Reacting to NEW FNAF Security Breach Teaser Images!

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Wait Chris is back?! Where’d he go?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PancakeMan137 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to gt not live where where it's a new era friends uh i got a break i had a little bit of time off uh which was really nice but now i'm back on the couch with not stephanie who needs her anymore instead i've replaced her with various stuffed animals of alternating sizes because what says grown man talking about video games on youtube quite like him hanging out with a stuffed animal that is literally twice his size isn't that right gigachu that's right matthew isn't that right baby chew absolutely i swear i haven't lost my mind uh but on the plus side i don't just have to talk to inanimate objects i also have chris which is a tear above an inanimate object hello hey chris chris is still hanging out i could never laugh but you haven't where if you've been hiding this whole time you're moving pun of my moving pod i guess i guess i blew that one you didn't have a moving pod did you no you mean those pods that move with like with your stuff yeah no just like the on-the-go storage units oh yeah absolutely yeah i get that okay i thought you were just hiding in like the crevices of the house what i do now oh oh okay yeah that's that's fine then i enjoy a good crevice that's true we have a lot of crevices that you can choose from too the this new house that we got is actually really exciting because there's a lot of secret doorways into spaces in between the walls where all sorts of creatures or humans can hide so i'm glad you're enjoying your space if you know if you want a change of scene ali has a couple in his room too so you can just take your tour of the various uh wall spaces around our house i haven't watched him sleep yet so that'll yeah make sure make sure you take time in every room to get the the full slate of the land that'd be great thanks uh hey so uh since stephanie's not on the couch really anymore that leaves me time to do whatever i want with every single one of these live streams which aren't actually live eventually i'm hoping to to get an editor in here who can help spice things up but haven't had time to look for that person and that's a hard job to fill and all our existing editors work all the time on game theory film theory and food theory go figure they take a long time to make and a lot of people uh so you just stuck with me unedited at least for today um and one of the things that i wanted to talk about in my newly unshackled state on gt not live is uh five nights at freddy's what as if we didn't do that before uh but now i can actually talk about it in you know without without stephanie's snarky comments beside me the entire time being like where i haven't had freddie no this is just expert mode now this is five nights at freddy's 301 to 401 if if college credit was being given out for five nights at freddy's talk this would be an example of one of those courses um so while i was taking my little break uh i saw that doco and you guys let me know that uh daco was doing a charity stream which he does every once in a while uh which is amazing he does he tends to do 24-hour charity streams uh for a while he was doing it for st jude now he uh this one was for the world wildlife fund uh so congratulations to him on hitting his donation goal that was incredible uh as someone who has uh arranged a couple of charity live streams in the past i recognize how hard it is to do those just long streams uh uninterrupted and so uh you know for us we've done like eight ten hours to do 24 hours straight holy cow uh so daco well done to you uh but one thing that happened during his charity stream is scott donated as he tends to do as a part of these but some some fun little easter egg happened uh throughout that stream where uh the steel wool team coupled with scott and stuff were dropping in new teaser images of security breach as his stream went on uh and so i've gotten a lot of requests from you guys over on the game theater subreddit and on twitter at matpat gt just tweet directly at me um to actually look at these analyze them talk about them i haven't gotten a chance to look at them so this is all live reaction right here uh i literally just got back from my little break that i took to clear my head and i figured this is pressing we want to do this right now so let's get into it what better way to start off this new era of gt not live than talking some fnaf and looking at images very closely it's not like we played games on here anyway so uh here we go i believe there were 19 images i haven't all pulled up here we've got one oh 20 images tawani you counted them yeah nice okay that's very exciting uh thank you for counting them chris uh so let's i'm just i have them in no particular order i'm sure i'm assuming if i know scott and everything connected to fnaf that i'm sure like the basic ones were revealed early in the stream and probably like the most exciting one was revealed at the end don't know what order they came in we're just gonna look at these flat out and see if there's anything new that we can learn about this new game outside of kind of the trailer reaction that we did the other day so this first one is atrium atrium wallpaper here and i'm gonna do my best to uh zoom in when i when i want to look around so this looks to be the main hub area of the game uh maybe not main hub area because if it was the main hub area it would be that big room with all the statues that you see in the trailer and all the kind of like offshoots for the animatronics so maybe this is just the massive dining room which is pretty cool um right off the bat here and this is kind of how things work when i'm doing theories so this is kind of like a peek behind the scenes as i just look at stuff right uh so immediately right off the bat this catches my attention uh the bonnie bowl um because bonnie as far as we've known up to this point is not in this game right uh this is i believe the first indication that we have that bonnie exists because so far in all the teasers trailers talk about this game it's been the the mega pizza plex and it's been monty the gator glam rock freddy chica and then roxanne wolff and so the idea that bonnie is actually here is pretty exciting and it makes me wonder what the role is gonna be here uh it's also interesting because so far we've seen stuff like monty's gator golf we've seen stuff like uh roxanne's race course we haven't seen as far as i know anything having to do with a bowling alley so i don't know if this is just going to be a reference to bonnie and just like hey bonnie exists in this world too or if this is another mini-game that we are going to get to play or another section of the mall that we are going to get to experience um that we just haven't seen yet the fact that we haven't seen it yet uh makes me think that it might be one of the final areas where the reveal of bonnie like if it is explorable in the game i would almost expect it to be a final thing because you reveal the stuff in the trailers that doesn't spoil things you know that's that's kind of like interesting gameplay or interesting new locations this to me the fact that we haven't seen it means it's either just an easter egg or it's going to be one of those things that's saved to the very end of the game which would be pretty cool um one of the things that scott does is really well is makeup and and what the teams do at this point because it's not just scots this would be the steel bowl team uh make up funny you know sodas and chip brands and things although i can't make out what this one is god god aronie god rony the pepperoni treats the pepperoni treats uh pepperoni soda yeah i don't usually it's you know the the soda names the food names have puns or things i don't know what this is i can't really make it out it does seem like god rhony got roni uh would you drink a pepperoni beverage chris you know i probably would just just out of curiosity right why not you know we've we've done our fair share of nasty food challenges on on this show i've tasted and smelled many a bad thing right good bad other uh so yeah i'd be curious you know pepperoni i i could think of worse things to drink and who knows maybe it's like we're talking a syrup a sauce an extract oh an extract pepperoni extract you put it on your bread so you feel like you're eating pizza it reminds me of the food theory episode that we did on uh the lickable screens where they synthetically reproduce flavors a lickable pepperoni oh man i forgot about that's a good episode that's a good episode did you watch that one no i didn't think so you're just lying to me thank you thank you i wanted to be supportive no that was good always say yes but i also knew that you didn't want unless i'm hiring you to be here i don't think you're watching a lot of our videos no offense it's totally fine i watch at least one off of every channel a month really oh that's nice thank you what was the last one that you watched putting chris in the hot seat now no it was a game theory it had to do with something or another wow it was mario it was mario related theory okay great i recommend the crow 64 one i think you would get a kick out of it that was a fun thumbnail it was fun great thanks thanks chris thanks for your support uh what else do we got here we've got roxy waist raceway which we've seen before in other uh teasers and trailers so you know this does seem to be like it might not be the main hub but it does seem to be like a sub hub or you know an area where you can kind of take photos in front of the various uh attractions which is kind of cool the glam rock was that beauty salon glam rock beauty salon okay so steph and i talked about this in the trailer reactions where it seems like this might be one of those things where uh you you get a makeover in the style of the characters similar to in disneyland you get the princess makeover the bibbidi-bobbidi boutique so this is going to give you a gnarly 80s hairstyle which i i love that i think that's a great little touch um and honestly like if this were a place like in real life i would absolutely i would love this place honestly i to this day i love any of those kind of cheesy restaurants with a bunch of arcade games and you know little attractions everywhere um in ohio there's scene 75 uh you know which does kind of the same thing where you have your golf cart oh wait here is this bowling right down there that does that look like the bowling to me because that looks like where the balls kind of like roll up or kind of the eye it almost looks like alleys or something is that just me i can see what you're talking about but it's such a i can't right it's so it's it's such a small piece and it's so blurry it could easily be like the top of a trash can too it could it could literally be any of those things but like it looks like the speakers there that you sometimes have at bowling alleys and things like that and it kind of looks you know the the checkered line maybe is where you start bull no it won't make a lot of sense body bowl i so i guess the big takeaway of this one is hey bonnie is at least present in some capacity in this game which is cool uh let's see this is chica green room okay so that kind of confirms what we were guessing earlier we initially thought that this would be places for character meet and greets and it seems like that's the case so before they go on stage you can hang out with them in the green room which for anyone who's not a theater person that's the place where actors or performers get ready or hang out before a show um and so this seems to be like chicas you know get ready beauty salon and probably used as a meet and greet at which point then when the animatronic is ready she exits through kind of like the the factory door here and presumably out into kind of a main stage area to meet up with the other animatronics which is cool um i think one thing that's interesting here is compared to everything else which has this kind of like 80s you know this very sleek stylized look to it you have what looks to be the classic cupcake here like fnaf one style cupcake as opposed to everything else which feels much more like modern or polished i say modern even though it's 80s themed but it feels different compared to like this cupcake so it's interesting to see that cupcake kind of peeking in through the shadows um which makes me wonder if there's any other easter eggs around or if that's actually going to be watching us throughout the whole thing fitness through food that's hashtag relatable right there nothing like nothing like pizza is part of your diet see chica's diet advice that's the diet advice i want to follow right there fitness through food do you know how many calories you burn when you eat a pizza and one and two and three yeah honestly there it is she i always knew i liked chica the best now i understand why chica gets it man chica gets me in a way that none of these other animatronics do um also i feel like this i don't know if it's a direct reference or not but this is such a like cindy lauper-esque pose and look with with the finger gloves and stuff from from her like early 80s also early madonna had that kind of when her career was back in the 80s too um is that also a chica down i guess it is for whatever reason that one doesn't look like it it's pixelated so that's part of the problem but that one doesn't look as cheeky to me as some of the other ones it almost looks ballora-esque but i doubt that balor is making an appearance here uh okay so that's chica's room i also appreciate that she likes ice cream ice cream and pizza man girl after my own heart chica definitely definitely stan chico right now all right oh this is see this is the station i'm all about right here the uh drink station i'm glad that uh steel wool felt it uh important enough to show us the drink refill station which again where i'd be hanging out a bunch if i was at this place also important to note they've got the black and red of coke zero so we we could this is definitely approved this is a matpat approved place it's my what third favorite diet beverage based on the recent food theory that we did um it all so that's awesome um i will say it looks like they're reprising some of the joke cola logos from fnaf vr so in fnfvr when you completed minigames you unlocked presents that were surprises from little animatronic characters to chips and beverages that had funny made up names and if i recall correctly some of these purple and like gradient logos look similar to some of the sodas that you unlocked in that game so they are connected which is cool um this is the wet floor is kind of funny this guy is totally a wally ripoff right like the the scrub the scrubber guy from wally who was in already one of my probably my favorite pixar movie like one of my favorite characters in that pixar movie because he's so funny oh that whole movie is just nonstop cuteness it's it's amazing i i to this day i cry no less than three times every time i watch wall-e cry i cry out of happiness it's it's a movie that like says so little and is like so emotionally evocative for me i don't know just wall-e's love of eva man wall-e is a great and the movie opens with the barbara streisand movie version of hello dolly of not even the song hello dolly no the whatever going out on the town song yeah which to me is a better song oh it's absolutely the best like it is if the second or number one best song of that show and and it's again like his connection it hits the musical theater nerd in me it hits oh god while he's so good just thinking about wally's getting me all choked up it is it's three times it's uh when he holds eva's like when he's shy and holds eva's hand it's when he's sadly watching the uh when he's sadly watching hello dolly and it's when they do their little space dance with when he's got the little fire extinguisher i totally forgot about the space dance that scene is beautiful it's so gorgeous it's so like like up makes me cry like a baby in the first 15 minutes like because it's just it's just a gut punch and you just ugly cry at the beginning of that one uh but wally has the most like warm fuzzy cries of them all anyway i have a deep connection with wally so already i'm getting choked up uh it looks like i and i i don't know if this will be a gameplay mechanic or if this is just another character it is interesting to see that this looks to be a rock star freddy falling on the wet floor and uh as the toys have indicated it seems like you can hi like you're playing as the little boy and he's able to hide in rockstar freddy's chest uh you know for protection or whatever or to operate in some evil mix suit um and so i wonder if the way to kind of like i wonder if wet floor would actually be a gameplay mechanic or uh oh freddy fell and you got bumped out of it and all of a sudden the killer is chasing after you um anything else interesting in this one not too too much okay i like the the cactus theme feels real random uh but you know it's it's one of those like party places so they just take whatever stuff that they can find and throw it at at a wall and see what sticks it is weird the whole thing seems to have kind of a like cactus or desert theme over here i don't know i don't know who would be associated with that either yeah i would maybe i would maybe think a joke on the drink station bit but like it's an oasis but that doesn't make sense with the tables that much right yeah i'm kind of can oh and the these look like they're uh air hockey they yeah these aren't eating tables so much as it is like air hockey um right you're right it definitely looks like air and then these are there's your kind of like bar stools and stuff yeah it seems like an entryway into an arcade area or something but uh yeah i don't know the desert thing seems weird and it seems disconnected from everything else we've seen so far uh actually that's you know speaking of the desert theme even these flags uh if you think to the opening of coco um where they're doing dila dia de los muertos um do you think it's a a whole mexican themed restaurant freddy fazbear at least this part of it seems like it might be because these seem like pinatas these seem like the uh paper cutouts that they use as decorations during dilla de los muertos the uh cacti all seem to reinforce kind of uh you know the like mexican or kind of that that theme down there um a lot like coco if you're familiar with that movie uh so that's really interesting and it seems very disconnected from kind of what's come before so it's just an interesting new kind of design aesthetic for something that we've seen a lot of other areas and so that's just kind of an interesting one off this is yeah the laser tag maze which man i i love laser tag i haven't played it in over a decade but man i think the last time i played laser tag was actually uh our bachelor uh my bachelor party before i got married to steph that is a great bachelor it was amazing i told you i'm a fan of these sorts of places and so for my bachelor party we did laser tag mini golf and um we got like wings beforehand and stuff but like it was and then ice cream cake was the big like dessert had yourself a whole little birthday party yeah like it was me and all my adult buddies doing uh 10 year old activities and it was the best it was amazing uh super super fun uh highly recommend and when the world reopens if anyone wants to play laser tag with me let me know because i will be right there nothing too much to say here i'm assuming this is going to be a big chase maze sequence uh you know probably try to get up here to see where the animatronics are chasing you i wouldn't be surprised if this was also maybe a grand finale thing because it seems like it's going to force you to know all the mechanics of the game and sneak your way around and things like that but uh it basically makes me think of that halloween finance vr thing where you're running away from one of the five grim i believe i believe he was grim foxy so you know obviously grim reaper uh firefoxy you know no it totally does i think that this is just kind of like a different version of that uh hopefully it's a little less confusing than that one because that was really hard it would also be funny if they just took that exact because it still would did both games right so it'd be funny if they just took that exact map and just plopped it down just wholesale like well that chunk of the game's done move on to the you know move on to the race course i guess uh let's see uh this looks like just where people are are paying or you know a checkout area any interesting details again like in theory mode i'd be like i wonder if there are any numbers here any any words or secret stuff but it doesn't seem like it's high enough quality of an image to see what those are uh you know the main guys again monty yeah it's just kind of everyone we expect uh anything back there in the printer nothing nothing too exciting and that's not like a on one hand i'm like oh is it a security booth but it doesn't really look like it just looks like your checkout area so that's fine uh what do we got here so this is freddy's green room oh wait the name of it would say the custom the counter yeah counter easy um interesting so here what do we got okay so you can already see into the back room so again like as the trailer showed there's going to be a mix of like in the main public space with all the games and toys and eateries and this and that and then it seems like you're going to dip back into the backstage area a decent bit too to kind of maneuver around probably access the inner workings the dark secrets uh behind this uh pizzeria restaurant and so it seems like maybe the green rooms are one way to kind of access back there which is cool and you can kind of sneak a peek back there um this is really strange to me i don't know if this is intentional or not but is it is it just me or does this feel like it is designed for him to be like lifting off his head it totally looks like doesn't it like the balloon they're a bunch of balloons but the balloons form an arm that's lifting up the head the arm here looks like it's lifting off the head it's it's a weird if that's a coincidence that is a weird coincidence i i wouldn't be surprised if this was intentional um maybe as an allusion to the idea that hey in this game you are putting on the suit or you are inside of glam rock freddy you know something that we've been kind of hypothesizing that the toys have been uh leading us towards believing but maybe this weird balloon layout is also kind of pointing us in that direction uh got your stage lights like we have here you know typical stage lights to light up the area i made the guess earlier that there was a gold in freddy but it looks like that's just how they've recreated him and neon is you know yellow or maybe it's just you know how how brown looks and neon with the purple so maybe no appearance of golden freddy but like a nice allusion to him or kind of like a nice nod to other parts of the franchise oh that's interesting so these back here look to be examples of some of the original illustrations so obviously you have like oh here's our glamour photos and this and that you know from this new era of fazbear animatronic but it seems like freddy for his fans or whatever has kept some of his fan art from the originals like even these two in particular strike me as ones that i've seen before you know freddie with the music notes and stuff maybe from fnaf one or two uh but it is interesting that kids are making these drawings i don't know if they're the same from before but it would indicate some level of continuity of these animatronics to where they are now so that's a cool little detail if nothing else uh similar to kind of the chica thing here's more bowling references so again like we haven't seen any sort of mentions of bowling or anything up to this point and so the fact that these teaser images that were dropped during deco stream keep referencing bowling makes me think that there is going to be a bowling mechanic in here which hey i know a lot of people like fishing in their video games i will take bowling any day of the week we bowling absolutely bring i am all for it uh i also you know seeing these arcade games it makes me wonder how many are actually going to be playable i would be surprised if there weren't at least one arcade game playable uh because you know this whole series is built on like 8-bit mini-games and this and that uh and games riffing on other games and stuff so i'm hopeful that at least one of these kind of arcade games that we see around this whole world are playable and you know hold some sort of deep lore secret or something gator golf uh what do we got here so we got the monty's room we knew gator golf was gonna be a thing based on the trailer uh it looks like it also has some rides attached to it this to me looks like one of those octopus rides uh that go up and down at the amusement park so you sit in it you probably free spin and it kind of like goes up and down uh which is cool i like that uh i don't know if you'd be able to ride it or if the game will have you riding it but that would be pretty awesome if you could um i was always a big fan of the octopus rides anything else nothing nothing too much here look you know monty's monty's outline in the in the carpet i like that this is riffing on the classic gator golf um the game that you had as a kid i never had gator golf chris did you ever play gator golf as a kid i did not i i've never i didn't do any golf that wasn't physical mini golf yeah right no i mean either but i know like there gator golf wasn't it one where like he would just go around and you had to like knock it into his mouth and they would chase after you or something wasn't that gator golf i mean that makes me think of hungry hungry hippo but maybe i'm mixing them up there was also mr bucket who would chase you around if you didn't put your balls in his mouth so maybe they were all just iterations of gator mouth or gator golf yeah they're all they're all maybe i'm thinking of the gator dentist game because there was also the gator dentist game no where you had to pull the teeth of the gator or push the teeth of the gator and if you push the wrong tooth he would like chomp down on you like crying crocodile or whatever yeah absolutely i'm gonna do what you did earlier in the stream and say yes absolutely that was a great episode crying crocodile that's the one uh let's party uh not only is that classic 80s this reminds me a lot of the earliest of early game theory references which is to um matpat's final thought uh so look that one up in the early episodes if you're not familiar with that uh freddy fazbear's uh mega pizza plex uh if i had photoshop pulled up right now i tried to brighten this to see if there was anything on the edges i wouldn't be surprised if this one had edge things and play around with exposure and things like that but since i don't have that we're just reacting yep this is a cool logo very exciting interesting new cast of characters uh again though the absence of bonnie is really interesting especially when you consider that bonnie is a part of this crew in the bowling form so he got kicked out of the band or something wanted to do his own solo act or something who knows um this is a cool entryway it looks like into i would assume oh this so this looks like it's either maybe the final mini golf hole because you see how it's kind of lower it has the guide rails so this might be the end of monty's gator golf into bat back into kind of the main complex area um and welcoming you back into the area with all the also chilling for the merch man scott knows what's up it's all about merch sales you know that's that's that's where you go man so that's why every game needs at least 20 new animatronics because those are that's funko pop right there man get yourself as many funko pops as you can um yep cool the the space theme of freddy still strikes me as interesting uh because it's a it's a fun reference to freddie in space but again spaces so we have this weird like desert cactus theme that we haven't really seen in a lot of places and we see freddy keep referencing space there is like bubble helmet but we've never seen like space represented here either so those are pretty interesting um man this would be the as a kid can you imagine going to this mini golf course and just like this is awesome any of these pictures so far i'm like i wish chuck e cheese looked like this right right instead of like a well-lit gross very dirty sticky sticky mess of a place that it is like i look at this and i'd be like i would be here every day this is awesome this is so cool it's it's like it's all your like childhood fantasies on steroids it's amazing uh this also reminds me of a mitochondria which is the powerhouse of the cell uh it is it is not i'm assuming it's it's a light fixture or something but man that layout with the you know back and forth reminds me a lot of mitochondria a lot of energy making materials here uh the design of this is interesting it makes me kind of look like a stomach which is weird because here is monty and i'm assuming maybe you can go into his mouth but see the ribs right like this looks like ribs to me the fact that there's a fish bone in here makes me think like are we in his inner like the red kind of slimy texture makes me think of his innards um so that's unusual uh it's a cool aesthetic so it's this weird mix of like we're in a jungle area with monty alligator but we're also inside of him uh by the end uh which is kind of cool we've got uh chica's also golfing which good for her oh it's a par four so that's a that's a pretty mighty mini golf whole par system i do wonder if again like if you are able to play mini golf which it seems like you should be able to there's been so much attention put into this it would be weird for them not to let you play the game but it seems like there will be a mechanic maybe of getting in under par that they've taken into account that detail um these are weird whether they're benches to hang out on or like oh no they're bumpers for their obstacles for your ball oh that's it they are they're bumpers for your ball and i presumably have to get it into the hole up here or something good one that's right cool awesome super cool the monty waterfall that's fun oh from inside his mouth but this is a he's not throwing up if we're inside his mouth well that's weird so wait is that is that the same angle so he's looking at the 14th hole i guess he could be maybe no because there's a wall here huh so it looks like we're looking through monty's mouth in a different way do you see what i'm talking about chris well yeah this is definitely like a fixture yeah this is a fixture and you're right this is a wall in front of him maybe either it's another part of the course that you that you can also go into yeah or maybe it's like supposed to be like a kid's perspective from his mouth right well that's what i was wondering right so clearly it looks like you'd be looking through his mouth here but it's the the geography doesn't line up so this is either a diff well huh it's interesting this to me looks like it's a kid's head right because because think about it if this is my field of view this isn't me unless this is just a random camera placement which it could very well be but from a perspective if this is truly first person perspective this is me maybe as gregory the kid or whatever inside of monty looking out because it's size-wise that seems to fit which maybe there's a world where now the sudden you're you're actually able to get into multiple of the animatronics or use multiple of the animatronics to help you rather than just freddy which kind of went to what we were talking about during the trailer reaction which was hey do you have to win over or unlock the ability to use the various animatronics to get to new sections of the world um because this doesn't look like oh i'm walking up into this like a normal part of the course although there's an entryway here so if this was like a tongue slide or something i guess that would lead up to where i'm standing so i can see that going either way cool cool hole going through there um monty's golf nothing too much else it doesn't seem like here uh oh here's here's monty's green room which is indeed a green room uh definitely the harder rock guy montgomery gator it is interesting that unlike unlike the other green rooms monty's is it's either that he's like harder rock or maybe he's the angry animatron again like there's been hypothesis about like is montgomery gator one of the villains of this game uh because he is a newcomer there is another voice in the trailer you know the fact that you know one of his lights is out his his neon sign isn't on and it's broken off the wall you have all this cracking and stuff it does make it seem like he's you know evil either the evil one or an angry one or was the neglected one of the group or something and so he went rogue maybe compared to some of the other guys uh because it is unusual that his section is so beat up relative to everyone else's even his chair here flipped over and stuff so it seems like maybe he's stormed off or you know made a mess of his room or something uh so again kind of reinforcing this idea of you know he's the bad boy of the bunch or you know maybe the villain of the bunch and then here and see yeah compare it with roxanne wolf's you know everything's functioning everything all the lights are on like it's very pretty um you know she's the mechanic of the group which kind of reinforces that whole speedway that we see in the trailer she's rocking the keytar which is the most 80s instrument of all time which we've gotta love looks like we might be able to unlock some trophies from doing her raceway uh and that's interesting i do wonder if if they are playing this idea of you need to do you need to do things to unlock the animatronics or earn their loyalty i wonder if that's a component of it like hey you need to beat my minigame in order to befriend me or use my abilities or whatever uh that would be pretty cool uh and here we've got ourselves huh this is an interesting foxy reference so this is this isn't roxanne this is f actually foxy here on the side it looks like what maybe a fnaf 2 fox like his muzzle looks kind of ripped apart or exposed here a bit um and it looks like they're riding on some sort of go-kart or something like it looks like they're on a cart ride and so maybe this is a some sort of like state rail shooter as a game and you're kind of like being led along a course and you have to shoot or attack evil rampaging foxy or something so it that seems to me to indicate right here already this seems to indicate that some of this is going to be playable like i don't think you designed this and not make that playable that would be my guess there huh and it's and again it's exciting because just like i brought up with bonnie earlier this is our first indication that foxy is also present here even though he's been replaced in the band by roxanne wolfe so it seems like we're going to be getting both these new guys and at least some passing references to the old guys as well so i'm curious how those are going to play off each other uh this seems to be the entryway to roxanne's race course so we've got ourselves you know her and her racing attire the trophies that presumably we can win got some atms so maybe we can take out some money take some fazz bucks on the road fill our pockets with those fat fast bucks make it rain the fast dollars it's true though so if there was that counter earlier right uh the cashier counter so maybe there is some element of earning money in order to pay for things or unlock things i could see that win some plushies yeah win pl oh of course you got it's not a fnaf game if you're not winning plushies and booping noses there's only two things that matter in a fnaf game plushies and pooping noses everything else throw it away don't need it they don't even need to be animals at this point whatever as long as i can boop a nose slap a five nights at freddy's logo on it we're golden throw a fan in the background right that's my biggest complaint with this game i have not seen a fan yet get out of here steel wool where is the fan we all know that that is the best character in these games uh huh so this is interesting so it looks like this is the entryway to the racecourse right so you can see we're in kind of like the garage like maybe a starting garage or something but we're presented with this screen so i wonder is this a real race track or is this all like augmented reality uh vr style uh the similar to the mario kart ride that they're currently working on at universal studios um in uh the super mario land in japan where it's like an augmented reality game where you're in a go-kart but you're able to like launch attacks at other people through ar which is this crazy thing and right have you heard about this no it's it's amazing so you get in a go-kart like you do in mario kart but to simulate the idea of like being able to like throw banana peels and shells and stuff there's an ar component to it where you hit item boxes you get items and apparently i haven't seen it in action i don't and i was hoping that they would show up but they haven't showed it yet at least to my knowledge where you can like in this ar screen that's in front of you launch a shell at the cart in front of you and make them i'm assuming again spin out and race each other i think i think which is amazing right isn't that amazing it's like the best use of ar i have heard of so far oh 100 absolutely most ar is frightening that's great right yeah make me play mario kart in real life absolutely uh so i don't know maybe this is some element of it because this seems kind of like so is it really and physical or is it it's just odd like i would assume the car would be there and then you hop in and take off uh but anyway so that's the raceway fun you also have another little like tron like bike ride over here uh let's see zoom out a little bit more there we go uh okay here we go so here's the the glam rock beauty salon like we talked about the the princess area uh where okay atm again so it does seem like atm is you know earning money extracting money it could just be there for set decoration and realism but i feel like you wouldn't have that many atms in it if it wasn't a gameplay mechanic like you want an atm in each of these like main locations to unlock the level or pay for a turn or buy something at the counter or something so it seems like money actually might be a component here or maybe it's like tickets some equivalent oh and we saw the tickets actually in the trailer uh on the little faz watch that he shows uh so maybe the atm and these tickets are kind of functional as the same like faz currency um something top crop this is a big makeup brush i'm not sure what that you know do makeup like chica presumably or roxanne wolfe oh here's oh and here we go here's more of that desert landscape it's kind of like car this is actually similar to cars land at a disneyland uh at california adventure uh where they you go through the world of cars this is almost identical to it with you go to the pit stop area and you see the big rock faces um it's i love cars land and this is exactly it uh almost beat for beat from the the red rocks to you know the the gas station attendant things like that so so this is where we get our kind of like desert you know uh mexican or like new mexican actually uh area represented a different angle i guess weird i wonder they chose two angles i like that the trash can is just freddy's mouth which again implies he's eating things or like you're maybe able to go in um it looks like maybe you can get the haircuts of the different animatronics so like the the monty mohawk things like that what else are why are they trying to show me with this one or just a different angle right you don't show two angles of the same thing unless there's something specific to it but maybe maybe there isn't anything to adjust like hey i mean this is a great view of it don't get me wrong the famous glam rock beauty salon yeah oh hey this is different oh wow okay so this is salon one and two so this is sewer huh oh wow interesting okay so this is where the game gets dark now huh so again this would be one that i'd want to change the exposure or brightness of um that's interesting so it seems like this is either maybe later in the game or there are just multiple copies of the animatronics that get scrapped um that's really interesting i have at least two of them right there oh is there a second who's the second one well there's like a fuzzy blob right over like right next to chica oh okay just over her knee that like dark oh yeah uh-huh is like has a fuzzy texture that's interesting right yeah so this seems to be like a disposal area maybe if you get caught maybe if they misbehave it's also worth noting that uh the missing beak here uh feels very reminiscent enough enough too uh you know fnaf2 the toy animatronics huh that's interesting just made a connection in my head uh f2 the toy animatronics right uh one of the big things why is toy chica missing her beak um the idea that you know this is either a reference to that moment or like the idea that it just connected in my head the the toy animatronics in fnaf 2 lore are disposed of right they they are they are scrapped gotten rid of and the fnaf 1 animatronics are kind of passed along to the next restaurant um and so the toy animatronics are just kind of this persistent thing that never really get a conclusion they're just kind of like oh that's the end of the game and we're done with them i wonder i wonder because the texture of the fnaf ii animatronics are similar or is similar to kind of it's that hard body polished exterior that these guys seem to have i and again this is me just kind of talking in real time as i look at this but i see this missing beak i see the the kind of like cracked damage on this animatronic as if it's a hard glossy exterior and it immediately makes me think is this like a repurposed chica or is this the fnaf2 toy animatronic suddenly with new skin um which would be really interesting and would carry over something that was in the lore but has kind of been like washed away every kind we're like all right that they were fun while they lasted but they kind of went away um that's interesting if this is somehow connected to the fnaf 2 toy animatronics that's a very interesting connection um and i could totally see him doing it because so let's see toy chica uh toy chica had how many toes i don't remember that's hard uh maybe three i forget i'd have to look it up that's a tough one but i'd wanna look at how she was constructed to see if there was any similarities here um that's fascinating but her head looks about the same size the missing beak looks about the same so presumably we're going to explore the sewers and see what happens to the animatronics when they're no longer needed there's a logo super cool uh again it's very very interesting that we have yet to see freddy um in all of these teaser images and all the trailer images we still don't see freddy um outside of you know branding for him but we've never actually seen him physically in this world so that's pretty intriguing uh which again implies that maybe he's on our side or his role is different from what we expect or would expect this is more sewer stuff again a lot of maze it seems like a lot of mazes in this game we saw in the trailer that monty is able to break through kind of like uh locked fences so maybe you need monty to kind of break through there as evidenced by the green um again this is one that i i want the like sliders uh okay so this is chica's er so okay we're seeing the space theme now because there's the rocket so maybe this oh and there's fazbear so maybe this is into freddy's section of the park that we haven't seen so much chica of the sea chica the sea yeah obviously uh good good reference to the tuna brand there uh and here's our moon face guy moon drop sleepy time candy huh that's scary right hey hey kid here you go here's some nyquil knock down sleepy time can yeah oh a sleepy time that's concerning in a lot of ways um that's really interesting so so presumably that's our moon faced mascot there um what does that mean who would you that's weird so he would be so if he has candy that puts you to sleep maybe maybe these are the nightmare animatronics uh no maybe that's just how he incorporates into this is he is just a mascot for a candy brand in this world and then the sunshine guy is like the opposing candy brand or like the wake up time this sleepy time candy this makes me think of a gameplay mechanic in some way like are you giving it to the animatronics are you giving oh maybe maybe you can make uh vani fall asleep or kind of like you know to to get her off your trail for a little bit or buy you some time or something uh this also kind of reinforces the idea of you know the moon versus the sun and changing the clock hours similar to like a majora's mask or something where the time is progressing in real time and you have to you know manage the day night cycle in some capacity that's really intriguing um but it does give us it starts to give us an inclination of what the moon faced animatronic that we've been seeing walking around what he might do uh i have no idea what that is but that seems interesting okay and then what else do we got whoops yeah i know i know i need to scroll so oh and that's our last one i think yes west arcade okay so that is the last one so takeaways bonnie's in it that's exciting uh lots of fnaf one references which is exciting um maybe a new life or like a second coming of the toy animatronics which would be really cool uh i'd be very excited about that uh to kind of connect the dots to where they are now uh because i could absolutely see that being important um and monty you know more evidence that monty is he's and to me he's the biggest question mark uh is he good is he evil i don't know uh this this view from inside his mouth seems to indicate like maybe he's a good guy that we can ride in him but then seeing his green room all messed up and broken makes me think that he's you know a villain that we have to kind of watch out for so who knows there's there's still a lot of unanswered questions here but the more that we see i mean this is this seems like it's a huge game and i know scott's reference like how delayed it's been and this and that because steel wool has made it such a big game and so i'm curious like right now there's no less than four or five pretty substantial seeming mini games in here maybe now there's bowling there's laser tag there's races there's these haircut things there's gator golf like there's just a lot in this um and the amount that isn't isn't playable i'm very curious about uh but it seems like this is both forward facing into the future of the franchise as well as you have some references back to some earlier days so it is continuing this continuity of story that we have which is really cool uh as far as when it comes out no clue not in the slightest uh i thought it was gonna be in march to be honest i thought like oh if they missed their december you know like halloweeny period or end of year period march you know that's that seems like a good time for a fnaf game usually a couple months into the year and they'll sneak one out at this point i don't even know maybe summer like that's the next big kind of window that things tend to drop so maybe june it's if this is a long one this has been a long time coming so it seems like it's gonna be a big game it's been had a lot of production time to make it a big game a lot of cool stuff happening so i'm you know i guess we just sit back and wait now uh and continue way over analyzing every scrap of information that we get about it so how'd i do what did i miss let me know down in the comments below what you think about this new game any details that you think do you think the toy animatronics are actually going to be making an appearance let me know and i'll be around and i'm going to be on the couch with giga chew and pikachu 2.0 and chris because chris is with me for a couple more days so thank you guys so much for watching and i'll see you in the next video in the meantime remember that wasn't a video but it was a video for you see ya [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 763,387
Rating: 4.9677043 out of 5
Keywords: five nights at freddy's, fnaf, reaction, fnaf trailer, fnaf trailer reaction, five nights at freddy's trailer, five nights at freddy's trailer reaction, fnaf 2021, fnaf 2021 trailer, fnaf security breach, five nights at freddy's security breach, fnaf security breach trailer reaction, fnaf security breach trailer, matpat fnaf trailer, matpat reacts to fnaf, new fnaf, new fnaf trailer, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, matpat, gtlive fnaf, game theory fnaf, dawko fnaf
Id: gfIxNJbxgas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 31sec (3151 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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