be in nah dude I think all those souls coming down or just whatever you know yes imagine you just look up and real life and see something like this yeah I don't think I was laughs along okay okay okay okay can someone throw a monkey please thank you here ayman nour camo Chiba oh my gosh it's a new area there's a rocket and there's a bird on top there top come through the teleport ah choppa OH well yo-yos be laughing what is this room hammer more Gary's beautiful music ever right now this is it this is this is like MX debris everything oh it's a new it's another new room start the chat okay for pack-a-punch we have to hit the box everyone has to hit the box boys girl please fill up one of these and I'm sure one of them will have a Firestone right by a voice oh this is for K this is here dizzy at this another new area oh my god it is another chicken I don't know what happens if you fall here you just die oh yeah let me miss this possible this is a debris well let's fill this I wanna finish you have the rest of Gary's in this room okay soon before you won't buy another monkey link to pad okay I look for a mainframe link somewhere this is Miss helicopter oh I see pack-a-punch it's on a ship what is happening is all vagina are like our Squidward and all this or these why scoobert have an mp5k come in strap to them again we need it we didn't finish one more Gary here that might be something whole there's like three oh yeah oh I hear music y'all do something my girl we waited for the last Sambi I always oh these seaweed things are sold boxes JC that's what I thought but okay we really need to do this boxset challenge there's so many soul boxes I know this is an unbelievable amount of silver welcome to zombies soul boxes the map I think it was that way for the for the first one too right there's the time of small boxes yeah yeah single fire sale in this room chop did he go through here no that takes us back to rooms is the mainframe come on zombies the run oh these wait now he's asleep breed series the mainframe Oh fire yourself okay look for boxes there's one in this area I'm gonna try to leave juicy okay gun let's go oh dude nice go relax my box sets here I'll throw a monkey not available one more we're not gonna get mine I'm not gonna get mine either oh wait I can just buy my rear [Music] I left door locks oh I see yes just leave anyone out of here if you come back to the one with all the they work all the green things on the ground the boxes in here if you want to come just hit the box manually like pack lunch no the room that we were is like a third world we were in I don't really even ready get back there I mean top right here Oh mrs. puff got that Deborah's yeah I open mrs. pan over here you need what you need one more hit I ate too hopefully it does it go into a bear Oh together what's the Wyatt Oh press f2 use teleport punch maybe Oh baby baby little mark three actually okay okay is ever as they were done with their challenge there but you got a mark three yeah he got a birth three how do you have a mark three and a thundergun no I no no I was Thunder good shot that's my oh no yeah he has both no no chop has mark three I have thunder good oh how did you get it I have the wave gun are you serious [Laughter] that was my first step in ages hit it sucks cuz it is really hard to get perks back on this map lane so we teleporting right here where's the teleporter are you skipping all these soul boxes for now yeah let's use this teleporter everyone come over here guys I'm just jumping boys on alright see ya in the next one baby wait we all press it oh god no not like this not basic only one person can use it what is going on you know jack upon ear bro pills I have to get eleven kills oh I'm on the ship [Music] we have to use the package three times oh yeah a different timer than me afraid I'm the real gun I lost my gun get a single thing back up on there okay that's fine did everyone get the 11 kills challenge but y'all got that challenge right literally just get 11 kills no is it the one that's like 2 minutes or yeah I'll literally kill we still got more coral to feed where it's a mainframe 4 pack punch I think it's over by the rocket where Lux is right now I'll go check wait who linked it the first time someone like this that oh wait I think I think it over this one this thing the buzz oh yeah I got it I got a slight noise we do yeah we need to pack the war back next turn will get your kills and then let's go again let's go teleport teleporters cooling down someone go individual individual ok get all of your pack a punch this is done then I'll I'll at one night hello chat banner I will throw my key on your forehead a goodbye either need to fill up here alright okay the mainframe home link it again when it's cooled or I'm in a new area those things was a cheater and how is no a cheating chat I literally don't even have to bond menu up right now what do you mean I don't even know if I was I don't even you know about streaming oh yeah that was a cheap you got the Redeemer yeah I'm at a new place where how did you get there there's a portal somewhere on the docks thanks brick Oh many soul walks and go what the heck there's like a bajillion dude we gotta finish the coral here yeah do we have any more corals yeah I see one over here in this room we're making sure there's no more alone yeah I know okay it's ready for link to path I'm going I'll link you know I'm going for like I know perks it's fine but please give me girls but also please save me I'm not a monkey yeah yeah I got [Music] I need to hit one of the portals it was like it's some sort of it's like close [Music] it's literally just some random the red light flash likes are you done with your packet bunches yes wait like how do you get here area so it's on the other side oh I see it okay alright I'll go over there a second JC a link pad with core I'll link you and then you can go by yourself to finish it okay yeah there's a bunch of small boxes yours so don't there's still one here still Gary right here I think that Gary doesn't worry blink blink it blink it and done hoarding is not the soul box work is a scam oh hello dude how big this has to be the biggest Tommy's mouth it's pretty large yeah Weis not Church clubbing right now Oh complete we have all the perks done nice know what yeah now we need to shoot all chickens and then fill up the rest of these whole boxes shoot all chickens we're off to go back and back to Iran I think on the mean yes miss a chicken Jody you're getting $10 deducted from your paycheck what paychecks YouTube will be deducting $10 from your next paycheck yeah I really want Hell Street River but I also want Thank You snack what the hell are you her bro the hell you do kiss kiss stop dude night nightmare stop it police station Bikini Bottom Police Department okay we got the last zombie not telling anyone I got a zombie but I'm trying to go back to get some jug take you a year to hit there you know jug yeah yeah yeah more monkeys here in case you regret your decision to take Belle's Redeemer incest how do we wait how do we wait I think monkeys anymore to grab a retriever if your white jug you probably be a grab for three circles what do we got heck am I yeah these tab if these passes us about yeah the hatch through the soul boxes there's the de dog up there jokes around yes chicken - why why because we didn't have to use what do you mean you didn't know I was Queen [ __ ] cha we didn't know we could play dude dude plankton wait these are this plankton right here in the corner is literally the embodiment of make your order boy literally said wait this is so box here the little hats are so lucky it's like the staircase hello just say hello say hello I get everything in the air we got everything here didn't I there's a shield over one more fan shield my three embassy on top I don't think the bottom is that open so yeah you have to go back up guys I just want to say there are so many more soul boxes are you there's more this map definitely take a bow bow chickens going this - spongebob it just sucks becoming real-life monkeys apparently I sold monkeys was flying to me it's lying to me games alike James a lie to me he's just hard stressing right now we're just chillin filling these up James why the year 2020 let's go baby I'm surprised like these so boxes don't give you free perk drops you know like wow this is that it says you may not leave until you finish collecting my souls we love that yeah this is definitely the biggest zombies map ever created think about if we missed any soul box and any of those levels wait to go back what's that I think we got everything now I'm pretty sure we were diligent oh my god the life they've all brother oh my god what do I go now yes oh you know just go come go be covert Oh where's DoubleTap worth double top it's somewhere in the river area did I am Viper with his music right now use the gun when y'all talking about there Jase the end of the round it's fine there are literally enough soul boxes here did you power that peeny [Music] I do one more soul box and I will literally power the MPD just keep running never say within its in the room that goes from quarrel room am i there like a guy did this map I feel like it'd just be impossible like how are you supposed to describe anything by which model the soba whether there's hats o boxes or coral Sol boxes I just went backwards I just went backwards where do you go what not for you I'm stressing you go to that little side teleporter Oh weak in this case aw it's gonna be 8 million points it's 33 kids we finally did it okay I actually kind of do one a home maybe this possible first okay obviously this map took me on a ride took me on a journey so we still haven't done all the chicken I just realize this is a Patrick Soros Rex over here this it's a long-necked dinosaur but it's Patrick dude get fit 2020 there's some weights bro yeah I get fit 2020 going dude I'm taking a little bit of a break because I'm I'm taking a break just I'm a little disappointed that we're missing chickens stolen would be honest yeah but why just very cool very cool I like I didn't give me a notification before I traded out my pack of ice weapon for a Chico me so far we've come with this beautiful music in the background like how far we've come what you like the teleporter it's right next to the teleporter that you get into there with brothers Morse code going on here dude my lowers yet not wanting to look at the Morse code why is Patrick or spongebob chained to the bed there's so many things I missed on the first time through this map electric handcuffs dude shop which way we go yeah yeah yeah oh hey don't worry don't worry Noah [Applause] chained to the bed right there with electric handcuffs well the chicken is right there looking at it you have a different in screwy [Music] oh that that was huge I can't believe the scale of that thing wow man yeah Tech one of the comments if you hate JC alright say Oh
Channel: NoahJ456
Views: 626,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gorod krovi, black ops 3 zombies, Black Ops 3, Noahj, NoahJ456 zombies, black ops 4, custom zombies, zombies mods, custom map zombies, custom zombies smallest map, black ops 3 zombies smallest map, world's smallest map, zombies boss fight, shadows of evil, christmas zombies, zetsubou no shima, revelations, spongebob zombies
Id: Mx45-mJCkTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 35sec (4175 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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