I'm Tired Of This | Try Me | (Part 5 ) Jerry Flowers

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well hello everybody is that time once again Thursday night service and listen it is gonna be amazing well you know what I think this is more of a mandatory message because I want to help us stop experiencing burnout marital burnout spiritual burnout entrepreneurial pursuit burnout I want us to be able to have endurance so that we can endure when it gets hard what it is difficult this message is just for you I'm so thankful that you are joining us once again on tonight let's get to the message try me series part number [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody thank you once again for joining me on tonight man you guys have been showing out week after week I'm so thankful for all the comments all the shares you guys are amazing once again go ahead and drop in the room let us know where you're from if this is your first time watching or if this is your fifth time because you are now joining us for less than five of this try me series I'm so thankful to have you joining us on tonight and I have a word customized for heaven just for you so if we could can we go to Genesis chapter 25 Genesis chapter 25 we're gonna read a few passages of Scripture this is probably a familiar story depending on where you are in your faith journey Genesis chapter 25 verse 27 through 34 the text starts off by saying so the boys grew and Esau was a skillful hunter a man of the field but Jacob was a mild man dwelling in tents and Esau in Isaac loved Esau because he ate of his game but Rebekah loved Jacob now Jacob cooked us too and Esau came in from the field and he was weary and Esau said to Jacob please feed me with that same red stew for I am weary therefore his name was called Edom but Jacob said sell me your birthright as of this day and Esau said look I'm about to die so what is this birthright to me somebody say foolish then Jacob said swear to me as of this day so he swore to him and sold his birthright to Jacob and Jacob gave Esau bread and stew of lentils then he ate and drank a rose and went his way thus Esau despised his birthright outbursts of importance our claws of concern and where we're gonna Park on tonight for the time that we have together takes residence in verse 30 and Esau said to Jacob please feed me with that same red stew for I am weary thank you God for this moment we thank you for this hour we thank you for the privilege of coming together and cracking open your text so that we can learn more about you so that we can discover all that you have called us to be for your glory and Jesus thing and everybody who agrees with that prayer would you say eh men now listen every week we come out I usually give you like a short review I'm not doing that tonight I'm not doing that tonight because I have so much content and Intel to share with you we are now a lesson number five of our tribe me series if you missed part one part two and definitely if you missed part three and part four the language of the Queen and the language and leading of a king I'm gonna need you to go back and watch those messages because they have like generational deliverance on them they're gonna change your life but look tonight I would like to talk from this topic around this thought I'm tired of this I'm tired of this can I get somebody to drop a comment in the room and say you look tired you look tired you look you look tired I'm tired of this and I firmly feel as though this is a mandatory word so that it could help us when we hit seasons of being tired and exhausted and how to also prevent us from experiencing burnout right because if I just be honest I believe sometimes going to the next level is tied to you getting tired of this level sometimes going to the next level is tied to you getting tired of the anxiety at this level the depression at this level the fear at this level the insecurities at this level listen I'm cool with taking tests I just can't deal with taking the same test can I keep going I'm cool with taking tests I just can't take the same test from the same teacher I'm cool with taking tests but I just can't deal with taking the same from the same teacher in the same class I'm cool with taking tests but I can't deal with taking the same test from the same teacher in the same class over the same subject I got one mole I'm cool with taking tests but I just can't take the same test from the same teacher over in the same class over the same subject and keep making the same grade after a while I want to pass I'm tired and tired of staying in undergrad I want to go to grad school I want to grow and there's a reason why the fifth grade chair and the pre-k chair are different sizes because as the years passed by and as the months passed by there are certain places that you should not still be able to sit I'm tired of this are y'all ready I'm tired of this I'm tired of the devil tormenting my mind with negative thoughts after negative thought I'm tired of it I'm tired of having a mindset that constantly keeps creating scenarios have you ever thought yourself angry nothing happened but due to this scenario that you have created in your mind you find yourself upset and you find yourself frustrated and you find yourself angry due to your thought patterns I'm tired of this yeah I'm tired of circling the same mountain week after week and month after month and year after year I'm tired of this I'm tired of smiling outwardly but inwardly I'm having an emotion of type fools turn in my soul I'm tired of this I'm so tired of yeah I'll speak the language how you doing I'm great I'm cool I'm good and if you church you'll say I'm blessed and highly favored but if you were to be honest and just shame the devil you'd be like you know what I got some internal wars in here I have some internal static in here I have some internal storms in here if I were to tell the truth I got some trust issues I have some anxiety I have a lust issue I'm tired of my spouse I'm wondering if I married the wrong one my teenage daughter is getting on my nerves I have all these insecurities that I keep projecting on other people and then I say is that they came to me some type of way but truth is I really feel some type of way about myself so now every person I encounter has to deal with the residue of my own insecurities the afterbirth of my own insecurities how am i feeling I'm tired of this we gonna help somebody on a night I'm tired of hitting roadblock after roadblock I'm tired of entering into New Year's after New Year's and new months after new months and still have the same struggle I'm tired of this I'm tired of entertaining destruction after distraction my faith has me praying for blow ass but my loneliness keeps making me entertain bozo I'm tired of this I'm tired of sitting on the edge of the bed with somebody I'm not married to just committed a sexual act that I said I wouldn't do anymore and I'm in the shower and it seems as though the dial is not clean enough it seems as though the Dove is not clean enough because I'm disgusted with myself and I feel all these emotions I'm tired of that feeling I'm tired of this because somebody say I'm tired of this I'm tired of it if I just be honest I'm tired of having church as usual listen I don't believe we're supposed to have a typical average mundane church experience you didn't log on to have a live stream that's just a program no you want to feel some power I don't want to just have a service I want to have it encounter I want to know God for myself I want to have a true experience with him I believe miracles can still happen I believe freedom can still happened if the anointing breaks yokes every single time I feast on the Word of God or every single time I hear an anointed preacher from heaven something should break I'm tired of the average I'm tired of the mundane and I'm tired I'm especially tired of making decisions that are detrimental for my purpose have you ever looked back on an ex and you ask yourself what in the heaven was I thinking what in the promised land what in the faroe what in the wilderness what in the whole Holy Ghost was I thinking and they not even that cute and I'd wasn't even really feeling them in the and how in the world did I fall for somebody so hard that I wasn't even feeling originally somebody say I'm tired of this I just firmly feel we have to get to a place where I'm tired of the typical I'm tired of the average I'm tired of the mundane because once you get tired of average then you begin to crave extraordinary I just firmly believe y'all have to excuse me I'm a hungry preacher I'm a hungry preacher and I'm supposed to reach hungry people who are hunger and thirst after righteousness who are hunger and thirst and after God who hunger and thirst after the gospel who hunger and thirst after encouragement and also hunger and thirst for conviction and then also Hulland thirst for the rod and then also hunger and thirst for the wrath the wrath of the staff I just want to be able to be in a position where I could pursue God with my whole heart somebody say I'm tired of this see listen Church I believe there is a tactic there is a strategy of a satanic military science if you will that the devil uses in an attempt to steal and Rob us of joy yeah there's a strategy that the enemy uses to burglarize us of our peace our contentment our commitments our relational intelligence and faith and it's not always by demonic oppression it's not always by storms it's not always by trial but rather it's by getting you exhausted tired weary because the devil knows you cannot be continuously mentally exhausted please hear me you cannot be continuously mentally exhausted and spiritually woke at the same time you cannot experience prolonged tiredness and be spiritually alert at the same time because hear me continued tiredness creates a soul infection listen I'm not just up here preaching some religious rhetoric this is something that I experienced in the natural that taught me something in the spiritual when I allow life to consume me with this demands and responsibilities and I am NOT getting the proper amount of rest replenishment and refueling Jerry gets sick because busyness weakens the immune system listen so I discovered every single time that I go through day to day exhausted and week to week exhausted the more frequent I would get sick and it's the same thing with your faith it's the same thing with your faith because the devil is not looking necessarily to knock you out he's looking to wear you out he he's not even concerned about rounds one through six he's worried about round seven to seven to twelve and a lot of us were so caught up we're not trying to get burned that we're overlooking what we're inhaling it's not about the fire it's about the smoke because the smoke will kill you before the fire will ever burn you and so we feel us just as like as long as I'm not doing it I'm okay now recognizing it's not the fire that gets you the smoke it's not about the hook it's the bait and so the devil knows I listen I can't take their faith right I could attack their faith but since I really can't take their faith what if I can give them exhausted faith this is good why are you coming out so strong because this is necessary I'm trying to get us to get to a place where we don't keep hitting burnout spiritual burnout marital burned out burned out on our singleness burn out on your workout regimen burn out on your spirituality we have to get to a place where we have some endurance and so here's that listen if I can't take their faith maybe I can give them exhausted faith because then their faith will have a cold it's your what I just said I can't take their faith but maybe if I could wear down their faith and get them to have exhausted faith they'll have faith with the cold so saved and sealed but mentally sick saved and sealed but weary hearted saved and sealed but infected with the emotional influenza because we're walking around exhausted and malnourished and whenever we walk around exhausted and malnourished we'll always exchange our birthright for some stew preached Holy Ghost we'll exchange our birthright for some stew I'm marriage for some stew our peace of mind for some stew our purity for some stupid our reputation for some stew I'm notoriety for some stew it all is centered around you probably don't need to quit but you might need a nap maybe it's not as deep as you're making it could you just be exhausted tired and then others of us you know why you're so tired because you're trying to carry God weight God changes people not you God changes people not you and so you're trying to lift weights that you were never designed to carry you are trying to lift weights that you were never designed to carry and you have allowed somebody else's trauma to become your chaos you don't have to get wet from a storm that is not yours I'm gonna say that again you don't have to get wet from a storm that's not yours and a lot of us care more about somebody who has no contribution to our destiny no contribution to our oil no contribution to our assignment and you're trying to get them to see that your significant you're trying to help them but they don't want your help and it's exhausting that's why you tired that's why you feel like giving up listen this is why we keep losing fights that we think we should be winning because God God is obligated to help you win fights that matter to him but he's not obligated to help you in fights that matter to you O Lord you bout to get in trouble now yeah yeah God is obligated to help you in fights that make him look good they give him glory but he's not obligated to help you in fights that make you look good and that give you glory so you fight for position and gods like don't even matter to me as long as me and you on good terms that's all that matters you fighting because you're trying to get your name out there and gods like as long as I know your name as long as you listen being known by me is what I call well known I know your name they don't know your name in fact in fact I give you favor with people who matter this is about to sit somebody free if you don't have favor with them a lot of us are exhausted because you're trying to get people to notice you you're trying to get them to see your work you're trying to get them to see what you can do and they not even start you and they not even paying you any attention and I came here tonight to let you know God gives you favor with people who matter if they don't see how awesome you are if they don't see how creative your work is if they don't see how innovative the innovative you are they must not matter to your destiny because God gives you favor with people who matter put in your room they don't even matter that's not arrogance it's just understanding that I'm just trying to go with oil lists you got to have this rule type of posture ruthless I listen i'ma going whoever feel in whose sight I find favor so if I don't have favor in that field I must not be for you if I don't have favor in that field you must not be for me and I'm not trying to take your position I'm only after what God has placed me in God is not obligated to help you in fights that matter to you but he is obligated to help you in fights that matter to him and I want you to consider how dangerous it is for us to go through day to day life exhausted and malnourished please hear me whenever a man is walking through life hungry everything looks good is he what I just said whenever you walking through life hungry everything looks good the stuff that normally wouldn't even be a temptation I know I'm preaching stuff that wouldn't even be a temptation to you now is tempting you not you don't know who you are not because you don't know your value not because you don't have significance not because you forgot who you are for a second but you're walking around hungry you're walking around hungry and so now you're as entertaining things that you are not called to okay so I want us to get this please understand this before this whole quarantine popped off the reason some of us kept going to the club is because we're hungry for something or you're just exhausted yeah but the reason some of us still get high the reason some of us are still drinking the reason some of us are still getting wasted and faded it's because you're hungry for something or you're just exhausted yeah the reason why some of us are still in low key and borderline destiny deterring relationships that you know it's not God's will for your life you know that this isn't what God has for you you know that this is toxic but you won't release it it's because you're hungry your relationally hungry you never had a season where you just kind of love with you you never just dated you some of us you never went a season without dating anybody you've always had a body because you're trying to get over the fact you don't like your body so you constantly keep entertaining things and you constantly keep engaging in things because you're relationally hungry oh but I know a man who knows how to edify your soul I know a man who knows how to nourish your spirit and if you can fall in love with him see listen if you ever notice if you go to a restaurant you can't now but before this whole Corolla star popped off you go to a restaurant they would give you bread and water first I'm about to shout then we'll give you bread and water first and if you like me have you ever been so hungry that you're eating so much bread and you're drinking so much water that by the time they bring you your entree you're so full of bread and you're so full of water you like man I should have just sat here and just ate the bread and just drink the water well just a little revelation for you Jesus is referred to as the bread of heaven he's referred to as a living water now it makes sense when he says seek ye first the kingdom of God and all of his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you you won't even want that appetizer if you get the bread first you don't even want that roof you'll even want them to notice you if you get that bread first you won't even know what that position if you get the bread first maybe the problem is we're eating the entree before the bread gosh I hope you're getting this it's dangerous for us to walk around malnourished and exhausted it's liken unto going grocery shopping while hungry you look at it that you risk purchasing a snack see listen this is why my wife and I are so intentional about webisodes we talk about relationships so heavy because we understand that Jesus says okay guard your heart the song that the word lets us know guard your heart with all diligence with all diligence because out of it flows the issues of life now what can affect your heart more than a relationship parental relationships working relationships Church relationships nothing has the strength to really affect your heart like the people you do life with and so we talked about all marriage relationships and singles relationships and how to grow in your relationship with God and we got this understanding and we got this epiphany listen we're trying to get people especially on marriage to recognize maybe you're just exhausted and maybe you're just malnourished because if you don't understand that reality you could risk marrying a snack and then you roll over years later and recognize you made a covenant with junk food is this too real is this too real and then you discover in your marriage you could cook what does that mean I know how to fulfill myself I don't even need this no more and I just discovered maybe you went grocery shopping while you were tired and while you were hungry ah I know you ain't like that what I'm gonna get an email on that one but it's the truth I believe that's how mixed signals happen and people to be honest when you ask them what are we they should say what do you mean what are we I was just lonely that night I was hungry that night and you fed my ego what are we what do you mean what are we I was just exhausted and that exhaustion and being quarantined over and over just caused me to reach out and take somebody that I saved in my contact but I should have deleted is that too real listen let's go to Genesis 25 Genesis 25 verse 32 32 says and Esau said to Jacob please feed me with that same red stew for I am weary therefore his name was called Edom many times if you don't understand this when your spirit is hungry everything else becomes weary you hear what I said when your spirit is hungry everything else becomes weary then Jacob said sell me your birthright as of this day and Esau said look I'm about to die what is this birthright to me are you crazy you know what a birthright was a birthright is your inheritance it's like land money and everything that comes with your inheritance so you saying what does my inheritance what does my money what does my marriage what does my father hood what does my reputation what does my peace of mind what does mental stillness what does being able to sleep at night what does being able to like what I see in the mirror have to do it what I'm feeling right now because when you're hungry you don't use logic listen did you hear what I just said when you're hungry you don't use logic I'm gonna be open and transparent there was a time of my life where I was preaching so much preaching in this city preaching at that church preaching at this conference preacher and this revival and one day I was praying right and I had this whole little process our prayer thank God for my family thank God for my health and my strength and I really want to get closer to God God forgive me my sins I'm praying for my brothers and praying for my sisters and I'm trying to stick to my like normal prayer routine and I just keep hearing bread crumbs and I ain't trying to sound deep but it's just true bread crumbs and I couldn't really shake what that meant and so I came I was telling my wife you know I was a prayer I just kept hearing bread crumbs lady that's a sermon maybe God want me to do something about bread crumbs and I'll pray again and I'll just Ilyn this distraction if you ever notice if you try to pray but you feeling some type of way about somebody guys like stop all that uh uh worship music off turn off Travis green uh uh nope turn them off we need to talk there's an elephant in the room and you coming up here timeout god is great god is good no I don't want to hear none of that let's talk about this elephant Dawg let's talk about you not being able to sleep though let's talk about how insecure you felt when they rejected you don't let's talk about that something like God what are you what are you trying to say to me what are you trying to say to me about this whole bread crumbs thing and God was revealing Jerry you are on bread crumbs I wish I had a plate up here man you are bread crumbs you are so busy giving out bread to people that your own life is left with bread crumbs see you have confused sampling the meal as your meal so you open the Bible for sermon prep and not for spending time with me and this is how this is how the road to being able to get burned out for infidelity for walking away from suicide this is how it starts when you get so caught up with feeding but not feasting your life is on bread crumbs right now and yes you're gifted and yes you're anointed and yes people can't see it but this is why I gave you the Holy Spirit because I'm dealing with you dealing with you with stuff that don't nobody else know about because God does not get glory out of embarrassing you I don't care what you've been taught he does not get glory out of embarrassing you and making an example out of you God wants you to get it right God wants you to kill it for him he wants your business to thrive if it gives him glory he wants your ministry to thrive if it gives him glory he's a good father he wants you to excel he wants you to succeed as long as it's about me but we have to address the fact that you opening up the text to figure out what to preach and there's so many ministers and preachers and also people in the pew or anise same way and they have got content with living off fumes I don't want us to live our fumes because when you're tired you don't use logic I'm looking at this text right and I begin to think okay II saw we were writing our foundational text the Bible says that Esau was a skillful hunter and then if you know anything about the story the way that his father was gonna bless him is he told him to go catch some game and cook it somebody say cook so this means this brother can hunt and cook this man is not just an all right hunter the Bible says he has skills this dude is cold I'm thinking he probably just gets some emotion got him right so how is it this point where you have the skills to hunt and you have the skills to cook but you're selling everything for some lentil stew now you got to put this in perspective Jacob and Esau two different different types of men right Esau is daddy's boy Jacob is mama's boy if we can make this modern like Esau will be on a TV show man vs. wild Jacob will be on stuff like Cupcake Wars and chopped I'm thinking like bro if you that big brother won't you just beat him up I wouldn't be like y'all give me a my bro doing a soup kick them do something don't sell your birthright when you're exhausted you don't use logic and the Bible says he came in hungry you will be surprised how many people come to church hungry see I don't I don't know where it started I don't know what religious move it we could blame for it but I just got questions where did this whole fake it till you make it come from and what the heck is church clothes what is church clothes because if we don't address this we'll have people who are spiritually starving but acting like they're fool says he was he was in a place where he was hungry now when you're hungry and exhausted you don't use logic so I want to give you some types of exhaustion and we're gonna wrap this up is this good okay so I believe there are really four types of exhaustion okay we have physical exhaustion relational exhaustion mental exhaustion and spiritual exhaustion okay physical relational mental and spiritual all right so look physical exhaustion is due to prolonged tiredness alright when you skip and work out regiments you haven't been so like busy that you forgot to eat like you skipping meals you late one time somebody asked you did you eat I don't even know just find yourself so caught up in your affairs that you're not edifying yourself with self-care okay sleeplessness is the fastest way to burn out all that stuff that coaches said I'm gonna sleep enough when I'm dead that is not Kingdom God designated a whole day where he rested we see that Jesus was sleep in a boat in the midst of a storm and I'm like wait I knew that no because the Bible said the waves were so great that the boat was threatening to break up I'm like bro how you sleeping that hard how you sleeping that hard I love sleeping in the rain but the Bible says the boat was filling up and it was threatening to break up I think Jesus just knocked down like we got a waterbed this is though how in the world are you sleeping in this until I begin to think oh snap he's the Prince of Peace and he told us in his word that I can give you peace that surpasses your understanding and in that moment he's personifying what that looks like in the midst of a storm I'm not moved in the midst of the corona virus outbreak I'm not moved in the midst of layoffs I'm not moved in the midst of hardship I'm not moved it doesn't mean I'm not concerned but it doesn't touch my peace meter so anytime we find ourselves where we're not sleeping that's the fastest way to burnout not just spiritually but in your marriage you'll be more moody because you're not sleeping you be a terrible co-worker because you're not resting you'll be an awful friend because you're not resting you'll be a terrible boss because you're not resting it's not something that they did instance that sleep is the anatomies refuel button and there's a problem if you're more intentional with charging your phone then you do your anatomy you have a phone charger in your wallet you have a phone charger in your car you have a phone charger in your purse you have a phone charger in your house about 2/3 full of them and then you got the extra long wire so that you can still be on your phone while you watching Netflix you can still be on your phone why are you watching this sermon right now you have made an attentional effort to charge your phone what about your anatomy you are running if you see your phone on 1% but you are running if your physical self it's so exhausting to where your eyes are twitching somebody say rest Jerry why are you talking about this I thought this was a try me series it is try rest maybe you're making illogical decisions because you are tired bro you were tired ma'am and you don't need to quit you just need a nap using a vacation this is biblical all day Elijah ran away from Jezebel he was tired he was upset he was like God kill me I can't do this no more ain't nobody else serving you everybody doubt bow down the bill I'm the only one of your prophets and the angel came to him as like bro you just need some food in the net you're tired your journeys alone just just get some rest God handled his prophet this way if God had his prophet this way how do you know that due to the problems and during a hardship of what we're going through and all the decisions you're about to make how do you know this is maybe not stress it's you're tired you're tired point number 2 relational exhaustion this comes many times when you're surrounded by more drains than fountains whew you're surrounded by more drains and fountains and everybody expects for you to be a shift but they never want to be a waiter I need it so I can't throw it since you don't know yourself value you keep feeding people who only wanted to go play this is why your relationally exhausted you haven't found relationship management to where you know this one only wants deposits but I gotta hang around some fountains well I could glean from I have to hang around some people that can also edify me the same thing for preachers as I pour this I gotta be poured into two because if I don't I'll be I'll be a preacher who's great at delivering the word but poor at the word delivering me exhausted then sometimes we're relationally exhausted due to multiple failed relationships because your heart wasn't maids experienced break up after break up after breaker this is why I'm making on my soapbox this is why you should pray for your pastor I know you don't think about this but you still struggle over that break up two years ago but pastors pouring the people and they leave you pour into them then they leave you pour into them they badmouth you but give you a negative review and then they leave and you're doing this week after week and Sunday after Sunday and Thursday after Thursday you need to pray for your pastor we experienced break up all year long some of our day once some of the people that we've been cool with some of the people that we cried with some of the people that we married some of the people that we buried and you are not even recognized and we get hurt - if God dealt with me about this he said listen Jerry if you don't understand this reality you'll be a physician that keeps getting sick from people's virus and I need you to be a minister to this so sound and knows me so well that you don't allow other people's ill illness to become your sickness somebody say exhausted next one mentally exhausted this is when you're just stressed and you're trapped because you have mismanaged your mind and there's something I'm gonna talk about on Sunday that's gonna be so good a lot of us the reason you're exhausted is due to your inner critic you you have this you have like this inner critic on the inside of you that's not good don't post that that's not good don't upload that now look at this look at this this is not good you didn't dock all your eyes you didn't cross all your teeth who's going like this why would you share this anybody like this be and if I go like this book and if I go like this sermon and you so you have this inner critic and until you recognize that your Holy Spirit is your inner cheerleader oh man is your inner coach that begins to let you know like you know I'm with you and I'm proud of you conviction is not God punishing you in saying yo we can do better we could perform better and you're like like we could pray harder we could do this you got this the same spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the grave is that same spirit that lives on the inside of you pick your head up brah pick your head up sis you and cry over that let this be the last night get your last box of tissue if you can find some tissue let this be the last night that you cry go ahead and cry but after this is time to move on because you're so tied to your inner critic that you are not listening to the Holy Spirit and many times that inner critic is the umbilical cord of your childhood and you'll even recognize your inner critic is either nurtured or nature it's something around your environment that calls you to be this way or something in the house when you were a child that calls you to be this way and so you can never ever step out and be free because you keep listening to that inner critic and my son right I know my son wants to be like me I have a daddy's boy whatever I do he does I wear a hat he wears a hat I take one shoe off just for the heck of it he takes one shoe off and I was looking at him one day and I said man I know you want to be like me but I want to be like you because my son doesn't care he doesn't have this inner critic yet he will come downstairs with like a spider-man suit on a yellow sock and a glove on his hand and he says daddy I'm ready to go you're not even matching daddy I like it he doesn't care what people think now it makes sense when he says unless we become like a child we cannot inherit the kingdom of God they have my children have been worried about none of this stuff at all they're just free when God said I want you to be so free and I want you to know me so much where you could rejoice with other people that rejoice listen this is why some of us can't rejoice with others because you have an inner critic and you can't celebrate them because you don't even celebrate you don't even celebrate you my child is free when it's time to go to sleep tired he go to sleep some of us you can't sleep you have to pop pills asleep because you allow your mind to go so much but that childlike faith is time to sleep I'm out I'm out and I'm noticing like man that this this inner critic it's causing for us to never step out on faith I've been hopping in the gym right we want to take a selfie but then I look at this dude next to me who has like action figure type body I mean he just like put poop poop up I mean lifted weights and he's like Oh making all this noise right and so I'm thinking like okay what would they think if they see me take a selfie I'm nowhere near his level but that inner critic doesn't let me see but you're not how you used to be five months ago and if he took a picture you wouldn't be thinking nothing about him and now you are stopping doing something that you want to do because you worried about what other people think maybe you're mentally exhausted because you're mental people pleaser okay gotta keep going spiritual exhausted it's the last one this is when we lose an appetite of Prayer an appetite of Church appetite of devotion and the devil's favorite word when you hit this face is quick what's the point quit now I want us to understand this the devil studies your weakness and he will always make sure that there comes a time in your life when weakness meets opportunity whoa he will always make sure that there is a time in your life when your weakness meets your opportunity this is why you're gonna be filled with the Holy Spirit because he's a wonderful counselor and when that time comes when that weakness meets that opportunity your Holy Spirit can show you the exit so we're gonna end with this to present some preventative measures number one how do I get free from this you have to notice the Sabbath principle okay we don't hear preaching about the Sabbath principle we hear people arguing about what today is a Sabbath Saturday Sunday you have people arguing about it it's not about that when do you rest oh I got kids I got these jobs how can I rest it's a principle of violation if you don't give yourself a moment when God rested is because he was tired he neither sleeps nor slumbers we do we do but I believe he was showing us to balance your life to balance your emotional state to balance your feelings I need you to give yourself a moment that could be a me day that could be you audition that could be you watching something on Netflix I don't always have to be spiritual it's just something you do to enjoy life it don't have to be sin you can have fun when I was sinning but you have to give yourself a Sabbath something that takes your eyes off of responsibilities for a moment vacation go swimming go jet skiing something first one Sabbath principal second one we have to have a vision what do you see because when you don't have a vision you can't measure your growth so the reason a lot of us can't celebrate is because we had no goal and we can't measure how close we are to it so I have to have a vision number three no comparing compare and robs you of the ability comparison robs you of the ability to perceive your season and so back to that inner critic you won't take that selfie because I'm comparing myself to the action figure be free just like a child I'm not worried about anybody else this is what I like somebody say comparison okay next one sharpen focus you see how the cameras blurry right now this is how a lot of us go through life blurry blurry we can't see things clear so we date the wrong people we take the wrong opportunities we engage in the wrong opportunities because you're going through life blurry but when you sharpen your focus this is when you can see things clearly and God wants us to go through life where I can see clearly because I'm focused on the right thing please hear me when you're not focused distractions look like opportunities number five continuous gratitude find something to be thankful for if you could just go downstairs and eat some chips be thankful for it because there's somebody who can't do it continuous gratitude number six lose weight and I'm not talking about just physical there's some weight that a lot of us carry because of what we're thinking because of some people that we're around I know that we're Swift to go to the gym to try to lose weight but there might be a relational weight there might be an addictive weight something on your life that's keeping you feeling pressured okay number seven serve with wisdom there's power in saying no and sometimes you have to be able to recognize I could do this I can't I could do this do this but I can't do that because that's my Sabbath that's not being selfish that's being able to be in a place where you don't walk through life malnourished and exhaustion and last one console spiritual vitamins daily I recommend listening to the try me series I recommend reading devotions I recommend spending at least 45 minutes and prayer if you're not there yet start with 10 it don't matter where you're at just continue to have some type of spiritual routine where I constantly am growing in the Lord so that when that time does come when the enemy presents that weakness and their opportunity your are so much vitamins that you're so healthy in your spirit that you won't consume it's not good for your soul so father we thank you for this word we hear you god help us to be people who rest in you rest in you and help us to get our hands off the wheel many times God we're control freaks we think we could control outcomes we think that we can control what happens but God ultimately you are in the driver's seat maybe the reason our ship is sinking is because we're in your seat become the captain God become the captain of our life become the captain on our soul become the captain of our mind and maybe instead of trying busyness we should try to rest because maybe what we're trying to make moves you're trying to break chains in Jesus name we pray we talked about try trust we talked about trying patience we talked about try Kingdom language how about try rest because sometimes going to the next level is tired to get tired of this level and maybe for all control freaks watching this maybe the reason this ship is sinking is because we're the captain try resting trusting God's timing trusting God's pace and Trust is one of the main fundamental ways for you to reveal your love the God God I trust you I trust you so I'm arresting your word I'm arresting your promises until Sunday at 6 p.m. jerod flowers I'm so thankful that you joined us try resting maybe the reason you want to give up is because you just need a nap take a break
Views: 41,437
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Keywords: redefinedtv, redefined tv, jerry flowers, pastor jerry flowers, trymeseries, pastor flowers, dharius daniels, michael todd, bishop jakes, steven furtick
Id: SzABZM9Oyj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 42sec (2742 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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