Huge Family Mansion | The Sims 4 Speed Build

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hi guys welcome back to my youtube channel and welcome back to another sims 4 speed building video or welcome to the channel if you are new here so in today's video i'm going to be building in the world of new chris which is one of the base game worlds and i'm going to be building a huge family mansion so i don't even know where to start with this voiceover because there is so much going on in this house and i feel like i say that quite often but honestly there is i've had to write up a whole google doc on my other monitor so i don't forget anything that's going on in the inside of this house because there is so much it is one of the biggest houses that i've done and it was so fun doing it so i really hope you guys like it it has five bedrooms and five bathrooms on the upstairs portion of the house but then there is also a basement in this house as well and that has a butler's room and then also a butler's bathroom so technically six bedrooms and six bathrooms there is also a wine cellar in the basement and then kind of like a i tried to make like a gentleman's club kind of card room you know your sims can go in there play cards with each other there's a wine cellar and like a little bar so you can hire a bartender there is also a money vault in the basement which is an object which i feel like i never use but there's one in the basement i did put some money in it but i was cautious of how much money to put in it because i didn't know if it would actually add value to the price of this house so i ended up putting fifty thousand simons which doesn't sound like a lot but originally i put a million and then i thought probably a bit too much but there is also a money vault in the basement and then on the outside there is a basketball court there ends up being a triple garage which has a gym inside there is also a pool house for the pool area you know it's got a bar in there as well your sims when they invite their mates around and they want to go and hang out in the pool they can get changed in there and then there is also a greenhouse but it's not really a greenhouse because it hasn't got a glass roof but it's got windows all over you'll see it as we get on into the video but that is just a summary of what's going on on the inside of this house there's honestly there is so much it took me so long to build this i started building this on sunday and i finished last night so i mean it was it was a very big build i had a lot of footage so hopefully you guys don't mind that it's quite a long video i say this i feel like the majority of my videos are at least half hour long at this point but without the screenshots in case you're curious it is 45 minutes long so i highly recommend that you grab a snack or just something to drink or something because yeah it's a big one but anyway getting on and talking about the process of this build as you can see the main structure of it came together fairly quickly now the thing is i was looking at a picture but i've gone since back onto the picture it looks nothing like it i'll find the picture and i'll pop it up on the screen now just you can have kind of like an idea of what inspired me to start this build off i don't think there's really any similarities in the end i just i kind of went off the structure and then just kind of did my own thing and made it find its own way and then it just came together quite naturally i think something that probably helped the building process for this one is where i'm building this house in my safe hole which by the way this house is going to be from my safe well i feel honestly like i've recorded myself at this point and just include this short audio clip into pretty much every single one of my videos because pretty much every single week i built my safe out anyway but if you've been here wrong you know the gist it's going to be for my save file i have got a story in mind if the family is going to live here in my save and you know it's actually becoming a little bit of an issue for me because the thing is i spend so long building these houses for my safe role and then the storyline just kind of like throws in my mind and i get really excited to play it and then i feel really bad for my current household because i haven't played him in a while because i just kick i just keep from getting inspired by different storylines for different houses that are building it's becoming a bit of an issue for me my own personal gameplay but this house is going to be for my save file so i have got a storyline in mind but i'll talk about that in just a second but where i was doing this my save file i've already got a house in this area of new crest for my save and i want all the houses in the same neighborhoods look not the same but i want them to have similarities so for this one i basically tried to use the same wallpaper that i've used in the other build that i've got in this world or in this neighborhood for my save file does that make sense i tried to use like a similar kind of roof pattern similar windows but then if you actually look at the two houses they look completely different from one another the only one thing that they really share is the colour scheme but this combination of the wallpapers and exterior probably my favorite combination ever i do it all the time for being honest with you but i can't help myself you build what you like and i just really like it it ends up just being at base game wallpapers so it's like a base game sliding at base game brick and then there's also another base game brick as well which is in the brown it's honestly just such a classic and almost like a staple to me now i just i love building it like this and then another thing that i feel like is quite stable to this house is the industrial loft kit windows now you can see on the exterior i've tried to do two towels i say two towers they're basically the same room but it just goes from the front of the house to the back of the house you see in the middle where i've got them really big windows it goes all the way up to the roof i wanted it to make it look like it was one big window i did play around with the tool mod and i had made the window on the top you know the industrial loft kit one i made that a tiny bit bigger because something that really annoys me and i don't know why they did it we have a matching windows here along with the industrial loft kit circular one well not circular but german at the top of circular but we also have some windows from the mosquito pack but when you put them one on top of another they're just they're a few inches out and it really annoys me and so what you can do is you can use a tool mod and you can scale it and i scale them up by 1.1 just so then when you're looking at it there's not like that gap either side hopefully not i mean hopefully you follow along with me but also on the subject of the tour mod in case you're wondering because i've been getting quite a lot of comments about this recently i use two mods whenever i do my speed builds i use the better build by mod and the tool mode both by twisted mexi and i have their website linked consistently in my description box if you want to go ahead and grab them i use the mods to help me build but they're not required honestly i feel like a broken record because i say this quite often but i still get comments about it i use the board bots use the mods to help me build and you know like elevate things up scale things up and you know move things about a bit but they're not required so everything you see on screen is exactly how it's going to look if you download the build of the gallery you don't need any mods you don't need any cc it will transfer over you know the window situation how i made it a tiny bit bigger that will still transfer over basically what i'm trying to say you don't need mods to download this build if you're a console player or if you're someone that likes to play vanilla and you don't play a mod in your game you can still download it and it will look the exact same it's actually really handy that that happens like because imagine if i honestly twisted mex is doing the god's work i'll tell you that i'm free but yeah you don't need the mods to download this build in case you're wondering but anyway getting on and talking about what i'm doing right now so as you can see i'm just playing around with terrain manipulation now i know what you're probably thinking because i'd probably think the same thing if i was watching this i know and i'm very much fully aware that there is a massive hill at the back of this lot and currently it looks horrendous i know but don't worry i do fix it so basically when it came around doing the landscaping for this build i know it's gonna sound really weird right but stick with me i wanted the landscape to kind of be like a layered tiered cake so you know traditionally with some wedding cakes you have like the three tiers i basically wanted the landscaping to be like that i don't know why but i'm really happy that i decided that i wanted it to look like that because i actually really love the way it ends up coming together the landscaping but basically with that i have to use quite a lot of manipulation but with that at the back a lot it looks dreadful at the minute but trust me when i say i cover it up you wouldn't even know it's there i basically end up getting some bushes and then again using the tool mod to size them up and to move them in and it seems seamless i know at the minute it looks really bad and it looks like i've just done it and then left it and forgotten about it i'm fully aware that the back of the lot isn't looking its best right now but don't worry i do fix it currently you can see that i've just come back to the front of the lot and i'm just sorting out this kind of the tiered level of the landscaping so something that really helps me try and get that wedding cake effect it sounds really weird saying that but do i mean with like a wedding cake always got the three different levels something that really helped me was using these walls from the live edit menu the ones i've used are from kochie's living and basically what i did is i pulled out a bunch of them i sized them down because originally when you put them out they're huge so i use the tool mod and i sized them right down and basically merged in a bunch of them together to make it look like one kind of like curvy wool and then i basically duplicated it and then made it lower so then you know the tear kind of system starts to come in coming into play and then there's also one last here so you can see that i've used the same wall and then with the helper terrain manipulation it looks like it's it looks like a wedding cake i mean if i was about to say if you squint but even if you squint it's just a very green wooden cake but i tried to make it feel like it was layered like a wedding cake i know it sounds really weird but i honestly i love this i i love the way that landscape is filled i had so much fun landscaping i say this all the time landscaping is one of my favorite things to do when i'm building but i do want to mention that when it came round to the footage of this video i had so much of it so i kept tearing up probably around about eighty percent of the landscaping the twenty percent i did decide to cut out just because you know the other side of the build so you know currently if you're looking at it straight on we're focusing on the left hand side on the right hand side it's pretty much the exact same but i just didn't want the video to be really repetitive and i was about to say i didn't want it to be very long but i mean it's a 45 minute video at the end of the day it's quite long anyway but i just felt like it would be really repetitive so i cut out some small areas of landscape in it but for the majority i kept in enough so hopefully if you want to try and replicate yourself and you know like kind of get inspiration from it you've kind of got like a gist of how i did it but anyway moving on from that i'm finally getting on and talking about the sims that going to be living in this house for my safe fall so the sims consists of five different household members there is going to be a mum a dad a teenage girl and then two teenage boys now that's how i decorated the rooms as well there isn't going to be any children's rooms or any toddler rooms although there is a spare guest bedroom in this house if you want to make that into you know like a toddler's room or another child's room you can definitely do that but i decorated him to be so each teenager has their own room and then their parents have their own room and then there's also like a guest bedroom and then a butler's bedroom as well or like a bundle of quarters in the basement i felt kind of bad putting the butter in the basement but there was nowhere else really to put them and i wanted to make sure that there was somewhere in this house for butler because the store lineup for this household is this family are going to be very high profile celebrities so starting off with the storyline up for the dad because the dad is kind of the main the main character in my storyline it's kind of like how i developed the brussels store and i kind of figured out what the devil is going to be and the dad's hobbies and you know that career path and then the rest of it just kind of flowed from that so the dad in this house of my same fault what the dad that's going to be living in this house in my sophomore is going to be a retired basketball player now when i was building this for some reason i was thinking of you know the beckhams david and victoria beckham expires girl ex ex football player for some reason i was thinking about them when i was building this it's probably because their eldest son i think it was their older son anyway got married like last week or something but i just for some reason this storyline was in my head and i thought it'll be really interesting to have a storyline kind of like that don't get me wrong david and victoria there's not going to be any spice girls in my safe fold although that would be actually a really good idea i do love the spice girls i saw them live once at wembley and i'm not joking probably one of the best nights of my life but i was basically imagining their kind of situation and their their storyline and their family and i tried to kind of base this storyline of them so in the sims world we don't have a soccer goal which i know is a weird thing to point out but basically david beckham is a retired footballer but i didn't want to have a retired footballer in my save file if we don't have the proper football items you know like a football goal we have the individual items your sims can you know like play kicky ups with a football but you they there isn't anywhere for them to score a goal but with the city leaving expansion pack we do have a basketball call and like basketball items and so i decided to make it so that dad is going to be a retired but still very famous basketball player because i feel like that makes sense as well why else would you have such a big i meant to be fair as a mansion and there is there is a space for it but i just felt like it just went hand in hand really nicely and so the dad in this household is going to be a retired basketball player i imagine you know with football there's something called i think it's called much of the date now please if you're someone that loves football i'm sorry if it's not called that but i'm pretty sure there's something called match of the day where a bunch of older like retired football players will come and discuss you know like team tactics and what i don't know i've never really watched it i've only ever seen it on in the background of a tv but you know with like match of the day or them sporting events when you have ex-professionals kind of narrate the team's strategy and experience i don't know what they talk about because i don't listen to it but i imagine the dad of this household is someone that still is very active within basketball so every single time that there's a game on every single time you know like there's a big stadium game they'll go to like the city of san marco and they'll sit in a conference room and they'll be live on tv you know talking about their strategy and i don't know football and i don't know basketball but i imagine that but you know like gary lineker if anyone you know the the guy that does the walkers adverts like him basically i was basically imagining that the dad of the household would be someone like that even though they don't actively still play basketball they've kind of like had their time of day they're still very active within basketball if that makes sense but then moving on to the moment now i was imagining the mum of this household was going to be an ex-fashion model i still imagine that they probably still model a little bit but not as much as what they did in their prime so i was imagining you know with the stuff pack of sims 4 mosquito you have the fashion career so your sims can basically become a fashion photographer i was imagining that when your sims would want to do that they would hire the mum of this household or at least in their prime she would be hired to be on the cover of magazines you know she's on billboards i imagine her to be a very popular model i feel like since she's had her children she's not as active in modeling i feel like she might do a few like fan meet and greets here and there or maybe chuck a few charity balls because if he wasn't aware with the get famous expansion pack there is different events that your sims can host one of them being like a fan meet and greet maybe it's just my personal gameplay but no fans ever seem to show up when my sims host them but there is also a charity ball system like a charity event your sims can host an event and they can raise money for a cause honestly it's been a while since i've played with celebrities but i remember that being a thing that i was playing with when that expansion pack first came out but i don't imagine like in this day she's gonna be booked monday to friday you know she's not a gigi hadid or a kendall a curry kendall jenner she's just kind of she's had her children she's done a bit and nowadays she could probably catch her by the swimming pool in a bikini drinking a margarita i also imagine that she's going to be a member of one of the clubs now i've said this before in my safe role but in my safe volume some of my previous videos for my same fault but with the club system that we've got from get together i want to make as much use of it as possible in my safe there is going to be a club for pretty much everything that you can think of and i imagine that she's going to be a member of the club or possibly even the leader of a club for other celebrities or maybe just other kind of like wealthy women that spend their days by the pool reading books going shopping you know you kind of get that gist that kind of lifestyle i imagine that is her to a teen nowadays now getting on and talking about the teenagers so starting off with the teenage boys i imagine that that both of the teenage boys have some kind of pressure on them to be as good as an ashley as what their dad is i feel like we've all seen the films from like the year 2000 where maybe like a dad wanted to live out their dream as a basketball player but could never make it and there's always a lot of pressure on the sun i basically imagined that kind of scenario but instead of the dad didn't make it the dad made it made it quite well now there's just a lot of pressure on it the children to do as well as them maybe this is the thing so i was thinking where there's two teenage boys i was thinking that one is going to be very much for basketball you know live and brief basketball you can always find them in the basketball court in this house whereas i feel like the other one i was thinking that could possibly be twins i was thinking that the other one likes basketball and enjoys fitness but it's just not they would rather do esports now i'm only saying this because the way that i decorated their bedrooms i tried to i tried to replicate that so with one of the teenagers i gave them like this massive computer pc set up with a few monitors and you know all these fancy gaming things but then the other one i kind of kept it minimal because i imagine that they spend a lot of time either in the gym in this household or on the basketball court and i imagine that maybe it's got a bit of tension between the dad and one of the sons i mean i just kind of like that storyline because you've got one kid that's you know really trying to pursue a career and there's a lot of pressure on them to do as well as what their dad did but then in the other token you got the other one that wants to play sports but digital sports like esports ea sports or something rather than you know actual sports that was kind of storyline that i had for the two teenage boys and then the last person or last last sim in this household is going to be the teenage girl now to be honest i didn't really have that much of a storyline in mind for them because they're still relying kind of focused on their dad and then kind of like their sons so i was just kind of imagining a really popular young teenage girl you know we've all seen the films we've all seen the regina georges kind of like that she might be a bit like a regina joel she might not be a very nice sim who knows i can't i haven't really decided she's gonna be nice or not but all i wanted to make sure is in their bedroom you know they get to give a wardrobe where your sims can like try on outfits and stuff all of the children are also going to be in their own respected you know like club gatherings from the get together system i imagine that they're going to be in one and their club kind of hobbies is trying on outfits and so in their bedroom i made it a key necessity to make sure to have one of their wardrobes so that can be one of the club like activity club hobbies that they do i also imagine that they're probably quite close with the mum of the household and you'll probably find them sitting around by the pool together you know that was just kind of like the idea that i had and then there's also a butler in this house and i know i've probably most people probably wouldn't mention that but the thing is i'm always stuck with butlers because sometimes and i only found this out recently did you know apparently and it seems full we have good butlers and bad butlers i just thought they were all dreadful because in my experience i've never had a good butler that actually does what i want them to do to be honest with you it's probably half the reason why i don't play with them that often because say if my sims going to bed you say you know when you want to get your sims to go to sleep and if the rest of the household is asleep the time goes really quick but if someone's awake it can only go to the three speed do you know what i mean well my experience at butler is my whole entire house i'll be asleep and then the butler will be awake partying doing whatever they want to do normally they're just wiping like a surface or something to see if it's messy or not and half the time i don't even end up cleaning it if it is but then when my sims wake up then the butlers go to bed is this maybe just a gl is this a glitch that i've just had or is anyone else experienced that but this is the thing when it comes to butlers i'm always stuck because that really annoys me with their gameplay and so before i've had households where instead of actually hiring a butler and then just having them so they're like an npc i'll hire a butler and then just add them to the household and then you know we've like cheating your sims needs basically there's a cheat where if you click on your sim you can basically get it so their needs never decay so they're always you know like they always are hungry no they're always not hungry they're always like super energetic and whatnot so basically like they mimic a butler i don't know whether to include the butt like within the household and just make them like that or if i should just hire a butler and just hope that they're a good one either way there's a butler in this household i imagine that i've been at the bottle of foliage household for quite a while because the family is so high profile i imagine that they only trust a certain small group of people and i imagine that the butler's probably watched the kids grow up and you know that was just kind of like the idea that i had for the storyline for the sims are going to be living in this house i'm honestly i want to play with it i really want to play that i feel really bad for my current household because i haven't played them in a while because i've just been playing through other storylines for other builds that i've done previously but anyway getting on as you can see i've now moved on and i've started furnishing this house and i've started off with the pool house so the pool house is pretty much just a little room on the outside is somewhere where your sims can hire a bartender and i imagine that they can also get changed into their swimwear you see over here i'm just playing around with some move objects i want there to be like extra towels and then someone's backpacking their shoes you know they're just taking it off they're gonna go and swim in the pool i also do want to mention the absolute sheer panic that went through my body right so basically as always i want to mention this now the whole entire house has been play tested everything once you download it off the gallery will work absolutely fine not going to run into any problems i am very thorough when it comes around to places my builds and you know what it's a really good it's a good job i'm so thorough with testing them but i normally test things that i know are completely usable but i just test it just for the kind of like this the safeness in my mind to know that it's definitely working basically that came into effect with the swimming pool so you know the swimming pool we have a swimming pool we have a few like some lounges and whatnot you would look at it and you'd be like yeah that's useful why would that not be usable well i can't run just protesting it and like always very thorough i've got my sim to go and literally i get my sim to sit on every single seat like i'm just because like my peace of mind when i say everything works and everything's been play tested i know that i know that within myself that is a very true statement and so when it came round to getting my sim to go into the pool i tried to get them to swim here it looks like it should work and honestly the sheer panic that went through my mind so for some reason my sim couldn't get in the pool and it was it was honestly driving me around the bend and i couldn't figure it out for the longest time and the panic and the fear on my face because i just finished the build i came around to play testing it and one of the main features in the back garden the swimming pool doesn't even work i've since now fixed it but honestly it was such a scary time because i i felt like an imposter because i'd built this massive huge mansion with a massive swimming pool and it didn't even work do you know what it ended up being and it's a really weird thing and i i'm gonna bear this in mind for future builds anyway but you know how the majority of the back garden i did on terrain manipulation and it's kind of like on a hill or basically i just made the swimming pool and just plonked it on into the hill as you would a regular back garden for some reason the game doesn't like that and because it was in a hill even though it didn't everything was snapping to it finding out the pool ladder was fine the little jumping ball was fine for some reason my sim couldn't figure out how to get into the pool and they were just standing there waving their hands up in the air i honestly it was a scary like 20 minutes half hour but in the end what i basically ended up doing is you know them little like square platforms that you can put down to if you want to like have a roof trim or something and you want there to be kind of like a surface like a an extra room without actually having it to have all the walls do you know i mean like a platform basically i ended up putting a platform onto the floor where the pool is and it and it fixed it it looks the exact same as you would have seen it but honestly it was such a scary time because i felt i felt just very scared my heart was going pitted patter i'll tell you that one but anyway moving from that as you can see i have now moved on into the inside of this house you would have seen i've already done at the gym and then the pool house like i was talking about and now you can see that i've moved on i've started doing the kitchen how beautiful are these floor tiles they're from the courtyard awaitis kit they come in some really colorful colors i'm talking like greens and reds and blues i'm pretty sure but they come in this really beautiful white swatch and honestly i don't know why i don't use them more often i found them when i went around and did the wallpapering and flooring which i always do off-camera i haven't spoken about in a while but honestly it takes me so long to figure out what wallpapering and flooring to go for in my build even though half the time i just used to play more paper but still there is a lot of debate also the flooring because i feel like i might get a few questions on the flooring the flooring that i've used for the majority of the house apart from in the kitchen and in the bathroom is a vampire's wooden floor in it but i've kind of made it so it looks like it goes zigzag i use a dark color of it and it just is so beautiful but now as you can see in the kitchen i decided to go for the vampires counters and then there is also a double oven stove situation and when i came round play testing at this build another problem that i run into was with the kitchen honestly this game it honest it tests me sometimes i'm not gonna lie to you it really does test me there is two spare counters in the kitchen or it ended up having two spare counters in the kitchen you know nothing with clutter on or whatever i was getting my sim to prepare some food every single time i wanted my sim to make a garden salad they would go all the way upstairs to the bathroom sink and prepare it on a counter that had a sink on it so it wasn't even an empty counter i just don't understand sometimes the the way that this game the way that this game functions and the way this game works it will make sense fair enough if there wasn't any empty counter spaces but there was literally two empty counters that had absolutely nothing on them and the thing is i would sometimes i'd be like oh okay maybe they just prefer that counter in the bathroom maybe something like a higher quality or it's more expensive it's the exact same ones and the sink that they was preparing the garden salad on is the exact same sickness in the kitchen so the question is in my mind why did they go all the way upstairs why didn't they just try and prepare it on the sink and honestly it baffles my mind sometimes this game but i ended up basically you know with the counties in the middle like the little island counter i ended up changing that because currently there is the end pieces trying to make a square i ended up changing it just to be for you know like normal size counters and honestly you couldn't write it it wasn't until i changed the counters to be full-sized ones that my sim finally realized that in the first place there was already two counters and decided to go for the ones that was empty in the first place honestly you couldn't write it with this game sometimes but anyway it was also in the kitchen there ends up being like a little breakfast bar area i was thinking of somewhere where your sims can go and eat they're like oatmeal in the morning maybe like their cheerios or their lucky charms and then as you would have seen i just quickly did the dining room so it's kind of like the breakfast room where your sims can have like their quick meals and you know their lunches and there is also quite a grand dining room as well and the lighting in that room is just so beautiful but i feel like every single time i use the industrial love kit windows the lighting is just so good i don't know what it is about them but they're my favorite windows in the game i use them so much and they just they just make the screenshots look really pretty but now you can see that i've moved on i've started furnishing the first lounge room now i'm only saying first because there is technically two lounge rooms but then like four or five different seating rooms so this is the room that i imagined to be like the family room you know of a friday or a saturday night your sims are gonna be in here on the sofa with a blanket maybe eating some popcorn or something kind of like a more casual lounge room if you want to put it that way you know it's the only one out of all the different seating areas that has a tv there is tvs in like the teenager's bedrooms and also in the gym as well but in terms of seating area with you know like big sofas that is the only room but now you can see i've now moved on into the next room i don't even know what your classes has basically you know how the dad of this household is a professional athlete you know or a retired professional athlete of course over their course of their career they would have earned so many different medals and awards and won so many different things and i wanted to showcase that in this house somewhere and so i basically decided to make this room into a showcase of all their different awards so you can see on the fireplace i have used a bunch of different trophies i'm pretty sure all the ones i've used that are from base game are from the athletic career branch so it kind of makes sense but then i also used two from get famous one of them is a fan meet and greet and then i can't even be honest i can't remember what the other one was but i wanted to include like awards and trophies that made sense to the career that the sim is in because there's no point in me having like a a trophy for your sims for winning an award for being an author when the sims of retired model and also a basketball player so i tried to make a conscious decision of trying to only pick out trophies that was in like the bodybuilder branch or in the professional athlete branch and then there is also some frame checks above the fireplace as well and then in that room there ends up being a little two tile bar the one that i use is from the vampires game pack some seating area and then also some kind of like fancy china cabinets behind it but now you can see i've moved on into the next room which is more of the kind of like the formal living room full-ish anyway i don't know this one doesn't have a tv it's just kind of like a seating area this house was so big i didn't know what to do with the amount of rooms that there was and normally with the house of this size i would make one of the rooms into like a play room for the children or the toddlers of the household but as the storyline and kind of like as a household didn't include any of them from like the child or total of age range there was it basically make no sense and so i just basically made it so there's loads of different seating areas so if your sims want to sit down they've got plenty of options in this house but in this room i decided to go look for the paranormal stuff packed sofas and then i paired them with the same armchairs i used in that little kind of like trophy room the ones i've used are from discover university and then in this room just off the side of it you can kind of just see on the left-hand side that's what ends up being the kind of greenhouse plant room which by the way i want to mention i've already come into my game and i've already placed down loads of different plants and like things that have been growing because i want you to have the option for if you wanted to download this house and then jump straight into gameplay without having to you know get your sims to go around and plant some things there's already some things in there but if you want to get your sims to move into this house and they've already got plants and you know trees and whatnot like growing i know it sometimes does take a while feel free to select my ones and replace them with your ones i just wanted there to be an option you know if just in case you did just want to get straight into gardening gameplay if you want to put it that way but as you can see on the left-hand side of that little seating room i basically just made another just kind of like sitting room it's got a chest table in it again didn't really know what to do with it but now you can see i've moved on it into this kind of little greenhouse room so in here i use the industrial loft kit archway and then the mosquito windows but the way that they're kind of like the shape of the room was there wasn't enough tile for me to have all of the mosquito windows alongside each other seamlessly and so you can see in the middle of one section i've got two windows that are from the snowy escape expansion pack and they basically look the exact same if you wanted to you could 100 replace the roof in this room because there's nothing above it it's just like a roof you can make it into a full-on greenhouse and make it have a glass roof but maybe it's just me but i just i personally don't like the or maybe it's just the way i build them but i don't like the greenhouses in the game i just they look really weird some of the custom content greenhouses that i've seen are absolutely beautiful and i wish that we had some of the items that i've seen custom content of in-game because i don't know i just i never really like the look of greenhouses that much and so i decided to make it so it's like a normal roof but there's windows going all around the side like i said if you want to feel free to change it i feel like i say this all the time and it's probably because i do say this all the time but if you want to download any of my houses and change them to suit the way that you play the game honestly please do i will not be offended you can download them and change the rooms around you can change the furnishings i would say you could download it unfurnished and then you know furnish it yourself but one thing with that is a lot of the landscaping that i use for when i landscape my builds for some reason the game classes them as furniture items which i just i don't know how that works out but if you ever want to download my houses and you want to change them but please feel free to i'm not going to be offended you can do whatever you want with them once you download them off the gallery but anyway as you can see i've now moved on to the basement level of this house now when i went in and originally did the floor plan you wouldn't have seen me do the floor plan for the basement because i'm being honest at that point i didn't know there was going to be a basement so the overhead of the basement floor plan will be at the end of the video if you're not aware every single video at the end i always do overhead screenshots of how the floor plan is laid out just in case you want to get an idea of how i've done it as well as some roofing overhead floor plans in case you want to see how i did the roof in but then also for this house there's going to be the basement overview so if you're wondering how the floor plan for it kind of panned out it'll be at the end of the video but in here as you can see i've started off by furnishing the laundry room now as one of the sims in this household is going to be an ex-professional athlete i still imagine that they're quite active still you know they still go to the gym they still play basketball and there's two teenage boys in this house as well there's going to be a lot of laundry accumulating and so in the laundry room i ended up putting two washing machines and two tumble dryers for your sims to do a ton of different laundry i say your sims it's going to be butlers because if you're being honest this household i don't imagine would do anything for themselves like i don't even imagine that they're going to cook for themselves i imagine that upstairs are going to be hiring professional chefs to come around for every single meal every single evening i haven't seen it in a while but there used to be an option for your sims to hire a chef to come around and there used to be an option for your sims to hire a vegetarian chef i feel like it was introduced with you know the dine out game pack we have them chef stations i feel like it was introduced to the chef stations and then at one point they must have updated it so now that interaction is only possible from clicking on them big bulky ones you know the ones i'm talking about they kind of like go around the corner which is really annoying because i mean it's it's great if you have a restaurant but if you're trying to have a like a big family kitchen and you want to hire a chef i don't want to have a clunky oven so i might actually look for a mod that because i do actually really want to play with this household but anyway as you can see i've now moved on and i've started furnishing at the gentleman's club i feel really cringey saying that but hopefully you know what i mean by when i say gentlemen's club it's basically somewhere for the dead of this household to come hang out with old like team players you know they're old basketball friends that used to be on the same team as them they probably meet up once a week they come down here they play card games they throw darts they probably hire a bartender it's just somewhere for the dad of this household to have a club hangout i basically wanted there to be an area in this house somewhere for each member to have their own club hangout spot and i feel like whenever i do club hangouts in houses that i do like family homes they're more so always for the teenager but i feel like i feel like i'll leave the parents out sometimes and so i really wanted to make sure as i feel like the majority of this this whole entire estate is the dad's money i wanted to make sure that the dad had their own little room to go and hang out with their mates play some card games you know drink a few different cocktails and whatever but anyway as you can see i've now moved on into the next room which is the butler's quarter i didn't really know how to decorate this room because i wasn't sure if it was going to be an npc or if it's going to be like a household member i just tried to decorate it quite generic over in the other corner you would have seen a place down a little desk area and i wanted there to be like family photos in the wall but the ones i used are from vampires the vampires game pack and i wasn't sure if they fit in or not in the end i ended up keeping it but i wanted it to feel like they were members of the butler's family you know they've got photos of them on the wall there's also some little postcards on the wall as well so maybe before they kind of like settled down and became this household butler they did a bit of travelling because i do imagine that they've been this butler for a while you know i imagine the butler helped raise the children you know raise them from toddlers to children to teenagers i just i imagine they've been in the family for a really long time but i still also imagine that they probably got their own family elsewhere and i tried to show that in their bedroom but as well you would have seen it i did do the vault downstairs as well in the basement the vault is kind of got two layers of security so you go through the vault door and then you go through a room which then has another vault door and then you're in the vault now i've added 50 000 simoleons into the vault and so when you go into it in game play there's going to be like golden balls on the shelves and there's going to be jewellery stands with like necklaces on and i'm pretty sure it's like an individual stand that has a literal diamond on it honestly it just they look so cool together but anyway as you can see i've now moved on to the upstairs portion of this house and i've started off by furnishing the bathroom i'm so obsessed with this bathroom i just i love the way it came together so much you can see that i've tried to make the bathtub feel a little bit more grand and so i put it onto a platform now i am very much aware that the way that i've currently got the platform is a bit hickley pickledy basically i wanted there to be quite a luxury kind of like sink area and so i use the same counters that i use downstairs in the kitchen a bit in this bathroom and then i use a tool cabinet but then the cabinet was kind of going into the platform but so quickly i did it so the platform then went to weird like it looks really weird but don't worry when i came in and i started playtesting his house and i took the screenshots i realized how higgledy pickled the platform looked and it looked really uneven and odd so i have now since fixed it and now it's a little bit of a smaller platform but it's still a luxury platform you know your sims can sit in the bath and the thing is as well with this lot that i haven't even mentioned the back garden looks onto this really beautiful area of water and it's called like this big fountain coming out of the water it's honestly it's so pretty but one thing i will say is trying to take a picture of the front of this house it was so difficult i don't know what it was but the lighting like the lighting and the back garden absolutely beautiful but when you come around try and take a picture of the lighting and the front garden like the front of the house i really struggled with it but anyway as you can see i've now moved on and i've started furnishing one of the bedrooms for the family members like one of the celebrities so we've already done the butler's bedroom but this is going to be the first teenager's bedroom and this is going to be for the teenager that's more into you know like gaming sports rather than playing the sports itself i just think that's such a funny storyline you know you've got this dad who is a professional athlete or was a professional athlete really big in the basketball world and you'd rather play basketball on your computer i just think that's such a funny storyline to go along with but in here i tried to show the contrast between both of the brothers because we've got this brother that's really into gaming really into you know playing video games with their friends getting a pizza takeaway you can see that in front of the little tv area i found a pizza box and i put it onto the floor i also cluttered it up with some like gaming controllers and like spray cans i tried to make this room it feel very cluttered and very much like a typical messy gaming at teenagers bedroom is basically what i'm trying to say but when you see the contrast from this bedroom into the other teenager's bedroom i feel like you can see which sim prefers gaming and which sim prefers to be outside because i gave this sim the biggest bedroom because i imagine they spend so much time in it playing video games playing you know just doing all sorts on their computer and i've really tried to replicate a messy room as well which is quite easy to do if you've got the eco lifestyle expansion pack because you know the pizza box that i put on the floor that is from the live edit menu it doesn't spoil it will stay there your sims can you know like sims can still walk around it it's just a really nice piece of cluttered decoration if you want to do a messy teenager's bedroom but anyway as you can see i've now moved on into the next teenager's bedroom which is the teenage girls bedroom so in here i decided to go for the get to give a wardrobe in the corner i really struggled if i'm being honest with you with decorating this bedroom because i really wanted this sim to be very popular has a really big group of friends you know mtv cribs do you ever used to watch mtv cribs like the old version of it you used to watch him and they used to be these teenagers that used to have like 20 friends who look around their house i imagine this teenager to be exactly like that they're so popular they probably know every single person in newcrest in willow creek in san marco i just imagine them to have so many friends and i imagine that their bedroom is kind of like their club hangout spot as such i also really imagine that this sim is into fashion and makeup and you know they're probably in high maintenance in which is a i think it's a lifestyle and possibly a personality trait as well which we got from the latest spa day refresh i imagine that this sim her and her mom they're often popping down to if you've watched it before my country club and spa when i feel like i built country club and spa in the world of white springs i imagine that they're going to be regulars over there i imagine that they're just very high maintenance they love fashion they love just they love all of that kind of thing but for some reason i really struggled when it came round to decorating their bedroom in here ended up having like a little vanity corner there was also a little computer corner there is also like an artist or a bookcase there's a mirror and i just for some reason i don't know what it was but i really struggled with that room but now as you can see i've now moved on into the next bedroom which is the last teenager's bedroom in this house so in here i struggled on what bed to go for originally i was going to use one from the dream home decorated game pack but i didn't like how low down the headboard is like do you know what i mean like the headboard on that bed that i originally pulled out for some reason it's really low and it just really annoys me and so i decided to replace it with this one that we got from city living but it is the good version of the bed because if you're not aware with city living we have some like kind of manky furniture some like used furniture that's probably been found like a dustbin or something there is two versions of this bed there's kind of like the old messy one and there's like a normal version this is the normal version but in here as you can see there's like a little tv unit opposite the bed there isn't a gaming station in here and i tried to do that on purpose because i didn't imagine that this sim would be the one to play the games i imagine they're consistently outside they're consistently in the basketball court i imagine that they're also having like club hangouts and club gatherings in the gym as well i imagine that a lot of the teenagers in the world of willow creek and newcrest because i personally imagine newcrest and widow creek basically be next door to one another so i imagine that all the teenagers in that world often come here and you know they hang out in the gym it's probably like a the hot spot basically for teenagers in these two worlds but in here you can see the contrast in the difference of the amount of clutter that is in this room compared to their teenage brother's bedroom in the other teenager's bedroom as you would have seen there was pizza boxes there was a pile of clothes there was graffiti cans there's like megaphones in the floor whereas in that bedroom i tried to keep the clutter to a bit of a minimum i still wanted it to feel realistic and i still wanted it to feel like a lived-in bedroom but i didn't want there to be as many kind of like gaming related items they've still got a desk but it's nowhere near as fancy as what their brother's desk is but anyway as you can see i've now moved on into the next bedroom which i was really stuck on what to do with this bedroom it ends up just being a guest bedroom because i was originally thinking and you might have noticed there isn't a home office in this house which honestly i surprised myself with that one because even in normal typical suburban family homes there always ends up being a home office in my houses but in this house just the way the floor plan laid out the rooms that i decided to make into sitting rooms would have been way too big to have to be in home office and so i was debating to making i was debating making i was debating to make that little guest bedroom into a home office but again i just felt like it was too big i still i feel like it didn't fit in and i decided to make it into a guest bedroom because you know there's a lot of sims in and out of this house consistently all the teenagers friends come around and they're going to need somewhere to have their sleepovers and so i just decided to make it into just like a standard guest bedroom of course if you want to download it you can change it to be like a child's bedroom or a toddler's bedroom do whatever you want with it but now as you can see i've now moved on into the last room which is the parent's bedroom it's in here i know straight away that i want you to have a full poster bed there's something about having like a big big bed like this that kind of shows authority do not may not i feel like this this is very apparent that that room is going to be for the parents of the household and so i use the four poster bear which is from city living i really wanted there to be a walk-in wardrobe because you know the mum is an ex-model i felt like that would make a lot of sense but just again the way the floor plan panned out it wouldn't have made sense to have the walking wardrobe on the wall that i wanted it to be in because basically the way that you can do a walk-in wardrobe with the dream home decorator things like the little sectional pieces you put them onto the wall but when you go into half up half or down mode it disappears and it just really annoys me and i wanted there to actually if i was going to go full out and make a walking wardrobe i wanted you to be able to see it in gameplay and so i've decided to use a wardrobe that we got from the get together expansion pack but now as you can see i'm just going around this house and then furnishing the hallway and that is basically it so anyway guys i'm going to end this voice over here so as always you can download this build by the gallery my original id is jessica yt or just search for the hashtag jessicapioit or just the hashtag jessicapi as always thank you guys so much for watching this video and as always if you do like my content then please do subscribe and hopefully i will see you in my next sims 4 speedboarding video bye guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jessicapie
Views: 1,080,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims 4, sims 4 speed build, sims 4 mansion, sims 4 house, sims 4 family home, sims 4 large family home, sims 4 family house, sims 4 save file, sims 4 generations, sims 4, sims 4 house building, jessicapie, jessicapieyt, save file, sims 4 huge family home, sims 4 big family house, the sims, huge generations family home, sims 4 generations house, large family home, sims 4 big mansion, sims 4 huge mansion, sims 4 generations home, sims 4 mansion build, huge family mansion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 28sec (3088 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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