Touring Your Incredible Builds in The Sims 4

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This is one of my absolute favorite  videos to make because today we're   gonna go around and look at some  of your builds in The Sims 4. This is a shell challenge, so basically  I built this really weird shaped box,   honestly it kind of looks like a human heart  which is a little bit icky, but am I wrong? And I put this really weird box on the gallery  for you to download and then turn into a house. This one is a lot smaller than normal,   a lot of times I'll make like, two story  builds that take up a lot more of the lot,   but this one's only 100 tiles so it's  technically still a tiny home in the game. And the idea is really simple: you can download  this weird box, you can rotate it on the lot,   you can put it on any lot you want, you can add  literally anything you want, you can put like,   fences, roofs, platforms, like, extra foundations,  literally anything you want is fair game. The only thing you can't do is change  where these existing exterior walls are. So you couldn't like, make the  house bigger, that's cheating,   you also couldn't like, replace them with a fence. The shape of the building has to remain the same,  that's kind of the point of a shell challenge. And the best part about this is that everyone  takes it in such different directions. So this is what I built with mine, you can see  I rotated it a little bit on the lot and I like,   made it into this super cute little cottage space. It has an adorable backyard, the floor plan  is a little bit weird, I won't lie to you. It ended up being two bedrooms and just  one bathroom, but the bathroom is also   the only access to the backyard which  is a little bit odd, but that's okay. Uh, it also has this kind of creepy   gnome in a bookcase door in this weird  corner that I didn't know what to put in. I actually love how mine  turned out, but like I said,   the best part about this is how  different everyone's builds are, so I've picked out 10 that  I want to show you today. First I want to say please go check  out the hashtag #SmallSimsieShell   on the gallery, that's where  all of this one's builds are. I obviously cannot show you all of the builds  this time, when I did the tours on stream,   there were literally a thousand  entries just of people that were   there at the stream that built a  house and wanted me to tour it. Like, a thousand people gave me their gallery ID  and their name of the build just from the stream. Like, not even counting the people that weren't  there and like, only did it for YouTube. And as you can see, the gallery doesn't work,  like, it's already stopped me from scrolling   so I really did my best to scroll through  a lot of them and comment on a lot of them,   but if I didn't see yours, please don't be sad. I am sure you did a great job  and at the end of the day,   the whole point of this is  just to have fun building. I can't believe it's still doing this,  it's still clocking, but again the point   is just to have a fun build challenge and  hopefully you had a good time doing yours. And with that being said, I want to  show you our first build of today: This is the ♥Base Fam♥Modern Starter♥ by  Anaire3 on the gallery and I will say,   I show you Anaire3's builds a lot in these shell  tours, but it's because you just can't not. Look at this for a second, base game starter.  This house is only 18,000 simoleons. What? It is very rare that people turn the  shell challenge into a starter home,   I think because mostly everybody just goes like,   all out with shell challenges, so I was  really, really intrigued by this idea. And it's two bedrooms, are you kidding me?  Okay, I'm sorry, let's look at the actual house. So this is the exterior of the building,   obviously taking advantage of a lot of debug  stuff here because we don't have a lot of money. So all of this fencing is is separate  debug pieces they've like, put together,   and that just looks so cool up this  amazing custom platform staircase. This is an actual functional pool  by the way, and they made this like,   really interesting custom like,  waterfall edge, are you kidding? They also have terrain tools going down  into a secret garage.There's not actually   anything in the garage, it's just fake,  but it looks really cool from the outside. They've also surrounded the  whole house in these beautiful   rocks to have like, a raised back garden. There's a pond back here your Sims can fish in,   lots and lots of debug stuff here, like, all of  this is debug so it's technically free in game. We do have some like, actual functional stuff,   for example this playground  equipment. That's like, 900 simoleons. Also this little sandpit, believe it or not,  if you have Island Living if you just like,   paint sand on the ground, like, this is just sand  terrain paint, your Sims can play in the sand. So like, if you have a toddler, they  could just come play in the sand right   here even though it's like, in  Willow Creek in your backyard. You can still use it like a sandpit. Anyway I'm just like, shocked by how impressive  and detailed the exterior is, especially because   it's a starter home, like, so often starter homes  don't get a lot of stuff going on on the outside. So when you actually come inside,  you're gonna see they've done a lot   of interesting clever tricks  to keep the place cheaper. For example, a lot of floor detailing. So  this is a free construction quality concrete,   this is like, the default flooring, that default  gray flooring you get when you build a new room,   but they've pressed control F to get quarter  tiles so they can make like, custom patterns. We have that in the entry, we have  it in the kitchen, the bathroom,   and another new pattern to make like,  a rug looking thing in this bedroom. I'm getting ahead of myself, but like,  I think that's genius because you can't   really afford flooring and it makes  a really interesting custom piece. We also have some really interesting  custom cabinetry up here. Lots of debug   pieces they've used to make like,  custom shelving around the stove. I don't even know what this is, but  they've raised it up to make like,   custom lights, they're fake lights,  but they look like real lights. I mean it's so rare you get like,   really cool custom kitchens in starter  homes so I'm like, obsessed with this. We also have this amazing custom fireplace,   so much debug use, like, these grates  and these logs all individually placed. These are also all separate debug  items to make these custom plants.   I mean can you imagine how  much time this must have taken? This is that primary bedroom I was talking  about so you can see they have that custom rug,   loads of custom things, look, this is like,   fake items they used turned around and  then made custom cabinetry as nightstands. Same thing with like the custom  rugs in the kids bedroom. I mean truly, I think this is so impressive.  You have to be so creative to pull off something   like this and you've got to have like,  expert levels of the game to know like,   what all the things in debug  are and how you can use them. Like, truly incredible, I'm  obsessed with this build. This next one is actually unbelievable.  This is the Cozy Hobbit Home by eggiebabe. Are you seeing this? Are you looking at this? The   description says they built it for a  40 by 30 lot, but had to replace it   on a bigger lot because the gallery photo  was atrocious. Very much relate to that. This one had me like, near tears when  I saw it in-game for the first time. The amount of detail on the exterior  is incredible. Believe it or not,   this is still my same shell, like, all my  weird little bump outs are still there,   they've just completely covered it in terrain  and roofs and then also grass like, everywhere. So it like, completely blends into the  environment, I'm so impressed by this. Just think about how many like, individual  little things had to be placed to do this build. All of these, individual. This, individual.  All the landscaping, all the mushrooms,   everything, individually hand placed. Even these like, custom bigger  mushrooms, that is a roof with   balls of yarn individually hand placed to  make these like, amazing giant mushrooms. And the whole place is functional, like,  you can walk around all around the back,   there's gardens in the back. There's like, so much  going on here, you could stare at it for days. Even the inside, so much custom  detailing. Just like, clutter everywhere. A lot of the TOOL mod was used  here, so they were able to like,   rotate things in ways that are unnatural, as you  can see by like, the rotation of this pillow. And also with these shelves, they've like, TOOL  mod rotated them so they surround the door. I don't even know where to begin with  the interior of this place, like,   I don't even know what to start showing  you because there's just so much to see,   so I'll give you like, a quick tour and then you  can pause and like, look at stuff if you want to. But there's seriously so much  detail on the inside of this house.   I think my favorite is this little office  space, I just think that looks so good. The kitchen is also very incredible, I  won't lie, I'm really impressed with it. And even like, this little pantry  space, oh my god, look at this! This is a treat from Cottage Living,  this is a pile of dirt from debug,   they combined them with the TOOL  mod so it looks like it's spilling! How do you even think of stuff like that?  How does one even build something like this? This is like, unnaturally good. By the way,   I will have all of the names of the builds  and the gallery usernames listed like,   in order down below if you want to look up  the builds and download them yourselves. I'm sorry, I could just sit here and stare  at this. I'm gonna go to the next one though. This is a completely different vibe,  but this is the Botanical Aquarium   Pool. It's a pool lot type and it was  built by proffittm30 on the gallery. I just love how with shell challenges  everyone does like, such completely   different things. How did we go from hobbit house  to aquarium pool with the exact same building? Okay, so as you can see, this one is wild. My  shell is the space on the interior of this. And this counts, they didn't touch the walls,   they're all the same, they just  covered it completely in windows   so it's this like, really interesting  underwater space in the middle of the pool. And they surrounded the rest with  pool space and then put like,   rooftop decking across all the rest of it. Now keeping in mind, this is a base game  build as well, there's no packs in this one. It is enormous, it is extremely  detailed and it's really clever,   like, I would never have thought to do this. They have like, this tower in the center as well  so your Sims can come like, from the inside of   this building and then go like, up the tower to  play some chess or just to like, sit and hang out. And also you can only access  the building from the water,   so you have to like, swim  across to get to this area. I just think that's so fun! Like,  I love the idea of stuff like this   and it's so cool how they managed to make  the whole place like, completely blend in,   I don't know, I just -- this is a really  creative concept for a community lot. And I love the idea of like, the underwater  area, like, you can only get to the bathrooms   if you swim across and then climb down some  stairs. Incredible. Actually incredible. And I've never seen anything  like this with like, the big   pillars, it's really interesting because  with this shell, they got stuck with this   really odd shape that I had given them  and they did a lot to hide it, like,   to make the shell look like it's intentionally  floating in the middle of this water. So they have these very organic shapes  with the pool and with the indoor space,   and they kind of surrounded it  with this big like, framing. It's a cool contrast and it makes it  fit really well I think, I don't know,   I'm just really impressed with this idea. And like, actually though, if you brought your  Sims here, there's like, stuff for everybody. Like, the kids can come play down here,  toddlers even can come play down here. There's bars, there's grills, super cute custom  fireplace they built over here by the way. Even like, custom planters,  they combined two plants in one,   I don't know, I just -- this  is awesome, truly awesome. This next one is also a community lot, but this  is the Old Japanese Restaurant by justsimmering. Again, completely different vibes. This one's also only on a 20 by 15 lot. I just placed it here where the  starter home was in Mount Komorebi. I love how much detail there is  on the outside of this place,   it looks like, so realistic and lived in. With the lights and the clutter, all the tables  outside, even like, the food stall outside. They've really made use of like, every  ounce of the space which seems very   realistic to me, there's like, seating everywhere. Even like, all the wall space is covered with  like, decorations and like, pipes and anyway,   it just feels really lifelike on the outside  and I mean that as like, a very high compliment. There's just a lot of detail and a lot to take in. Then when you walk into the  front of the restaurant,   it's a little bit more uniform on the  inside, but like, extremely detailed still. I love like this little nook as where  you go to check into the restaurant,   this feels so realistic to me. I often have a hard time finding spots for this  like, host stand, I also always wish that it   had more swatch options, but this just seems  like the perfect use of this little corner. Even like this little closet space they've got  going on here seems so realistic and so perfect   for that really weird little bump out. They  made some very tiny bathrooms work in here,   the kitchen is also like,  a perfect use of the space. I always notice this kind of thing because  with shell challenges you get stuck with like,   my really weird shaped shell, right? There's all these weird little nooks and  crannies, like, for example this one back here. And this person did a very good job of  making those spaces all look intentional,   like, it looks like they built  it this way on purpose and not   just they were trying to fill  in a weird spot that I left. There's actually two kitchen areas in here, one  of them looks like it has a little bit more of   an office space kind of vibe going on too/  I don't know, I just -- I love this build. They also have a custom menu set so if you  wanted to like, come here and play with it,   it's like, properly set up to  be their Japanese restaurant. I think that's really cool, I  just I love this. I might like,   keep this in my saves, you know what I mean? it's always fun to have another restaurant for  your Sims to visit like, gameplay-wise too. Especially because your Sims get  invited to restaurants a lot,   it's a cool spot to like, get a call from  Nancy to be like, hey, you want to go out   to get lunch? And then get brought here  instead of like, a random base game lot. I don't know, I just -- can you tell I  like this one? I mean I like them all,   that's why I'm showing you the video. All right, this next one is called the ♥simsie  waterlog cottage♥, this one's by byJenpen33. I am absolutely going to lose it  over the amount of detail on these. Every single one of these just must have  taken forever, how do these people do this? Oop, I placed it backwards by accident, my bad. So this whole cottage, the idea is that  it's kind of like, sat up on a pond. An amazing like, stunning pond, look at the water. And they filled it in with like, all this detailed  landscaping, they've got a little dock and a boat. The whole place is kind of on stilts, or at least  like, parts of it that are above the water are,   but it also has like, a carport, a driveway,  a cowplant, I mean all the necessities. This is a great use of the whole  size of the lot as well and it's a   pretty interesting idea of like,  adding extra space to the lot. Because obviously they got stuck with  my little tiny shell and they added   extra roofing to make this carport coverage,  they added extra balcony space and patios. It makes the place feel a lot bigger than it   actually is because the main part of  the building is really quite small. I'm just obsessed with the colors out here though,   like, all of the bright water and the pretty  flowers, it just -- it works together so well. They also got a chance to use this little fox  window that I love, it very much appeals to me. Okay, anyway so when you come inside you have this   beautiful little patio and then you  walk into this like, entry space. I love this color scheme, like, the sort  of olive toned greens with the light wood.   This is after my own heart, like,  this is my real life vibes, okay? Maybe not like, the cottage  door, but like, the color scheme,   absolutely my real life  vibes for my real life house. Interesting baseball bat by the door, I don't  know what she's for, but moderately concerning. Anyway from this entrance though, we kind of go   off the left in this little room that's  sort of like, a living room/office nook. Very realistic floor plan with like,  all the little rooms off one hallway. We have this little tiny bathroom,  love the glass door, a stunning view. I'm not making fun of them, I just -- I  do this a lot in my own builds where I   put like, a glass door right in front of a toilet. I also love this idea though, like, the  shelf above the sink. There's not a lot of   counter space, it's just a pedestal sink so  I like the idea of putting the shelf there. That feels really realistic to me, like,  the shelf with the toothpaste and the   little hand towels, like, that  just is so normal, I love it. It's only a one bedroom house,   here's their little bedroom ,I love  like, the curtains over the closet. This is a super cute little vanity area as well. The kitchen though I think is my favorite  part, I love how they've managed to sneak a   kitchen into a kind of weird shape and they  got to use so many of the cute cabinets. Like, it's rare that you find a use for like,  these corner pieces, and I just -- it looks so   nice in here, I love the little chicken, like,  there's so much clutter and detail everywhere. They really like, filled in every spot,  it looks so lived in. Even down to like,   the tiny nooks, they put like, functional  laundry in that weird little corner piece. I had a toilet right there in mine and I  couldn't find a way to make the kitchen   fit how I wanted it to so I drew a  random wall and put a gnome in it.   Do you think this person would do that? No,  they wouldn't, they're too smart for that. They would find a better solution than a gnome. But what did I put? A gnome. A  naked gnome behind a bookcase door. None of these people would ever, none of  them would, they're way too good at this. This next one is actually also in Brindleton Bay,   this one's called the Brindleton Beach  House by SiriuslyY on the gallery. I just love the gallery photo,  it like, really caught my eye. This feels like a very realistic house for  what you would find on a lot like this. They also used a lot of terrain to make it like,   kind of hilly underneath the building  so they had to put it up on stilts. I love the little like, sneaky staircase  to get up there, also the cat mailbox. The back has this kind of big porch,  there's a nice view of the ocean. Also this house only uses Cats and  Dogs and the base game by the way,   so if you have this pack, good lot to  download to replace the EA built one. It's like, very playable, but  on the inside it looks huge. And I realize that sounds kind of weird because  like, all of the houses are the same size,   but I really struggled with  my floor plan and like,   trying to make it realistic  and also feel spacious. This one is the same space, they just divvied  up that space a lot better than I did. So you walk straight into this little dining room,   it has a huge fireplace, a little nook for  a desk, we have this super cute living room. I love the mismatched chairs  and the patterns on this couch,   I never use this couch with the green polka  dots, it's great. It's like, actually great. This little corner is a great nook for  the kitchen, it fits everything you need. And they have lots of pet stuff everywhere,   obviously it's a Cats and Dogs build so there's  like, pet treats, we've got the pet bowls,   pet food, pet leashes, pet toys, like,  it's a very realistic house in that sense. They managed to use like, the Cats and Dogs  kids room set which I never ever ever use,   but it actually looks really good in  this color scheme with this wallpaper. Also pro tip: you can size  down any of the dollhouses   any amount you want and they'll still function. You know the dollhouses are usually like,  absolutely massive and you just can't fit   them anywhere. Your Sims don't like, play in  the dollhouse, they won't be like, sticking   their hand in the dollhouse, they just sit in  front of the dollhouse and like, hold up dolls. So if you size it down it  still functions just the same. And obviously that's a lot more realistic, like,   you wouldn't have a dollhouse  that's like, this big. I mean you might, but like, I  never did. That seems expensive. I thought this was pretty smart too, they  had this really weird nook obviously that   I put in the shell and they tried to fill it  in with flowers to make like, a flower box. This is actually the same spot that  I had my bathroom, but I had like,   the patio door right here  and this was my toilet nook. Good layout of the bathroom,  it's a good use of the space. This little bedroom for the  parents, I don't know, it's a small,   simple house. It's just so realistic and  like, great for actual functional gameplay. And you know what, I'm very easily impressed by  terrain tools. Any amount of terrain tool use,   I'm like, wow, this is incredible,  but this house I think is really cute. I can see myself downloading this  and like, actually using it a lot. Now this next one is also extremely different  vibes, this is the Ambrosia Nightclub by Lboo83. This gallery photo looks so cool,  it's like, very eye-catching. Let's make it nighttime so we can get  like, the full effect of this place. I'm not in live mode either so I don't have  like, all the lights, but these lights,   these are spotlights, that's what's making all  those cool light effects in the gallery photo. And they have them around a lot of places, like,  there's some down here down the side as well. They also put an entire parking lot in the  back. This is just such a cool use of the space,   especially because how small the  actual building is. This is like,   so realistic, I'm also obsessed  with the use of all these statues. I like, didn't know this statue existed. Honestly I have never seen this  debug sign in my entire life,   I have no idea what that's from,  but it is perfect for this. Even like, this item, I never use this thing,  but look how good that looks right there! They have the limo like, parked out  front. I don't know, I just am like,   actually obsessed with the  exterior of this whole place,   even the roofing looks really cool, there's  lots of use of like, interesting textures. Genuinely could cry about this.  This part too, who thinks of this? I've never used this, but it fits so well.   Okay, then you enter through these really kind  of scary honeycomb doors and the inside has like,   this very blue and black color scheme,  you can see the lighting is really cool. How smart by the way to like, mimic the  roof, this like, roof texture with that door? I've never used that door. Ever. Not  once, but it works so well in here. We have like, some interesting booth  seating with the curtains everywhere,   kind of like, space vibes a little bit. The whole lighting situation  in here is just incredible,   we also have this like, really  fancy bar. A couple of bathrooms. All in all, this is a very interesting like,  playable building. Even down to the dumpster,   like, your Sims can woohoo in  the dumpster! It's perfect. And it's not that big obviously because it's  a small shell, but when it comes to nightclubs   and stuff like this, I think it being small is  really good gameplay wise because it will seem   a lot more full, like the same number of Sims  would go to a club that's twice the size, so when   you put them in a smaller space it feels a lot  more lively when you're actually playing in it. Honestly this is a great one to  download and put in your game,   this is a super, super useful building. And it looks awesome! And you're gonna get such   good screenshots of your Sims  with the cool blue lighting. All right, this next one though is a little  bit sneaky. I know what you're thinking,   you're like, Kayla that's three  buildings, but they're all my shell. This is the Treehouse Spa  & Lounge by ArcherIsabelle. It's a lounge, spa, and  vacation rental for Selvadorada. So the cool part about this  building is they've used my shell   in three different ways on the same lot and that  passes, like, the only rule is that you can't add   other buildings that are touching  it, like, you couldn't have like,   the walls connected, but they're connected by  like, stairs and stuff so I think that counts. There's a lot to take in here so let's  start down on the first floor. There's   a ton of outdoor space, keeping in mind, this  is like, a a very multifunctional vacation lot   for Jungle Adventure so it's a good place to  visit, like, have your Sims use the swingset,   they've got ping pong, we have this outdoor wall  TV screen so you could watch movies outside. I love this by the way, it's like  a projector screen. Ah, genius. It's also ten thousand simoleons, but it's  a good thing that it's a lounge because   that's not my money or my problem. You can also see they've hung up like, lights  and stuff everywhere, so at nighttime it's really   cool down here, we have these like, pretty little  tables, all these grills set up so you can cook. There's like, bikes in the back you can  borrow. We have these bar spaces over here,   there's even a pool with floating lanterns. Yoga,   like, there's literally everything  you could possibly need in here. When you come in the inside, this is like,  I assume, the main part of the lounge. So there's a little stage set up, I  love this concept too so your Sims   can perform or like, watch the live entertainment. I guess I should say like, "live entertainment"  because it's The Sims 4, but it's good vibes. I love how it's round, I don't  know, I just really like this part. We have like, a check-in desk I assume. Upstairs that building actually has a rooftop with   like, some more nightclub-y type  stuff, the Bubbletron 5000, like,   we have the music. The glass ceiling into  the downstairs that you can look through. I also loved this part, like,  this floating little rounded   fire pit seating, that fits  perfectly and it looks so cool. Up some more stairs, there's like,  another bar, some more seating,   this like, custom lounge  bed, another hole for a tree. Look at that, what the heck? There's a hot tub, there's an  outdoor shower. By the way,   this part, one of my favorites.  It looks really cool. And then this area is kind of like the  vacation rental part of this building,   so it's like, where your Sims could stay  and by the way, you could just stay here. Like, you could rent one of the other  places, like, one of the actual rentals,   have this set as a lounge and then just  come and have your sim sleep here if you   wanted to because it's got a lot of nice  amenities, I mean look at this place. By the way, this building, still my  shell and they fit in two bathrooms   and two bedrooms. How does it seem  so big? Why did mine seem so small? And then upstairs there's like, a  spa space in this third building   so there's even more like, yoga mats and stuff. You kind of walk into this little  waiting room. They have a sauna,   they have a changing room, they have  bathrooms, they have a massage room,   they've got a nail salon, like, there's  literally everything you could possibly need. This is the perfect lot to have in Selvadorada,  especially if you want to use it as like,   a luxury vacation and not as like, a 'I'm  gonna go dig in the mountains' vacation. The whole pack is about like, exploring the  tombs, but if you wanted to come here and like,   have your Sims go on a honeymoon  for example, great lot to use. This next one is the Farmyard   Family Home by abbieprose or  possibly Abbie P. Rose, I'm not sure. This one only uses the base  game and Cottage Living and   you have me at farmhouse, let's be real. This one is also technically still a tiny house   and it's all set up for you  to live off the grid on it. Okay, so as you can see, huge lot, but it's  still only a hundred tiles, I know 'only,' but   the house is still a hundred tiles so you  get those tier three tiny home perks, like,   your Sims being happier and having less bills, and  you've also got everything you need for your Sims   to live here and live off the grid, so you have  all these chickens for eggs, huge farm space. This pond you could technically  fish in if you wanted to,   this is like, a debug barn, honestly didn't even  know that thing existed, but they put it down. Chickens, llamas, I mean cows, not chickens. Cows, llamas, you've got all  the bases covered over here. I love the outside of this place,   like, the terrain paint and the  whole area is laid out so well. I love playing stuff like this,  like, I love coming in and like,   completely living off the grid and using all of  these items to like, function and feed my Sims. Okay, motorcycle neighbor, sh, I'm recording. Anyway so when you walk into the house,   this one is a pretty tight fit, but  they managed to sneak in a lot of stuff. So you walk straight into the kitchen and  little dining nook. I love the color scheme,   the light green with the pink is so cute! And then we have this little TV room,  like, sitting area with a fireplace,   they do have a flat screen, but look, they never  said living off the grid like, I don't have power,   they're just living off the  land, okay? It's different. And then through this little tiny hallway, we  have one bathroom for all the Sims to share,   three bedrooms, we have a kids room with bunk  beds, a toddler's room, and the parents room. I do feel sorry for this toddler,  but hey, they have their own bedroom. So you could technically have five  Sims living here in this house. And they even have this little tiny office  nook, how cute is that! And that's where   that back door to the house is as well,  makes a lot more sense than putting the   back door to the house in your bathroom, but  haha, what kind of dummy would do something   like that? Definitely not me. I would  never put the back door in the bathroom. One of my favorite parts of  shell challenges though is like,   seeing how people do the floor plans. Because we all get stuck with this weird  shape to try and split up into rooms and   everybody does something so different.  Like, we all rotated it differently,   we all cut it up differently, it's just so  fun to see how people like, visualize it. One last thing, I love this little  nook for the bikes. I think that   is absolutely adorable. I can't get over it. Anyway, I'll stop rambling, I have  one more build I want to show you. This last one is also base game only, I know  I like, always show you MarMax92's builds,   but like, I'm sorry, I can't make a  shell tour video and not show you this. When someone makes something like  this, I can't just not show it to you. So they've made this incredibly  detailed build using the TOOL mod. Also this house costs 435,000 simoleons. That   is probably one of the most expensive  builds I've ever seen on the gallery,   I've seen way worse, don't get me wrong,  but considering how small she is, 400k? The game is kind of struggling  to place it, give me a sec. Ohp, here we go, we made it. Okay,   give her a second to load in. There  are a lot of items on this lot, okay? Like, a lot of items on this lot. Every single  one of these little tiny pieces is a shelf. They used the TOOL mod that lets you  like, rotate things in any direction to   individually place every single one of those  shelves to make all that custom detailing. All of this? Individual shelves rotated  in place. Every single one of them. Even the windows, custom-made  with shelves. The fences,   all individual custom pieces they put together. Are you kidding me? All of this, completely custom  individual pieces they put together. This must have taken actually forever. If you  haven't heard about the TOOL mod by the way,   a lot of people that do these  shelves use a lot of the TOOL mod. They have the mod installed as they build  it, but they're not actually using like,   any CC or anything, the mod  just lets them like, move stuff. So the game isn't viewing it as using  CC or anything because they're not. That's part of what makes these things so cool. And I just -- look at how they  made things look round! I'm sorry,   but this has no business being this cool. Okay, so in the back of the building  there's a little back door and then   you can come back here and  they have this amazing pond,   more completely custom fences by the way. Can you  see how many pieces are in each individual fence? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight  -- I mean, all individually placed. All of them. I'm losing my mind! All the landscaping,   individually placed. I'm sorry,  I just -- I'm so impressed. All the detail on the walls,  all of these. Look at how small   those individual pieces are! Are you seeing this? I'm sorry, I need to stop like, ranting  about it, I just, I'm so impressed. Anyway, the backyard looks absolutely  incredible. They even made like, these custom   hanging lanterns. All of  these, individually placed. Do you see how small those  shelves are? Can you imagine   how many of those shelves they had to  place to make this look like a string? Are you kidding me? Everything on this lot is  shelves. This is 400,000 simoleons of shelves. Also super cool feature about this,  they wanted to put the dormers in,   but obviously it's a shell challenge, so  you aren't allowed to add second floors.   Those are just half walls. That's allowed, half  walls I say are like fences, you can put half   walls anywhere. Those aren't rooms, they didn't  add on to the shell, those are just half walls. So completely fair game in my  opinion, and it looks really cool. All right, but when you actually walk into the  building: it's a one-bedroom, one-bathroom house,   it's not huge on the inside obviously, but you  walk straight into this super open floor plan. We have this little dining  area, I love how they put like,   the detail of the bread on  the table and everything. There's a little computer nook back here. I love  all of the detail with like, the spandrels and   stuff. We also have this amazing living room  nook. I am obsessed with this little area. Also this mirror, ugly plain mirror, they've  TOOL mod placed it inside of this frame   so it looks like there is a mirror leaning against  the wall in a beautiful frame. Are you kidding? I do not have the patience for this. I don't  use the TOOL mod because I don't have the   patience to use the TOOL mod. Like, I'm not  cut out for all of this detail, you know? I'm not cut out to individually place every   single one of these little wood  pieces to make a wall divider. Just looks so good though, even like,   placing the little postcards on the fridge  makes me want to cry. This kitchen is great. So much good use of clutter, I love like, the  vibes, how like, cozy and homey it seems inside. When you walk through this little hallway  space, it's kind of like a hallway/closet area. There's like, a little teeny tiny water  closet where the toilet is back there. Honestly good use of space,  there's not a toilet in like,   the en suite down here, but it makes sense  because your guests could use this one. Now the bedroom is perhaps the most  impressive part of the inside of   this house, now I'd like you to  take a look please at this bed. You might be thinking, Kayla, I don't know what  that is. We don't have that bed in the game. Oh, oh yeah, no we don't,   that's because they made it! They made the bed  by placing all of these things, what! What! This is just a base game bed and they built  out a frame with random wood pieces. These?   These nightstands? The only real part about this  is this cabinet. The rest of it, they built it. Even the dresser is fake, this is just cabinets   and they surrounded it with  wood planks. They built it! I'm like, actually gonna lose it. Even like, down to these sorts of things,  this is a painting your Sims can make in-game,   they put this frame on top of it so it  looks like the painting is framed in like,   a proper frame and not just like, in the plain  frameless boring one that the game comes with. You could stare at this for hours  and there would still be more to see. I will say, this lot not super playable,   even my computer is lagging a  lot as I'm trying to tour around. I'm also recording the same  time so that doesn't help,   but it is really incredible to look at, isn't it? But with that, that's all 10 of the  shells that I wanted to show you today. Keeping in mind, there are literally thousands  more on the gallery that I didn't get to. I just can't show you like, every  single one, it would take too long.   Even this video is too long and we only did 10! I will link the original  shell video that I did like,   announcing the shell down below and I'll also  link some of my past shell challenge tours,   if you like this kind of thing and you want to  see more of them, I've got some linked for you. And next time I do a shell challenge,  please feel free to join in. You can obviously still do this  shell if you want to as well,   like, it's on the gallery, feel free to do it. There's not like, a time limit  for just building for fun, like,   feel free to try it if you want  to now if you're feeling inspired. I know sometimes like, looking at  these builds, it makes me feel bad,   I'm like, wow, I suck at this game compared to  these people, but this is like, extreme, okay? They're like, top tier, top of the top  talent. You don't have to do all of this like,   debug magic for your builds to still be good,  I promise, your builds are still really good. And as long as you're having fun building,  like, that's all that matters, right? At the end of the day, I made this  shell for you all so that you could   have fun trying out a new build idea, and  I hope that it inspired you a little bit. And also I hope that the shell tours  inspired you because I know when I   look at these other people's builds,  I'm like, wow, that's a great idea,   maybe I'll try something similar, you  know? And it's just fun, it's just fun. I love seeing how different everybody's builds  are. How do you go from like, farm cottage to   pool to bright blue nightclub?  Like, all the same build! They're all the same shell! Anyway, it's just so fun. I'm gonna cut it off here and with that being  said, I'll see you all tomorrow. Bye everybody. By the way, check out these videos linked right  here if you want to see some more shell content,   I'm serious, it's so much fun. This is  like, my favorite kind of video to make. [ JAZZY OUTRO MUSIC ]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 933,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: w8Jl6Ysjjng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 27sec (1887 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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