Can we take loans with interest to buy an apartment? - Q&A - Said Rageah & Haitham al-Haddad

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what does Islam say about taking up loans living in the West to buy apartments to live in one they are so expensive to rent here I would like all of you to comment on that one reba loans to buy apartments in the west because it's so expensive here is so difficult to rent can we do chefs sure let's start with Shahi feminine Shaolin we would like some columns and what is the punishment for that in the Opera okay bismillah first of all the scheme that is known as mortgage that is applied here in Europe or in most European countries as well as in America it is a river based system it is a river based a transaction usually based a transaction or interest based ranchers transaction why because you go to the bank and you ask the bank to finance buying a property so the bank will transfer 100,000 let us say dollars to the bank account of the landlord and then you will pay the bank this money the $100,000 add and a surplus or and an interest so you will pay it back as 125,000 so you have taken from the bank $100,000 and you have paid back one hundred and twenty thousand dollars over 20 years or 15 years this is known as mortgage this is exactly the interest based a transaction or the RIBA based the transaction because the prophet sallallaahu salem defined the river as money exchanging money for money in other words he said exchanging money for different amount of money with a now or later so if you exchange 10 kronor for 15 Crona this is RIBA if you change 10 kronor for 8 Coronas this is also River now as you know that River or interest based the transactions or usually based the transactions are one of the major sins in an Islam they were listed as one of the major sins in Haditha by her allah and the prophet sallallaahu Selim curse the one who consumes the river gives the one the one who gives the river also the Prophet curse curses the one who writes the contract of RIBA and the Prophet curses those who witness that contract of RIBA so it is a major sin now major sins cannot be committed due to a necessity due to any need major sins cannot be committed and due to any need there has to be a real necessity compelling necessity to commit not all of them even some of them for example I always say to people who ask this question if a sister came to you and she said to you that she has some debts which is the case that came to me in the salon acharya council a sister came and she said shut that she had so many deaths and she wants to work for a man and she told me and this is very strange she told me that the man said or that you will work as my personal assistant and sometimes you might need to travel with me and sometimes you need to maybe stay with me at very a late moment a tonight and sometimes when we travel you may stay with me in the room I told her so basically he wants you to be his slave and he wants to sleep with you and to have harem with you she said yes and she said can I do this job in order to pay my debts so the question is can we say to the sister it is allowed for you to sleep with a man to have Xena in order to pay your debts can we allow this chef I'm asking you you said one and a half minutes okay so if that is not allowed Ariba is not allowed as well it is a major sin and we have to be careful the second point before the one minute and a half to finish is RIBA is not a solution Ariba will add to your problem you will put yourself into bigger problems if you deal with mortgage the circle exception do we have a question from the sisters okay I think sex on it has some comments now before and a lot of you may be hearing a lot of issues concerning interest I just want to take it down from one step to the lowest level that we can understand this is City series the seriousness of this issue as we know the Muslims the only sin that Allah subhana without a wage war against it is the river it's the interest but then would be hard we mean a lot what also in so allah subhanho wa taala stay prepared to wage war against Allah and His Messenger so it in the Quran is Haram in the son of Nabil salallahu alayhi wasalam is one of this that the most destructive destructive sins in the sunnah of nvidia sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in hadith that is been more than deltad by more than one scholars is the issue of comparison comparing the interest with zina and interest and I know even though some of the anima may have some issue with the authentication of the Hadees or the grading that Heidi was husband lady our house indeed that also he did that he and everything great but one of the hadith that it states that committing one hour having wonder ham one D not one whatever currency that you use is worse than committing 36 zhenia fornicating 36 times I guarantee you if your but your sister of your mother or your daughter someone tells you tells you I commit as unit today only want most of you will cut them off now imagine if the one of that is equal to 36 and if some of the narration this is in Makkah and seminars inside the Kaaba so this issue of interest is not see it's not as see a simple issue the second thing is I just want to conclude this the second thing is a lot of you knowing that the messenger of allah said is worse than committing zina 36 times is worse than committing zina with your mother is worse than committing zina with your mother inside the Kaaba yet you will go out and you will find photography saying mortgage Allah and you say this method about this share said this on this channel said that and what I want you to understand is this issue that you like to follow them in this aspect on the day of yeomen p.m. I went as an apostle of the alone and who said Allah I will give you a sword and you will say go fight a lot on his messenger this you that you like to shove a lot of people like to shop there fatalis they're not gonna help you on the day of Yom OPM so we stick to that which is clear and playing in Islam which is usury or interests is not allowed mortgages are not allowed in many levels and I know myself and share vitamin had that we try to simplify this and we mentioned the minimum that should be mentioned but again just keep in mind the only sin that a law that will work will wage war against it is interesting
Channel: Islam Net
Views: 436,831
Rating: 4.6801267 out of 5
Keywords: Muhammad (Military Commander), Religion (TV Genre), islam, muslim, Allah, koran, quran, Muhammed, Muhammad, peace conference, Scandinavia (Location), oslo, norway, Prophet, Sheikh, islam net, islamnet, pcs, 2013, dawah, da'wah, Paradise (Quotation Subject), heaven, yusuf chambers, Haitham Al-Haddad (Person), yusha evans, mortgage, loan, loans, bank, riba, ribah, interest, usury
Id: nE9urAO9i54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 16 2015
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