Impact the World: Lorie Ladd

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[Music] welcome to impact the world the show for and about creatives change makers and entrepreneurs this is a conversation episode where a special guest shares with me what they are creating and the behind the scenes journey of their experience [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi welcome to impact the world and my guest today is laurie ladd laurie is an ascension teacher a multi-dimensional channel and she is very loved for her regular videos on youtube her work in assisting humanity at this time and she's incredibly dedicated to her work so it was a delight to get to meet her for the first time and have this conversation which i'm sure you will enjoy and if you are a fan of the show and you want to support us you can do that through rating reviewing or subscribing over on apple podcasts that helps spread the shows and spread the word thank you for being here and we hope you enjoy lori ladd and as usual all links to our guests work can be found in the show notes [Music] laurie thank you so much for being with us here on the show it's a real treat to meet you as i was just telling you before we started i think i first heard your name about two years ago and it was someone at one of my workshops said oh i watch lori's videos and she's great and then other people in our community would mention you so it's fantastic to meet you it's really great to meet you i'm excited i've i've known of you and your work for a very long time so it's great to connect live and uh and have this dialogue right now perfect time yay well i'm curious laurie when did you kind of get started like i know a little bit from your bio but i'm curious if you could share with us perhaps when spirituality really kind of came became a big thing in your life and and how that became work for you well i mean i would say the actual work part where i was like oh i'm now serving humanity with my with my voice and my and and doing it as a work service work was about five years ago but i knew that i was at 13 i i was awake wide awake just as awake as i am right now and i knew that i was here to work with humans during the ascension process this was like 1989. um and that the ascension process looked very different or we had a different kind of awareness around it um i think a lot of us in this community thought that it was sort of the earth was going to maybe have like massive cataclysmic physical experiences where we would all just kind of vanish and that would be the ascension um and now we know oh no it's actually a physical ascension like we're doing it right here in the body we're not going anywhere but i knew at 13 and so i just sort of shut it out and lived a very normal dense third dimensional life um and just always was going in and out of like you know you're here to do something big yeah but i don't want to because i don't want to commit yet yeah but you know you're here to do something big so there was this constant for the you know the next 30 years 25 years uh when are you going to commit to it when are you going to commit to it and when 2015 i was working in a private equity firm and nothing really happened it wasn't like something traumatic happened but it was um i just was ready and i went to mount shasta and i hiked up this mountain and i literally like threw up my arms and i was like i will do everything and anything it takes from this point forward to serve humanity and i'm a hundred percent in so just show me the way tell me what to do and i'll do it and um and so i've been following guidance from that point forward um and now i'm here um really serving in that way so uh but i've always known from a very young age beautiful and when you know you said 13 so what was your life like then what was your family of origin and and you know what what was their experience with spirituality and and what what was it that kind of happened at 13 well my mom is really spiritual um and so she brought me into that world she took me to seminars we grew up in southern california so we went to these um seminars all over southern california and retreats um and i was reading books back then uh books that people are reading now and i just started just devouring my mom was the kind of gateway for me um and everything was just like oh this makes so much sense this makes so much sense um and you know i i had a lot of trauma in my when i was like between the ages of five and seven and so there was a lot of healing that i had to go through in order to show up and serve and um and apparently that took me 25 years but um but my mom was really the gateway that that opened this knowledge and this information for me and and to me and of course there was nobody in my age that that was doing anything that we could even have a conversation with me nobody at 13 um and so it was it was compartmentalized it was like oh this is what i do with my mom and her friends and the adults um and and then i go and be the teenager you know that has all the trauma in her body and it's got the drinking and the smoking and the sex and the everything that i do with this awareness of like oh there's something much bigger happening on this planet so that was my life really uh that that dichotomy of like knowing so much of what this this exp this existence is all about this this human journey is all about and yet living out my traumas and living out my my humanness um until i was ready so uh yeah maybe that's part of why i i feel called to work with kids is that i did wake up so young um i did have that awareness i'm just now thinking about that right now i'm like oh maybe that's why you are so called to and i don't have children um i've never had the desire to have kids um it's always been blocked in some way which is interesting uh-huh uh-huh and and it's it's funny because just to share with our viewers or listeners right before we started this conversation i shared with you that i was so excited to see that you have a community for children i think it's five to twelve and then you have a community for adolescents teenagers and i was saying to you it's so good it's so needed and i watched um part of your not the whole video but part of your conversation with um two starseeds uh young young old souls um on youtube that you put out in december and um it's so good because i i think the word you used was compartmentalized and i was a little older than you when i had my kind of metaphysical awakening i think i was 17 but were you born in 76 75 okay so we're very similar but but for me the compartmentalization of my spirituality um just me as a student of it and then even when i started channeling for people i kept that compartmentalized for years and i think i think that that was how it was back then because there was this very much mainstream world and then there was the fringy weird you know kind of that was those were kind of the boxes and the labels that we were often put into so on the one hand your compartmentalization feels personal and on the other hand it feels pretty universal for what was going on you know 30 30 something years ago which i don't feel is quite the same now which is good i think we're starting to embrace it now i think we're breaking out that that barrier apart i think we're we're dismantling sort of that barrier that's like you show up as the spiritual teacher or in some capacity but you don't bring it home with you or you talk about it with your facebook group but you don't talk about it with your husband and kids right i think that compartmentalization is what we are embracing right now like oh no no this is just being human right this is just embracing the multi-dimensional human now and becoming and because so much so many more of us are awake now so many more millions it's easier now for us to say oh okay i can embrace all of these aspects of me in any situation and it's gonna be accepted or not accepted but i'm okay because i know there's millions other that are also going through this right now you know yeah and it's so important like what you just said about sharing with people because i i mean this is less common these days but i've i've been doing this work now for 16 years i think it's 17 years this year and one of the most common things i would hear um would be how do i speak to my partner about this like you know that this separatism uh yet you're living in a house with some you know and one of the things i would always say is well it's in your energy field so they wouldn't be with you if if they needed that completely edited out now sure we've all got to figure out how to speak to perhaps a more skeptical person about our experiences sure there's there's going to be a learning curve there for everybody us and them but but it's in your energy field and it's also in theirs like we're all connected to spirit whether or not we know that engage with that or or are aware of that and i think a lot of times some of one of the things i teach is how to observe yourself so i always talk about where bumper cars that's how i like to see it so it's a your your energetic field and their energetic field and when you connect it's like a bumper car right nobody's interfering into your field and you're not they're not in you know it's a bumper car kind of exchange and so i teach how to observe yourself in the relationship or in the moment with the other person and so you become detached so it's not like oh my god they're doing these things oh my god they're not listening to me oh my god they're not but it's more of like oh look at the energetic exchange that we're now having i'm saying this they're saying this this may be the pattern that we play out right where is my energy going so it becomes more of like um a massive amount of observation i'm a bumper car i'm hitting that person's energy we're done we're bumping in energetically and and how to navigate it from that perspective i think is huge because then you you're not attached any longer and you're not the victim right you're not the victim it's like they're doing these things to me they're making me feel these things it's like oh no stop hold on how are you responding how are you reacting how how is that game playing out as the two bumper cars um and then you become more empowered as well it's like oh oh wait a second hold on you know there's an empowerment piece to that when when we have that awareness and observation it's massive yeah and and it's interesting it makes me think of the horse you know if the horse is chasing after you they say stop running and the horse will stop and it's like if if we take an action to change the dynamic there will be a shift for the other person too which i think we we forget you know we get embroiled in these things and it's like no no we're here to transform that stuff with each other and it might be that you have to be the first person you might want the other person to do it for you or to but you might have to be the first person to uh to walk into that uncomfortable new place with someone else and uh and make the change begin which we're definitely seeing you know the battle play out on earth right now the kind of of of the polarity of of the different if you like um dimensions of reality that are trying to from my perspective be non-multi-dimensional you know trying to maintain one singularity i am the victim you are the perpetrator and it's like there are there are always areas of gray there and and i think that's kind of an interesting and sometimes painful thing to witness right now or or being feeling response to as we're seeing this go on in the world you and i were just talking uh about you know there's a we're recording this um beginning of january and literally there was just a headline about the riots going on at capitol hill um right now and uh and it's difficult because on the one hand you understand that this stuff is playing out and it's supposed to and it's going to and when you connect up it's like okay we're everything is going on exactly as we expected it to but on a human level and the the suffering that's really hard to be with i think as as an empathic person yeah it's so interesting because um i've been called to teach in different ways the last couple of months and it's exactly what you just discussed or just brought up which is it's not there's no right or wrong it's not black or white it is it is okay there is a larger perspective playing out and and to understand that larger perspective which is this is the evolution of consciousness this is what it looks like um so it's perfect and divine the way it's playing out but from another perspective we're also very human we're very physical and we are absolutely going to have emotional responses to what's happening and to deny that or to make it wrong or to you know to pretend that it's always sort of like oh but it's always just divine and perfect and then when you actually have the human experience around it then you're making that human ex there's something wrong with the fact that you're angry there's something wrong with the fact that you're getting triggered there's something wrong and it's like no this is the juice of the evolution of consciousness you are still physical you're still standing in all of this and we are learning how to i think a lot of us i am i'm learning how to balance that how do i balance my human reaction to what's happening in dc the human the humanness of oh my god what's gonna happen what's gonna unfold are people gonna get hurt like do i have a side right like is it okay that i have a side like part of just being human there's nothing wrong with that right but then also jumping up and saying yes but lori it's all divine and perfect it's all divine and perfect i mean it's all divine and perfect right like having to just remind myself and teach from that space as well that we get through this but we also get to honor all of the human juicy pieces to it because that's why we're here totally that's why we're here we're not here to always we we're here to go through this to evolve you can't evolve by denying if you have a side right like until you don't have a side you have a side until you don't have a side or you you have the anger towards something until you don't have the anger towards something um lightening lightening up about it but that balance for me personally as a teacher has been very interesting um to balance and to teach um yeah it's been a it's been one of the kind of stretches for myself um showing up for humanity because my guides are like oh no no you gotta talk about this and i'm like what no no no no no no no no no no i don't talk about that oh yeah you're gonna go talk about this now and i'm like how do i talk about dark how do i talk about dark dense stuff that that i don't you know how do i navigate that um so i mean of course i say yes to everything but that was definitely and still is a challenge for me of like you know really allowing that dark to to be seen and to be talked about in a loving compassionate real way that's why we're here yeah you know yeah and it's it's interesting we were just uh again right before we started the recording um and i said we should start the recording you and i were talking about um your evolution lately of bringing more of your humanity into your teaching and we were just sharing how so often there is an idea of what someone is if they are spiritual in their interests or they're a spiritual teacher and all kinds of labels and projections and boxes get put onto you by others especially i think if you are i think especially in our youtube and internet age it's far easier to box someone who you see on camera or doing a certain thing from one angle or one position versus if you're like spending three weeks with them in life you know and from my perspective i feel like we when i was growing up so much of the humanity was whitewashed out of spirituality i had to go to spirituality for the metaphysical higher consciousness then i had to go to personal development for the humanity and i needed both like absolutely i mean i was crying out for human healing especially at that point so it's interesting now i feel to start to see the multi-dimensionality of the two kind of cross-connect um but it is interesting our perception i think we have this culturally holier-than-now idea of a spiritual guru or a spiritual teacher which says far more about what how we engage with spirituality than actually the person that we're focusing on and how we as a culture have kind of boxed everything whereas actually the big messy truth of it all right now is no matter how spiritually evolved you have been for as long as you've been none of us are coming through this period without some major purging going on because we've got a collective energy field we've all lived in that our bodies have walked through that are being asked to very quickly move up and shift up and i think 2020 as a year was the first really big year like not that the others weren't but the really big year that i have kind of seen on the planet in the last kind of couple of decades while i've been doing this work where things got very real very in your face on all the levels what's going on over there in this system in this group with this leadership what do i need to watch out for what do i not trust are they telling me the truth oh no they're not telling me the truth but then equally yourself like all the stuff you go through where you're like oh i have to let go of this aspect of my behavior or my personality or full-on like going yes to everything you just said a thousand percent you just mirrored my entire life last year you know it's interesting because i think in our community that that one and i think in general just in in general we we have this like um this kind of false god sort of thing that we do right where um whether it's a teacher like you and i whether it's a famous person whether it's a politician there's this idea that they have what i need or that they are going to give me what i need um and tell me what i need or how to do things and one of the systems i feel deeply that we're shifting out of is that where and i think we as teachers are showing up for reflecting that meaning oh no no this is a this is i'm here to to walk with you um i'm here to stand side by side with you i just happen to be doing it this way this is just the the the blueprint that i came down in which is that i channel messages but we're side by side we're literally we have our arms wrapped around each other it just is looking like i've got a youtube channel with all these subscribers right but i'm no different than you maybe i receive information that you don't receive and and thank goodness that i can share it right and you either resonate or don't but it's taking this like false god thing that we've done for so long and and ground it down into oh no they're just navigating like i am they have their their their traumas just like i do and i think the more that we can show up like that the more we can break that system down which is like i know more than you listen to me give me your money so that i can tell you what you need that kind of hierarchy it's it's breaking down um and i think for myself personally the the the the stretch for me has been okay if i say to them hey ps the first three days of january i literally thought i might need to go to a hospital because i thought i was losing my mind what i was going through if i say that i mean now i just say it but in the beginning six seven months ago when i really started sharing it was like okay how am i gonna be perceived am i gonna are people gonna no longer trust me are they no longer going to listen to me and it became apparent that i couldn't it couldn't it didn't matter anymore it was like you have to just say it you have to just speak it and there was this liberation of like i can just i can just be me and i can just share my my my the way i'm navigating this and it doesn't matter it doesn't matter because i know who i am i know who i am and so what an empowered place to be that you can share all i can share the fact that like i literally thought i lost my mind and was like massively bipolar the last three days like oh my god i might lose my mind and then i can talk about it and be like hey you guys you guys see me in this certain way but it's that's we're all going through this we're all going through it um and that's breaking down that old teacher student because it's never been real this these teachers have always been human right and the really good ones were willing to share that about themselves and the ones who were more corrupt played into that game you know and and and like you said the the ones who who were corrupt then or now they're only corrupted by their own wound so what i had to learn to to get was more compassionate about that when i would meet certain people and be disappointed or feel like they were doing a disservice i thought no no this is this is this is the world this is who we are it exists everywhere but i love what you just shared because you specifically said losing your mind and that is one of the key stages of awakening for people when they have like a huge opening or upgrade especially around third eye opening psychic connection channeling connection you know your the old you has to kind of get out the way whether it's for a few days or a few months to let that new in and then it slowly can aspects of it that are still going to be part of your future can come back but there needs to be like a clearing so i think it's great that you shared about that specifically because so many people will relate to that and they did and and and you know we just came out of that um the attachment to december 21st right we all had our attachments around what what we may have been experiencing what we are going to what we should have experienced right and so when when you come out of an experience like that and there's an expectation or attachment about how you're supposed to be and then you literally find yourself like like you know curled up in a ball it's like wait wait a second is there something wrong with me like did i do something wrong did i not you know um so i thought it was really important to discuss as well because the way i view my my now moments is that i trust so deeply that everything that is in my now everything no matter how uncomfortable and painful it may be everything is moving me into the next highest version of myself everything and so i never turn away from it and i never judge it i never judge it i have no judgment for what i experience which allows me to just have it um and i try to teach that as often as i can because it for me it allows me to move through it with more ease and grace um but yeah i mean that i had a massive panic attack i was i was like texting my friend like oh my god like what is this like am i losing my mind like what's going on like and and it can be very frightening because there's a moment where i felt really out of control like no control whatsoever in a way that i haven't before but the other thing that was coming to me was when i set these intentions for myself of like this version of me that i'm sort of pulling in the now moment right this like this this this way of being that i that i'm intending that i'm really um and uh honoring myself to be in there's aspects that gotta go right like okay lori if you're asking for this if you're intending this if this is your reality in the now moment that you are asking to experience as yourself who you've always been you're just now deciding to embrace it right then be careful because this is what's going to shake out of you yeah you know this is what's going to move out yeah it's funny laurie you know i i'm taken back like 10 11 years in my life where i had kind of like the year the year from hell and then like two years of recovery and it was the most spiritually alive awakening period of my life but it was it was just ugh you know i kind of like deathly and i had the panic attacks i had the you know the lack of functioning in certain areas that i just wasn't expecting and yet the funniest thing about it i remember was um my guides had told me that at the age of 33 it would be a turning point year of my life so i went wow that sounds great oh like i really i totally projected what that meant and it was the year from hell but if i i can literally divide my life my adult life between the what happened prior to 33 and what has happened since like now with some you know 11 years later i can look at it and go oh it really was but yeah when you're in it it's uh it's disconcerting and there's a huge judgment that exists out there about oh they're crazy they're into spirituality they're a witch they're you know so there's there's this cultural programming in much the same way that the words conspiracy theory is designed to pull us away from investigating anything you know it's a defamatory statement um that's kind of a catch-all for that person's a loonie rather than they're just looking into the other side of something that doesn't seem completely true um i think it's interesting that we have these fears of am i going mad around spiritual awakening that are also implanted in the culture so that when it happens to us we're like oh god it's uh you know we we do panic about kind of what's happening and what's going on but you know it's a messy process there's no way around that it's not messy for everyone and it's not super intense for everyone but there can be those moments especially if you've signed up for it like you did like i did like so many people watching and listening have and and i think 2020 was a that was your 33 for a lot of us um and i think it was a year where we um we uh were kind of catapulted into massive change massive massive awakening the other piece that came in when you were talking was everything's happening so much faster like warp speed so like that that freak out that i had for two days might have been like six months for you in 33 right so now it's like oh by the way you're gonna have to freak out you're gonna have the panic attack then you're gonna be in these higher states of a consciousness then you're gonna sleep swoop down into a complete exhaustion for a day then you're going to jump back up into alignment with your higher self and like get ready for the ride right like it's like that's why present moment non-attachment and just surrendering is like the keys yeah yeah completely and it's interesting you say that because the last couple days of 2020 um i wasn't working i pre-recorded a lot of stuff and man i was just like i was exhausted i was angry i was all of these things that years ago i would have tried to navigate around i would have tried to talk myself out of being angry i'd have tried to and it was great i had a moment with stephen my husband who's great and uh he was like you okay and i said yeah i'm really angry and i need to be and i'm gonna stay here until it's done which which i've explained to him i said you know for for me that's huge progress from who i was in my 20s where all my teens were i was trying to edit stuff out trying to edit out the the kind of difficult feelings and it is so fast like you know started in the morning like that and by the afternoon i was great it's amazing you just you have to let it flush through and and i think get used to letting it flush through and then in my experience it gets quicker mine too i i literally like i mean i'm so used to this now but it's like i'm the observer all the time and so i'm like oh i wonder how today's gonna be because i know that however i woke up may or may not be how i go to bed always so i'm just like what's today gonna be like like how many hours am i gonna be in this state how many hours am i gonna there's like there's no such thing as like the this sort of like baseline experience that i have ever it's always like you know just sort of like this movement that i have of everything you know if i go out forget about it because you know i think you're in california i'm in california forget about my mood the second i go out there listen i may teach all these like you know beautiful things but when lori goes out into like what's happening with all the masks and the grocery stores and the lines outside it's very difficult for me to stay in alignment mm-hmm it's there because you're walking into a group of people who are not in alignment like far from it and i'm not i'm not judging individuals there i'm talking about the collective trance that you know is kind of actually i have several friends who were great for me with that who really led early on around um i go out and i smile at people and i you know i try and remember that they might have weird reactions at me now they're not doing that if they're exhausted they're not doing that at their own expense but they're they're going out there to change to kind of consciously change the energy that's one of their jobs you know they're not necessarily doing it for a living but they go out into the world and move the energy in that way and i when i heard them describe it to me i was like that's great i'm gonna i'm gonna do that too or kind of avoid avoid as much of it as i can altogether yeah that's amazing yeah it's uh it's it's fascinating how fast how fast everything is and um the the the the shifting and the uh the all of it the emotion the the beliefs the behaviors um it's just miraculous it i i all the time i'm like wow this is what we came here for this is the this is the go time this is what this is this is it um that's why when i see all of the stuff sort of unraveling the external i'm i'm sympathetic and i'm compassionate and i'm empathetic and i'm um i'm i'm seeing it for what it is but i'm also really excited because i'm like great let's do this we're ready we can do this we can we can do this we can we can do this there's no fear in me around what we're experiencing there's no fear in me of um i'm just so excited and i'm so honored and i'm so proud of humanity for what we are doing and what we're capable of and what we're going to continue to do um but it always is like okay but it you you it's always about coming back here first you know over and over and over um and the reason i think for myself as a teacher that i dive so deep into what comes up for me is the only way i can navigate the only way i can teach this is if is if i'm doing it you know otherwise and the only way that i can grow as a teacher and expand as a teacher is or a guide or whatever just a person walking down the road with you is that i'm courageously going through it as well and then sharing about it yeah you know i really see it as like no we're just all walking together we just have different names different titles different whatevers but we're all we're like arm in arm you know going moving you know that's how i see it it's funny this kind of goes back to something you said a little while ago you know about like the human and the the teacher thing one of the like the best teachings i ever got from my guys were it was like 2014 and i was doing an energy update video and and often in those first few years they were much harder for me like now i kind of know if i'm feeling a bit off but i'm not so off that i'm not in the zone to do a video that's just part of the energy and i just i just do it but back then it was more wrestling to get on camera and like you know there would be bigger waves for me around it and i remember one particular month where you know the day was coming up and i was like oh god i'm not getting anything i'm not getting anything and they were just like don't worry it doesn't matter what you say over half of the effectiveness of your video is you getting on camera and them seeing that a you're still alive and b that you're going through it with them and and it was so good because it got it just completely bumped me out of any idea of the importance of what i said because i was thinking i'm kind of repeating myself it's kind of kind of said these things for the for multiple months and it was great because it was like oh yeah i totally get that because there are the people that comfort me because they're regulars in my life in person or on video or whatever and i was like oh it kind of really helped me understand that we're all in this together and seeing that we're in it together is is more powerful than the moment that we let bruce springsteen be an amazing rock god you know an amazing magical musician part of the affinity that people have with bruce is they've gone through a journey with him and they've grown with him and of course he's just when he's not doing his magical thing that he's celebrated for he's a human being trying to figure it out and go through the waves of this generation like we all are it's so funny you bring that up about the showing up and doing the videos because the last couple of weeks my energy has been different when i show up and do videos it's very different um and the message i received today is very similar to what you got in 2014 but it was like it doesn't just just push play lori so a lot of times i like to really receive the message i like to integrate it i like to download i like to really like you know have my notes with me i'm like i got the message right and lately it's been like oh no no no you just push play i'm like but you only gave me one sentence like they'll give me one sentence right and and and they're what the what they want me to what what they they want me to just show up just throw the words out but just be there just let people know that you're there that you're going through it your experience just just be and the energy of you being there with them that is enough it doesn't have to be this polished message that i'm so used to giving um which for me is like yeah i don't know like i just and i'm never i never i mean this is a very pretty personal you know whatever but i never think my messages are effective i always think that like i'm like oh that that wasn't that wasn't that wasn't that great and then i always say to myself lori you you push you publish it anyways i never don't publish it because i've seen that the ones that i thought are the worst were the ones that were the most effective have you noticed that oh i mean go you know that that for me was the first few years of training like it wasn't about what i thought it was about me showing up and my opinion was not as important as everyone else's yeah yeah and i think right now humanity just needs us to show up totally to show up um [Music] at least for myself and also having firm boundaries around that and what that means and what i can give but um there's definitely a a learning curve in you know uh how much i'm i'm serving right now um so you know it's interesting i'm just going to do a little side side jump to something else real fast but the children in adolescent group that i started i want to share something about it because it's pretty interesting good because i wanted to go back there yeah so it's very interesting what i'm experiencing because for four or five years it's been it's been adults for the most part and so i know how to navigate an adult i am an adult so i can do a video and i know that it's gonna it's gonna be matched right it's gonna be understood can i just say that trying to do a video for five to twelve year olds is so challenging so i'm like wait a second hold on this is a whole different level of showing up um that requires a completely different recognition because the way i see the reason i know this is going to be so effective and the reason i chose to do this group online community is because of how i see them when i connect i see them i don't see their age i don't see their emotions i don't see what they're saying i see them and so that in and of itself is so powerful for them to be seen because one of the children not the two boys but there was another young girl 11 years old who was a a child to the adult patreon so she was in my patreon and her child came on screen and she was bullied she had no friends and she only talked to angels during her when she was at in the schoolyard she would just go talk to the angels because nobody would talk to her and i was really um i didn't talk to her like a little kid i was very much like do you know you know who you are you know that you're in this body you know that you incarnated right and i saw that i didn't talk to the 11 year old that was bullied i talked to that aspect of her that was inside of her that she's aware of and she's i got an email from her mom afterwards and she said the first thing my daughter said to me was mom she saw me she really really saw me and that is more powerful and effective i think than anything else that i can give these children and adolescents but showing up and and doing videos and those things are where my teacher is like oh wait i did like 17 takes for this one video that's like a three minute video saying hey send me your questions right because i was like i knew that it i knew that there were all these different ages and these different awarenesses and um so it's just a really exciting thing that i'm stepping into but also probably the hardest thing i'm ever going to do i think the most rewarding and now for right now because you'll master this and then there'll be something else but it's funny as you were speaking you know one of the things that like for me being live in a room teaching fantastic because it's an energy ocean between you and the people and it moves and you can feel it i had to learn the dance on camera and i think it took me a while um but i think doing loads of one-on-one clients was what trained me where i didn't really know who they were i didn't you know if they were on the phone or on skype my job was to speak to them usually for the first 20-25 minutes about what i was getting about them intuitively before they asked me any questions or told me anything about them so i think that trained me to work with this energy field that isn't visible but what i what i got when you were talking about the kids i was thinking about that and i now know kind of how to lock in to when i turn the camera on yeah i have a few headlines for the energy updates but i now know how to look into how the community wants me to phrase it hear it how which is the right way to go but yeah with with that age group it's a whole other level of soul and consciousness and and uh the way the human operates between five and twelve versus if you're an adult so i can only imagine that learning that is like having to yeah having to learn a it's like being a jazz musician suddenly having to learn the rules of classical and and and fit yourself to that you know 100 yeah it's like oh i can't just talk i mean i can but i also have to realize that there's a six-year-old listening and so um and when you're on video it's different than when you're face to face or even like even on zoom face to face it's different um but man it just feels like it's time for these adolescents and children to um i and i'm not saying that they haven't been um but i think that there is a growing awareness um around the need for them to be [Music] um supported um in a way they haven't before um which is interesting you know you you share that you had a fairly in my experience unique upbringing where you had a mom who was taking you to this kind of stuff and exposing you did she was that like a driving force for her and her parenting or was it more that she noticed that you were open to it or was it more just casual and you just happens to be going to these things because she needed to go so she was taking you too i'm curious how it was for your mom around you as an adolescent i think she started because my i have two brothers and they weren't they didn't gravitate towards it so i think she started sharing about it and talking about it and then i just soaked it up and i think i was asking for more and i think i was like i want to go and then it became like hey i'm doing this this week and do you want to go yes i want to go i want more i want more i want more um and i was always just like what books are you reading okay i'm going to read those books um so it was and as soon as she saw that i was in interested and wanting more then she then she just started then i it became like okay this is what we're doing next this is what we're doing next um it was just i was just always side by side with her um yeah which is a great gift if you have that is your um still alive today and so how does she feel about you know your your work in the world now oh my god she's like she's she's she cries all the time she's just so um she's so honored to watch this unfold and she's um she's so proud she's just really really proud um and yeah she she's just in awe a lot of times she's just in awe of how i navigate how i was how i got to where i am and and and and what i went through to get there like the amount of trust i had to take the amount of things i had to let go of and um you know the way i live my life i think is pretty different than a lot of people and so when she watches me live my life for the service of humanity she's just like i could never do that i could never do that i could never do that um and it's like for me i'm like i don't even see it as doing anything other than what i came here to do you know and as long as i show up and and take on the now moments then it's always provided for me in terms of whatever i need and and the best way that that humanity will receive um from me and it's it works it's been working out well but yeah she it's funny when i started the children in adolescent group she said i always knew you were because we went to a reading and actually was in malibu we went to a reading once and the guys and i was like 16 and he and he said you're going to be working with millions of children around the world and um and if you had asked me four months ago no i would have been like no i'm not working with kids and adolescents but my mom was like i always knew you were going to i always knew you were going to um so she's probably my biggest cheerleader beautiful and you know for everyone who is grateful that laurie ladd is out there doing her thing thank you laurie's mom for yeah pioneering and paving the way and uh you know kind of providing you with a with a safe space to to walk into all of this i think that's fantastic yeah obviously i needed it i mean obviously it was like okay i'm gonna come in and i might have my traumas but give me a freaking mom that's gonna that's gonna help me um get that foundation first it's interesting when you think about incarnating into the body and the the kind of blueprint that you're coming in with right and then you realize like okay this is a minefield that you're in like cross your fingers that you're gonna make it through and that you're going to actually embody that that which you came here to do i just find it fascinating the way this human journey is and and the all the probabilities that we have that could be in any now moment and and really being able to find ourselves back in our bodies centered grounded aligned connected after everything we've gone through in the human in the human journey that in and of itself is a miracle like it's just a miracle this human this human journey is a miracle um so i think i was like hey can i get a mom that's gonna like you know help it'll help me a little bit when i go in because you know it's a chaotic down there yeah you know and how about your brothers or other family members you know how are they with with what you do publicly i have the most the most unconditionally loving family i could ever ask for um it doesn't mean we haven't had issues and and traumas but they unconditionally love me my older brother um is all about what i what i teach he he's a thousand percent on board my younger brother not so much but he's also my assistant so he uh he accepts it he he allows it and um you know it's cute he's he's starting to answer emails in a way that is his and he's like oh don't worry the meditation is is always a now moment so you're gonna get what you need from and i was like where'd you get that like how'd you know that so it's like it's so beautiful to watch our differences like there was never fighting there was never why don't you see it my way there was never you know politically we're very different but we don't ever try to change the other person ever and we don't we accept and we love and we honor and and that's that and and and we're able to be together we're able to come together we're able to there's something about this unconditional acceptance that we have um that any differences are just differences and we know what to talk about and what not to talk about and even when we get into an argument it's like oh we just got into a massive argument maybe we don't talk about that subject for a while okay great right and then we dissolve that subject um because it never feels good for me at least and for him to be butting heads on a in a consciousness that neither one of us are going to change right like this is my this is what i'm holding this is what you're holding why are we arguing that makes no sense because i'm not going to change my my beliefs right now and you're not going to change your beliefs so let's not waste energy on this and let's just move on to something else um so uh i'm grateful because i know a lot of people um haven't had that experience and don't have that experience yeah and i'm grateful to hear you say what you just said because i'm i'm very familiar with the other narrative which is you know my family rejected me i rejected them you know i i think that that that can be a part of the spiritual journey for some people so it's fantastic when you hear a story like yours and i know lots of other stories like yours i mean my family are very very loving like very loving people all quite different but yeah we we've all got each other's backs you know so yeah i think that's great it's huge i have to ask you this so you know we've just and for anybody who wants to know more about lori's work i'm hoping if you weren't familiar with laurie before this that you'll go and check out all of her work and all of her offerings because what we've really done is had a conversation about who you are and what led you into that work but one of the things that i was struck by when i was on your website this morning is um you went for a little while as laurie of lemuria so i thought i'd ask you a little about that but also perhaps you could share with us some of your channeling experiences i know that you work with the galactic federation of light and i'm just curious like how that came about for you or for people who are new to the galactic federation of light and aren't completely sure what that is um if you could share a little um about that yeah so 2000 i never knew i could channel yeah you know even at 13 14 up until you know whatever year it was 2015 i had no idea i could channel nor that that i would channel um 2015 um i went to a one day immersive in mount shasta with a woman and i came home and i was like i think i'm going to work with her i knew i was going to be quitting my job and i knew i had already gone to shasta and stood on the mountain and said whatever you need to do let's do it so i can get to work and so i started mentoring with this woman who was a channeler and i don't remember how it happened other than because i'm designed to channel because that's my work right when i sat down to start to kind of connect because i never meditated i never resonated with meditating it just was not something i did so i sat close my eyes and it was like immediately this this this consciousness or this being from telos which is like this fifth dimensional portal within mount shasta a dhamma came in and i'm like and i didn't know his name and then i found out then i heard his name and i didn't know that there were other people that knew his name and then i realized that i was communicating with him and so for months that he taught me how to channel which was amazing because i he taught me how to feel energies he taught me how to decipher between like an angelic consciousness and a galactic consciousness and like a dragon consciousness he would literally be like okay there's three consciousnesses in front of you and i'm like okay he's like now go to the one on the left and he's like i want you to feel into it i want what is it dive deeper into that energy is it tall is it short anyways he would give me all these exercises and that's how i started realizing that i was a channeler but i thought you know okay i'm just going to be channeling these like lemurian beans inside tellos and that's why i was like oh i'm lori of lemuria because i go into telus all the time telos is a again a portal like a fifth dimensional frequency consciousness portal type of place um and so i started offering individual sessions where i would take people on an energetic level into that portal where they could experience different consciousnesses whether it's lemurians or atlanteans or angels or galactic beings or whatever and what i realized when i started doing that light beans started coming in and i was like what the heck is this i mean they were like every session light beans were coming in over and over all different types and it was very easy for me to know exactly who they were um i felt them very differently if it was i could feel the differences in their energies their frequencies their messages and so i started channeling these light beams and that's when i realized this is much bigger than lemuria kind of stuff and so i was practicing in sessions i did hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of sessions where i really got to hone in my skills of channeling and and and and providing messages and it wasn't until i still hadn't connected with the galactic federation of light it wasn't until 2018 october of 2018 when i went to machu picchu i'll never forget the moment i was on the bus there's like a bus that you have to take up like 30 minute bus ride and i knew there was a reason i was going but i didn't know what it was and on the bus massive download came and it was like you're going to write a book the book is going to be about how humanity became how earth became how this whole thing was created and designed where the galactic federation of light there's a council of 12 where who you're going to work i mean it just came in like two seconds right it was like flooded and i was frozen i was with a friend of mine i was like oh my god i can't move like i don't know what to do with all of this and then i went and sat down and one of these really powerful places in machu picchu and i just started to to receive from them and from that point forward the relation the the connection was connected and um and i've been connected and working with them daily every single day and uh i wrote the book with them and um i mean i'm editing it but that's who i'm that's they're they're like yeah that were this is this is it these are your this is this is who you connect with every this is where i receive all of the guidance and um and so much so much was was was given it was just like holy cow um but it was always really easy for me because it was what i was here to do so when i teach kind of like how to channel it's really challenging because we're not all going to channel as easily as perhaps you and i channel because we're not we all have the ability to but it's always very it's not going to be the way that we necessary the ease in which you and i do it because that's our blueprint you know um it's easy for me i can easily pull in beans and be like oh that's this that's this that's this that's this um yeah so that's that's that's how it that's how it got started it was pretty interesting that's great that's great and um i feel called we this is probably our last question really um but i feel cool to just ask you a slightly more nuts-and-bolts question which is patreon now i um i was saying to someone in fact i've recommended patreon to a couple of people in our field um one of them who's using it very effectively i know you use it and i said to them if i was starting again right now i would probably go the patreon way because i think it's a you know very good system it's a good way to um it feels very collaborative in in a certain way um and i was curious how you have found um the experience of of using patreon for your work and for those who aren't familiar with it it really it really is a system of patronage it's for people who want to follow and engage with what you are creating they can pledge amounts of money or set amounts of money in exchange for that and i was just curious how that how that's been working for you because i'm sure there are lots of other people right now poised to do their thing in the world and that might be one of the one of the routes that they're they're considering so i just thought oh i love this question great question because i love first of all i was very against it um for a while um i just had this idea around it and um but i something said do it and so i did and i have to say that i love patreon i love the community that is created it's a it's a system that it's set up it's it's it's it's solid i mean yes there are you can't it's not yours so you can't adjust things you can't uh you know there's things you can't do because it's theirs and they have it set um but i would suggest it hands down as one of the first things you start if you can because it doesn't require a lot financially for somebody to come in um you get to kind of choose how much you're going to show up or not show up and everything is set up for you so if you do live streams it's set up for you the replays are set up for you the the payouts are set up for you the taxes are set up for you the system is just set up for you so if you're not if you're not tech savvy and you don't have money to kind of hire someone to do this sort of subscription on a website which definitely requires a web designer to come in and help you and it yeah several elements and you know it's a constant maintenance yeah yeah and you have to yeah i can imagine that yeah there's a lot to doing it on your website pros and cons i'm sure but patreon if you're brand new i just had a friend of mine who just came out of the the shoots and is just teaching now and he started it and it's he's amazed at what's going on and the people that are coming in um he was a little bit like nervous about asking for money i think a lot of us have that sort of normal yeah when you start out you're like oh yeah oh i'm gonna ask you for money now you know so you have to kind of allow people to have their opinions about it because i always get that no matter what i do no there is a whole there is a whole thing there's a whole group of people out there who get angry about spiritual teachers healers asking for money and it doesn't actually make sense because if they really stop and think about it you know unless you're a billionaire or even a millionaire who's willing to just you know is able to just invest all your own money you know free content is not free it's free to the consumer but you know in my case all of all the free videos and all the free content we produce i'm paying really talented dedicated creatives to work on that with me and i'm i'm able to do that because people pay for the work here but it's such an edge that kind of allowing allowing yourself to be re-enumerated for what you do and i think one of the things i always say to people which usually helps because it was what i had to tell my self at the beginning i would pay for workshops without hesitation like i would run up uh bills on you know credit cards and loans to go to a workshop that's how much i valued self-development and i was doing it at a time where there wasn't this ability to give it all away for free um you know it's a very different time in the world so if you value spirituality and if you value personal development and for you giving dollars for that was never a you know or pounds or euros whatever it is was never a problem so too will there be people out there who will feel able to do the same for you and truth be told you know if i hadn't charged for what i was doing i would never have been able to build this production company that pays people to put you know really high level free content out into the world so yeah it's it's it's a very tricky argument but it's one that we have to um we have to get better at busting through it because people people are needed now and unless you are someone who is only doing free work in the world having some money come in is going to be important in in the world that we live in to be able to to make things happen or donate to people you care about or any of those things yep yeah it's it's i it's it's it's a really interesting to watch that that whole exchange happen um because it's a job i don't know anyone that would work for free and there's a lot that we offer for free so it's just an interesting way that people look at us and say everything should be free it just is very interesting but when you if you're first starting out asking is always like oh my god this is going to be crunchy um so patreon can be a great way because you can you're not asking for a lot you know 10 bucks 11 bucks 15 bucks 20 bucks right um so it's a great way to get used to asking for for for money for your services um i think and plus you create a really beautiful community uh that's there just for you that loves you and is like and loves all the community that comes with it um i mean my community i just they're amazing they're just absolutely amazing and you know the the kid the two star seed kids and her mom they were when they came on screen they were in a car i don't know if i even said this story before but i mean i have but i don't know if you heard it but um they were in a car when they came on screen and i was like oh what are you guys doing where do you live you know basic questions are like oh we live in our car and i'm like o-m-g they live in the car they live in the car just keep going right like in my head i'm like okay just chill lori you're just going to continue to have a conversation and what happened at the end was the community gathered together and raised like eight or nine thousand dollars unbeknownst to me and she bought an rv so they came together and and and and supported her and her children um and so those are the things that i see happening uh in my patreon community it's just just the camaraderie and the and also uh like take us take us out of it people are craving community especially right now and so if you can create a community not on facebook but like on something that is not censored um that you can really have free will at what you're gonna do on it they will come in people want community um [Music] more than even your work perhaps right like wait if i can come in and hear you once in a while that's great but i really want to connect i think a lot of my members probably are staying for the actual community that they have because i also have a mighty networks forum i don't know if you're familiar with that but it's it's like facebook but it's completely different than facebook and it's it's completely super secure but you can jump on and just talk and share videos and posts and pictures and um and it's an it's a way for the community to to connect outside of patreon because patreon you can't chat like there's no chat right unless you're live you can't chat with anyone really unless you chat in the comments of posts so having a mighty networks forum if anyone's listening to this and they do want to start a patreon um check out the mighty networks forum or any other forum that's out there because that's a that's a key bonus to like to i think having a a a community um yeah you know and laurie you know it it's several members of our portal community who echoed your name to me over over the last couple of years so that seems like the perfect place to draw a pause to our conversation it has been delightful to talk to you today and uh get to know a little more about what you do in the world and why you do it and i just want to say thank you for for being one of those bright lights that i see out there and uh yeah it's wonderful thanks for having me on it's uh i've watched you for quite some time um and so it's an honor to be on here with you right now and to and to be connecting so thanks for having me likewise and uh i'm curious to see what you're going to be doing a few years from now and i'm just loving what you're doing with the kids so for anyone who wants to go deeper with lori's work as usual we'll put links in the show notes you would visit her website or you can find laurie on youtube where she's regularly posting really great free content so lori big love thank you so much and uh see you again i hope yes absolutely thank you thanks so much for tuning in to this episode of impact the world and if you want to go deeper and more in depth with my work you should check out my members group the portal you can find it at my website lee or visit
Channel: LeeHarrisEnergy
Views: 58,210
Rating: 4.8796582 out of 5
Keywords: lemuria, lorie ladd, lorrie lad, what is ascension, stargate circle lorie ladd, lorie ladd reptilians, podcast, lee harris
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 25sec (4465 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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