Impact the World Podcast: Paul Selig

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[Music] welcome to impact the world the show for and about creatives changemakers and entrepreneurs this is a conversation episode where a special guest shares with me what they are creating and the behind the scenes journey of their experience [Music] [Applause] [Music] I first heard of Paul Selleck several years ago when I was living in Boulder and somebody mentioned his books to me and I was really taken with this series of channeled books that Paul has put out into the world it's always nice to meet a fellow Chandler and to talk to them about their experiences but Paul has built a real name and body of work over the last years and he is the first person I have seen in a long time who has created a body of work in terms of channeled books so it was really wonderful to sit down and talk to Paul about his experience doing this work and what it's like for him as a public channel and workshop leader so please enjoy this conversation with Paul Selig you are a busy man and you know I know everybody is busy but one of the things that I marvel at with you is how many live workshops and live events I see you doing and I just watched you do this for years that you're out on the road meeting people doing your work did you ever imagine this is what you would be doing no I was a college teacher you know I did a little group had met in my apartment for 18 years but I wasn't looking to be known as a channeler it was this sort of thing that I did quietly because I wanted to keep my my academic life so this is still a bit of a surprise that this is now how I live and how I work so when did it happen for you when did you tap into the side of yourself though that could channel well it was a process for me I I started opening up psychically when I was about 25 I could quit drinking and I had quit partying and all of the sudden I started seeing with lights around people and and the clairaudience really came for that when I was about thirty thirty-one and I was I'd studied a form of energy healing and I found it when I had my hands on people's bodies I could gain information for them and they would confirm it so once I began to trust the validity of the information I began to open up more and that's when the channeling began they didn't start lecturing through me until about 2008 I've been a heavy smoker and when I quit the cigarettes which they told me I had to do and they rarely tell me I can do anything with this pretty much said if we would love to keep working with you however you know you have to attend to this once that was out they began lecturing and dictating his books and and it's been non-stop but it was really about my willingness to to show up for the work and because I'm now fully willing it's what I do they're showing up all the time mmm that's how it's happened and you've just published your seventh book and and I I was just sharing with you before before we started that you came across my radar I think it was around 2013 2014 and I'd self-published a book so I was seeing that channeling charts on Amazon in the week it came out and your books really caught my attention because number one you already had a few number two they were great titles great covers and number three I hadn't seen anybody at that point since perhaps Jane Roberts and the set books Kryon possibly but cryin wasn't quite as mainstream as I was noticing your books were connecting with people and more importantly you were giving people a journey it wasn't just one book or one theme it was you were taking people through this teaching process and people were really gravitating towards it now I I see how how much that that has grown over the years do you do you yourself feel like a student of the work or do you feel like some of it has integrated over the years or I mean some has integrated I tend to make a point of letting people know that I don't consider myself to be a spiritual teacher that's really not in my work I'm a radio and I'm in broadcast when I'm channeling and I'm in broadcast when I'm working psychically I seem to be sort of a switchboard and I can plug into the guides and they can come through or I can plug into the people that come to me and want to know about their own lives and I'm hearing them or the people in their lives but you know the process of integrating these teachings is the challenge for me I mean it's none of what they're bringing through is convenient it's not easy it's not convenient so they about letting go of the ideas one holds about who and what one is and how the universe works so I knew when they said that they had a book to write which was two days before when it was a surprise you know I had just gotten let go of from a job and I had gone to bed and a colleague of mine from my academic life called me and so you know Paul this might be a good time for you to write that in memoir about how you became clairaudient and I had no desire to write anything again as long as I live I've been a playwright so I said no and the guides piped in and said no we have a book to write and if you take two weeks we'll do it and at that moment I had not to lose but one of the things that they said when they were dictating that first book is that they would they they use the term Christ sometimes in their teachings and their definition of it is the aspect of the Creator that can be realized in material form that's the who and the what that one is an expression and they said well that's an event that happens and I I didn't know what that meant I thought they were saying what would we get to be a little more spiritual and maybe a little happy or a little kinder to one another and in fact this whole process of the books coming is really a journey towards that level of incarnation or embodiment or realization so I'm along for the ride you know I have to put it that way I don't always feel that I'm the best student of the work but I do consider myself a student I I think it's interesting being friends with several channels and having my own experience as a channel I so everything you just said is so true and I and I think one of the things that I've often relate to people who perhaps listen to my channel material or other people's channel material is that that's okay it's like we're not going to be in the unembodied state that our guides are in but what they are doing is leading us to this future point and I often feel like we're a and the Z's have even said this that we're a bridge but those of us that are learning to integrate as much of this as we can now are bridging for the next generation and and really clearing the ancestral pain that we have come through and grown through I'm curious for you did you have much reticence when the particularly in the first book came out were you did you did you have a you know personal process around standing behind this channeling work there's been a challenge for me and that my name is on the covers of all these books that I haven't written I mean the books are all the unedited transcripts of education there's maybe three words that are corrected in any book and that's usually a word that I mispronounced or I didn't know and I stumbled over or I added an S to when it shouldn't have been pluralized I mean it really has been very clear you know in terms of how they brought this through and how cleanly so the challenge for me was of being known for this it was one thing to do the work in my apartment with the small group of people who would show up every week and we'd be in the energy and the guides would teach and something else to be able to say well yeah this is kind of one of the ways I I express myself in the world I expected real backlash from academia and I didn't get it which was really a delight most people just sort of I think accepted it or roll their eyes or you know we're quietly disdainful but my life continued on and the process for me of sort of accepting that this is what I do now continues yeah oh I'm still surprised by it I'm still surprised that people are reading these books and and having positive experiences through them yeah it's it's funny because everything you just said is again sort of conversations I've had with friends it is strange also when you are viewed sometimes as the message as the messenger and having to kind of bridge that with people or or explain and I often have that with people asking me about things that have come through disease assuming that I know the answer and I'm like I don't I don't really know I don't quite know what they meant by that coin exactly I have a sense of it but I'm not I'm not sure it's actually true mm-hmm yeah yeah I do the same thing and people are sometimes you know moderately appalled yeah I mean there was a woman once in a workshop of mine who asked a question like that and I said I don't remember what they were talking about and she said you really don't read these books yeah and I said we know I dictate them and I get so tired of the sound of my voice i proofread them the first time I really read the book as a in in sequence in in in a full experience is when I do the audio books and I have to it's in front of me and then I really understand the trajectory of the teaching but it's a funny experience I think for people to do what we do because we're really there in service and you know list in my case I know my vocabulary is being utilized and my consciousness is being utilized but I I do experience myself as in the backseat of a car you know for the entirety of the transmission so I can't pretend to be the driver you know even once it's out in the world absolutely and yet it's interesting because you mentioned no kickback from academia and for me one of the signatures of your work is this a very high level of language and of course I think every channeler has to have some ability with language otherwise you haven't necessarily got the skill set required for guides or other entities to come through you but that really struck me in reading your latest book and just getting a sense of what you do the the it's almost Shakespearean the language in many ways and so it's interesting to me that they chose you and you chose this contract or perhaps you chose to study being a playwright in an academic before as part of the preparation for this I think it was part of the crepper I wouldn't have known it at the time but the idea of hearing character becoming character was part of being a playwright and I never connected it with the two I was asked maybe ten years ago what was the connection I said there wasn't any there were completely different episodes but back in the days when I was a playwright which was when I was young I used to put one piece of music on on loop for hours and I was inducing trance and just sort of writing you know I didn't occur to me that when I stepped into channeling or stepped into somebody else that it was really happening until it happened I was actually reading for somebody and she mentioned her father's name and I tuned into him and she gasped I said what's the matter said you look just like him and that's one of the strange things that I do is I can step into other people and resemble them and become that you know through the work so the verification from that stuff was really helpful for me to say well this is the guides this is how they're teaching and you know occasionally they use language that I don't know which is rare but in the book that they just finished dictating early on there was a word that I didn't know and I didn't want to repeat it because I knew if I said it it was in the book and I wouldn't say it you know and they kept saying it's in the tax they say Paul was hearing the word and he refusing to speak and the word was penumbra which is actually a very good word it's a real word I just had never used it in my life so I had no idea we looked it up after the channeling it was the perfect word for the lecture it means I think the light that expresses outside of you know the shadow what what appears beyond the Eclipse I suppose would be the penumbra so I didn't know so you know we're still trained in front of you and how to work this stuff that's great you mentioned you embodying people yeah and it's interesting I have a good friend I spoke to her a few days ago and she asked me what was going on with my week and I said oh this week Paul Selig is coming and I'm gonna meet him for the first time we're gonna do the podcast she went oh I had a reading with him it really helped me I was having a real issue with my sister and Paul got into the consciousness of my sister and spoke from my sisters consciousness and then spoke from mine and it helped me see something and I really loved that because not many people do that and I think that's a really interesting embodied channeling mediumship aspect of what you do do you do that live in the room at your workshops do you thank you yeah I mean I you know I've been called a medium for the living I'm not the person that's gonna tune into your your your deceased aunt but if she's living and you haven't spoken to her for a few years I can probably get her and become her it's interesting for me I mean I like doing that work because of the immediacy of it and also you know I'm used in a very different way than when I'm channeling when I'm channeling and especially when I'm channeling a book I'm really just taking dictation there's no interpretation whatsoever and I'm very clear about that being my role when I'm stepping into somebody I'm having to read my own experience and my body is being used in different ways so if I tune into somebody and I do that you know I know they're angry you know where that means they're pushing away and there's you know all of these symbols that that come up but it's an interesting way to work and I don't know why even I mentioned that but that's kind of you know what my experiences now between the two the primary work is the channeling and and the more psychic work which I consider that form of mediumship to be you know augments it well because it gives me a whole other experience of what clairaudience is and can be yeah what are the hazards for you physically doing this work if there are any I don't know truthfully and I should know and I don't I'm not a trained channel you know I you I wasn't mentored in this process my central nervous system seems to be what's used and for me it's a very physical process occasionally I see people who are channeling that feel you know very comfortable and maybe they've just integrated the higher and you know my experience is becoming much more like that but for a very long time it was this somewhat jarring experience I used to rock a lot when I channeled I looked like I was at the Wailing Wall and I was wrong back and forth there was a period where I only could channel on my feet because there was so much energy moving through me and I would be walking in a circle with my eyes closed I would work with people in a large circle and I'd be walking around like a chicken with his head cut off babbling you know in this British accent in those days you have one my guide seemed to have one when you want silver taste now they come there's one that comes through on occasion quite joyously and he has he's the one that I used to call the God with the accent uh-huh and because he has such a joy in his expression and he was the one that would always talk about singing in music you know and that was his vocabulary and it still shows up I mean I think there was a period of time because I actually had to ask do you really have an accent or your are you just doing this because I thought what maybe perhaps there's a distinction that's being made for me to sort of separate and I'm very aware of the fact that the vocabulary is so consistent in that when the books with or where they are without the X and it's always the same so I don't know but yes it does come so the physical process has changed my eyes I'm told turn bright blue when I'm channeling and which is interesting you know and I I have hazel eyes but the wear and tear I don't understand you know I you know I think you know my sensitivity we might which is just sort of the empath piece the ability to feel so much has you know been hard for me much of my life you know and I put on some padding and I I protect myself in ways that I don't think are all that necessary anymore but I don't know what the process is and I know that they're people that do know you know and that there's a level of self-care that one requires I also do it for a long time I mean if I'm doing it work shop I'm channeling for five hours a day and you know most of it a third of that might be lecture you know from the guides yeah yeah I everything you say resonates I think that I think also we seem to be at some kind of turning point right now around sensitives empaths and self-care and I think the amount of information and consciousness that's out there for those of us who identify in that way as part of the turning point but you know I am earlier we talked and I was just marveling at your travel schedule and you said well when I'm home I tend to borrow you guys so relate to that blank we'll go and do an event in my extrovert side will handle everything unless I'm in the hotel room and then I come home and my introvert just goes like this to try and kind of recalibrate and recover because as you said the central nervous system definitely takes a hit and I think that's true even for people in the in the room not necessarily the channel or at the front I think those kinds of energetic events really really shift things mm-hmm yeah so how are you feeling about book number seven and I don't necessarily mean the content I just mean this is your seventh row do things are growing how are you feeling about what you were experiencing through this work in the world right now the work seems to be catching on in a different way and I'm pleased about that and I'm super by that there's a whole younger audience that seems to be discovering the work and I'm seeing them show up and I'm I'm happy for that what they're teaching now is challenging for me on a personal level because it really does mean if what they're saying is true and at this point they've been so consistent through all the books that I have to assume that they are speaking the truth and know what they're they're teaching really is addressing a level of ability that we really all have to sort of Reno what reality is in a very experiential way I mean the guides have never been I think the ones to you know do self-help I don't think that that's what they're here for their teachers and their teaching it's really almost a form of mysticism of embodiment and realization of the divine in all manifestation so I'm having to contend with my own process through this in a very different way and the seventh book that I started talking about what they call the Upper Room which you know they they say is another octave it's the it's the octave above where we're all operating from they don't really talk about dimensions so it may be the same as as other people are speaking to but they really sort of establish it and bring us there in this book and I'm looking back on the books prior and I see that they were really all in preparation for our ability to hold this other consciousness and they've dictated an eighth book since then which nearly killed me I mean I've never been through a process like that with the book which was really all about the process of of re articulation they say that everything in form äúi the trees out the window all these things it's all the divine in articulation has all got an expression and that the denial of God or whatever you want to call God is the only real problem that we're facing and so the process of this teaching is about the realization of that but that has to come at the cost of our understanding of how complicit we've been in that denial which is my self-hatred the denial of others my fear all the things that I use to sort of deny source so my process of being in the world with a new book is actually now the process of beginning to understand that where they're taking us is to a place that at least I have never thought I could come to and I don't it's not that I thought I have to stand by or defend the work I really don't this is the work this is what it is this is who I am I'm not the author I'm I'm party to it so I'm at a funny place right now where I'm aware that the work seems to be catching on and I'm still surprised truthfully after all of these events that I do that anybody still shows up you know I don't know like I don't know what I'm doing there you know and I I don't know you know that it's imposter syndrome I had dinner with some friends last night who were talking about you know what the work had meant to them and I and were surprised that I didn't get that and I said well I think I'm more like that in a savant you know it just sort of happens and I go what the hell was that because I've never finished a challeng and go boy that was a good channeling it doesn't work that way it really is allowing the experience to come through and I remember maybe a third of what they've talked about you know the rest of it sort of gone so and then I feel you know there I am I'm just this sort of X college teacher who's having this baffling experience that's very public now in front of others and for some reason my guys seem to dictate books like these like litters of puppies you know you know one a year it takes three months and usually 30 days in those three months where the dictation happens and used to be continuous days two weeks four hours a day three hours a day whatever was that was the entire book you know was done in two weeks of dictation and now now they do the books publicly in front of students in front of the audience's so which is a relief me so I'm just it's easier because we're already there and it's already happening but yeah fortunately I'm not traveling every day so you built the foundation and and for the students who already love the books the idea of being in the room when a book is being created and being part of that in a way as a thrill yes oh that's fantastic it's funny as you were talking I would you you were sharing how you were feeling and I I just was like oh 2020 really it's gonna be a massive year for you oh dear but no good okay good no really good because because it's interesting some of the things you were talking about how do I put this the several years ago we went to Tulum and I was I was part of a law of attraction cruise it was 2012 and we went to Tulum and the people that we met all around Tulum and on the way into Tulum were quite they were varied but they were quite like earthy and quite grounded and quite dense in a way and and in in Tulum I did a channel in the Z's explained that places of high frequency have to be grounded with density and that's the way it has always been on the planet thus far and that that's gonna change in the coming decades but that's why you'll often see a certain level of groundedness wherever there is a height of light and I was thinking for you you know the the groundedness and the stamina that you have is what's allowing all of this to come through you as you were talking but I also thought oh yeah 2020 is gonna be some of the things that you were saying I'm not sure I don't know I just felt it would all come together for you next year in a different way I see a transformation for you personally in tandem with all of this energy that's coming at you around the work it feels feels very good and it feels like you reinventing certain things so I don't want to impose that but that was what came to me as you were talking yeah you know if it feels right what you're saying and you know the moment was Rizzo's it's gonna be a big year I got okay I'm gonna hide under a cow but I know that you know I you know because it means probably more disability and the visibility you know I I used to watch her your energy broadcast and I wouldn't say oh he's so lovely you know what a lovely man he's sharing himself so easily with the world and you know and at the time you know getting me to channel in front of five people at once would have been a feat you know I would do it in my apartment and so you know I'm aware that some of us you know have that grace you know and it's never been my my strong suit you know so well it seems like you're you're you're out there doing that and I'd love to pick up on visibility next it's interesting you would say that to me because that wasn't always my experience and and just like you I think two things I always had a bit of a fear of visibility and my guide said to me way back in 2012 they were like oh this work is just gonna become more visible and so a you and it would it would recoil me and so I had to kind of I had to work on that my own ego my own fear and and and the way the one thing I always try and say to people is I think we all have this innate fear of visibility I've not really met I've met a few people and probably the same I've met two channelers who will talk about how wonderful their latest channels are and I've been blown away because I like you I don't I mean I I filled it I can feel there's a good vibration but I don't go back and study it and I don't tend to but I've met a couple who really love their channeling and they read it and they listen back to it and that's not really me so there are some people out there who I think are primed for that but I actually think for me and I'm sure for you and for most people watching who if you create on a public level that's a growth path like no other because not only do you have to be willing to enter into a new level of interaction with people which is very different to a one-on-one or even being in the room with people when you're putting stuff out online but also I think it's a great teaching about the very stuff that the guides would talk about which is the strangeness of our own perceptions and and you see that very clearly when you do pop like work you you see very clearly how it's never about you sometimes it might tweak a wound of yours in which case they're serving you and you go all that hurt well I'll look at that but many times you'll see certain comments or and you think wow what an interesting choice that someone's making to her and I think that's the interesting thing about public visibility it is the unknown what you're surrendering yourself - mm-hmm for you when you were younger had you been a playwright who was publicly known would that have been more comfortable I don't know you know I mean I in retrospect don't even know how I was you know I started writing plays in college I was good at it so I went to graduate school for it and that was sort of it and the night I had some success as a kid and then I you know was sort of publicly self-destructing in some ways I was a little rock and roll playwright I had you know platinum blonde Billy Idol hair and you know and I I I started to you know I I entered a spiritual path not by any choice I was raised in atheist you know it wasn't what I was an agnostic I say atheist you know Mike because you know we were taught to what he looked down on people who had spiritual lives I didn't know what a spiritual life was but I came to mind really out of necessity and started praying for the first time in my life and when I did I actually heard a voice a few days later telling me to get my act together and I did and that surprised me so I don't recall what your question was now cuz I just went off on this this is suicide I was curious if public life would have been easier for you if you were the most socially accepted I was a rock and roll play right right and I was you know I was an interview magazine with my platinum blonde hair back yeah day when that was the place you wanted to be yeah and then I became enormous ly invisible I mean college teachers in some ways aren't the people that are you're gonna pick out of the crowd you know and I was embarking on a study on a spiritual study really and in some ways the teaching that I did was my practice I mean that's really where I learned to love was in the classroom and and what that meant and for it not to be about me and somebody else's benefit I mean the odd thing with what I do is you know the gifts that have shown up or the abilities that have shown I've always been shown up in service dollars you know I'm not always feeling like you know I'm getting what I would like informational II for myself at times I get steered and I get taught and I get encouraged not to make choices in fear but that other life I suppose you see that was all about becoming other people too you know that that work that kind of writing and and this is a very different thing because this was a difference truthfully what I was doing that work and I wrote something that I felt good about I took credit for it I've had it myself in the back job well done and now I can't in the same way it's such a different and skewered relationship and I also when I channel I'm not I'm not the most elegant expression of channeling I whisper the words I repeat them sometimes it's a mile a minute and many people when they first encounter my work are turned off by the transmission and this is just how it comes maybe one day it'll come a little differently and I've had to get used to the fact that I look ridiculous to many people when I do this the first time I was ever interviewed the interview was cut up in little clips and put up on YouTube by the guy who interviewed me with these headlines like Paul Celan channeling on et realities which is something my dad's even talking about and the comment said there's this big man rocking in a chair whispering and repeating I mean the comments were merciless merciless and of course I can waited to see what people think you know and I said to the guys I work with I said you know if you want me to do this work why are you letting this happened that was my one request and they said well as long as you think we as long as you care what people think about you this is going to be an issue is my work it was my work to get past it and the good news is I've stopped caring in a lot of ways I can't I show up as I do that's what I can offer I can't pretend to be more involved than I am it doesn't do me or anybody else any good and and that's the work you know other people may be farther along and can celebrate that and you know I'm just you know here to here to take four take some dictation as it's given but I think that's beautifully authentic and I I remember I so relate to the issue because my ego has has softened and melted around standing for what I do you know something like the energy updates fine you're a bit weird you're still a bit weird because you're talking about energy and occasionally there'll be a comment like I thought this is gonna be a report about gas you know but the the channeling is a whole lot of thing and one of the things I always thought when I first heard and saw myself channelling was you know if I if I was faking it I would have done a much better accent and a much better performance you know what I mean it was like I would I would have been a bit more sophisticated and I think there is something and my channeling is fairly smooth by most standards it was more jerky at the beginning and then it smoothed out more but still I think I think it is a gift to to actually be able to stand especially if like myself and it sounds like you two there's some fear that you have about the way you're going to be perceived or judged because of it it's kind of liberating to go oh well whatever you know you kind of that will happen from this quarter but this quarter are really grateful for it and I wanted to touch on you mentioned your friends and how much the work had impacted them I I really believe that as creator it's kind of none of our business what our work is doing for something else but there is a there is a personal pleasure I derived from hearing this thing I did help someone not necessarily because I take it on me but because I'm so grateful to all the authors musicians artists who are the light moment for me when I need it so I always kind of think that is it's a lovely thing to be contributing to the wheel of transformation that I use every day and benefit from its kind of that but that's as far as I really feel we can never go with it so I am I think what you're saying about it's hard to try and take ownership I wonder if it would be hard to take ownership as perhaps a self-help author who has sat there and crafted the words although I know a lot of them channel and they just don't and talk about that mm-hmm I think it's different I tend to make the distinction with channeling you know because it's not crafted because I don't get to go back and fix it and make it my own you know and put my my spin on it that's been important it's been my agreement with the guides other people may work differently but my feeling was if this is to be an authentic transmission I don't get to go back and that's why don't you know and the hard part is it makes the process of channeling a book a little bit more like the tightrope walk for me because if I they were to say and you know by the way the moon really is made of green cheese I I know it's stuck there in the book you know I can't go back so I'm gonna have to say hey wait a minute and then they're gonna have to respond you know in the text and in fact they've done that and I often do interrupt the teachings when it's too large a concept for me or I I worry that they might have contradicted something and then they'll go and they'll explain you know exactly what they mean in the first book at one point earlier in the book they say send me out to listen you know we're gonna go Paul out to the shed outside with a magazine assembly to the outhouse so that they could just dictate is it go read a magazine and let us just do this and I love being out of the way and as I've continued to do this work on far more out of the way because you know I it's like surfing you just letting the words come you know and not think about the meaning or the the importer or even the application because I hear in phrases you know still and maybe again that changes one day its phrase phrase phrase so I'm whispering the phrase and and repeating it in a louder voice as it comes in the next phrase is coming through when it cycles through like this in this crazy way so I don't understand that there's been any consistency to the teaching until I see the whole thing time table and I go oh it all makes sense and the people that are listening have learned to to listen to the through line in these things so you know it's it's a funny thing but the you know nobody tells anybody how to channel I think one does it and and that's the end of it yeah and have the guides ever talk to you about your relationship with them have they described prior lifetimes or what's what the connection is you know I don't inquire much and when they've done this they've done it in the books mostly because when I'm doing a book I can't interrupt and a public channeling I can't interrupts I don't want to hear this now because it's gonna come but they basically say it's something that I agreed to prior to coming and that I am of them whether or not I know it so I've been working with that and with this collective prior when I was a small boy when I was five I had a an experience maybe five but I would have been my brother was still in a crib and he's two years younger so figure announced in that vicinity maybe you know three to three to five years old six of the latest I was an experience about being hovering over the bed and I was being taught by it it was teaching me was speaking to me as I looked up to it and then I remember floating in the ceiling looking down at my body having the conversation was the only out-of-body experience I ever had and I talked to my family about it it was a big deal and sometimes I think I was being told in some way you know what to expect my childhood wasn't terribly happy it was difficult in a lot of ways and there would be these interesting periods that would later show up I taught at Goddard College and for many years and I'm on the board now and when I was nine years old which was a really rough year I dreamt about the college and then I saw when I was 13 and then when I was 31 or 30 I got a call inviting me to apply for a job and I thought this is really weird you know but it's still a special place oh I've had these markers throughout my life to perhaps give me the understanding that this is all been part of it the guides work with me has all been sort of in preparation you know even when I didn't see it and that gives me some comfort hmm how are your family with the who you know how are they with what you do my mom still in my father's been dead since I was young my mom's living and I think I occasionally get these emails from her she can't read the books she can't forgive anybody she sent us you know it's too hard for her she can't do it and and and she speaks about me as if I'm somebody that she doesn't really know because her son does this weird form of service and my brother who you know is as it lives in this city and you know he once said to me well you know I can't compete with the profits so we're no longer competing with each other which I thought was kind of a great chance for him to say and he is reading the books which i think is quite wonderful right there but there are they're both supportive of it you know it's III and I don't know why I've never been some guy who presented I'm not we know wearing a turban with a big crystal you know on my head and you know I I just show up I've had a somewhat conventionally appearing background with my academic life but you know my I've always been a little out there so this is just the latest iteration I suppose for the family I remember about eight nine years ago there was a channel I did in a workshop room somewhere and I'm powerful the quote now but they said something like and don't worry about coming out to your family about being spiritual or you know X Y or Z because they will have always known you were a bit weird or this will just be the confirmation yeah and it was interesting I remember coming oh yeah that's really you know there's something in the signature that that people don't recognize or that they may have to navigate it's in the signature of our energy field anyway it's just it suddenly becomes concretize when we take an action step or become a certain thing or person so mm-hmm so what do you like to do just as Paul what are your interests as a human a human just going through the planet like when you do get downtime what what interests or intrigues you arts entertainment anything you know it is art and as I'll go to the movies and I'll spend time with the dog who I'm knots about and you know I but it's a quiet life and I have to find a hobby I've been told because before this became my work and you know my livelihood now it's what I show up for and do um it was my hobby and I wasn't looking to to be doing this all the time so I actually am aware right now of a deficit or a lack of balance you know and it's not that I'm working so hard because I don't have anything else to do is that I have to sort of rediscover some of these things within this sort of lifestyle that I've created for myself so yeah I mean I'm quiet you know I stay out of loud places you know I have a hard time with big noise I live in New York City which is annex not the most ideal place but yes art and music and film and the dog and in my friends and and that's about it nice and what's the dog's name Lilly Lilly beautiful and how old is Lilly she's oh you're pretty year and a half no see you've been busy and she's only too big to lug around all Road but I'm I'm bringing up the courage to to put her in a bag and take me with me from now on right and where do you like to channel and I'm specifically obviously you go all over but I'm curious actually first I should say what what's your experience of countries and channeling are there certain countries that you have found are perhaps a little more ready for channeling or inviting of channeling or I don't I mean I my international travels been somewhat limited when this work I work in London you know um you know every year and I spend a lot of time in Canada in Mexico because of the way I work I'm sort of needing an english-speaking audience would be hard for any translator I think to keep up with the level of transmission it's often coming a mile a minute although I'd love to work in Berlin and I'd love to work in Amsterdam in there the books are now being translated into more languages so I expect that there'll be another audience who's able to attend to the teaching as well my favorite place to work is Esalen in Big Sur and nestlings really where I got my start I was invited out of the blue pretty much to channel at a conference with some scholars and scientists in attendance it was an invitational conference I'd really never channeled outside of my living room but the guy organizing the conference had come to my living room and saw what I did and I had just gotten the first looking back from Kinkos it was still hot it in the suitcase to take with me there because you had to put your books out and I didn't have any published books but everybody else certainly did they had these stacks yeah there was me with my type of written manuscript with the you know the binding from Kinkos and the editor at penguin happened to be one of the presenters there and he took the manuscript back with him on the plane and I think he wrote me from the plane and then had me in his office in a few days and the book was out in months it was never even submitted but Esalen has been ground zero for this work and the guides have delivered large portions of three books they're in front of students and and it's a place where I've thus far felt very supported you know by a community and one of the things that I miss from my old life in academia was community I have people that I worked with every day and you know I was done why you for 25 years so you certainly build up a way of being with with your colleagues and now I'm like an itinerant minister you know I go from town to town and I am grateful whenever I have the opportunity to do this work in front of a regular group of students so I get that at Esalen mmm beautiful and I'm curious this is probably the last thing I'm gonna ask you today so anything that you could share with somebody who maybe is new to you in your work through this interview other a few key truths that the guides like to deliver or that the work circles around sure well I mean there's some things that they say all the time and they say you can't be the light and hold another in darkness and they say the action of fear is to claim more fear and every choice you make in fear gets you more of the same and all you already have to do is look at your life in the last choice you made and figure you'll probably find out that that's true it's a teaching of realization you know the new book is you know called realization beyond the known realization it's about and the guides say realization is knowing that's true knowing and the realization of who one truly is as an aspect of source you know invites you to become participatory to a landscape that is all things expressing at that level of vibration and tone which is where they're bringing us so you know it's there the work is experiential the guides dictate these books that are energetic transmissions that work on the reader and that's been you know exciting because I can only be so many places but the books will attune people and you know and then bring them to this place that they call the Upper Room where they say they may know themselves and their world in a new way mmm beautiful and that makes me think when you were mentioning say Berlin and Amsterdam both places I love and I've worked and they're awesome places to do this kind of work whether you have translators in the room or not it's kind of irrelevant because people will just be happy to be in the room with the transmission and the energy of it which i think is what people who really know channeling really get about channeling is you have to be careful studying the words too closely because sometimes the words will lead you in in directions that won't necessarily always have an answer it just depends but the energy behind the rhythm and where you're being led is is so much part of it so I will ask you one last thing whether any channel is that you were aware of or that you saw or yeah who were you most aware of before you started doing this well I've read half a set book when I was a grad student between you know hanging out in the bars I'd go back and read some of that I didn't finish the book but I think it actually had a big impact on me and I somebody must have given it to me because I wouldn't have sought it out in those days and when I was coming into my own awareness there were a couple of channels that I became aware of Saniya Romans work I remember that early on but I actually stopped reading channeled work and really other authors you know I've read your book you know and but mostly I I have a library full of books that I haven't read I by everybody's book then I don't read them and part of the reason is I want to keep things clear yeah I try to keep the transmission clear so there are people in the world who I admire but I may not really have seen their work or certainly studied it so at that level I know the people that are known or channeling out there but truthfully I have not read any of their work know which makes total sense and I get that and I to have a million books that I've never read but I I like having them there I like having you know if there's something about the energetic vibration of a book I have this belief about channelers that that we kind of get initiated by somebody I was taken to see a channeler before I started channeling and was a little skeptical about channeling I was very into self growth and metaphysics but I wasn't quite sure what I felt about channeling and I've met many channelers over the years who had a similar experience they were given a book it's like a touch paper and it kind of ignites something in you so yeah thank you for sharing that and thank you so much for being it's been lovely to talk to you about all the great work you're doing and a little bit about your experience of it so thank you Paul thank you thanks for having yeah yeah you have been listening to impact the world for more of my work please visit Lee Harris energy calm and to attend my five-day impact the world in person training event held in Scottsdale Arizona in April 20/20 vision Lee Harris energy comm forward slash impact [Music]
Channel: LeeHarrisEnergy
Views: 19,675
Rating: 4.9665871 out of 5
Keywords: Paul Selig, Paul Selig 2020, Paul Selig Live Interview, Paul Selig Channeling, Lee Harris, Impact The World Podcast, Spiritual Podcast
Id: gXOoIEfrpNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 52sec (3052 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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