Building a House Using Only BASE GAME in The Sims 4 // How to Build a House in The Sims 4 NO CC

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since the Sims 4 became free to play I know there are tons of you who are about to experience the Sims 4 for the first time which is so so exciting to me as a long time Sims player I've been playing this game since the Sims 1 and I can remember the first time that I ever picked up a Sims game and started playing it and the excitement that I had so today we're going to be building a house using only the Sims 4 base game so no packs no custom content no mods just the Sims 4 and whether you're browsing online for Sims 4 tutorials or trying to download custom content make sure you stay safe with surfsharkvpn this VPN keeps you safe and secure by covering up everything you do online so if someone tried to creep on you guess what they can because of surf shark surfsharkvpn also allows you to put your laptop anywhere in the world not physically duh but you can change your country or your IP address with the top of a finger giving you access to a lot of things including a new choice of Netflix movies you can also easily access and unblock different streaming platforms so if something isn't available in your country you you can use surfsharkvpn to virtually travel across the world and boom it's available or if you are actually physically traveling you can change your VPN back to your home country so your online experience while traveling abroad feels just like home so you can get surf shark VPN by clicking the link in the description and use code Sid for an 83 off discount which is already the best price in the market plus three extra months free that's a pretty good deal so thank you so much to surfsharkvpn for sponsoring this video and let's get back into it so we're gonna build here in New Crest this is just an empty world just ready for you to build on by the way this is a separate file from bloomcrest bloomcrest is still there don't worry and we're gonna try and take this slow today so if you're learning about the Sims 4 base game or how to build a house in The Sims 4 I'll show you how to do it so basically we always start off with like a big box and then you're gonna build off and make your shell so I'll add little bump outs here anything extra to make the house look a little more interesting than just a box I'm going for a two-story maybe family home today so I'm trying to make this relatively big so so this is what the bottom floor shell is looking like so far and then to delete the inside walls you can use this wall tool here and using control on your keyboard you can actually go ahead and delete those walls you could also use the hammer tool up here and go in and delete the walls that way and we're going to add a second floor onto this so I don't think I'm gonna go all the way to the edges there on the shell I think I'm just gonna go maybe about here and we can cover up the empty space with Roofing when we add it so just fairly simple up here I might add a couple window bump outs there maybe some in the back too as long as we've got something to start with here we're on the right track so after I've built my shell I like to go in and roof it this is probably one of the hardest parts about building in The Sims 4. a lot of people have a hard time with Roofing so I'm gonna go in and use this gabled roof piece first and anywhere that I see an extra bump out there I'm just gonna stick that on and use these adjusters to pull it over I think for today I want my Roofing to be slightly higher I've been going for steeper roofs lately so I'm going to use this Arrow here and we're going to pull it up then I'm going to click on that Roofing click the copy button right here rotate it using the keys on my keyboard and I'm gonna put that in here again just looking for any spots that I can add this Roofing piece I'm gonna do the same thing right here just adjusting it so that it fits onto that part we're gonna copy and rotate that again and put it over on this side so while it looks like I'm using a lot of roofing pieces so far it's only the one copy and pasted over and over that's it we're gonna do the same thing up top I'm gonna copy this put it up here we're gonna copy the same roof piece and put it up on these bump outs and now you can really see it coming to life I do have this little part here which this is going to be my entry area so I'm gonna go in and get a fence we're gonna set my filter again just base game today and I'm just gonna use my fence to carve out a small entry area right here then we're gonna click anywhere on the build and use this tool here to raise it up on a foundation and I have one more Roofing piece that needs to go right here I'm gonna use a half gabled roof this time we're gonna rotate it so that it fits and I think I'm just gonna lower that a little bit and we're gonna pull that all the way across and just cover this part here this way we can use columns here we can hold up that Roofing piece we can add some stairs is leading up to the front so so far this is going to be the general layout of our house I'm gonna go in and get a foundation let's use that one today we're gonna click on the roof trim option right here and I like to use this middle one the square roof trim so I'm just gonna add that onto some of my Roofing pieces here and sometimes I'll mix and match if it's a big house I can go in and use like this for like the big roof pieces just something a little more chunky adding like a little bit of dimension for roof paint I'm gonna use this one here and again I like to change it up a little sometimes so I'm also going to use this metal roof piece just for that overhang at the front next I like to go in and add some wallpaper so I think I'm going to use some siding for this build so I'm going to pick this one here and I'm going to hold shift on my keyboard that's gonna put it pretty much all over the build as opposed to just putting it by like one tile at a time you can also hold alt on your keyboard and that'll just put it on the one wall as opposed to like putting it everywhere and then I normally like to go in and add another wallpaper so I'm going to use this one here The Rustic River Stone and I'm gonna put that at the front maybe on this one and over to the side here too next we're going to do windows and doors I'm going to use these shutters here just to start so I'm going to add a couple on each bump out these windows are pretty big they take up a lot of space so we don't have to go too crazy with them I like to change it up using like similar but different windows so I'm going in with these ones that don't have the shutter over here and then up top we're going to use a smaller version like this one just to put it there I'm also going to put a couple of those on my bump outs up top so there's our windows and for doors my house here is up on a medium Wall height you can click on the build anywhere and see the Wall height options right here I like to do middle for the first floor and then the smaller one up top so I'm choosing from The Medium door Heights here I'm gonna go maybe with like this one I like to do a big double door normally and now that we've got all of the basics for the house we can now go in and add the details this is my favorite part we're gonna go in and add a chimney up here we're gonna add some window boxes up top we could even click on the spandrels tool here and we can add those to our entryway there I feel like that immediately made it look more charming and then for landscaping I like to go in and use a lot of trees on my build I tend to put bigger ones in the back so like this spruce tree can go back here maybe I'll put a couple and you'll notice I always put my Landscaping in the four corners of a build so I've got two in the back already a smaller tree up front and maybe we'll just do an even smaller one right there when Landscaping I also like to go in with my terrain paint so we're gonna go and get a stone here maybe I can use this one you can adjust the sizing of your terrain paint right here you can also adjust the softness right here so if you're further to the left that's going to be more of like an obvious line whereas if you go softer you can kind of like blend it more easily you can layer it I like to go more towards the soft side just so the edges don't look too harsh and I'm just gonna bring it out like that I also have this back deck area that I was working on so I like to go in and add a little bit of terrain like back here then that leaves space for like a dining area we could put a barbecue I am planning on putting a kid's room in this build so I might add like a jungle gym over here and for the rest of the landscaping and details I normally do my Landscaping off camera rub because I get so carried away doing it but what I'll do is I'll start off using like the bigger bushes so I'm in the shrubs category I like just filling up space with these first and then I'll go in with the flowers I'll use some of these shrubs as well and once I'm happy with what we've got I'm definitely gonna add a lot more than this still I'm gonna go back in and this is my favorite item in The Sims 4 base game for landscaping this little guy here the low-lying pale flowers I go in and use these just around the edges here to make it look a little bit more natural not as like well kept I like my builds to generally look like lived in and grown in a little bit so that's kind of why I like to do it like that and then we go in with a terrine paint and just go underneath to add like the dirt there okay so after the landscaping and all the details that I added to this this is what our house is looking like some of the details I added up here we've got some of these base game corbels I used a few debug items on here which you can actually open up the cheat menu by using Ctrl shift C type in hidden objects and live edit objects then when you go down into to the search bar you can search up debug items these are items that are in the game but not in the build and buy menu it's like a little secret menu that's where I got this fence here and also these hanging plants but this is the front along the back I kept it pretty simple we've got a barbecue out there we've got a counter and sink for prep I added a picnic table with a book there so it looks like someone's been reading we've got a couple Garden pots out here and some monkey bars for the kid that is gonna live here now we're gonna go inside and I'm gonna show you how to make a floor plan so the first thing that I like to do when doing any floor plan is start adding stairs if you've got a two-story home three-story home you're going to want to add your stairs first so I'm gonna use these ones here and I'm gonna go in and just place them by my door I like them to kind of be in that vicinity and I'm going to rotate mine this way I think using that tool there you could also make them bigger if you wanted to you could even turn them all the way around so that they're stacked like that but for me I'm actually gonna rotate it so that this part is facing the door and then inside this little part here I'm gonna go with my room tool and we're gonna make a closet this is going to be a really cute feature when you walk in the house we're gonna add our archways right there we'll bring our flooring in and everything and then in there we're gonna have a nice little closet where you could go in and hang up your clothes we're going for an open concept floor plan today so I think I might section this part off for my kitchen but we're still gonna open it up so I'm gonna go and get some columns I'm gonna use these ones here and place them at the corners of that room and then you can go in with your spandrels and just open that up like that it's gonna be really cute from the inside that's where our kitchen will be I think my living room will be over to that side there and then for our bathroom this is gonna be a two bathroom two bedroom house I think so I'm gonna put one right here at the front We'll add a door right there and in terms of a layout it's pretty simple today this is what it's gonna be for the bottom floor then for the top floor I like to keep my bedrooms up on the second floor when doing a two-story home I don't know just personal preference so I'm gonna leave a little space up here for like a seating room or rooting room or something we'll do our two bedrooms in the back there a kids room and a parent room and we'll do a bathroom right here so we got two bedrooms two bathrooms let's start to furnish so I think we're gonna start in here with our kitchen we're gonna get all of our appliances I'm gonna use this silver one here for my fridge for counters I actually really love using these ones here they're kind of like industrial so I'm gonna add my counters pretty much all the way along this thing we'll adjust that window there we need an oven and a thing so I'm gonna use this oven here and I think I'm just gonna use a regular like silver sink to match then for cabinets I like to go in and change it up there's actually a gear located at the top of the swatches here it's really hard to see and I didn't know this for the longest time but then you can go in and pick a different variety of cabinets including this really long one which I'm gonna use I'm gonna actually replace the counter that I had there with that you can go in and add corner pieces I like to go in and add these like smaller pieces here there is an auto option at the bottom for counters and cabinets but I keep that off and I just do it this way I find you have a lot more control that way we're gonna warm this up a little bit I love all of my homes in The Sims 4 to be really cool cozy so I like going in with some warm tone lighting to mix it up and I also have room here to put an island right at the front so I'm gonna go in with the theme Swatch that I'm using here in an island piece and we're just gonna add two of those right there I could also use that for prep we're gonna put some chairs there I'm gonna give this family everything we're gonna do a coffee machine over in the corner we'll do a microwave on this side we could even do a laptop sitting at the island like that and to make my build look a little more homey I like going in and adding like clutter pieces everywhere so as long as you leave one of these counterpieces open for prep like I'm gonna keep this one completely clutter free you're gonna be fine your kitchen will be functional but Sims do require at least one space open for prep we're gonna get our smoke detector is the final item that we need in our kitchen We'll add some blinds in the middle there and a little trick that I like to do to make my kitchens look more fancy I like going in and using mirrors as my backslash so I'm just gonna put a couple in there like this that also opens up the area a little bit more and I don't know I just like how that looks okay moving on I'm gonna turn over this way we're gonna do our dining room and our living room so I think over here is where we're gonna put it I'm actually gonna delete this window for now just because I want to mount my TV and put a fireplace over there so we're gonna do fireplace I think I'm gonna use this one it kind of matches that green I've been using you'll get a nice big TV mounted right on top of there by the way I didn't mention earlier another cheat that's really helpful especially when doing Interiors is bb.move objects on that cheat allows you to move your objects a lot more freely like here if I wanted my TV to be directly on top of there for some reason I can't do that without the cheat and also if you hold alt on your keyboard that's how you're able to move things around without it clicking to the grid like that we're gonna add a rug here be careful those might catch fire I'm gonna do two chairs over in the corner here like this with the matching couch right here and I think since I'm using a lot of brown I'm actually going to change the brick backdrop I've got we're gonna go in with this base game one here oh yep that's it I might add like another feature around here in that same Swatch we're gonna use this item here I really like this lamp from base game we'll add some plants around maybe a skill item in here for something extra for your Sims to do and another hack that I'm going to show you guys is on the gallery you can do this with base game it does not require custom content however it does allow you to download custom paintings so go in the gallery console player so you can do this too use the hashtag filter and type in painting or art wait for the gallery to load and when you do that you're gonna see a ton of paintings that have been uploaded by other simmers you can find some really cute things in here and for my long time Sims 4 base game players this is how you can spruce up your builds a little bit without buying any packs I've been doing this for a while so I already have a few that I really like like Moonlight Seeker on the gallery is a really good one I think I'm gonna use these holy Shmo wow is another one of my favorites I always find good stuff on here but I'm gonna download these once you click on them all you have to do is Click Place room at the bottom right and then I just put them over to the side and kind of like pick them from there so maybe something like that and the frames that they come in are pretty lame but what you can do with that bb.moveobjects cheat on is find picture in game with a frame that you like I'm gonna use this one I think you can shrink it down and then put it around these paintings you might have to do it a couple times to get the sizing right but once you've got it it'll look something like that and this is a hack that I use in my builds pretty much daily so at the end here we've got our living room I added a little more clutter in there I also added a dining table right here nice and close to the kitchen then over here to the right I think I'm gonna do maybe a reading area I don't have a bookshelf in here yet bookshelves in The Sims 4 are great skill items actually because you can buy different books to teach your Sims how to do everything I recommend if you're just starting out like with gameplay definitely have a bookshelf in your build so we're gonna put two right there I'm also gonna do a small little coffee table like that I love using that trunk and I think I'm gonna put something for the kid down here too like a toy box we can maybe put a bear in the corner and this thing right under the window and I think I'm gonna add a couple rugs here just for like if the kid is sitting there playing with their toys they're at least comfortable I'm gonna add a plant which I think I'm gonna raise up onto this coffee table so holding alts and using nine on my keyboard that's how you raise it up and you can use zero to lower so you're holding both of those keys let's add maybe another toy right there we can maybe add some backpack clutter right here so that part is looking cute and then over to the side I still have to add our clothes into our closet so the Sims has these like hanging clothes options these ones have clothes already hanging on it but recently they've started adding like different clothes with different shelves that you can add in like other packs but for now this is what we got for base game so I'm just gonna hang those in there so it looks like the clothes are hanging like that maybe we can go along on the other way too a little bit I'm gonna use those standing mirrors that we used in the kitchen and I'm just gonna put them all along the back wall and for shoe clutter we also have these here which I always hated this floppy boot I don't know why but today we're gonna make an exception I'm gonna put them in here I think I'm gonna leave mine like that and then back here I do still have a little area back here I added my paintings already I'm gonna add a desk I think I'm gonna use this one here I like how that one looks we'll get get a computer a nice comfy office chair this is obviously not a starter home this is for a family that's been in the game for a while they've made their money they're able to afford this like so far this house is over 100k already but if you guys want I could maybe do a starter base game build in a little bit I know there's been tons of requests for base game builds lately so let me know what you guys want to see we're gonna pull this area together with a rug I'm just gonna use this and shrink it using the brackets on my keyboard the left bracket to make it smaller right bracket to make it bigger and I want to add a little bit more for my Sims to do in this build so I'm going to add an easel over here maybe we can also put this woodworking table outside so this is what our bottom floor is looking like over here is our study area I added another guitar maybe our thins living here are creative maybe they're artists over in this hallway I just kind of filled up that space by adding some canvases there going through this way we have our kitchen which I really love how this kitchen looks it looks cozy it looks warm we've got lots of clutter going on in here and then over to this side we have our living room area area with our TV our fireplace there and over here is our little toy slash Reading area so cute we do still have a bathroom to take care of downstairs we're gonna use a shower in the corner maybe we'll put our sink along the back wall there which is like a mirror on top of there we'll add our clutter pieces like towels and robes and my toilet can be on the back wall here and then once we have our Essentials again we can go in and add the Clutter basically anything you can take away from this is when you're Furnishing a general easy way to do it is add the basics first like the essential items you need in there for it to be a functional room and then go in with the Clutter I'm gonna add this soap here which I'm actually gonna raise up onto this shelf maybe like a Kleenex box and for our bathroom there is the first one we do still have another one to do upstairs which I'm probably gonna do that one right away as well this one we can use a bathtub so I'm gonna put a bathtub along that wall there toilet on this side and maybe for my sink this time we can use this one here I've got my mirror on there I'm gonna again add the basics Maybe this time we can put like a picture by the bathtub a bigger towel for clutter there and there is our second bathroom for this area up here I think I'm probably just gonna add some extra kids toys we can add a bookshelf over in that corner the dollhouse right here yeah it probably is not the best idea to put these right by the stairs however the beauty of the Sims friends is that luckily for now your Sims can't actually fall down the stairs I do like adding these cute little bear chairs here like I'm gonna put these two in the corners I think I'm gonna add a creativity table right there and just some Decor like we can put this on the wall a rug so that your Sims can like sit there and play so this is going to be our hallway area just a couple toys little seating area some things to do for your Sims we're gonna move on to the parents bedroom we've got two bedrooms left we're gonna grab a double bed I like to use this one here from base game there's some like cute swatches in here like that for my dresser I think I want to use this one here and I'll just put that over in the corner like this we can do some mirrors on the side here and I think I'm gonna download the more art for this so I added that art there for my bedroom keeping with that like beige creamy color I'm gonna add some rugs under my bed and then maybe over on this side I could just add a chair or even just like another hanging like closet piece I always thought this chair looked kind of comfy so I'm gonna put that one maybe over in the corner there so this is our bedroom looking pretty warm and cozy in there with that color theme and for our kids room over to this side I think I'm gonna keep this as like a gender neutral kid's room so I'm gonna use that bed there there's a lot of matching Furniture to that bed like we could add that dresser in the corner I need a lamp or another light in here this Solar System Light actually adds a lot more light than the previous one so I'm gonna put that in there we'll add a rug I need to get some toys for Decor I like using these movie posters we can go in with these which are kind of cute we'll put a mirror over there too a great item to put in your kids rooms is this Defender light because kids in The Sims 4 get nightmares and then they wake up and like disrupt the whole family so these will help with that and all right this is going to be our kids room tons of stuff for your swim things to do in here just again base game only and this has been our base game only house in The Sims 4. if you're new to The Sims Community welcome I hope you learned how to build a house in The Sims 4 at least a little bit It's Tricky it does take some practice if you have any questions make sure you leave a comment down below like And subscribe as well if you haven't already and I will put this on the gallery under Cindy macarata if you want to download it thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Syd Mac ♡
Views: 105,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4, sims 4 challenges, sims 4 build challenges, sims 4 build challenge, sydney macoretta, sims 4 builds, sims 4 house building, syd mac, sydmac, the sims 4, the sims, the sims 4 2022, the sims 2022, simulation games, sims 4 build, house building, sims 4 house, sims 4 base game, sims 4 base game only, sims 4 base game build, sims 4 free, sims 4 base game free, how to build a house in the sims 4, how to build a house, building a house sims 4, base game only sims 4
Id: I7dHfcp9hMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2022
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