Faith As A Source of Happiness by Omar Suleiman. 2013 ICNA-MAS Convention

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Oh Salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh masha'Allah what did what a crowd come though this is seriously the most amazing problem to have I wish every Masjid was like this to write every convention in every class ma sha allah allah aziz erotic i was a blossom a ninety-minute shakeology miss me avocado Haman hamdulillahi rabbil alameen whatever gwaan Allahabad I mean when I'm Kiba to Dilma talking llama salli wa sallim wa barik alaa AB Dakota Sioux DK Muhammad in sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while daddy he will suck the you assalam to slim in kathira dear brothers and sisters the hadith that I'm about to share with you contradicts absolutely everything you've heard so far in this convention I was sitting here last night and I was listening to Shahab montón talk about how nothing contributes to happiness that is material in its nature and I'm going to share with you a hadith that conflicts with all of that it literally refutes everything that you've heard for this entire convention when it's not explained properly in an authentic hadith buyable hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says al Ribera to mean asada there are four components of happiness you ready for this he said a good spouse having a good companion is a component of happiness he said el jabbo sala having a good neighbor as a component of happiness so those are kind of understandable because then you have people write a good wife a good husband a good spouse a good neighbor then he says unless Kenan wasa having a big house and then he said a lot a couple honey the literal translation of America will honey you've got mr. Arabic here literally it translates into a sweet ride doesn't it literally markup will honey means a sweet ride and also last I said I'm said wada bara to vanish afar and there are four components of misery a bad spouse a bad neighbor a musk analogic a very constricting small and the profit slice on him said a bad ride now what is amazing about this how these number one is that the profit slice and I'm just acknowledged that these things contribute to a person's happiness these are components of happiness there's no doubt about it but here's the question from those four things what did the prophets I saw them have just number one a Good Wife the prophet sallallaahu are do some did not have a good neighbor the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not have a big house his hoes rock his apartment his chambers ali his salat wa salam were nine by four they were so small that the prophet sallallaahu re wa sallam used to tap the legs of aisha all day allow i'm he'll whenever he would make sujood did the prophets y salaam have a sweet ride no the prophet slicer never rode a good camel or a good horse in fact his his his saddle was described as being worn out so what is the profit slice and i'm telling us you know he's telling us that you know what if you have a car that doesn't break down every five minutes you're more likely to have a good day than someone who does having a good nice space to live in having that space can be good it can contribute to your happiness as opposed to living in a very small place having a good spouse can certainly contribute to a person's happiness having a good neighbor can certainly contribute to a person's happiness but the fact that the prophet sallallaahu our newest enemy himself does not have except for one of those things shows you what your happiness cannot depend upon those things your happiness cannot depend upon those things abdullah bin salam will the ilaha tada I know one time he walked into a messages and the people saw him praying and there was this man who was from the tavern he never met Abdullah who sat out and the people were talking about how righteous this man was and now this is a man of jena abdullah bin salam the man who was a rabbi the chief of the rabbis before islam and this man sees him praying and the people see him praying and they're speaking well of him so this man goes up to and he says to him I heard the people saying this and this and this about you what is it that's so special about you and I belong and alumnus arrival of the allahu ta'ala anhu said you know subhanAllah it's not befitting for people to say that which they don't know I'm not that good person that they were talking about but what is it that they were talking about he said I once had a dream that I was in a garden of a tagine on a garden of paradise and in the middle of that garden was a pole so he said I walked in that garden of paradise to that pole to that a mood and he said as I got to that pole I looked up and I noticed a handhold a grip at the top of that pole so I looked up at it and I was commanded to ascend to grab on to that handhold and I thought I said how am I supposed to get all the way up there and he said and then an angel came from beneath me and blue until I ascended all the way up that pole and I grabbed on to that handhold and he said I woke up and I told the prophets lie some the next day what I saw I'm a sous la sal allahu alayhi wasalam said and lola as for the garden for all doctrine Islam that is the role that is the guardian of Islam and as for the a mood as for the pole that is the pole of Islam and as for the handhold that is a little WA - Luis saw the trustworthy hands hold that never breaks that if a person grabs onto that handhold they will never be grieved they will never be taken away they have entrusted their affairs to allah subhanahu wata'ala they have meaning they are great from their times of ease they are patient in their times of hardship they have meaning in their lives and so as long as that handhold is not being sacrificed and allah subhana wa ta'ala will never let it break and Allah will never let you go as long as that handhold is still sturdy and it will always be sturdy that person cannot be shaken because that person's purpose is stable it's consistent he has meaning in his life and you know James Baldwin because religion always takes this beating because if you know you go to any philosophy class and really it's a on religion and a war on Islam specifically but it's a war on religion in the field of a kadhi and all the circles of academia history professors will say religion is responsible for the world's violence where religion is responsible for all of the hatred religion is responsible for crime religion is responsible for this religion is responsible for that of course ignoring that the Crusades were because of an economic bankruptcy of Europe that all of these terrorist groups that we have today are for political reasons and not religious reasons but hey it's under the banner of Islam the Ku Klux Klan is under the banner of Christianity religion is to blame for all of this and we'd all be at peace of course these people have never read about the marxist revolution they've never read about the Tamil Tigers they've never read about Japanese kamikazes they've never read about the oppression that takes place in so many different parts of the world under a secular regime but you know what it's all religion to blame you know what fine what about all of the positives what about the meaning that it gives to a person's life what about purpose because I know for myself I can say this without any hesitation that if it wasn't for Islam I would be a miserable creature I would be a miserable human being I would have no purpose and you know what I would not be able to weather any storm and you know what James Baldwin said he said the man that needs to be feared most in society is someone who has nothing to lose people that are that have meaningless lives lives of no purpose that will inflict meaningless on other people's lives because they can't deal with their own meaningless lives Newtown right those types of shootings what would drive a person what makes a person so sick to go and murder little children in an elementary school meaningless there is no life and you know somehow Allah when Allah judge says in the Koran yeah you had levy amano esta gu lillahi wa la salida de anima your eekum oh you who believe answer your the call of your Lord and the messenger sallallaahu anyway send them if they call you to that which gives you life because if you don't have purpose you don't have life and you know what that's why people who have all of the great circumstances for happiness Nora because people think that happiness means that I can't ill and I don't have to do anything that I live a stress-free life people equate a lack of stress and a lack of work with happiness but the opposite is actually true because when people have nothing to do they become miserable they give themselves work because everyone needs to feel productive you need to feel like you're achieving something meaningful or else life becomes not worth it and so people will take their own lives so don't assume how a lot of people think that if I'm not if I'm not committed to us not if I have no commitment then everything will be ok you know man those a theists they must be living it up they don't have to do anything they don't have to answer to nobody number one there is no such thing as a true atheist and this is our Creed as Alyson noël Gemara it bent amiable he Milazzo no such thing as a pure atheist they all believe in Allah Subhan Allah for those people who need science to confirm go to Annan Sunnah read about the god spot every single person believes in Allah subhana WA Ta'ala you know Edward young who's a professor in Princeton who ran lie-detector tests on atheists and they all failed their lie-detector tests you know what he said he said you wouldn't be arguing with God and you wouldn't be mad at him if you didn't believe in him you're just mad at him because your dad didn't buy you a Playstation when you were 13 all right something happened in your life and you couldn't what you couldn't understand why and so you decided to tell yourself that nobody knows why it makes no sense I'm just going to do whatever I feel like doing and let me ask you this question have you ever met a happy a theist content with Sakina tranquility like have you ever met a humble atheist before they're always confrontational they're angry people because that void is there and it can't be filled with other than a loss of Hanneman sad they're ignoring that and so that's misery in and of itself and chef up the opposite of sad that the profits lie cinema describes the opposite of happiness is shafa means deprivation sake deprived deprived of allah subhanho wa taala and therefore Lihue Mari sat on Lanka they have a suffocating lifestyle now imagine that person having a meaningless life in and of itself is miserable imagine when that person has to deal with the tragedy in their lives are they supposed to weather that storm seriously you know compare the Sahaba who would lose children lose their legs sometimes right a person like a Beatty Nevada jeweler made only a lot of time who who was blind lost both of his arms lost both of his legs and was still always saying in hamdulillah - Kobe Bryant who rants on Facebook about his torn ACL in his 13 billion dollar mansion or whatever it is seriously and you know Imams Aid was just talking about is how Islam gives us happiness it gives us that sense of meaning it gives us something to live for it gives us something to keep us going but then now here's the question if you look at the life of the prophets why cinnamon we need to be honest here if you look at the life of the Prophet slice in them and you look at the lives of the Companions and the lives of the selleth do you necessarily see happy people how many of you would say that the prophets lie son was happy raise your hand how many of you would say that almond turban Abdul Aziz was a happy man raise your hand I'll let him know Abdul Aziz Rahim whole lotta ala let's start with him you know I would have been Abdul Aziz gave up everything when he became Khalifa sad that Danielle subhanAllah he he really gave up everything gave up his nice clothes gave up his fourteen palaces gave up the jewelry in his house gave up everything before that he was a very happy person on the outside very happy-go-lucky very joyful always always had a smile on his face and then somehow alone he becomes Khalifa and he close to a loss of Pinot to Adam he abandons all of that and I want you to listen to this and tell me if this sounds like happiness his wife Fatima she says that Omar Abdullah used to Eden used to pray a lot of Thea Mila he just used to pray 2 rakaats he did not surpass anyone with many records of qiyama live but it was just too special records that he would pray every night but she said you know what there was a verse that I was afraid he would read and she said listen this wife what she said I would make dua to Allah that he would not come across this ayah because if he read this ayah I thought that I would wake up the next day a widow and the OMA would wake up without its Khalifa she said he was like a bird that was being splashed with water meaning he would panic when he would come across this ayah and so I hoped that I would never see him read this ayah because when he read it I thought he was going to die because of how much he would weep and how much it how much it pained him you know what that iOS it wasn't even a full ayah it was part of an ayah surah - Shura the beginning of surah to surah Fariq on Fallujah na ba Faria confess I a group in Paradise and a group in Hellfire can you imagine his wife says I thought he was going to die when he would read them why because he feared that he might be funny confess ayah he might be from the group of the people in Hellfire and he would cry and he would panic and I thought he would die now if you look at that you say wait a minute Islam is supposed to give me happiness Islam is supposed to give me tranquility what happens fast and you know the Quran is supposed to make a person feel good why is it making him feel this way why is that ayah having that effect on him and you know what fast forward to the end of his life as Amida bin Abdul Aziz is dying and he says to his wife and children as he kisses them for the last time too of the room and as they leave the room they peek into that room and they see him laying there and his face illuminates I know I'm gonna burn AB disease was afraid of how he would die he told the ROG Abner hey whoa when he was dying on him Allah he said when you receive my body in the grave I want you to be the one that's standing in the grave to receive my body and I want you to uncover my face if you see it facing the Qibla then say alhamdulillah because Allah has forgiven me if you see it otherwise then ask the people to forget to ask a loss of Hanoi to audit to forgive me because I'm in a turbulent situation so he was afraid and as he sends his family out they look inside and they peek and they see his face illuminate and he has a big smile on his face and you know what he says he says marhaban be happy hello Joe greetings to these beautiful faces ality leisa people do he instant what are John these faces that don't belong to Jenner human beings and you know what he recited he said tilaka dada Hira Najah lujan in lovina la you read munaruna one feel all dy la posada what la Pira to kneeling with jumping this is paradise this is the home of paradise we granted to those who don't seek status in this world nor corruption and truly victory belongs to the believers span Allah that seemed or an that would cause him to stand up and cry at night that same for an that would cause him to panic to a point that his wife thought he would die because he didn't know he wasn't sure of himself is the same for an that comforted him in his last moments now what about the prophet sallallaahu he was sudden because that doesn't sound like a happy life he didn't live a very happy life then what happens look at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and you know really what's necessary is that when we read the life of the prophets why Selim as a person who loves Allah so Allah are you asylum how does it make you feel when you read about the moments and thought if how does it make you feel about the moments when he's right when he's describing the worst day of his life sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the blood running down his body the people yelling profanities at him feeling a sense of rejection calling upon a loss of hunter Aurra all alone how does it make you feel when you read about the prophet sallallaahu on us and I'm his neck being stepped on how does it make you feel when you read about the prophets my son I'm being spit on how does it make you feel when you read about the prophets I saw them have having a weapon a beam or eight placing camel guts on his back and his daughter having to come and clean his back while he's shivering alayhi salat WA Salam and saying don't cry o my daughter a loss of Hannity Allah will support your father don't worry about it if you love the Prophet so I sell them when you read those that should move you but you know what I think we fail to do the other part to it necessitates sadness when you read about the sad moments of the prophets like Selim but it also necessitates happiness when you read about the happy moments of the prophets I said oh you know what the most emotional part of the Selah is for me and Allah I'm not joking with you this is the most emotional part of the Sierra for me is the last day of the life of the prophet sallallahu wasallam when rasool ullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as an azure the allahu ta'ala anhu says on his last day that monday as he's in his apartment and the Sahaba are praying salat Ana Saudi allahu ta'ala anhu says that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam removed the curtain and was watching us pray or su la spy salam was looking at us pray and he says about the prophet sallallaahu re wa salaam as he saw a spring he says picanha waha ho that verily his face was water cut almost half it was you know the prophets like some smile is already as bright as the moon as NASA the allow I know describes him but he says in those moments the prophets I Salaam his face was as bright as a page of the Mossad and he says Futaba sama sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a logica he said the prophets lie Selim smiled and he laughed ila his salat WA Salam can you imagine how the prophets Iceland felt twenty-three years of blood sweat and tears 23 years of rejection 23 years of fella unlockable here enough Sakurada thought him you're going to kill yourself over their fate 23 years of being rejected 23 years of being physically beaten 23 years of being emotionally driven to the ground so Allah I know Selim from all of the people's concerns 23 years of never saying no to anybody 23 years of trying to establish this deen and the prophets lie Selim is looking at the Sahaba prank I love the prophets lie solo and I'm happy for him well la I read that and I'm happy for him because I imagine if I was the prophets why solo looking out at the fruit of my effort here it is here's what it yielded here's your Ummah prank accepting your call a Nana saw the allotted I'm who he says that he says we look to the prophet sallallaahu you assail him and we were excited the Sahaba couldn't even pray anymore because they saw the prophets lice and I'm smiling at them and they wanted him to come and he said of a bucketload the allow I know also in the middle of his Salah of a bucket moved back because the prophets on him had come the day before and he prayed with Abu Bakr all the a lot I know Sabu Beck had moved back thinking that maybe this time he's coming back out again sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Anna Saudi Allah and who says the prophets lice and I'm signaled with his right hand to keep praying and he drew the curtain on himself again Ali his salat wa salam and Anna Saudi allahu anhu says i never saw his face again that was the last time I saw his face smiling happy sallallahu alayhi wa sallam pleased with his Ummah seeing the fruit of his effort I read that and I'm happy for the prophets y Salaam I like I'm so glad he got to see that before he left this world so Allah are you asana and that's when he says so Lala Ariela I want a la Fitte Allah I just want the highest companionship I achieved everything I wanted to achieve here but what about all of the moments that he suffered before you know what that one moment makes it so worth it doesn't it that one moment makes it so worth it and takes away everything everything that came before it and then I quote to you understanding now happiness and I'm going to shock you with these words Eleanor Roosevelt you know what she says she says happiness should not be a goal happiness is not a goal she says it's a byproduct of a life well-lived happiness is not a goal it's a byproduct of a life well-lived as abu hanifa rahim Mahalo he said if the Kings knew the joy that we were in if they knew how happy we were he said the Kings would send their armies to sanction us to try to take it from us and he was rich before about the allow I'm Jorge Mahalo but he said if they knew how happy we were and how much joy we had because as I thought of him Allah said in my time is up I'm sorry as I thought Mahima hole lhasa that a good deed yields three moments of happiness when you do the good deed you feel good did you ever feel bad after praying fudgin or doing something dour doing some relief work when you do the good deed every time you look back and you remember he mounts the rods how sweet is it every time you look back at the origins of mazda taqwa when you reflect on that when you look back on it and then he said and the greatest joy is when you meet a loss of Hanna Tata dear brothers and sisters happiness is a disposition it's not circumstantial I want to introduce to you one of the greatest inspirations of my life someone that I loved dearly in 2006 I remember my father-in-law as he was the Imam in Baton Rouge getting a phone call that a young man from our community had Pat he was passing away and we needed to make the janazah arrangements young man was riding his motorcycle on his way home and he was dying and he was done for and the doctor said we don't even think he'll make it till tomorrow go ahead and prepare his janazah and the doctor said it's over there's no hope in this person anymore go ahead and just prepare the funeral and the parents said no never we're not giving up keep him on the machines they said we'll have to amputate this we'll have to amputate that she said go ahead but I want my son I want him alive no keep him keep him and so the entire community used to visit this brother and make dua for him and he was in a coma for a very long time and then that brother woke up a few weeks later not remembering anything that happened but all of a sudden with his legs amputated and we used to visit I used to visit that brother every single day every day when I lived in Louisiana because I was so inspired by how happy he was to be alive and how this was the turning point in his life towards a loss of Hana Hana and I come did a lot I mean that brother is here today one of my close friends and one of my inspirations brothers right and I'm going to let him say a few words in sha allah assalamu alaikum Salam alaikum she's a crackhead for that interaction remember Oh like like the chef said he was one of the most regular visitors at the Mazda Thunder Allah as was his father Abaddon sha'lame like gain through the highest levels engine and surely is so far look he is I don't know why I'm talking about him the past tense ha but yeah so the road inshallah inshallah oh so this was about seven years ago and when I woke up from my coma oh I had no idea what was going on and the nurse comes in a couple days later and she says that yeah we had to cut off your legs and the first response from my mouth was alhamdulillah because I was glad to be awake at that point and over the past seven years you know I had lost everything how when I'd read the doctors reports I found out that at one point during surgeries my heart had stopped and alhamdulillah the doctor picked up my heart with his gloved hands and he massaged it and hangul of the grace of our last phone with all I'd started kicking again hunger Allah and these past seven years have been recovery slowly and steadily oh there was a point when I couldn't move my fingers I couldn't move my lips and hamdullah gradually things have come back when I decided to go back to school the brothers from the local community from eco relief they stepped up and they bought me a laptop with voice recognition software from gorilla I started back with school I did that for a little bit and I was like the Imam said you know happiness comes through serving the communities and life was it enough I wanted to go out and do what I can from the Rolla and I started off with the Hunger prevention programs whenever the sisters in the local community would prepare the food at the least I could do was it can really help me get the minivan also so I would drive the food round and deliver that to people's houses so father now seven years later I drove all the way from Louisiana here this year I've also started playing wheelchair tennis and like the Sheikh was saying that happiness you know is a disposition my coach says something very similar also that to win a point in tennis the first opponent you have is the net it's only three and a half feet high but the first thing you have to do is mentally prepare yourself that no I can hit the ball over the net if you can't get it over the net if you really believe that you can then you're not going to get the point I'm not going to get any further humble up but this is just a few words inshallah and hopefully we can have better recoveries and serve the community better and better and better and she'll
Channel: ICNA
Views: 963,811
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Keywords: icna, islam, muslims, whyislam, GainPeace, muslim, family, day, young, ym,, icnarelief, ilf, islamic
Id: RGypeGiH4ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2013
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