True Emotional Islamic Stories (COMPILATION)

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[Music] you know there's always a brother in the crowd there is always a brother in the crowd that says brother not me man you don't know my past [Music] you don't know the places i've been and you don't know the things i've done [Music] there's always always that brother my brothers rasulullah he tells us in the authentic hadith in buhari he tells us of a man who killed 99 people how many did he kill 99 so my brother you your past the past of the brother sitting next to you in fact every single person sitting in this room and their past collectively we don't even come to a quora of this man he killed 99 people authentic hadith in bukhari open up riyadh salahine chapter 2 repentance look at it there so after 99 people something entered his heart and he wanted to make tawba [Music] so he asks the people you know he says to him where can i go i want to make tawba so the people said to him look there's this guy who's he worships allah day and night if there's anyone he's going to ask go and ask him so the man goes to him and says to him brother i've killed 99 people and i want to make tawba can allah forgive me [Music] so this arbit and just to side point my brothers this is the danger when you seek knowledge from someone who looks religious but bro he's in the masjid every day bro this guy's pumped i asked him and he said it's all right we all do this brother his beads like that one like his beats like that and he's always in the masjid they asked me and he said it's all right so he asks this guy's worshiped a lot day and night this guy's never seen anything this guy's in worship day and night so when he hears 99 people the guy freaks out he can't comprehend killing one man madeline 99 he says allah can never forgive you [Music] so the man goes well since allah is not going to forgive me [Music] like anyway bro so he kills him as well [Music] but he polished him off because he didn't like his fatwa it shows you the ruthlessness of this man he killed a habit out not someone who who offended him or someone who you know eyeballed him or someone who opposed him out on the streets he disrespected none not this guy's a worshipper but because he didn't like his fatwa he killed him and made him a hundred authentic hadith buharia he says rasulallah says but there was something in his heart he really wanted to turn back towards allah [Music] so he asked and then the people said to him look and he don't hang around here otherwise you kill us all there's an area [Music] there's a scholar there there's a scholar there go and speak to him it's a long story i'll cut it short he goes to the scholar says i've killed a hundred can allah forgive me now look at the difference between when you ask you know the guy in the mosque in the god of the big beat would he ask him and you ask aalim he says to the man and who can stand between you and tawba who [Music] now we're talking the man's thinking now we're talking i like this thing he says when for you to make tawba you got to leave this environment it's a very bad environment and the people they're not helping you in doing good there is a town there is an area go there there are good people these people will help you worship allah and they will help you pull up and change [Music] so the man was sincere he packs his stuff and heads off to the town on the way death meeting he dies so the angels of forgiveness come down and the angels of punishment come down [Music] and there's an argument the angels of mercy said but he may talba angels of punishment said no no no he killed a hundred people and he didn't complete his torah he was on the way [Music] so allah sends down a third to be a judge between them [Music] the angel says measure the distance if he is closer to the town of sin then let the angels of punishment take him but if he is closer to the town of forgiveness then let the angels of mercy take him so they measured the earth and unfortunately for him he was closer to the town of sin [Music] authentic allah ordered the earth to change its dimensions and made him one hand span closer to the town of paity [Music] 100 people [Music] you want the reward of allah and the reward of [Music] do one thing be blind for what other people do and concentrate on yourself concentrate on yourself don't judge people sisters you may sit next to a sister who is not dressed the way you want her to dress or maybe she hasn't she put makeup on brothers you may be sitting on someone that you think he did something out of his pants too long he shaved the beer he trimmed the beer don't judge people you were not sent to judge people but if you see something that you think is not islamic [Music] this is a beautiful story and this is is revolve in an issue that most of us would not act that way he said an imam told me he said the imam he slept one of those night after salah and then he saw rasulullah he was his dream and rasulullah he said allah said to the imam ya imam tell your neighbor tell your neighbor tell your neighbor he is my neighbor in jannah so the imam he said i said to myself he did not you know not talking about me i'm the imam i'm the habit i'm the mufti but he's talking about some simple man that i know he who only just goes out and sell basic things on the street and he's not imam is not him he's not a mufti why would he deserve to be with rasulullah in jannah so he say instead of shaq instead of doubt i kept it to myself but the next night the same same thing happened and the third night the same thing happened rasulullah kept coming back until i went to the man and said yeah oh this man messenger of allah was coming to me three nights in a row telling me you are his neighbor in general what did you do why did you how come you received that status and you became not only from the people of jannah you became from that you became a neighbor of rasulullah so the man told him after long discussion he said it's a long story but i summarize it he said i got married to this beautiful young lady whom her father is well respected in the community well respected and he said in her in our wedding night she sat on the bed and she stopped crying and i thought to myself she's shy she said i said to her la alaiki don't be afraid don't worry we will get serious to each other she said no that's not what i'm crying she said i am pregnant from zina i am pregnant from zina he said i didn't know what to do if i come out and expose her then the whole city would know about her and her family and this old man that is well respected will no longer be respected so i decided to conceal the sin and to look into my own sins and say may allah forgive me or forgive her and i did one thing he said i kept her at home in a different room and he said finally the night when she was delivering her child and she delivered the child i took that baby and i said give the baby to me i'll bring him to you she delivered beautiful little boy and i took the baby to salat and fajr to the mesh that i used to go and i purposely went to the masjid late and i put up the mess i put the baby right inside the masjid and i proceeded to the jama i'm making sure that i can see the child also and when the imam says and the people were about to leave they saw this baby and the people like us somebody left the baby here subhanallah subhanallah he said then i jumped i said oh my god my wife always wanted to raise a team my wife always wanted to raise someone who has no parents give the baby to me we will raise him so i took the baby i gave it to my wife and i said to her i will never tell you a story to anyone but i'm only telling you because i want the reward of being next to rasulullah if you conceal someone's fall and you look into yourself then allah may reward you like that [Music] you know there's a funny story back in lebanon this happened my father told me this story he says in jamaica i like this masjid a group of jama'a came along they were praying i shall pray the imam prayed and after he finished a group of people said ya imam we think that you only pray three raka's another group said no no no i think we think he prayed for correct everybody's disputing and then suddenly they saw a man sitting aside not saying anything they asked him why aren't you saying anything it looks like you know why don't you come in and talk he looks at them very wisely as if he knows everything and confidently he says he's prayed for they said why are you so confident he said he prayed for i am definitely prayed for they asked him how do you know he said ah you see i run four shops and in salat in the first raka i've calculated the earnings for the first shop second raka the second shop third raka third shop and fourth raka fourth shop my calculations are correct i've got no other problems that means we've prayed for it's funny but you know what it happens all the time this man is calculating his earnings by which he calculated his of the so the world is twisted the other way around when allah gives us too much we forget our lord even in our salat and that's what iblee said he said i shall sit awaiting for them on your straight path in their salat i'm going to wait for them in the quran meaning when they recite i'm gonna wait i'm gonna whisper i'm gonna make them turn even their worship into a sin even their worship into a sin [Music] why am i brothers because of la ilaha muhammad rasool allah this was the strength of islam see my brothers after one of the battles sahaba you know now this may sound nice and pretty you need to understand sahabah were like us they made mistakes there was hiccups but they were men who were very quick to patch her up and fix it after one of the battles there was a lot of booty of war the sahaba got together and now they're having amongst one another how we're going to distribute this so each companion speaks his mind and abu dharr who was an arab a very staunch arab he gave his opinion and then bill radhila who was the who used to be a black slave when it got to bilal bilal says abu dharr look i don't really agree with your opinion i think this is what we should do i think this is what we should do abu dhabi became so angry he says even you even you you son of a black woman even you're going to disagree with me big words big words so bilal got so cut he picks himself up and he rushes to rasulullah let's pause him for a second let's speak the language of the boys now yeah as far as we're concerned on the street what did bill do bro going to rasulullah to tell him what happened according to our language what did he do he snitched which is the itchy okay amongst the boys isn't it see my brothers they didn't have the disease in the hearts that we have [Music] i'll hate on the brother for the next 25 years no problems but these men were so pure in their hearts he rushes to rasulullah he says this is what abu dhabi said to me he storms out of the house he rushes to abu dhabi and he grabs abu dharr with fury in his eyes and he says you are a man who still has jahili and his heart you are a man who still has ignorance in his heart how do you think he dealt with it i think he grabbed a few of his boys to go chase down bell really look look listen bro all jokes aside don't we talk about sahaba don't we claim that we love him don't we say that there are idols let's see how they deal with it rushes into the streets of madina looking for bile and he finds bilal in the streets of madinah and he rushes to bilal and he falls on the floor and he puts his head on the ground and says bilal i will not by allah i will not lift my head off the floor and to you step on her with your foot and let it be known to the people of medina who of us is the dishonored and who of us is the honored one what do you think bill did come here little no no no no then and there's finished done sealed over gets down on the floor he kisses abu dhabi he says man i forgive you for the sake of allah brother done finished dusted where's this love gone bro where is this brothers all we have is each other man all we have is each other instead of loving on my brother you know what i didn't get it used to be back in the days like i understand the street wars us and them and my area and your area and these boys and that but the poison has become now it's actually even in deen now it's indian now it's this shaykh and his crew and that shaykh and this crew and this center and that center and this masjid and that what's going on what's going on what sunnah are you following what sunnah is this my brothers we are brothers we are brothers rasulullah sallam he says that this ummah is one body he says look look at the analogy he's giving sallallahu alaihi he says this is one body if one part of the body hurts who feels it says the whole body feels that brother who's a junkie selling crack and coke on the streets yeah we can see him badmouth him all day but he's my brother and he's a part of this body and when he hurts i hurt that sister who doesn't have a hijab on with three four boyfriends and yeah we can all sit here and bad-mouth her and run out yeah yeah look at this and look at that and because she's from this part of this country and because she's from here and she's from there and her parents are this and her we can do this all day long but she's my sister and she's a part of this body and when she hurts i hurt this is islam and this is how sahaba dealt with one another he says the ummah is like one body when a part of that body hurts the whole body stays up the night in fever and in pain look at the analogy i want to ask you something right if i hum this pinky here whatever man i fall on the floor i break it i cut it off whatever bro this pinky here what logic what justice is there that because of this finger right this arm is deprived of sleep tonight you know why because that finger on this hand and this hand is on this arm this arm is attached to this body and those other parts are also attached to the one body this is what rasalam is saying [Music] another example of a man i know personally as well till the age of 60 he never put his forehead on the ground never made a sajdah was born into a muslim family in a muslim country until the age of 60 he never prostrated before allah not even a single time he had two sons and allah guided his sons in the in their twenties they started practicing them praying and they tried to give their father dawah give him advice over and over again but he never responded to his children he always thought that these are my children i know more than they do so he never settled or he never dealt or handled his pride in order to listen to his sons and one day he saw his his son his eldest son growing his beard and after his son gave him advice he said you know why didn't you shave this sweep out of this groom why don't you take it out take it away the son got shocked and he just said out of out of shock in a state of shock he said i'm afraid you go to the hell fire i'm afraid you go to the hellfire he just got offended and sometimes we mix our personal feelings with our concern for others in terms of dawah but subhanallah it brought about good results that very word shook the father he started thinking about himself and subhanallah a few months later the father sneaks into the masjid and makes his first prayer ever in the masjid where his son where his where his son leads the prayer the son didn't know the first couple of times but other people brought it to his attention understanding that his father has an issue with pride he never spoke with his father about it he said it seems that he found his way let him carry on on his own and that's exactly what he did [Music] custom by allah cried this one person he was saying i went to one area and i saw one man he was sitting there holding his head and just just rubbing it like this so he walked past and he couldn't identify him as being a muslim there was no identity of being a muslim so he said uncle you're right is everything everything well you got headache or something and then he said what can i tell you son i'm in very very bad position i'm in very i'm in a lot of pain so he said where are you from so he identified his country and his nationality and it just so happened funny enough they're both from the same town check that out coincidence they were both from the same town now i don't want to mention country because we're not here to attack personality nationality or nothing this is ibrahim because we're one ummah kick nationalism to the side nothing to do with islam we are muslim one um muslims he walked past and then he sat down and said uncle okay what's your situation he said look son i swear i wish i could i wish i could you i could explain my dad than the pain which i feel i wish i could explain to you the pain which i am feeling he said i came back in the sixties poor people we had nothing we had absolutely nothing allah allah brought me here i just so happened i got married here and i got my after how married i had two kids but my concern was i need to build bank balance basa passer i need to build a house somewhere nice and big so now what happened is he said that i struggled and i worked i have to now i've got 11 houses 11 houses a couple of shops he said there's no deficiency in money i have no concerns when it comes to money he said but when did i wake up and when did i realize that i've gone too far and now i need to take a u-turn and come back when allah he mentioned to this person he said now my condition is such my daughters have gone mature age their regular activity is they go clubbing and so many times i have seen it with my eyes they have brought men back into my house and they had made zine in my house i swear by allah i'm not here to fabricate stories to impress you i'm not here to fabricate a story to impress you at all because this is sharon for us but this is the truth of what can happen and by this time he was crying he was crying so much and then he said to the to the youngster he said that when i said to my daughter i said please have some shame you're a bureau your women have some shame your is that your respect is being stolen and they're just coming to their the kaza is there and they're gone what concern have they got for you they're seeing you half negative saying hi this is we can we easy easy target here go there finish bye see you later you've got nothing to do with you who are you what and then he said i went to my daughters i said please look don't do this for allah say she goes old man you shut your mouth here you shut your mouth i do what i want to do and the mother is taking the side of the daughters free they said that she's got her own mind she can do what she wants to do it's a free country we live in no doubt it's a free country and alhamdulillah is a free country but does that mean we suck our islam off we sacrifice the teachings of rasulullah imagine that when it gets to rasulullah the pain he would feel in his cupboard the turn of allahu akbar my almaty are doing the ummat is doing this a beautiful young girl from my ummah with respect has gone out amid shame of herself and what is the father doing all those years he said custom by allah if i lived in a council house i would be happy that today my daughters were saved there is it we don't know what's going on that's the truth we don't know there are multitudes of examples so many which i can tell you and from my gunikad eyes which i have seen [Music] so the quran has left no loopholes and the quran also has not given the chance to someone or for someone to say continue oppressing him because he will continue forgiving no problem do you know there is a story where there were three very pious people in the masjid and there was one youngster so the youngster was told you know those people are very pious the one in the left is still young the one in the middle is more pious than him and the one in the right is extremely pious so he said how can i know the difference between he who is pious and he who is not pious so the youngster was told well they concentrate they concentrate a lot so he said all right let me see he went to the first one salam alaikum no response he was involved this man was involved in his diker and recitation of the quran no response so this youngster decided to give him one clap on his face so the poor pious person got one clap on his face and as though nothing had happened he continued reciting now the man says yes truly this these people are pious and the sign of it is that they don't even notice what goes on around them let me go and see the one who is more pious than him so he moved slightly to the right and he greeted again no response he gave this man one solid clap the man got up and says is your hand okay brother is your hand okay brother so this man was shocked to say he is not conscious of what happened to him but he is conscious of the pain that came on my hand look at how pious he is so now this is obviously teaching people how to forgive isn't it they didn't even discuss that it was a sin so now this youngster is thinking to himself whoa that man on the right must be the most pious let's see what he does he went he greeted him again no response he gave him one solid clap that man got up and gave the youngster two claps so the youngster says but i thought you were the most pious he says someone somewhere needs to stop you clapping people so this is why we need to study in islam we need to look at what is the best remedy for that particular situation sometimes you can forgive people but if you continue forgiving them who's going to stop that oppression this is why the hadith says that if you do not stop an oppressor from oppressing others then chaos will overtake the whole community and then you will make dua to allah subhanahu wa and he won't respond because you will be collectively guilty of having allowed an oppressor to keep on oppressing or keeping on oppressing the rest of the people so it's important that we balance it as we have been taught may allah [Music] today's story actually happened while we were making paw off circling the cap and it's very crowded as you know and you see in the picture there for those of you that have been there and i was walking actually with some of the members that were in our omra group families and you know single uh young men as we were walking all of a sudden everyone around us slowed down to an extremely slow walk and then i saw people parting around what seemed to be an obstacle i thought someone had dropped something but it turned out there was actually a man walking at the pace of a snail right in the midst of this crowd it wasn't too close to the kaaba but it was still amidst a crowded area sort of between the kaaba and the that outer courtyard i'll be honest with you my mind jumped to the worst assumption in the beginning i was like what is this man doing and and creating all of this commotion and hardship by walking so slowly but then we passed him one of the mothers that was with us told me go back and look after that man see what he needs and so i separated from the group slowed down and my pace so that i could you know see him and as i turned my head slowly to look at him i looked into his face and i was absolutely shocked he was blind and you know there are people that are blind and their eyeballs are still intact but his eyes were physically not there and so the greatest degree of blindness there is no way he could see anything whatsoever and i was even more surprised as you know you know many people that are blind they will have a stick in front of them that they use to see where they're going and define the perimeter but this man also looked older than time itself and so he needed a cane to support himself and i was shocked this man was doing both functions with a single cane which is very difficult because it means as he leans he leans on opposite sides of his body with every step as i saw the men laboring like this the first thing i felt was an extreme disappointment in myself for assuming the worst out of what is turned out to be you know such a difficult situation i i jumped to the conclusion that this person was being careless but then i also wanted to help and so i reached out my hand and grabbed his hand and i intended to take him around the kaaba and help him complete his rituals and see after his needs but then as i looked into his face he smiled he shook his head and he took his hand out of mine and he continued to lean on his cane and make the tawaf the people in our group actually were very shocked one of the young brothers said how does he know when he gets to the black stone he can't see it but what i saw in that smile was a reliance on a guidance much greater than the guidance that i could give him and a conviction that he would find his way without my help don't understand me incorrectly it's perfectly reasonable and and understandable that a person with such a physical handicap would get help there's no harm and no shyness in this whatsoever but this man shook me because of his conviction in allah he reminded me of a verse those that struggle for our sake meaning god's sake we shall surely guide them to our paths is with those that excel and do good this man seemed like a physical embodiment of this verse a deep conviction that allah would guide his path around the kaaba and guide his path in life and here i have to remind myself and and remind many of us that have been privileged and and blessed with a lot of blessings from allah be those blessings and family or health or education or material means or you know friends and and the list we could never enumerate allah's blessings on us we know that allah tests with constriction and he tests with ease and sometimes the test of plenty can be more difficult than the test of poverty but what i see as i as i travel campuses and meet young people i see that a lot of us have a lack of conviction in allah and have this desire to we start obsessing about every minor detail in every small piece of life and if the smallest thing goes wrong we can make a mountain out of a mould every time you know you get something in school that you weren't expecting or a friend says something that that just totally catches you off guard or you have a problem with our family life is full of problems every time life throws you a curveball try to think of this blind man try to think of that that conviction and that trust and that confidence in a power that is greater than your power and a plan that is higher and better than your plan and a certainty that that can only be gotten by trusting in allah and trusting in a power that is greater than you i hope insha'allah that this man serves as a reminder for us to this may was make us from those that place their full reliance on him and their trust in him and may allah grant us all guidance to his paths and the best of this life and hereafter allah [Music] a person from bani israel was a sinner was an extremely bad man this man was so bad that the entire city the entire society turned against him and banished it they kicked him out of the city [Music] now he was alone with no food with no provision if he becomes sick no one was there to look out for him and he passes away he dies allah subhanahu ta'ala sends wife to the prophet of that time and he tells him that one of my holy yeah one of my beloved close friends have died so go and wash him on him prepare his janazah and go and announce in the village that anyone who prays on him is forgiven so the people get together and they go to pray on this man as they reach the man and they're about to pray they realize that's the same man that evil man that we all turned away and venged him from the city so the prophet turns to allah and he says what do you mean what do you mean by this he was humiliated how clean insignificant saw his insignificance all by himself he had no friend no relative and as he got weaker and weaker he couldn't turn to anyone else there was no one else no one else no other god to knock on no one else to ask for help no one else to seek refuge with and in this moment of utter weakness and desolation he turned to allah and he said o if i knew that by punishing me your greatness will increase [Music] and by forgiving me your greatness would decrease i wouldn't ask you to forgive me but oh allah knowing that you but by forgiving me your greatness will not decrease and by punishing me your greatness will not increase i have no one else to turn to no other hope but you no other shelter for me but you no other direction to talk turn towards accept you so forgive me in this condition this person died he passed away in this very condition he passed away you know what allah said allah said to his prophet that his repentance was so much his repentance was so great that he was narrow-minded in asking forgiveness for himself only if he had asked forgiveness for the entire of mankind i swear by my might and my majesty i would have forgiven all of mankind this is allah azzawajal the most gracious the most merciful [Music] let me share the story of a sister with you she says it was the first day of ramadan and my father had a heart attack while he was in the masjid so they take him to the hospital i hurry to the hospital and i'm looking at my father and i see this beautiful old man the man that took care of me when i was young the man that changed my diapers the man that took me to school the man that tried his best to grant me every single thing that i desire and i realized what a terrible daughter i was to him at that day so i made dua to allah and i said oh allah please grant him life so that i can show him the same righteousness that he showed me and allah brought him out of the heart attack and gave him life for four for four more months in these four months she did everything she possibly could from cooking for him cleaning for him driving him to his appointments any wish or desire that he had she would be the one fulfilling it but at the end of the four months she starts to realize that subhanallah life is really getting difficult for my father he can't go to the bathroom on his own he can't breathe on his own and while it's great to have him around the house it's unjust of me to want him to keep being alive but be suffering at the same time so she makes dua to allah that o allah please do not let him leave this world except in the state of obedience to you so the day of jummah comes four months later he goes out for salatu jamal he comes home with his friends and his family and it's as if he's perfectly fine perfectly healthy nothing is wrong at all he spends the whole day together with his family and friends they pray salat alisha and the father excuses himself he says i'm feeling tired so the youngest daughter she takes him upstairs and not even five minutes go by when she starts shouting everyone come upstairs everyone come upstairs so everyone goes upstairs and you can imagine as if you're walking into that room and it is your own father that his spirit is leaving his body his eyes are gazing up towards the skies and his spirit is leaving and as that is happening he is [Music] when i was in the uk one of them was sharing his story with us and i heard it personally anni it's a very famous story just to give you an example one of the mashaikh there he says i was hired by one of the masajid as an imam he says i was hired as as an imam by one of the mosques he says and i was new to the area and really i i this is a true story so i really want you to really live it out yeah he says i was the imam and i used to take the bus from my house to the town to to that area and then i would walk to the major there wasn't far from there he says so i will take this bus he says one day i jumped on the bus and it was a new bus driver so it wasn't someone that he had seen he says i jump on the bus i paid him for my fare and he gave me the change he says when he gave me the change i didn't really look at what he gave me until i went back to the back of the bus i sat down he says when i sat down i looked at the money and i realized he gave me 20 pence in uk 20 pennsylvania we're talking nothing but a cents like 10 10 cents at most he says so you know like i sat there and i said man the guy gave me more he said and then the conversation started happening in my head and honestly how many times have you been in this position [Music] he's thinking you know what it's 20 pence it's nothing bro don't worry about it don't embarrass yourself they're a big company anyway and really what's 20 cents going to do hey so the man sitting there and he's thinking bro it's 20 cents should i shouldn't i should i shouldn't i he says allah for the whole trip this is the conversation that's happening he says you know like he wasn't about the money he was just and then the sheikh was saying he was saying when i got to my bus stop he said when i got to my destination he said i got off my chair i'm walking down the bus i'm walking to the front door he says well i'm still saying to myself do i give it then i give it he says and then as soon as i got to the bus driver he said i don't know what went into me man he said i turned over the bus driver i said to him look when you gave me 20 extra he goes no i didn't give you 20 extra he guess i gave it to you intentionally [Music] he said why did you give them intentionally he asked me for three years i've been looking into islam and he said when i came and i seen you dressed the way you were dressed i knew that you were an imam he said so today i was going to make my decision if you were honest if you were honest i was going to embrace islam but if you kept that money oh he said i knew that you were liars like everyone else lies so now the shah he's speaking about himself he says i gave him the money he says i got off the bus he says when the bus drove off he says i started crying i said to him why because the man accepted islam or who was about to accept islam he gets me to why he sent me i almost sold my deen for 20 cents bro [Music] he said i almost sold islam i sold the deal of allah for 20 cents [Music] and as i begin the second part of my foot by my dear brothers and sisters i want to share with you another beautiful story this is the story of a man who was originally egyptian but he lives in the beautiful city of al-madin and he has made hajj for the last 20 years in a row every single year and he was doing an interview recently and he was asked you as a janitor as a poor man what do you think is the cause that allah keeps calling you back to his house so in this interview the man says this is purely from the blessings of allah and i'm not sure of the exact reason but i do remember a particular incident in my very first touch that i saved up for the whole entire year before i came for my first hajj and i went on this great journey and as i'm on a bus on my way to makkah i see this old woman who is old in age big in size struggling to walk with her cane and you can see that she is in an immense amount of pain so i thought to myself what type of individual would i be if i as a young man sat on the bus and this old woman had to walk all the way to makkah so while we were stuck in traffic i got off the bus and i went to this woman and i said oh my dear mother i ask you by allah that please take my seat and i will walk in your place instead and this woman she started to cry with tears thanking allah that allah had sent someone that would take her on the bus rather than her having to walk and as she was getting on the bus she turns around to that man and she is oh she says oh my dear son i pray to allah that allah never prevents you from making hajj again and he says allah knows best but i believe that was the cause that each and every single year allah sends someone knocking on my door that requests my help in going for hajj or they request my company or they say i want to take you to hajj for free and each and every single year for the last 20 years this is what has happened my dear brothers and sisters when we make dua to allah we need to remember that nothing is impossible for allah [Music] from bani sulaim he was walking and he has a lizard with him and he says to the companion of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam he says to the companion of muhammad sallallahu alaihi who is the man that is surrounded by men and the companion of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam says that is the messenger of allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam the bedouin pushes his way through and goes towards muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam i mean when he sees muhammad says a mother has not given birth to a child that i hate more than you and if my people didn't think i was hasty then indeed i would have severed your head from your body who is present a man of action and a man of words he says oh messenger give me permission and i will strike this god kafir his head off permission is not granted the messenger said allah is saying that tell me why didn't you insult me why did you dishonor me and the bedroom replies by saying i swear by lord and answer i would not believe in you nor would i testify in you until my lizard testifies in you the narration states the messenger sallallahu alaihi sallam says to the lizard that tell me who am i and the lizard replies by saying i worship he whose throne is in the heaven whose rule is on the world whose mercy is in paradise and his punishment is in hell yet again the messenger says tell me who am i [Music] tell me who am i and the lizard replies by saying that you are the messenger of allah successful is the one who believes in you and unsuccessful is the one who disbelieves in you flowing on the lips of this bedroom is i testify there's no god worthy of worship except allah and muhammad sallallahu alaihi salam is the messenger [Music] i [Music] am [Music]
Channel: One Islam Productions
Views: 46,549
Rating: 4.9411187 out of 5
Keywords: muft menk, islamic lectures, muslim, muhammad, Allah, god, abu bakr zoud, nouman ali khan, eman, patience, marriage, divorce, depression, angles, hellfire, heaven, jannah, makkah, dua, supplication, salah, prayer, sin, ramadan, fasting, seerah, muslim lecture, 1 islam productions, sadness, jesus, bible, stingy, Quran, Merciful Servant, Islamic Lectures, Ramadan, Mufti Menk, Nouman Ali Khan, Muslim videos, Lectures Islam, Ramadan videos, Khalid Yasin, One message foundation, Shaykh Uthman Ibn Farooq
Id: xG2_C8JJc_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 20sec (2960 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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