I'm Shook | Try Me | (Part 6) Jerry Flowers

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we are here once again and I just want to start off by saying thank you thank you for your consistency thank you for your screen shots thank you for your tags my wife and I are absolutely blown away and what God is doing with this tribe me series is wrecking me so I'm just thankful my wife and I love you and tonight's message it's just one of the messages well I'm not even gonna give you any like trailers I'm not even gonna give you any spoiler alerts you're just gonna have to check it out I believe it's a word for you it is a now word or relevant word a radical word just for you let's get to the message did it again once again you are allowing me to interrupt your regularly scheduled afternoon and I'm so thankful I'm so thankful hello everybody thank you for joining us on tonight go ahead and drop a comment in the room let us know where you're from if this is your first time if this is your sixth time joining us for this particular try-me series we want to hear you you guys have been showing out and listen I need you to do me a favor I need you to do me a favor I need you to screenshot like right now or in the mists of this message screenshot and tag us on IG at redefined TV at Jerry flowers jr. we want to see where you are watching this message you guys I'm gonna having watch parties and sharing and I believe this particular message I want you to share this with a friend because I believe it has deliverance on it tonight's message I believe is gonna be absolutely awesome it blessed me in my study time anytime a message blesses me I know that it is going to bless you I believe this particular message of my assignment of my job to the best of my capability and of course of the empowering of the Holy Spirit is to provide clarity if you ever asked this question God why what are you doing and what's the point of this if you ever felt as though you know what if God enrolls me in a class and I don't like it I could just drop it and choose another elective this particular message is coming for your life because just because we don't like it doesn't mean that God is not using it you have been given the power to rebuke demons witches war but you cannot rebuke that which God is using a surgery and we have to get our lives and our hearts in such an alignment with God and surrender to the will of God so much so to where we can make the hard decisions sometimes that's going to require for us to make a decision that it hurts our heart but heals our soul and sometimes I think we're caught up and we feel like so attached to things and it hurts us so much it's because we're attaching ourselves to things that are temporary and then we're wondering why we haven't mood swings look has anything ever hits your life and it just left you shook and I believe the reason we can't surrender is because we're control freaks anybody watching this you control freaks this is my struggle you'd like to control the outcome you want to control the results you want to control what's going to happen you want to control your day you want to control the plans if there's anything that 20/20 has taught me it is this simple truth man plans God decides man plans God decides I had so many things I planned on doing this year and there were so many things I think that you have planned on doing this year but look at the end of the day God decides and I'm not belittling anything that we went through but there's a question that I want to ask you what has this taught you about your level of surrender what has this taught you about your level of surrender we're now try me series this is part six we dealt with try trust we dealt with try patience we dealt with tri-kingdom language for part three and four last week we dealt with try resting I'm tired of this on tonight I just feel led to speak from this topic I'm shook and let's talk about try surrender y'all ready for this on tonight alright so let's go to the word Luke chapter 22 the Gospel of Luke Luke chapter 22 we're just going to read two verses verse 31 and 32 and the Lord said Simon Simon indeed Satan has asked for you that he may sift you as wheat but I have prayed for you that your faith should not fail and when you have returned to me strengthen your brethren our verse of consideration and where we're gonna Park and unpack for the time that we have together on tonight takes residence and verse 32 but I have prayed for you that your faith would fill not and when you have returned to me strengthen your brethren God thank you for this moment thank you for this hour I thank you that you let this be a perspective message all the study means nothing if you aren't seen magnified and glorified have your way in this place and everybody who agrees with their prayer will just shout in the room amen and the way you shout is all caps a man Simon Simon indeed Satan has asked for you to sift you as wheat but I have prayed for you that your faith fail not and when you have returned to me strengthen your brethren see the puzzling part about this text to me is not when Jesus says strengthen your brethren I get that I'm my brother's keeper iron sharpens iron I increase your roar you increase my roar I've got your back and you got my back I push you into spiritual maturity and you pushed me into spiritual maturity if we're gonna fight we're gonna fight to win because God has not empowered us to lose we have been empowered to win and I'm not okay with losing fights that I have been given the oil to win see the dangerous thing were hanging with losers is that they will convince you that losing is okay this is not okay when God has given us the power the grace the might and the oil to win in this area I need people in my life who would help me fighting if we gonna fight we gonna win can I get somebody to say a real one a real one you know that you have a real brother and a real when you win and they celebrate like they won yeah that's when it's real you have a real one when even though you got the raise they're celebrating like they got the raise to that that's when you have a real one a real one is when something hurts show hearts and they'll provide you with shoulder verses provides you a judgement that's a real one they will help you through this they might even cry with you that is a real one a real one is somebody who has your back behind your back because your loyalty should not require my presence oh think I should say that again your loyalty should not require my presence you should be the worst type of person anybody should gossip - surely Christians should be the worst one to gossip - if somebody comes to you talking about I heard and I was wondering have you ever noticed they say I heard you gotta know who told you they come up I heard such-and-such listen you need to be the type of individual if they come up and say hey listen I heard such-and-such said something about such a such oh you heard that hold on hey Siri call set and search okay hey you on the line and I was such-and-such and they say they heard something about such-and-such and we're called to the best of our capability to live at peace with all men so all y'all are together you know we're gonna do right now work it out we can work it out that's all of us gonna do right now we don't have time for drama we don't have time for dysfunction let's work this out a real one I'm talking about somebody who is likened unto a spiritual spotter if you go to the gym and you're on a bench press if you need help there's somebody call a spotter and their assignment is to stand over you and to help you lift the weight when you're struggling to make sure that what you're pushing does not crush you to help you what you're struggling with it will not crush you when it gets too heavy they help lift it off of you I'm talking about a real one can I get somebody say a real one yeah I'm not even tripping over the fact when Jesus says listen the devil has asked for you that doesn't even faze me it doesn't even faze me when when Jesus says hey Simon the devil has asked asked for you to sift you as wheat because one of the signs that your birth was a problem here we go one of the signs that your very existence is a threat one of the signs that you waken up every single morning causes fear to strike the camp of Hell is revealed by continuous enemy contact oh if you want to know if you kingdom if you want to know if you're making a difference if you want to know that you're in purpose if you want to know that you have something on the inside of you that is a threat to the kingdom of darkness it is revealed by the constant persistent relentless attacks by the enemy and distractions sent by him in other words when you live a life that gets on the enemy's nerves he lives a life to get on yours if you hear what I just said when you live a life that gets on the enemy's nerves he makes sure to live a life that gets on yours and I don't know who I'm speaking to on tonight but there's something on the inside of you that are so massive that is so mega that is so necessary that is so mighty that is so powerful that ever since you were a child the enemy has been trying to take you out who am I talking to on tonight there is something in you you may not have discovered it yet but ever since you were a child the enemy was trying to make sure that what you carry never walks into maturity he never wants your oil to walk into maturity your understanding to walk into maturity your purpose to walk into maturity and I stated this before you have to understand that the enemy sees in the spirit he sees in the spirit realm and I believe like when Jesus was born the devil was like okay something just happened in the earth something just happened in the earth because there's too much attention from heaven on Bethlehem and I don't know what's going on but we got an angel singing in the sky we have stars in the sky we have wise men marching I don't know where it is but prophecy told me that a redeemer is gonna be born prophecy told me that there's gonna be somebody who's been born that's gonna be called Emmanuel which means God with us and I never want that to reach maturity so I'm gonna use Herod to commit genocide I'm gonna use Herod to commit genocide and tell him to kill all male babies that are 2 years of age or under because I never want that to reach maturity it's the same thing I believe in Moses were born the devil is like okay there's something happening in the earth because there's too much attention from heaven on Egypt this is the sign that a redeemer has been born this is the sign that a deliverer has been born and I don't ever want this thing to walk into its mature version of itself so I'm gonna use Pharaoh to commit genocide kill all male babies that are 2 years of age and under and not believe a lot of us you're calling it a birthday but he'll calls it a problem day ever since you've been born there's something in the earth that has shift since they've been born there's something in the earth that has changed since they've been born and I never want that to reach into maturity I never want that to become powerful so I'm gonna try to kill it before it ever matures see you got to get this understanding some of us you even having a clue what I'm talking about you only have a clue what I'm talking about because we keep making choices that get us in trouble oh there's my hole a man section we keep making choices that end us up in trouble right a lot of us you are literally behaving your way into seasons because when you're born you look like your parents but when you died you look like your choices and a lot of us we are behaving our way into storms but then turning around a cursing God for the rain I'm not talking about that I'm not talking about something we did when it's you you could trace it back to a decision you made but when it's a demonic assault you don't know what in the world is going on people acting crazy family acting crazy somebody breaking into your house being accused have people lie on you people turning on you because the enemy is smash because Hale lost one y'all better come get me the devil is mad because Hale lost one but here's the problem family the enemy messed up when he attacked you because he attacked the worshiper he attacked the worship and we have learned that we fight best on our knees we fight best when were in prayer he hates these type of individuals and I'm exposing his weakness because when you worship anyway this is when you have a through a tall worship life through it all worship praise this is when you're like even though I don't understand it even though I don't like it even though it doesn't feel good negative doctors report after doctor's report layoffs after layoffs miscarriage after miscarriage injustice after injustice friends then lied on me spouse walked out on me people betrayed me do it all I'm gonna worship because worship changes my focus from the problem - the problem solver the devil has the utmost hatred for you because he cannot stand and through it all worshipper Simon Simon the devil has asked for you to sift you as wheat and that part doesn't even face me the part that disturbs me of this whole passage is Jesus response but I have prayed for you what okay listen I will just be real for a second Lord Savior rabbi I don't need you just to pray for me well I appreciate your prayers you know I need your prayers because there's something powerful about prayer but Jesus what I need you to do is stop it that's what I need you to don't just pray for me stop it block it rebuke it change it reroute it be a shield for Thou O Lord our shield for me be my shield maybe that's how I used to sing Jesus be a fence - dude I need you to do that be a fence stop this what do you do when God doesn't stop it but he allows it what do you do when God allows something to leave you shook and you thought that just because I serve God he's not gonna let these things happen to me and we have to talk about this you know why because this this over priests message that I constantly keep hitting about because it personally gets me frustrated it's your season it's your time it's classically conditioning people to not be able to handle when you're shook to not be able to handle when you suffer you've been taught how to shout but you haven't been taught how to be sifted you've been taught how to dance but you have not taught how to been tested and it's almost as if we equate immunity to God's goodness did you hear what I just said we equate immunity to God's goodness so God is good based on what I don't have to go through God is good when he keeps me from going through God is good when he blocks him God is good when he stops in God is good when he reroutes it God is good when he's offense God is good when he removes it but what about is God good when he allows it the part that troubles me is that Jesus says I've prayed for you that your faith would not fail and I'm sitting here like I think that we have to realize that if we're truly gonna live lives please listen if we're gonna live lives that gives God glory if we're gonna live lives that love Jesus if we're gonna live a life that displays the love of Jesus and we're trying to do miracles like Jesus and we're seeking the face of Jesus and we're trying to be like Jesus this means we're gonna encounter with Jesus encounter oh yeah I don't want to talk okay so if you trying to be christ-like you're gonna experience stuff that Christ experienced himself so if Jesus encountered Devils you're gonna encounter Devils if Jesus was shifted this means you and I are gonna be sifted for like I'm losing my holy man corner if Jesus was afflicted you and I are gonna be afflicted because we want to be christ-like and I think that we have to stop preaching that he's just a God that brings you out that is not totally incorrect but it is incomplete he's also the God that will allow you to go through he'll allow you to go through and what do you do when God doesn't remove it and I think Jesus shows us this picture when he's in the garden garden of guess cinnamon he's like listen I don't want to do this if it be possible take this cup away from me I know I came here for this but look I'm shook right now and I don't want to surrender right now but look nevertheless not my will but your will be done and the Bible says he prayed this prayer three times and I spoke about this earlier in the year and the midst of Jesus praying he began to sweat blood the medical term of this is Hermitage OSIS it's when you're experiencing so much agony then it begins to manifest in your body so I believe while Jesus is praying he sees his sweat begin to fall he sees his blood begin to being shed and I recognize God was answering him he said father if it be possible take this cup away from me blood drop my will it's for you to shed your blood that's my will my will is even though it's difficult even though you don't like it even though it's something that you wouldn't ask for this is my will and when you surrender to the process or will you resist it and keep landing yourself in recovery season after recovery season because you don't want to surrender and say God have your way I don't like this Jesus surrendered all the way to the cross all the way to the cross died for all of humanity and he didn't want to do it but his obedience was tied to our deliverance his obedience was tied to our deliverance and if we're gonna be like Christ our obedience oh here we go I will be is tied to somebody else's deliverance literally you don't even recognize giving God your yes is tied to break in someone else's chain I'm gonna say that again given God your yes is tied to break in somebody else's chain you would not be watching this right now if I didn't give God my yes back in 2009 when I was confused and I was trying to be like my peers and I was trying to be cool and I was trying to be like everybody else I surrendered and I said God yes it's not comfortable but the secular music I gotta be Indian it's not comfortable but the porn has to go I need you to help me to detox me from this because I have classically conditioned my heart to view women as subjects verses york wings and verses your daughter's god I need you to purge me and I wouldn't have said yes you wouldn't be watching this message right now your yes is tied to somebody else's deliverance he says listen and after you have returned to me strengthen your brother strengthen your brother strengthen your brother strengthen your brother strengthen your brother strengthen your brother this makes me think there's a level of strength that you wouldn't have without being shook and the reason that you're going through this is so that you can strengthen your brother strengthen your brother strengthen your brother you'll even recognize what you're going through is not even about you what you're going through the test the trial it's not even about you and so that you can gather a blueprint and if you can pass it on the people on the side of you and people behind you strengthen your brother strengthen your brother after a soldier has been on several tours he should have learned enough wisdom to pass on to other privates and say this is what you do when you go through this this is what you do when it looks like this see this culture philosophy this Mike John philosophy back then then you owe me now I'm high I don't loan me back 10 didn't want me now I'm hot all along me that's my kingdom we have people preaching this mess if you won they're my season of struggle don't expect to be there my ceiling of success cuz back then didn't Roman now I'm high all that's not Kingdom Kingdom is teach me how you got through if you know the way to success teach me the skillsets give me the keys tell me the discipline help me to overcome this hardship in my marriage can you teach me that because what is biblical is elder women trained up the younger women elder men trained up the younger men how did you get to that storm how did you get through that trial how did you get through that warfare how did you get through that loss how did you get through that betrayal how did you get through that pain how did you get through that addiction how did you get through that hurt how did you get through that trauma how did you get through that drama how did you get through that's Kingdom when you're able to share with others this is how you get through not back then and didn't want me God is looking for us sometimes to go through to help others get through did you hear what I just said he said listen when you returned to me strengthen your brother so this makes me think there's a level of strength there's a level of strength that you don't have right now but after you shook and after you go through this you will have so much strength then now you can tell your brothers how to get through this see it's one thing when you can carry you but what you're about to go through is gonna help you carry of us ah no saint left behind he's saying listen the reason that you're going through this is so that you can get strength to help them and go through that what's kingdom is to leave a legacy for your children that's Kingdom that's Kingdom our children our friends and people around us should never have to deal with our unfinished business the only way that they deal with the same uncircumcised philistine is due to their rebellion not due to our lack of fighting strengthen your brother and I begin to think about this this means it's gonna be a fight I'm not sitting up here lining it's gonna be a fight for you to not give up it's gonna be a fight for you to not dig up and doubt what you plan it in faith that's gonna be a fight it's gonna be a fight for you to believe and for you to know that in the midst of your turbulence in the midst of your trial in the midst of your storm that you have an all sufficient Savior that's right there through all the mess with you and he won't just be there but he'll beckon for you to come out of the boat he'll beckon for you to come out on the boat and walk on the turbulent waters with him so that you could see that you are a Waterwalker and what the enemy wants to do is he wants you to look at all the waves around you all the turbulence around you instead of the altitude did you hear what I just said he wants you to look at the turbulence not the altitude because turbulence is only given to those who are flying and this is just irrefutable evidence God is taking you somewhere this is this irrefutable evidence that you're climbing to another altitude I'm taking you to another realm and it's gonna get turbulent when you take off this doesn't mean quit this just means you gonna have to fight you will have to war you're gonna have to believe and you're gonna have to know that God remembers you when God says he remembers you that literally means a I remember my promises about you I remember the plans I have for you I remember your name I know they may not know your name but I know your name and I'll remember what I've called you to be that's what I mean when I say I remember you and when he says he remembers you this means the devil tries to dis limber you but God is going to read member you he's gonna put it all back all the joy all the fulfillments or the passion or the hope or the zeal because he is a God who remembers but you have to surrender can I get somebody to say surrender I begin to think about that out of all the things he says I have prayed for you that your faith would not fail he didn't say that your platform won't fail that your business won't fail that your influence won't fail that your money won't fail he says I've prayed that your faith won't fail because God knows if you have the right faith you can get all that back the devil can't stand a crazy hard-headed sold-out radical individual who has unwavering faith because this listen please get this the devil never hits what he wants whoo the devil never hits what he wants if he hits your car that's not what he wants if he hits your marriage he don't want your spouse either if he hits your money he don't want that either if he hits your career he doesn't want that either what he wants is your faith and he's trying to see is there faith in any of these things their marriage their finances their resources their influence and notoriety so that's what he hits but God knows if you have unwavering faith he could hit that but he's not taking this and as long as I got this I can get all of that back he's after faith and I began to think about this he's after your faith he's after your faith he says listen the devil has asked for you to sift you as wheat if you don't know what sift means it is the past tense of the word sifted the Hebrew root word for sifted is new aa new on in you W a new I so if we put this in proper perspective it makes me think the devil is stupid because the word sift means to shake to toss to move back and forth okay so let's put this in proper perspective he's saying Simon the devil has asked for you to shake you somebody say shook he's asked to shake you he's asked to toss you back and forth he's asked to throw you up but this is why the devil is so stupid somebody say he's stupid this is why the devil is so stupid because in the process of sifting wheat there's something that gets on the wheat that's called chaffed and the devil many times doesn't recognize that when you want the chaff to fall off you beat it and you have to shake it because there's some stuff on the wheats that's not supposed to be there so when God allows you to be shake when God allows you to be tossed when God allows you to go through something it's because that Patti's gonna fall off that insecurity is gonna fall off that doubt is gonna fall off that worry is gonna fall off so I'm not gonna stop it because you pray for me to take away your fear I'm not gonna stop it because you pray for me to take away your doubt and how am I gonna do that I'm allow you to be shaking I'm allowing you to be tossed back and forth because all that doubts all that insecurity it falls off in the process of being sifted ah now it makes sense you have to understand when you want to separate the wheat from the tear they used to have this wheat and it would be tit and they were throw it up in the air and the wind would blow the chaff away oh I don't think it's a coincidence that Jesus says the wind the Spirit is like the wind it goes to and fro and I think sometimes the reason we have to pray is because we want Heaven's wind we want the wind of heaven to blow on us blow away my insecurities blow away my doubts blow away my rejection issues blow away my trust issues blow away my abandonments blow away all the doubt in my heart O God wind blow blow blow blow whatever is in me that is not supposed to be here God's if me and blow blow blow because I want to be resourceful I want to be useful I want to be a kingdom angel I want to be a kingdom ambassador blow blow blow the shifting is for our benefit this changes everything this changes everything he sent Simon the devil has asked for you to sift you but he's stupid because he doesn't recognize you being sifted it's gonna make you stronger you being sifted it's gonna make you wiser you being sifted there's some stuff that is only gonna fall off through this shifting and this is gonna allow the wind of heaven to blow all of that doubt off blow all of that insecurity off because the sifting is for our benefit God is as good so I'm like man he said have faith and I'm thinking about the text the Texas if we have faith the size of a mustard seed can we put this image on the screen I want you guys to see this look at this he says if you got faith like that you can move mountains and it blows my mind because I'm like man he's just saying if you have this little itsy bitsy spider climbed up the waterspout if you have this little itsy bitsy amount of faith with that I can move a mountain and I'm like my God if he could move a mountain if I have just that amount of faith what can he do if I have gigantic faith what can he do if I have colossal faith what can he do if I have football-field-sized faith what can he do if I have crazy faith what can he do if I have radical faith what can he do if I have powerful things if he could do that with a mustard seed imagine what he could do when you have radical faith so why does God allow for us to be shaken why does God allow for you and I to be shook point number one simple development development I don't know if you like me but there's some stuff like you just couldn't get away with you might have been able to get away with it but Jerry couldn't get away with it every single time I tried something I will get caught something will happen it would just come out because God wouldn't allow me to get away with it please listen God will not allow you to get away with certain things because he's looking for an authentic vessel and the sign that he Shepherds you is he uses his rod and his staff consistently don't believe the lies like just because you experience trouble does not mean that God is not there it could be he's trying to teach you something God knows who he could trust with trauma God knows we could trust with trauma he knows you gonna write about this and this can be a New York bestseller you gonna tell somebody else your testimony and you're gonna cause a revival in your community God knows who to trust with trauma so sometimes he allows you to go through so that you can get to it's gonna help you develop you're gonna have to forgive what they did to you you're gonna have to forgive but please don't misconstrue what I'm saying forgiveness does not mean rekindle forgiveness does not always mean reentry but you're gonna have to forgive so that you can let that bitterness go because all bitterness is is you drinking poison and expecting the other person to die you know what the best type of revenge is growth that's the best type of revenge I don't look the same the way you left me this is why I believe Joseph's brothers could not recognize him but he can recognize them because when God is on my side I'm constantly growing this is why gossip is so foolish because whenever you heard about me is probably outdated information because I evolve and I grow on the regular grow somebody say development the last reason the second reason excuse me that God allows us to be shaken is because you're carrying something you're carrying something see there was this conversation right I overheard it I don't know if y'all believe it but I overheard it there was this conversation that this dog was having with this elephant right and his dog walked up to the elephant and ain't bought for pregnant they got pregnant at the same time and they begin to talk about their babies and stuff and in about two months later the dog had his puppies right a few months go by the dog is pregnant again and he has some old puppies the dog nurses the puppies go hang out with his friend elephant again and the dog is pregnant again and he has puppies so now the dog rolled up I said hey uh I don't mean to be Shady but uh are you sure you're pregnant because I had my over like nearly a dozen puppies and you haven't had nothing and the elephant said well I think it's because when you give birth your babies yappity-yap but when I give birth the whole jungle shakes see you have to understand this when God has you going through a process depending on how mighty it is depending on how powerful it is powerful it is it's gonna take longer for a dog to have puppies it takes sixty-three but for an elephant to give birth it takes 22 months it's because of what's on the inside of you can we I want to show you this elephant look at this look at this elephant this elephant in itself is baby it's bigger than the dog it's bigger than most dogs and we have a lot of people saying I thought you were doing this I thought you said that you were gonna do that I thought you believed God was gonna do this where is that I just thought it was gonna happen and you need to be like listen this must mean what is on the inside of me this must mean what I'm carrying this must mean what God is going to do this must me what I need to become it's so powerful that God has to take his time I'm not carrying puppies I'm carrying a king I'm not carrying puppies I'm carrying something's gonna change the earth I'm not carrying puppies I'm carrying a game-changer somebody say I'm carrying something a third reason on why God allows us to be shook it's for your character let's do too much petty petty there you still feel the need to clap back in the comments section see a lot of us want the blessing but we can't handle the dirty side of it the criticism the persecution and so God's like ok I need you to be sifted so that you can learn that my approval is better than their endorsement and I need you to be so affirmed by me so that when they're rejected when you reject it by them you'll never question me did you hear what I just said I need you so confirmed in me so that when you're doing what I have you to do and they reject you you'll never question me because you're never doing it for them you're doing it for me and I need you to have character to where if the world booths but heaven applause you feel good because you recognized for you to conduct the orchestra the crowd has to get your back and I'm so focused on what God has called me to do I don't really care what y'all say because I'm focused on my assignment and the crowd has to get my back and as long as I'm doing my assignment you no matter if y'all boo as long as I'm doing my assignment doesn't matter if y'all don't like me I'm doing my assignment doesn't matter if y'all hate me because I have got Heaven's approval God has my back and I promise you your hands are too small for God's arms he wants you to grow I want you to see this okay Romans chapter five Romans chapter five verse three and four look it says and not only that but we also glory and tribulations knowing that tribulation produces perseverance and perseverance character and character hope I believe Paul had to get to a place to where he said we glory in tribulation so like this stuff we're going through the coronavirus and all this stuff Paul would have been like we get glory in this like this atmosphere is ripe for us to give God glory this helps us persevere and I began to ask myself why in the world do you go from giving glory to persevere and to having character to having hope and then I think as I begin to ponder on this Paul was saying I persevere because last time I persevered God came through and now it formulated a character in me that every time I go through tribulation I can give him glory because the last time I persevered through this he came to Klutch and the last time I persevered through this he came to Klutch and the last time I persevered through that he came through clutch and so now I have a character God always gonna come through god always gonna show out God is always gonna have his way it might not look good but I have hope are you seeing this I have hope because I give glory and tribulations would cause me to persevere which cost for me to have character and now I have hope now I have hope and number four the reason God allows us to be shaken is exposure what if I told you there's some stuff in you that she didn't know what did she didn't know was in you until you were cooking until you were shaken you didn't know that she was - that carnal as to that person cut you off of 45 and bleepity bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep came in your thoughts it may not have came out your mouth but it can be your thoughts and every now and then kind of like a beaker that has dirt at the bottom when we think that we've been filtered enough when we think that are clean enough I believe the Lord allows something to shake us to say then there's still stuff in there you see that it's not going I love you I'm judging I'm just showing you we still gotta work on that yeah no it's not really out now we can get it out cuz I could shake you some more because you pray for me to help you with anger so what am I gonna do I'm gonna shake that well you can see I need to learn some control you're not gonna learn anger management to avoid it's no allow this to happen it's not to cause sending you but it's just to show you I'm exposing there's still some stuff in you can I get somebody say it's still there some of us if you'd be real light look I know my other side is still there listen I don't even have the front you can I will pray for you but then on the wrong day you can catch these hands last point number five for others for others to me the bad-boy disciple the one who was cut in people's ears own the one who denied even knowing Jesus once Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to heaven Peter became the man that powerful applause Apostle Paul was the man to but Peter was the man he was even scared he was standing before people in black man who we gonna listen to you who we gonna listen to we got to obey God more than we obey you and I believe he's a Simon Simon the devil has asked for you to leave you shook to toss you back and forth and when you have returned to me you know once you get it together because you won't get hit but you know where I am once you return to me strengthen your brother this is for others by this all men will know that you're my disciples by the way that you love one another what if you go through this for other people and I just wanted to challenge you on tonight where is your level of surrender and why not try surrender take your hands off the will embrace it the discomfort don't try to run from it embrace it because possibly there's something on the inside of you the gods trying to show you is still there and he knows after you're shaken you're gonna be powerful you're gonna be stronger but you have to go through the sifting god we thank you for this word and we pray O God give us the level of surrender to embrace the sifting because if you let us go through it you're gonna let us get through it and God we trust you because we saw in your word that if we can give you glory and tribulation it gives us perseverance which will create and us character which gives us a hope a hope that you always will hear us a hope that you'll never leave us a hope that you'll always work things together for the good of those who love the Lord Oh God we give you our surrender we honor you and help us to have a so it all worship life and Jesus name Simon Simon Satan has asked for you to sift you as wheat but I have prayed for you that your faith would not fail and once you have returned to me strengthen your brethren listen sometimes we're going through things and it's not even about us it's so that we can get a blueprint and extend the wisdom and extend the grace and extend the strategies to others I'm so thankful that you joined us on tonight our try-me series has been absolutely blowing our minds make sure to tag us screenshot leave us a comment send us a DM share it tell somebody about this word and I'm so thankful for you and your life and everything that God is going to do in and through you I'll see you on Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. Central Time try me god bless
Views: 31,157
Rating: 4.9698377 out of 5
Keywords: redefinedtv, redefined tv, jerry flowers, pastor jerry flowers, tanisha flowers, I'm shook, michael todd, dharius daniels, try me series, i'm shook, why would God let it happen
Id: xEHote6eb9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 53sec (2633 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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