The Power of Repentance - Saeed Rageah

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Raheem in alhamdulillah he never made everyone a star you know who won a staff euro when are we lay him in cerulean Fusina women say RTR milena me at 11 for helmeted woman yodeling frente de da da hua Lai en marcha de why she'd wander in the law wahoo - Eddie Keller why she'll wanna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh yeah you had latina I'm gonna topple oh ha ha ha - ha teehee what a tamil - nila one - muslim hoon yeah even answer to become a lady Hinata common obscene wahida voila lava minhas Oh jaha bottom in Houma RJ and kathira wa Nisa what top Aloha lady Tessa are gonna be he won our ham in Aloha can re come rock Ava yeah you had latina I'm a new top on La Hoya polar covalency Dida used a hello comma Malcolm well Phil Akuma the new become woman you cleaner water soda who I defer the function of him am i bad my beloved brothers and sisters in Islam and I went ahead and Kaname Kuran hola Jorge Eddie Eddie muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalaam wa salamu remove the third - ha accommodated in bed uncle a bit at Ambala Dada Dada that infinite perhaps we all know the importance of the topic and the subject that I'll be addressing the idiot subhanahu wa tada and that allah subhana wa tada he himself did not give as a choice where the we should repent or walk without repentance rather he said to the believers or who you believe here you had latina I'm gonna to will in a low-heat toe button no sora all you believe repent to your Lord a sincere repentance however brothers and sisters is we know the rulings of the repentance itself I like to look at it from a different angle and see some of the foods that a lot of people may overlook and I want you to imagine with me messenger over los Allah Allah he will send them and by the way unless you release your imagination unless you pretend that you are with the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam looking at his companion looking at the face of a bucket acedia in your mind looking at the face of our marble hop-hop looking at the face of a dujana looking at the faces of the Sahaba unless you have that in mind you may not grasp or benefit from the following hadith to the fullest now imagine the Messenger of Allah sitting and I would add up with that I'm sorry reporting this hadith and he said the messenger of allah has said salallahu alayhi wasalam indeed I know the last man who will enter paradise and the last man who would come out of Hellfire now the Sahaba obviously now they want to know what are these individuals and then The Messenger of Allah have painted the picture of the individual who would enter paradise and he explained to them and he said Allah subhana WA Ta'ala would say to the angels and again imagine yourself on the day of yamaha yama and allah is talking about you Allah will say to the angels address my servant and present all his deeds to him and he start with them minor sins and hide his medicines from him so the man will come to the podium and the rest of the creation and looking at him waiting what he is going to be from the people of the right or from the people when a edweena of the left so the angels will say to him have you committed this sin on that day in that on that place with those individuals and the man was say yes and they were said and did you do this yarmulke de Vaca da what and he will say yes Colin abuse of Maharani he will send them and he is so concerned about the major sins that he did in his mind he's thinking subhanallah always is about mine and sins that I committed did not that I gave my brother an action that I did a cantina that I said that he considered to be minor and this is how Allah is treating me and the angels of Allah is questioning are questioning me on Oahu a must feel on his concern about the major sins and when he - sins are all over the angels was saying for every minor sin that you commit Allah will we were you with husana subhanAllah now in punishment now with every sin that you commit Allah will punish you in Hell by for a day or a year no for every minor sin a lot of what we were you for one Asuna if you came to the podium and he have 100,000 minor sins then the English would say walk away with 100 thousand ants and the man would say I Europe be all my lord I have committed sins that they not here he want to become it will become greedy he saying to Allah forget about the minor sins if you're going to reward me husana for every - sins what about the medicines that I did what about the liver that I consume what about the that the lies that I said so subhanAllah Yahoo lava Daraa and I can see the smile of the Messenger of Allah when he said the statement he imagined from the mercy of your Lord you committed sin I committed sin and he turned those sins into her sandals and then the man would say I want to see my major sins what does that mean it means the individual who committed those sins on the day of yo monk Liam if he dies with tobin that all his major sins will be turned into Hassan's as you know head is a bottle with an elderly man very old his back is been on a cane hardly walking to the Messenger of Allah concern about what the messenger of allah would say to him and the man said to her sort of like some la llamada he was Adam o messenger over law what would you say about a man who did not leave as sin except that he committed and he there is nothing either but that he did The Messenger of Allah had looked at this old man and he saw the concern of this man and he said to him as slims did he become a Muslim did you accept this only one God worthy of worship and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah for Allah Raja Emma and I are oh so la la fecha de la ilaha illallah wa iyaka rasulullah he said for my case of messenger over law I bear witness there is no deity worthy of worship and that you are the Messenger of Allah and then the messenger of allah said then engage yourself with good deeds and don't worry about your sins because allah will overlook for Honolulu and the man said what about my major sins what about the things that I did and the man the messenger of allah that allah would overlook them for Hodari Jude Allahu Akbar Allah is the greatest Allah is the merciful and the old man turn and he start walking away from the Messenger of Allah repeating those his statements this is your Lord this is Allah Allah is not eager to punish you Allah does not enjoy you seeing you in Hellfire rather Allah wants you to repent and to come back to him and that's why as soon as you come back he accepts you literally can you hold and abuse Allah Allah Allah he was unhappy - so handsome Harun burning rider on a a taman ayun a kawaman now actor luminous AE adds he says certain people would wish and desire if they commit they've committed so many sins in their lifetime this is not a green light for your eye to commit sins but this is to show a window from the mercy of your Creator that no matter what you did no matter what you said no matter what type of sins you were involved as soon as you make that turn and you come back to your Lord Allah will overlook everything now does that mean we should be relaxed does that mean we'll have to worry about anything no as a matter of fact just because Allah is generous we should not take that for granted we should be more eager to do good deeds now listen to the following point my sin would affect you my sin would affect every single individual in this medicine part of it was part of this Omer and your sin would affect me as well and look today story of a man from bani israel musa alayhi salaatu wa salaam dragging behind him seven thousand of bani israel from bani israel seventy thousand and all of them weak hungry their livestock is with them sheep camels cow whatever they the children who can hardly walk their women are so tired the elderly can hardly walk and the miss and the Musa alayhi salatu wa salam brought these people to the desert and he said let us pray to allah for rain and musa prayed and he prayed and he prayed but there was no rain there was no deny that his answer nothing's coming down from heaven nothing coming down from above vahana Musa Musa said I robbed me o my lord I've been calling you to bless us with rain but nothing is coming down Allah said to Moosa I musa in Naevia come hadn't he say amongst you there's one servant one servant not fifty thousand not one thousand not ten but there is one servant amongst you who's being challenging me through his sins and because of him you are being deprived from rain one person animal once I returned to the people and he said what have you do what have you done you're not is saying until that man comes out it will not rain until he walks away from the cloud it will not rain fahara Musa Musa said yeah you had an RC all the man who disobeyed his born the rain of allies been withheld because of you leave so for the rest to survive one person not a line of people not a group of people one individual now imagine you and I who some of us have Hanna law every single day openly challenging a law with my awesome and then we turn we turn and we raise our hands and we say ya allah ya allah give this on my victory Ya Allah Ya Allah help our brothers in Afghanistan in Somalia in Sudan in Yemen in Sandy any Murad help us I had to have better Eman and better taqwa we raise our hands you see the day of the 27th of Ramadan you see chefs lays weeping and crying thousands and thousands of people behind me making ground you see them through the TV that they all sincere and crying but at the same time you don't see any response you don't see any result we don't know we do not see anything why have you ever asked ourselves perhaps it is you perhaps it's me one person so Allah said to Moosa said to that individual leave for the rest of Bani Israel to survive and the man he looked at himself he said in hardship table hat if I walk in had in 70,000 if I walk out of this then everybody would know that I am the sinner and if I remain with them then they will all die so he looked into himself he cover his head and he weet fahara arab bahasa he took our vanina's or allah i disobeyed you for 40 years or allah cover of my sins and accepted my repentance and all of sudden a rain Musa who was waiting to see that individual to come out did not see anyone coming out for Hana Hana be all Allah you said the individual unless he lives it will not rain in rain Allah said it is he who I deprived you because that I allowed it to rain on you it is that man it is because of him I let it rain he repented now moosa' said arabic o my lord i want to see this individual that you accepted because if allah accept one sided affirmed you you are from the people of Jannah chemically venomous Road one side Jada if one said they're not to study that each Erica has to say if one of them is accepted you are from the people of generals of animal now Musa said I want to see this man that is October is been accepted I want to see with my own eyes Allah said o Moosa I covered his sin I covered him for forty years while he was disobeying me do you think I would expose him when he repented I will never do this subhanAllah you're always in Aberdeen and a lady all open up why my mom Laura and me hazel and Melanie what Tamara day to feed them he were a student he and a lady horrible abhava Moneta Heda idol my OC why I know it already he said Subhan Allah Allah is so patient with me so merciful with me it is I it is me and I let the only phone my of emoji data I bring my master to my room I bring my sin to a confined place where no one else it can see me and I make sure the curtains are closed I make sure the doors are locked I make sure there's no one who has access to this place and I would disobey Allah knowing that Allah is looking at me knowing that yeah i know moo-ha-ha in at an animal Mitama so he knows what i conceal he knows what I have in my heart yet I disobey so subhanAllah don't say it is my sin it is my Marcia it is me it is myself know what I do what I do you would affect on what you do you would affect us so we all have to hear a law concerning this um because it is you and I who are the basis of this Ummah so a what if we laughs don't take it light and keep in mind whatever we do is for us or against us to save time what are the benefits of repenting and coming back to Allah what are they why do we have to repent other than the orders of Allah why do we have to repent because it what if you learn if you repent Allah will love you if you repent Allah will love you because Allah said in the Quran in allaha yuhibbu the wedding in Allah you hate but a Webby Allah loves those who those who repent but then you may say to yourself sometimes brothers I need I commit a sin and then I repent and then I go back to the same sin and I feel shy because Shaytan is telling me you're playing with Allah you're not sincere you know you don't you Allah would never accept you what should I do see since you have that in mind listen to the hadith and never use all of our Holly he was a man came to him and he said yo solo law in the other he o Messenger of Allah I commit sins honor to repent he said what I keep coming back to the same cent he said keep coming back to the Toba he said in a matter until for how long they said until the Shaitaan is defeated until the Shaitaan is defeated see mean camerin in son from the perfections of mankind that is imperfect that you are imperfect and Allah knows that you are imperfect and you will commit so many sins therefore these gates of repentance Abraham is always open so as soon as you repent Allah will love you and subhanAllah if someone tells you that yes two days whereas he was here loves you he likes you as a matter if I'm not even loved he likes you you may feel very proud you may say well yesterday's is my friend he likes me he talks to me when when he comes to a gathering he gives me special greetings you know he loves me this is an individual well enlighten metalli not an individual but imagine when allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala is the one who loves you is the one who loves you and what what happens when allah loves you come up you say I'm Muslim your father never said Allah Almighty he was sudden when Allah loves an individual he will call Jibran igv come here or Jimmy Jimmy will come Allah will say - Jillian I love my servant normal or of the law or Ayesha of Fatima so you must love him or her Anjali will love that individual and then Allah will say to Devine that is not enough go on called it to the inhabitants of the universe and order them and tell them that allah loves so-and-so so you must love that individual and then we will make that call and then everybody will love you you see this man is smiling in your face helping you with simple papers serving you and you don't know why you see this first ingredient with warmth greeting you don't know why because perhaps is because Allah loves you so just by repenting to Allah you gain that you gain the love of Allah and Allah loves you subhanahu wa'ta'ala second year equity field on when you repent your heart which shot your heart was shine the Allah would place light in your heart nor in your heart even at a mirror he Mahalo he said when I don't understand a matter a fact issue a hadith happy the man matter when I don't understand he said I would go and us us is still far repent for what some han alive not a mia maybe the same is repenting but what should we do it's still far and then the nor in the heart shines gives you amazing understanding and subhanAllah look at the other side Allah bless you especially with the new Muslims with today or yesterday a concepted islam their heart is as beautiful as shining as that light as clean as pure as the light and when you repent likewise but guess what as soon as you commit a sin a black dot would be placed on the heart if you repent from that and you come back to your Lord then that dot would be removed if you continue with the same sin then another duck would be added then third then fourth and fifth until your heart becomes shield with Iran so no hadith no ayah no more ever with sing to your heart someone will recycle and from cover to cover to your ears and your heart is in a solid as a rock why because you have that she'll you have that Ron Allen onion this is because of a mossy this is because you did not repent No as soon as you repent that would your heart would be peeled that would be removed from the heart it would be peel off and then your heart will shine once again we see the light of the Anderson and then a lost power with the atom will give you that tough one that tenderness in the heart and a loss of Hannah with Anna will keep you closer to him also even if you lie from the tow bar from the repentance is a lot them in a la method min Allah help from Allah subhanAllah time if you think you don't have enough well repent if you think your children are not listening to repent everything your wife is not obedient to you then repent if you think your husband is hard then repent if you think you're not making poverty any of your business then repent everything your health is not good enough then repent for contest a fedora become in neuro karna how far you see the seminar a comedian William did come B M word in woburn in voyage and opinion when Doc wanna know Holly he set out to us and listened to his people the moment that you accept Allah along with give you the blessings of this earth the name of this earth children well status all you need to do is still father suffer more stuff from our self as long as your tongue is moist with the remembers of Allah the vicar of Allah is still far subhanAllah also equity filler when you repent to allah subhanahu wata'ala you will please your Lord Ferhat on the run Allah would be so happy so pleased with you subhanAllah I mean sometimes we got out of our ways we bent backwards to please a spouse to please a husband or wife to please your boss to please someone who has authority over you just to see them smile just to see them being happy just to see them in please imagine by you repenting to Allah coming back to Allah Allah is more pleased than anyone that you can ever imagine and listen to the hadith and the views of the body he said not yet Allah is more pleased with your repentance than a man who was on his mount a man in the desert traveling on a camel everything on his camel his food his water his knee and all of suddenly he lost a camel he lost a camel subhanAllah when he lost a camel he looked for the count but he could not find it and finally he realized that he has to die it's too hard he has no provision no water no food he has to die so he went under the tree so he can die peacefully and while he's lying down he open his eyes and he saw his cam subhanallah over his head so he grabbed the camel out of happiness and he said yeah Allah you are my servant and I am your Lord a hapa on me little father he said mr. Giovanni out of happiness he made a mistake instead of saying you are my lord and I am your servant he said you are my servant I am my lord and the messenger overlies my now The Messenger of Allah I said Allah would your repentance is more happier than that man more pleased than that individual so subhanAllah if your child cries you try to please that child and make him smile once again if your wife is upset subhanAllah if Omar Ali o Muhammad almost if your wife is upset you will go home tonight smiling no Masha Allah all of you will reality as CNN sorted cap before you go home because you know you're up for a fight and you will do everything and anything to please your wife but Allah is telling you I'll be more pleased with your repentance then that man who lost everything so why are we are so stingy with Allah why we're not willing to please Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala also even if you laugh let us see what are the things that can aid us help us to maintain repentance one I will say it very quick a little us sincerity everything that you do you must do it for the sake of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala use of Anna Quezada - wa sallam was a sincere individual on a loss of Hanover - Allah saved him because in who me Nevada Nana Flossie he was from the individual from the sincere individual Allah saved him from a sin now sins is what we should the thing that we should repent from now for you to be safe from sins you have always to have sincerity number two is what if Allah you must love Allah you must love about see all of us if I ask you do you love Allah let me ask you do you love Allah raise your hand do you read a novel lucky all of you raised you but when the order of Allah comes how many of us would implement when the orders of Messenger of Allah comes how many of us will implement if I say the Sunnah is to give you a beer and he just told me you love Allah nice messenger so yeah actually but you know Allah say in the lodge immediate Belgium and I have to look nice nice look nice in the side of whom in the side of the one that you love or in the side of the ones that you try to please see love is not a a word it's not a lip service love is action an action that would perform if you love Allah then you have to show it through your action this is here only but actions everybody says my love is here because they know that we cannot open their chest and say there's the chest mashallah is empty and there's no long the other thing is what if you learn struggle mujâhidîn always a movement is always in the state of trial and you will never rest until we die so you always constantly have to keep up the fight always and subhanAllah I had to learn the hard way let me tell you this quick story I was flying from the state I was living on the set up those days and you know the brothers mashallah when you go and you give a lecture and the Michelle they try to squeeze you every single drop of hat anything that you have and then at the end of the day they want to take it to the airport so masha'Allah de l'homme a la head we were struggling and finally we got to the airport late and I'm running left and right I'm panting and my I'm catching my breath and finally I got into the plane and I threw myself on the seat and I sat down and I said to myself oh I am so tired I thought I said to myself all of sudden I heard his voice saying to me people like you will never us until they die for a moment I thought I'm hearing my thoughts and I looked to my left is a young moody man who sat after me a yahoodi man with the hair they had and he told me you will not rest until you die he said because he saw me wearing my dope like roofie and he knew I'm a Muslim and I said subhanAllah you are absolutely positively right so a movement on a Muslim you what if Allah will always have to be in the state of mujâhidîn there is no rest for us except the grave so here as long as you do in mujaheddin shadow you're on the right path also your effort if you learn keep your hos live your life of AAHA as though you will meet allah to pan over to that next minute i see a lot of brothers masha'Allah getting ready for will though but who said you're gonna make it to the widow before you make Toa whose are you going to make it to a salon before you make Toa no one so old always do not plan to live forever the plan that you're going to meet your lot tomorrow I'm not saying sit in the front of the Masjid and sit there and say you know how long I have to no I'm saying work for both work for both also your effort if you learn you and I were very weak and we must maintain that there are because method and help comes from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala alone if we cannot focus on that if we cannot get the help of allah subhanho wa taala there will be no one to help the other thing that you need to know and we all need to know your equity if you laugh every time that you are part you're about to commit a masya remember your status in the sight of Allah and your place on the day of Yom OPM remember that just remember I will leave you with this before you commit demacian remember yomel p.m. remember great remember death and remember you will be standing in front of allah subhanho wa tada face to face 101 no told you man no one's going to translate for you and he what question you about the upcoming scene that you're going to commit if you remember this maybe that would assist you from pursuing pursuing that masya Allah Allah Adam jazakomallahu Spanish Parliament as a team my cell phone or said I'm an animal study will hamdulillah banana me jazakallah Hey - Xie Draghi for a truly beneficial talk we will now insha'Allah have time for the question-and-answer session as usual we will begin from the question from the brothers from the front mic and then alternate between the sisters so once we're ready the question from the front for the brothers Salam alaikum my name is muhammad idris and my question is that can anybody do a miracle rather than a prophet Sulayman rahim salat wa salam ala rasulina Kadeem kind of person perform a miracle other than the prophets of allah miracles are from allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala for a person to perform a miracle without admission the permission of allah subhanho wa taala you will not have it will not happen however there are something called Karamat which means a person may do something that is unusual to the people a person and this car ahmad is not an indication that a person is a righteous or witty of allah subhanho wa taala it is something that the situation situation dictates and a loss of Hannah was data facility so a person to say I have miracles to perform it is not for what we know from the Deen of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala but such things as unusual can be done by other than those who call themselves a righteous illusion or magic or something that this can deceive the people can be performed and a person with the simple knowledge of the situation may label that as a miracle Allah Allah on them the next question from the sisters mic asslamu alaikum brother little son my question is that how do you know for sure whether allah accepts your repentance is a colonic so Hannah law from the beauty of this Deen is that you always interest in no future and always excited to know your future and the status with allah subhanho wa taala and there is no one can claim other than the prophets and the messengers of allah that they are certain that the sin or the repentance of that individual is been accepted however the rudiment said there are certain signs that the person can see and from that and he can assume or indicate that insha allah allah subhanaw taala accepted his or her Toba one is that the situation of the individual changes to better so the person subhanAllah he was struggling with the Salah five daily prayers and when he made Toba the Salah became so comforting to him his heart so easy to perform and not only that now he performs five daily prayers and ten nephron Sunnah and he has no problem the second they said you will see that person always be engaged in good deeds insha Allah so the status and the situation of the person it would be it would be improved this is one of some of the signs of the rhythm of the hadith sunnah wa l-jama'a and they indicate others what this inshallah would be sufficiently Anila and by the way before I say anything when I before I left the hotel Sharyl use of s as he said asked this question and he's asked me to ask you this question is there anyone here who is willing to accept Islam that's all and he said he said repeat this ask them is that anyone who is willing to accept Islam now if the situation arises just let us know the next question from the brothers Mike Salaam Olli I just want to ask you a question relating to repentance and a la yaani yesterday I couldn't have a chance to ask the very same question that if we're talking in terms of Dawa what we call it back in South Africa there are two kinds of Dawa that is the ice cream Dawa which people that make it a ritual thing like the Honorable Elijah Muhammad will say that people like to say now make you a Muslim but they do not make any follow up into that particular individual right now the question is which I wanted to ask yesterday or last night rather was what is Dawa without follow-up now the question that I'm asking you today is based on any repentance if I make any sea right the kind of a scene which maybe perhaps I'll be perceiving it as maybe a minor one or a major scene right now how do I know that if for example I'm making prayers that okay alas donatella perhaps he will forgive my sins or not right but in the back of my mind I know listening I have to do this thing process from a survival right for example your question brother yeah the question is how do you know that you are being accepted or not I'm going to do as are being accepted or not okay are we talking here I would answer both whether the door Adama and the Toba as I stated earlier the Toba there is no one can tell you you have been accepted or you Toba has been accepted we can only pray and wish that Allah accepted our Toba however as I stated earlier the condition of the individual would improve he will become better Muslim and by that on the person insha'Allah we can say and indicate insha'Allah with the will of Allah by the will of Allah the permission of Allah he is he has been accepted again there is no guarantee no guarantee as a movement you always should be concerned about your sins always as some of the Rodimus said the hypocrites they see the sin as a fly that passed by there knows the movement they see the sins as a mountain over the head so you never know and you will never know you've been accepted and a hundred percent until you die but in sha allah if the condition of the individual has changed better that this is a sign bit nila in terms of the how do you guys been accepted there are other mother him home allah said as we know there are four different ways of the person that there are can be respond one that a lot of response to join in this worldly life and you see the result to not a loss of hannover to anna protected you from a calamity that was coming down to you from your other and then through the door that calamity was stopped through your door and the third and the last one is you will see the result of the drought on the day of your monkey maybe evening that and everybody who ever made do a deal under there I was answer they will wish that the door was never answered and they will reward in here after but again there is no way you can tell certainly that you're totally accepted other than the condition in the individual being improved along a lalana the next question from the sisters Mike so money from because I just wanted to ask you know how we seen sometimes for example I lie and I say I stuck for Allah immediately is that sufficient or do I have to go to bracelet to tell about something do you say so before you before you answer this question it's something related which is sister just asked me that she thinks that people live in specially Muslims it's a non Muslims question saying that Muslims live in guilt constantly because they always think about repentance so since it's related that when we see a stuff for Allah it only means she says the non-muslim says it means you will only get repentance at the end of the world so you have got to wait and live a guilty life all your life now for the question of the net Muslim Muslims they live between hope and fear and this is how the prophet and the messenger Over Law live their lives you will see the lines in the biography of the prophet of Allah and they used to live between hope and fear here for their shortcomings that they did not perform that a badda the act of worship as a law or then them to do here that they did not do their ultimate best at the same time hope that a loss of Hanna without her would accept their good deeds and they will never despair they will never lose hope in a loss of Hanna home what Hanna there's also this is very dangerous if a person leaves through fear fear fear did not personally become honor than he would lose you know the sins of doing anything good and then he would not be able to bridge to the other side at the same that the person lives hope hope hope then he will be relaxed and every time you commit a Marcio sin he was saying sha Allah will forgive me allies of a photo Rahim and this is what some people do and this what other people may do but Muslims and hamdulillah we live them both we live them both any any systems Panama I don't know how sometimes we don't analyze it in a simple way in any system people live through fear and hope here if they commit if they break the law of the country that they will be deported or they will be punished and for the hope that if they obey to obey the law of the land that no harm would come to them and this is the world we live imagine with allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala now I forgot the question of the Muslim sister now can she ask the question again for you I ask that for example if I as we all seen an industry we see a staff Rula like I lied I said ah stop for Allah is that sufficient or do I have to do salat Etowah know now if you lie and by the way there's no rainbow lines there's no colors for lies there's no white lines there's no pink lines there's no black lines lie is a lie you cannot really say this is not know so we all should abstain from lying period now if you say a lie and you say stuff for Allah on the moment and you sincere then Allah subhana WA Ta'ala would accept and you don't have to do much of things if you pray and hamdulillah is good but that moment allah subhanho wa taala would accept the october and this what he promised and as we know there's a for well known conditions october and that is one that you must desist this continuing with the evil that you're doing number two that you must feel remorse number three that you must promise to Allah that you will not return to it and number four that this is between you another human being that he asked them to forgive you or return their properties and belongs to them Allah Allah Allah
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 58,015
Rating: 4.8602262 out of 5
Keywords: Saeed Rageah, Repentance, The Power of Repentance, dua, suplication, Islam, Quran, Mu, Muhammad, Koran, Holy, iman, Allah, God, mercy, Spirit, Truth, Lord, Salvation, Salvation (Christianity), Gospel, Christianity (Religion), Prophecy, Religion (journal), Preaching, Hebrew, Word, jesus, Pastor, Grace, Messiah, Ministries, Ministry, Religion (Literary Genre), Holy Spirit, Father, Moses, Cross, Revival, God's, Prophet, Healing, Savior, Miracles, False, Trinity, Saved, Teaching, Testimony
Id: 6NTzitc7nN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 21sec (3021 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2013
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