I'm IN THIS GAME?! (I Am Fish)

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guys a minigame yeah I'm in a game a game about a fish some of you guys know this game this game is cool I am fish and it was designed by a studio called Bossa studios who the end of last year made 3 prototype games there was iron fish pigeon simulator and trash bandits and I have an exciting announcement for you exclusive worldwide exclusive I have fish announcement and making it into a full game hey so our fish is gonna be a full game and apparently they have made me an exclusive level and I'm in the game somewhere sweets keep our our peepers peeled to see where we are oh never mind it's easy to find all right there oh that's cool I've got my own billboards in the game so if we go to the level select there's a brand new one so we're gonna do normal and we're gonna go to sunset swim we have done City Coast we did suburbia those are both in the two first videos I made then we did this as well but the brand new level is called sunset swim and is gonna be available as soon as this video goes live so if you seen this for your life I am fish now has a brand new level but we've got the worldwide exclusive of playing it first so oh wait oh here we are oh we've been enjoying a nice beverage out on the the sky patio hey hey buddy are you feeling okay at the back there nevermind we can't fix him so the problem is the controls for this game as you know are extremely difficult where do I need to go I need to flap my tail to get myself to the next checkpoint and the controls on purpose are made extremely difficult so that you can't get Gerald over here Jarrod's what I've named the fish for today so you can't get Gerald safely to the ocean think Finding Nemo but this guy yeah he's like Nemo but a budget version oh look that's the billboard I didn't even see it there it is there's scale in there wait how do I get in there where is it I want to go in oh there we go I found an extra scale for myself just in case I'll lose some in the tragedy that is my situation here as a fish I got it alright let's continue we need to look for these checkpoints cuz they're gonna guide us where to go I am slightly nervous though go over there there's no way there's no way I can get over there surely well looks like Gerald's sake in the jump go Gerald always made it be careful they'll get too dizzy oh no no no no where we going now Oh Oh flat this way are we okay this is like this is set in New York isn't it there's a trampoline down the bomb or hosnian pay attention Stover here Gerald don't get too crazy we don't want to see news reports of a fish falling from the sky and injuring itself on the New York streets come on Jerri we can play up now we're in the game we're actually in the game this is a world exclusive no pressure buddy no pressure no oh I got it yes although I think I've done it by accident let's go Gerald yes remember don't get too dizzy buddy hold up we are destroying this no wonder they gave us the exclusive we're killing the game Gerald's a bike completely by accident but we're killing it let's go another checkpoint in the bag where do I go next our trampoline time so last time you used a trampoline I didn't go too well but we're gonna try it this time we're just gonna quickly flop right down here here we go here we go in the moment of truth to the ocean let us go oh it's another one Oh what do I go next safe be landed in a dirty alley next to some trash cans just where I want to be man we this is like the fifth checkpoint that we've got I can see the sea I could see the sea look Jonah over there where that car is falling in that's the ocean look you can see it already you ready let's play it safe buddy this could be a perfect run we could have done the iron fish mode one life no checkpoints or what's down here just construction we're good I think we'd go round here oh this is gonna be tricky take your time buddy there's another scale over there but I don't know if I want to go and grab it I'm feeling a bit nervous about that would that be taking things too far we're going no anything no Gerald Jericho back to me buddy come back do CPR Oh Ruby's gone oh we've killed him this always makes me feel really sad the music but Gerald welcome back friend uh it was a good job we didn't do I on fish mode because we'd have to start all the way at the beginning let's embrace the happy music and let's try that again I'm gonna go for that scale though cuz I think I can get it just trying to get over here is no no no no no no he's doing all kinds of spins in there what you're doing so taking your own fate in throwing fins I'm in control here just just listen to me and I'll try and keep you safe oh this is a mean corner isn't it oh this is a mean corner a very mean corner yes yes no again the rock you can't even get into the pipes there's no hope he looks so happy but now he's passed away maybe we should leave the scale behind I feel like we could get it though I just need to go around that little corner and then we're good there's that little bit of wood that's poking out that's really mean keeps ending Gerald's life in a foul swoop I think the problem is I'm getting a little bit confident to be honest all right then let's take this carefully actually we're not even been able to go for the the scale yet because we can't get around this corner let's go let's go yes This Is It this is it we're going for the scale you know every time what are you doing I can't even see you there you are old buddy I'm sorry I'm really sorry again I called you three times now it has the sad music but then when you're popped into the game you almost forget about it because of the happy tunes I was getting too overconfident and now I'm just not doing very well ah I don't think there's any other way it's a go this is mean this block of wood is mean I think I could do the next bits I should I don't even know where the the checkpoint is oh it's there before the road I'm on fish in the big city it's your big vacation you're doing well there we go that's better oh that's much better turn round no you get a last little taste of water try to keep him alive it's all full up there Cheryl oh oh oh this might be it this might be the time yes gerald go forth go forth not too quickly though yes we've done it we have done it collectively as a team now don't mess it up so I don't feel like doing that bit again for Madame nervous there's gaps all over the place no no Jerald why would you do this so make me nervous Gerry will go too fast ah what what is happening I think we're okay I think we're okay Jared I think we're okay I did not expect that at all and I don't know okay whoa whoa whoa while I don't die no no if you could flop a little bit further you could get to the sewers buddy you can do it let's go come on there's life left in you yet always he's gone never mind I hope we hate the checkpoint I'm pretty sure we did did we oh we did okay sweet now we're gonna cross the road now my instinct is telling me to use the cross in because if you don't you just ask him for trouble right and in New York which I think this is based on sort of a but which I think this is based off of you can't cross the roads unless oh no wait you can't cross the road unless there's is a green man orange man why can't I remember this looks like even though I have no legs I'm gonna get done for jaywalking but I think I'm about it uh let's go this way the school bus is already crossed let's go come Jared the school bus is coming back for vengeance go guys faster your fins can take your buddy you've got this I think the ocean is oh that was close where is the ocean actually wait I thought this was the ocean this is not the ocean Oh No oh no I'm in trouble wait maybe this is San Francisco I'm confused oh no Gerald this better go okay Oh No Oh No the boxes are fine ah this is like it's like turbo dismount before the wall Gerald over here Oh No that was epic chair of this do again let's do that again okay I'm just going for this if we hit a car it's fine it's not fine but we could just restart it goes fast like at our launch Gerald into that fountain which i think is where he wants to be I don't know how we just survived that but we did know two cars later we're dead to be honest if you want to pick up speed in this little hamster ball fish ball even you've really got to go for it Go Go Go Go Go Go Gerald you've got this I need you to go as fast as possible to get down there this is your opening yes yes oh no he's going all sideways Gerald no no no no no no no no behavior it's like you don't want to be free here we go the moment of truth oh that's definitely the wrong way yes go go as fast as you can oh yes let's go wait this isn't the end well is that Gerald you want to go to the ocean I don't think you have a choice buddy um why can't you just live here coz there's too much trash great maybe if we go down this pipe at least you're free from the ball now the old ball and chain is gone that's going the pipe the sewers served us well last time let's go ah they lured me into a full sense of security about this level I was born at the beginning oh wait I don't have minds we can cut the fountain that's not what I wanted to happen right I need to find where the ocean is wait a week a checkpoint I'm kind of hoping we did but I'm I'm also low-key worried we didn't I think we need to get into the middle one let's even get to the middle fountain and then hopefully all drains lead to the ocean kid all drains leads to the ocean everyone knows that next one let's go let's hope this is the one I think there's five pipes in total yes that's I don't know if that was the right one I have no idea where we need to go excuse me guys I see you over there does anyone know where the ocean is I'm kind of in need of some help right here I'm seeing rocks I see ax I've got to get in something haven't I that must be the case right let's try every pipe let's see where we end up I'm pretty sure the oceans that way and that's where I'm gonna have to go maybe I wasn't even meant to go in the fountain maybe I wasn't supposed to do that maybe I was supposed to go somewhere else Oh a kind sir sir no don't don't go away from me I need your help I need your help help me can you see that scale in the backgrounds oh I see it I see at the top that's another like it's either a steam event or another fountain oh wait that definitely threw me Father I did not realize I hadn't been in that one Hey the trusty old water bucket let's do this okay we did this in the club we're fine we're a veteran at this just give me the old checkpoint and let's go perfect yeah okay I know I have to go this way I just need to be careful of passers-by because they don't give a flying fish see they don't care they don't care place your fishing needs just tip him over and kill him okay this is gonna be tough I'm gonna go this way because that's not where the mean lady is on a on a be careful be careful I choose me buddy pull your pants up pull up let's wait for clearance there is there's old pants a lot over there let's just go and follow him because then if I tip over I can get him wet you're kind of scared not gonna lie I think the check point I see the check point actually this is exactly like the club well we've got we've got old man kind of join together or I need to wait until this man goes hopefully there's not someone behind us oh they're so Vitus no can someone just tape this up for me no no it's we're going black no no no no wait wait oh no we're gonna sit me back up okay fine maybe this way let's go this way you know what because this thing is square it's so hard to control oh wait we can go this way I think I found a shortcut let's go Jared's yeah no one's going down here let's go okay someone is coming down here they just missed us this could be a blessing in disguise buddy yeah mom come on all you need to do is go forwards now just go for oh no granny's coming granny is coming oh don't hit me let's go yes Levin will be someone by me if there is someone behind me please just kick me to the checkpoint that'd be super nice of you let's go let's go are we good and we made it to the checkpoint oh thanks No okay we're good this is keep on going I'm not even looking at what's around me just keep going cause again guys go off your phones can you help me please guys I think we got the checkpoint though I think we're goods oh there's like a crosswalk here okay all right let's take our time here it's gonna be hard because we were this little dip in the road but if we go now we should be able to make it buddy me and you versus the world just watch out for this car and go go go I see the ocean right there says danger deep water on the top left look at it deep water that's what we want for most people that is dangerous but for us we call it home right what are we what we're gonna do now are there is a vent in the middle like a steam vent I know it I'm ignoring that I'm sorry I'm not going for the bonus scale oh no it's no no hey you swatted me last time it was your fault not mine I'm going are they following me with the off one of me Oh No get through get through go through your Oh Park this man's trying to report me to the police when he's the one who drank me out of context it sounds very strange but that's what happened that's the real story that's the tea right that does it I'm going this way this Punk wants to play games then we'll play the games okay I'm going for a straight run maybe I could hit the vent actually if I could hit the vent and be fired into the ocean that's a perfect ending okay car is come in there's time this properly here we go we kind of need to not be slide on here my man hey garbage truck let's go hit the vent hit the vent the vent does nothing on oh there's a car coming quick quick no no wait wait oh man if we can make to the ocean we can make it okay maybe not look at him flappy's tried so hard don't know there's two trucks Yahweh dead we're so dead eyes another truck don't move another inch let's go yes no no not you again not you again get to the other side oh oh that's so close okay we need to get through here oh I don't actually think we can so we're gonna have to run away from these guys the police and beard man is after us let's line it up real nice cuz we need to get through these yellow bits are we ready I think we're ready Jared that's gone don't even take notice of these punks just keep going Jared keep going you didn't do anything wrong go Jared go oh no no no he's gone sideways he's gone sideways this isn't it this isn't it no guess you made it Joe don't spin round Jared no that was so close if he flipped me the other way that have been perfect Jared would you have to spin around for ha it's your own fault oh oh by the beach no I mean getting the yes are you freaking kidding me bro did you see that did you see that I thought that run was over it turns out he launched me straight into the ocean baby let's go I know we're gonna land on the beach but Gerald we made it the game doesn't think we made it but we made it that was nuts let's see if we can get the game to count it this is gonna be perfect yes we're proud to announce the full version of iron fish is now in development and this prototype is available right now from the boss'll launchers if you want to go and check it out then you can go check it out right now it's a lot of fun as you can see see if you can completely legit and not the way that I did in the future as well boss the studios are going to be doing some more prototypes and it's a really cool way for them to find out which games kind of resonate with everyone I am fish seem to be a favorite of everyone including me and now it's a full game it's gonna be awesome but guys if you want to check out more I am fish then please click the link at the top description that would greatly appreciate it if you enjoyed this video leave a like and be greatly appreciated subscribe if you're brand new massive thank you to posture Studios for sending me this game early and giving us the exclusive I really hope you enjoyed it so if you give a quick old like that'd be perfect just to show your support for them and the video as well and I'll see you guys in the next one stay fishy guys what [Music] hostess bar swing wagon candles campus so far fulcrum band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 2,081,648
Rating: 4.9503479 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, yt:quality=high, i am fish, dantdm i am fish, game, funny game
Id: 3_VUkTurlx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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