Being a youth minister made me QUESTION the Bible - Rashad Jennings

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assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu again this is your brother Eddie Sharif with the excitement program the program that we named it journey to Islam tonight we have an excitement exciting brother story of reversion to Islam brother Rashad Jennings right yeah the brother Ishod is the reverse Islam etc slam five years ago since been delivered he's been a great brother in the community one of the brothers that you can rely on Shah Baba would hear his story which is very interesting and also the purpose that we say the story is that first and foremost the brothers are known in the community number two also the people who won in our gods now want to know the journey of the people who reverted to slam before them they could a shaman so brother Shan welcome to show circle of therapy just like a long flight so we'll start the program start with questions in Shaba we would like first to hear from a shot the story will be about him tell us when was the first time that you heard about Islam so you know unfortunately the first time I heard about Islam or I'm not gonna say her yes we remember everybody remembers none of that mm-hmm so I'm not gonna say heard but see this is the first time that someone has suggested that I look into it so I was in juvenile I've got in trouble and went to juvenile and everyday we got an hour out for Rec so we would go out sit at the same table every day and play spades so one day goes right before you know everybody at my table was about to get out and you know everyone was saying that what are you gonna do when you get out and they're like oh I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna do that you know so finally it was my turn so what you're gonna do when you get out I said first thing I'm gonna do when I get out man I'm gonna go get baptized and the guy is now in his low area he sat in a set of rope he said I've been baptized four times and he said that it don't work so me being you know just I didn't care about what he said I was just stuck on I'm like I'm getting baptized I don't care you know I didn't tell him this but I'm thinking you know I don't care if I was gonna be different from me mm-hmm so we know what maybe you think you want to be baptized because I got tired of acting and doing what I was doing at the time and I was stressing my mom out you know and and it was really bringing a lot of stress and troubles to my family then on top of that I got to thinking you know after this whole phase is over with of me out here doing this and doing that I'm not gonna go into too much detail but I was bad you know I was a pretty bad person but it's what are you gonna do after that how long do you think you're gonna be able to do this without being killed or in prison you know so I started trying to look for God so in that conversation somebody raised about them yeah he told me it was like but one time that I have seen is that Muslim he specifically said that Muslim stuff I said it's about Islam bro it was like I don't know about that he was I well the only reason why I won't convert it's because it's too many rules for me this is what he said he says too many rules me he said but I respect it so you know we ended up going back to our cell and I had just brushed off what he had said so I'll go back and I'm reading my Bible and and and there's stuff in there that I you know no disrespect to anyone but there are some things that I had a problem with that I was that was conflicted you know and I will go that in in the later okay so we we want you we know you're a shed now you know what I've been hard I have a beautiful child so we want to know how I shine before Islam or was what was his life his life looked like lots of violence in fights in juvenile on drugs you know a lot of hurt is just you know stuff that I really don't want to elaborate on but it's just you know I come from pretty violent like my household was pretty violent growing up you know so I just grew up around it I guess I became a reflection of what I was always singing you know I grew up fighting all the time I used to get picked on in school I fought at school I go home my mother and father's fighting you know my father's beating on me he's beating on my MA you know my mother and etcetera and I guess just once I got a certain age it just it just I became a reflection of that and so I just decide and thought about it so what was the breaking point when did he say enough is enough and you don't have to change when you went to jail or not no no I didn't care about that kind of I didn't care about that but I said down and I thought you know what I let if I had a daughter what I let my daughter be with me if I showed up at the door someone like me showed up at my door looking for my daughter how would I feel about that I thought about that yeah and I always thought you know I probably have kids you know and what am I gonna do what if I'm in prison what if I'm this and I'm that and my kids are here on their own without that dad so I just I was like you know slowly but surely I started getting better so so you're like before stamina I know what is that when when we talk about them they always quote from the Bible you you you seem like you know a lot in the world what as far as that's concerned what it happened was in my in my search for God right because I didn't care about God or religion I became an atheist just over time and I used to I just didn't believe in God I thought it was just the concept was silly at first and I used to watch this show called ancient aliens and and it brought up like before the episode actually started on the screen it says something about Lucifer and what if he was actually the good guy God was the bad guy immediately I quit watching it because I felt like that it was trying to push a certain message so I started going to church I started going to Christian Life Church in Murfreesboro Tennessee is one of the bigger churches there I went there for a little while I went there for many about two years and there are some things there that I had noticed and I didn't like but I ignored it you know because I saw that morning I'll give you an example it was approaching Christmas time one year and he everyone was talking about Christmas they had Christmas trees and there and I asked this man named Dean he was one of the youth pastors there I asked him I said Dean I have a question he said of course Rashad go ahead and ask it I said so why are we putting up Christmas trees and celebrating Christmas when here in Jeremiah in the Bible the book of jeremiah it says not to do it it explicitly says denied yes and in the Bible it says do not go outside cut down trees and bring him into your home and decorate them well or I think it says it in that book so I asked my buddy first time hearing you yeah he did not give me an answer he said he made it an excuse or he dodged it he said Rashad if you don't want you and your family to celebrate it he said that's fine but some of us like to stick to tradition I just yeah I just I just stop because in my mind it doesn't look like it's optional or it doesn't even look like it's tradition it looks like something that God condemns doesn't look like anything God supports so that's one thing I didn't like because what I had noticed while I was in the church was that they only quoted from certain biblical verses they would avoid others that I had read I never heard of any church and but anyone who I'll touch back on that later so it happened you know I ended up convincing my mom to start going back to church and they actually still go there to this day and I kind of gained a little bit of respect in the in the church that I was in you know everyone knew my family they did me you know and they ended up putting me over three classes as far as like teaching yeah they put me over three classes I had one Thursday night I had one Friday morning I had one Sunday morning what do you were teaching the just the Bible they would give us a topic you know or a subject and we would have to go through and elaborate on it which was another thing that I did not like I felt like that if we were going to be speaking on the behalf of God we should have some type of knowledge instead of here just going out the top of our head and speaking no one in there went to school to be a pastor or went to school memorize the Bible or anything like that you know we're just in here reading it going off of our own interpretation and we're teaching this to the children you know and I didn't agree with that so on your journey to slam when one live you decided it's time for you to look into Selena and why well when I was in high school I had met this sister I'm not gonna mention her name but I met this sister sister here I was Muslim sister I'm she was a good sister to mashallah but I met this sister and at that time my church was trying to they would talk about other religions mm-hmm and they were breeze through Hinduism they were breeze through Judaism they were breeze through Buddhism but when he came to his son they said understand for like 45 minutes all the other religious 2 minutes 2 minutes here 10 minutes there sometimes 5 minutes on that subject when it came to Islam it was almost a whole hour they would take verses from the Koran right and they would twist a meaning saying that our religion condones hate it condones killing suicidal bombings all this stuff and I'm like man you know I know Muslims and and and they're not like this you know because I never had that fear right of Muslims because I know how it feels to be looked at and stereotyped I went to it my whole life so I didn't have that feeling about them but there was his sister man she was in one my math classes when I was a senior when I right before I graduated cuz it was the the second semester and she was very nice the sister was she was like as far as character very good sisters far as character and I don't know if you have ever heard of the whole thing will live Jesus if Muhammad is better than Jesus then why is he mentioned in the in the Quran more than Muhammad SAW Allah why they were selling and I tried to use that honor trying to convert it and you're doing god I tried to use that on her and it shocked me what she said she said yeah I know we actually believe that we will follow Jesus when the Antichrist comes through me off I said what you guys you guys believe in Jesus you know because of the way that the church presented it was that we absolutely hate like the Muslims hated Jesus I think it was like as if we hated him it was Muhammad SAW Selim versus Lisa no Miriam an incident and and and I I came to find out that that wasn't the case so the immediate it's a fight battle be creative and Jesus as if they were rivals when they are brothers exactly the old priests one gone leaving one guy so after that when that click in your mind so what's template you're thinking to know more about right so afterwards you know everybody graduated going with that so I met this guy he thought he came ended up being my best friend at the time his name was true it was a white guy came from Florida he was in prison down there and all kind of tattoos and stuff very intimidating looking really nice but he was a Muslim in prison but he had converted back to Christianity because if he had not done so his family would not have let him stay with them so I met him this forcefully pretty much kind of like blackmailed becoming a Christian again so he ended up shaving his face and everything and he denounced the snap so me and him we got acquainted we started working together and he used to tell me about he gave me more information about his snap he read that what he believed he believed it but he hid it he showed me for the first time I had seen how Muslims prayed he had showed me he recited super thin fat data for me and he was just telling me different things about Islam and I was like really impressed with it I was like wow really so then he introduces me to I admitted that come on I know you're like yeah he's a favor yes oh my love mercy on me but uh so I was watching his videos and I was amazed you're a man of challenge you're like you know and I was amazed man and what officially drove me from the church was when the pastor had said that Islam was the desire the pastor said that one and we had these classes for people who were college aged and later on in the day so we went it was only about six of us me and my friend is real we went to it and drew went to go complain to the youth pastor Renee about what the pastor said he said because I I know Muslims I wasn't hustling and this is not a trend engine so after that she changes the whole subject for that night he switched it from it being about the Gospel of John mm-hm - it's not night and it's exercise and I defended him that day mm-hmm based on based on what I know I defended it and then when you're not telling us I was not a Muslim at the time and I defended it because I knew that they were lying so eventually I I was like you know what Christianity is not it for me this is not it for me and I looked into it's now more and more more well I mean I I fell in love with the Quran when I first read it I stayed up and I read it all the way until it was time for us to go back to work what attractions is now and the hope and the most what concept story how the belief system okay the what the fifth part what parts you enjoyed the most because of how Allah subhana WA Ta'ala talks about himself in the Quran he like you can feel that this God that is in this is the vine exactly the vomit you can you can strike and feel that this is your Creator because in the church when is presented is presents as if I would to be loved but if God is a and he's begging for you to love him that's how I feel and but when you read the core and the like it's beautiful how Allah talks about his power his beauty but at the same time he'll talk about his Rama its mercy you know it was a beautiful thing and the way it was just you know of how a lot used analogies to compare himself to you know to make you understand you know better but it was beautiful one thing that really attracted to me was one Allah constantly spoke about how he is one Allah always it goes back to worship your Lord alone always oh it was consistent because when I was reading the Bible and then when I would listen to the pastor pastor wine talk about it you know I'm reading in the Bible you know Tajin know you know worship one Lord but when I go to church on Sunday I'm hearing the the Father the Son the Holy Spirit even when I was baptized that was baptized in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit you know but you won't see this Son and Holy Spirit anywhere in the Old Testament you know so I just felt like that the quorum was matching up with the teachings of the Old Testament like more so you know this must be from God I did I did because they mentioned the stories about Moses it mentioned the stories about New Orleans and I mentioned the stories about Ibrahim you know just different um BIA that that we know in the in the Bible but with stories in the Quran are so much more pure than how they were mentioned in the book mean when you say that for an example yeah I can elaborate no problem I can't tell you how many times I've read this story when talking about new ideas no yeah he said that he was a shameless drunkard and his he would get drunk all the time in the bible in the bible and oh and and his son walked in on him while he was naked and drinking all the beer that's why he was you know and and he put a curse on his son just because he saw him naked and you're inking like this this is Pamela is it just didn't make sense to me or lute alayhi Salaam like he was intimate with his two daughters committing incest with his two daughters according to the Bible when you came to power I know what did you find about those prophets I found that these people were pure people these people were were an actual beacon for their people to follow an example there were role models you know as opposed to when I read it in the Bible and I'm not being biased I'm looking at this from a just your average secular person when I was reading this I'm thinking to myself how can we follow these people when the crimes that they've committed is stuff that I have never done mm-hmm yeah they're worse than me so how am I supposed to follow the and about all these prophets in the Quran I've been praised so numerous please these were you know in order the person to be believed you haven't had a clear record you have to be known for your honesty and truthfulness you're known as it drunk as more as a killer if you're known and that tomorrow you cannot go to the people and tell them trying from God exists hey wait a minute yeah so those things triggered you yeah it bothered me that's that's what made me want to look elsewhere like Puri just the stuff that I was really and the church contradicted the Bible the Bible contradicted itself so I just I didn't know and it contradicted science is what so I was just little by little I was just getting turned off from it so when when did you make your final decision in America I had like I said I started studying by reading all the time you know I would get up in the morning go to work come home go on to the house you know one my room and I would immediately open up the Koran or I would go and go on youtube and watch a committee that when they're comparing you know the Bible to the Quran in etc and this I did this for a while and I would go back and forth you know with my friend drew the one that was exercising exactly the one that introduced me to a snap so then it flipped like drew better complete 360 that person at the church they had these many get away trips or whatever I didn't go I didn't care much for it I was into a snap busy you know is it starting here I was into this and it was like a fire that is awakened in my heart but drew went and that whole weekend I just read and I just studied and I just read I studied you know sometimes I went without sleeping because I would just stop doing whatever I was doing I would go to work so when drew came back that Sunday night [Music] he came in he told me that he was wrong and Jesus is the Son of God and I said no you're alive he's someone who told exactly it we said well are these made an incomplete 360 mm-hmm the person who introduced you to snap yeah and I told him that at first I'm not becoming a Muslim and he was telling me bro you should this is true and then it made a complete 360 Hanuman to where he's calling me back to Christianity and I'm telling him no I'm going with this boss I know that he wants to be so the actual day that I converted I said in my room well the actual day that I made my decision to convert I said in my room and I just thought about everything that I had learned and I told myself what kind of man would I be if I reject the truth if I knew all of this studied all of this then and know that this is correct I feel it that is correct I would be a coward if I turned away from it so I got down on my knees you know prayed the Christian Way you know I'm with them you know like that and I didn't pray in Jesus name because I didn't feel like it was righted so I asked to guide me I said well Rd this is the statement that I made for my best memory if it's not is correct then make me the best most of the document me if I am wrong about Islam and Christianity to the truth humiliate me so much way even turning away from some from the truth humiliate me if this is the case so I pray you know I actually cried that night and because I accepted it's not an hour and I had some friends that used to go to MTSU with some Saudi brothers and I haven't seen them in a while it's fine I hope they're all right but uh I told them I was like you know I'm ready no I take my shot I'm ready so they oh brother and they gave me hugs and everything and they led me to this Shahada but you know you because I became a Muslim and they're just along being part of this community this one yes ICT and why why you chose to be in our community when other centers might be closer to you I came to first after I became Muslim I had I kind of drifted away from my friends mm-hmm because I was always studying then wasn't a prince no no no no no even my Muslim friends I start I studying and they had no interested they are not practicing right because I would hang out with them and I'd be like oh you know we have to pray you know it's time you know my phone says it's time for daughter and they will respond man you so religious man it's not that big of a deal man you know I'm one of them hold it up drifting away from them you didn't feel they were the right and I was so excited to go to the mosque for the first time first John went to my first drama I'd done it at Islamic Center of Murphysboro Murfreesboro the first brother I met there I gave him Salaam I said I'm aa alaikum ya see and he looked at me crazy he stuck out his hand a little bit I grabbed it and he went like it hurt me you know so I women I listen to the hook and I was still excited but listen to the hook but after we prayed and that was awful because I didn't know what I was doing but I tried but it hurt me that nobody talked to me mm-hmm you didn't feel that you were fitting in you know at all it hurt me that nobody dare talk to me mm-hmm so I would only after that I would only go and leave right after I wouldn't try to talk to him he didn't know nobody mm-hm don't nobody would speak to me but at the same time I did have you know tattoos I was still wearing jewelry at you know like earrings at the time stuff like that and you know but still I'm in here y'all she talked to me you know but I drifted for a little bit so how did he get to know to do to this community to this one I ended up meeting a Kurdish brother down in Murfreesboro he told me to call him Toby that's what he said homey Toby Toby yeah Toby and you know I was at this time I was paying my mom's car door for mm-hmm so I got off work I stopped by there you know I was gonna drop off my mom's car know for I wanted to surprise it you know the Cardinals been paid up and he was like you know I've never seen you before who who are you I said my name is Rashad oh [Music] he was like you have a Muslim name I was like I am it was that from home and he was like you know you're making a payment for I said Rosa he was like roses your mother it was like how did you come to it's now I said you know I converted it you know and he became a close friend of honor I used to go and I would sit with him and I would ask him questions yeah and a lot of me didn't know but still it was a Muslim in Murfreesboro for me to talk to and that's all I cared about is that I had another Muslim to talk to and so I ended up going there one day to pray to pay my mom's car know and I met this brother tisha which was his son and father yeah all special was father I mean yeah Toby specialized yeah and he told me it was like problem you gotta come nicety man so what is ICT he says it's a messaging but it's an EDI like it was like gotta meet you real you gotta meet you bro like cool you know so we end up coming up here and during the class because you remembered your prayer like being in those classes so we ended up coming I followed him up there up here and we went to the class and I walked in here and I thought this place was beautiful I thought it was amazing about the color of Allah I think it just so happened that Bilal gave me a time and that was the first time I had heard the earth done called like that you're beautiful mm-hmm but but ever since then I was coming here we're glad to have you one of the best of the brothers that we have in the Camino so to save the time I want you to come there to compare your life before Islam and after it's not before Islam I felt that I had like like a void that could not be filled it was almost as if that I was looking for something but I couldn't find it I tried music because I did have a little point of my time while I wrapped but I tried music I tried drugs you know just different outlets and it didn't work out you know and the moment I found Islam it it filled it full of it filled it you know because I don't know what Islam does to you and of course it's beautiful how once you recognize your war and absolute monotheism it's an unexplainable feeling so it's just I feel a lot better about myself I feel like the anger that I used to carry around with me is no longer there you know I was satisfied happy with myself and content with what was around me so I might see something bad or see something I don't like but I just like um you know as opposed to win as not Muslim you know the littlest stuff can set me off you know I just make me upset or whatever so I've seen a big difference in my life since Islam I've seen a huge difference different so did you change after you became a Muslim usually a lot of Muslims they think that once you accepted Islam you taking a different culture you'll becoming an error becoming somebody else betrayal still see addressing the same looking the same thing yeah there for the most part absolutely you know when you become Muslim you're not taking on anyone's culture at all and I leave my heart is what exactly is your character because that is what Islam does Islam Perfect's your character when you look at Islam when you read about you know Sharia the you know the filth it's everything the whole of the deal you are sitting here it's almost like you're reading the blueprint before like not not just your life but the solution to the world's problems because it addresses the general population but also satisfies every single individual do you get what I'm saying like it's it's such a complex system like it has to be from Allah it covers every little detail in your life and it's amazing which is something I did not have at first so it's it's it's beautiful so your relationship with your family did that before this lemon after I want to know that of course but I also want to know how did they perceive their son that they raised Christian and chose to be a Muslim was that some families is a problem with some people smooth Oh was it with you most reverse that I've met had that have the family have the problem and I was one of those when my mom when I when I first became Muslim I kept it secret for a while for a few months and one day because at the time I was living with my mother one day she came into my room mm-hmm and I was in the middle of ring awesome mm-hmm and when she was walking up the stairs she saw me come up from surgery and she was like what are you doing mm-hmm said I'm praying she was like you know the two religions is not gonna be able to live in this house split it's not gonna be able it's not gonna be able to have she said so you need to either because my uncle had already told them what I converted to his sons as he was there when drew was talking about so she finally caught me off once a lot because at this time I was teaching myself how to pray I was trying to memorize su-35 Dina and everything and so she caught me praying awesome she told me that you're either gonna have to come back to Christianity or you have to leave I said mama if you knew what I knew you will convert - she said no I would he was like you either need to come back to Jesus or you need to leave so I packed up my stuff I packed and I put in my little Honda Civic ahead of the time and I pull it off I didn't have anywhere to go how yeah I loved it she said either come back to Christianity or you leave and so I left so coming doctor it was nothing no it's not an option because I couldn't lie to myself so I left I didn't have anywhere to stay I slept in my car for the first you know what week or so and my granddaddy called me you know he's a man what's up what you got going on man I told him I said just woke up it was like are you at the house I said no I'm over here on sewing so Street he said why are you sleeping on so on so Street I said I'm in the car I said my mom's not explained the situation to him he said come on come over here so I ended up living with my granddad after that he left me practice as usual which eventually he started to have a problem with it you know just for the simple fact that what The News said uh-huh so how that relationship was fixed how I fixed it was I had to show my grandfather that I didn't change I'm still the same grandson you know because he was worried about that you know he didn't want me to change even was my mom it scared her too because before she gave me that option to either come back to Christianity or leave she said what are you gonna start doing now you're gonna start blowing up buildings and stuff so I was like no I'm not you know but I come to do that now as a Muslim you know with two years ago what's the first time that I can remember that my mother told me that she was proud I'm proud of me prior to that as a son so she knew or shot before Islam right now before Islam we just got this after this yeah and and I was the first time a mother it sold me she was like I am so proud to have you as a son and it feels good that my mom you know goes to work or so hanging around this person at that person and she was like I don't have to worry about that type of stuff with my son you know and so it's just she brags about me now I'm doing that so that is so you were you convert to Islam on your left a religious that used to depth in the past probably you had a family problems do you think that the Muslims the community in general we give a fair or enough attention to the reverts I mean I know when you accept Islam we line up for you we we bombard you right out of hearts and all of that but do you think that there's some things need to get done for the community because you know one thing that I think the immigrant Muslims need to learn or see is that when we become Muslim nine times out of ten that'll be vert has been disowned by his family so really all we have after that after the Shahada and our family finds out all we have left is you got this this is what we had because we don't have anything else you know and I honestly think that's why a lot of brothers fall off in the dino why they these it in completely you know because of that you know they have no support system in a lot of communities they have no support system they don't have someone to go talk towards to help them and so and so forth you know and uh it's kind of like it's just and also like eat em I lost my train of thought for a minute but I eat for an example mm-hmm it's not as exciting for us yeah because nine times out of ten we're just sitting at the house a word driving around trying to find the monsters actually got somebody there because we don't know what to do because our family don't celebrate this holiday and the Muslims are off doing whatever they are doing what their people so what left there with nothing to do but we know when our heart that this is a holy day this is a day of celebration you know but we have no one to celebrate it with you know all of my aids all of them except for this past year no I'm not gonna say that except for the year for last what mm no 2016 ever since 2016 prior to 2007 2016 my aides were spent by myself for the most part I'm praying it's not exactly and it bothered because I had nothing to do because I wanted to celebrate I was excited about this day especially after all my thought right you know especially after Ramadan you know it was just it was lonely and so that's one thing that we really need is that someone or a group of people step up and when someone becomes Muslim show them the ropes but don't judge them mm-hmm you know it's another problem that I see in the the Muslims in general not even not even immigrant not even warm Muslims Muslims in general subhanAllah that I had Allah sometimes we get on this high horse and would think that were so pious that we start the judge people an imagined person who lived long like most of his life right different lifestyle hmm no some difficulty is a lot of time to say to the brothers you don't understand what they go through their challenge this person lived that completely like so years and years it was formed that one he's struggling an internship and also your role comes here and like want to come to their aid and the shortcomings and the communities you're part of the community your role comes to step up to help you help us to create a program something that at least could resolve right that that is Malini Oh John a fine - I will give you a final words in China I want you to advise give advice to non-muslim who's not a Muslim to whether Christian Jews whatever they are because you've been there you know they're counting and also final advice as a Muslim specially in the data area okay well as far as advice to the non-muslims you know learn about a staff seriously if there is nothing in this world not an did almost everything there is nothing that will give you the peace you should learn about it and if you don't learn about it if you don't want to convert you still Muslim treat them with kindness don't don't believe the stereotype don't believe the media when they when they say that it's not about hate or it's not about oppressing their women I know what I don't know where they got that from we got to do everyday so just different stuff that the media in Islamophobes right that they put out ignore because it's not true if you want to know something about Islam as a Muslim as someone who lives a slaw make lifestyle don't go and as someone who lives just like you about its now they don't know you know so that's pretty much my advice but I highly encourage anybody to look into a slam going to your local messages and ask questions please if you're in this area Tennessee were lucky I swear come here seriously I love to sit down or a man will sit down anybody in here will sit down and answer any questions you had and the doors of the Musante that are open always anytime you want we have questions about Islam you want to know more about I was here at this what would you address to the Muslims Muslim to the community I know go easy on them first thing first and foremost you know to the brothers and sisters you know he took a loaf you alone secondly as far as when it comes to tower don't compromise the Dean I've seen in so many situations to where you know Muslims will lie or will water something down when it's not that because I can tell you as a person who converted to its name if someone wanted gave me a watered-down version of Islam I wouldn't accept it serious I am serious I wouldn't accept it if you would have told me that oh yeah I mustn't we you know we celebrate Christmas - what so it would be excited no no not me I wasn't and most of the brothers that I refer others that I've met they they were like if they would have came and gave that word to me like they do some of these people out here I wouldn't be accepted it's not because it looks like hypocrisy it looks like it looks fake because you're trying to convince these people that they didn't read so-and-so first in the Quran or so-and-so Haditha instead of trying to convince them that that's not what they read elaborate on the aisle or elaborate on the hadith or and if you can't come like one example he might come and ask him you know so don't don't do that let's turn people away I'm gonna go ahead and tell you that now stop lying sugarcoating stop it because it doesn't work everything about them also is beautiful nothing exactly there is no reason to there's no reason to water it down it's beautiful it's not as moderate by itself it doesn't need any type of alterations or you don't need to fix it up a little bit to make it look a certain way it's already beautiful you know so these economically brother Rashad I've been haunted for your time or your effort and we're so grateful to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala first - you - for being part of our community for me they're part of us in Shama she always have shortcomings the Muslim community we always need your help and support to help you to help the people had the same background as yours your story was very beautiful and final jealous of Hanna kendama behind occasionally and mr. Arakawa Natalie Cole is a claw O'Hara was ceremony from or a metal machiavel cat
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Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, nashid, almaghrib, dars, halaqa, bayan, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, Islamic Center of TN, Rashad Jennings, QUESTION, Bible, youth minister, minister
Id: h06mSMf6XZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 12sec (3072 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2018
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