Classic Reuben Sandwich Recipe | Smoked Pastrami

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hey folks it's st patrick's day it is and what are we talking about a smoked pastrami so tender so flavorful we're gonna make a classic reuben but oh we have stepped it up and it is oh so good you better come and get it and may the luck of the irish be with you [Music] hey thank you all for stopping by the backyard and may the luck of the irish be with you happy saint patrick's day it is a great day and my little sweet wife that's running at their camera she is of irish descent so give us some irish shad go ahead and let's hear it lucky charms we were in new york city three or four years ago and we went by cats deli and ool we fell in love with that place chan said they made the best reuben in the world so when i heard that i'm thinking whoa oh cowboy better step up the game to keep the little irish girl happy so folks we're going to go through it it is sort of a lengthy process but oh my gosh is it you be reaping the benefits when this deal is over all the irish will be wanting to come to your backyard or your kitchen and eat with you so let's get after it pastrami that's what we're talking about making pastrami now i've seen it in the store where you could go buy it but why would you want to buy it when you could make it original and whoo it is so good but the first thing you need to go is go to that there butcher's market and you look in there and tell him if he don't see one and they're telling hey i need a brisket flat because that's what i like to use the most and they're so tender it's the best part of it and bring it home i need for it to weigh around four pounds because that's about what we're gonna mix up to brine this with brian did you say oh we're gonna be brain in it we are was that irish chin when we brine something not only are we giving it flavor but we're making it more tender and we're enhancing all them pickling spices that we're putting in there so dig around under the cabinet on the shelf somewhere you got to have a stock pot that's pretty big and i need you to put it over there on the stove because what do we fit and do we fit to make this brine i need you to add three quarts of water just dump her in there then we're going to add a cup of kosher morton salt now this is where there is a lot of discrepancy coming in across the world wide web plum to ireland and everywhere else what is it the pink preg powder now folks remember i told you was using about four pounds of brisket and they break that down in so many different ways some of them say two teaspoons some of them say a fourth of a cup the cowboys sort of went in the middle and we're using a little less than a fourth of a cup go ahead and dump that in there to that i need you to add some white sugar some brown sugar and some honey i need you to be finding you some of that pickling spice it looks like peppercorns and everything else in there is mixed with it but folks we've been needing some of that about five tablespoons and although it's got coriander already mixed in there folks coriander is a big part of this recipe so i need you to find some coriander seeds whole and we're gonna go ahead and add some more of them to that we're going to add some mustard seeds some oregano and some garlic so we got everything in our stockpot put it on about medium high heat and we need to bring this concoction to a little bowl and i want you to be stirring it while it's getting there and when it comes to a good boil all the way across i need you to stir it really well turn the fire off because that's all we want to do we just want to bring it to a bowl to bring out all the flavor of this brine mixture that we got in there now set it aside let it cool for about 10 or 15 minutes and then i want you to put about three quarts of cold ice water i'm talking got ice in it because we need this to cool down before we can put that brisket in there and let him take a night night bath for five days so it's cooled off enough let's go ahead and let's put that brisket in there and now i just want you to add some more ice to it don't get so much in there that it's overflow in the bucket or whatever you want to but i want it to get really chilled right at the first stir it a little put a lid on it slip it in the icebox and we're going to leave it how long five days yes we are but every day like clockwork i went 12 hours on the money i would go in there with some tongs and i want you to turn it over place the lid back on it do that every day till we get ready [Music] so let's take him out of there put him over there by the sink and let's give him a good rinsing because folks that stuff got a lot of salt on it so i want you to rinse it all off good as you can put it on a flat cookie sheet or tray and i want you to take some paper towels and pat it dry everywhere really good make sure that this brisket is really dry before you even start let's get us a bowl and let's mix all these spices up they're gonna give it that great flavor and that is some more coriander some black pepper some brown sugar and some smoked paprika get it all mixed it up in there really well even take your hands and make sure you ain't got them big clumps of that brown sugar and then i want you to coat it everywhere sides top bottom anywhere that you can find a place that you can put some of it you put it on there because folks that's what's going to happen now we need to let it sit there on the counter for about an hour a little more maybe an hour and a half to come to room temperature because that makes such a big difference when we're cooking this now during that time you could go out there and be firing up your smoker now today i'm going to use oak apple and cherry because folks this needs sort of a mellow smoke something that's really harsh would be like mesquite and it's a little overpowering for this and we want to leave that flavor that we've got on top and blend it with some more fruit wood so go out here and get your fire started and when it comes time then we'll add the fruit wood to it well we've preheated the pit barrel to about 225 degrees remember i told you we're starting out with oak we have got uh some good applewood here applewood applewood so let's go ahead and put them in there and i told you it was going to use a little cherry and i need that cherry to get in there quick quickly so i'm going to use just some cherry chips and put them in there because i want to watch the smoke roll things are rolling some smoke out of there they are so let's get our grate on there now if you're not using a pit barrel and you're using just a regular smoker preheat it like i said to 225 degrees and if you're having to do it on a conventional grill to where you can't set that temperature you're going to be over here on the indirect side of heat with not as many coals on the other side so let me get this what we call brisket ready to go in there and folks we're going to put him fat side up and ain't that a pretty sight right dead center he goes put it in here to regulate our air and our temperature a little help regulate the air flow that's coming out there they're stopping some of that up now the good folks at pitt burger will tell you in certain elevations this is going to be different but right here today we ain't got the little bottom vent cracked open none now this is probably going to cook about four to five hours till we get a temperature of 160 to 170. now i'll check it in about an hour and a half two hours see do we need to add any more smoke or what things are looking like but we want to reach that temperature 160 to 170 and then we're going to put some more magic to it well folks we've been on about three hours running a little hot we are when i checked it so you want to make sure you keep an eye on that temperature of your smoker try to keep it around there 225 so let's take a look because i know we need to add some more smoke in here so let's add us some more smoke i do have me a bowl handy pull that grate up add as a little more cherry back on there it goes we're gonna let that temperature get up to about 165 170 then we'll pull it but we needed some more smoke so hang on with us well folks i checked her and she is at 170 degrees so we are pretty close let me get these bars out of there when you get it wrapped up with full add a little wood if you need some if not crack it work to get a little air because we need to raise the temp on that smoker to about 300 so let me get this out of here set it right here we'll wrap it with foil and go back well wrapped up and back on there it is i added me a little more wood we got to get that temperature up to about 300 degrees in the smoker we want to cook this about an hour and a half to two more to where the internal temp is about 200 this is what's going to help get this thing so tender now i did add a little more wood there and i have got the vent open just for a little bit i'm going to let it catch a hold and get to going then i'll shut her back down but we want to maintain that temperature 300 degrees we ain't fur off whoo happy st patrick's day is around the corner well we have reached the 200 degree temperature mark total cooking time today has been about six hours and 40 minutes let me see if i can oh that's hot let me see get that out there right quick and that's about as quick as i can get it out now folks that little rascal is some of that hot and we need to let this cool for about 45 minutes i like to let mine cool in that fold inside a grocery sack if i pick it up one more time and we're just gonna seal it right here and let her go and then we'll come back and put together one of them reuben sandwiches that shannon's going to say thank you so much [Music] well folks it is a done deal and you see how that thing sliced i don't care if it's tender enough it can be with the grain against the grain or anything in the world when it's good and tender but always try to slice against that grain on any meat that's got a texture like that and whoo we done got it on some rye bread that shan toasted up there and then we done smooth this special sauce over sort of like a thousand island but it ain't and we'll have the little recipe down there in the link below for all of this but that sauce is in it too then we covered it up with meat we did not scrimp on the meat you know the cowboy guy is not going to do that and then what after that provolone cheese let me think oh traditionally it was swiss but shane told me no cowboy can't i don't like swiss so we know who rules this deal we don't have to put us on what you call it on there provolone so put that meat on there thick and put it on there heavy that's what you got to do and then guess what one of shan's favorite ingredients but my least favorite and that is sauerkraut now when you get that sauerkraut whether you make it homemade you get it out of a sack or you get it out of a can i want you to drain it really well and mash it to get all that moisture out there because we don't want nothing being soggy so what we're going to do we're going to cut it and then guess what we're going to pull it out here like that so y'all can see it and ain't it a pretty sight duker oh my gosh now i had some really good help today part of the time party really part of the time has napping part of the time they was interrupting filming so here you go hey major get over here duker says he gonna be first today there's the biggs there's the mage peanut where you at our special guest where is peanut come on peanut hey right here peanut i'll be peanut right there there we go everybody got a bite they did and everybody seems pretty happy and the tail wags yep they going pretty good over here major he's ain't got one that's big enough to wag so the luck of the irish be with you and we'll be doing some clogging dancing uh-huh yep whoa i'm telling you right now catch daily whoo shandon may does make a good sandwich down here in y'all's honor so it is some fine dining good eatin it was and let me tell you what everything that we used in this recipe will be listed right down there below in the little link where you can find it like i told you it takes a little while it is so worth it it is and whether it be st patrick's day fourth of july or any day of the year may the luck of the irish be with you and the luck of cowboy kent and shannon and all the puppies be there with you too and as always i tip my hat to all our service men and women and all the veterans and everybody who's keeping this safe and that old flag flying over our camp every time god bless you each and every one and i'll see you down the homemade pastrami reuben sandwich tree there's a good cool temperature uh-oh we are having discrepancy among the troops major and peanut are discussing the finer arts of saint patrick's day how smokes but smokes pastry peanuts as i'm putting on showing ain't nobody even filming it peanut peanut peanut this is lengthy it's got a zip code and i don't know it will okay
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 236,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homemade Ruben, smoked pastrami, best reuben sandwich, best ruben sandwich rec, easy pastrami recipe, traditional pastrami, classic reuben sandwich, how to make pastrami, reuben sauce recipe, pastrami rub recipes, pastrami, best pastrami recipe, smoking beef brisket, reuben sandwich, corned beef, reuben sandwich with sauerkraut, how to make a reuben sandwich, how to make a reuben sandwich with pastrami, smoked pastrami sandwich, cowboy kent rollins brisket, Best reuben
Id: BzcpOm9Y_PE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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