i'm fixing boring base game builds in the sims

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I imagine that we are all very familiar with   this neighborhood and these  starter houes in The Sims 4. When I'm playtesting stuff  or looking at new items,   I make a sim, put them in one of  these houses and then just go. So I have played in them a lot. And  here's the thing: they're kind of boring. Maybe that's because I've used them so  much, maybe it's because they look a   little bit boring, but they're not exactly  the nicest homes in the game, obviously. And not because they're starters, and not because  they're base game, they're just kind of dark,   there's not really a lot of style  going on, they're all kind of lacking. And so I was thinking today we could try and   update what I'm calling this  boring base game starter home. I love this style of house, I think this  lot in particular kind of has potential. It's two bedrooms, I love the little  bay window they've got going on. There's not really a lot of yard though, like,   there's nothing going on in the  side yard and there is no backyard. And I'm serious, the most annoying thing  about this to me is how dark it is. This is a problem across all of the builds that EA  makes, but they keep using wall lights and lamps. I understand this kind of thing  happens in real life, like,   this bathroom in real life would probably have  a sconce like, above the mirror and that would   be it, but in real life, it wouldn't be so dark,  like, you actually can't see in this bathroom. This bedroom especially is terrible,  only having that one lamp sucks. And I guess maybe they're going for that  on purpose because it's a starter home. A lot of times in real life, houses and  apartments don't have ceiling lights,   but I hate that in real life too, so  why would I want that in The Sims? You just can't see, when he stands  in here, you actually can't see him. I mean, you can, but I'm being  really dramatic. It's not gonna   be nice for screenshots though, it's dark in here. That is really and truly my biggest  pet peeve about any EA build,   why did they not put a ceiling light in that  room? It makes no sense to me, it's 75 simoleons. You could use the same bad one that you put in  the other rooms, just put it in all of them! Anyway, I'm sorry, I need  to -- I need to calm down. So I moved a sim in here because I wanted to make  sure we kept the house at a reasonable budget,   we've got like, 6,700 simoleons left,  but I don't want to spend all of that. I might actually cheat his money down.  I think I'm gonna give myself like,   4,000 bucks to try and fix this house. I feel like we can make do with that and I guess  with that being said, we should try and start. Now I might try and follow EA's  restrictions a little bit here,   and by that I mean I don't think I'm  gonna use the move objects cheat. Oh my god, I never noticed that these  windows weren't on the same height. Oh, that   makes me so unbelievably upset, you have no idea. Why are they in different places? Ahh,  everything about the houses that they build   is so genuinely upsetting to me. I could sit here and whine  about EA builds all day,   trust me, I've done a lot of it on this  channel, I'm sure you probably knew. All right, I'm gonna start by  making the walls shorter though,   I don't love the medium wall height. I guess I should say it's not the  medium wall height that I don't like,   it's the medium wall height in small houses and  in budget houses because you have these like,   enormous walls, and doors and windows that don't  really fit, and also nothing on the walls, like,   there's no art or anything so it's just these  big expansive wall spaces and nothing on them. I prefer to use the short wall  height for houses like this. All right, I'm also gonna get rid of the  lights that they've got put in here because I   do not vibe with those at all. We lost a little  bit of money selling them because I've got a   sim living here so the house is depreciating in  value which might actually be okay, obviously it's   not ideal, but we are trying to keep this place  cheap, so it's not the worst thing in the world. Okay, I am gonna put an actual door  into this bedroom. It's always kind   of bugged me how it didn't have one,  and I'm also gonna make this flooring   be the same direction because that  has always made me so upset as well. Are you sensing a theme here is  that this build makes me upset. I feel like the other two houses in this  neighborhood are way cuter than this one,   they just have more style, you know? Like, with  the pretty green vibes, this one's kind of blue,   and then this one just has like, the default  roof color and then brown window trim. You know what, I might try and make this  whole place pink. Even if we didn't do like,   pink-pink, I think we could  definitely make it prettier. For some reason I kind of love that brown  trim with this roof so maybe I will keep that. I'm also gonna switch the door out, I kind of  want to use a bigger one. It's always bugged me   how these doors are a little bit short, I kind of  want it to be up to like, this height, you know? That's why I like this door so much, it's just  a little bit more substantial. Ah, I'm sorry,   this video is turning into like, a complete  complaining session, I didn't intend for that. Okay, one other thing, I think the  stairs -- oh, never mind. I thought   the stairs might have had an underside  and I was gonna delete it to save money,   but they don't have an underside,  so good work Sims team I guess. That is actually a pro tip though with  stairs, if you're trying to save money. When you put stairs, you see how it has  this like, whole under part of the wall?   The stairs just cost me 692 simoleons,  but if you delete that, I got 612 back. So especially in a place like this where  you can't even see the underside of it,   there's no point in paying for it, delete that. You know what, this bedroom is  enormous, I might make it smaller. I'm also gonna delete the  terrain paint so I can fix it,   but I don't think it would hurt to have  the house be a little tiny bit smaller,   and it would definitely save us  money so I think I might do that. Still won't get a backyard though.  There's definitely not enough space. Maybe I could try and scoot it over  to have a little bit of a side yard.   The fence may be a little bit of a stretch, but  wouldn't it be so nice if we had a little yard? The house looks so odd. There's just something  about the roof line that is bothering me.   I don't know what it is. Maybe I need it to have  like, some trim or something? Would that help? Like, a little bit of a line? You know  what, I think I like that better. Okay,   we definitely cannot afford to buy a  fence gate so I might just open it. I know that's weird, but I  might just leave it open. Also these windows are a different color  than the door, and I'm gonna ignore it. I know that might upset you and for  that I'm sorry, but I'm gonna ignore it. Oh, we have a guest. You know what, she's  here to yell at me over this. She's like,   Kayla, they don't match. You can't  do that. I'm gonna do it anyway. I also hate this porch, I might change  the wood that's on it. I'm sorry,   I'm trying to be less negative. I like the porch, but I think I could like  it better so I'm gonna change the wood. Are you gonna help me? Yes? Is that  why you're walking back and forth   across my desk? You can sit there, that's fine. Perhaps I paint the house yellow? I think   that's cute. Obviously the windows  have to move, they look terrible,   but maybe if we just put the three back there  honestly, it looks nice from the bedroom as well. We can keep those there. I might  just get myself an extra one in here,   and maybe also one more in the kitchen. We can't really afford a lot of wall decor,  like, we aren't gonna have a lot of like,   cabinets or art or anything so windows  are a good way to fill that in. We gotta fill that void somehow.  She's been so needy recently,   it's just the past few months, she comes  and sits here while I'm recording like,   almost every day, like, how often has she been  in the videos recently? It's kind of cute. Okay, is there perhaps a green  swatch of this -- no, there's not. I don't know why I even asked  that, I knew there wasn't. I love the blue, but I'm not sure if it's ugly   because I really want to like  it, I just don't know if I can. Okay, other couple things: I'm  gonna change that dining table,   I hate the yellow, always have. I think  I'll make it white. Hopefully we can do   a little bit of decor, like, I would  love to have a little plant on there. I also am not really vibing with the mint on  this, I hate to say it, but I might change that. Oh, how nice that the house  comes with a fire alarm.   I don't usually give my  Sims that, that is a luxury. I think I'll do a tile backsplash as well. Oh,   we actually saved money doing  that, oh, that's a good tip. Another tip: if you press F5,   you can place things on quarter tiles  instead of the half tiles like this. I'm gonna quarter tile back that  out a little bit from the wall   so there's a little bit more  space to walk around the table. I really want to get cabinets, but I feel  like I can't afford that, you know, like,   I think that might be a little bit pricey  for very little return, but it's so nice. It makes the kitchen look so much more full.  I also want a little rug underneath the sink. I don't know what color. It's  not good, this house is not good. Okay, I also want to move the couch around, I was  thinking about swapping it to be more like this? I wonder if we could size up a rug then.  You know what, that might be a pro tip. I did just say that I was gonna do  this with EA's restrictions and this is   not that, but you know what, that's  fine. That's 290, this is only 235,   and it's actually kind of cuter. Maybe  we could use that? And then if we got   like, this instead, we could put the TV on  it. Okay, I actually think that's better. I think that makes way more sense in here.  Can I try and put this little -- okay,   you cannot scoot it that close, but I really  want to put the trash can in the kitchen   instead of just being like, in the living room. I also would love to buy some more furniture  and change the walls, but I know that I   maybe need to tone it down a little  bit, so I'm going to try and be careful. I so badly want this, but it's  725 simoleon so we just can't.   Like, we absolutely cannot do  that. We could probably have a   simpler one? That's 400, but it's a nice  piece of furniture so it might be worth it. Okay, I'm gonna try and add in a couple extra  things into these other rooms. For example,   I really want a desk. I think that if  we had a desk and a computer -- eugh,   that's like, all the money. Oh no. Okay, okay,  no dresser. We do desk and computer instead. Oh, forget it, I'm gonna use move objects.  I'm sorry, I just -- what's the point in doing   this dumb EA restrictions thing?  Save that for a different video. I want to make sure that I can  actually place stuff back here. So none of these houses have trees I'm noticing.  This one's only 70 and it is a giant oak tree,   it totally blends in with the neighborhood  as well, like, there's loads of them around. I think I might use that in the  back, and I'm probably just gonna put   a couple of these little flowers  around kind of at the base there. How much was that? Oh, 20.  That's fine, that's fine. You know, you can do a lot with terrain paint so  I'm gonna try and do a little bit of that here.   I want to get a little patio space kind  of in the front of this little backyard. This is 45, but it's so nice.  Should I bother? I really want to.   I like, really want to. I feel like  that's the number one easiest way   to improve the look of spaces like this too  is to add in a little bit more landscaping. I really think that having a little bit more stuff  outside is gonna go a long way for this house. I'll put the trash can back there and honestly  we could just do nothing else in the side yard. I mean, I only have 300 simoleons  so I shouldn't anyway, but   we could just do nothing else back here. Oh, that's way too big. Oh,  no, no, no, no, no. Okay,   I want to put a little bit of terrain  paint, I think that's the way to go. It's free, it adds a lot, I mean, that's  why the original EA build just had a lot   of terrain paint in the backyard because  they couldn't really afford much furniture. They did have money left over, I  should clarify, they didn't like, spend   all of their money on the build,  but I think that was on purpose. Kind of like how I left a couple  thousand simoleons on purpose.   Their goal is to make houses that you  can actually play in, you know? Like,   when you start playing in this build, you've got  money so that you can decorate it a little bit,   you know, they don't want to spend all  of your money to make a starter home. That was expensive. Agh, but I want to use it  so bad. Okay, 200 simoleons, what can I do? I might get rid of this bookshelf  and I'll do a nightstand instead,   probably with a really cheap plant  on it because I can't do much else. Ah, we could probably put this like,  60 simoleon bookshelf over there. And you know what else, we can actually get  cheaper wallpaper that looks nicer because it's   got trim on the top and bottom. Yeah, we can save  a lot of money doing that. Look at that, the money   is just coming right back. We're really just like,  scrounging up every last bit we can get, huh? It's kind of bad. Okay, I want to give a little  bit more style to this kid's room too hopefully. I don't know by doing what, but I'd  like to get a little bit more going on   in here. We can hopefully get some cheap  toys, like this dollhouse is only 170. We could put a couple of toys  on it. Oh, that's so cute! We only have 69 simoleons left  though, so that's not good. Where can I scrounge up some extra?  This wallpaper is expensive, right? 12? Ah, never mind, this one's two. See,  that saved me a hundred simoleons.   Oh my god, I was trying to use like, some  different tile that I don't normally use   because I know I always do this one, but like,  I just got 148 simoleons back by changing that. I think that was worth it. You know  what, this is kind of an expensive   wood floor too. I love how it looks, but oh  my gosh, hundreds of simoleons back. Yeah,   I think I think we should do that,  I think we should get rid of it. I'll give this sim Blarffy maybe.  It is a cute little room though,   you got to admit, it's kind of nice. Maybe I'll put Blarffy in the corner over  here with the toys. Can I afford any posters? These little chalk drawings are  kind of cheap, it's only 40. Is that random? It's a little bit random.  Maybe I won't do that. Can we get like,   a mirror, like, a floor-to-ceiling mirror?  205? 135. Ugh, there's no dresser in there,   but I think that's too expensive. These ones are actually quite cheap, so maybe  I could use these. All right, we've got 307,   let's see about any extra decorations  we can add in, like, plants places. Perhaps very small amounts of wall  art. Oh, what about a coat rack? 150? Oh my god, this one's only 85, that's better. I think that's a kind of nice furniture  piece. I've got 132, maybe I should   stop and like, try and do a little  bit of landscaping. Luckily we can   size up some of these bushes and it'll  hopefully fill in some of the space. That's a little bit sad looking, but that's okay. Maybe if I got a rock? That's only 20  simoleons, that's a nice touch, right? And we put terrain paint,  that'll help fill it in. In fact,   terrain paint underneath the  entire house would be good. Okay, we put a light, we put some  landscaping, we got some stuff in the yard. Bookshelf, TV, we have a  computer, kid has some toys.   Actually a lot of toys which is kind of nice. There's even a plant on the table,  that's lovely, that's a great touch. We don't have a dresser in this bedroom  which is kind of sad, but I don't really know   if we can fit one. We also probably -- oh yeah,  we definitely can't afford one, never mind. We can only afford this one, I think I'll pass. Maybe a plant. Can I get a  mirror? This one's only 70,   that's nice. Oh, and it matches, oh,  that actually helps a lot I think. All right, we got 66 simoleons left. How  much do the benches cost? Oop, never mind. 150? Maybe like, some kitchen decor? I  guess we can get paper towels for 30. That is such a waste, it's so small. Such  a like, little, tiny detail, I'm like, oh,   let's get some paper towels. Yeah, spend all  the rest of your money on that, great idea. Okay, but actually though, it might be kind  of nice to have some decor in the kitchen,   so maybe I will do that and then we can call it. I feel like this house is significantly improved,   and look, it's still only worth like,  15,000, that's not even that bad. It looks like an EA build, it certainly does,   but there's a little bit more  going on, there's more life to it. I think with that, I'll stick it on the  gallery. I'll call it Crick Cabana Update,   that way you can hopefully  find it and download it. It's also still base game and still pretty cheap  so if you want to play in this house, but you   maybe want it to be a little bit ever so slightly  improved, this is a good version to download. While that is uploading, I wanted  to tell you all a little bit about   my St. Jude charity event starting this weekend. And it uploaded and didn't  even glitch, that's a positive. Let me save the game quickly too. But every year in the month of May for the entire  month of May, I do a huge fundraiser on Twitch for   St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Last year  we raised $320,000 on just my channel in just May. And I have a lot of really fun  streams planned for this month. I'm gonna leave my game on pause for 24 hours. We're gonna play crowd control Minecraft. We've got one where I'm gonna have  your donations control my build,   like, if you donate a certain amount,  you can bulldoze my lot and stuff. We did it last year and it was a disaster, I could  barely get through the build at all because it   just kept getting bulldozed, but it is a lot of  fun and hopefully we can raise a lot of money   for charity, so I'm gonna link the donation  page, but also my Twitch channel down below. We haven't started yet, it starts on Sunday  on May 1st, but I just wanted to warn you and   make sure you knew what was going on in case  you wanted to pop in and watch the streams. But it's happening every day for the  entire month of May on Twitch.tv/lilsimsie,   so if you want to pop in, like I  said, I've got it all linked for you. Please do not feel like you have to donate, but if  you want to, I've got that linked for you as well. And with that being said, I'll stop like,  talking in your ear about stuff like this. I hope that you enjoyed this video,   if you like builds like this, I do  a ton of building on my channel. I've got a really fun build coming  tomorrow actually, so feel free to   subscribe so you can see more of that, and  I'll catch you all tomorrow. Bye everybody. I may or may not have a cardboard cutout of  Rick Astley that is going to be coming out   for the month of May and sitting behind me,  so I just want to warn you in advance, okay? If you see a man, a scary man, standing behind  me in the videos, it's probably just Rick.
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 1,311,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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