3 Beautiful And Emotional Advice By Sheikh Said Rage.02/04/13

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[Music] be more jumpy [Music] - oh my [Music] [Music] to [Music] Cayman what will be more John Goffe to see [Music] Smitha he rahmani raheem alhamdulillahi muhammad wanna stay in havana stuff euro when erodibility Misha Orion Faustina women say Yadier Molina me a delay of Alma hearted woman elderly parent AGID allahu ala l-mursalin wa ashadu an LA ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah Raschid wanna muhammadan abduhu or solo yeah you Halloween America lo ha ha Parvati he wanna tomaten allah wa anta muslim une johannes opera become a lady Hinata common obscene wahida veronika Minnehaha ha ha bottom inhuman rigid and Cathy Romani sir what a colossal editor Aluna be here while our ham in aloha kannada kumari even johanna Dina are multiple Ottawa : Salida useless lucuma American Way of become the new become woman neutral in Huaraz Oahu for pedophiles a thousand are women I'm a bad if what if illa ala Moana feral chemical um wah wah Halen Muhammad in sallallahu alayhi wasallam Hasharon oomori more data to hakuna matata Nevada our condo bed at Ambala Canoga relative in our first of all my dear brothers and sisters dear sister listening to this I did not prepare anything that is worthy of mentioning other than reminding myself and reminding you few naseeha or advice and a lesson that I learned from someone that a loss of Hana who were to either tested him sometimes you know what to do you know what is your responsibility you understand the purpose of your existence and creation but do to limit the unlimited limited understanding that we have of things times we may lose sight of the most important things in our lives and you need someone to remind you of that and sometimes these reminders may come from very unexpected ways once I was watching in out of curiosity I was going through YouTube and I was listening to some of the Messiah of the ranana very shortness see huh and on the side and that left us on the right side on the screen I saw a man who is paralyzed and I out of curiosity I was a long time ago by the way out of curiosity I clicked on him on that or it on that so I can watch what this man who was paralyzed has to say in this area he's not sure he's not wearing a mama is not you know with the big beer he's not you know it's just a side in a while icon so I clicked on so when I clicked the produce I should say that that the host he asked him questions and he said to him you are in this situation right now Hahnemann omnia you say do you really do you have any regret do you wish for anything if Allah gives you back your health and this young man Subhan Allah I expected that he was saying you know if Allah gives me my health back and my limbs again work working and I can run I can do I would do this I would do that I would go for this I would go for that I would so this young man surprisingly he said I would only have three wish that and I wish if I could feel fill those three wish but I can't attentively I started listening to this young man and I wanted to know what he had in mind he said first of the three say I wish if a long restored minds my health I wish to make and perform one raka just one soon did I say raka I said once to do I just want to make once to do nothing else and after I finished this - dude Allah can take back my health and I can be paralyzed once again and he said I'm afraid due to the time that I wasted I was young healthy running around smoking you know wasting time you know not know Salah know nothing and I never wished for sujood when I was in that situation but now I only wish for once to do it from allah subhanho wa taala and he said I'm afraid when your monkey Yama comes Yama Yama in Isuzu allah say the day that they would be order to make sure good fella is thought in your own and they would not be able to I'm afraid I will be the rectum gather with those people who are not able to make sure and I reflect on myself at that day I can I still remember I reflect on my situation I say subhanAllah when if I ever did that I really wished for sujood when in my life that I ever said you know I should make sure you you know I really should just get up right now and make sure dude for Allah because I don't know what would happen next never contemplated never reflect on it never thought about it I assumed it took this hell of an opportunity that Allah is giving they took it for granted I assume I will always be able to make surger than I would die instead of sujood but I never thought that one day perhaps Allah may deprived me from solute and this is when the messenger over lost said the closer they can be to your Lord is in this state in the position of sujood so this young man he said his name is Abdullah he said that is my ultimate wish he said my second wish well a lot to give me the ability to turn over the page of the Quran once again just to feel feel the pace of Quran I can't feel them right now he said if you put the muscle on my hand I can't feel it I can and when I was healthy and young and was running playing ball driving around I never appreciated that I could just get up and drop them must have an open and I flipped the page he said but I just want to fill the page once again and subhanAllah insane Bihari The Messenger of Allah set near my tiny moon hehe Monica theorem in earnest two blessings that a lot of people and I would say most of young people are extremely full by and a little beneath what if you laugh is when you are not intelligent enough to go to the marketplace and buy things in a do price and the respectful price of that item and someone will fool you you know this you know drink is one Donald one-pound but the shopkeeper it sells to you five five pounds this is called a Hogan he tricked you so the messenger over law said a lot of people are tricked Shaitaan is the one was tricking them they are tricked when it comes to time and health and now see brothers sometimes maybe your parents will force you to pick up the Quran and they will say did you review your Quran did you read your Quran are you ready for the Quran class maybe they would have to really go out of their way just to ask you you know pick up the Quran read your Quran but this man is ultimate wish is not to be wealthy or to be famous or to be you know anything else but just to be able to turn the page of the whole guess that's what was the third wish third wish was just to get up understand right in front of next to the door and when his mother comes in peace her head her feet and her forehead I guarantee you everyone almost sitting here as a mother and I guarantee you majority of us for those of you who have mothers I guarantee none of you kiss your mother's hand feed or head today because you assume that again she's gonna be there when you go back home today you assumed this morning Oh before you left home that she's gonna be there and she's gonna be there tomorrow when you wake up and she's gonna be that next day as she was all the time I have a very very good friend of mine some kind of law in the city of you know Oslo and his father subhanAllah his father was very righteous man insha Allah and his father was half of money was half of the Quran subhanAllah and two days ago the day before yesterday he introduced me to his father and he said you know this is my father saying would you you know and we shook hands and this young man at that time in a line of food but no country element of a realistic 30 min and Heidi woman must ensue safer if I knew the future I would do much of good deeds and no evil would ever touch me I will never regret for anything and I'm sure this young man is not regretting anything because in Charlie's father is from Germany Shabbat and every time I was very good and subhanAllah this young man he drove me to the airport and I flew from Oslo to London and when I got here I get a phone call saying that his father just died just like that how do you know that that know that his father would not live another day I'm sure he would go on kiss his hands and feet and would not drive but I say it to the air he would spend last my last minute of his father's life or last hours his father's life with him but he did it and likewise here brothers this young man you say I wish I can get up and kiss my mother's forehead because he has a pound of law see when I was young again I'm healthy I never used to do that as a matter of fact I used to make her worry about me you know where is he what is he doing who was he with what is you know doing with his time how was he living his life every time he leaves the house she's worried about him but now he says she's the one who takes me to the bathroom she cleans me she gives me a shower she feeds me she changed my diaper because the man case it cannot move me she changed him smiling a lot and he said Subhan Allah I just want to show my gratitude towards my mother and just kiss every forehead just once and when I do this Allah can't take myself again back can take it back that's it I can feel my wish and subhanAllah again if what if you learn I know you guys don't understand you know if you lost your mother you had no mother you probably would appreciate this but well I I would say utilize the time that you have because tomorrow regrets remorse sadness grief will not help and the time is - inmate she's not gonna help so today shop all of us were sitting here we could all do the three things we can just get up and make sure you right now we can get up and make sure you right now we can just pick up the muscle and touch and feel and flip the page and you share Allah your mother's see the light I would say go home and when you go home grab your mother's hand kiss grab your mother's feet kiss grab your mother's head and kiss because this is the least that you can do for her least that you can you know sad that a lot of young people don't appreciate these opportunities but remember the messenger / loss of the law Hadi he was seldom was getting on the member and then he took the first step and without looking at the Sahaba who are behind him he said I mean and then he took the second step and then he said I mean and into the third step and then he said I mean and then he turned and he gave the hog ba and the Sahaba said ya rasulallah indeed you did something that was not usual for you to do during this time what happened he said when I was getting up when climbing up the Nara or the the member G will came to me and he said he made dua and he said young Hamid could mean one of the other he made panoramas and family in at the raka above what a beautiful illusion he said indeed a person who meet we met his parents and they were not the cause of him being Indian indeed he's a loser he's of people from the people of other people of Jahannam muhammad say i mean and the messenger of allah salallahu alayhi wasalam said and he mean Rock'em unfamiliar and arakawa what a Mutina Jennifer so I would say to you brothers or sitting here don't be against the people I don't belong the people that The Messenger of Allah made there are against them rather you go home do what you can for your mother and lost panel with the Anna would bless you and if your mother is not around anymore like my mother I wish if I had a mother that I can go back to I just kissing ahead and if your mother is that around then the best that you can do is make drunken abuse of the Lahani he was southern part either not even an atom when the sons of Adam died in Oakland in diamonds that is these will come to an end except one of the three things and one of them is wetter than Solly Yoda that they leave behind a righteous child who will make two for them and if they if you masha'Allah after you make the door if you can make subtle give subtle on behalf of your mother for those of us of us who cannot for I would say that would be the best that you can do for your parents however based on the some of the hadith and the views of the long run he was sullen do not do not harm your mother do not harm your parents if they already here treat them well because allah subhanho wa taala what did he say about the nun Muslim mothers that careful mother the one who's telling you to associate someone with Allah Allah subhana WA Ta'ala I said what India had a cada and tashera Karim Ali said I could be here feather hat Oklahoma was all my dunya he said if they struggle to make you associate someone with Allah to make your kaffir do not listen to them however he said was aw hey boo hoo MA but be good to them be their companion in this in this dunya with kindness with goodness if your mother I know my none of your mother's in afar but if your mother is a kafir Allah is telling you be kind to her be kind to her this is what I have to say in this very quick sure a reminder and Allah subhana wa to Anna gave us to us as a RISM me a lost pan over to Anna bless all of you and me a lost pan over to Anna give you the opportunity and the ability of doing these three things that the law could not Danna could not do it because of his situation which is ah come on my fair any Muslim who takes airlines idolize these non-believers whether they are entertainers or any other thing then they have issues with their self-esteem and they are all they are ignorant about their history we have enough to be proud of we have enough to brag about and the best want to follow and to take it as a role model is the messenger of allah salallahu alayhi wasalam because Allah said Nakata Canada come fear us all in there he was sweating husana indeed you have an excellent example in a messenger of allah allah llahu honey he was sending them after the messenger of allah then you have the Sahaba rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasalam whether you are male or female we have them as a role model after the Sahaba we have the rudiment Italian Italian Italian in metal Ummah and they are masha'Allah their biographies available are available everywhere that you go on nets on the libraries you want to read in English or herb they are all available for you so take those people as the role models and remember brothers and sisters remember you will be resurrected with the people that you love the people that you like the people that you associate yourself with on the day of yomel p.m. your food Ana's bin Malik Allah Allah he said a man came to the messenger of allah and he said ya rasul allah a man a right Roger I read you to your hipbone palma what a me I might be I marry him he say a man he made love certain people but he never did what they did then he never did a salon he never performs a lot like they did they know he never gave siddhappa like abu bakr as-siddiq he did not defend the messenger over la like at all having a baby that he did not you know do and fight the enemies of allah like a voodoo Jana he did not memorize the Quran like was like as a to inherit as a twin in the fabric and Caesar but I loved them what is the condition of that person the messenger over loss of the Lahani he was seldom pod and not oh man epithelia why you shadow man however the person will be resurrected with the people that whom he loved now on the other side if you flip that if you love these entertainers if you love this you know they got Lady Gaga and whatever nonsense and this you know if you love those people and you like them and you listen to them or you like watching their games if they play for therefore the other entertainers then you you know make sure remember that you will be resurrected with them on the day of your ma a.m. so it's your call it's your choice you want to be resurrected with these people or you want to be resurrected with asada he is your call so associate yourself with the people who will need you to Allah when we might you of after who will need you to Jenna will always encourage you to do good things and do not associate yourself with the people who are already booked the tickets to a different destination than yours now yes no the river what if we learn is one of many scents if you commit any other sin allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala well including river as well may forgive you i may not forgive you unless you repent from them but the only sin that allah will wage war against you is interest if you may Allah protect all the Muslims if you commit adultery allah subhana what Anna did not say he will wage war against you rather he said well a talk about Xena he warned us against it if you lie Allah said do not be on with those people with the liars and The Messenger of Allah said but he never said he will wage war against you but when you commit and when you I'm sorry when yous are dealing with interests this is the only time that a loss of Hanna what an appalling fact that would be how do we mean Allah he want us he said then here you know prepare yourself war against Allah on his messenger messenger Abdullah even Abbas said in the tafseer of this ayah that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala will give the servant of his a sword or weapon and he will say to him go and fight a lot on his messenger and you will be giving a weapon and then they were said to you go and fight Allah and His Messenger on the day of the omen p.m. one nanika that again how can you fight Allah and His Messenger so you know the person who convinces he's doomed what are the sins what are the punishment our own house he here is the sin the messenger of allah salallahu hani he was selling the hadith as Santa ho and burn you already you know one of the raishin he said the messenger over lost a little money he was sunset if you commit this I'm sorry if you consume a interest is like committing adultery 36 times I'm asking your question if you know your friend just committed a delta that number of times would you still be friend with that person would you still if your persons related to you would you still live with that person in another narration who goes over that and it says is like committing adultery that number of time if someone tells you there's someone who committed adultery with his mother in Norway most likely you would not even want to go to Norway letting along being with that person sitting with that person talking with that person you know befriending that person if someone tells you on the top of all these two the person is committed that number of zina net with the stranger with his own mother not in anywhere but inside the harem none of you would befriend with that person again or even be close to that person so an interest is one of the worst sins that a person can commit the person who is doing it the person who is witnessing the contract the person who is facilitating the person who is doing anything they all in the same category they're all cursed so it's not something that we should take it like if anyone is in dealing with that issue repent from allah subhanho wa taala and come out of i think that would be nothing
Channel: Abdullah EspanoL
Views: 91,874
Rating: 4.8483033 out of 5
Keywords: Sh Cusam Usuuli, Sh Maxamed Cabdi Umal 2013, Sh Maxamud Shibli 2013, Sh Maxamed Idris 2013, Sh Cabdirashiid Sh Cali Suufi, Muxaadaro cusub 2013, ikraan caraale, FARTUUN BIRIMO, Nimco Yasin, HEES CUSUB 2013, farxiya fiska, mustafe jooqle, Diini cagoos, nimco DAREEN, siigo 2013, niiko 2013, garbaharey, Farhiyo Kabayare, Xusen Shire, mursal muuse 2013, Sh Mustafa Abu Rawda, saafifilms SOMALILAND TODAY, PUNTLAND TODAY, MUQDISHO TODAY, Sheikh Said Rage 2013, SH Said Rage 2013
Id: 9qdnMOg3j9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2013
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