How to Avoid Spiritual Numbness - Omar Sulaiman

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so I wanna come around to block him with a cutter spoon out and I'm a Haman hamdulillah you know but I mean whatever gwaan Ilana blood I mean when I ask you to intervene a lot more slowly with southern Mubarak Arab League for so he can Muhammad in Seoul a lot hard he was seldom ready he was lucky he was seldom to see min kathira everyone can hear me in sha allah in the back up top no I'm getting the know so this is the the dilemma of discrimination against taller people it's a universal problem so I'm gonna try to talk into the mic inshallah tada I want to first and foremost extend just my gratitude to the to the brothers and sisters here I've been Zaid for having me here so kinda live driven by this place so many times and always just admire the architecture and seeing some of the great work that's come out of the center but never had the blessing to to actually come here in a tent and subhanAllah this is an extremely short visit for me to cut thought it's one of the shortest it's more like a layover and cut up and so you know to have the opportunity to meet so many of you is truly a blessing from Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala I've been sort of in a whirlwind so last week and have the night I completed my hedge and then I went to the United States and attended an Islamic convention there in Houston and then I jumped back on a plane back to this side of the world so I don't really know where I am so if I accidentally say another country name then please forgive me because that's just sort of what the schedule has been like over the last few weeks but I will say this that one of the things that I always just take from that experience of had LA has blessed me to go on a regular basis is how profound and powerful that experience of reigniting faith can be in a person's life and I want to take a few steps back and sort of introduce the subject this subject is something that I actually spoke about the subject in in isne and the Islamic Society of North America can veteran in the United States and I was thinking a lot about it so on the brothers asked me what subject you want to talk about I thought this would be a good subject to talk about this subject is one that's particularly pertinent to those who were born and raised as Muslims those who never really had to fight for the ability to be Muslim or to practice Islam and its most comprehensive and holistic sense and those who have been Muslim even if he weren't raised Muslim those who have been Muslim long enough to where they found now that the that the spirituality that the practice has started to lose some of its flavor some of its sweetness in their lives and are wondering how to recapture that you know that that fresh moment of faith with a loss of hand on which I oughta again and to give you some context into how that plays out in hedge may allah subhanaw taala first and foremost allow all of us to be called to his house over and over again everyone please say I mean every one of us in Omaha or had the opportunity to visit Bates Allah and Haram the sacred house as someone who has the opportunity to go multiple times I had to ask myself this question a few years ago well how do I still capture the beauty of looking at the Kaaba for the first time right or entering into Medina Toonami sallallahoalyhiwasallam and recognizing as our love nor model dialog and we used to say Lila hope in the car the hoof it might be that my foot step will fall in his and recognizing the sweetness of the the spirit of the city of the prophet sallallaahu Hardy was sullen and what I started doing a few years ago essentially is as I would get to the haram in particular I take my group to the Kaaba I would just stop for a moment and I'd look at the faces of the first time had geez and see the way that this was affecting them and somehow a lot it's it's so different for that person that feasts their eyes for the very first time on the Kaaba and the immediate emotional intense experience that they have and it's really special because all of your troubles and everything that you you know you've brought to that moment sort of melts away and you're sitting there and you're looking at them and you're reliving your own first time through them because you're recognizing that once upon a time that was me I remember the first time looking at the camera I remember the first time you know feeling what that person is feeling it and again for everyone in here that has never had the opportunity to remember our hedge may Allah write it down for you and for those who have me a Lost Ponte allow us to go back over and over again but that moment subhanAllah I recognized that I wish I still felt that way myself because it can become routine it can become mechanical back in in December I had the chance to take the very first special needs or Umbra group from the United States I had people in my group that were in their 60s that were deaf a couple for example both in their 60s and both of them were deaf and one of them was a revert to Islam and the way that they looked when they looked at the Kaaba for the very first time the way that a child with autism whose experiences are dismissed as being irrelevant who whose diminished by society around them and the way that that child looks for the very first time it's special because you recognize the intensity of an experience and there was one brother this year in particular with hedge and I'm gonna start my entire my entire talk off with this through the lens of this particular brother this brother's name is Janine how many of you have heard of a group called Islam in Spanish anybody all right one two like three maybe a few sisters as well Aslam in Spanish is a very special group that's based out of Houston right around corner from Dallas run by a brother beautiful brother by the name of jihad Fletcher I do a lot of Dera in Spanish and there's a brother there that reverted to Islam a few years ago named Janine and Janine as he reverted to Islam had the experience that many people as they first revert to a snob have which is that he had to conceal his faith for some time and in fact he had to do his salat in the restroom he would have to pray in the bathroom and of course that's not an appropriate place to pray but a lotta Lotta even a lot sometimes necessities give way to things that are ordinarily prohibited and make those concessions so he had to fulfill his salat in that situation that was the only place that he could safely do his salat and this is a man that every time you see him you you enjoy looking at the nude in his face he has that freshness to him that that that light in his face male awesome how I bless him and bless all of those brothers and sisters and somehow Allah he got sponsored to come to hedge this year or you know someone someone wanted to send some people from Islam and Spanish maybe to hedges here and somehow he made his way to hedge my group got to Mecca a few days before him and if any of you have ever been to Mecca and the times of hedge most of the time when it comes to the five silhouettes you don't actually pray inside the how them you just pray where the where the rows reach you so if you're staying in a hotel with a shopping mall there the rows reach into the mall most of the hotels surrounding the how to I'm actually have these masalas that follow the salon Hatem but you really you know most of the time don't go to the Hatem itself you don't actually go there and try to pray inside except for a few people from the groups that will do that for the most part it's very easy to become complacent the rows reach you so you just pray with the rows and you ask Allah for acceptance most of us did that I met our brother in minim and we were talking about the experience that he had and he starts showing me these pictures and he told me that he made this promise to Allah that when he comes to hedge that when he gets to Mecca he's gonna pray every salon in the first row I've never heard of that in heads time it's crazy right even if he wanted to you know most likely you're gonna get pushed out so as soon as he got to Mecca from the very first Salah he decided he's gonna go to the hub him and he's gonna find a way to pray every single salat in the first row and what he would do is if any of you know the strategy you do fall off and keep getting closer and closer and closer and he kind of measure that with the athan and Akama time and subhanAllah he did it he found a way to be in the first row every single one of the solo wats in the huddle started kicking up conversations with the guards and they started recognizing him and you know he wanted to kiss the blackstone the guards actually started treating him like VIP and we're taking him to the Blackstone as if he was you know some some you know some some foreign leader or something like that and somehow Allah this started happening on a daily basis for him and I thought to myself first of all I felt a great deal of shame and I thought to myself what makes him different from myself and different from so many of us that went there he had what the prophet sallallaahu re Aslam referred to as a renewing him that high ambition that son that excellence where the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that base on excellence is that you worship Allah as if you can see him and if you can't see him then you know that he sees you and that's the ultimate driving force it's not just guarding the technicalities or the obligations of the Act it's how do I make this Act the most beloved act to a loss of Hana to Allah possible because the standard that I set for myself is not one that other people around me abide by the standard is one that is set by he whom you can never fully praise and he whom you can never fully think and he whom no matter how much you search yourself in the pursuit of his pleasure you would have never fully repaid him for the even the small blessings that he bestows upon you every single day and every single moment of your life exon drives you to a different level there was a freshness there was a sweetness and for many of us who experienced at some point in life even if not a reversion to Islam in the sense of taking Shahada for the first time but reverting at some point in life where you decided to become more practicing where you decided where something happened in life that turned you to a loss of hundreds on it in a way that you are not turned before often you look back on those moments and you say how do I get back to that not at some point in my life I felt closer to a loss of Hana Matata it was fresher it was newer if you think about relationships that you established many times relationships don't fall apart between two people don't fall apart because of something catastrophic happening or because of some sort of wrongdoing on the part of either one of the parties but sometimes things become too routine and there is a loss of communication even if it's subconscious - people don't know how to talk to each other anymore and suddenly the luster goes away and then you wake up too late and our relationship with Allah subhana WA Ta'ala it is very likely to happen that at some point things become very mechanical things become very routine things become so ritual oriented that your entire Islam becomes a halal and Haram diet or a you know and obligations fulfilling the fahrrad than doing my part and simply moving at the standard that society moves at especially when you live in a Muslim country or a Muslim community especially when everyone around you in your circle is doing the exact same thing not only can that render you complacent it can render you bored to where your faith doesn't really give you much in terms of that personal connection with the loss of hi know it's Alan now I must say here that we don't look for the spiritual high as the means of our Iman and our Islam and our European or our Exxon or taqwa it's not about the spiritual high because that's another extreme where spirituality is actually even bypassing the student of the prophet sallallaahu our diva saw them sometimes and it's all about attaining some sort of a temporary spiritual high and that's also dangerous because in Islam the goal is realized in the means if you are following the sunnah of the prophet sallallaahu he was done to the best of your ability if you are trying to aspire to be what the companions of the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam word though you will never reach their station with a loss of hanoi to allah the goal of tess kia is being realized anyway even in the moments that you're not feeling the spiritual high the prophet sallallaahu are some certain authentic hadith Anu headband in a lacunae shaitan genre well he could Lisa Rotten fatwa from incarnate fatwa to who Allah soon Latifah padishah today women cannot ilaha illa Dalek rapid Halleck he said so lala haria wa sallam that everything has its peak and then everything eventually runs its course and in this particular narration the prophets lie some emphasize the course the low point the high point and the low point the prophets lie some chose to emphasize the low point whoever has their Fattah their low point in accordance with my Sunnah then he has succeeded and whoever has it in accordance with other than that then he has failed what that means and the way that their it amat described this hadith and explained this hadith is that it is very common for people to go to extremes in their religion to a point that their religion depends so much on their emotional state that when they're on an emotional high not only do they do the obligations they go far beyond with a sense of even gsella tree but when they're in a low point they get to a point where the don't even maintain their obligations right so in my high point suddenly I'm in the message for fudger I'm you know talking about ki-moon lil I'm doing all these amazing things I'm pushing myself right and a lot of times in the feeling like I need to overcompensate in my Tova because I've been away from a loss of hanataro for so long I exert myself I overexert myself but I set for myself in that process a standard that is so unsustainable that I am going to be disappointed because I won't be able to maintain it and so when I crash I crash hard because I I said I'm gonna make this change I'm gonna do all these great things and hype you know attain these high things and then when I crash forget about coming to the mazda3 frigid I'm not even praying feted on time anymore forget about doing the amélie and I'm not even praying anymore right forget about know often extra good deeds now I'm doing major sins for example so the fatwa and how for the barrage of rahim allah tala has a very beautiful book called an adjective he say the diligent in english it's the journey to Allah it's a very poor translation as is the case with many of our classical texts it's not a big text but he talks about a methodology for change and a methodology for salvation and my Hodja - he say - Georgia and he talks about this Shimla and Fethullah the peak and the low point and he said the low point is when a person forsakes obligations and indulges major sins or minor sins on a consistent and unapologetic basis meaning it doesn't even bother you anymore all right so the fella that the prophets like son was talking about the healthy low point because you cannot maintain your same level your same output all the time the healthy low point the prophets why some was talking about was that even when you're in your low point you don't give up your obligations and you don't indulge major sin or consistent minor sin that's the healthy low point think about it this way if it was a dunya we thing if it was a worldly thing imagine if you only went to work when you felt like it I know some people do that but they don't really succeed in life usually unless they got someone else to catch them but for the most part imagine if you only went to work when you felt like it imagine if you only when you were you know if you're pursuing your studies maybe you are or when you work if you only went to school when you felt like it that's suicide right that's how you know you're gonna sink your career it doesn't make sense because a motivated student recognizes that even at times I might not be fully motivated but I'll still do what I have to do to get by and then that way when I regain some motivation or where I'm in my most motivated spirit I would have maintained enough to where it's still attainable someone who's successful in a dunya we sense in a worldly sense they're not the people that move forward and powered through when they had a fully supportive environment and when career doors opened in front of their eyes as if they were just being presented without any merit but they're the people that actually powered through and attained when other people doubted them people that push themselves when other people gave up people that soup that surpassed others that kept on moving even on the days when they didn't particularly feel like waking up or working they did it anyway they studied anyway the relationship with the loss of Han or Tata has to be at that bare minimum first even on those days when I'm at my lowest point I still have to do my obligations you know what today I don't feel like doing these extra acts that's okay I'm not gonna do sins instead and I'm not gonna forsake my obligations however the Allah still has to be there that movement towards change and feeling something special in your Iman in your faith and that spiritual potential being sought out by you has to still happen it just can't be unreasonable the prophet sallallaahu are you I said I'm told Abdul abdominal oz may Allah be pleased with him and his father something very special I'm the love nominal house may Allah be pleased with them both this was an overzealous young man when he first you know took on the religion as a young man he tried to get it all in within only the couple of years that he'd have with the prophets why some this was the case of many of the youth around the prophet's life hello particularly those whose fathers embraced Islam around Fatah Mecca so around the conquest of Mecca it's where they only had three years with the Prophet slice of them it was let me get it all in and I blah blah I'm may Allah be pleased with him he tried so hard to do everything at the same time and to go beyond right so for example the the wife of Abdullah complained to Hamas to his father or I'm sorry I'm gonna ask complain to the Prophet slice of them on behalf of the wife of Abdullah that he prays too much that he fasts too much that he reads too much I know many of us would love to be able to complain about our kids like that it's like that would be the dream of taking your child to the ship what's wrong with your son well he just keeps praying keeps reading keeps fasting I don't know what's wrong with him talk to him tell him to tone down is it a bad day a bit that would be the dream of every parent may Allah give us righteous offspring and let us be righteous as well well not I mean so this was this is a really interesting complaint he basically was so over zealous in misery bother that he was neglectful in his household and so the prophets like some asked of the laws wife how he was as a husband and she responded huhai to our habit he's a very good worshipper see she didn't say he's a bad husband masha'Allah she's noble and generous she said he's a good worshiper yata sort of love because he wanted to speak nice of him but still get the point across and how great of a worshipper was this man on his wedding night you know that there's a sin of praying to dark eyes together on your wedding night on his wedding night when he prayed the tunic eyes his to wreck eyes carried them all the way until fedja that's not normal right that's a very prolonged that's not what the essence of the Signet was supposed to be so who will hate Oh Abbott he's a great worshipper but at the same time there was an imbalance and it's not just the imbalance in that Theravada made him neglectful of other areas of his life it's that number one it was functioning on a faulty premise that this is what is needed to attain salvation not recognizing that the prophet sallallaahu he was sometimes said that no one exaggerated sin the Dean in lavalava except the Dean will wear him out and that's the context of the hadith where the prophets like Selim mentioned everyone enters gender by the mercy of allah subhanaw taala not by their actions not to say that you should be complacent with the mercy of allah and not push yourself but to say that when you push yourself realize that it is not your actions that will attain your ultimate salvation but your actions qualifying for the mercy of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala therefore you should act within that spirit so there's a faulty premise but the second thing is that the LOB Muhammad was setting himself up for disappointment and that's why one of the advices that the Prophet slicin told him that he wished he would have heeded later on in life he reflected on he said lots of cool Corrado Kanye pulmonary photonic he said don't be that person who used to pray at the amoled and then he just left it all together so you go from praying a lot of the amoled to not praying any at all because it was an unreasonable expectation now how do we maintain however that spiritual pursuit of a loss of Hannah tada that acting within asan to where I want to get as you know as close to a law as possible and push myself to my furthest potential but at the same time do it with a reasonable course and not lose the sweetness of faith the believer always acts with a sense of urgency and going back to the example of what differentiates a Jaleel from ARMA right or from a person who is surrounded by an environment of practice and a person who has to push themselves just as is in the case of near ma of blessing in the worldly sense a person who has too much of it loses appreciation for it or a person for whom it has been easily facilitated does not recognize how precious it is you know they say that you you you're much more likely to spend money recklessly that you didn't earn but if you think about if you are a kid and you had an allowance the money that you hard-earned you're much more careful about how you sets you spend it money that you inherit or money that is given to you without work you're much more likely to dispense of it without thinking too much about it because you haven't recognized that someone sweated for that money someone went through hardship to get that money it just wasn't you in this case so a lot of times when it wasn't your own pursuits then you know you don't recognize this how special it is and the profits lie son taught us what how do we recognize the blessing of our Nima in the worldly sense he taught us two things number one the prophet sallallaahu asan taught us that sometimes to healthily disconnect in a healthy way from your Nima is a means of gaining an appreciation for it I'm only talking about in the worldly sense now so please pay attention to that meaning what fasting in the month of Ramadan by fasting from food drink in some of those blessings you gain a greater appreciation for those blessings so a temporary disconnect there's the hadith of I'm sorry that the narration of all model the alongside I'm her walking by job it absorbed allowed all the allow I know when he had me just bags of meat that he purchased so he said to him what is that he said it's meat he said did you buy meat and he said yeah now I'm not about to give a vegetarian culpa or you know say that you can't eat meat eating meat is fine everything within its within its its proper quantity and things of that sort but all not all the allot of time who said well why did you purchase me he's not wish to hate too he said well I just felt like it I desired and all Italy alone who says is it that every time you desire something you buy it or what couldn't have much to hate to say in history to is it just you feel like it so you just buy it there wasn't anything about the meat all mother was trying to instill a lesson of terribie in him that don't just consume because you can all the time blessings it's not just about your capability or you you have the ability to buy whatever you want or do whatever you want don't be reckless because you can buy something instead you know sometimes a little bit of deprivation is good anyone that has raised kids knows that the worst thing that you can do to your child is spoil them so right rotten that they become entitled because that's not something they can shake off as adults they just become narcissistic monsters because everything was handed to them growing up and they expect the world now to play the role of parent and just give them whatever they want all the time and when they don't get what they want right they throw tantrums as adults because they didn't get over the Tantrums as children when a good parent held something back so that they can recognize that not everything in life comes that way to you so their tantrums are delayed until adulthood because we all threw tantrums at some point in life and it's better that you get those Tantrums out of the way as a child and recognize the world doesn't just come to you that way so the prophets like some talk again sometimes a temporary disconnect from something that you can have in the worldly sense is a means of gaining a greater appreciation of that namma a means of great gaining a greater appreciation of that blessing second thing the prophet sallallaahu artemisinin taught us to engage those that have less than us of that blessing not just to give charity no to actually encounter those that have less than us in terms of dunya giving charity in the 21st century well actually in particular in 2018 it's very easy to do it over a phone or to just swipe or to just do something online and you don't ever actually have to go and deliver and that's a blessing because it's open the ways it's facilitated ways for us to give charity we should do that inspiron Allah you know III I always just think about imagine on the day of judgment meeting someone that you've never met in person and you just swipe something or well you don't swipe on a computer but you typed you put in your credit card information and you you know you built a well somewhere you've fed someone some orphan that you'll never meet and that person comes and takes you by the hand and enters you into Jenna and you've never seen that person before that's a blessing so it has its own unique form of blessing but that does not absolve you that does not absolve you from encountering and engaging those who are needy the hadith in Muslim a measurement from over 800 of the allotted I know check out other than at least Allah reselling be possible to cut then came to the prophets lie some and complained his heart was hard this is spiritual numbness my life is mechanical I'm doing everything right but I don't feel anymore o sajo and yum said via team the prophets I some told him you should caress the hair of an orphan share your food with an orphan sit with that orphan and that will soften your heart it'll give you a renewed sense of meaning you can't duplicate that through an online transaction there has to be an encounter and the prophets lice and I'm taught that a person should look to those that have less than them in dunya and it will make what they seem have plentiful okay or it will make what they have seen plentiful I mixed up the two it will make what they have seen for if you're constantly looking to those who have less than you in dunya right so you will know the value of what Allah spanner Tata has given to you it will do away with that entitlement now let's transfer this question of financial poverty to spiritual poverty there's something special about the person that rediscovers a sum there is something special about that new convert there's something special as the profit slice I mentioned that one of the signs of the sweetness of Iman is that a person would hate to be thrown would hate to resort to the days of ignorance like a person would hate to be thrown into fire profound singing overall model the aloha don't you think Omar's rough past facilitated the way for his pristine future Alma reflecting well the Elan won how far away was from Allah that's part of what made him who he was and what it all model the allahu ta'ala anhu say he said i fear for the day if nasa f in islam many re for julia i fear for the day that generations will grow in islam and they don't know what it's like to be away from it they don't they don't know the days of jahiliyyah they have not tasted the days of ignorance so how do you capture that spirit and is it then good for you to break away from faith for a little bit so you can feel like a convert again no you don't have that luxury to say well just like in the dunya we sense I'm gonna disconnect from Iman for a little bit so I can feel great about it again or I'll go do some jolliest stuff so I can taste the sweetness of Iman again please don't do that and that's not the recommendation here at all nor is it the methodology of the prophet sallallaahu arduous Allah because as in financial poverty you don't say I want to appreciate the blessing of what I have so I'm going to go put myself in poverty no encountering those in the form of a caretaker encountering those who have less than you in a way of giving to them now in the sense of our spirituality how can I make the equivalent of that first and when it comes to our ocular when it comes to pursuits of Dean we have to do the exact opposite of what we do with this material world which is with material near mount with material blessing you focus on those who have less than you you keep you know it's interesting when allah mentions the gaze being lowered in the quran that a person lowers their gaze it's not just from the opposite gender it's from the lures of this world and that's not a physical you know walking down like this when you see something though it can be done you know especially when you go to the mall or instead of window shopping it's a good idea sometimes just put your head down you'll come out better in terms of your wallet if you lower your gaze when you walk through the mall or you walk through the soup all right it's good for you but a lost part I was talking about it in another way right do not extend your eyesight in an AMA techni home feet to that which we have busied them with instead keep your focus on a loss of Hanoi Thailand so the exact opposite in the material sense a lot teaches us the profits lie some taught us to look to those who have less than us and in the Dean sense in the sense of religious pursuit to only look to those who have more than us this is a very important point and it's really a simple methodology that has profound consequences in your life if you think about our Deen we become complacent with the blessing of our Deen when we think we're okay because that's where complacency comes from by looking to those around us who quote have less than us even though Allah and tomaten adeney sons even though they might be doing something else that we don't do that's unseen to us but seen by allah subhanaw taala that gains them the favor of a loss of hanazad so though they are deficient in one way of their iman or in their practice they're doing something that you don't see but you're focusing on the deficiency that's visible to you and you tell yourself and I'm the don't do that even if you don't say it sound it out still there is a sense of well I'm not like those people that's how law if you think about the world of social media you literally encounter everyone's best duniya because people portray happiness and that's one of the greatest signs of sadness isn't is going out of your way to portray happiness so you see everyone else is best dunya and your own worst dunya right and when people hold hands and smile at each other in a cover photo they don't always look like that it could feel that way but there that's that's an image at the end of the day but we see their best duniya and our own worse and we see their worst sins and our own best deeds because there's a sense of decency that's been removed from the online world where people portray their worst sense of Deen so that complacence even becomes more dangerous so I say well I'm gonna die I'm not like those people I'm that I'm not like that person and when you speak of those who quote have less than you you speak of them in a scornful lay its upon Allah the methodology of the Prophet sallallaahu Islam and this is probably one of the things that that we don't pay attention to sometimes how remarkable it is everything about the Sunnah is so remarkable but you know the prophets like some of them prayed the AMA did until his feet swelled right he loved his arribada his secret arribada like no one else right and the prophets like Salim excelled so much that even I shall be alone and I was shocked by his excelling in history bada and said you know hasn't Allah forgiving you for all of your previous sins do you really have to do this and he said a fella who nabbed and shakoora should I not be a grateful servant right a person who does that sometimes let's say a person who prays for Yama then all the time encounters someone who doesn't pray p.m. at all it'd be like what's wrong with you are you are you off right it's it's unconscionable how could you not be praying 'thy I'm wheel it right it's very easy to become self-righteous because if shape on can't get you with your sins he'll pollute your good deeds if you can't poison you with sins he'll poison your good deeds and let them poison you right I mean he's gonna find his way to try to mess you up self-righteousness is more dangerous because pride is more dangerous than desired kid that is worse than Schieffelin right pride can be more dangerous than uncontrolled or unrestrained desire because at least the person that's unrestrained desire and sinning knows something is wrong the person in Pride doesn't even recognize something is off right but somehow I look I'm the love doll model D a long time home when he wanted to have a dream so he could share it with the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam and instead he had this dream of himself being taken to Hellfire and then as the Angels took him to Hellfire they didn't put him in there instead he was told this is not your place and eventually he was taken to Jonah and his dream and he was so embarrassed about sharing that dream with the prophets license so instead he goes through a detour with his sister half saw all the allow Atlanta and asked Hafsah to tell the prophets lysozyme instead and to get the interpretation and the prophets lie some knowing that the interpretation is going to reach him says near nor legend Abdullah what a great young man Abdullah is no canny of whom we led but if only he'd start praying a little bit of camel did like he didn't say what's wrong with Abdullah Ahmad go tell that young man a pretty I'm a lid he's off instead the prophets lie some said near not alleged what an incredible young man he is he has a trajectory has potential he has beautiful qualities he would be even more beautiful if he would pray at the Amon Lynn the prophets license own indulgence of the amoled did not cause him to belittle a man who wasn't praying 'thy I'm wounded you understand like up there he died the level I'm talk about the good deeds obviously at the sin level the prophets lies I'm not belittling the companion who had an alcohol addiction right and the prophets why some said he loves Allah and His Messenger and he's beloved to a lot in His Messenger but that was a means of encouraging him to move beyond that addiction I'm talking about even at the good deeds that you look to people and you think well I'm doing this I don't see other people around me doing them you don't have to look to the Sahaba to find people to inspire you to move forward to do better in your Deen there are living examples amongst us in fact you might even find them in your family that are excelling even if they're not as a package in this to the to the naked eye you know excelling in every aspect but there's something there excelling in that I can take from that I can do better some sort of quality some sort of hold up some sort of characteristics some sort of active worship and if you're sitting there thinking like I can't relate I've pretty much maxed out in all of that you are the problem you're exactly the person that I'm talking to okay no but but on a serious note you know someone in your capacity is doing better than you in something that you can aspire to and you can look to and that should put you not to shame but to be motivated in a different way how many of you have heard of I'm gonna Bernard Aziza like him a lot I'm no one in Cutler's heard of all Mohammed Aziz or you guys just don't like raising your hands here I'm gonna burn Abdul Aziz or him Allah is a very famous man in our tradition rightfully so who excelled to a point that he is the fifth of Halawa Raja Deen though he did not live immediately after idea of no I be thought about the Elan horrid huh Somalia Lana there's a disconnect but he's considered to be from Khalifa Raja Deen an imam masha'Allah he Mahalo beautifully describes it he said that I'm a turban and Aziz - Halawa Raja Deen is like Rajab - all of the other sacred months the other three come together and then Rajab comes later on in the year all by itself he said that's all would've been our disease or him Allah so he truly was a man of a century the first Majid did of the religion by the first Reviver of the religion by consensus between our Buddha bin Abdul Aziz and any Saudis so I'm being the last Magette that there's a lot of disagreement on almost every century but the first century after the Companions there is consensus it was almond out aziz rahim allah tala the man excelled in every way but you know what he goes out one day to find his time to reflect to do to double and to contemplation and he sees Mujahid's rahim a lot too out of the great scholar of tafseer sitting at the riverbank remembering allah subhana wa ta'ala and he starts to cry and he says 'we like a homage ah had woe to you on which i had came for el carro beefy yeoman interfere him with aki how am I supposed to meet Allah on a day that you two will meet Allah means some holla he felt ashamed of himself because he saw Mujahid's in one act notice that Alma is being praised by everyone around him for his generosity for his nobility for his reforms for his father all of these types of things but he found one thing one man around him doing something that he that preceded him in and he was afraid of meeting Allah on the day that Mujahid's Allah meaning my good deeds will be insufficient compared to your good deeds so look for examples around you even if they excel only in one area a good characteristic a good quality a good trait this is part of Maha Sabha this is part of taking account of yourself it's not just taking account of your sins it's also taking account of the good deeds that you could be doing but you're not that will keep you motivated to attain something higher the second thing that I'll mention here the prophet sallallaahu Rd was some said in the Amana lyophilic ophie ophie hadouken Kamiya flock with so he said so lala haria some that verily faith wears out in the heart the way that atho the way that a garment would wear out so if you washed your garment over and over again it starts to lose its color starts to lose its its fit it starts to it starts to lock that special quality right so how do you keep it exciting on one hand how will our money in a lot why Muhammad in Khalid the most beloved of actions to Allah are the ones that are consistent even if they're small on the other hand you need to engage your iman in different ways visiting a sick person engage the Eman in a certain way that going to salat laginas are following a janazah dozens giving charity engages the iman in a certain way that fasting dozens reading quran engages the Iman in a certain way that listening to a lecture doesn't listening to Lennon engages the Iman in a certain way that reading Quran doesn't diversifying that portfolio to make sure that your Iman is engaged in different directions so that you don't become single track and board of a particularly bad that is essential so how lot in you know I remember when I was doing if there was one one student who made this comment and it really got me thinking it was cautionary he said you know I feel like because I'm doing her for the only anybody I do is read Quran and I used to love reading Quran but now because all I do is read Quran I'm losing everything else right and our ship said you need to engage your Iman in different ways you've got to find other ways to engage your Imam for those of you that would do Islamic work okay particularly if it's in a professional capacity you better be doing something else as well as a form of Islamic work don't get one tract in what you're doing switch it up all within the avenues of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu Aslam as a way of keeping your Iman constantly engaged Allah gives us seasons right enough to hat seasons of mercy so that you don't get to one truck that's the point of Ramadan in the first ten days of the vigil Joshua and a Yama to be at the three middle days of the month and Mondays and Thursdays all of these times the omen of Juma huh in the week in the day that the hour after Fetchit is not like two hours after fudgin and the hour before mocking up is not like three hours before mother bright Allah gives you those different timings so that you're not moving in a stationary way and the last thing I'm going to mention shots are other than I'll sit down if you feel bad when you commit a sin if no Josie don't email us that's something very powerful about the sick heart versus the dead heart he said that if you feel bad when you commit a sin then know that that's a sign that your heart is still alive because you wouldn't feel anything if your heart was dead part of our fifth law is that when we commit that sin it shouldn't you know backbiting shouldn't taste right you know a person who's not used to backbiting when they backbite it tastes bad literally tastes that that dead filthy meat it tastes rotten it just doesn't have a good taste and you don't feel right about it and that's good you have to capitalize on that a person who doesn't who's not used to watching Haram right when they see something because it's inevitable in today's world that things pop up in front of their eyes didn't look right it doesn't feel right it felt off that's a sign that your heart is alive right because if it was dead you wouldn't feel it when you committed that sin so that's the first thing when it comes to the sin it's important that you don't lose your fitrah and don't let sins become so normalized in your life just becomes it just because they become normalized in other people's lives don't let it become normalized in your life because it's become normalized and everybody else's life around you and the second thing here about a sick heart so that's how you know that your dead heart to sick heart sick heart to healthy heart in a Josie rahim allah azza the sick heart cannot taste the sweetness of it sorry about that just like when a person is sick they don't taste the flavor of their food they know they have to eat to nourish themselves and to sustain themselves but the sweetness the taste of the food is gone by the illness likewise when it comes to the heart if the heart is sick their Eva Dodd cannot be enjoyed so I have to ask myself Kelly labelled Arana de Cordoba him makan reacts a wound or a fillet at the WL quran qaloo binocs aloha what are the stains and locks on my heart that are not allowing my heart to enjoy these arriba dots to enjoy these acts of worship so part of it is the training yourself on the new good deeds and aspiring to another and your good needs and producing that output a part of it is asking yourself you know what is it that's really holding me back because if I'm not tasting the sweetness of it something's wrong and I need to that's not something that a shift can tell you by the way you don't have a priest that you can go to or a shift that you can go to to diagnose you you have to have moments of introspection and ask yourself you know what is it that's really holding me back from enjoying and tasting the sweetness of what I have and then the third thing in regards to that the healthy heart when the heart feels a sense of health as we know there are times that you regress when you reach a point of physical health when it comes to your spiritual health this is where regularity regularity allows you to enjoy your good deeds I'll put it to you this way if a person starts to play basketball after a very long time or starts to play a sport that they might enjoy they enjoy the mechanics of it they enjoy the game they enjoyed the way that it is but it's your first time playing that sport in a very long time you might enjoy it the first day but you're gonna feel it you're gonna feel the pain and it's gonna be a serious reality check about how out of shape you are and how unhealthy you are now what you can choose to do with that is say I'm not doing this ro I'm too old for this now or I'm too out of shape for this or you can say you know what I'm gonna play so frequently or I'm gonna start playing regularly to the point that the pain will no longer be there and the only thing that remains is the enjoyments back to hutch because it's all I can think about since last week we were talking about these elderly people people with one leg people that are bent over an 85 90 years old somehow finding a way to walk miles and miles and miles a day while us young guns in their 30s are collapsing or feel like we're about to pass out even though we're staying in the most comfortable accommodations and there's this one man who was doing Cerie and I'm always amazed well I'm always amazed by these people I was doing sorry and he had a cane and he could barely you know he literally he had one leg and he had a cane he's doing sorry just imagine the sight with me old men and when he gets to the part where you have the green light you know what he does he picks his cane off the ground and he starts hopping on his one leg with just this beautiful contentment on his face right what is it about that if a person engages their Eva thoughts regularly enough Allah will remove the pain and the enjoyment remains but you have to work yourself out to where that pain is no longer a factor and just like when you're physically out of shape spiritually being spiritually out of shape hurts when you realize it and you start to shake it off but the difference between physically being out of shape and spiritually being out of shape is that if you're spiritually out of shape no one else notices and so you have to find internal motivation to push yourself to be spiritually healthy if you think about being physically out of shape the entire notion you know subhanAllah when it comes to physical health in Islam the idea of diet and exercise and fitness in Islam the emphasis is that you should be healthy enough to be able to serve your Lord better right if you think about it now all of the emphasis on physical health is so that you can look great on the beach and so that other people will look at you it's all about body image and so it's playing to our insecurities the Multan finds internal motivation in the most unmotivated environments I ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to make us amongst those that always seek his pleasure and desire his pleasure that excelled beyond the standards that are set to us and do not succumb to the sins that have been normalized in our environments I ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to make us from asabi upon those who are forerunners in this life and those who will be amongst those who precede others to the throne of a loss of hundreds out on the day of judgment may a lost penance I make us those who are shaded in his glory on the day of judgment Allah I mean the second law Hayden salamualikum' until I break out
Channel: Digital Mimbar
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Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, nashid, almaghrib, dars, halaqa, bayan, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, BinZaidQatar, Omar Sulaiman, Spiritual Numbness
Id: 6IUHDnEup24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 29sec (3209 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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