In Times of Difficulty - Said Rageah

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Oh red brick media for DVD collection skorpa conferences or Quran recitation all revenue generated supports our dowel supported by visiting our store you cannot purchased a Bentley from outside a in al hamdulillah not matter who monastery Nova wanna stop Pharaoh when I wrote of in la him issue reinforced in our women say Yadier Molina may yeah in Navajo Elmo voted woman yoga and Vedanta G da da da and more sedan whatcha doin la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah why she wanna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh yo holla Deena are minuto por la Hakata party he wallet amazona allah wa anta muslim on yeah i you an a so top or ibaka melodia de atacama nafs in wahida oaxaca minhas oh yeah ha ha bottom in Houma region and kathira one is a rotten holiday Tessa I wanna be he what are ham in Aloha Canada Yukimura fever yeah you an latina Amanita aloha hulu Odense Dida useless lucuma malecon well fella comes new become woman uterine ahora su de Vaca differs a thousand are women I'm a bad effort if Allah Alamo and Nevada Academy column wah wah Harold had had him muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam washer grandma Sheldon amore Mustafa - ha Hakuna Matata teen Veda Walken divinity in Valhalla Hawkwind Oglala teen phenom s what if Allah brothers citizen Islam the title as you heard and in time of difficulties and this is a situation we can all be in male/female brothers and sisters a young and old Muslim and non-muslim one point of our lives for some reason that a loss of Hanover to Anna knows about we will be in a difficult situation and the only way out is to return to your Creator to take you out of that situation one of the set of rahim allah are eternally him are an actor ii he said i had a donkey and the purpose of this donkey was to rent it to the people for the people to pay me to transport them from one point to another and a man came to me for other Heffernan he say also on so at a saloon in iraq ada were Kevin can you take me from this point to the attenti to that point for hunter ahuna I said I will take him he said I took while I was going with this man the man said to me in a letter animal body dunphy he heard a song he say I know a road that can take me where I want is a shortcut let us take this road but to that I say to the man but I'm not familiar with that pardon a bus an elk a creek he said don't worry I'll take care of it I know the area very well I can take you what I want to go on is a shortcut is for you to come back earlier for your business for your next trip enough outlet I listen to him I trusted him he looked decent is a normal man he said I want we walked and we walked and finally we came to a dead end and the man he drew his sword and he pointed at me gada tena get out of the way I said to the man in our Fei panicked Kyle hey Malik what did I him unik Danny was shiny said the donkey is yours and the world is yours let me go back to my family to my children God Allah had that to sheis Italy for you to expose me so I won't do this to anyone else I won't let you go I will kill you I would take your donkey I will take your money I will kill you I need to bury the secret right here for her to lahu hidden in Kahneman Kamata only this is what you wanna do further Andy Oh sunny lillahi rabbi riccati allow me to pray to raka alone me he said follow hey can the man you know I have arrogance he does not care he loved you know you want to pray go ahead Jeremy me you know do it fast he says so I said Allahu Akbar raka onion or Anna or the moon Alvey he say because our fear and concern and panic it seems that the Quran was taking away from my heart I'm standing I want to pray I want to read or on I want to communicate to mind more this is a moment of truth this is the time that I need to connect with my lord this is the time that I need his help this is the time that I need to talk to him he said but there is no my heart I can't remember anything and he says subhanAllah and the man is a tad jelly Allah droolin they finish your prayer why are you standing there got a patella cut OhLaLa am Anuj even more a Dada I remember the word the ayah from the Quran when a lot and who will respond to the stress to the person when he's in need of it will need of Allah and his state of stress who else will respond he says our law for either B that is in young Madonnina he said I finished the salon all I said was this iron I had nothing else I had no more no more Quran and when I finished my Salah and I submitted myself and I was ready to die a man a man on his horses approached us he has a sphere and he's waving and the man was supposed to be a killing me he has the sword and he looked at him utter Pharma who bedroom if I were law he muhabba he said and he threw that sphere on the law he did not miss his heart he didn't miss and I said you know how out of happiness and joy and the killer is on the ground and this man is approaching me on his horse and I said man antara he makalah who are you may love mercy on you for Hara and resumed Anuj evil mood or la edad aha he said I am the messenger of your Lord I am the messenger of the one that you call upon one instead of stress Allah Hassan was an angel appointed by Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to save that person because the person was in a state of stress and manageable mythology Dada we all get effort if Allah all of us we gonna be like this one one day somehow you know it could be because someone accused you falsely it could be because you are about to lose your loved ones it could be because you you were flirting with illness and sickness it could be because of anything but have you ever reflect on this have you ever said to yourself what could put me in that situation what could be your whole another man one of three reasons one of three reasons one the corner would rather and Vic Lila that you are on completely oblivious completely you know heedless about the remembers about a loss of how big of a loss of Hannah what time you're not there you so much is so busy with your daily life you're so concerned about other people Allah is no longer part of your life and then your heart becomes cold hard as a rock analogical woman Arava and victory for another Homer ishutin banca wanna sure who yo multi Almaty ARMA Larabee Lima Yashiro Tony Armas whaaaaat whaaaaat canto Becerra Hanukkah dedicated ki tuna Pharisee de Vaca Derek a glioma Tulsa yo la la woman another and victory for those individuals for those people did a rather turn away from Allah from the Dean of a law from the Sharia of Islam from Athena and they were concerned about money his satyrs and degrees on the war and vehicles and houses and you know what the beauty of this life your own law for another human ishutin Danka that individual that person will live life of a depressed depressed life Karan Unum a man in Chatham bunt at the curd out of the world of Bangkok you know oppressed or suppressed all anxiety the world Bunga is difficult to pronounce anatomy why because the life of that person would be so difficult Allah not that he will be living such a life in this worldly life but no and then he said wanna sure who yo multi Amity Amma and we will resurrect that person on the day of Yahweh Allah blind and the person was saying Allah be Lima oh my lord lima hasha taniyama why did you resurrect me blind what could come to verse Iran I used to be able to see I used to be able to see all these women walking in front of me I used to be able to see when I'm cheating people I used to be able to see what I'm doing Haram why am i blind today fire autocad Anika at Attica I at this hour I add our science was presented to you the brothers came to you and said to you fear Allah you're gonna die it took a laugh and do not oppress people remember that you will be judged on the day of your multi Yama and use responding as though you will live forever or there's no year after bollocky dareka at Attica yah tuna Felicita rock udderly Calumet answer unless today you will be forgotten Allah will not forget anyone but the mercy of Allah will not reach that verse and because of thus the person because of that a person could be in a state of distress stressed and depressed the second reason is what if Allah and I know we do this all the time it's an honorable man when you're handling and I'm rebuilding my old abandon enjoying people that which is good and order people that we to do that which is good and forbidding them to do Haram I know I know a lot of you will say masha'Allah my beer is this long my soul is short and my pseudonymity sudhir seem aloof you join me Arthur is so dude I'm doing well but do you know that you responsible of every Muslim around you do you know yet what if you learn that when you leave your house for salat al-fajr for salat and ask for salat in Mariposa Latricia knowing your neighbor is not praying that you did not do an honorable mouth when the honeymoon come that you saw an evil taking place but you did not bother to say to that person fear Allah do you know when you see a sister your neighbor's daughter are walking out of the house with no job you did not care to say it took 10 laughs fear Allah and cover your hair because this is part of Islam you did not say that I did not say this we did not say it we did not say you know when you saw someone doing how I'm right in front of your eyes we did not move we did not care we didn't we lived our lives as though you know this is my life and we said this is UK hey this is breaking up you know you live your life every day and you know and having didn't laugh your wife is wearing hijab your daughters masha'Allah taking care of daddy with their learning or on your son is going to the Masjid I don't care about him and you forgot that a loss of Hannah what the other said come to halo home button or eject any nurse for what why tomorrow Nabil Marouf what an honer I need moon come what took me you have in LA for three things now because you look the best now because you the strongest ruffians brightest you know no Tamra Nabil mauve Tamara BIMARU you tell people not only you not being on your people not because you're Pakistani Indian you know Somalis so that it you say you know I'm gonna take out my people no we do this with everyone and I'm gonna be mauve one not here anymore when you do this then Allah said what we known have been see the nations before us they had a man we have a man the Christian have email they had email we have email the yahood had email we have email but they were not the best nation ever because they did not have an honorable model for now yeah I did not know they didn't you know and some hon Allah I saw this young man you know masha'Allah University School and in hamdulillah you know he said he has his Salah which a lot of parents think that doing Salah is a great thing and this is it he does his salon but he also there's a lot of Haram things so I said to him it took today I know I know you do your son I see you during the gym I see you masha'Allah you try your best but other things that you're doing you know I'm not permissible he says share you know you shouldn't be bothered you know with me and by me you should go and look at those Muslims who don't even pray I guess I pray please I do my word you you know why are you on my case they are turning the thousands of Muslims who don't care about Salah we have my classmates they don't care about Salah so I said yeah I'm responsible of you and you're responsible of me you know what you do what affect me what you do would affect me and what I do what affect you he say how I said just imagine think about it reflect tomorrow when you finish your school what are you gonna do is I'm gonna get a job as a masha'Allah you know and after that is I'm gonna get married to whom I say good sister as are you gonna marry our daughters it could be my it could be his daughter it could be your daughter he says true and say you know don't you think that evil would affect me directly or indirectly don't you think tomorrow you know you think this is your life and it's time for you to enjoy it I don't nobody should come to correct you and nobody should say anything to you and you should live your life the way you want to live that would not have impact on my life if you think this would not have impacted our lives you better think again because you will marry my daughter or someone else's daughter or my daughter if she's not a good Muslim she would marry someone else someone's son and that is why the Ummah must work as OMA we must and we should not say you know I do not care about and I know what lie I know for a fact most of us ninety percent of us we don't do an honorable model and we don't care we don't you know in the history of the people before us it has been said that a lot sent one of the angels and it's a story don't say I can't find it in the body and Muslim is not all that it's just distorted in the era when Abram has been said that a loss an angel to destroy a village and the angel was doing the jobs that Ya Allah in Nephi had a bazooka for a novena full on in that city is your servant such-and-such let me Rasika he never disobeyed you know you heard the story many times never disobeyed you before all I that bit he say start with him start with that person why for in now Canada a little bit more of what I you know and it look it's not with that person because he never used to enjoy good and forbid evil but ask yourself let me ask myself how many times per day that we do a lamb rabbit my out of 180 I need milk how many times that you walk into a completely stranger and you say to him sister fear Allah or brother fear Allah what are you doing is Haram Allah Hyeon Loreena Lebanon Edenic a forum in Bani Israel and listen in the hood wine understand here is that whenever a subpoena Maryam their Nicodemo also Meccano yeah Karuna attend ahuna and mccarron follow can netanyahu and moon Charon fog a lost man over to an Isaiah lost cursed and disbelievers from Benny decided through the tongue of that with an Ariza why because of the thing that they used to do and they you need never ever used to do anything unknown column never so when was that when was the last time you say to one person do not do this it took a now fear Allah I don't think any of you can recall this I don't think the majority of the people even care about but we don't understand because of that because leaving that all these issues happen to the on mom the third point equity Fela the third point which is different from the first point is for you working on your eval on yourself to be strong when the climate any false you need to do self check you need to exhibit examine yourself you need to reflect you need to ask yourself and say you know what was the last time that I pray for the Emily what was the last time that I woke up my work my family a bond and say let us pray at the Yemeni knowing that the messenger of allah stood in muslin tiananmen rahim allahu or arjuna a love mercy allah man who got me in the middle of the nights for p.m. elaine for some land and affair whatever ever you could pray and then after that bothersome other Allah and then he will try to wake his wife honey when was the last time we did this year what if Allah when was the last time see also bus and I was saying to some of the brothers nowadays I said some had a lot there was a time that when a person says to someone eat turkey now it's a deal and the receiving in that person used to weep used to cry because their hearts were tender there was a time when the road imelda and the diaries and the people of the self when someone comes to them and says yeah aji it took till now fear Allah their eyes were not able to hold tears but how many times someone said to us eat tequila or we heard the word attacking that and nothing was moved how many times you know why because everything is right here and nothing is here everything is night is right here I will say what comes and he talks to us I say he sure hasn't comes that he talks to us I've been very yeah here comes that he talks to us you know it come out as Mike comes and he talks to us and we collect the information and I'm sure we took this Deen for entertainment or information just collect our collection of information we collect information and we do not implement and every conference we want to laugh we want to enjoy ourselves we want to have fun we want to say I really had a good time that was funny that was amazing what did you learn what I learned this bow how much of the would implement none of that you know subhanAllah you know how many times and I was I was watching this la orotava so NASA Yahoo I was watching this and with the in Turpan and you know you know someone was giving him down while you know not giving it down but talking team and say fear Allah and the guy was crying and I say Han Allah I mean we may say or he's not on behalf he's not on the men Hajis all this but his heart was tender his heart was soft and I'm not praising bida or any of that but I'm saying as as the audience of the so-called now at the center fear we became people of information so lot to tell we how many people that he hear crying how many people that he you know see them crying how many people that you you know you know for fact when he opens the Quran you know his tears are you know before he turns the page you know always showering or raining on by pains we don't because there is no test can check on that banner or him on home law said we came with two things we were trying to do two things it tests fear which is make sure that you know the Dean doc data is clear and pure what Tavia is that we were becoming we were successful in terms of top of tosya but at abia we fell in tell me we you know it's had it's extremely sad to see them now this is a home of the ummah and we all have information but nothing that sings down to the heart so we need to do the self-reflection at the time of climates in the time of hardship what should we do it if what you feel now what should we do first we should flee to Allah we should run to Allah because know what we do no one can help you but Allah no one can protect you but I cannot with what yeah I cannot stay nobody can assist you but Allah fulfill rule in Allah rush to Allah you know flee to your Lord at the time of or if your fitness at the time of at the time of calamity the first one that you turn to should not be calling the police should not be calling the doctor should not be calling your mother or your father should not be you know asking some other people to help you the first one that you should go to is Allah the for the first one that you should dial his number is allah subhanho wa taala no one else no one else but it seems that Allah is the last one that we go to he's the last one you know how many I know a lot of you are you know immigrant you came here seeking for a better life and in guarantee you when you were applying for asylum or for immigration paper where you were finding this I guarantee you we all went to lawyers we all wanted people who can help us we all went and asked for assistance of those people and then we say Ya Allah helped me we didn't go to Allah first we didn't go to a lhasa yeah Ilana you first and last you the one who has is make it easy from what lie if three of us is standing next to each other and you come to us and you ask the first person to help you and he doesn't or he did it and then you did the same thing with the second person I as a third person I will feel insignificant and I will say after they rejected you both you coming to me this is a human nature and we put a lawn last resort when all the gates are closed where there is no other way we go back to Allah we go back to Allah The Messenger of Allah come IFAs ahead he comes and he saw a lady old lady crying because she lost her loved ones for karna Rasool Allah he sallallahu alayhi wasallam Yamit Allah is spirit acid or the servant of Allah this fear hath sober and ask Allah to alien help you on earth and she didn't know that the mess of them the person was talking to her is the Messenger of Allah God in a conifer in decadent OCB maserati she said out of my way leave me alone you were not afflicted with when I am afflicted with I don't want to leave me alone so The Messenger of Allah he proceeded he continued with his walk and the man who was after the Messenger of Allah Allah at Audrina man wanted to had it instead had the thin do you know who you were talking to Canada on a further cut also did he said that was the Messenger of Allah that was the Messenger of Allah so she got up she forgot her pain she forgot her issue she run off The Messenger of Allah sees of all Messenger of Allah I'm sorry I did not know you now I'll be patient ask a lot to reward me on Anna in the most sober feet I waited weapon he said no son is it from the first time from the get-go I worry what not the first time something happens to you this is the time you should run back to Allah not after you try everything else and Allah is the lot known first how many times how many of you have children when your child gets sick instead of reading the FATA on that child instead of reciting the other ear for that child what do we do we call the doctors we call the nurses we ask them what should we do the temperature is high he has a fever he's coughing he has a runny nose he has in pink eyes a red eyes we wrote to them but the first one the comity heads wishes a year Allah fulfill rule illa llah that's the thing the second thing is what if we learn early again at the time of doubt Ali attained when there is doubts and in a confusion and the fog isn't so thick at the time of that situation we should say aye let me check my my sincerity let me check the situation and then reflect on the deen of allah subhanho wa taala go back to the Sharia / law now I listen to this to the beautiful story of the Sahaba maybe use a little re Hewson and it is yours to imagine it's yours to envision it is yours just to see if you can travel through time and through history and see if you can see the condition of The Messenger of Allah at that moment there's a Hobbit's is that having doubt in one of the issues and this is after the birth of her name after the bond of her name The Messenger of Allah comes and it takes 10,000 from the unsolder and the Mohideen and 2,000 from the new most of the city of Makkah after he conquered the city of Makkah and he said that is go we can go to five but alphanumeric from toei he prepared the army to face the Messenger of Allah so the Sahaba Haredi Allah and they looked at the number of the muslimeen and the meanie and they said none not even yama mean today we will not be defeated because of our number we were only bit over 300 people and we defeated in the Battle of Badr we conquered the city of Makkah today we have 12,000 soldiers we will never be defeated today but I've been America a different plan for the Sahaba I'll be romantic he ambushed him all and he put his arm and at the top of that mountain I wanted to happen and if you saw the long run he was Edwin coming through this narrow path the hell disguised on raining rocks and arrows and the Sahaba for a Sunni less of a long ride he was suddenly they run they left the Messenger of Allah by himself except few and the Sahaba and I Abu Sufian was brand new Muslims just accepted his snap he said well I identify in the in the beheading Atma he said these people would never stop until they wish the Red Sea because they were running from the battlefields so fast and one of the debate have been denied he said but honest I see her Muhammad and Yom Muhammad's match is not working today and Hammett's a la llamada he was served on his meal he wants to go for full force towards the enemy another Saphira of the lion i Bassman been of the motive the holding back the mule and the messenger of allah the era maybe Jana maybe you like what I cut it and I'm a Medina I didn't mock buddy subhanAllah and then the messenger of allah para abbas bother i had someone call the people of Samara the people of under the tree for other a bath and a Bethenny was a very a very strong loud deep voice Kavya has have a summer and the Sahaba salamati you were setting them they just made youth and they came full force and when the messenger of allah so this is the sign odda and an hammy enrollees to make long story short did the people of hunayn people of Taif were defeated and he captured six thousand of the children and women Soleimani him son fourteen thousand camels forty thousand you know and so on and the messenger over law under Sahaba they thought everybody's gonna be which the unsought they thought everybody's going to be rich but the messenger over law surprised him with something else he gave our Sufyan one hundred camels he just accepted his snuff he gave her her Kimura his m and let her handle camels Abu Sufyan says I want more for my son and then the hand account and then handle camels then the unsolder said o for a lowly rasool e na leve a coma may I love Merson the messenger over law he found his people and he forgot about us Saladin robada comes to the Messenger of Allah for kata yatta solo law in them yara solo law in the head and Hyomin and Anna saw what you do Attica with your Messenger of Allah this group of the unsolder have something something it's difficult situation they want wealth they want this you know the name they cannot get anything because The Messenger of Allah it gave them all to the Quraysh and to the new muslims for allah rasool allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam - sad why in an ant I mean that guy Assad he said what are you what is your position for Colorado sort of law in a manner I didn't mean only I said when my people say got a family park he said gather your people for me so he gathered the unsigned and the messenger over to the answer for our Air Marshal and song McCartan bella hut near an kun what was I wanted to move honey he's a marshal and so all the people of the answer I heard you said something more what I did and you have something in your heart concern what I did young marshal and unsolder Adam a Takuma Butler never had a common bond would be aromatic come come far and father come along Ruby Adam Attica man I'd ever I love Allah who bent up for no Baku they said he had not come to you when you were enemy to one an ally United you because of me were unites believers and Allah guide you do something through me were you not pouring Allah gave you because of me and as I did not have anything else to say except delay and minute of a million minute offer and The Messenger of Allah at the time of Sherpa at the time of you know then he reminded me out of them of this and I know you know the rest of the story what I would say to you from this area what if Allah that at the time of difficulties one to Allah at the time of difficulties put aside all the doubts and the issues that running through your head and go back to Allah and Allah and our Adam Sihanouk as part of intensity I myself own ceremony aloo masala hamdulillah Robin Harding ceremony for Hamilton ball although the lung Amina shape on your mangy bismillahirrahmanirrahim II in
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 107,009
Rating: 4.8536587 out of 5
Keywords: In Times of Difficulty, GreenLaneMosque, Difficulty, hardship, Islam, quran, sunnah, Allah, Muhammad, Said Rageah, green lane masjid
Id: aE9Gr8yBNQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 48sec (2448 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2013
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