85 Dixxx feat. 85 South | Brilliant Idiots with Charlamagne Tha God and Andrew Schulz

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it's so stupid positively bruised yep Charlemagne to God and results we are the brilliant idiots and today's show is brought to you by Morgan and Morgan don't be an idiot if you've been injured in a car crash or other incident call Morgan and Morgan okay Morgan and Morgan as we covered billions of dollars for thousands of people and it's free to hire them unless you win visit for two people calm forward-slash idiots for a free no-obligation consultation we got more show oh my bad my bad my bad you know it's also brought to you by Spotify original dissect podcast that's right today's episode is brought to you by the Spotify original dissect dissect of the serialized music analysis podcast where they take a single album per season and examine the lyrics music and meaning behind one song per episode their new season is all about Kendrick Lamar's 2017 album damn unpacking the Pulitzer Prize winning album note by note line by line stream dissect on spot of Spotify stitcher or wherever you get your podcast because great art deserves more than a swipe I can't wait for that little pump season really you know but it'd be really short and listen um way to be my Gucci gang yes we do Sunday October 27th I will be in Milwaukee I will be at the levar [ __ ] - I know why you do because I think that was the first market to syndicate well the first mortgage is right at the breakfast club but I just like no walkie yo dude I don't like Miami will like Milwaukee I serve I bro I like know wasa yard dude ya had to stand there walking for a week when we shot catfish back in the day yeah I'm like I [ __ ] with Milwaukee Hotel was haunted you know I mean this is why you like it whew go see this ghost but I'll be there at the varsity theater 1 p.m. with a crush on dolly Perez having a discussion about about black emotional health and wellness in mental health all right Shonda Lee Perez three different races in her one name yes so she Luther Christiana and then on October 28th I'll be at Winthrop University doing an event called tell your story and it's a conversation on improving mental health awareness with Michelle Williams Marianne Williamson and myself it's free food free conversation is free to everybody from 2 to 4 p.m. at Winthrop University meet Michelle Williams and Marianne Williamson so put up on us got'em MADD or tour Palm Beach this Saturday first show sold out out of the second show then next weekend we're gonna be in a Chico California a few tickets left for that Sacramento sold out then we're coming back Connecticut Norwalk the Wall Street Theater then we got Boston on the 16th Wilbur theater first show sold out second show tickets Levin in New York November 22nd town hall first show sold out few tickets left for the second but get those because they're going quick now let's start to show my man let's start the show where do we start what why don't we start with this dude it's ok I saw you break it down for me because I don't even understand what it is later clip Taylor alright so basically sticks or texts all I know he was on lip service a lot a conversation started but he basically said that if you have sucked two dicks that don't make you gay you got it ok we'll play it play it from there Taylor ok ok what are you like playing it so don't do any lazy editing I plan it right now I know you could look at Taylor producing hey not really you know we wanted to talk about dicks but yeah you know this show you know we love to talk about dicks these clips should have been ready let's go it's not loaded you can do it right ok he did you suck the points right like I'm not sure if I liked it or not let me try it again let me try it again and then he says you know what it's not for me don't like to take my chicken but it doesn't mean he's gay it means he said of course okay so just for the sake of your argument that's okay I know exactly what that is yeah you're [ __ ] ain't talking about if I kill two people I'm a murder murder if I robbed two banks I am a bank robber if I suck two dicks I'm gay that's at least even if you don't want to go all the way gay at the least by sex you definitely by yeah your bite now here's the thing if you sucked one dick curious there's a curiosity okay but you're curious gay a Jase a new show brought to you by Cox like you could by the way by the way it depends on what kind of circle you got right right it's probably some guys that are progressive and it's four I thought you meant circle like this is your butthole no this gotta Technica sit around and they could talk about you know what it was curious and you know they have that conversation cool right you might come to your homeboys and be like yeah man you know that's a dick once I don't mean I'm gay like so this is the shitty this is a shitty thing about the conversation right people are assuming that there's something wrong with being gay who said dad no there isn't they're just things that are straight and they're things that are gay a man sucking another guy's dick is a gay thing it's a gay if a gay dude was [ __ ] [ __ ] we'd be like I think you might like [ __ ] drop some straight straight straight straight I don't get the argument like in the second dick confirms it dog oh the first like you should not like I don't need to try pistachio ice cream - no I don't like it you can have a whole conversation with 1d when you talk about - digs bra you can't wake up with the taste for dick twice I you know I mean like it's so evident like this you got a taste for dick also also like when you try something new and you go let me try this on me no let me try again just to make sure it's cuz you liked it like you take a bite of your girl's food you're like I don't know if I like it let me get another bite yeah yeah but it's a difference between getting two bites and going back for another hole also a dicksuck take so why oh there's a lot to go with dick sucking bro and it's your first and second dick suck so you're not even good it so you need a jaw that thing down nah dude you enjoy what was I was thinking about this cuz you know we love that we get it right yeah yeah yeah I don't want to assume but I'm just assuming at some point in your life y'all have given fellatio is related so y'all know how y'all do it so it's a guy it's a lot that goes into it secretly [ __ ] balls you're making them come like that ain't normal [ __ ] you do in your head you a man you do you do like this you can't just like you know you'd wasn't gay well it's fine and still are no that was not see that's a different debate I think if you alright let's just say you suck to digs at some point in your life right no no no no no not like we're not talking about like you're homeless or something like you needed place to stay or like there's you want something outside of college we're talking 27 good job roof over your head bills paid no school on sucking dick yeah you had a new year new me year that was a new year new me by the way you can't say that word is fine which one no queer no me no query new year new queer new year's name that [ __ ] by the ways you can say that no that's not even a slur no more that's in LGBT actually think we're means that queer Ian it's also more than gay queers like all-encompassing so yeah yeah so you're not just like strictly dickly you're not strictly you you're in a little bit of everything I thought that was something else though Joey definition of queer well see the dictionary says strange or odd okay no here it goes what does the Q stand for an LGBTQ to recognize this inclusion a popular variant added the letter Q for those who identify as queer or questioning is Q stands for questioning or queer it started as queer but doesn't use the questioning start with a Q also yeah yeah so our question that makes perfect sense are questioning their sexual identity so if you have an enemy questioning yeah if you have you've been straight all your life and you say at 27 you decide you wanna sub two dicks that you would have to be questioning one half slowly so new queer new year new queer new year and again it's 27 we're not talking about struggling and then you suck a dick is I think you could be struggling suck a dick and you're definitely you could definitely not be gay you're trying to get out of a tough situation they go my man Julia what happened Joey is the Q is Q is the word the Q word a bad word where yes no okay boom we figured that wow it used to be back in the day but it's not anymore no it's not like we claim that term now you got you and that means somebody who's curious about their sexual identity yeah or it's like an umbrella term for LGBT community okay like I identify as like a queer male also gay so Queen queer goes first yeah it's like I'm a superhero I'm in Marvel yes okay so if what soap so you know what tank said is that that's queer can you suck that question we can use up two dicks is what he said queer cuz quit when I looked at the queer said somebody questioning their sexual identity yeah so I would think that if a guy has given fellatio twice in his life but he doesn't identify as gay that would be weird to me personally I don't think it was gay okay that might sound crazy break it down break it down this is great so I know plenty of gay men that experimental with straight women that don't make them straight to a good boy three-point now here was here is our question where we broke it down we're not talking about like 16 18 maybe in college a little drunk right 27 successful bills paid mortgage taking care of no school debt nothing great job January 1st wanna try something new new queer new year two things to do too right now is it a little Phyllis a reoccurring thing it's two times it's okay we had a sequel takes it I don't think so there's plenty of things to try like I mean hello I don't think sup here's a question how old are you I'm 22 22 are you trying [ __ ] hell no now at maybe 14 or 15 you feel societal pressure to conform to a standard of rating that has been put on you not who you are got to make sure you are what yeah well I don't know I'm assuming but you ought to make sure you are what you believe you all right right all the books you're reading are man woman pressure for you to like see if maybe that is your social constructs tons of social constructs so you try it you're like this is not for me right right but 27 you go back and dabble yeah there's some q mm-hmm yeah that's a really weird way to say I see what you're saying like I understand it completely but I mean like if he tries it like over two times then it's a three suck low if you suck if to is okay but if you suck three we gotta identify you as gay yeah question now here's the thing getting head our different act if you found out that a guy in college got head for some other dude well he's drunk some crazy state Lou who knows right right way different bro that's a good boy you're doing the end the act is a commitment is the head man it's the look at this is that like and got the right person but no okay I don't think so I mean I get it I get where like you guys are coming from but I don't think so like if it was kind of like a era in his life I guess if he did it that's like allegedly saying if he's experiments if you tried it you know a few times or whatever and got over it and he's done with it no I think he's gay but if it's a reoccurring thing like if you tried it at 21 then went back to dick at 28 you might be located because the stone is mine yes exactly the taste stays you know like what it stays for a while I mean a little bit depends on what you do whoa okay now here's another thing that I was told by gay and straight friends of mine gay guy broke it down first yeah he was like the straight men that are into trans women are straight they're not into gay men yeah now those guys who are straight are blowing if the penis is still there right the trans woman yeah so this is where things get interesting right now am i right about that so far right okay cuz I have seen the confusion yeah so right so like from a guy who is not aware that they're like we do it but if you're blowing a dude then or if you're blowing up having sex or the penis you know what I'm very right if you're giving head that might be that you're into two dudes right they're specifically not hooking up with gay dudes and they're hooking up with trans right the kind of comic buddies they're really into him right Jim Norton yeah loves it right they don't view that as gay adil thoughts I don't think it's gay there because those trans women identify as women what they have in between their legs don't matter gosh what yeah well isn't what's in between somebody's legs what determines whether somebody's gay or not isn't it like the same sect they call it same-sex relationships for a reason right right it's like such a weird gray area honestly so if so if a guy identifies as a girl yeah he's he's like Oh hath me oh yeah yeah so he still has the penis and he's but [ __ ] you that straight yeah alright 2019 tanks and it was homophobic like I'm like it's not homophobic for us to try to figure out yeah how many dicks is it take yeah it's a double standard I don't think it's homophobic you know yeah I'm glad he stood up against it right he didn't care what you know people said about it you know you got the gays on his side so this is the new how many licks does it take to get to the cinema in the cartoon commercial it's like one two the term gay is so bad now yeah this is more about the label than the act if we had my negative connotation with the label that's it exactly about it or or you bet yeah to get yeah that's kinda suck the exercycle cares but the fact that he's defending the act is cuz he doesn't want to be associated with the label yeah but can't we blame him though cuz people already started coming in from Frazee prejudice exactly can't blame me right but it's I don't think they came for him because of what what the act is I think they came for him because of the confusion is saying if you suck two penises right you're not gay you gotta think people's whole lives they've been taught oh wait a minute a man being with another man is been yes my whole life I've only sucked one penis hoping I wouldn't be gay you're really you're really taking what people have learned are they whole life at ripping it up and saying not any of the case it's more like confused not like confusion about anything yeah when it comes to anything we do not like it we need for whatever reason we need [ __ ] in in order we need symmetry and every how do you the matter is like life is pretty [ __ ] confusing mm-hmm people care too much that's a thing like what you mean well there's a bigger social cost for guys right when a guy has like a gay stigma right because like if you eat some [ __ ] in college I'm not gonna yeah right like sorry I'm think it's awesome you're like so if women weren't so homophobic we would probably be way more nobody no man can tell you how they used to suck dick insecure this guy guy Molly was dating had went down on a dude in college or something like that and she didn't want a date anymore because of that it's true enjoy thank you for talking appreciate you if there is something interfering what your happiness are preventing you from achieving your goals better help online counseling can help better help offers licensed professional counselors will specialize in issues such as depression anxiety relationships trauma anger family conflicts LGBT matters grief self-esteem and more connect with your professional counselor in a safe and private online environment and get help at your own time and at your own pace anything you share is confidential and it's so convenient ok you can schedule a secure video our phone sessions as well as chat and text with your therapist if for some reason you are not happy with your counselor you can request a new one at 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conversation with gucci mane is because i am at a place in my life where it's all about mindfulness and it's all about mental health and I've always been intrigued by stories of growth that's why I've always gravitated towards the Nation of Islam right that's why I've always gravitated towards the Autobiography of Malcolm X you know just there's any story about transformation and evolution and I mean in hip-hop it's not so many stories you can look at you know and really see evolution in a real way like when it comes to Gucci Mane you know I'm saying if you remember Gucci Mane way back in the day when he was you know on the lean heavy and he was you know Weiland beat fighting in the mall and right fighting women and you know like just why he was or why he was a wild out-of-control dude and they see him grow and evolve into somebody that people look at his goals yeah in a lot of way a lot of ways especially body goals you know what I'm saying cuz you saw what he used to look like physically you see what he looks like physically now I just wanted to have that conversation with less I've seen him say little things like you know Malcolm Gladwell is his favorite author and he did a conversation with Malcolm Gladwell before and I think a lot of that stuff goes under the radar a lot of the time so so I was like you know if I sit down with Gucci he's put out 101 projects I don't want to talk to Gucci all I want to talk to him about is his growth and his evolution yeah and I think if I think for for a 59 minute interview if the four was about mindfulness yes very much yeah it was about a mile from there's a little dirt regression at the end the last five but like he said throughout the interview he's a he's a work in progress dude before we get to the last five I was I never underestimate successful people mm-hmm right I don't care how silly people present themselves as you know like the Seth Rogen's of the world are these people were like donor bro agency not resolve something there I'm like bro yeah yeah Sandler is like always in like you know rip clothes khakis but you're hundreds of millions dollars I'm like and the same thing with Gucci I'm like hmm you've signed all these artists that have ended up being successful you saw them in early deals you you've been instrumental in like the you know creation that bare minimum creation of a genre of music right but also was like made million millions of dollars doing it so I'm like now this guy's gotta be really smart I just haven't really seen in-depth interviews maybe with him being like sober right but he was talking about like coping with life stuff in a really intelligent way right like there was a moment where you go where he was like you know yeah I just block it out I just become numb to him so my deaf he talked about his father dying his mom died and his homeboy shorty low and I asked him did he give himself a chance to grieve cuz all this was yes fairly recent yeah and he said and we can play the clip as well but he was like cuz my content but he was like you know um he doesn't grieve was healthy but it's practical dude that line right there I don't know if it's healthy but it's practical yes certain people don't have the time for health certain people don't have the luxury of health hmm in a lot of ways we live in the first world so we have it but like mental health is a luxury I'm gonna sit here and I'm gonna think about my thoughts and think about how this [ __ ] out there like how do I get away from this tornado absolutely away from his hurricane absolutely and like I just thought it was such a poignant observation about like what he had probably done in his life to get through these things I liked it because I think that's what we're all trying to do which is all trying to find practical ways to make it you know I'm saying whether it's practical ways just to make it through life you know financially or practical ways to make it through life mentally yeah that's what therapy is right yeah their view is a practical resource that you can go do to try to be better yep mentally you know I'm saying um cutting out carbs is a practical way of being better physically I think that's what we're all trying to do have to have self-awareness to even know that you won't improve right yeah and that's what I got from pieces of this interview I was like huh this guy recognized certain behaviors like at one point he says and he goes uh I realize I had to level up or I don't forget the exact words like I had to learn more things I had to get more Skills yes yes it's a poignant observation about your own life yes very rarely do people go I need to be better at this man my food my dues Shaka Senghor sink or sink or sink or I'm gone for another shot his last name Ralph forgive me my brother but he's a brilliant author he went to jail for murdering somebody back in the day but he's like rehabilitated his life is reformed is I think we need to have shock on the pot guys he'd be a great guy but we did a panel together at 83 C and Chaka was talking about when he was locked up okay and um he said his his warden warden our CEO was a bumbling idiot and Chaka said I will never let somebody who's intellectually inferior to me be able to tell me what the [ __ ] do and he said at that moment is when he decided to add more skill so he just started reading and just educating himself cuz he wanted to add more skills to his repertoire huh and that's what you have to do in life some people just get comfortable and feel like no I'm gonna make it with what I have Yeah right here instead of always trying to better themselves yeah businessmen add weaponry absolutely and you know weaponry doesn't have to be tools of violence right it can be just tools of success you know like I guess Gucci realized in the world that he was operating this this this music world he's like I need to be more refined I mean find an RIT in the world world in the world woman's Brody had it as a why as a husband yes he'll remain as a family but also like physical health like all these types of things were part of this greater thing it wasn't like I think that the narrative that we were kind of fed was he went to jail and you work out a lot in jail so then he got abs and then people liked his pictures on Instagram so he's gonna keep tabs right but it starts here and you got I saw that I'm like you know this is up here nomads out out out physically fit he got no it's is we do you remember do you remember gucci mane yeah if you remember gucci mane and you know it started right here so i mean that was that was the thing that i was um Wolfe's intrigued by I thought it's great I think you guys should all go watch it see the God YouTube YouTube see the God thank you it's got almost like too many people you know asking why would I do that interview and let him talk about well let's talk about the last five minutes right that's what you're bringing in yes right yes now you're referencing it last five minutes he had some choice words for Ang Lee and DJ and absolutely and you got some pushback from people they're like why would you keep that part of the interview intact yes and you're thinking because I'm not into censoring artists especially when it comes to responses to people in the media like if you're a magazine outlet if you're a radio personality if you're any type of cultural critic and you say something about artists that artist has every right to respond he has every right to reply and you cannot control the narrative of said artists like look I could have I could have edited plenty of things out of Breakfast Club interviews those aren't life I could I could edited Beanie Sigel I'm gonna edit your fragile star I coulda edited Birdman but why would I do such a thing like if I'm on the radio give it out donkey today's and giving my cultural critique of people who am I to tell that person how to respond or how to reply they're probably interviews that you were not at at The Breakfast Club where maybe artists had choice words before and I imagine those choice words were kept in the interview oh and you did not personalize that that's what those people not at all like saying I don't think that any interviewer should be responsible for what an interviewee says do you think you're being held responsible or Gucci's opinions as me if it was if that was any other interviewer in that interview it wouldn't be an issue if you work together to protect them or sometimes yeah I don't know wait I don't know where people get that from though then I'm supposed protect him like he's an artist he had an opinion on something that they did like you know they went on Breakfast Club they did 20 minutes of Breakfast Club court they said things about Gucci they said things about Gucci's wife you know our play things that rappers said about Gucci wife Gucci I felt the way about that that's that like I don't think it's that big of a deal for anybody to be tripping saying you know like oh gosh automation is done that like no I am an interviewer I am a personality a media personality my job is to be as bias as possible which is very hard to do unbiased unbiased yeah it's possible maybe I did say it right the first time God knows are you doing it is my job to be lonardo saying [Music] why would you interrupt this flow but it was pretty good that was a good one it's my job to be as unbiased as possible but as simple as simple as possible and in food for everybody to get it clear yeah I just don't feel like you can say whatever you want the artists and and and didn't try to control the matter with the artists you can't I can't do that don't we criticize news organizations for this all the time right don't we criticize like a CNN or a fox news for like just harping on their narrative and like cutting certain things out of the news cycle that could affect their narrative so if we do the exact same thing we're guilty of it that being said I also understand a co-worker that you have time with and invested with feel like yo why didn't you protect me from that potential embarrassment you had the ability to protect me protect them how by cutting it out by not including that being said censoring the artists right in the art did that artist goes and says yo I did this interview with Sean man he cut this out next was he who was that 100% tricky cut things out for four artists before right meaning like if an artist says something that I know are any arrested [ __ ] up loser did like rough cut that I save you from yourself now that's that's a recent practice over the past few years long because we've seen the climate of things you know I'm saying right shocking today guns blazing everybody host just whatever but now I was like run yeah you know you can't say Maggie right let me save you from yourself because some of these brothers and sisters they just don't know right they're young and they new to this but I know what that's gonna go with you know you thought in this specific interview nobody needed saving from themselves nobody's careers by the way by the way by the way I did quite a bit of editing really oh yes it was much longer than uh no did that last portion was it was crazier sure oh so that was the pg-13 version yeah pg-13 yeah absolutely it was BIA so yes I still protected in a lot of ways I see what you're saying sir mind in your mind you're going you should have seen what really happened that's part of it but all but bigger than that because I probably wouldn't have done that if it wasn't the situation of my co-workers you know saying but in the bigger the bigger scheme of things what hell I would have done that even if it wasn't my co-workers just because it's just is its language this language I can get people [ __ ] up in certain situations you're protecting against cancer absolutely and but just in general once again I just don't think that you can say whatever you want about artists and didn't try to control how they respond I can't control our Birdman comes in the studio when I say I don't know why people sign the Birdman he don't pay nobody I can't control our federal star reacts and someone say I can't control BBC I can't control if somebody want to send people to jump me in front of the radio station with something that I said like that's that's out of my hands right so if you're gonna be in this game we talked about being on the court earlier yeah I was another podcast every clip we talked about B we talked about being on the court yeah right being wanna get in the kitchen everything that comes with it you can't throw certain things out and then when that person wants to respond whether they respond with truth whether they respond with live whether they respond with fact whether they respond with fiction however they respond you gotta eat that yeah I thought I don't know I watched and I was like I can see how someone could be sensitive about this situation but like I was also watching going I was also watching it as you've like somewhat of a pacifier you're like I'm gonna get you guys on the phone and this at the other like I don't think that you were riling up Brian even asked about it that's right he asked me do you want to get off ha ha what I'm posed to do yeah listen I don't believe in sintra not now when it comes to stuff like that right I just don't think that's fair I don't think there's good journalism I think that shows a lack of integrity right I'm just not about that life I'll say something artists have every right to read Montand they have various platforms to respond on and it doesn't matter who that person is sitting with cuz what yo whatever goods woulda came to The Breakfast Club you think he's wording would have changed no probably been worse because he's right there right with the individuals yeah you got to keep that same energy like everybody got to keep the same energy at all times yeah that's that's all I'm saying so why is it is it worse because it was a one-on-one because if it was that same she could've went down in the Breakfast Club I mean it's worse because it was successful what do you mean I mean if two 200 people watch it nobody cares yeah if 20 people watch it out and said that I'm on YouTube like I say for me [Music] that's the moral of that story yeah yeah I think it's reasonable mm-hmm you know I guess yeah I'm trying to think like how I would react in the situation if somebody was so I was being critical of you but if they're like yeah I think my gut instinct would be to defend you but there's also like I didn't think would be to defend anybody if it was an accurate information bull what Gucci did to me was just more of an opinion and it was a response to some response to something that he heard from them so I can't tell that man how to yeah you keep it you're not offended by they did what they did on Breakfast Club you know played the yo gotti interview yo gotti was talking about his wife I don't know that one what was that about with the like I don't know I guess they had a relationship back in the day but Gucci was responding to that that's his feelings toward what they did yeah I said why are you and he's like yo you embarrassed me on on this platform he just want to know what's up so that there was no correct thing that needed to happen right yeah yeah but the moral of the story is I hope you all enjoyed the Gucci Mane interview oh yeah but listen let's face some bills and then we'll come back with the 85 South show okay Carlos Miller Chico B and D C young fly yeah guys this podcast Podcast why i have an english accent i say it's brought to you by honey let me explain what honey is now if you ever bought something online and then you find out that you could have gotten it for less once it happens you feel like you could be overpaying every time you shop luckily i got the honey the free browser extension that saves you time and money when shopping online honey 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you know what I'm saying yeah like a city girl that coal whatever Chico be Carlos Miller DC young fly have been asking for this for know when y'all came before I was crib how is everything no man y'all look like y'all really a prospering y'all got a 20 team entourage worse what are the positions she'll hide you over so well with a motion cameras [Music] and they have people that's already in place that do that work but we show up with people that do the work for us our black on our team to see but I'm saying like other my noise we try to create opportunities for everybody [ __ ] man No yeah but that's how I operate that's why white people keep the money it look good we're budgeting over here we've made it we made Sam successful so everybody just travel everybody just traveling for the love no it gets to the point where you can make some money in the burger that stuck around it was consistent and persistent in what they did they were able to see it come to a point where you actually make some money from doing ya know when you get will you tell you puting to quit his job and come kick it full-time well I think there's gonna quit anyway getting some money a lot of money not even just this show money you still selling drugs ain't you no it's not that I'm getting a lot of mine just go to work every day like every day I seven days in a week I got like merch is booming sold-out show yeah BBB you know saying entrepreneurs fall for a long time I gave it to an HBCU South Carolina State University you say what that was you know you always say it without my money yeah who money was it wait I'm gonna say no it's a little insulting because y'all said it to me earlier do like I know you get that kind of money you know how many about and [ __ ] it's not that we didn't think you had that kind of money that's my mother's alma mater talking on a state university so as a way to honor my mother I opened up a scholarship in her name yes the way I gotta set up the qualify for the scholarship you got to be a black woman from South Carolina majoring in either English my mom I think that 250 goes to fifty but that's only because like I guess people culture I'm a notable person right but Jim Clyburn gave 1.7 million buddy knows have a breakfast club I went before him I told you I'm going before you you got that big Charlemagne bringing a cheque for you doing stuff with the school but his wife just died his wife from one school his wife died like four weeks ago so they opening up our Honors College in his wife's name and he cut he gave them to one point say this and nobody's told you this birth the way you talk about monks corner make [ __ ] want to go there even though we know you [ __ ] Louis but when you talk about it make mother [Music] [Music] but too much is given much is required people will start leaning on y'all in a minute just donated $10,000 to HBCU and we don't even know what they did with the money which HBCU Kentucky State State but we was then the kids like man we ate we know we need it right now no homecoming they had a whole different yeah I mean the environment is not conducive to being able to give you anything beyond the minimum of what is required for you to be there so it's like when it's homecoming you know that's a time of abundance but you want to have a good time and all letting spend you know you got to save your money spend your money go to the parties and all that so you got to really make a decision as the webinar you wanna eat never and when you got the food that's available to you you know you're that care for mom calf eggs make you [ __ ] two steps after you the ambiance have been in the homecoming environment and they didn't had it and you can tell him me going to HBCU I knew exactly what they was feeling because even though you go to HBCU you can go get fools - yeah I got first hit I was walking through the grocery night regular application once you let them know that you don't have no income and that is in schools no don't tell you in school tear them [ __ ] you ain't got nowhere to go they come like what's this address that's just my mailing address hey you literally do not lie you definitely tell the truth but you see how everybody got quiet because they knew you knew exactly what you were talking about with my mail come from and at that time I was dead serious I was could you need a metal address for the fools down the cut plan shot up a lot but you get to 18 every month do you know my ass 25 there's no tax on money stress so much longer because you don't have to get no tax on it that's why you 50 cent on a dollar tried to sell crack it needs to come to a food stand EBT [ __ ] the game up okay see you selling crack you such a nice person you like for it to crack now you negate $250,000 and then admit to being the crack oh yeah what was your most ballin [ __ ] you did as a crack dealer the dumbest [ __ ] I did cuz I used to sell quarters for quarter spoons or seven grams you know I'm saying so I was like $1,000 no dumbass took a consignment of a half ounce damn and it was some [ __ ] I could sell it and I've been strong now now you already know he in the real all righty make you stop really focus Brooke I've been out when I was doing the videos I put run at my [ __ ] I'm trying to record like 200 video but your original just just enough we rocking smoke for free yeah there was no profits I met this old school name he gave me like three pounds in a frosted flake box and images like man because he's about to go to jail yeah yeah took me but now I would say you took your first [ __ ] he said you're bad dope that was the first with that and then somebody stole the same bad dope I had somebody stole this discreet I had a partner got robbed in the Atlanta was robbed out a partner got robbed in the letter [ __ ] drove to Atlanta for I have upon a week and got robbed it whatever project he went to go buy yeah make him come our way I'm telling you if you ever buy drugs in Atlanta and then [ __ ] don't have a backpack don't do it why something about the [ __ ] with the backpacks that just you could trust them it's something about them it's like they they went to college is something for [ __ ] show up and he got your pack in a backpack you say I need more professional I think [ __ ] tre yeah it's um about this it's like an you know he cuz he got it in the bag he like you you ready with the backpack see ya me goddamn CVS right quick yeah go in there [ __ ] and buy some nyquil in college you trying to get everybody to move to Atlanta to man everybody that I talk to that Moodle and like man Carlos Miller told me to move here that's because Atlanta Atlanta probably one of these cities where it's like if you a [ __ ] you try brother city will recognize your efforts don't matter what kind of [ __ ] you are you could be a crack dealer as long as you got ambition they respect the house you can you can flip your crack empire to selling used cars or something yeah opportunity for us because the whole hospitality if you're really we appreciate it I'm gonna tell you what the real green oh you're hungry you look hungry Atlanta is a city full of pride takes pride in seeing everybody do good right like it's for the city like the [ __ ] out my ain't chocolate city no more is white chocolate chip city no it's ridiculous like and then you know coming from a city like DC like that's the reason why I have we all love Marion Barry so much night cuz he was he did what he was supposed to do for the people of the city when it was all black city like we went from it's so crazy hot gentrification work because you know we Marion Barry for those people who don't know Marion Barry was the mayor Washington DC legendary from like 1979 till he went to jail the first time then came home from jail and got elected again he went to jail cuz he got caught smoking to me is the most legendary politician but that also makes it the most legendary cracky because you know a bunch of crap you know you might be top five I can't say you know most legends legendary crack just me personally speaking I'm not disrespecting the man cuz I love this man DMX bruh because no man they said that whole time DMX was putting up them platinum albums he was okay you know the old time tell him about man Barry though the cracker he had a whole [ __ ] seems the man Brad to do budgets he had the 22 pie he was on crack we need to write this top five crackheads a job number one I mean I think well we didn't even look at him like that because other things that he did for the city like he made it possible for for in a city when DC had the highest murder rate the highest recidivism rate yeah and I mean the lowest educational rate so he was a fortunate graduated I mean he was the greatest marionberry greatest light in his life he went to jail for that and then came home and then reelected got reelected [ __ ] do when you get out work one get high and get some not crack like you know we always looked at people who had like serious drug addictions but they found a way to get money right and we're like holy [ __ ] imagine you could apply that work really know how to hit the way she was trying to get him to hit it in the video that one name is he might have just started smoking not the way that she was smoking she was doing he wasn't with that but whatever you know he was my you could catch man but you might get on the Metro bus and see man burn the back of the bus old [ __ ] this was what like 92 1990 91 so you know what you might have been he might have been a coke guy yeah and that's you might have just graduated it was coke guy doing coke back then we're also smoking crack people didn't realize it depress the crackle ball from the coal black people or the fries what happened to my city for all these years it had all these negatives you know stigmas attached to it and in ten years they came and raised the property value to where it's one of the highest property values in the country raise the education system in ten years so it's like how could we have something for 50 60 years you're not be able to rectify and make it better for everybody and then the others come in and get it for ten and make everything better it's like it just is proof that we are at a disadvantage as a people to be able to really make change this is all the money on the crack money and all of that that came through the city we don't own none in buildings all in buildings that that go for millions of dollars now that was 88 $90,000 in 1988-89 you know nobody bought them I mean black infrastructure is important that's why I think Atlanta thrives cuz y'all always got a black man but I mean but you ain't going to jail in DC when I grew up you got cold with a hammer I got covert epistle they gave you ten years for the gun five per whatever bullet yeah and I mean and now you can legally own a pistol in the city because demographic has changed to win we don't care that these people are able to carry found don't want you [ __ ] to have them but we got to protect our people from their knees that's all why you would like people thinking like let's make sure that our people are armed so in case that the black people get into a uproar because it's always gonna be like that that's what I think America don't understand it's gonna be some type of rebellion black and right yeah yeah you were how old when Marion Barry won the second time I was like 10 11 okay I always thought this was so fascinating is that like someone lost to him yeah [Music] [Music] all these jobs for black people get work and all of that and I mean that's why he's always and forever will be the mayor of DC lifetime president I hate that I wasn't really old enough to really grasp what was going on at that point bridge just to see a crack head run an entire city and not be over under budget and just like put those programs in place that you know he showed up at some of them places had like yeah I mean so it's like to hear the things that they say about Atlanta is amazing to me because we used to have a city that was anxious to have a city that was like that that was supportive and that was driven by black economy man and this is sad to you know go back home and not recognize the city that I feel still calling it chocolate city like like I feel like it's not just you know white or black cities but there's like a lot of times when someone is successful from a smaller city and then they get like this international success or national success oftentimes the people from home try to bring them down like you see yeah I catch a lot of it because they don't matter what I'm own people think I'm poses is like yell out Mississippi right right so they up but it's just that a lot of people feel like they not gonna get you know they want the recognition they haven't had that chance to be seen on the Frostbite can see through you yeah you got to make sure you represent every chance you get well Duval's all I mean look at his name Duval doesn't rate but you also got understand that all those people who know you from beginning right and they don't feel like you should be in the spot usually mine you know I mean oh they're resentful but you're saying that Atlanta that doesn't happen you're saying Atlanta is supportive when it's home exactly that's why you see this 50 is 50 top Atlanta rappers because they all support each other that's all record at the same studio they all go past each other blunts Magic City and has never know you know no it ain't on Mississippi it would be David betta crib it create and Carlos exactly you know like a hate on him three operas from Kosciusko thought she was from Baltimore she is from Mississippi Beirut did you see she actually lived at Morgan Freeman's from Mississippi um John Grisham he's from my own town you know time to kill his son really yeah John Kriss music um must go all the time the right of the author yeah he's there baseball games at his house he had a baseball field in his home here we playing baseball he had a baseball field put in his front yard they said baseball practice over there is the whole huh she probably cost a thousand dollars disrespectful back when she protocols $1,000 we don't get enough bread to cut back on the budget they don't even cut the grass on the highway no more they said like a John Locke fur oh yeah we got to do some [ __ ] down there Charlemagne what you want no bread like cuz you know you know how it is in the south and you know a small town a small town mentality really do [ __ ] like a barbecue Aslam well you know how far that go yeah I did a fish fry over the summer can I do my book back give away my scone every year but this time I had a fish fry element to it that [ __ ] was jumping in the rain yeah exactly man people you'll be surprised how [ __ ] up people all right you know what cuz growing up when you grow up in that environment you don't really look at it like that cuz all y'all's everything's the same everything to save all y'all you know doing without alright but when you and everybody living pretty much the same we sleeping with the same women drinking the same corn liquor when you step outside of it and you look at it from outside looking and you like [ __ ] man you a question shows like yeah how does it make you feel growing up in the environment that you grew up in with you go into these communities if you do and see the type of you know whether these people are living in the type of conditions does it make you feel like you have any responsibility to help what does it make you feel like man I'm glad I kind of grew up in between both in between two worlds like I was incredibly well-off and I didn't need anything incredibly real awesome like I it was amazing what I'm saying is like I also had I'm also I grew up in Manhattan right so I had friends whose parents like ran a TMT that's different money so like when I'm around them they think I'm poor mmm but then I'd be around friends they grew up in the projects and they think um is rich yes yes so I realized early how relative [ __ ] was but I never need I was never like needing for anything so I knew how lucky but at the same time I knew I could go and how low it could go yeah this proves how successes is is subjective yes you're not mean success is very subjective because you have somebody who you know looks at with you have going on and said that is the bar when the person that you're looking at has a whole nother before we start recording it I thought it was interesting thing because you have a little bit different philosophy on on dreaming than most you know a lot of people go just dream the biggest possible dream you can dream and you say don't do that because you could put a limit on how far I could go yeah you put a limit in my opinion you limit the ability that you can get out here and really see how much you can manifest by cuz you do this what's the six out whenever I would have never said what the things that we've been able to do if somebody were to ask me after you know my first six months of doing stand-up comedy a man if you can say what your career would look like first of all you're basing it off the success that you're seeing right so you're only gonna be able to base it off with you oh I want to be the next whoever I want my career to look like this not even knowing that there's a whole nother Lane that you can create that has probably never done before that's never been done before that's just specifically for you so if you don't limit yourself to what people say success is supposed to be you'll be able to manifest a whole different type of success that you didn't even know was possible but don't you have to have some type of Bardo yeah meet you but to me the bar is is just knowing that you're doing something that you love and being consistent in it getting up and doing it every day I start working when I was nine years old at the barbershop and once I figured out how to make money I would do my homework in school just so I can go to the barber shop during the week you know I mean because I enjoy the hustle of it I enjoy being able to get up and go out and get something for myself so as long as you have in my opinion as long as you have that type of Drive and consistency to do what it is that every opportunity that you get like you say every opportunity don't always come with a check attached to it so if you just had to drive to get up and be the best version of yourself that you can be all the things is gonna come from you doing that I'm gonna be specific and unique to you minutes dude and set and had conversation it's not necessarily about what we were going to do but just talking about all the different things that we have done and how crazy it is and how amazing it is and we see the success like you've been around us for a long time like even I'm sure you've seen us as being people that can do what we did I'm sure you looking like man these [ __ ] doing it no I think y'all doing I don't even think y'all strive to serve it is so crazy always always going what's happening no but I've been such a huge fan of you guys for a while I think like every once in a while just randomly Tex Carlos a bike bro seeing what's going on is just [ __ ] nuts because I'm on Instagram so I'm just I'm seeing you guys go from like clubs to like feeders to these like massive [ __ ] theatres and then you were saying you guys just did the Apollo here in New York twice yeah because like back in the day the idea would be here these three southern guys they're gonna be a southern act we'll tour them around the south and now with the internet and you guys have this massive success you come up to New York and then you sell out two shows at the Apollo had the Apollo Theater and that's because funny is funny you like your these guys because it's like they I always look at I look at everything as a comedian first like I feel like I got two careers like my stand-up comedy career it doesn't mix with my entertainer career right like I moonlight as a comedian at this one yeah everybody take New York for a comedian this is where you met this is like this is like the final level yeah like you come with New York to make sure everything works like your timing is it sounds like to come here and be embraced it has a comedic star yeah it's [ __ ] crazy the South is tougher and the reason I think the south is tougher is because you can go down south and you could be the funniest [ __ ] everywhere else when they're people down south you're looking at you like I don't get none of this [ __ ] he talking about you know I'm saying it landed a chocolate 2 days that's all days that's all a thing about doing comedy in the south this is the one thing people who understand is like you can have the best set ever you can have the funniest material ever but if you don't have that segment in your show to let people know hey I'm standing right here in the script this is of the cup this is organic I can do that also if you don't give them mat they don't give a [ __ ] what you do and hit your script you gotta know it's real yeah they won't know you can do it organically and ok you could do your job you can do your joke is that is that tricky for you guys when you guys do your stand-up specific day no because I'm not one of those comedians there's like that heart by the material I'm not one of those ones like oh I didn't get to do my joke like it's not even about jokes with me like [ __ ] what can you do to entertain these we can you give my show what the jokes [ __ ] this set what's this show look that's what y'all best you come from even when I've seen she going Philly and he stop [ __ ] with Gilly the kid go viral I see you got to keep in mind all that that type of [ __ ] that's from coming to us being fans we're like me after the shows people think we got all these hoses [ __ ] man we've been kickin it smoking a blunt watching wallow and Gilly the kid like we still fans a month and you should always keep that energy yeah I approach it the same way I'm always a fan of the coach at any second is it weird when you see the people that you idolize in your das braverton Beyonce this is a month ago yeah I think I'm just scrolling randomly on YouTube cuz you guys your stuff populates my YouTube feed time you know how like YouTube kind of like chooses the [ __ ] you like right and I see full Dallas shows it was like full Dallas show you guys did like the actual show you did kind of like dock with it and then it was a featuring Deion Sanders and I thought like he's gonna bring you up or something like that or he just showed up with like how the [ __ ] did they get down here [ __ ] on stage with the army under witnesses while Tameka this is like we had the meeting last year with yeah he's talking about [Music] [Music] call me randomly and just be talking [ __ ] I'm such a big fan we did the BT cipher I looked at my the comments on that you post here and bun Pete was like man she go went crazy now most pissed on myself cuz it's like I love you GK like you know Nancy was so unique because we had our own music with the go-go but we were heavily influenced by southern music you know I mean and bun be and Pimp C was like I idolized them growing up it was one of the few rap groups that I actually believed you see tone I mean I gotta play PMC in the mood yeah I mean it was it was it was when he was just one of them people that I just looked up to and to see that and to see that acknowledgement is like wow like twisters an apple I used to get on punishment my uncle's would make me learn twister verses and [ __ ] like [ __ ] notice by the time I get back home I met one of my oh gee oh jeez Burt oh wow [Music] Robert Robert Englund the real Freddy Krueger nobody knew who he was I was like just some random [ __ ] I was like [ __ ] that's pretty Krueger he tripping like what's it and I was like Brooke can take a picture he's like he'll you okay would you please just like do the Freddy Krueger voice he's like now I wanna do t hurry up so we can get a prison and he snapped and turning to Freddy Cruz like wait a minute the cold [ __ ] with everything coming out tomorrow that day oh the old school the old school black dude Howard Howard on the phone well I don't remember where he was crazy and he was just sitting outside the mall Knapp met project patent time I'm in the airport I'm like man [ __ ] that I'm her project I don't have a bigger fan than me project pack oh oh he was just taught my brother Pratt last week uh didn't somebody call somebody a scallywag please bring prejudice nothing to promote I need that for the project Pat is a whole legend that's why I like when I look at these [ __ ] now and they act like the artists now our dance [ __ ] like they used to look at pack the same way back in there but that was going platinum not a lot of rappers that can rap better than juvenile come on man now one of the calmest [ __ ] ever pick up a microphone I want you over now to do CI double a nation come on man you got mad call me [ __ ] and [ __ ] and I waited till you got by the door Rebecca she did like any [ __ ] what I did and got the law firm you're talking about going press charges and get up off me I throw it when I get out of jail I'm a beast awfully I'm gonna be awfully that was [ __ ] up now before to me two times they don't get the coming back with the Larry's alive my tank fan that [ __ ] used to go hard and on sick man listen you'll remember maybe I deserved it he grabbed your throat yeah I mean until you let me know yes I do that song is why cool and chase you down the street man on song why you wrote that song what she didn't make you grin you don't think the grab your coat you like nah I'm not stopping Oh some real [ __ ] but you know why the me - times up movement or none of that [ __ ] will ever fake hip-hop because everybody love the problematic hip-hop song at some point in their [ __ ] joke about this [ __ ] you remember that about how women love the most misogynistic lyrics yes at some point you sang along the Snoop Dogg ain't no fun if the homies can't have none women on the beginning of that song was so disrespect it [ __ ] that day baby just lay back and open your mouth [Music] [Music] [Music] any type of State Farm tell you the whole long beach lip all busted is insurance alone long time got a young brown stallion and she's 20 years old when you bump from the back I see the hairy [ __ ] not only was he into [ __ ] hair I was always looking for her an [ __ ] so like I wasn't getting the right type of women there was no hair in the we're so mean to women they had hair in their [ __ ] [ __ ] I mean yeah you had to get up and go down to the world and defend it go home some picking sizes and [ __ ] somewhere show up to a concert and outside now you can give your opinion publicly and privately at the same time so you can be offended while sitting in your living room doing nothing was easier - and it's more influential yeah if you get a bush people tweeting about a company they'll drop something when people would pick it outside of a company right but I had this conversation with david alan grier by the living color and he said back in the day you really had to work the complaint as you had to write lettuce yeah all that [ __ ] is fake protesters people like I did a show with Michael Vick the Michael Vick comedy officer they never let the [ __ ] come out because the [ __ ] dog people showed up and they were protesting Peter you mean like this like only necessary to say was Peter what everybody it was just some people who came out in protest and they were out there for like three hours until he went over there and everybody wanted to take a [ __ ] pigeon I'm like are you [ __ ] upset or are you just [ __ ] up the money right in their hands crazy how exchange because in living color couldn't come on now no the whole sketch about a handicapped superhero I which was actually empowering though it was hilarious sketch it's a sketch that man go back and watch this sketch like when you watch this sketch if you think about it plan now like it's scary to think that if coming on TV now is the sketch they did I can't remember the white lady name but she was a realtor and all of the different races of people came and see the house and she was saying all of the stereotypical [ __ ] about the reason why I remember like all the black dude captain Tommy Davidson came in she was like oh hey how you doing brother you'll love this place you can fall asleep to the sound of gunshots every ghetto right around the block then the Asian dude came and she was doing all types of races agent Jones [ __ ] was funny but now we'll be like offense what you're out of here immediately and the funny part about in living color they used to make fun of everybody everybody think it needs to go at Farrakhan yeah Mike Tyson white people gay people and yeah people everybody sometimes I watch Family Guy with the racism and there they go and everybody on Family Guy to Jesus everybody they disrespectful but it's if you if you appreciate comedy you understand it is nothing is not offensive to somebody right if you'd not offending somebody then the joke isn't really funny because it's funny then it's because you every funny joke is going to going to offend someone yeah every joke unless humor everything you talking about somebody my heart ain't true y'all never look good gage cuz I don't have a I don't care like the last scene you let that's the [ __ ] that I know man watching powers the only time I'd [ __ ] for the white man for the white man [Music] got a new special about how when black people love white people will never know they [ __ ] name gotta check that to go up in the black rooms in New York I would get brought up as just the last Jewish guy that he was the black room a room with a lot of black people no it's like nobody no man [ __ ] that used to call it the chitlin circuit shitless but these are never clumps these were always thinking like a bar racism is men they didn't force us to the back roads in barbecue clubs and made a billion dollars in the chitlin circuit thing is the fucked-up part about it is if you once you make the chitlin circuit to cool they're gonna come get it but you know what is what is a black room so I mean like do you serious [Music] there's like legendary New York comics that have hosted these shows for years I mean smokey Suarez boom Capone's Magoo Frasier drew shelter drew and then um so what I'm saying is if I go use a comedy in a room full of white people what is that call depends what is that know what is that called we call those the alt rooms no it's not you know see that's what I'm saying I have a room for the white people call it the alt room in this era although in New York right there's like there's the mainstream of the club's room but if you go to a white club and it's white people oh that's Main Street you compare two things aren't the same the rooms are a place that does comedy but it's not a comedy venue so it's at a restaurant or something like that though all rooms are the hipster rooms is what they call those are the ones in like Brooklyn has a bunch of like weird white people usually to perform I've seen black people not working black rooms right no work in the black that's a different kind of see you want to like single out but it's a lot of the road that they call the black Club or the white Club like you go to like what is it like in Dallas like one room one improv is like all this is where the black axe come through and this one is where and I know it's because that's where they booked me yeah I mean it's like what's that what's that the Comedy Store and has any Beach they do it black they do a white show at 8 o'clock and [ __ ] struggles listen I got a white showing a black show and like one of those funny bones in Virginia they have an early show where they have a white headliner and then they have a ten o'clock show with a black that's the black room hold on are you saying right now is a racist yes very much holy [ __ ] just like the rest is my [ __ ] money over there blinged out oh man don't don't do that I say light-skinned Charlamagne money you know for me I already I like what I like and they're always like that [ __ ] like I you know I just I'm able to get you know get it at my disco I what's the word I'm looking for uh discretion sure now you know I'm saying but I ain't one of the [ __ ] that feel like I got to impress nobody else cuz I feel like if you start the bad things that really don't make you feel a certain way you're doing it to try that's right you'll never be happy I like what I like and I don't give a [ __ ] how nobody else feel about it it's the [ __ ] I wish people right now listen to your stuff right back in the day we could all make jokes about the famous people that we see on tell her you know I think they always been listening say well I think they always DMUs so it's a weird thing like you know every time you make a joke about a rap or something like that he's gonna hear about it and you're gonna bump into him somewhere do you have a different approach to it are you a little bit more concerned you lean and harder no I mean the feel it depends on what it is you're saying like that's a slippery slope because you aren't able to determine with somebody else interprets as disrespect right now you can never determine and that's it the disrespect is subjective too because something that's disrespectful to you isn't disrespectful to me so very true it's like a line that you have to toe but there's certain things that are just blatantly disrespectful you like a troll like Charlemagne like some of the [ __ ] you know I mean y'all have to say that you just need my top five trolls old soul to come in but you have like the situation that happened with you and nip god bless is dead like the way the child handle that the way that you say that you handle that that's something that can happen with somebody who has you know to be the ability to be able to conversate and say hey this is why I didn't like what you said this is what he still like fix this [ __ ] with Birdman know that should I get in fix fries you don't [ __ ] with me [ __ ] you know why you don't bother me because I can't stop saying what I'm saying and my only thing I'm saying is why do you keep signing with Birdman when you got a reputation for not bad people I don't know no no I don't know but the NIP [ __ ] was [ __ ] up though because I knew better as a man than to do what I did cuz I didn't know that him and Lauren was together but that I'm not gonna do it nothing I had to say know about that woman's weight understand I'm saying at the time so that was just fun for my part I knew I knew better than to do that but man one thing about that social media [ __ ] [ __ ] you will get caught up doing some [ __ ] you ain't got no business knowing it's answer she saying because that [ __ ] is like a stage and you feel like it was at one point everybody was just trying to out out [ __ ] control eat [ __ ] oh yeah I want to say trove it's a worst word than that out shock you want it yes that's what it was yeah you want to say the most shocking [ __ ] about people I can't believe they said this about that person this and that so it was it we everybody got caught up in that for one moment but now you've been on that for a while right now you guys are at this stage where like the people that you're talking about that you make jokes about even at the show even you're making fun of someone the crowd you're dressed like blah blah this idea the person you're referencing is gonna call you and are you start do you stop no I can't let your personal feelings [ __ ] with my art I will if that serious birth security to escort you out or you can get on social media leave us a comment whatever unique it or nothing whatever you need to do to express yourself do that [ __ ] Lord you don't [ __ ] touch me you good right and I wouldn't say they'll get mad at you because they know Chico be different brews like like when you get to a certain status you came and joke with your homeboys no more because that [ __ ] hurt different yes you said yes because there's like Envy there's a little there's a little jealousy there's some resentment well it's kind of a mixture of all the day but it's like wants you to wants you at the you know the success in the room is it hurt different from you by the way but you got saying your shoes and [ __ ] not only are you right but that [ __ ] happens all the time I shouldn't go never stop meaning like you can be in the rooms with other professionals right and because you are who you are yes you gotta walk a certain way because you might hurt them [ __ ] feeling right real friends are when you start to have success because right but you can a cure self around still successful within us and they real insecure they try to watch and be like Oh get him upstairs why are you saying this and why you got all those people over there why is he doing this and like [ __ ] you are who you are I'm just in an atmosphere enjoy all this [ __ ] is new to me about the energy that you can you know it you can't fake that you can't recreate that we you can be doing the same thing in somebody but your energy just isn't the same as mine whatever is the world that whatever world you living in you aren't as connected to it as I am to mine so you're not gonna ever be able to give the same type of you admit the same type of energy that I am because you don't have the same connection that you have to whatever it is you have dedicated enough to what the beast you know to be secure to be able to say I don't give a [ __ ] what you think about what I got going on like that comes from that comes from for me that comes from my upbringing like you know my father was murdered so I didn't I had to take on the responsibility that a man was supposed to doing the lighter ways in my house so when my friends was outside playing football and riding their bikes I had to walk to the grocery store with the cart to get the groceries for the house and I mean one day I was pissed off about it in my Hummer who I got on my chain god bless her like I came in the house and I was like go through the store like what's wrong with you all the [ __ ] at this grocery store know me by name all the people that working there know me I just was feeling like now I wanna do this [ __ ] issues like okay you got a choice here's your choices you could either figure out how to not give a [ __ ] about with your little friends think about you handling your responsibilities or you can just take your mom and your ain't doing that [ __ ] no more I'm like well that's easy choice [ __ ] that helped me understand the importance of opinion everybody is entitled to their opinion but I'm entitled not to give a [ __ ] about it yeah I have the ability to be able to utilize whatever it is I want to have going on and be secure enough in it to where you can think whatever you want to think about what I'm doing but as long as I'm not normally hurting myself and nobody else who gives a [ __ ] what you think that's a great point I think I think a lot about um opinions nowadays because we're so surrounded by the opinions of other people always ask myself do we really give a [ __ ] about what these people would think or do we give a [ __ ] because we know the [ __ ] that they're saying is not true and you just have a nature in you that just wants to say I can stop lying no but no but that's like to me that's like walking past a lot of people and ignoring the line of people that's trying to give you $100 to go argue with the [ __ ] that's asking you for makes no sense it's like they're not offering this person is not offering you anything but you'll rather stay and give your energy to somebody who has nothing for you rather than to pay attention of the things that I've been efficient to you but there's the mentality that you got to kind of break yourself out of and it's tough especially with all this access that you have to people telling you how they feel about you but I just you know like I see it growing up I never had the luxury of dependency everything that I was wanting I had to go get on my own so that makes you become numb to what people think because when I'm going to the barbershop to work or riding 18 stops to Whole Foods to bag groceries people like man with the [ __ ] you doing this [ __ ] for man [ __ ] we outside Burt you Anson something no I'm not I got I want the Jordans when they come out next week and my mom and not buying that [ __ ] man your mother right or you might just be okay we're not having them I'm not okay we're not having them and I know my mom and I buying them so I got to I got to fix that I got to do something about that so now living in the world that we live in I understand that everything that I do is gonna come with you know scrutiny that's a part of celebrity that's a part of being a part of celebrity for years it just gets you a whole lot quicker than the used to like you said David I've aggressive it took a long time for OC cuz nine times out of ten people not gonna walk up on you and say this [ __ ] they wrote in the comment on Instagram not a guy asks for a pigeon never gonna say this [ __ ] do you know I mean they're not gonna say it but it's just you got to figure out a way to not let that affect you to not let the opinions of strangers affect your day-to-day actions I've never been talked to in person the way I could talk to more like it's robbed me talk what I said is rare is rare like a very rare take [ __ ] don't really feel like they did just want somebody to come to it like the goofy [ __ ] bro it happens all the time when I mean I seldomly respond to a negative tweet or comment but when you do 90% make you look like you heard and she does [ __ ] but like 90% of time the response from them is you always just playing man from now on you just want attention you too insecure to like say hey good job yeah what what I'm curious about you guys is how do you guys manage the ego of success like it's random that a group of three people comes up and you know you see them bands all the time we're like you know they start to like split up for one person to aeneas you got the internet pumping all of you guys up like chico fans are going oh you look great as Carlos Trujillo degrade easy your grades so do you guys sit down and you like yo we're not gonna let that [ __ ] with us we all have to do we already know who we are we were already who we were before we even started this so it's like because you guys were already friends when you guys had nothing the success is in effect and oppression no because we fans of each other like want to see this man they're good I actually wanna see DC good do good it's not like I'm like oh they're too successful they're gonna leave me this is what this is for yeah we are formulating right here cuz out of these three one of us is gonna be you know I mean or all of us but we are pushing each other to be great there's no jealousy at all with this you know and this is what keeps me humble in that regard to where I'd never even allow my ego to reach that point is that the things that I would consider to be news nuisances in my life now seven years ago would have been the solution I could never allow myself to get so caught up in what I have going on to think that I'm bigger than anything it especially nobody's bigger than the program and when we have going on and what we're able to do comes from a place of us being able to build like we used to walk to the first season awhile and out we used to walk to the Western Union send fifty sixty dollars home washing our clothes in the laundry room at a hotel like that was the reality so it's in a network no matter how much success we achieve and it don't not necessarily descent it because we came from that but no matter how much success we achieve you can never forget the fact that we're before we had any of this [ __ ] going on we were able to build with nothing nothing that's the best people to come up with man that's why I love my wife so much man I know y'all not [ __ ] each other but that's why that's why when you come up with some bottom road that's the troll [ __ ] you do try to sneak in some huh do you use your nipples oh my god guys so crazy but now you don't remind me like me I do look like people wonder why I root for do by the way did I do it cuz like we see that [ __ ] I'm thinking that [ __ ] when I had mad clothes and my [ __ ] who said it [Music] [Music] [ __ ] with his name little have it I always like to splurge slim [ __ ] when I get a chance there's a YouTube page that I subscribe to and I watched like all care of Mac videos care of Mac videos is a dude out of LA he from the 60s and he interviews all of the old og gangbangers from LA oh wow all of the historic guys all the big-name guys who helped start the infra and just to see how how deep they take that culture and then some of the names little beer can you know I'm saying all the type bit you got to watch this yeah they've got some of the craziest names you ever hear your life but it's just you could tell that that culture is just the way today whatever it is you did that's what they named you the or main so why are you little half-day shut in the head at some point and they name them that's just lazy you don't want to learn somebody name right it's just some ghetto hood [ __ ] yeah called you little freaking [ __ ] it's interesting to me that Chico you said you never fathomed this [ __ ] like you never dreamed that you never vision division six I envision success okay but I didn't envision the specifics that people ask you to give them when they say what's next got you got you always envision success I've always seen myself been successful I've always we sit and have conversations about you know just how amazing the journey that we've been on thus far has been but for me to have to get when you're somebody walk up to you black high [ __ ] when the movies coming in it it's like I first of all you can't that debt comes with being an attainable you your [ __ ] if you do that to a regular person like if somebody were can stop was like maybe y'all people say that what you do for what if I came here job as you that would you how would you feel about having to give an answer there's we don't really have any connection you're just looking for me to justify whatever it is you got in your mind so you can go tell people when you see me I had your I had an that mom [ __ ] about this down the question but my answer is always gonna be reflective of what happens next is wasn't it's also their idea of success not you're exactly like they might grow up going the only way you're successful in entertainment is if you're in movies as if it looked like I think it should look exactly where success might be complete you just wanna do successful every day I wake up I feel like I need this [ __ ] like every day I gotta get up and prove myself so did you have a dream well I was full I never even thought that this [ __ ] was possible like before I moved to Atlanta I'd moved in Lana Luke I mean I was just getting the [ __ ] out of Mississippi yeah and I started doing like some improv a [ __ ] and then I took this [ __ ] onstage and in his life the comedy [ __ ] just having so fast this go around the world with it and then it's like now I don't feel like none of that [ __ ] even matters like every day I get up I gotta find something to do I gotta find some kind of way to get in front even if these people follow me I gotta find something to do in front of a million mother [ __ ] yeah oh I don't harp on nothing up there I don't feel successful at all but you got and I'm not just talking about financial mental investment you got to mentally invest in yourself every day that's um I strive to do every day every day I strive to mentally invest in myself I take time to just drive my car for our to or whatever I got to do just to be able to be in my own space in a mentally healthy and stay in mind and stay away from the things that society tell you that you're supposed to subscribe to it just don't work like that for me like I said my background makes me way that I am I grew up different my father got killed when I was two this my uncle Reggie he was killed in 2002 and I don't remember losing my father but this neck it was the closest thing that I had to involve the figure in my life of all the other men that I was blessed to be around and when he died I remember when when they pulled the plug on me passed away I walked out the hospital room and I was walking towards the accident my everytime I'd never felt like this before I'm sad I'm angry I'm vengeful um I'm sick I'm everything and then I remember how a hospital in DC when you walk out the exit it's like a courtyard and when I walked out into the courtyard everything was moving all right man I see your lunch I bet my scuse me young brother like and I realized that net you were in control of your world learning the world will always function no matter what it is you got going it's like my mother had passed away on my way to a show I was driving to a show like I'm almost there like our way I got a call to my mother Pam this is 2013 New Year's Eve that's the day I lost my mom so I was headlining my New Year's Eve show and I'm like there so I had to go and perform this [ __ ] 200 hours I didn't even get to take admitted to be like you know saying what the [ __ ] is happening so that that day right there changed everything for me so I don't know even like at the worst even at my lowest point broken heart whatever whatever I still could do this [ __ ] I could tell jokes with my [ __ ] eyes closed so I never worried about no [ __ ] like that and is it like that changed my whole perspective more like standing ovations it was just like I don't even remember this [ __ ] I'm saying he's going this is like it was automatic and she probably was a good relief for you in that moment though yeah so it's just like that story right this is like you start to make you part eyes everything I show you what's important like what you can invest your energy into and what really doesn't mean so I go home so much that's why I love going on yeah I mean perspective Oh think of how many [ __ ] who made it to that level can't go home can't go to the neighborhood that they grew up here yeah there's a I mean I'm sure you guys grew up watching comedy right you said seems like this is like the connoisseurs of comedy it doesn't grow watching do you ever do you ever like sit back and reflect and go like okay those were our heroes growing up and then and go holy [ __ ] we're like on that path now that there are young kids watching us in a way we watched those people that's the reason why I you know I I still take every picture you know I mean especially with young people because I always liken it to if I would have sold what I know I am to them as a young man how would I have won at that person to treat me here if I walked up on Martin in the mall Martin my interaction with Martin to be yeah and I try to make sure that it that I try to give that type of interaction to young people because you never know that could be the thing that shapes them into believing that you definitely don't want to be watching TV 20 years from now yeah Chico be [ __ ] on me my biggest driving force I get it yes just it's just nuts to like just to kind of be in that moment I always try to do that you know I mean you can imagine success you can imagine these things that are happening you can imagine like the downfalls of the industry as well but it's often hard to just sit in and go WOW like this is happening right now the dream that I had I'm inside of so amazing because it's like everyday you living beyond your wow this is actually look at the [ __ ] apologize walk you rub the [ __ ] wood and are you like going through this flashback of all the times watching it like I got a lot more that I want to do but if if this was it I would be happy I'm not tripping you know saying thank you God you you can have goals and aspirations for yourself and I we all do I'm just saying feeling the need to feel the pressure to appease people who don't have any vested interest in you getting to the point that they absolutely to you know I mean you shouldn't have it that shouldn't affect you then what you the goals you set for yourself by how you try to manifest things for yourself should mean everything to you know what I think about success I think that success you're truly successful when your dreams don't just concern you anymore the exact you know I'm saying when your dreams are about impacting other people you know and how you can empower and influence other people like to me you get to a certain point where you got to be selfish to a certain extent exactly when you realize like man this [ __ ] that really makes me happy right now is helping other people exactly know so I think that's what that's what that's what that's what I see what y'all you know I just did my first back-to-school drive at my own town are you doing that [ __ ] for the past couple years like credit to you as you specifically because we came in to that to the wild and now fo you know I'm saying they they wasn't they didn't think we was gonna be [ __ ] for real honestly no we were the two stars like they'd never thought would happen like I remember the audition you remember we were all there and I specifically remember both me I remember you blows you made fun of those Knicks like dori dori a big zoo my Giuliani and he was wearing this like brown jumpsuit with these like white sneakers or something like that and then Louis goes man you look like a black and milds and even Nick Nick said it to us after that first season like me y'all [ __ ] stars man y'all gonna be stars you know I mean he always was they always said it but in regards to that space that you don't have no control over that executive space and all of that day and look at what they don't know but still but coming into the game you think that that's necessary if you're not gonna feel validated as a star and it took us to not get that and be able to go out and touch the people and see like oh yeah 13 2013 that's the thing it's like I've noticed I've always known as people that take advantage of opportunities like and take advantage of moments it's not just like being big but it's it's being it's being great in moments like I remember watching the the hip hop site for the comedy site for that you guys did right and I'm watching specifically for you guys can I'm like are they gonna be rappers or comedians in this moment because the win is being comedians yes that's the approach that I took I remember watching put the but the other ones on it like a fee on like really came with like bars but I was like that's not for you to do now is jokes and you said the thing about was it was a jest is that it was like what he said take their wig off [ __ ] [Music] so so it's like you guys came with the lines that are gonna be memorable and they're going to be tweeted and people are gonna react to those lines and it would be so easy as hip-hop fans to get caught up in the man I'm just gonna deliver bars everybody got bars what is gonna stand out and when you guys went for I was like all right that's what that's what we do we've always done that like we've always done the [ __ ] that we [ __ ] with like that old-school battle came from locally in the breaks and a professional one battle old-school make a mess run it you know me and that ain't nothing that you did destruction of what they wanted to have happening all that was like whatever [ __ ] cuz there's been a lot of people on the show who they were just trying to push so hard people [ __ ] with you a night I don't know that's weird to me because I everybody new DC because of the Instagram even they know MTV bought DC n because he had that following they didn't really get decent like that he would I know what I wanted at all no that's the best thing about DC those have a good you think he's he's better than that no that's why I love him it's like I've literally seen people be like he's just gonna go it in [ __ ] it up but he need goes over and he literally like [ __ ] up waiting like damn we didn't know he could do all that way no ziget sing dance do backflips ski [ __ ] has great memory he can read he's spontaneous like this [ __ ] is way more than you would ever think right and you've been able to see that in us so earlier something we appreciate because you always you know made sure that you reached out and said hey man I want to give you opportunity there guy core that's what we met it on the only [ __ ] had never been on that [ __ ] it was only one see you know I met you before a guy Court because when you go when you audition dolly introduced me to you hold me then you just like what's up [ __ ] and that was funny man I mean once we work there why I say that's the first time we worked together and I remember I did that juice box argument he was like you're that [ __ ] was amazing man that you you know I we went to that little party afterwards and we talked he was like man i'ma [ __ ] with you and I got some [ __ ] I'm trying to get into work and you kept your word with that and now that the world is kind of starting to recognize the [ __ ] that we didn't been doing for cuz we didn't lay a lot of groundwork up into this point for people to go back and watch and say all these [ __ ] this ain't come out of nowhere but you have always been one of the people who has showed us love and said hey man yeah I [ __ ] with child like rock with child you know I mean we appreciate that because you had a platform that you allowed us to be a part of before any most people did hey thank y'all for pulling up man give me our Twitter's and instagrams and all that [ __ ] [ __ ] that we got enough followers if they don't know my [ __ ] they've been there before is this [ __ ] is not new up to this point and you don't want to follow me [ __ ] you smart you think we're intelligent you think we're brilliant you're absolutely right but if you think we're just a couple idiots who don't know [ __ ] you're right - it's the brilliant in this podcast thank you for listening thank you so much for listening to this episode of brilliant idiot is brought to you by better help whatever struggles you are facing from depression and anxiety to trauma and grief better help can connect you with a professional counselor in a safe and private online environment all right it's so convenient you can schedule 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Channel: Brilliant Idiots
Views: 680,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, brilliant idiots, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, charlamagne, charlemange, breakfast club, interviews, wax, paige, taylor, alexx, alexxmedia
Id: dUOPs64LtPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 51sec (7371 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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