I'm Becoming A Grandmaster (Ep 5)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to this series where i take you on my journey to the grand master title this is episode number five and in four of the first five episodes thus far i am playing two training games in every video against an anonymous title player that player has a an account on chess.com they've never used that's why it's rated 1200 don't think that i'm beating up at 1200 i am not that rude and i've appreciated all of your comments thus far i read through them super supportive some of you trolling but you know it comes with the territory all right i'll see you after game number one for analysis it is game time uh i've been playing a lot of c4 this time i'm gonna go with d4 uh and i believe that my opponent will go for a nimso indian defense that is that fits my opponent's repertoire but maybe it'll play like budapest game i don't know this is like a secret weapon that my opponent has i won't tell anybody uh knight f3 is what i played last time and the difference here is that you know knight c3 allows bishop b4 and you can fight in the main lines and knight f3 enables black to play either the queen's indian the bogo indian d5 whatever i'm gonna go knight c3 and induce my opponent into playing the nim so it's a very forcing move knight c3 uh because if your opponent doesn't want to play queen's gambit decline they won't and here i've actually prepared this idea f3 so i'm going to enter this variation which is very interesting and the idea is to go e4 now i checked my opponent's games beforehand that i actually know that my opponent castles here but perhaps they will surprise me i don't know and in fact my opponent could here be anticipating the fact that i have prepared against this castle's line that i know they play and i know they play it because information is out there and so here there are two options basically you can get this bishop to take you or you can play e4 right away now e4 is very aggressive personally i like to play this move a3 first and here black takes and can do something in the center with c5 or d5 my opponent plays the move knight h5 now knight h5 has a very by the way this is everything that i had prepared already uh i know that this is what they play um knight h5 actually let me crop myself because i'm sitting like this but i don't know if i'm actually going to be comfortable exactly like this throughout the recording anyway okay so knight h5 the idea of this is to play queen h4 um the best move here for white is this hilarious move knight to h3 and there is f5 uh f5 is the second idea of moving the knight to h5 you enable the move f5 which was not possible to move again you would say well this breaks all the principles you're supposed to play c5 d5 knight h5 is a really kind of let's put this with an edgy way to play the position i have the bishop pair from the opening but i have slightly damaged structure what black wants to do is kind of freeze up my pawns and this is just one very very dynamic way to play now here i have prepared something that i know that my opponent has faced in the past uh e4 fe4 and i believe bishop to g5 and it gives white a very strong initiative i am going to play e4 and if i'm not mistaken knight to c6 the e4 is not a popular move okay plays d6 my opponent once faced this over the board and got hit with fe4 bishop g5 so this is new to me all i prepared was if he takes uh and i figured he wouldn't and i i didn't know what he would do in this position so here we are so the scary thing is i've never played this position in my life uh which is probably not particularly smart but this is why i'm doing it in a training game okay so the first thing that i'm asking is why don't i go bishop g5 um and whether or not that's the entire point of what i'm doing uh and uh the other moves like for example bishop g5 maybe queen e8 the other option is just to play something like bishop to e2 i'm gonna do this this is kind of anticipating that something might happen over here queen to h4 i have knight f2 i think i have knight f2 and if pawn takes e4 i have g3 and there's nothing there i don't know if i was supposed to put my bishop on d3 but i'm going bishop e2 because after um takes oftentimes you're not even taking back by the way like one thing you might all be wondering is why did you just leave your pawn there to be captured when pawn takes e4 pawn takes e4 like like this right so okay f4 f4 closes the center now i really want to go g4 i really want to play this move takes and then maybe uh maybe takes knight g3 rogue g1 knight e2 queen e2 i mean it's probably just very bad i should probably just move my knight back to f2 and opponent probably wants to play e5 okay i also have g4 here and bishop g5 throw in the in-between move before i i go into all that good stuff um at the end of it there's going to be some e5 move so for example here here bishop g5 queen e8 um f4 there wow f4 looks insane i love it f4 attacking the knight i'm gonna do it i think i think this could be something this is completely insane and here if queen to h4 i just go knight back so again that's not a problem and if the knight dibs back to f6 well then i get everything because i get the pawn too and you you can't you can't let me have the f4 pawn that you just put there so uh now to be honest uh in a classical game what would need to happen is i would need to go back and review this line better uh because already after e46 there's very few games i'm completely on my own which can't happen this is still uh too insane of a variation to be on your own you can play variations where you're on your own in more positional that aren't so dynamic but this one is completely nuts like of course you have to know you have to memorize your stuff that's just how it works that's all the top guys and gals they play like this they memorize their stuff i'm not i'm not doing it the right way let's put it this way okay so here comes my plan with bishop g5 this is always the idea in a lot of these lines you're kind of trying to throw this in um and like i said i i came up with a what looks like a fascinating idea after the queen moves to play f4 and just load up a massive center hitting the knight if the knight drops back um i'm never really worried about moves like g2 by the way that does look cool to get a new queen but g2 rogue g1 i don't really there's nothing and now it's i think queen eight is better because you don't get in the way of the bishop or the knight like this move just makes sense because you can come here and you still have access to the same diagonal i think queen d7 doesn't make any sense unless you in the long run want to hit this knight which i just am not that sure about but who knows who knows who knows but you have to move the queen i again i don't believe in knight f6 really maybe but you're just really retreating for basically no reason and giving me all the play so i don't know why you would do that the queen eight is probably the way to go interesting interesting interesting very dynamic position i wouldn't have gone for this if i didn't have f4 because basically what i what i what i looked at uh everything besides uh f4 looked bad and it looks bad because if the queen moves here and this knight is loose i just don't see a way to solve all my problems over here whereas this move locks in my bishop and immediately puts maximum value of danger that i can give to black what i mean by that is after the move queen e8 i can't put black in any danger with a move like rook g1 or pawn takes but they are forcing moves but this is the most forcing move because i'm putting black in the most amount of danger that i can get in that position now i'm starting to doubt myself like maybe i could have even played f4 here but i was never going to do that this is always a useful move in these variations my nose is very itchy i did a lot of exercise today i'm i'm somehow realizing that when i exercise a lot bike a lot or run a lot my nose will itch or i'll have a runny nose and i think it's called exercise induced rhinitis now i am not a doctor so i simply got that from a google search and i would recommend for you to speak to your doctor but the queen d7 is ultimately what my opponent goes for why not queen yates the question this is all the same so why why queen d7 that move just looks wrong just doesn't look right there's always this move to attack me so if i play f4 let's do it there's f4 now if e5 i actually think going f5 makes sense and closing off the queen unless i'm just missing something which i don't think i am just closing off the queen well it's chess i mean you're always missing something i'm gonna eat some rice okay my opponent throws in g2 my what am i um okay okay i guess i gotta go here have i missed something have i okay now knight f6 so they're attacking this basically if i take on g2 they're gonna take on e4 okay but then i have bishop h6 i mean it's like i mean maybe bishop h5 there or even or like bishop d3 so here here here g6 bishop d3 there is always d5 but um man d5 is an insane move switch page six in a classical game this would take maybe like eight minutes to calculate unfortunately i don't have that time so if i'm gonna like i can also just take on f6 and kind of shut up and i can also go back to f2 that is another move that i have here just go back to f2 take on g2 slowly and get out of this position well not get out like have a good position um i'm gonna go back to f2 what an absolutely wild game i don't know what's happening at some point black will probably try to strike in the center because you can't just let my center rock like that i really i i would be i would not be shocked if after rook g294 white is like much better but i got kind of scared that's a weird move can't i just take take and take again and just be up a pawn take take take i guess queen d1 rook d1 when knight goes back i have e6 what if i just take see you want to break out but i'm i'm not sure you can i'm not sure you can i mean i okay now i mean i i have the world's ugliest pawn structure make no mistake but uh where's that knight going i mean you're really gonna go back to e8 with a straight face i don't know i mean i don't have a good pawn structure but i'm about to win the g2 pawn and uh i have bishop v7 in a lot of positions once i win g2 g7 is feeling real soft so i don't know and like i said there's um queen d1 but rook d1 i mean i've immediately got reinforcements i think i'm much better here definitely i've won the uh the battle here uh but as all these training games go they always come down to the wire i'm gonna try to avoid a time scramble that's gonna be the the little lesson today to try to finish this game with like maybe 1 30 or 2 minutes on the clock so i'm avoiding those ridiculous last minute mad dashes i think i'm just gonna pre-move this cause i think the move queen d7 really hurt black it kind of got in the way of his development and i think he he sort of played e5 e5 is one of those moves like all breaking out but then you just realize no you're just losing a pawn and you really have to retreat now he plays 98 yeah um okay so obviously rook g2 is the first thing on my mind there's also this funny move queen d5 which looks very good but accomplishes nothing after king h8 right i think i also have bishop g4 but uh i think for now i'm just going to take on g2 i'm not going to over complicate matters let me activate my rook now i always have some actually bishop h6 is looking really juicy um probably knight c6 is gonna get played i wouldn't anticipate this move you just gotta get a piece out like queen d5 i would play with check to get taken see i'm trying to get taken advantageously so i can undouble my pawns if i get my pawns like like that like one two three four i'm really good right now they're doubled everywhere which is not good so black definitely has some compensation here okay queen c6 activates uh the piece bishop e7 here um so now queen d5 there's bishop e6 which i don't love bishop e7 rook f7 there's like no other move right after after i do what i do um i can't go bishop h6 anymore complex it's complex queen c6 is a very decent move i really want to put something my queen on d8 it looks unbelievably stupid also looks like he could win the game so i let's go bishop e7 i think this is the only move that makes sense rook f4 just does not strike me as logical at all and then can i just go all the way down queen d8 that is so crazy you just gotta play it you just gotta play it now bishop f6 is like lurking i've got bishop h5 too not not really because then there's g6 but and then i can like maybe bring my rook i'm fascinated queen c8 is a threat but more importantly it's kind of about the movement of these pieces but i i i don't know i have another idea that's interesting do i have rook d1 here my bishop's in danger oh do i have e6 oh my god e6 oh look at that e6 queen takes check here e6 here i take the rook oh my god i think e6 is just winning what a move i'm not going nuts right wow and if rook takes e7 i have pawn takes this that isn't that is insane what a what a shot what a oh that feels nice that all was only possible because the bishop was disconnected from e6 now only the queen can take it and then there's queen eight generally though when there's this level of congestion there's always something there's always something kind of lurking so this def yeah e6 is a nice one i wonder if it was winning after queen dave bishop e7 queen d8 uh was the top engine line then i feel good about myself i think it's just game over probably the best thing for my opponent to do is take on e7 with the queen that's that's the way you would play this i think but even but even then i can take on c8 and take on b7 like i can yo my opponent just resigns gg okay so i was really happy with the way this went uh obviously also it's a different day i'm analyzing this the day after um i had a little bit of intel and thus far throughout i've been playing c4 knight f3 sometimes i develop toward the center um and then you know sometimes with with the move c4 on move one uh you can play the bishop to g2 because you're delaying the move d4 the thing about having a repertoire with d4 and c4 is it makes you a little bit unpredictable so i've tried to make it a mission in every one of these episodes to play something new like i haven't played into a nimso for example the nimso indian is one of the most just flexible dynamic systems that exist and also solid systems that exist the two main lines against the nimso indian are queen c2 and e3 in my life i have played g3 i have played queen c2 i also like to play knight f3 and then here if black doesn't play d5 to go back into a rugosum because here you need a ton more theoretical knowledge black might play like c5 you get something called potentially the romanian variation in the yeah essentially this is the way studying theory works but i had a slight advantage in that before the game i prepared the f3 nimso and the f3m shows the same variation trying to play e4 super wild super dynamic and already black can like start you know playing stuff like this just trying to explode the center but i knew when i had a suspicion that my opponent would play the short castle variation i would go for the bishop they would take and then play this move knight h5 knight h5 is not the most kind of common handling of this position there are other ways like i said it's always principled to play something like c5 going for the middle of the board um and play is super complicated but i took a calculated risk i did a little bit of preparation and we got this knight h5 move knight h3 and pawn to f5 and here uh there's two lines i believe that one is knight f2 and one is e3 i don't remember because the game was yesterday if i talked about that during the game recording but i played e4 and e4 is a modern treatment and the whole point of e4 the whole point of this is that you allow them to take and what you do is you pounce so you play moves like bishop g5 to hit the queen and then like if queen e8 there's even lines you can play like bishop e2 and basically it i mean this looks ridiculous but you have a leading development and black's pieces are sort of oddly scattered and so in a perfect situation you get to something like this this is very modern style of chess sacrifice upon bishop pair more space in the center and white is just clearly better and so that's that that is like the the modern treatment of this variation so i played e4 i knew that my opponent had a game where they took so i didn't know what they were going to play so here we were completely on our own and as you saw as the game progressed essentially i played what i thought was a natural developing move it turns out that i believe this is the first move out of my opponent's notes they had bishop d3 in their notes and maybe pawn takes f5 taking on f5 um but i played here they closed it down and here i came up with what i thought was just an absolutely just incredible idea uh to sacrifice this pawn and go here here here i mean this is like i'm so proud of this idea it's so strong the best thing to play for for black here is this computer line queen h4 check i have to go here this knight has to go back and here the engine gives something so ludicrous like maybe in a classical game you can come up with this here the engine gives taking this pawn okay black responds with knight e4 hitting the bishop you back the bishop up to also cover mate you sacrifice upon in the process but open up your rook so now you play queen to c2 which threatens maid black responds with g6 you now play rook to h3 if queen here just here it's not a problem um and uh after queen f4 you play bishop here and in this position black needs to play king g7 to uh cover the pawn and you play king e2 and go here this is the engine line and by the way black is still one pawn up and white has like a potentially very powerful attack over there on the h-file super scary position uh and the end this is what the engine gives in the game my opponent allowed me to kind of get going right get going and by the way remember i told you during the game in this position that i bet you rook g2 is winning but i couldn't figure it out well it is winning my instinct was right but here here's why knight takes e4 bishop h6 everything that i plan to go down the g file now of course if g6 you can wait but you can also take the rook rook f7 now bishop h5 to attack the rook rook e7 and here you just play very calmly queen f3 and you just like you just chill you chill you'll figure it out because essentially the only way that black can defend the night like black can't move the knight out of the middle because that just allows another piece to come to the party like knight g5 in the future and also just this you have you ever seen this where every single piece you have is about to end up on the same like three little files like a little rectangle it's crazy just this so it was winning um but unfortunately um i didn't have enough time to calculate this fully out and so i decided to just kind of be solid uh and then my opponent trying to lash out and even though it's an ugly transformation of position we just pick up two pawns in the process and now white is clearly better but it turns out that this idea to play bishop e7 rook f7 queen d8 is not as strong as it looks although white is always kind of pressuring because black can go b6 and this is a fascinating idea that both me and my opponent missed the point is that the rook is now always protected so the bishop and the knight can move which is really interesting like it just seemed too slow it just seemed like i would go i don't know here you know and and and like this and this cannot take because it's both pinned and i don't know this looks incredibly scary and once again the engine strikes with long castle with all this ugly structure uh but black is very close to just getting obliterated knight g4 knight h6 i mean it's a very dangerous position but it ends with a very flashy knockout tactic anytime a person is this congested e6 and it's over um queen d8 ef and so my opponent just resigned f36 okay game number two okay here we go carl khan with black uh as we discussed and i'm curiou is it gonna take knight c3 okay so far so good d de4 um so i think if if i play knight f6 my opponent is going to uncork a little bit of prep against me but i know that on bishop f5 my opponent likes to play knight g3 so i am gonna play knight f6 i think he's prepared this though i think he's prepared this though so this is the tartakower karo khan uh i play both obviously now i could go for braunstein larsen but like i don't i don't play that i mean if if we were in a tournament i'll play this and i think what he's gonna do is he's gonna actually play an early and early move we've discussed this very briefly so c3 bishop d6 is the main line and now white plays like usually bishop d3 castles queen c2 rookie a check and he's gonna play bishop e3 that's what i think i'm gonna castle he's gonna go here and then normally you give a check yeah so you give this check white plays knight here and you play h5h4 what i think he's going to do is play this and i've prepared i haven't prepared this at all i i have no idea okay never mind all that hoopla so maybe he's got something prepared even deeper than this uh h5 is the only line i know so i'm gonna play it and yeah um h5h4 is like kind of the the trendy weird uh treatment here uh but i i haven't played these lines in a while normally it it's it's been proven that short castles here is the is the more challenging way to play like if white plays bishop e3 and long castle you get to go here and b5 and a5 a4 it's like you get a very easy course of action yeah short castle is the interesting one now if i'm not mistaken the move here is h4 i could be mistaken but i believe that this is the move the pawn ventures out over there to prevent the easy development of the knight only the f4 square is kind of available and um yeah so that that's a very tricky move uh if you play rookie two then queenie two bishop here and then there's queen e4 or did he mess it up queen e4 and then like some queen h7 i don't i don't think he messed it up i don't think i can take on f4 i'm starting to get second thoughts but yeah i i don't think it's possible um [Music] yeah i've never had this position really so let me uh oops i accidentally clicked on my bars let me think about this uh i don't yeah i haven't really had this too much in blitz or even rapid well i don't play rapid so bishop g4 doesn't make any sense uh bishop b6 is just always a flexible move like there's basically never a bad moment to play this makes me want to do it also queen c7 sort of forces the issue a little bit with this bishop makes it take i don't know i think i'm just going to go bishop b6 and i would like to normally what you do is you put your knight on my fate i think i'm just going to develop because like there's nothing there's nothing that can really go on here maybe something some rook will come to to e1 or something like rookie one rook d1 uh and at that point i can play queen c7 the only reason i'm not taking is because i just don't want the knight to get any access i can also like attack the bishop with this pawn to make it take but there's no why would i do that it's so weakening and it might be okay the computer might be like it's completely fine and it's not human to play g5 you play g5 you start you start uh questioning legitimacy of your opponent right so rookie one makes sense i really want to go knight d7 i'm sure there's also some weird computer stuff with with bishop f8 and then playing g5 the thing is if i want to play knight d7 i have to do something like right now um so my opponent can consider a move like g3 taking and putting the knight on f4 from where he will have some pressure i can consider queen c7 take take maybe he will play pawn f4 but and try to play f5 i need to develop my knight is what i need to do the question is do i take on f4 or do i move uh g i mean again i'm like starting to actually convince myself the move g5 is okay i'll be honest i don't exactly see why it's not okay which is already very bad news like i don't think i would ever play this move in classical without some massive investment of thought to make sure i'm not blundering something so my my biggest concern in playing the move g5 would be that after it takes takes the move f4 is like very strong for example it's always going to be even right away could be could be problematic so i don't think there's any reason to play this move so i think i'm just going to play queen c7 i did not have to spend a minute and a half on that but in blitz you know like i always play queen c7 so when they offer me the straight i always oops how do i undo that like in blitz i i never take to let them have the knight here i always play queen c7 and make them take now what he might do is take take and enable the move knight f4 with something like queen d2 or pawn to g3 okay that's also another way to do it actually the way he's doing it is probably even smarter because yeah it makes it makes a lot of sense i'm gonna go 97. my knight is out i probably have no problems and the knight goes to f8 from where it covers h7 and this square and then g5 actually becomes a lot stronger because you actually have backup whereas if my rooks are disconnected like there's no reason to weaken my king if i don't have all the forces kind of ready to go i think he'll go queen f4 yeah yeah it's not gonna be a very fun game but it will be a game okay i have to take and i have to take because first of all like what am i gonna do hang my pawn no i don't like hanging pawns i like the youtube channel that's the youtube channel by the way free plug um so the only way no i can't preserve my bishop there's no way like this this can happen at any point now so do i play a move like rook d8 or do i i'm gonna go knight f8 i don't exactly know what my opponent wants uh knight f8 also kinda threatens to save the bishop like maybe i'm gonna go bishop d7 dude and also if now knight e6 i'm completely fine with the trade even though in the target hour you have a damaged structure because you have a little bit more space it's very difficult for white to actually attack an imbalance structure like you you when there's an imbalance in structure you kind of try to target it make it weak win it it's not happening here everything is really solid this is unbelievably difficult to get to like g3 and we just chill so we take on hg and um yeah that's kind of it again it's it's target hours is not an opening that's like a super super easy way to win uh with black but if i'm playing an im gm and i'm playing black and they play e4 um you know c6 is completely the way to go i'm reading some youtube comments so that's that's how i'm occupying myself right now rookie three i really want to play this move maybe bishop g4 offer a trade of rooks i like i don't think my opponent can't really double right well like they can i mean bishop d7 to trade rooks also pretty reasonable i have to not rush into exchanges um i have to kind of understand that even though the position is equal there's still there's still a little bit of venom a little bit of some traps not a lot of them but enough trying to figure out what i want in this position let's start with if i go here there's always bishop c4 um i think i'm going to do it i just don't see any any other way really to make any progress my thumbnail designer for youtube is uh moving shout out jojo that's another reason why um he's moving and he's going to be gone for a little bit um well gone for like 24 48 hours so i want to take and now the big question is do i go for this like do we just play this end game uh i surrender all chances to actually play for a win probably uh 96 is the only other option to try to trade knights and then 96 is actually a pretty legitimate move i don't think it's that stupid i'm gonna play it i might have just convinced myself to do something dumb but you know the truth is that this is the best piece that my opponent has it's very active like my bishop can counterbalance the other bishop maybe i'm wrong maybe i'm wrong i have no idea that's why we play the game that's why we play the game also i can un-double it's kind of funny i really rarely think about undoubling these oh jeez that could straight up land me in a bad position because this pawn is kind of far uh like i said double pawns are kind of interesting because they're they're good reinforcements for each other he takes starting to get second thoughts about this move i'm just gonna take on e6 with my bishop i like where it stands i could offer a draw i could offer a draw here uh i don't think my opponent will be super thrilled about the draw offer i still have to defend because white has the better structure yeah he'll just play a3 or something and we still have to play some chess unfortunately or fortunately [Music] can bring my rook or i can play a5 a4 and actually try to win the game which would be pretty hilarious if i try to attempt that there's always some c4 move rook d8 let's play a5 why not try to play this for a win that could be that could be psychologically really shocking uh if we try to play this for a win whereas a move like rookie four i'll probably just repeat i mean i'm not gonna but you know i'm got some naughty ideas to potentially play b5 a4 completely closed down the queen side now i should have probably played g5 i should have played g5 because now f4 is possible oops i got a little bit too hyped yeah now f5 is annoying maybe i have to go bishop d7 and rookie 8 bishop d7 f5 rookie 8 my pawn is stranded what about g5 oh yeah g5 is pretty straightforward i don't know why i'm analyzing the crap out of this oh no it's not takes takes rookie 5 g4 oh man rook h5 h3 take take bishop f1 dude what have i done to this position like rookie 8 takes takes there's some rookie two rookie one rugby one at the end dude i don't know i just said a lot of things oh man if i screw this up this late i'm gonna be really sad i'm gonna be so sad there's no need to lose this game at all okay let's go g5 i calculated take take rookie five take take rookie five g4 oh i missed rook g5 i guess there's rook g5 check and then i have to decide where to move my king i completely misread g5 king f8 rook h5 i guess i have to like rookie eight because my rook on the back rank here is a bit stuck yeah there's this move oh losing this game is so upsetting there is no need come on man can i bring my king somehow maybe i'm pretty frustrated g4 rook g5 king f8 rock h5 king e7 i'm just gonna go for it here here here let's go this way now the question after rook h5 is that go oh but a5 is also hanging oh man okay let's go king e7 i'm down a pawn but i believe also maybe c5 right away take rook d8 and try to go down to d2 that could be a thing i have to go for counter play i don't really have anything else but basically my logic is the rook is sort of stranded on the side of the board so while it's kind of blocked in here is my opportunity to create counter play and i'm going to try to do that directly down the middle because the only way to do this is with my rook ah you know this this game does have certain benefits though even though it's going to be wildly upsetting to lose it it definitely exposes some of my weaknesses i get a little bit too relaxed and i gotta review some of the end games that can arise in the tardic hour like you basically just go and have a lesson on which end games are good which end games are bad anyway i'm about to be down two pawns so i should stay focused c5 was not smart also it just was not a good move dc rook d8 like bishop e2 maybe rook d2 bishop g4 rook b2 takes takes just two pawns down there's really no compensation rook d8 straight away would have been slightly better but it's all bad it's all bad sort of waiting to be executed not very nice way of putting it but could hypothetically sacrifice a third pawn with dc rook d8 bishop e2 f5 does that move and i didn't even see that is that a move can you play that wow i guess the idea is to save the rook it's not the stupidest idea in the world bishop d7 so of course my opponent naturally would want to defend the pawn but i actually think that's a mistake because i can play rook a6 rook b6 all right now the only reason i cannot go for this pawn is because of the bishop so c4 is bad see if the time situation was reversed this would be a lot easier but it's not so probably rook h6 yeah rook h6 is a very very smart move uh maybe f6 so d6 is a problem i'm gonna go f6 i don't think it's i have nothing really it's the problem i can't really beggars can't be choosers so [Music] i gotta block d6 probably now just bring the king or something bring the king that's how you would win this if check king d6 rook f7 rook f7 is a problem i can't go king e5 because my bishop is hanging i go f5 i guess rook f7 is not really a threat because after rook f6 i have king d5 but yeah no still not i don't i don't want to lose my pawns out here that's not what i signed up for that anyway okay what keynotes probably probably should take right i mean i king e5 rook f7 is that the idea what if i yeah what if i get active here if i get active i'm getting hope which is very very upsetting that i'm actually getting hopeful about saving the position um i want to move my bishop and hit this bishop that's my my king is active i think my opponent has maybe messed this up a little bit roon g5 check is annoying though king f4 here maybe bishop e6 it's the bishop if the bishop goes back rook d2 now we just play this actively i'll probably lose all rook d5 is really strong rook t5 just wins oh i missed that that is that's painful rook d5 he missed it bishop c6 yeah he missed rook d5 i mean i'm sure i'm still losing but rook d5 was you don't need the pawn there you just play rook d5 and you completely paralyze my bishop in my rook at least this way i still have some vague hopes the bishop is hanging i can put my rook in d2 somehow you know i still think like oh actually no no no no bishop b5 i have check and back oh maybe i'm getting maybe i can hold this oh my god maybe i can hold this holy crap all about activity just everything active everything active but still i'm extremely doubtful but that's why we play the game which is why rook d8 was a nice move too because this was always the idea to open up both pieces and go from zero to two now we have a nice activity it's been ticking down i've barely got a one minute time advantage here uh which is just you know getting me more confident the problem is when you only have 20 seconds you're in a time trouble you're very jumpy you you can't always settle down especially as the adrenaline builds up that actually you might not be losing you're coming back from six minutes to like six minutes to 40 seconds now look at this it's less than a minute i mean opponent is using that time okay king e3 can i play this move if takes bishop f1 oh look at that bishop f1 bishop f1 oh but oh i thought we were i th oh man it doesn't work i thought it worked it doesn't work okay opponent is going for this one oh that's a good move okay i'm gonna take and i guess i have to go back to c6 i cannot trade bishops now white should probably just play h4 and then i probably should not take it or should i take it i have no clue and i don't have a lot of time should i play g3 oh my god g3 that move just totally dawned on me like i can just go there ah do i play king f4 king f4 king g5 what do i do uh okay let's play this move to to win the diagonal this is completely insane oh my god i've gotta take i have to take right away i got to take this pawn like immediately it's really a shame this pawn's not on x6 because then the bishop wouldn't be able to move at all it's all about activity okay king d4 tempo b6 to make sure everything's on a dark square so it can't be one bishop f3 bring the bishop back to h7 okay let's go this way to keep the king shielded can i go win the pawns can i go win those spawns oh that's a good move okay i'm gonna go here that's very smart by what my what by my opponent uh b5 i'm trying to go b4 now they could go b4 and then i don't know what's going on anymore then i'll probably take uh king f4 which pawn do i want king d4 bishop c6 okay okay i'm still i'm i'm in time here am i in time oh my gosh bishop c6 there's this but there's bishop e2 maybe i should have gone to i don't know what is that oh king e5 king e3 king of six i'm gonna go here ah am i losing ah i think i'm losing there was bishop d3 oh man i let the pawn get too far i'll let the pawn get too far oh what a game i really wonder if i could have held that yeah this is just this is over i'm gonna resign oh man wild game wild wild wild game that was crazy so this game exposed a lot about me as a player um let's just go through it so it was a car con and my opponent went back to knight c3 uh past couple times opponent has played e5 i played c5 then opponent played e5 i played bishop f5 this time they go back to knight c3 now it's up to me to deviate rather than playing bishop f5 and going into episode one which you've obviously seen right you saw episode one two three and four that's why you're on five right don't a so this time i decided to do this now as it turns out um this line with c3 this is not as it turns out i'm just trying to say that this is the main line rookie check and here there's a big kind of break so black can defend the threat to h7 four ways one two three what i did in the game and actually even f5 you would think that f5 is just a loss of a pawn like bishop takes f5 and it is it it actually is but essentially the point is that by removing the guard of the knight it's not so easy to castle so here like knight d7 for example you can't castle because your knight is hanging so normally you go like this and now what black tries to do is go after this bishop knight b6 knight c4 knight d5 it's an interesting position but h5 is like the modern main line and essentially they're bla white has two plants here i don't know why i'm holding up the one but it's two two plants castle short castle long that's it so when people castle long against me i really like that um because i can play like uh bishop e6 and then b5 and then a5 like i've had people play like g3 trying to create an attack i close it down and then i play b5 a5 a4 queen a5 like i just i just go i just go create an attack my opponent chose short castle and a plan that i've never seen before so apparently h4 is fine because you're supposed to do that but here i learned a lot about myself um first of all i didn't know the move after bishop f4 i was not aware of just a quick quick bishop f4 uh as far as i remembered here like normally play is a little bit slower than bishop before maybe bishop b3 maybe white plays h3 to stop me from playing h3 the opponent did this which is not the most popular plan and here now i learned you have to go knight a6 and you go knight a6 um which has been played in some games by some strong players here's why because if like for example take take and white's like haha damage structure it's actually not that good because you can activate this bishop with a5 and now this bishop comes alive on this diagonal so this is not very good for white um and if you play like take take and queen d2 trying to play queen f4 anyway that's completely fine but i will get my knight to d5 so for example like let's say queen of four i can play takes takes and okay i mean i'm not gonna go knight d5 but i can play knight e6 so i'm quick enough to trade your knight the way it happened in the game is i played it too slowly and then my opponent was able to kind of get the advantageous position now all n games are bad here the three on four this is known as the queen side majority for white whenever both sides are castled on the short side four on three or three on two or two on one or one on zero essentially means that that side of the board will always have a pass pawn opportunity in all end games and that's going to be bad because i'm going to have to defend against it so um trading it's very important here you trade one pair of rogues and not both it's very important you do not go here and this isn't a very advanced concept at this point if you're like below 1800 you could trade as many rooks as you want you trade all seven of your rooks um you could probably still draw or win this with black but here's the thing like a position like this with even fg3 and by the way white could play fg3 because in the future white could march these pawns down and try to create an outside pass pawn that's what that would that would be called you would trade this pawn and create an h-pawn passer to deflect the my pieces over there um but regardless even if you take like this uh this is just very passive for for black like the four on three is almost always a winning advantage if it's converted the right way it's going to be a lot harder to fight for this for a draw so what i did at this point is um i'm miss evaluated just how dangerous this end game was that is that is essentially what i did i completely like i i i was feeling too good from the first game of this video um and i just completely like uh mis-evaluated that that something like f4 f5 to win my my pawn over here was was anything and then i mis-evaluated again after f4 it's not that scary it's actually not that scary i just have to be smart but i wasn't at this point if you remember i spent all my time because i thought i had messed up i should have just stayed focused and look for the best move how do i create counter play i got to the creation of the counter play against this pawn but a lot later if in this position i had played f5 rook h3 rook d8 i would have been fine because if rook h4 i just go c5 now actually black is playing for advantage and if opponent stays patient and just brings the king which is the best plan then i would play maybe b5 so for example king e3 b4 like looking for some sort of counter play like take take take and like rook b8 for example and so what might happen is we get into an end game where i've i'm just in time while this rook is going over here getting my pawn i'm also just in time on the queen side i had to be faster with my counter play which means a5 was just a very bad move if i was just not a smart move at all but what's funny is that it's not about preventing f4 actually g5 looks like it prevents f4 doesn't prevent f4l in fact preventing f4 gives white a almost winning advantage because f4 is still possible that's the most incredible thing because if i take i have tripled pawns now and white just goes full pac-man right just goes full pac-man right like so the way to create counter play after a3 is b6 because then if f4 is played to try to play f5 then c5 is just in time or f5 rook h3 c5 and i'm just in time for example take stakes like let's say rook h4 is coming c4 you know what c4 does locks down the b-pawn so it's about we it's about it's about flank counter play while your opponent's piece is getting deflected you need to go be fast enough with the pawn brakes i completely mis-evaluated the position and then even here i was kind of down on myself once i blundered this very important suicide in between check in my mind i had only calculated this so i spent a lot of time and then i blundered right i spent a ton of time blundering this now white is much better and i tried to do my best with c5 this actually was a very practically good decision and look how dangerous dc is after rook d8 like white almost has no advantage here bishop e2 is forced and you could try to go for this i can play king f6 with the idea to play this this which is why in end games you want to give your pieces space you want to space them apart and try to coordinate them not have them tripping over each other speaking of tripping over each other i did my best here and i this was my last chance not to blunder apparently king e6 i didn't play this because i was afraid of this i just go up you see opponent is not coordinated pieces are all scattered and hanging right but i was like well why would i do that i mean i should take the pawn right away low time kind of game slipping and then remember i said don't tie your your shoes together here or don't coordinate your pieces poorly yeah rook d5 is winning and i did notice that i did notice this move you don't need to take a pawn you just need to paralyze my activity but this end game all the way down here even as ugly as it is and i was getting excited is um is winning uh for white it it's always winning even though it looks like i'm totally suffocating my opponent the h pawn is too strong and maybe i could have drawn it a little bit later but a good job by my opponent to kind of very slowly timed the bishop trade threat so that the pawn could promote and maybe here i should have just went for the pawn but like if i just just b-line to g5 uh i'm gonna lose f i'm gonna lose this pawn and maybe i can hold this but i don't know i don't think so and well the rest is history good conversion by my opponent freezing my weak pawn on b5 on the same color square as their bishop b5 probably expedited my demise yeah it did apparently i should go here uh but it's probably always losing probably always losing just i decided to go out with a bang and go out with a bang i did or with a whimper i hope you enjoyed this episode i don't know how long it is i'm just recording these uh kind of chunks of analysis now and then i'm merging all together if you didn't make it this far in the video i just want to say look i appreciate you very much these are long episodes these are long games long training episodes i'm learning a lot every episode about my carl khan i'm filling in the gaps of my knowledge in my theoretical side and with white i'm just really enjoying experimenting with different lines so do leave a comment of support if you made it this far or a common hate like you're never going to do this there's a higher chance that this tripod which resembles a um personal pleasure object will become a grandmaster before you um that i might mount my camera on that pretty soon that's all folks i appreciate you very much take care see you the next episode get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 404,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: QwTxUlC0mQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 26sec (3566 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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