The Story of Prophet Musa (AS) | Sheikh Said Rageah | Light Upon Light

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[Music] a indeed in their stories tourism of the quran there are lessons to learn from and the people who will learn the lessons from this people of reflection and understanding one of the great scholars one of the great one of the greatest scholars of ummah imam al-junaid once upon a time when he was sitting with his students he said to them he said his stories indeed is one of the soldiers of allah youth he said indeed allah subhanahu wa ta'ala firms the hearts of his believers through his stories they ask him do you have evidence for what you just said imam allah subhanahu wa s before you to firm your position to firm your iman subhan because of the heart needs confirmation all the time yes i'm a believer but i want my my heart to be content so allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is saying to muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam we are telling you stories of the messengers before you to settle your heart and this story that i want to tell you is a story that allah mentioned in 34 surahs not in one surah like surah 2 story of yusuf alaihissalam not in two surahs but in 34 surahs in surah the name of the prophet that we're going to be talking about 21 times in that surah alone this is surah of this is the story of musa and not only that we read it in the quran but every year the tenth of muharram we commemorate the story of musa and firaoun why because in this story allah is showing us that no matter what happens no matter how difficult the journey may look no matter how many times or your enemy tries to destroy you no matter the number of the enemies always truth will prevail evil always truly will overcome evil always truth will destroy falsehood the story of musa and firaoun is a story of a tyrant a man that was so eager that was i'm sorry i'm sorry he was so arrogant that he said to his own people women i don't show you anything then what i see it right he's the same man that said to the rivers they were flowing before he was born he said to his people he is the same man who said to his followers and i am your lord the most high in that allah is showing that the falsehood of firaoun demolished destroyed under the truth that musa brought to his people people bani israel very nation itself were destroyed due to the tyranny of iran so subhanallah allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is telling us to commemorate that through the sunnah every year so your iman will rejuvenate so you would understand that no matter how difficult the situation is no matter how many you know times they try to destroy this deen the truth will come and since the story has been mentioned 34 in 34 times in the quran and the name of musa was mentioned 136 times in the quran and everyone knows that allah has spoke about the story of musa and firaoun repeatedly there is no need for me to repeat this story all over however what i'm going to give it to you or what i get what i'm going to give you or tell you is lessons that we can deprive we can derive and learn from the stories of musa and firaoun and one of the best stories in the quran is the story of musa and firaoun and this is for the believers indeed so what are the lessons that we can learn from first of the lessons is whatever allah decrees it would happen no matter what other how much how much they try to stop to deter it to deceit to destroy it what happened when firaoun learned that a child will be born from bani israel from his own slaves and that child will destroy his his tyranny this child will bring to an end to an into to to to the legacy of firaoun fir on took all the precautions tyron did not waste time firaoun did not say let him come and i will deal with it feron he acted before the child was born so he decreed that every boy that is born to bani israel must be killed immediately but they thought about the situation if we kill all the men from bani israel who will serve us we would not have any slave males or male slaves so that decree then came with correction that every other year the boys only boys would be killed so this year was the year that the pardon of iran was showered over bani israel and the boys were allowed to live by his permission in his own mind and haroon was born the following year the year that turon or all the chill all the sons of bani israel should be killed musa was born aliham and now that he was born and despite all the orders that firaoun gave in his spite you know the the the agents the ages who were running and walking through the streets of egypt to make sure no son of many israel that is born this year survive yet allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allowed that boy to be born and not only be born but send he sent him to the palace of iran allowed that child to raise under the watch of your own he ate from his food he slept on the lab of his wife as he had been to him he played in front of iran in front of your own and this is when allah says when you want something it would happen came based on decreed not wasn't coincidence coincidence it wasn't it wasn't an accident no it wasn't coincidence on accident no it was what allah decree so the first lesson is do not worry because if your only chronic system still exists today and the enemies of this deen they will try everything the enemies of islam did not worry about socialism because they control that they don't worry about you know um in the communist because they control that they don't worry about capitalism because they control that but their only fear is that a child that this deen will give a birth to someone like musa because the dean of allah comes back again and again and every fall there's a new leader every time that the dean of the dean of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will rejuvenate itself so the enemy of islam they don't fear any other system except the islamic system because they fear another muslim to be born the position of women in the tao of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala when musa was born allah subhanahu wa ta'ala inspired the mother of musa allah said we inspire the mother of musa and we said to her suckle your child don't be afraid however if you fear falke put him in a chest you know put him in a little box and send him with the river now you may ask yourself the question fathers are the protectors and the maintainers of the household how come allah did not inspire did not inspire the father rather inspire the mother though the mother has a softer spot usually mothers you know it is very difficult to see her children go even for their own good yet allah showed us the importance of women in dawah by asking ordering the mother of muslim to suckle that child and it'll be and do not fear however if you fear for him then put him in a chest you know just on let the river take him to pharaoh so this is the mother that we will bring this child to you once again and not only that we will bring him to you at life and safe and secure but he will be one of our messengers so she let the child go but she's still a mother she asked subhanallah look at this she asked his sister follow your brother follow walk beside the you know on the banks of the river watch him from distance see where the child goes see where the river is going to take this baby of mine subhanallah that little girl it was also another means to show another means that allah used women to show us the importance of women in dawah and to let our sisters know their role in islam and the tao of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala shalom watched her brother from distance she watched him you know seeing following him without letting anyone else see a saudi a young girl a young lady obedient to her mother and we will pause here for a second we'll come back to this young lady but then allah use another lady to to protect musa in the history of humanity [Music] one of the best for women that ever exists but she was the wife of firaoun she wasn't you know as just a righteous lady she was the wife of this evil man the river subhanallah deliver musa to asia to musa and when they pick that child up and they realize this beautiful child and allah said in the quran say no one will see musa except they will love him when she saw that little child she fell in love with him this child is the cruelness of our eyes do not kill him asa we will take this child as our own son he doesn't know his parent he doesn't know who he is perhaps we will take him as our own and he may benefit us one day and he did benefit her and subhan allah this is this look at this righteous lady and this is the same lady when musa came back as a man as a prophet of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and she believed in musa firaoun crucified her fir own killed his own wife but before he did this what if asiya said ask allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala to protect her from and not to resurrect her with him and allah mentioned and his followers now at that moment let's go back when she picked up the child and firaoun said fine you can have this boy you know he's he's yours and as he had been to musa was not able to have children according to them now asia was very faced with with a different issue and that issue was allah said in the quran any other woman except his mother except his mother so asia she brings this lady but musa doesn't want she brings another lady but musa doesn't want she brings a fourth the fifth and no one can suckled musa and remember that little girl the daughter of the moon or the moose's sister she was watching the scene from distance but she pretending that she has no business in this and she came as a volunteer who wants to help asia been to that can take care of this little child that is crying out of hunger not only musa was returned to his mother she did not come to him but they brought musa to his mother and now and we brought him his mother and not only that he returned but he raised him as one of the messengers of allah now this is the second lesson the importance of women in dao the third lesson about allah important of an in this deen it is important for the brothers to work together musa was salaam when he received the risanna when allah made him a messenger of his musa he what did he say and as though he's saying this responsibility is heavy on i can't carry it by myself oh allah make my brother haroon my wazir make him help me in this dawah carry the message of islam with me because when you are giving that what you need supporters you need your brothers and sisters to be right on your side so can you can accomplish what allah asks you to do that's why in nibirus for 13 years was going around the city of mecca you know every people everyone who comes to the city of mecca every tribe every delegation every group will come for umrah he will go and present himself to them and he will say to them i am the messenger of allah would you kindly take me with you to your homes and protect me so i can convey the messenger message of allah and no one would take him except the answer you know he wants us to work together as like subhanallah we got he's a muslim to another muslim they are like like a like a wall like a brick they hold each other they support each other they strengthen each other the fourth lesson that we learn from this my dear brothers and sisters the importance of principles when you see the truth you act accordingly when you see the haqq you follow it when musa came to fir um he said if you have a sign if you really a messenger of god as you claim from said that show me an ayah for al-qaeda he threw his stick on one of the followers of firaouns in this is a very well trained magician very well made trained magician not that he's a messenger of a lock but very well trained magician and of course gather his magicians and he wants to show off and he brought the best of the best to battle musa to defeat musa alaihi salah to assalam to embarrass musa in public yomazina but the muslim when allah subhanahu wa when the sahara when they deceive the sight of the people and they fear them to the point that musa is that stick became a snake and it swallowed everything when this when the magicians saw that magicians when they saw the truth they found that they found the truth and they held on to it and they did not deter from the truth they follow it to the teeth to the point that they say we believe in public they publicize their faith and they say we believe in the lord of musa and harun amen and adam he said you believe in this man before i give you permission he wanted to control the faith of the people he wanted to control what they believe in their heart and he said how dare you believe in musa before i give you permission indeed it is the chief of the magician that led you to this philosopher you will see my wrath you will see what i do to you i will cut your hands i will cut your feet i will tie you to the trees trunks now what ties to the tree trunks what did the meaning said what did the magician say well he said we will never take you over what allah has given us we will never follow you after we saw the truth them do whatever you want to do you only judge in this dunya we believe in allah and we ask him to forgive us see that is the true faith that's the principle yahuwah in the morning they were evil magicians but at the end of the day they were there who gave their life for the sake of allah my dear brothers and sisters in islam in conclusion there's a lot to lessen from the stories of muslim but i want you to you know re-emphasize the importance of you know the in the the iman itself and you to understand there's a thronic system there's a system and the system trying to prevent the birth of moses and likes again and musa to wasallam personally will not come back but this deen will come back again and again and again so when you see that muslims are defeating in certain parts of the world when you see the weakness of muslims and and and the followers of the dean of islam do not lose hope don't say you know we are weak we've been defeated yes it's true but this is the time he's this is because allah wants you to come back to this deen allah wants you to be a true moment not someone who claims to be a muslim as a lip service but not following the rules of allah the sharia of allah you are mu'min and allah said in the quran um what and that is what you need to be that's what you need to do and that is how you establish your faith may allah for listening this is the story of mosa in a very condensed summarized version and perhaps one day somewhere else or perhaps in this channel you will learn more about musa
Channel: Eman Channel
Views: 16,068
Rating: 4.9433627 out of 5
Keywords: eman channel, eman tv, imaan, iman, Story of Moses, Story of Prophet Musa A.S, Stories of the Prophets, Sheikh Said Rageah
Id: cydZVon3mSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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