Cheap Eats | Crispy Baked Chicken Drumsticks

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i just want to talk to y'all a little bit i i know things they're they're expensive now you go to the grocery store and you're thinking i can't hardly afford to feed my family here i don't know what's going on prices have went up on everything there is and but then you get to thinking what can i put together and still not script on something but not spend a whole lot of money well folks that's where these crispy baked chicken legs come in [Music] i got the whole package for 7.58 i figure you can feed the whole family if you pair it with our macaroni and cheese video for ten dollars and that's pretty good eating folks that's saving some money it's really easy it's really simple and hey it's pretty healthy well there they are and what do you call them drumsticks or chicken legs i never really ever call them drumsticks they always just give you a chicken leg when you as little so make sure you get some really good chicken legs i mean got some really good meatiest chicken legs these chickens here they were they they did work out on occasion had some mussels a little power lifting schedule so you can see they've done some squats here so they're in pretty good shape now when you get them chickens the most important thing you can do is we got to dry them chickens now you think them chickens ain't wet we didn't wash them folks they is still a lot of moisture in a chicken leg get you a paper towel give him a good massaging and or her give her a good massage and i guess what it might be for this hen so get them dry and then just place them on a wire rack now when you get them all dry i ask you to just put them in the icebox right there on this tray uncovered for about 30 minutes because we want to make sure they're dry you remember maybe a long time ago on the black and white tv maybe even sometimes color there was this little girl standing in the kitchen and what did she say it's not fried it's not it's shaking well folks we gonna shake and bake again today i mean we shaking it and shaking it and then we're going to bake it that's what we're talking about and a lot of times i've eat baked chicken and when you grab a hold of them you know when you get ready to eat them they sort of rubbery ain't got much juice in them and i mean and they'd skin fall off of them and it just really looks bad it's not appetizing i have started with a half a cup of flour then about four tablespoons of corn starch now the corn starch you might ask why is it there it's going to help everything adhere to the chicken smoked paprika hi mage i have my chicken inspector right down here garlic powder ground mustard and for a little kick and just a taste that i really love some chili powder but after that some mesquite seasoning and you know where to find it now you get it all mixed up there and mix it up really well and remember i told you shake and bake when you could buy them little kits and they come with the seasoning packet and everything and it was in a little bag shake it shake it i'm gonna shake it hope you don't drop it hope you don't break it you could have mixed this in here and shook it all up but that's not fun no it's not i like to mix it in the bowl first and then pour it in the shake and bake ziploc sack let me get the wet ingredients out here yeah we're going to just go ahead and use buttermilk and egg yeah because that's where we're going to get that really good batter that hangs onto that flour and when it cooks makes sort of like a crusty shell on them drumsticks and whew it is so good one more thing i got to get hang on with me we got to get a vessel that is long enough that you can lay your chicken legs in there and dip them okay so bear with me while i get a few more things arranged and then i'll meet you right back here at this little deal two cackle berries hen fruits rooster bullets these are fresh from our little chickens there at home remember gladys and the girls who they lay some good eggs they do now i have seen people do this with milk and egg and i've cooked a lot of stuff really chicken fried steak a long time ago with milk and egg but that buttermilk just gives it so much better flavor to me and really if you even marinate chicken and buttermilk or any wild game or something like that it's going to break break it down a little make it tender so always lean towards the buttermilk now if you're doing this in the house go ahead and pre-pre preheat that oven to 450 degrees fahrenheit that's what i'm talking about and you want to cook these on the center rack when we get ready but we're doing it out here in the dutch oven the right way you know it is you see me take one of our trivets that we sell which has the legs you can just unscrew right off there set it in the bottom of that dutch oven place you a wire rack in there of some kind because we got to have that airspace to where heat can travel around and around so we can bake the chicken everywhere evenly but if you ain't got one of them trivets you can use them like a pipe words are having trouble this morning one them pipe plate pans you just turn it over lay your wire rack on top of it if you ain't got that you got a bunch of washers anything now before we go right in here there's one more important step in cool air and transportation back and forth these could have got moisture on them so i need you to take them and just make sure whisper to them it's gonna be okay and then we're gonna dump them right over here in this and we're going to do these one at a time and y'all are going to sing the song while i'm doing it you're going to sing that little it's shaking bacon i got help remember when i start shaking y'all start singing the little jingle okay so in goes the first one he didn't tie it up here are y'all doing it when you get him right in here and you reach for him give him one of these and then one more time shake off that excess flour we have greased our rack well you want to make sure that you do that so bear with me while i sing the shake and bake song some more ain't them a beautiful thing they are all them little chicken legs just laying in there ready to go find them some coals but i want to tell you when you get them to this point you've got them on your wire rack don't just immediately place them in the oven no i need you to let them set for about five minutes it sort of lets everything adhere even a little better and one other thing i forgot to give you an uh you're gonna be so glad you got it because nobody likes to wash dishes and everything that's stuck to an old sheet pan or something like this i tend not to do it so much in a dutch oven a layer of tinfoil because it's sort of reflecting that radiating heat back on a dry surface of cast iron but in your house at the little baking sheet go ahead and line that thing with full before you get started it'll save you cleanup time and you'll get to eat quicker now in the house i want y'all to just slip them in there rack is right in the center 450 degrees and i'll tell you what i'm gonna go ahead and give you a little tip now make sure you have greased that wire rack before you put it on there that way when we get ready to turn that chicken over in a little bit that crust ain't gonna just pull off there okay leave some space between them you do not want there to be overcrowding in here and about 20 minutes in we're going to show you we're just going to baste them with butter flip them over just a little you'll be good to go now you're looking for an internal cook temp of about 165 on these time you let them set and rest just a little maybe closer to 170. so i'm going to meet y'all over to the fire set them on a tall trivet we did got cole's air out of bertha using hardwood lump mesquite today we are light layer around the outside edge on the bottom a little heavier on top because we can see that we're gonna have to watch this heat on the bottom because we're pretty close to the bottom of that on that wire rack and we don't want to burn that chicken we just want it to cook pretty even so out here i may have to rotate the oven one way the lid the other to sort of regulate my heat and might even have to flip my chicken more than once to make sure that it's cooking just right but we'll keep eye on it try not to burn it because even the beagle don't like burnt chicken remember a little tip here when you're cooking this dish heavier coals on top lighter around the outside edge on the bottom because we can add heat to it if we need it but we can't take it away if it's burnt well we've been on about 20 minutes with ours so let's check things in here and see how everybody is coming along remember never set a dutch oven lit on the ground we have a trivet over here i can see things are beginning to happen now at this point in time here i'm going to check these go ahead and temp them in the house you won't have to because you haven't been on 40 minutes yet i know so let me just go ahead and put one in here just to see what's going on and we're about halfway there so at this time it's time to break out the buttery goodness give them a little light basting right on top now after you based on that first time go ahead and flip them over and baste them again remember you have greased that rack so nothing is sticking but you're going to do this in the oven about 20 to 25 minutes in you're going to go ahead and baste that so we're going to leave the heat about where it's at things are still feeling pretty good to me we'll check it again here in about 15 minutes and see how we're coming along [Music] out here in the great outdoors filming in what we call mother nature's kitchen you have to get by with what you got we had to block the sun so what did we do pulled the dodge ram up and what have we got shannon incorporated yes ma'am we folks you gotta always persevere no matter what's happening in life there is a way to overcome it just reach down in there and get it but let's talk about goodness right there at the last i did go ahead dump that old heat off the top of that dutch oven get me some fresh to let it bring out that sizzle just a little bit more now in a dutch oven if you're doing this and i didn't and i meant to and i'm going to tell y'all a little tip here if you will go ahead and pull that lid off go ahead and flash you some heat down there on the bottom too you'll go ahead and really get that heat to permeate through there at the bottom of that to get all that moisture off the bottom of that pan out there because when they're sitting in there there is a little steam effect so this will give you some extra crispiness even on that bottom side but it's simple it's easy to do and hey it's economically fashionable it is and folks there is some juiciness and flavor coming out of there i heard a little crunch see that moisture coming out of that chicken i mean this is not dry chicken folks this is chicken that [Music] oh so tender and the flavors that come from them dry ingredients that run in there the smoked paprika and the chicken smoked paprika the chicken chili let's start that over the smoked paprika that is a hard word the smoked paprika and the chili powder sort of stand out there and make me want to do the what the chicken big shuffle the steak and bait shuffle shake it bake it i'm gonna break it shake it shake it shake it shake it shake and bake shuffle make you dizzy here big thank you so much meiji chicken lulu chicken okay we hope y'all enjoyed this video we do because we loved bringing it to you and remember folks it's about bringing family together and hey we're saving you some money right here this is a really economical meal that you can put out there on the table everybody can join up and just think shaken baked chicken don't forget to look at that macaroni and cheese video because it'll pair so well with this but as always and with great honor and pride i tip my hat to all our service men and women and all the veterans who have kept that old flag of flying over camp we salute you and we commend you the rest of y'all get on in here everybody's loving a hug now mr rogers say we got to be a better neighbor hug your neighbor god bless you each and every one and i'll see you down the baked chicken drumstick trail shaking bacon [Music]
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 210,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken recipe, chicken recipes for dinner, baked chicken, chicken drumsticks, chicken drumsticks recipe oven, chicken legs recipe, chicken legs, baked chicken recipe, baked chicken legs, baked chicken legs recipe, cheap easy meals, cheap meals for large families, inexpensive meals, best ever baked chicken drumsticks, roasted chicken, roasted chicken legs recipe, baked crispy chicken legs, dutch oven chicken, dutch oven cooking, dutch oven recipes camping, kent rollins
Id: D4X3a8bFkSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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