Magnus Carlsen vs Vladislav Artemiev | Speed Chess Championship

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and we are live yet again with another speed  chess championship match in this year of 2020.   alongside me grand master young ludwig hammer back  as he should be as magnus carlson returns for his   second match of the year hammer magnus returns  we've got vladislav artemyev online and blitz   i don't want to say specialist but a guy that i  think less known than magnus carlson could give   a fight today your thoughts quickly before we dive  into the format on what magnus needs to do to make   sure he he maintains and holds off let us love  our chimeyev um there's no easy match in chess   and magnus is coming straight off a finals loss in  the champions chess tour so artemyev i think needs   to pounce on the few times magnus is vulnerable  and and and and strike while the iron is hot first   of all that's a fantastic point you know before we  dive into more i want to i want to bring that up   because you said in our last commentary uh session  together with magnus playing is that magnus is   rarely put on tilt right so we know the guy's good  right he's the world champion he's the best in the   world but also he's so good that very often  you know he he can also win games on momentum   his opponents can be intimidated you rarely  see him put in a position where he's kind of   having to gather his emotions and in this  particular format of the scc with so many games   back to back you know what what would that do to  put magnus in that kind of position especially   as you highlighted he did just lose on his  birthday to wesley so right at the stealing open   uh yeah so i i think uh crucially you need to  try and win two games in a row against madness   uh because that will really put him in an  unfamiliar situation the problem of course   is that winning two games in a row against magnus  is incredibly difficult right and that's why he   doesn't have any experience dealing with with  that situation right okay yeah well said and   it's funny because maybe the last time we  experienced that before wesley defeating uh   magnus at the skilling open last week was was  maybe back in 2019 when wesley defeated magnus   at the fisher random world chess championship  so you're right it doesn't happen often will   it happen today or will magnus do what we expect  magnus to do often which is which is win his chess   match handily either way let's remind the fans  real quick what's coming up here this is the scc   we gotta we gotta make sure you know what you're  in store for in case you've missed it it's a 16   player single elimination knockout bracket 2020  speed chess championship is the same format we've   had for years it's a winning format 90 minutes  counting down of five minutes 60 minutes of   three minute followed by 30 minutes of bullet  of course the one second increment throughout   make sure that the chess x's and o's always matter  just as much if not more than what's on the clock   if a match is tied hammer we will head to overtime  we've had one match go to overtime uh this year   for ruja fedo say which the fans who've been here  early you just had the pleasure of seeing in our   highlight clips of the month you can check out  that video on youtube hammer we've also got double   the prizes here in round two so it's 3k to the  winner and then 3k split on win percentage your   your thoughts real quick on why more events don't  do prizes distributed based on win percentage   um didn't expect i don't really know it's a  really good question i was actually trying to   do some calculations whether or not a tournament  like norway chess um can can can try to award   uh wins monetarily and how that would look  as a structure um and i i think it's uh   the concept is great and then you need to figure  out how to execute it right and well i think you   guys have some experience with that right yeah  it's in we talk about it a lot and of course   it you know i'm the guy who's been doing shows since since they started so   i guess no way it doesn't sound biased coming out  of my mouth but you know i've talked about this   just as friends and chess professionals off camera  and i you know we're always talking about ways to   make sure chess maintains its fighting spirit  even down the stretch right we've talked about   ways that you know they do scoring uh different we  know uh norway chess has tried that and and find   ways to reward you know points with black and with  white and make sure that chess is fighting and and   we always look at this as an opportunity to make  sure that even if a match is a runaway there's   still something to fight for and now within  maybe the several hundreds of dollars for each   individual game so anyway fun stuff and either  way several hundred dollars is also on the line   this week with multiple scc matches for guests to  move if you want to play head over to   click on that button below the chess tv player  you'll be taken directly to live chest to follow   the games or one of our very helpful and awesome  moderators and staff can share a link with you   on youtube and twitch leaving those boring  platforms behind you know what you can't do   on twitch and youtube play chess that's dumb go to and play chess anyway the bracket hammer   so has moved on to the semifinals maxine bache the  grave has moved on to the semifinals we've got two   matchups coming up and honestly i just want to  move right into our predictions here because it's   it's not quite what we had magnus carlsen as the  favorite over mock sudo the last time we were here   but still pretty heavily in magnus's favor right  i mean whenever magnus plays chess he's gonna be   the favorite uh and muksudulu i wanna give credit  to him that he got a lot of good positions he had   a lot of uh good opportunities he just let  them slip when both players were down to   25 20 seconds each uh artemyev if he wants to get  a good showing he needs to do what magsudu did   but he also needs to strike in those time critical  situations and uh being low on time the lower time   the more randomness the easier it is to make a  blunder you want to put yourself in that situation   where the game is competitive with uh 20 seconds  remaining and maksudulu did that but then failed   in the critical situations um artemyev needs to  do the same and then succeed uh as the the time   becomes stressful very well said and obviously  maybe not everyone here who's uh who's here early   remembers the monsoon mesh closely but uh but  you and i do and and i think you make a great   point there it's easy to look at the scoreboard  right hammer when it's over and say oh magnus   won by a lot but actually a lot of those games  as it is with super grand masters we're still   very close down the stretch so will vladislav  artemyev succeed where mog sulu failed and as   you said maybe the recipe to upsetting uh you know  a goliath like magnus carlsen is not just once but   twice in a row right put him in a position where  you're you're building momentum see if he can   recover from the the tilt factor that is in the  scc that so many people have experienced um and   and then hope for the best right well we have  about 60 seconds before the game starts so give a   quick shout out the chess tv the twitch to youtube  we still got actually got a lot of you here pretty   early just because magnus is playing this morning  a little bit of a different time zone than we've   normally done these sccs and the first time we've  had a back to back in a uh in a in a very what a   day it's gonna be what a day right what a day it's  gonna be um i joked i woke up early this morning   it was like hey this is tiring and then i was like  what am i talking about i get to go commentate   with magnus and ikaro and hammer this is gonna be  an awesome day and i can't wait um and uh and yeah   i think games will be beginning in just seconds  here it's time it's time to begin let's do this   thing what do you think you ready um i'm ready uh  and i hope the players are ready as well because   here it's gonna be important to uh to get a good  start and and take take advantage of the white   pieces whomever is so lucky to benefit from those  well by the way um before the game starts we just   had a subscriber which reminds me i get to give an  early shout out to all those who are here to throw   us your throw us your prime hence the reason  we named him primetime smackdown right subtle   suggestive marketing there because guess who  plays during our primetime smackdown today hammer   uh or are you going to show our prime  time smackdown daniel that's right   the one where i crushed looking forward to it  destroyed you that one no spoilers danny no   spoilers okay uh it's gonna be awesome i can't  wait so if you are not a subscriber to twitch   um we do we do appreciate it we know that  uh we obviously run ads it's no secret here   this content we bring you a lot goes into our  events here at and we appreciate you   you uh putting up with that as we as we try  to bring you the best content and chef shows   uh online in the world as best we can anyway  and if you do want to avoid ads please consider   throwing us a subscription you can also watch  on chess.comtv for an ad free experience um and   uh we do appreciate your premium membership over  there as well so um anyway thank you so much for   everyone who's already here and uh please consider  consider watching me and hammer at the primetime   smackdown let's just say that no matter what  happens between us i always have fond memories uh thank you danny um okay um we are going to  say something funny no that wasn't funny enough   hamster 0730 just no i don't like that  guy i i was going to try and say something   funny but i failed in the moment and i  tried to relay the word to you instead   your trash talk has been wittier than i  expected um at times i'm not gonna lie um so   don't be gentle today be gentle you know i i've  i've been i've been coached by the best hey   it's not you i'm not i was waiting  for the punch line there you go   okay no i think botas is a fantastic trash  talker oh my god don't even i i don't even know um anyway well we're waiting for the games to  begin thank you seriously the uh the subscribers   coming in we do appreciate it it's gonna be a  great day and uh no more ads as you subscribe   um i think the players are ready but obviously  there's something going on and just so everyone   knows the players are discussing with our team  there's a lot of staff that goes into making   these things possible and both players are also  on double camera which means fair play review   so they have a field of vision camera a  front-facing camera and then also on screen share   um and so really doing everything we can  to make sure that uh that both the players   feel secure that their opponents are are  properly observed and proctored and the um   and the audience can know that even though these  days there are all kinds of earpieces and things   people do and everyone knows that  algorithm for cheat detection is mostly based on   dna evidence of the game right data that kind of  removes the question of what people might be doing   just want you to know we're doing that hammer  have you ever played a tournament where you had   multiple cameras on you a chess tournament  by the way not that other kind of tournament   uh i the only place would be somewhere like  norway chess which was tv broadcasted oh okay but   other than that no okay well we'll go to  full we'll go to the larger camp for us   as the players get set they're working out  some technical difficulties at the moment   um players are allowed to listen to music  but not through headphones which again   confirms all different sound waves they might be  hearing always possible someone's watching this   show they see a brilliant suggestion by danny  wrench and then someone tells them in the ear   magnus danny just said to play this move play  it that's that's a real life scenario i like how   you could have used me as an example but chose  to go with yourself i'm just being realistic   buddy just be your confidence is incredible um  everyone should aspire to have your confidence   i you know i appreciate that um you know  the other thing people can aspire to do is   play in tomorrow's bot battles hammer we know that  you're you're super busy um for those who don't   know you are literally the face of tv2 and in  some ways just commentary in norway i would argue   um but uh you're also an aspiring chess streamer  you have a you have a twitch channel maybe one   of our mods can uh can throw a thorough command  in there for people to go give hammer a follow   i don't know if you'll be streaming tomorrow  but the bot battles are gonna be a ton of fun   i'm pretty sure everybody is playing all  the cool kids are playing i'm going to play   meaning i'm not even going to do commentary i'm  going to play and try to win some of the bounty   prizes i'm certainly going to beat the living  tar out of young beth harmon i'll tell you that   that sounded weird so who's this guy  on the left what who's this guy on the   left is it i know it looks like a uh a  young and somehow creepier john travolta   if that's even is that who you compare yourself  to john travolta no it just it looks like a creepy   john travolta you know all the movies he has  slicked back terror it's not a compliment it's   it's it's awkward i i gotta talk to uh to dallyn  um our our head designer be like man i would have   rather looked like jimmy neutron than that yeah  i think in these within these four there's three   very good representations of the people and  then there's just this plain old white guy um i i got feedback that i wasn't funny enough  last time and i've really you are first of all   anybody who says that is wrong i actually think  we have a great a great rapport and um i'm i'm   uh honored to be your wingman whenever we  have the opportunity so and uh i thought i   was your wingman no dude i'm your wingman i'm the  wingman of anyone we bring on here okay um but uh   oh okay so we're having we're having uh we're  working out some technical stuff right now   with with the zoom screen share and those sorts of  things so um everyone just uh just hold tight hold   tight don't don't be frustrated um why don't we  bring back are you talking to yourself right now   yeah talking to myself sometimes i do that on  air in front of also do it at home in front of   my kids i also do it alone in the shower  i do i talk about myself a lot to myself   um so let's get more specific right we were  we were moving through the preview content   a little faster anticipating a start time  but as we work out the tech difficulties   um we said that artemiev needs to win a couple  games in a row to put magnus in that in that   potentially tiltable position as you look at  the time control and our predictions hammer   where do you where do you feel i mean we always  say the underdog needs to strike early right i   tend to agree with that um but where do you feel  uh artemyev needs to get his points um other   than his six and a half to three score on the  five-minute portion which actually doesn't make   any sense i don't know i'll talk to you it doesn't  but don't be frustrated danny don't don't don't be   frustrated okay it's all gonna be okay okay anyway  so where do you feel with your you know self-talk where do you think artemium needs to score  um all categories um yeah well the thing is   uh in this format uh the one minute section has  a tendency to just pile on with a lot of games   in a very short time frame and and that means if  you start losing two games in a row in the one   minute section then you're just done for but what  i have noticed previously in this format is that matches need to be competitive get going into  the one minute in order for there to be any drama   very often there's one player who has shown  their superiority in the blitz sections and by   the time we get to the bullet section to the one  minute section then it's just one guy who's been   crushed and whose confidence has been eviscerated  um and then he stands no chance to uh to mount a   comeback so i think number one artemium needs to  make sure that there's not more than three points   separating them going into the one minute section  and then uh he needs to kind of even if he's down   on points uh he needs to make sure he still  has the the inner strength the confidence   that uh he feels he can strike back uh in the  in the bullet section well said and well timed   because right as you finish that point we do  have liftoff everybody we appreciate you uh   sitting through that um and again just so you know  uh what was going on was screen share difficulties   but uh regardless of the match and who we have  who we have playing we want to make sure that   there are no screen share difficulties and that  everyone is uh being observed in the same way so   we didn't want to start early to make before all  security measures were uh were taken and uh we   have magnus carlsen playing the modern variation  if you know your move orders in the caro con and   queen to c7 that's a that's not an everyday move  there from our champion big surprise from artemyev   and i like his opening choice he's using the karo  khan against magnus who used the korokan against   wesley's soul just last week and lost with it  using the black pieces artemiev is essentially   uh bringing up some bad memories here from  bringing lots of bad memories for magnus magnus   took some took a minute there before he played  bishop d3 um but uh but now we're headed toward   what is sort of a typical kind of call it  classical french structure with the with   the exchange of the d for the e pawn but with  this these on c6 and queen on c7 thrown in what   what what does that do to change the dynamic  does black have an early e5 in his future   i don't know it looks kind of strange from  artemyev but at least he got magnus to spend some   time in the opening this is very reminiscent of  uh games i've seen with uh the big anatoly karpov   the the master of the carbocon opening uh and um  it's so solid it's very difficult to break down   and and magnus is going to have a tough time with  it today okay interesting and he is also down on   the clock which maybe not exactly what we uh what  we expected for the start of the match um well you   know well magnus is a slow starter that's true  remember he mouse slipped in game one last time   and and in his match against uh magsodulu the  score was two to two when magnus won 10 games in a   row and managing to win 10 in a row is incredible  but it goes to show that we thought maxoudaly was   doing a great job initially and then he just got  crushed right so you can never rest easy playing   against magnus right now great point although  you also made the point as i was asking you to   break down the time controls that regardless  of the score artemia needs to keep the inner   confidence he needs to keep the inner focus right  and i will say that one thing i've observed about   vladislav one of the most consistent performers i  think outside of hikaru nakamura in our speeches   grand prix this year uh hammer is he is kind of  that he's got that emotionless killer kind of   mindset you know he doesn't doesn't seem to  get rattled every time i would say you know   oh that's a huge blunder you think he's going to  lose his focus he does have that which i think is   kind of uh something that a lot of the top players  have right where they sort of have a short memory   about mistakes right and so we'll see if  he can he can maintain himself um even if   the score gets a little bit rough there um yeah  but one of the most exciting things about these   internet chess tournaments is that the two best  players magnus and hikaru are also the two players   most prone to showing their emotions on camera  really visibly being upset or happy and so on and   so forth and i i think this has been one of the  greatest things of internet chess right that the   players because they feel like they're alone in  their homes uh they're not hiding their emotions   over the board they would always quell any sort  of sign the opponent could use whereas here   uh they they show more emotion and frankly that's  fantastic and i love that magnus and ikaru the   two best players are the most visible in in in  relaying uh what's going on in their head again   well said we've talked about that a lot with  the scc and then other events like the pro   chess league and other things that there's been  in some ways a more intimate connection fans   have felt online with players because of exactly  what you said you get you get this sort of view   of and the immediate reaction because players  are so comfortable right you know when you're   not wearing pants it's easier to let your guard  down you know just are you wearing pants danny   that may or may or may not it's business up  top party down low the chest commentators world   and look at this from magnus magnus had the  opportunity to castle but he was scared that   the kings would be on opposite sides of the board  allowing artemyev to start an attack and so magnus   by bringing his bishop out he's signaling  that he's kind of scared and that he wants   to put his king on the same side as artemis king  because that's known as being a safer positioning   100 and i wonder if it changes the end game  slightly right so when we look at the long term   nature of the four on three but then the three  on two on this side but black's king is already   on that side of the board that typically is a good  spot if you get to an end game and you're dealing   with someone trying to convert a passer so that's  i mean a lot of things about this position to me   are just not clear yet right there's there's and  that's probably why the engine also feels it's a   very very close to level position but then i look  at the clock after that whole kind of tangent and   say artemia doing well with black right he's  uh yeah i was gonna say uh a big uh one minute   advantage on the clock for the russian and here  he goes striking out against white's queen as well   very aggressive play from him magnus is going  to be trying to show that uh in in the words   of our coach seaman augustine magnus will try  to show that bishops are best in the long games   that they stay alive for a long time uh get  into an end game where there are fewer pawns   and bishops are best the fewer the pawns on  the board because both your own pawns and uh   your opponent's pawns have a tendency  of getting in the way of bishops   and and so that's why they're good uh in  the long run as the pawns get exchanged off   so we have uh siemen augustine to thank for your  great series on on the bishop pair and   you're in magnus's brilliant play i already knew  that but i'm pretending pretending i didn't anyway   no great point in all this highlight again the  bishop here is sort of white's long-term trump   card here because of the the fact that black  doesn't have a light square bishop so right   now it's not you know not not necessarily an issue  but that's what magnus is hoping for in the long   run okay we're starting to get spicy here hammer  knight b6 opens the rook will will our chimney of   risk going for this pawn i highly doubt that yeah  he says no no thank you i'll make the king safe   and magnus still down one minute on the clock and  he's about to be under one minute in total which   is a huge time advantage for artemyev and he's  going to be looking to keep pieces on the board   to keep the situation difficult and and try to  get magnus in with a bad decision in time trouble   bishop to c1 to renew defense on the night  um i think hammer highlighted the biggest the   biggest point here which is time but i still like  magnus's position in the long run regardless of   what the computer says i feel like the bishop  pair will have the potential to strike um   what is what is black i agree yeah i agree there's  nothing wrong with magnus's position it's just   the time is precarious and i think the biggest  mistake artemia can do make now is is just sit   there and run his clock trying to find the best  move sometimes you need to be a little cynical   and say well i'm not going to play perfect chess  but it doesn't matter because by playing quickly   i can put a lot of pressure on my opponent who's  maybe not very used to being in a situation where   he's low on time and and prone to making mistakes  so i think artemyev spending a half a minute on   one move there was um unnecessary no well said and  now now he goes for this plan a bishop d6 trying   to trying to take advantage of the queen being in  a precarious spot it's actually kind of awkward   yeah magnus's queen has been kicked around a  lot this game and it's clear that he's settling   into the match because he's still spending so much  time while the p sacrifice from magnus giving away   a piece for two pawns he's about to get a third  pawn on g4 but in general a piece is very valuable   and artemia also doing a good job of getting rid  of magnus's bishop pair he has the upper hand both   on the board and on the clock it's it's super  interesting magnus went for that i guess from   a practical point of view he was feeling both  the pressure of his queen and the fact that he's   getting low on the clock but yeah i i like that  artillery if not that he took the piece hammer but   that he did so very quickly he's like all right  here we go i'm not going to overthink this let's   go keep magnus under time pressure um i think but  with three pawns for the for the for the bishop uh   i think it's very important that artemyev keep  hold on to his pawn on age six uh because if   magnus is able to eliminate all the pawns on one  side of the board his defensive task on the other   side becomes much easier so that might may explain  why artemiev chose to use the rook that was in the   center of the board and used that one to push over  to the side because he wants to keep his corner   rook protecting that very important remaining pawn  a great point what do you think about magnus's   queen trade there right he's relying on the end  game where in some ways the knights are not always   the best pieces coordinating against maybe ideas  where the you know you start doing things on the   king side here it's interesting yeah i don't think  magnus has given up hope on winning this game   right um and now he also equalized on time we're  gonna get one of those dramatic 20 seconds each   situations and this could go either way  i'm surprised how positive the computer is   for black precisely for the reason you mentioned  that the knights are difficult to coordinate but   here come the knights artemia maneuvering them  over to the center pushing around magnus's bishop   uh ma artemia in a good situation but both players  so low on time it's anyone's game 100 agree and   yeah the coordination you'd like it but again  the more i look at it i feel like white's doing   maybe better than the computer says too but okay  this is it's gonna be a photo finish regardless yeah and look at how artemia is putting the  pressure down on that white pawn artemyev gets the   pawn captured magnus is relying on getting that  last pawn on the other side but artemia with his   rook is trying his best to prevent it but he fails  magnus gets the pawn on the age file which means   magnus now only has to concentrate on defending  uh the left-hand side of the board and yeah i   i think he has decent chances to you know get out  of time with the drug tim did get the second rank   right which gets you worried about future mating  nets even with the rook and knight a little bit   right a little bit uh and magnus also down to less  than 10 seconds as is our tamiya it's gonna be one   heck of a finish but there magnus blunders his  pawn on the side uh artemia doesn't pick it up   pawn is alive but the other side of the board  is not alive artemia with a great job there uh   getting magnus on the side where he thought he  was comfortable and artemyev is gonna take the   win in this uh first game uh showing everyone that  he is not going down without a fight yeah and by   the way wins with black right um i mean assuming  he converts here um he will convert this i have   no doubt yeah i don't know that the psac was was  really dubious by magnus i mean from a practical   perspective i think it was super interesting it's  just that artemiev played quickly handled it well   and uh and ultimately an extra piece proved  better in the time scramble again our champion   look at the technique protects the knight now the  rook will come back to f2 and uh and magnus just   throws in the towel so wow right we have liftoff  everybody if you if you showed up this morning   early on the west coast or mid-afternoon over  there somewhere in europe thinking all right   time for another magnus steamroll as as robner  and i predicted yesterday i don't think either   one of these back-to-back matches are going to  be easy for the favorites magnus or hikaru so   stick around and that that first game proves it  hammer you said artemium needs to win two in a   row to put magnus in in a position now he has  the white pieces and a chance to do it early   yeah and if he succeeds what a success for him  but on the other hand magnus is infamous for   striking back with a win after a loss and here he  goes again being aggressive with the pawn on the   side of the board um i i think magnus is slightly  worse with the black pieces uh but winning this   for artemyev and really unsettling magnus is is  gonna be uh really difficult and magnus can live   with being uh one game down because there's  three hours to left right that's true but all   right our team of doing early what what mag zulu  failed to do for for a very long time in in their   first matchup which was get a w make sure magnus  knows uh this is not gonna be a walk in the park   we got 10 000 of you on twitch 4 000 plus  of you on youtube and the day has just begun   appreciate all the love we've been getting lots of  subscribers lots of chat rolling on chess tv too   and uh and thank you for being here um all right  uh james coleman says black gonna win this right   because or maybe that was from the previous game  i don't know but uh all right what is what does   magnus need to do here hammer what's the plan in  this kind of obscure looking weird ready g3 stuff   look at magnus's pawns danny do you see anything  they have in common uh well a lot of them are   on light squares if i'm looking at the queen  side i also see a natural idea of going for e5   um well i have the suspicion that magnus is going  to place every single pawn on a light square which   doesn't really work well together with a light  squared bishop so magnus coming forward with   his knight in the center he's going to be hope  that artemyev captures the knight in the center   so that magnus can take back with his bishop and  i think it's likely we'll see magnus giving up   the knight squared bishop for a night essentially  saying uh that um that the bishop uh can get a um can't really do anything uh so it's better to  get it exchanged off uh given how many pawns   are still on the board yeah and he does so uh  quick uh quick trigger happy board resize for   those who are gonna clip that and make fun of me  later we'll work on that little mouse sensitivity   anyway um all right he gets the bishop in so i was  gonna highlight if you said he's gonna put all his   pawns on light squares then the idea of getting  the bishop outside the pawn chain makes a lot   of positional sense but here comes artemia forcing  the issue on the queen side right he wants tension   to break wants things like a capture to open up  the a file here um again again i kind of like   how our timmy is playing yeah mainly he's looking  at magnus's pawn on b7 and that's the the guy you   always want to get after uh when your opponent  uh lets the bishop out of its cage um right and   i'm not sure how magnus should defend that  guy it's a difficult thing because probably   he wants to use his queen but if he moves his  queen to d7 he's got to count on what happens   if if white moves the knight up uh in the center  uh if the queen goes to c8 or c7 he's putting the   queen on the same file as white's rook which  is not a good thing to have happen to the   so magnus right now struggling to find out  how to defend the pawn wait i'm surprised   yeah i'm surprised by that decision from magnus  because now now we have an opening on on the on   the far side and it feels to me like white is  better prepared uh to get something out of that   well you said it too the queen can't guard the  b-pawn at least not safely on the c file um   queen d7 does it but are we worried about ideas  with the knight coming in are we no i don't think   so i think uh we're happy to give up our bishop  for that night should it get into the center   but magnus was not happy with that but his  decisions have cost so much time magnus once   again down on time over a minute and he puts his  queen on that same file as white's rook which is   something you mostly want to avoid and here we  see artemyev trying to take advantage of uh the   opening on on the side rank trying to get the work  involved uh all the way down on the other side   are we going to see knight a6 or knight d7 right  it feels like rook a8 is too powerful a threat   for a magnus oh wait a second holy begins  not see that one coming yep that's a pin i like it yeah what what tension between the pawns  all four pawns looking at each other and frankly   none of them wants to capture uh but you're gonna  have to uh it's uh live or die for those pawns   over the next couple of moves yeah i wonder if  magnus has a way to force white um let's bring   up the analysis board and just quickly show the  the obvious right the whole point is hammer said   you can't take here because of that oh well hammer  magnus does capture c4 but the risk i thought was   but if queen takes maybe maybe magnus will take  twice actually right trying to strap an end game   where maybe white ends up with an isolated pawn  as a weakness on d4 as is maybe in the future   yeah so uh vladislav takes with the pawn  instead trying to build good central control   with his pawns now magnus he's going to try to  claim that those pawns are vulnerable but on the   other hand taking with the pawn has now allowed  for the the white queen to give protection to the   fianchetto bishop which is very good for white  because that means you can continue pushing   forward in the middle if it was artemium's move  right now he would play d5 and magnus is down   two minutes on the clock which means he is not  at all comfortable with what is going on here   yeah and and if you just tuned in this was a  similar story from game one uh magnus was was   way down on the clock ultimately it did come  down to a very equal time scramble but still   it shows that our champion is capable out of  the first stage of things of making magnus   uncomfortable um big moment now artemium has 95  big tactics going on and magnus shaking his head   magnus sees what's going on we have to do that  on the analysis so the idea everyone is if 95   bishop takes takes e4 you can't take because  the rook hangs so 95 is a monster move black   would have to take on b5 first and then what  happens here right hammer it's a total mess   yeah i don't really know but black's  knight did not like this situation however   a different move was played by artemyev instead he  he chose to get his work involved immediately and   magnus just moving that rook into a defensive  position but maybe that's what the position   required well maybe magnus was actually shaking  his head kind of to his own time management like   i i had that thought when he first did it it  wasn't about queen c6 and he is he is still equal   but but only 20 seconds is like hey there's a lot  of chess to be played here man you got to speed up   yeah and magnus going into an end game basically  just trying to defend um but on the other hand   magnus and end games it's like norwegians and  brown cheese it just goes together what i mean   appropriate would have been salmon norwegians  and salmon brown cheese it's good i promise it's well you learn something new every day  here on chess tv at least at least you   can go home and say that um what you need  to know danny is that we sell the salmon   you know ah you you you i think norway  is is all about salmon but we sell it   we let other people i was there last year and  just about every buffet i went to you know   scandinavians and how much they love their buffets  every single buffet breakfast lunch and dinner   had salmon okay back to the game okay magnus is  unwinding with b6 hammer knight d6 coming next   and uh something tells me like you said magnus  and and end games norwegians and brown cheese i   think magnus is gonna do okay down the stretch  here yeah even with just 20 seconds remaining   magnus is the one going for the win in an end  game and that's because white has two pawns   that are disconnected from the rest of the army  these two pawns are unable uh to be defended by   other pawns meaning they need pieces in defensive  positions and as magnus now is coming with his   knight uh to attack the the furthest forward of  these pawns um artemium is gonna have to get his   rook in a defensive position which is terrible  it's just suffering and he knows it because his   time advantage has gone from 2 minutes to 30  seconds artemium has completely blown this game   and he knows it the trend now in magnus's favor  magnus down on the score uh magnus definitely   going to go for the win here uh even though he  was in a a precarious time situation earlier   agreed with everything you said i like the  technique there too he's not worried about   the b6 plane i think because why is he not  worried about that pawn i think he has nice c8   okay but then 20 seconds left hammer this knight  this knight might might actually fall prey to some   tempe and this this king is activating itself very  quickly up the board i'm i don't know i i don't   want to jinx things early but i feel like we might  have a tied match after this given how magnus is   so so accurate in these types of end  games our tamiya should probably go like   age four and king f3 get that king involved  towards the middle right but he's spending   so much time now and he had that big two-minute  time advantage which has completely disappeared   and that is just not good time management he  played bad moves and took his time making them   and now magnus by rook c8 and artemyev shakes  his head pins the knight knight to see set okay   no reason to play knight c7 it would just be a  trade everybody but this heads-up retreat of the   rook is just paralyzing for artemyev yeah  magnus is just going to push his pawn and   that is going to distract white's rook from the  defense of the white knight and our tamiya loses   despite having a good position despite being  two minutes up on the clock magnus strikes back   and let's go to the announcement show to just show  that that final moment hammer because it's kind   of fascinating when a position is equal besides a  pawn on material hammer but look at the eval plus   seven for black like if you look at the paralyzed  nature of this everyone i just want to point out   how unique it is the rook cuts off the king and  so there's literally nothing this king can do   about baby girl brittany joining the party on  b1 the only thing that white will eventually do   is have to move i mean you sit and eventually  the rook goes well i can't do this anymore i   come back which just loses the knight so  literally everything in the position is   frozen because of this sort of uh brilliant and  played very quickly move rook c8 and the game was   over the moment it came on the board with rook  a8 rook c8 so anyway very very nice technique   we are now level as hammer says we joined we  joined game three and well we've already got   already got some trickiness with e5  let me just show the opening real quick   it was another carol khan this time a  classical variation e5 a pawn sack that   is regained quickly with a common tactic between  85 check we'll pick up the pawn here everybody so   your thoughts here hammer this is uh tibiakov's  pet line with the white pieces and tibi is one   of the players known to be incredibly difficult  to beat his wide openings are so solid but magnus   uh he's going for this because he appreciates  the bishop pair so magnus with two bishops are   temiev with just one magnus is going to hope for  a long game where his uh bishops can reign supreme   our boy our boy seaman angelstein strikes again  right his influence on you guys and the bishop   here i'm to go into twitch chat and use one  of my emotes my boy magnus i'll let you do it   well you'll do that i'll remind everybody thank  you for all the subs coming in and all the all   the chat we're getting every room is lively and  poppin youtube twitch chess tv it's gonna be a   fun day the match is level we've got a bishop pair  here and a carrot con for the second time when our   timmy was black if you're just tuning in this  was also game one where vladislav won with the   second move so we'll see if this carro con is a is  a consistent feature here by the way we had almost   a thousand observers directly in and a  couple hundred people playing guess the move so   a lot of people playing guess the move head over  to if our mods can share a link there   and to play against the move to win cash prizes  try to play like magnus all right go ahead hammer   i'm no longer a fan of magnus's bishops or to  say i'm a fan of the bishops but i'm not a fan of   the knight on g3 and artemyev has just played an  excellent move restricting this knight's movement   uh taking away that central square in the middle  um and magnus when he's moving his bishop now   he's exposing his bishop oh i thought bishop f3  was played no no sorry that was a mouse slipped by   me on the board sometimes i get a little trigger  happy i get so excited yeah because i was gonna   say moving the bishop is definitely something  magnus is considering because then the knight   can move where the bishop was right uh it's  just that moving the bishop will allow for   artemyev to move both his knights into uh central  locations and that's not going to be a fun time   for magnus so i'm going to say the kurokon  will not be featured a lot in this match   because magnus has gotten a beating with the white  pieces he's going to have to change his first move   that's i mean that would be something  right if our champions carol khan   makes magnus change as early as game five  which will be the next time the norwegian   has the white pieces okay he finds bishop g5 i  i like that move because one of the things about   the knight coming to the center is the rook will  reinforce protection here this kind of makes the   rook go to an awkward square and i had a tactic  idea bishop c4 hammer because i'm just the only   potential problem with these pawns is the light  squares right which is the bishop artemia lacks   doesn't have to move and artemia with  his bishop intercepting uh he's gotten   rid of magnus's bishop pair yep classic and magnus  yeah and magnus is still stuck with that knight   uh um on the edge of the board not really doing  much but here he goes for the idea i was talking   about and you know i agree with everything you're  saying maybe there's some tempe idea magnus can   bring the bishop in bring a rook over but then h2  is weak no you're right i mean this is super super   awkward for black to the point where maybe magnus  just needs to back up the bishop and be defensive   and what a move from artemyev there taking  with the king who would do that and who   would do that at such a pace he realizes that  the rook is no better in the middle uh it's   actually doing just fine where it is pointing  towards magnus's pawn on the side of the board   what a move from artemyev and magnus once again  shaking his head magnus has been in trouble   in three games in a row now and for the third time  in a row magnus is more than a minute down on the   clock uh he made a good escape in game two and  even came back to win it but it's very clear to   me that artemium has been the top player in  this match so far he just needs to you know   play better in the crunch moments such as that uh  second game no i mean you're right again for those   just tuning in our champion was was much better  as white even though he lost that second game for   magnus to tie it um i like this move h3 right  you're just fixing the fundamental problem   you'd like to play a move like rook d1 even  bishop f1 if you have to guard g2 to knighto4   magnus is going to slowly kind of unwind um  the position so i like this idea look at that   hammer he's coming to f6 very solidly placed in  the center yeah and seeing as how magnus now um   fix the problem on the edge i thought artemyev  was going to bring now his rook into the center   instead he's trying to exploit the fact that  he has that rook on the side of the board   putting pressure on magnus's rook  pawn but in those trades that happened   uh magnus was able to get his bad knight  into a good situation in the center   i was highlighting that as soon as f4 was  played and my face said at all i was like huh   what's interesting is as ugly as that transition  looks for these ducklings here on f3 and f2   black has the same problem uh so so the position  has become very level um considering artemia's   previous pressure uh i don't know that a draw  is a bad result for him anyway he's still   been doing very well with the black pieces but um  something maybe slipped there for for for artemia   and we've seen that in end games magnus can  be terrifying even when he's massively down   on the clock and now he's using his his knight to  terrorize black's king going after that pawn on g7   but on the other hand our temiev also has a pawn  in his sights on f3 so um it might just peter   out here uh with i wonder if magnus will play a  move like night g5 hammer to kick the rook and   maybe open up ideas that the rook gets involved  obviously it's maybe no better than just a trade   of g7 for f3 but timmy has got to think about  that because i'm wondering about this little   like yeah i like it because my i had this idea in  mind if rook h2 you're not actually threatening   to take because of this maybe there's you know  look at magnus yeah he's doing doing his thing   but it was an unfortunate spot for black's  king uh because magnus had the opportunity   and he didn't take it to play rook  e6 with an attack on black's king   and an attack on black's pawn and i'm  very surprised magnus didn't go for that   because that's just that's a pawn and not  only is it capturing a pawn it's also putting   pressure on the second black pawn i'm surprised  magnus didn't go for that instead yeah that too   uh honestly that's that's like just a blunder by  magnus because i'm realizing artemia has to go   back to the seventh rank and allow the two pawns  with check everyone because if king c5 you take   you're not even threatening to take that shake  and bake on e4 so this is a this is a uh i think   your right hammer i think not playing rookie six  was just straight up a blunder by magnus although   looks like he was kind of happy with this  technical transition he's like well now i'm in a   position with a better knight i've got pressure  on the pawns but for sure he missed rookie six   and once again we see magnus being way down  on time but as we enter the end game uh a face   without queens on the board magnus just reigns  supreme and artemyev can be very happy with his   openings but he needs to start playing these  end games better uh because uh magnus is uh   is gaining traction even though he's he's been  so far down on time for three games in a row yeah   i i agree although like you said end games and  brown cheese right the magnus loves them both um   so gonna be hard for our jimmy maybe to compete  in the most technical aspect of the game which   i think it's funny people at i think beginner  levels forget that that the end game is really   you know in many ways the hardest most accurately  most demanding phase and that's one of the reasons   magnus shines so well in it um i think our  teammate is defending i do believe magnus is   gonna regret having not played rookie six because  i feel like now that this setup is established   this knight so well kind of defending everything  he'll probably just go back to c8 here   i don't think artemis loses this oh look  at is that is that vlad saying hey maybe   maybe maybe i'll play this on a little bit yeah  wow uh a spell of confidence there from artemyev   and now with this check he's forcing magnus's king  back after which uh artemyev will capture a pawn   with a check it's a pawn up for artemyev and  it's a great display from him showing that   he's not afraid of magnus magnus was inviting this  back and forth back and forth going for the draw   seeing as how he was down on time but artemyev  has understood that he needs to use his time   advantage more and he took this opportunity to  to put some pressure on on magnus ooh but now   we're still getting it back and forth so magnus  obviously a great defender but it's a a promising   sign from artemyev that that he was willing uh to  go for the win there and put pressure on magnus   because if you're gonna play a three-hour  match against the best player in the world   you're gonna lose if you don't put pressure on him  you need to put him in those uh tricky situations   and that whenever magnus is down to 20 seconds  that's a tricky situation and artemia tried to   uh capitalize on it it didn't work this time but  maybe next time uh he he may reap the rewards   but let's let's bring up the analysis board and  just show that point because it's going to be a   storyline throughout the day you're 100 right that  right here when there was an opportunity for a   potential repeating of moves everyone the second  time it came our timing said you know what i'll   play king b6 and now you're in a bit of a tricky  situation with rook four not just the ideas i said   of advancing but f3 falling so it ultimately  did end in a draw but it's hammer's point is   that you can't play passive and and be happy for  a draw against magnus he makes magnus accept the   perpetual here rather than the other way around  so again just a good psychological point there   made from hammer we'll see if that continues to  be something that our tim is uh is able to go so   all right let's uh another game another game for  vladislav with the white pieces but we do remember   that he the only game he's lost so far was with  white so the the lower the time controls as   and in blitz chess specifically uh colors don't  really matter as much as in classical games   because there's uh more stuff happening  and and more um accidents prone to happen   which um which can happen both with white and  with black as we say in blitz bleep happens   right accidents happen when it comes to blitz um  now g4 is a is a move that says i'm not going to   have this hedgehog just continue to be one where  black and maneuver and this structure everybody   let's bring up the analysis board real quick  to highlight that forget sometimes what the   engine says that white's just better black has  a super solid position this is a hedgehog setup   where black can kind of slowly remaneuver move the  rook and the bishop and kind of relocate so one of   the things white has to do at some point when you  have a big space advantage just say you know what   i'm not afraid to use it and g4 is a move that  has direct intentions to turn this space advantage   into some sort of king side attack and so um we  see g4 met by knight c5 from magnus to clear up   the d7 square for the night but i like this  aggressive showing here hammer by by artemyev   to say i'm ready to get frisky over here in  this hedgehog and see if i can use my space   yeah it's um but it it can backfire  it's a very committal move white's king   will be left without pawns to defend it and magnus  will try to capitalize on that while artemia   will try to create an attack on black's king and  just pretty much cramp black's position as the   white pawns advance there's going to be less and  less space for the for the black pieces and this   h6 move is a really interesting psychological ploy  from magnus he's trying to provoke artemyev into   going h4 after which magnus will play the move  h5 and he's gonna be like oh oh yeah i was just   moving one forward to provoke you to go further  forward uh and then the knight will jump in behind   white's pawns to create lots of of trouble there  i love that idea i just highlight on the board i   learned something from that that's an instructive  little advanced little pawn maneuver there and uh   artemia does not take the bait he switches  sides and then plays g5 which the risk of that   after h6 everyone is the trade kind of splits the  pawns right normally you would love to have the   h-pawn recapturing here you're forced to take with  the f-pawn where yes you avoid that knight g4 from   magnus but you've really as you said hammer this  is an example where the hedgehog could lead to a   crushing win maybe g6 comes and the position falls  apart or it could lead to a lot of risky chess   here because white is super committed opening the  king yeah and g6 definitely was artemia's plan   and he plays it without thinking for the fourth  game in a row magnus is down one minute on the   clock and these white knights are about to  infiltrate uh black's position uh the the   night the point of white's last move is trying  to eliminate the defender of the e6 pawn and if   magnus loses this e6 pawn then the other white  knight will also get an opportunity to jump in   in the center and that's just spells disaster for  magnus and i'm not sure how he's going to keep   control of his light squares in this situation no  i agree with you totally and i i feel like this   is a weird position to see the eval only plus one  for white because our human brain of the hedgehog   feels like white has gotten everything they  desire right they've gotten the tactics on   the light squares they're taking advantage of this  lack of space from black and these e6 tactics are   are all too common everyone in games where  white rolls to a victory in the hedgehog so   we'll see yeah and i was gonna say i was gonna  say i think magnus needs to bring the king out   magnus is not in the position where you normally  would like to involve the king but sometimes you   just got to do what you got to do and that  king needs to come out to defend the pawn   in the middle yeah he chooses not to take  with the king but that does lose a pawn   i think you were maybe right maybe he should have  taken with the king look at that discipline from   artemyev doesn't even take it with the knight  brings in the piece capable of more damage on   the light squares this looks like a tough game  for magnus yeah great move from artemy up there magnus down two minutes on the clock i mean  magnus is getting steamrolled in this match   he's just so fortunate that he managed to turn  game two around to equalize the score otherwise   i could easily see artemia being up by two points  maybe even three uh yeah i mean at this point if   he wins this game obviously the math is he'll only  be up by one but again if you're just joining us   the storyline has been artemyev has has been the  guy so far right the score's level but the x's and   o's on the board have been magnus fighting for his  life and down on time pretty consistently today um this looks like a game acura moves are going to  put this one away hammer so what is it is it yeah   maybe accurate moves will finish it but i have  no idea what an accurate move is i know magnus   was intending to give up his rook if artemyev  brought his bishop into the fray uh so probably   great decision there by the russian to use the  knight instead he's not afraid of knight f3   even though it looks kind of terrifying um yeah  because i guess he's just gonna move the king   yeah let's let's analyze it real quick i think  again hammer's first point about bishop takes   likely being met with rook takes here is really  interesting because black might suddenly get   some compensation you know even if he's still  worse on the light squares so the fact that this   was played we said this check not a threat  because in the end you can't take the rook   before the queen has to be dealt with so  instead magnus plays queen takes c4 holy   holy you know what he's he's all in i mean magnus  is like well i think i'm gonna lose this one   i have to try to create some tactics but you see  what the computer says in an equal position this   guy's hanging right there's all kinds of tactics  on the light squares here the queen is hanging   probably a simple move ends this game pretty  quickly yeah but magnus is about to give up   his queen magnus's main problem is the time he's  down to just 10 seconds and here he chooses to   exchange um in wow and artemis doesn't even take  magnus's queen he takes magnus's rook and then   he takes the knight wow that white knight really  went on a crusade against magnus's position there   in in the space of three moves that knight  took a bishop a brook and another knight   it was the hero of the game and it once again  has given artemyev uh the lead they say white   knighting is frowned upon these days but in this  case goes all in takes everything with check   before before recapturing the queen and just like  that the white knight delivers the goods not only   is artemia up a piece but he's still still the  one on the attack what what a finish by the way   and again if you're looking at a model game for  white uh in a hedgehog you might want to replay   vladislav varchima's performance in this game  a few times so all right we're back to the uh   the next game vladislav artemyev is putting  on a show right now magnus carlsen fighting   for his life and i think we're going to  i think we're going to have a thriller   today i'm going to guess both these matches  magnus carlson and vladislav archamia cara   coming up right after this so you have  a full day of chess tv ahead of you   i think both these matches are going to give  us give us what we what we signed up for   and i want to make a little point here danny  i said we have seen magnus's king's pawn   for the last time and guess what the  black rice artemia have got the advantage   using the karo khan opening two times in a  row and magnus has gone away from that opening   he artemia with the black pieces  actually forced magnus out of his plan a   and here instead magnus's plan b is a similar  position because he once again appreciates his   bishops uh so magnus with the two bishops trying  to break down the the solid pawns of artemyev uh i was going to say even though what you  said is true you avoided the kero khan   this is a structure that is eerily similar  in some ways right given the way it went   yeah but the the main thing that's different from  the first two games is the computer evaluation uh   which during the cover con was mostly in black's  favor as opposed to here when the computer is a   massive fan of magnus's position right a great  point let's bring up the analysis board just to   highlight the advanced uh or for those just tuning  in hammer's main point was that magnus had played   e4 and run into artemis kero khan and not only  failed to get advantage was worse with white   several games in a row hammer called it if you  just tuned in and indeed magnus agreed it was time   to switch so we went for a semi-slavin and as i  was highlighting even though the structure is very   similar in some ways to the kero con white has  the bishop pair versus the solid setup hammer's   totally right white space advantage is completely  different here the grip on the dark squares the   huge pawn storm this looks like a maybe a rebound  game for carlson who as you said hammer he doesn't   like to lose two games in a row yeah and we  discussed it before the match started avoi getting   two wins in a row that's the way to shake magnus  but it's an incredibly difficult thing to do   and um uh our tamiya here under pressure um  i would say for the first time in the match   that's funny because he's the underdog but i agree  with you 13 000 on twitch almost 7 000 on youtube   thanks for being here the day has only just begun  and as you can see the favorite uh in the in   this particular battle is uh currently currently  trailing but there's a fort coming on e5 get your   emotes out um what does black what does mike do on  this this is really kind of irish he's gonna have   to retreat right with the bishop or the knight  one or the other yeah i'm gonna guess the bishop   moving away so that you open up for the rook uh  to put pressure into the middle but i'm not sure   i thought maybe move that bishop to a defensive  position right instead artemyev has moved it up   uh in an attacking position the problem with that  being that magnus he controls that part of the   board and now magnus's pawns are gonna push that  bishop around until it has nowhere left to go and   uh magnus right now trying to figure out whether  artemyev is a genius uh planning to sacrifice   his bishop to eliminate the pawns protecting  white's king or if uh he's just gifting him   uh um a nice position i i agree with you i love  that you said he's trying to figure out is artania   but genius or is he blundering his bishop right  although what's funny is i think carlson could   even play bishop e3 here if you want to be safe  subtle and just hold the big center together   that would prevent lines let's bring up okay  bishop let's bring up the analysis board to   prove my point which is b4 the big problem  with this in a lot of ways is not just that   this happens but also likely a third pawn falls  so magnus doesn't play bishop e3 but bishop b1   is along the same lines of what i was suggesting  just defend the pawn now this is probably a real   threat and i think artemyev is still in a very  tough spot having to figure out what to do with   this uh with this situation and if artemiev now  has to give up his bishop for white's knight   it proves why he should have gone on the defensive  with his bishop instead of moving it up the board   right moving pieces into enemy territory is  not always a good idea sometimes you need to   uh take care of your own situation first right  and i i think we're getting a good demonstration   of that here i'm showing your idea hammer because  it's it's a great one there that hammers point is   a retreating move was probably better just because  it actually makes magnus's life a little more   tricky for just pure example bishop b1 would just  lose the pawn so um not not totally that simple   but i'm with you it it feels like bishop b4 to  a5 was a little bit too aggressive there um from   martin and before he regrets in four games in a  row magnus has been down one minute on the clock   but we're seeing a turn in the trends right here  artemia for the first time down on the clock   down on position as well for the first time  which is amazing because he's playing game five   against the world champion but i want to  remind everyone that maksudu had a 2-2 score   after four games but that's when the beast awoke  in carlson uh when uh with the world champion   winning 10 games in a row after that um artemyev  needs to be at his very best throughout this match   uh because magnus he's just getting warmed up  and he's gonna be able to play amazing chess   for the next two hours as well uh a one point lead  isn't gonna be enough for the russian grand master   well said and a good reminder for every one of  what happened in that previous mug subu match e5   gaining it's so funny to see how well he's played  this center meeting magnus because i you know   maybe it's not funny i would never play that well  but i like that he's been patient he hasn't tried   to rush b4 and give our timmy what he wants which  is the sacrifice back so just take a note everyone   right the patience he displays with the space um  is really going to make our timbi's life tough   and if we're looking for a turnaround hammer this  is a big moment for our champion if he was down   on the clock down in position and it's all because  of what you called d4 played by magnus instead of   e4 so so if this is a sign of things to come  will this be the game that awakens the beast   wow and look at magnus's patience i thought magnus  had the right opportunity to to go trap that   bishop on the edge of the board but magnus doesn't  want any funky business he doesn't want to weaken   the situation around his own king and he's just  letting that black knight stay on the edge and   in fact magnus now threatening g4 the knight has  nowhere to move and artemium is gonna have to uh   do some uh some special work uh to get that knight  just off the rim yeah i think we're gonna say do   some gymnastics mental gymnast which is what  he's having to do here he has to he plays g5   trying to create some sort of uh pole vaulting  jump board get this get this knife back in here   but i i will hammer will magnus continue to  be patient and keep the knight deadlocked   f5 is also a move to consider um yeah i don't  think magnus can keep then the knight out if   magnus moves his pawn forward then there's to be  an exchange of pawns no maybe the knight let's   analyze it real quick because there's also  this other knight coming back to d5 right   if f5 there's like a captures and to be careful  black has things like yeah or coming in yeah oops   yeah a big moment in in the match here because  magnus took a full minute to consider and it   it appears he didn't find something he was  fully uh happy with because now artemyev   back in the game has the time advantage magnus  is down on the clock and now g6 from artemyev is   crucial magnus now with a trap if artemia captures  the white pawn which he's very tempted to do   then magnus will push his pawn forward and the  knight is trapped on the edge of the board instead   artemia first gets that escape route for the  knight and then is gonna try to get it back into   the game we're gonna have one of those exciting  finishes where both players are down to 20 seconds   this is where magnus excelled in his previous  match and this is where artemyev needs to show   that he can do better uh what is going on why  can you not capture that pawn i have no idea but   and the pawn is gone i don't know what magnus was  doing i mean h4 was was brilliant and then g4 to   follow gives up the point that was fascinating  i don't we won't have time to make sense of it   because as you said hammer we're gonna have one of  those exciting finishes here we go now down a pawn   on the board in addition the black knights have  excellent squares uh the only problem for black   is that he's completely cramped up on the bottom  um rows of the board wow bishop so magnus even   though being down uh wow the attack would have  been opening up for the queen against the bishop   so tricky and now are timmyev oh  and now the knight is coming out   into the attack and magnus is in trouble a  game where magnus thought he had everything   under control is turning around for him  both players down to less than 10 seconds   on the clock magnus desperately trying to get  some counter attack and frankly succeeds with   it magnus eliminating one of black's pawns on the  side and going after another one uh and artemia he gets the chance to get that crucial second  win in a row but he blunders and magnus with   the extra bishop now gonna equalize the match  yeah we've said it we said it just as the match   was about to start magnus has been so good  in the stressful situations and once again   he shows that he can keep his nerve  as the seconds countdown and his queen   is about to put some hurt on black's king and  this was a game that could have gone either way   but in the end uh magnus avoids losing  two games in a row and he takes the win i wow you brought it home there and i i  i couldn't agree more how huge that was   because it was that crucial game where artemyev  might have gotten two games in a row right he   might have gotten that second win but he  fails to do so and we are back to level   what a game right it was weird because it was  a game we thought magnus was going to win but   then artemi have completely turned it around  if this is the story line hammer then magnus   is doing what he did against mogsulu right he's  playing better in those crucial time scrambles   and that doesn't bode well for our chimney  of as the time controls get faster but okay   a lot a lot of chess left to be played we still  have 30 minutes here in the five minute portion   just so excited this is so exciting yeah and  remember this may have been the turning point   in the match magnus uh can be intimidating  uh when he gets his groove on when he gets   the the small margins in his favor and  once again i want to remember that after   uh magnus won the fifth game of his previous match  against matsudulu he actually continued to win   nine more consecutive games uh artemyev needs to  reset after that disappointing game he knows that   he was in a winning position he knows how close he  was to take a big lead against the heavy favorite   but now he needs to deal with the disappointment  of that defeat and and just move on as if nothing   had happened right and and that is what's  so difficult about the speed chess format   is because the games are consecutive because there  are no breaks for the players having a good mental   being able to to cope with a defeat uh avoiding  two losses in a row uh it's so crucial right   yeah no and you know we said that  i think our champion does have that   that quality i like to say that the great  ones have which is short-term memory loss   you know they're so confident they don't  tend to dwell on their mistakes so i   i believe that he has that but this is going to be  a test because that was much more heartbreaking i   think than that first loss he had so um all right  here we go we've got a b3 system by the way i just   wanted to bring up the analysis board to back  up because yesterday we talked about aronian   trying to go full hikaru a few times with this  b3 blitz specialty but i will say artemia even   more than aronian actually plays these things  right regularly we know he also placed the king's   indian attack regularly for those who followed the  speech s grand prix uh that i covered most of the   events for this year so this is not quite uh levon  aronian's approach i'm not not being so familiar   with b3 i actually like the position artemia  has achieved here um out of the first few moves uh and those bishops on the side of the board  i always find fascinating because i tell people   you need to place your pieces in the middle  but in fact bishops are best when they're on   the side when they're in those piano positions  because they're pointing in towards the middle   so it's not about where you place your pieces  it's about what squares they control and bishops   are of that sort where being on the side  is the way they control towards the middle   and we see this sort of uh you know staring  contest here between the dark square bishops   artemia plays h4 i really like that move as  a way to sort of expose black's retreat of   the knight to e8 um magnus might even try to  fix that with the knight g7 i don't know but   but h5 is a is a real threat here um and okay  so he plays bishop g4 to defend it but watch out   for this uh how does our timmy approach it here  hammer i would be very tempted to play knight e5   and there he goes uh the knight putting pressure  on the black bishop putting pressure on the black   knight a magnus is going to have to exchange  after which the white queen gets in there into   the middle of the board a threat combined with the  knight on e7 uh there's some scary stuff going on   and we're so connected right now the psychic  invasion of each other like i'm like i'm like   camped in your brain and you're camped in  mind and we're not even mad about we're   like hey how you doing right i mean we  are all over this i'm highlighting moves   a split second before you say it um and now h5  from artemyev wow magnus in a bad situation once   again and it's a return to the initial four games  with uh he played knight f4 up on time yeah yeah   yeah he's back to the uh again original rd if  you're just tuning in was vladislav up on time   that last game was sort of a a sign of baby magnus  finding it but no we're right back at a position   our champion is better i agree with you hammer  i think h5 was also possible but knight f4   pretty good as a tempo move to hit the  bishop and magnus defending once again uh and yeah h5 definitely still on the agenda  for artemyev wow he chooses to strike on both   sides of the board simultaneously uh the the  white pawn on the side just pushing its way   up uh it's gonna allow white to get the rook  into play despite not having moved that rogue   from the corner um and magnus now under  pressure on both sides of the board   and not for the first time in this match he's  gonna be down two minutes on the clock i've never   seen magnus being uh pressured uh like artemiev  is doing here on the clock and now should   change queens put the knight in the center  and then push the pawn forward on the side   of the board great play from artemia  yeah i totally agree and artemium is   he's one of those guys who has made a name  for himself i think more this year hammer than   than he would have in other years not just because  of you know online chances always existed but the   focus like due to the due to the global pandemic  um people are getting to know this guy and he's uh   russia has a lot of really talented super gm's who  don't always play in in the elite invitationals   and this guy's one of them um okay b5 is a  reactive move from magnus i really like that   he's not allowing the a file to become open but  artemia is still better if he finds the right   approach is it to take and gang up on an isolated  c pawn is it knight d5 first what do you think   um i'm really unsure it's it's a good move  from magnus he's trying to get his knight   into the middle of the board right and now  knight d4 next from magnus is such a good   good move for him that knight is going to be so  well placed i don't really see how artemyev is   is going to deal with that i would say he  should put his knight in the center as well   but then what's next how does  he stop magnus from getting   the knight into d4 i think the answer is he can't  uh so then the question needs to be how does he   prepare for magnus about to move the knight in and  i'm not sure that was it oh he has rook a2 okay   so with magnus moving the knight up there's  a double threat of a fork in two directions   uh so but artemia manages to defend against  both those threats by moving his rook up he   needs to get rid of magnus's knight pronto  um but he can play e3 now okay and he does   i like that because one thing to recognize is 96  might run into e4 and f3 trapping the bishop so   um where does magnus put that knight if you go to  c6 hammer c5 falls so i like this move well magnus   is going to put the knight on b5 and now he has  the pressure against the pawn on d3 which is the   disadvantage of moving forward and now magnus  has the option of capturing said pawn and look   at that look at magnus's eyebrows right there i'm  not sure he had seen that rook move from artemyev   exploiting the fact that the bishop and knight  couldn't go into that relationship where they   were both dependent well let's show it on the  announcement because i want to see the tactic i   think i think i know the answer will show everyone  else i think bishop d3 would be met by knight f4   yeah that's the idea everyone is the bishop can't  stay on this diagonal safely and guard the knight   at the same time so um it was played very quickly  magnus calculating super quickly that he couldn't   take the pawn so just want to show that for  everyone but but even if he didn't take it hammer   right looking at the analysis board this is still  a position that you know magnus is holding whoa   c4 um well i think magnus is under big pressure  uh though i must say magnus was not expecting   artemia to make that pawn exchange uh now the  night the night comes into play attacking both   the rook and the pawn and it seems like artemiev  is just shutting down this game for business   trading off the remaining pieces and it looks  as though magnus despite being under pressure   both on the board and on the clock uh he's about  to secure a draw and keeping the the match tied   yeah and despite the timing disadvantage too  which we've been highlighting that magnus was not   um not up on the clock again like he was in the  uh the last game but if he holds hammer he gets   white again and we've seen how well he he played  in that in that d4 slot so this is this is a good   draw i think for magnus's black given that he puts  artemia in a position to prove that he can do the   same yeah and it's it's not the artemyev we saw  earlier where he he understood that once he has   the time advantage against magnus he really  needs to put pressure uh artemyev here just   trading pieces despite being a minute up on the  clock that suits uh calls him just fine and let's   look at the analysis board to see maybe where  he could have gone wrong because it was right   here with the c4 move where our timmy have made  that decision you said to just start trading and   ultimately he went for this massive simplification  what was the move he could have gone for on c4   instead is the question uh well i wanted e4 um  e4 and then maybe g4 yeah yeah i i was actually   going to go e5 after i kicked the knight even  better yeah just try to push black's pieces   back right um okay and but instead magnus got what  he wanted and now they're just having a trade show   rachel on the main board ratios which are actually  underrated fun by the way if you ever want to go   to a trade show and just sit in the back you  know we got 500 here just bid bid low anyway   i don't even know if that is a trade show anyway  would you say twitchcon qualifies as a trade show   which con is it racial is it i don't know would  you say it qualifies i guess so i mean stuff you   know um i got some free swag while i was there  which felt good um yeah so yeah which gun sure   all right here we go we're back in a slob and  again if you're just tuning in everybody the early   story line magnus played e4 failed against against  our champions carol khan switched to d4 and had a   pretty big advantage last game so with this match  leveling out despite the fact that i think you and   i would agree still hammer that artemia has played  probably overall the better chess so far right but   magnus does seem to be finding his groove you  know what happened when stella got her groove   back saved tay diggs career if you know what i'm  talking about right so could be happening right   now i i've been thinking about our last time  broadcasting together danny and uh a lot of   the times you would make jokes and i wouldn't  laugh at all and i think part of the reason   is that your references are either too old for me  which would be devastating for you or too american   which would be devastating considering  that we're now broadcasting at 9 00 a.m   uh on the east coast right so you need to tone  down your american references and then start   getting with the times it's europe baby and stella  got her groove back baby and angela bassett hasn't   been heard from since but if you don't even get  that reference i don't even know what to tell you   all right well i'm a european danny okay okay all  right so what happened one night let's bring up   the analysis board i'm all with you okay 94 was  played by the way everyone and taking is not an   option because after captures you got a problem  here it's called a pin and it's gonna win for   black so of course magnus retreats instead and  now we're in this semi-slub not the same as as   game what was that game five i guess hammer but  where we had the the castles long from magnus so   what's going on in this relatively similar  symmetrical structure with d5 currently hanging   i don't really know what happens if you  take that point okay i'll i'll show you this   if queen takes you take here removing that it  did see danny and you winnie two would check was   that a rhetorical question you tricked me into  pretending you didn't know what was going on   no because this one i don't know because i  have a bishop about to capture your knight   and the evaluation bar jumped oh yeah it's a  favor oh yeah so why can't you take is it oh   maybe it's that's what i'm asking you danny  oh okay i you know as the i am in the room i   can never tell whether i'm being talked  down to by the gm's i hang out with so   um thank you for giving me real respect and asking  me a question that i failed to have the answer to   uh but uh magnus decides that capturing the pawn  is too tricky and instead chooses to uh put some   pressure on the black bishop on the side of the  board once again i would say for like the fourth   white game in a row magnus is trying to get the  bishop pair which of course i'm a big fan of it's   just that magnus hasn't really been able to do  anything with those bishops thus far yeah it's   not the bishop pair that you uh you write home  and tell mom about they're currently currently uh you know back on the back rank so and i think this   brilliantly demonstrates what i was talking  about in the previous game that even though   the bishops are located in the middle of the  board in the central files they're pointing out   towards the edges of the board right and with  bishops it's all about where they're pointing   not where they're placed so let's go back to  this knight takes d5 thing what is the reason   yes it's got to be bishop e6 yeah yeah i i would  guess that as well and then when the bishop comes   up to defend with bishop c4 probably knight  d6 yeah i was just gonna say that yeah putting   additional pressure on those white pieces but  but it is tricky and and so it's it's optically   optically a little bit trickier to figure out why  knight takes d5 fails that first meets the eye   bishop b5 can probably be met by knight a5  although in that case look at this hammer   the bishop is gone from check so what magnus  is doing is actually threatening to take on d5   for the first time everyone again reminder  taking here would lose the knight takes c3   with tempo it removes the defender of the  queen and again i have a little vision zoo   because they say in between move i take with  check so this movement meso as i like to say   not trying to sound like yes or inter meso jen  yeah yeah exactly exactly janet's an intermittent   you got a european audience now you  gotta get they know german pronunciation   okay queen takes d5 i like it and again everybody  the point is knight takes c3 you can trade on d8 right because there's no knight takes e2  with chip does that work for you yeah and   i'm wondering what was artemia's plan against  this uh because he just lost the pawn straight up no cap as my kids would say  straight up lost a pawn no cap   you know what that means or am i  cooler than you all of a sudden i i i have i'm familiar with the expression yes  thank you my 15 year old told me last night when   i said no cap at dinner he said you're no longer  allowed to say that you you are you anyway um   people are like 15 year old what yeah trickiness  is about to happen here yes uh artemia just   offered a knight to magnus um and what's happening  then because if you capture the knight the bishop   is going to force the white queen away i think  we're going to need the analysis board for this   yeah let's do it let's bring it up bishop takes  c6 oh okay he didn't play but bishop takes c6 was   going to be met by bishop e6 i assume no i don't  think so danny because then the queen can move   right and then when the rook captures you get  that pawn with a fork do i have the fork emote   you're not wrong although i don't know  that actually winning i think black has   weird moves that he's maybe holding on with  either way magnus he makes this i guess   mature decision not to go all in retreats and says  hey i didn't need your knight because i won a pawn   yeah and he's respecting the bishops which i  respect i love that he respects the bishop you'd   respect him a lot of respect flowing around by the  way the threat in that position was e6 trapping   the unrespected lady in the center so 95  frees the f3 square as a retreating move   yeah so magnus got the pawn but his  queen got stuck in a precarious situation   and now artemyev is about to kick that queen  back and then try to get back the pawn he   what the he's got bishop  before dude that's the idea but why is the computer still  giving advantage for white   i have no idea that trouble  nineteen you have stuff the queen gets out there's a  counter threat against black's queen   the temple analysis board analysis board the  point everybody is if knight takes you get here   and if you take the queen i still end up being up  material or do i am i just down a piece no i'm up   the exchange i forgot i have two rooks and if  you take with the rook i guess it's queen e6   i don't know and artemia chooses to do  neither of those things what is going on double check there's no by the way no  queen g8 everyone because night guards f7   but magnus got his queen out of a bad situation  while simultaneously defending his knight on the   edge of the board and right now artemia is down  two pawns and a rock in exchange for a knight and   that's just not good enough well and he's rubbing  his eyes i'm the guy who woke up at 4 am buddy   um let's bring back the analysis board to  show how crazy that was this move queen c7   i think was based on knight h6 check maybe maybe  our timmy have just missed queen g5 straight up   everyone queen g8 was not a threat because the  knight guards f7 don't fall for a failed venus   flytrap i think artemis just missed queen  g5 just based on his reaction right hammer   well he must have and now magnus pushing the pawns  forward in the center this is a highway uh to the   win and for the first time in this match magnus  is gonna take the lead who had that on their bingo   cards magnus taking the lead in game seven first  of all you just referenced bingo and and i love   you for it just mark that off my bucket list  somebody else makes an unnecessary pop culture   reference on a chest show um that was great no  you're right who had that and again hammer's   not joking everyone magnus has not led in this  match that's likely going to change right here   and hammer i feel like you're pro this is  why we had you with these magnificent matches   just for show knight f7 just for show queen e5  and then knight oh queen of five and then knight   f7 let me let me show it on the analysis  board you predicted it so well he does it   knight f7 and the knight is pinned everyone  uh okay even better night g4 even better   and magnus about to win this game about to take  the lead in the match and artemyev has given away   a lot of big chances so far uh he needs  to let that slide uh mental uh uh acuity   that's what it's all about now and and he needs to  um just concentrate on the position ahead of him   and and forget all about the numerous chances  he has had uh to uh to get the the up on   on magnus yeah it's hard it's easier said than  done right although there is only 10 minutes   left before a break so maybe with a chance  to refresh himself before he wrecks himself   artemyev will uh we'll play some good chess on  the three one portion he's already kind of over   performed what uh the smarter chess predictions  were for the five-minute portion saying magnus   should be three games better so take that smarter  chess uh by the way go to you can   use the command chess goals so even though  we make fun of smarter chess go ahead and   head over to chess goals and get guidance  towards your chess improvement a lot of a   lot of us need that we got 22 000 of you plus  on twitch 9 000 of you almost on youtube and   we love every one of you literally hammer loves  every one of you like yeah look at that smile um and this might be the very last  game uh of the five minute portion   which means if magnus is able to take  two in a row and get an amazing finish   in the five minutes once again the the results  will uh lie about what's going on in the match   because this five minute uh section has been all  about what is yet the score doesn't accurately   reflect that because magnus has been the best  player in the crunch uh when uh you're down   on time and um and yeah i i think it's absolutely  crucial for our temiev now to uh to make sure that   he's uh at least with a draw here uh in this game  uh to uh to feel like he's still within striking   distance of of magnus going into the three-minute  portion i like i like that you said that because i   think it's good chess advice uh as a guy who's  played in world elite events speaking for you   sometimes you just gotta stop the bleeding so  you're saying artemia even a draw is okay now   he is white of course he'd love a w and tie  this thing before the three minute portion   starts but sometimes your mindset has to be like  hey all right i know i've missed opportunities but   don't don't let this thing slip away don't tilt  don't tilt early um and 85 is that about g5 uh   g5 danny i'm not sure i like your chess instincts  a g5 looks horrible the black king already with a   white rook pointing down towards it now you want  to weaken its positioning once you get castled   let's see what the engine thinks who agrees with  it analysis board we go let's see who likes g5   oh so you're just telling me okay you were  right the engine likes white on g5 okay um   what were we talking about again once again  danny i want to say uh you know your confidence   is admirable if misplaced thank you well um  knight e5 does threaten to take d7 just to   explain my thought process you can't take with  the knight because it's pinned and if you take   with the queen i take on f6 and double your pawn  so i'm trying to deal with that maybe i just   back up to e7 it threatens pretty much everything  danny but i'm wondering what happens on bishop c3   that has to be the the attempted punishment oh  let's do it now if the bishop can get in there uh both the rook and no strike that danny  uh artemy have just sacrificed his rook   knight d takes c4 what the bleep look at  that bishop takes e1 is met with knight to d6   and the wtf's hit the chat why the face why the  face magnus but is magnus now just gonna castle   magnus's king is in a real state right now but  uh on the other hand the computer evaluation   uh is very much more black than white meaning that  black with the best moves should have an advantage   that being said white has all of  these pieces pointed in towards   uh black's uh queen towards black's king towards  pretty much everything and in addition to that   magnus is severely down on time he's down two  and a half minutes on the clock uh with his king   in trouble uh this might be the epic comeback  and the kind of win artemiev needs right now   if he can win in style equalize the score going  into the three-minute portion he's gonna be on a   real high with magnus wondering what on earth just  happened this man just completely annihilated me   well b5 is played wtf now means where's the fork  because it no longer exists the bishop guards d6   but there is no chekaruski here um b5 is a heads  up i mean look at this position there were a lot   of ways it could go wrong taking e1 allowing this  move would have been bad for magnus as i showed   quickly uh castles is bad because the king gets  blown open and and here we go so magnus finds   the cool headed b5 kicking the knight while  you guard d6 and this rook is still hanging so   i know you went i know you went hype champ over  there on artemium's comeback but i'm gonna say   i think magnus is going to kenbe mutumbo on  that not in my house look at that move b5   people outside of no that's not entirely true but  i'm not too familiar with basketball hey the u.s   is kind of the home of basketball every doorway  norway rising basketball capital of the world you   i called it here 20 30. um anyway um be fine i i  think i deserve some credit just for knowing that   that guy was a basketball player that's probably  because you've subscribed to my channel and you   got that mutumbo emo now you talk because i  get to use my emote for the first time today uh but artemia now taking a long think uh  there's so many pieces under attack right   now and vladislav is going to have to give up  at least one of them um but the question is   which one he opens up for the rogues on the edge  of the board uh he's probably gonna make the trade   and what's happening then is magnus gonna move  the queen away from the protection of the king   i have no idea what's going on but  artemia really should have an idea   because he spent two and a half minutes  considering the uh consequences of his play yeah and the time is still undecided it's gone right um you were highlighting earlier the time  advantage and its position is still close to   level although it's one of those level positions  according to the computer and humans are like   what is going on here there's a million pieces  hanging and so this is one of those positions i'm   just going to predict the next move within  the next three moves the eval bar hammer   is just going to go nut like someone's going  to blunder here you can't maintain balance   and time pressure in such a nutty position  yeah but i think artemia is going to blunder   because the fact that he spent so much time means  that he cannot find anything he's happy about   which means he's probably just gonna end up in  a bad position and the eval bar supporting that   in the first uh in the first move magnus  actually moving his queen away from the king   despite the king desperately needing protection  uh he's magnus is just happy to get that queen   away from white's bishop that was pointing  in uh dangerously towards the queen yeah you i mean you called it and i've been i  was highlighting taken with the queen because   of the battery earlier and now i wonder if that  pawn is just capturable by the way with only a   minute left more than likely this is the last game  of the time control one of your last chances to   subscribe throw us your prime to see what happens  in our prime time smackdown this week we got   wrench versus hammer a couple of tools huh a  couple of tools in the old tool shop throwing   around wrench and hammer and i think magnus should  castle now to get the king into safety and he does   do that magnus now with the safer king with the  better pawn structure with more time on the clock   yes he's a pawn down but look at those bishops  pointing in towards white's position we've had a   big turn around magnus was on the defensive now  he's given up upon gotten his king into safety   and now it's his bishops ruling the board creating  trouble for artemyev and it's looking as though   magnus is about to get two in a row here finishing  the five minute time control of really seizing   the moment uh and uh getting a big advantage going  into the first break well said it'd be it would oh uh magnus moving in the forces towards white's  king artemyev tries to do the same with his queen   but oh there was a knight magnus just captures  the knight and with that he wins a piece   uh he tries to create some counter checkmating  threats here artemyev but magnus moving his   knight back seems to have things under control  because now you can capture the rook i was   going to say even bishop c8 was a funny move  anyway but what he does is good enough clearly   artemia runs out of pieces and magnus winning  two in a row we talked about how crucial it is   to to get that a big advantage of of tilting the  opponent while at the same time getting a solid   lead in the match magnus just did it he had a slow  start but he's getting there and he's going to be   lethal in the three-minute portion as well it's  crucial for artemyev to keep this distance of just   two points magnus is capable of running away with  it and and that has to be uh artemia's artemyev's   priority right now to to just stop this good face  magnus is in uh well said it and i and i do agree   that if artemia keeps it close the bullet could be  anyone's game because vladislav is so effective as   a as one of the top bullet players on  so all right you set the table for what three   minute needs to be for both these guys i'll set  the table for the break prime time smackdown   between wrench and hammer coming your way uh don't  go anywhere everyone when we return it's more   speed chess championship on this double header  day today we'll be back in just a few minutes okay hammer are you ready to are  you ready to feel bad about yourself   i just want to say that when my kids when i get  kids i want them to be as as bold and brave as you   volunteering to play me in a bullet match  knowing you're gonna get destroyed right   it's it's it's an admirable trait well i've  also people have also said like danny how come   you have no pride how come you self-deprecate  so much how come you put yourself   in masochistic situations so you  want them to have those straights too this is the i suppose i'm eating i guess dude  i know this is going to sound shocking to you   and the audience i don't plan on losing to you  bro i don't plan on let's go ready okay let's go   oh my god i forgot you play  this crap what is your deal   yeah how about that you like that about  that how about that how about uh no   this is a winning position for white like  yeah that's right i forgot you play crap   you play crap and then you know the crap so well  that it's hard to compete with the crowd i think   that's you will find that's a pawn up for me  i'm up to here with your crap how about that ah interesting a bad move by you have your pawn thank you this is one of  those positions that should be worse for me   than it is but you messed up so bad  because you're so distracted by me   i think you will find that's not really what's  happening here i think you will find that you   need to respect the bishops and you have failed to  do so in this game i need to respect the bishops   i don't need to respect the bishops you  need to respect the bishops i am though he thought you were going to get d4 check i actually did give you d4 check that was  so irritating oh it's so funny oh my gosh   okay thank you i was so focused on fast fun do i  hate you i hate you right now i hate you so much no i mean i can even tell you what moves you  should play and you still don't play them   i wasn't even looking for  d4 anymore i had too much i i literally made you aware that was an option  okay well guess who gets the white pieces now bro and we are back here yet again as the first speed  chess championship match of the day between magnus   carlson and vladislav artemyev moves to the  three-minute segment but not before we remind   all of you to move your schedules tomorrow it's  tgif it's bob battles we got younger and creepier   john travolta on the left along with uh you know  something robert hess would never look like which   is organized and clean-shaven on the right it's  gonna be quite the day tomorrow hammer uh yeah i'm   looking forward to it i i i maintain that robert's  uh depiction was was pretty decent at least   compared to yours but you know i mean your body  is going to get one hell of a beating tomorrow that's a european reference and i'm going to  continue making european references for the rest   of this match okay okay yeah all right predictions  we've got we've got three minutes coming up here   um again six to four predicted in the three-minute  portion uh we've again magnus carlsen is the   favorite and pretty much every time control but  as you said artemia really just needs to focus on   stop the bleeding don't tilt even if you keep it  within just a couple games for bullet the fastest   segment maybe where you have to make your move  right yeah all right now having lost two games in   a row it's all about uh mental and being able to  just continue how he's been playing so far without   thinking too much about the disappointing results  he's had honestly the the three minute the five   minute section was evenly matched uh if anything  i would say artemiev was maybe the better player   but magnus showing his uh how good he is in those  decisive moments takes or comes away with a two   game lead uh meaning that um if he can just  continue this trend uh he's gonna win the match   also showing how much he can pack it  in right there magnus had a real cheek   fold there that's a nice strong jaw when  you can fit that much food in your mouth   and still managed to chew it down with no swelling  did you see that the picture he had on facebook   danny he had his birthday brunch a couple of days  ago that that plate was packed i i'll tell you   yeah well uh all right we're gonna have a  packed show for the rest of the day so don't   go anywhere still more than half ahead and  then we have nakamura versus fedo say it but   here we go the three minute begins in uh  five four three two one we have liftoff   and magnus once again starting with the white  pieces but he has been moved off his plan a   uh initially he was playing the the king pawn  openings but artemyev's karo khan was just   too strong and magnus chose to switch uh  to the the queen pawn openings now i'm not   seeing magnus make any moves here and his e and  his connection bar has dropped big time right yeah is he even aware the game has i don't think  so maybe the team can give him tell him to refresh   or something he seems to have uh lost connection  with the oh there he goes now he's oh wow   and now he's very unhappy yeah  i don't know what happened there he lost his connection and now  is he aware it's his move or   and a decision has been made okay we're  gonna we're gonna restart the game apparently   not not apparently it wasn't wasn't magnus's  uh fault there i think we're gonna abort and   restart the game there we go okay so something  happened there but either way all is well that   restarts well as far as the server  goes am i right all right let's uh let's keep   this thing stable and clean today everybody  um and once again magnus using that queen pawn   because that has given him the results he needs  the king pond not helping out today the queen pawn   put to the test and magnus uh i think he won two  white games in a row uh and he's going to try to   continue that trend yep he plays uh this c6 and  e6 carol khan often that being vladislav artemia   by the way this is something we've seen him do  on a regular basis he also employs the a6 slav   um for those of you just wondering about  artimus repertoire he's very consistent i'll   say that some players on line hammer are kind  of all over the place but artemia vis is is not   gonna vary i think from the slav all day even if  magnus has success that's not really his style   and he loves putting his pawns on the light  squares both against the queen pawn openings   but also the king pawn openings and here he's only  one move away from having all eight pawns on the   light squares but that would bode poorly for  his uh light squared bishop which is currently   trapped in behind all of these pawns so he's gonna  need to breathe some life into that uh bishop's   uh potential and he's decided to do so by trying  to go e5 so moving his rook in towards the center   clearly he's intending to move the pawn forward  which will also be very helpful to his bishop   which then gets a root out of its uh misery  yeah and what you highlighted is is the typical   way this structure goes right it starts out  passive everyone but very often i was just   going to say b3 is a great move that stops it  very often the plan when the exchange happens   is for black to kind of liberate the pieces  with either e5 or c5 in this case he doesn't   have to do it because magnus traded so he takes  with the e pawn making sure at some point the   light square bishop will have life maybe on this  f5 square but what did magnus get in the meantime   pressure against the c6 pawn so instead the bishop  stays stays passive and tucked away defending yeah   really interesting position and i want to point  out that one of the most difficult things about   the speed chess format is adjusting to a new time  control these guys have been spending the last   hour and a half playing five minute games but now  time has been cut they're down to three minutes   each and magnus has not really um his mind hasn't  communicated to his hands that we need to speed up   because magnus once again down on time but it's  much more precarious in the three minute games   because you get into time trouble sooner my mind  also has trouble communicating in my hand on a   regular basis um but in this case i'll leave that  alone um bishop to b2 played kind of passive here   i think that i think that our teammate has gotten  the better of the opening right let's bring up the   analysis board and if we just go back to that  position you first mentioned on rookie 8 with   the tension in the pawns magnus chose to break it  himself by trading on on on d5 but now we notice   again as the bishop eventually came to b7 c5 is on  the agenda for black he gets it well timed and uh   and yeah oh my god we need to move to the board  our attention has sacrificed i want to move   and magnus is shaking his head artemia removing  the pawn in front of white's king the knight   could have been captured uh but then white's king  would have gone on a journey that it was probably   a mating journey if you ask me right uh yeah so  magnus instead chooses to just uh move the rook   and what is going on artemyev leaving the night  where it is because he knows he has the capture   and then the knight attacking both the king and  the bishop and artemyev doing all the tactics   right now he's gonna end up with a pawn extra in  addition to having weakened the defenses around   magnus's king well trying to show the positional  advantages of artemia backfire because i missed   the moment on knight takes f2 but let's go back  to the analysis board again i want to show it   because we did miss it in real time with the show  the whole point was magnus blundered with d takes   c5 missing knight takes f2 again as we said king  takes would have gotten mated and walked up the   board the magnus just tucks his tail between  his legs and knows he's going to lose a pawn   and with it as hammer said black has the extra  peshka and the compensation the dark squares   are weak along with e3 and what what a move  right now from artemia that knight takes f2 and   he could he could bring this back within a game  here yeah i'm proud of our temiev uh showing his   strength there i'm also proud of you danny with  the peshka european reference uh that's russian   russian yeah russia is in europe  you didn't know that right uh   right i mean there's a guy that spent some  time there and i speak a little bit of russian   i don't like i mean i'd i'd rather you refer  to us by the proper name of eastern europe   okay that's fine as long as it's got europe in it  i'm proud of you for uh expanding your horizons on   the references okay well you're welcome in this  position uh artemyev is going to have trouble   expanding his horizons if white maintains control  of the dark squares it's funny magnus defended   despite all the hype there pretty well right i  mean he's going to have the d4 square for the   queen and the knight this bishop isn't ideal as  long as the pawn chain kind of stays this way   so i think magnus is defended decently given  that just outright blunder of knight takes up two   uh yeah but being a down a pawn is still a  problem and the the pawn magnus has on e3   that's uh a loner right there it's what we call an  isolated pawn that is um it cannot be defended by   its other pawn peshka buddies uh which means  no no when we refer to plural it's pesh key   there you go by the way no way i'm getting  corrected on russian grammar right sorry speaking   of the pesky despite artemia having an extra one  i actually still like how magnus defended this   pawn is more of a target and a blocker right of  this bishop here i i'm with you but i feel like   magnus has recovered nicely and could hold this  especially with the mutual time pressure coming   yeah uh no i agree uh great defense from  from magnus um if somewhat cooperative   from our temiev yeah and magnus now just uh trying  to control both sides of the board with his bishop   um ooh but artemia with the bishop coming into  c4 and then he's gonna get his king involved is a tricky guy he has not given up hope uh  here just yet yeah this is a really strong   idea everybody because let's just foreshadow  if the bishop has to leave this diagonal   look out for the king to run in so magnus  is desperately trying to hold the a4   e8 diagonal artillery of trying to  find a tricky way to get the king in   but are tamiya really down on time yeah and magnus  trying to exploit that um might even try to get an   undeserved win here uh but on the other side wow  artemia is doing a good job on the king side uh   it doesn't seem to be enough though he has a  past pawn um but he's struggling to get that pawn   uh past white's king and it looks as though magnus  has successfully defended and will get a draw   yeah not not a hundred percent yet but i'm with  you it again this bishop is holding two diagonals   every one entry along the b1 h7 point entry along  the a4 e8 point it doesn't seem possible for black   to get the bishop off of both especially with d5  as a target and the threat of the king coming up   so our champion is not this is what you got to do  right we got to applaud him you don't you don't   happy for a draw against the world champion you  got to push this um despite it probably just you   know being a draw yeah but at the same time i feel  like he was way too cooperative in the exchanges   leading uh to this end game where um where he  just let magnus do what magnus wanted to do right   uh and and get this very blocked position where  magnus manages to defend despite being upon down   hold on rex our timmy was trying to  check the king out so the king can get in   yeah magnus now lowest on time just two seconds  remaining hold the horses it's whoa what   only one magnus made that with point five on  the clock by the way okay now he seems to have   recovered on the increment he almost almost  had the draw uh artemia actually offered it   and and magnus declined it but they they reach  at the old-fashioned way with perpetual so i   i'm with you i think magnus um that was more of a  moral victory for magnus than anyone else because   artemia was the one holding the cards and he  kind of let magnus have his defensive way with it   yeah i i think artemyev has been brilliant in this  match he's just not using the chances he's getting   and you know at this level you get punished for  that you don't get that many chances against   magnus and you gotta take them while they're there  yeah robert and i say this a lot in commentary   that sometimes you lose these matches not just  with blunders but you're missed opportunities   right more than anything else and um that  could be one that comes back to haunt him sure and once again i feel like artemyev i mean  it's tough to say i mean playing against   magnus but i feel like he's being the better  player it's just that he's he's giving away   a lot of points in those crucial time scrambles  and magnus he's so lethal he takes advantage   time and time again and that's why  he's up two points on the score yeah and one of the things we say about both  magnus and hicarro and others too but those   two guys are always on the top of your brain when  you're talking about these blitz events is is that   they they're the guys who probably they do two  things well they they convert most on those time   scramble opportunities and they persevere the best  when they're worse they create those resourceful   traps and so it ends up being the storyline you  said after the five minute where the scoreboard   five to three magnus after five minute wasn't  necessarily reflective of the quality of   chess but the scoreboard is what matters right  magnus held and got the points when it counted   and um one sign of magnus being under pressure  in this match is how many times he's been down   on the clock and uh as we proceed to the  quicker time controls uh being down on the   clock is going to be uh a growing disadvantage  and here uh our temiev uh he was up 30 seconds   now it's down to 10 seconds but those small time  advantages do matter and um and he just needs to   to start taking the opportunities he's getting in  the time scrambles uh because he's he's playing   well and he's he's uh creating trouble for magnus  through his time management well said we had about   26 000 of you there on twitch we've got 8 000  of you on youtube just tv we see you over there   thank you everyone for your support and uh thanks  for being here we still got a long day ahead i   see some people asking when hikaru plays he plays  right after this match and for those of you that   were with us very early we actually had about a  10 minute delay due to some fair play technical   difficulties so it won't be too long of a break  after this match before hikaro and fedo say   kick off so uh thanks for being with us on this  will now be an scc thursday yeah what a day yeah   all right we've got it good well i i was going  to talk about the finished match which is maybe   inappropriate considering that we got magnus  playing right now and actually i changed my   mind because we're gonna have to talk about the  fact that magnus is already down to one minute   on the clock despite their not even having been  played 20 moves total in this game uh magnus's   time management has been complete shambles  and it just feels like a question of time   before he's um he's punished for it i like this  move rook c8 by the way was threatening a common   kind of hedgehog tactic of knight d4 let's show it  on the analysis board because the advanced players   it's a little bit of an important point something  like this played you have to watch out for this   see the computer loves it for black you take with  the c pawn win the bishop pair and usually have   the compensation with it so artemia immediately  plays queen b1 on rook c8 good little tactical   pattern it brilliantly illustrates that top  players never like having their queens on the same   file as their opponents wrote right and  precisely that theme is what artemy have used now   to open up the position and put pressure on magnus  because magnus made the mistake of putting his   queen on the same file as the white rook and as  a consequence of that um artemiev got his bishop   in a good position pointing down towards black's  camp and now also involving the knight uh artemyev   still up 50 seconds on the clock um is this gonna  be his comeback game uh in that case he can equal   well he cannot equalize the match but he can get  it down to a one point lead for magnus but just as   importantly it will be a huge boost to his uh his  mental that he's been able to to cut magnus's lead   and put pressure on him continuously in these  three-minute games yeah couldn't agree more and no   bishop d6 is releasing the titan if you will over  here on the queen size she's got our eyes on the   b6 pawn and magnus now down to 20 seconds again  yeah magnus is in huge trouble yeah and that is   the comeback game artemia's going  to get it it's going to happen now   into in the time pressure we see magnus kind  of shaking his head just just frustrated with   the way he's played since the start of the  three minute portion you had a freudian slip   a minute ago partner where you almost said  that a win by artemia would tie the match   and that tells you how we feel today everybody  artemiv is right there almost like he should have   won last game right i mean this is artemiev's i  think he has the ability to keep this thing close and now he needs to be careful about his bishop  the bishop is retreated and magnus inviting the   end game despite being down a pawn should tell you  how much magnus trusts his ability in end games   and artemyev i dislike how he's been spending so  much time here the last couple of moves you should   just get that bishop into e7 attack the black  rook and then come in with the knight as well   magnus being uh pressured here uh by by black by  white and it feels as though this is artemis game   uh but he he wasted his time advantage he spent  too much time and despite being 40 minutes up now   he's uh down by 10 seconds and magnus trying  to get uh rid of as many pieces as he can to   to equalize the um this game yeah now he's trying  to get the the pair of bishops off because the   knight would probably hold its own okay with all  the pawns on one side of the board again no way   artists bishop is trapped it's going to cannot  get out well wait magnus has more than a draw   no it's gonna be equal but whoa wait a second  oh my gosh suddenly black is the one playing   for a win here and i was just gonna say despite  everything we've talked about magnus puts himself   in a position to persevering being resourceful  that the result of this game is not going to end   to indicate uh what most of the moves showed us  which was our timmy have played like a boss but   but like you said hammer he's losing it in these  time scramble crucial moments and i really dislike   that he spent all his time advantage he had  one minute to 20 seconds and he spent it all   without really figuring stuff out i think this  game is still going to be a draw but artemyev   continuously being down to just seconds on the  clock that's uncomfortable yeah and he you could   easily see him uh getting into trouble uh and  uh maybe even uh losing uh and now here's the   pressure magnus is currently putting on white's  pawns and note that magnus is kind of in that   position with house money here hammer right even  though i agree with you objectively should be a   draw the two pieces are better than the rook  everyone when everything is stuck to one side   of the board the rook would rather flex with  multiple past pawns these sort of things so so   magnus can play this position even if he can't  win for quite some time and with very little risk   yeah and i mean he's up by two in the match  so uh spending time on the clock makes sense   as a match strategy but it also makes sense as  a way of putting pressure on artemyev who is   very low on time and continuously has to figure  out how to deal with these new plans magnus is   using and now magnus all the way trying to put his  bishop on the same diagonal as white's uh oh oh uh   yeah i was getting nervous you saw me i tend to  grab my hand i'm nervous i'm working on it well   i thought artemia can go and grab this pawn on the  side ah magnus going f5 f5 is not a good move i do   not like that move yeah it it undoubles and helps  white should still be a draw but this position is   getting a little more double-edged yeah i guess  it was necessary for magnus to do that uh but   artemia getting his king involved look how tricky  the position whoa he was almost frozen there elsa   white white uh almost put him in six one okay  and our tamiya is exchanging down to draw a nice   end this thing the old-fashioned way huh get  get down to just kings and we have a draw wow   what a mess there um but magnus again the  storyline snatching stalemate from the jaws of   defeat holding on yeah but i think what artemia's  problem is now he needs to exploit magnus being   slow to adapt to the new time control and now he's  wasted two good chances in a row we've seen how   lethal magnus is towards the end of these uh time  sections because that's when he has adjusted uh   to the to the time control and i think the more  uh artemyev now uh doesn't manage to cut down   on magnus's lead i i think magnus is gonna have a  really good showing in the last 20 15 minutes of   the three minute portion so uh artemyev needs to  strike while magnus's time management is still um yeah the uh the time management tends to change  the storyline as we get into bullet right and   sometimes the guy that's been taking a lot of time  magically speeds up in the fastest segment but   i'm with you that overall if artemia keeps this  within a game or two i feel like the bullet is   is quite the coin flip our tim you have so so many  games on one of the best bullet players   um i think you'll have his chances there and  this is going to be an exciting one because uh   artemia have just sacrificed a pawn on the side  of the board and magnus has taken the challenge   he took the pawn or tamiya trying to claim that  opening up for his rook is going to give him a   long-term compensation uh long-term chances for  the pawn um but we'll just have to wait and see   bishop comes back after stealing the pawn  but artemiev has compensation as hammer   said based on pressure here pressure  on the b file but his pawn is a pawn   and what does artimus do now to prove it because  this is one of those positions it becomes kind of   benko gambidish you give white moves it's queen c2  the rook goes to e1 or d1 we develop and rook b1   so artemia has to find a way to get  long-term compensation now before white   develops and coordinates yeah and what  he just did was a good move that queen   pointing in towards white's king is going to  force magnus to hide out in the corner yeah um   and then you need to get you know the rest of  the pieces involved let's show the analysis   real quick why queen v6 is such a thorn you can't  really develop the bishop to e3 without b2 falling   if you make some random move here comes knight e4  problems with pins on the diagonals so queen b6   a very tricky little move there from martinez and  as hammer said the king tucks itself to bed in the   quarter and now artemia is going to play bishop a6  uh putting the bishops up against each other while   simultaneously getting ready to get the rook uh  that's currently next to black's king get that   over to the other side because that's where  black is attacking right now i played bishop   a6 on the analysis board but we see there on the  live board above the players queen b4 was played   and now we've got this position where black  is putting pressure on e4 before trying to   make some exchanges i i'm not sure what you think  about that um interesting yeah these these uh pawn   sacrifices are very tricky and i think they're  difficult to play for both sides um yeah i felt   like artemyev needed to get that bishop out and  go for the trade because it's not really clear   where that light squared bishop is going to find a  good home uh but artemyev has decided to keep him   uh the bishop on d7 now once again getting out  of the way as the work enters the fray uh and   magnus strikes magnus strikes in the center with  his pawn forcing uh artemyev on the defensive   and magnus's pawns will be weak they're going to  be attacking targets for black but recall that   magnus is up a pawn uh so he can even lose upon  without it being a problem whatsoever look at this   move bishop e3's pointing out that the d6 pawn  has more to worry about than just the e5 punt but   artemyev doesn't miss a beat says i got you bishop  f5 yeah but magnus is gonna sacrifice his rook now   oh man talking dirty to me now you know how i  feel about exchange sacrifices come on um but why   uh because uh he moves you get a really nice  center oh okay so magnus trades first but i   think it just transposes to the variation i was  thinking about well let's analyze the show i think   you're anticipating rook takes whoa i thought  rook takes would be the case but let's knight   takes was just played yeah i was not expecting  that yeah i was expecting brook takes and then   i thought your line would be something like takes  here and i don't even know that you have to sack   the exchange because my point is that there's  moves like 94 with huge centers and c5 problems so   maybe that's what first of all  this thing called uh a submission   oh that's right we talked about that sorry i'm  still struggling with your european language   rook takes bishop takes c5 and then bishop  takes b1 was your idea although funnily enough   do i have moves like this and try to trap  your rook in some cases maybe or maybe not   maybe i just but we got to get back to the game  yeah we've got to get out of being exchanging   stuff the queens are off the board the the pawns  are off the board magnus with two pawns on the   left hand side is going to try to get a new  queen or something and both players down on   time yet again uh magnus with the worst of it but  we've seen how magnus when he's down to 20 seconds   manages to speed up in the crucial moment leaving  artemyev to make the mistakes in the time scramble agreed agreed agreed knight c4 played kind  of irritating you're threatening forks on d2   as well as tactics on b2 and a3 with  the bishop but okay lots to calculate   brooks c1 only 11 seconds for magnus or  timmy of grabs back the pawn i'm liking   artie's chances here yeah that knight coming  into d3 is nasty yeah and artemia artemyev   coming with and magnus sacrifices his rook in an  attempt to create complete chaos on the board uh   artemia responds with a rook sacrifice of  his own artemia currently up by a knight   uh in exchange for a pawn uh danny resizing  the board at the right moment yet again   and uh but it seems like artemyev  it gets a hold of that white pawn   that was one square away from uh becoming a  new queen and once that pawn is removed from   the board it does seem like this is our tamiya's  moment his sacrifice in the opening about to pay   off as his knight moves to the edge of the  board to eliminate the last pawn from magnus   and he goes after the pawn  magnus tries to give a check   artemyev gets the king away wow magnus is  fighting yeah he is he's making it tricky   wow what is going on here i have no  idea i mean i should be winning but   classic madness only two seconds with  a knight yeah winning with a knight   against lots of pawns is a very difficult  task right because the knight is such and he's going to kick the king back with h4 at  some point look at him just sitting tight here   making artemia figure it out with with only the  increment really on the clock oh and our teammate   is going to play h4 no oh what a nice idea by the  way look at the night a unicorn if you if you will   yeah everything what about oh and magnus magnus  is upset he didn't have this idea brilliant play   from artemia absolutely managed to get his knight  in a defensive position magnus is furious with   himself let's bring up the analysis board again  and magnus is furious artemia brings this thing   back to within a game and really the maneuver that  was uh that took this game everyone was remember   how much how much artemia was struggling as  long as this knight was trying to guard the a   pawn so instead artemia realizes the knight is  best over here where it can hold these squares   preventing the king from coming in this is super  instructive seriously the the knight eventually   figures out that e6 is the square for the future  and this frees up the black king to go be the guy   who bullies the pawn just an absolutely brilliant  technique magnus unable to break the blockade   missing this idea of captures and h4 and it's  over because you don't have time to go after   the h pawn with knight g5 guarding protecting and  uh and magnus is busted so okay back to the live   game hammer just wanted to show that that was such  such great technique there from artemyev yeah and   the crucial difference between the knight and the  king as the responsible of stopping magnus's pawn   is that the knight cannot attack the pawn and  prevent it from moving further forward at the   same time whereas the king is able to both attack  and stop the white and the the pond's progress   at the same time so i tamiya they're really  appreciating what uh the pieces are able to do   uh and um and and got his got them  coordinated in the right uh in the right way yeah well uh yeah a an end game technique  display not from magnus but from his opponent   that hasn't happened a lot today but right there  vladislav brings this thing to within a game   um although as you highlighted earlier hammer  magnus doesn't like losing two in a row   and i do like his position early on here as black uh yeah uh but i also want to point out the the  amazing thing about these online events uh with   magnus and hikaru being the clearly the top two  players uh in that um in that format uh they are   so expressive and magnus is still shaking his head  over that last game he did not like losing there   and um these emotions we're seeing now from magnus  that's thanks to the camera thanks to the fact   that magnus feels like there's no one around and  he feels like there's no one watching but that's   not the case at all though is it danny no it's  not there's a lot of people watching and as i   like to say when it's online it's there forever  right the internet um and uh yeah so you gotta   you gotta when you make it when you get a clip  of these guys it really is great though jokes   aside because you see you know the emotions the  fighting spirit right chess hasn't always been   known for that but uh i think the online format  and the up close and personal views we get of   the players has kind of brought that to life so  um all right magnus shaking his head he needs   to move on and focus on this one artemia has  kind of equalized now he was a little bit worse   what's going on now um it's a tricky  position chances for both sides   uh what magnus has done well in this game is  that he he's up on time and time management has   been a problem for him throughout this match  um but funny humor we've i was gonna say that   notice that he's am i right do you remember it  correctly like i remember like i do which is   i feel like every time magnus is lost the  next game he ends up being way up on time yeah he's got some of that that anger  frustration manifesting itself into just a   quick play in the next one and frankly  magnus playing quickly trusting his instincts   that's just as dangerous of an opponent as magnus  questioning his decisions and using a lot of time   knight d5 i thought would be followed by  bishop to f6 we'll see if magnus goes for   that to challenge the diagonal here rook  to c1 maybe threatens knight c6 so you   gotta watch out no magnus says i'm good  on that i'll play bishop of six anyway   yeah good job by magnus getting his bishop  uh to counter uh our tamiya's bishop   and we got a big big tactics here rook  c6 rook c6 bishop b2 knight b2 knight e5   am i right about that for the batcave yeah i  think i was right for once in my life we found it   brilliant and this is what we were talking  about magnus magnus's ability to strike back   in uh when in trouble and he finds the crucial  tactic there the knight attacking both the rogue   and the queen uh and as a result of that artemyev  needed to get his queen out of the way instead of   recapturing magnus's bishop which will now be  a commanding force on the board and we said   for our tamiya to win this for our temiev to uh to  unsettle magnus he needs to win two games in a row   and vladislav has won quite a few games today and  he's had chances to win more but every time magnus   loses a game he strikes back with a vengeance  and that two-point lead or winning two in a row   for our tamiya has just never been there because  magnus always shuts down um uh the opponent's   chances after a loss and how he manages to do that  i would love to know well also look at how he's   managing to do it hammer on the clock as well like  we were saying every time our champion has won   magnus has i don't want to say one dominantly but  kind of right he's come back and one dominantly   he's fixed his time management issues and then  you say to yourself if you're a magnus fan where   is that all along right play faster magnus right  play angry and it feels like magnus is playing   his best chess after losing um and that's  not something he wants to continue to repeat   uh but but as you said it also makes it really  hard for our timber to ever win two in a row and uh two knights and a pawn in exchange for a  rook that's a dominating advantage and frankly   i'm not sure whether artemyev should resign here  or not from a match strategy standpoint because   if artemyev gets into the one-minute portion  with just a two-point deficit he's definitely   capable of making that up so if he needs to  just take his time uh to to kind of settle   his nerves and and recharge for the next one  then then he should do that that being said   artemis now causing some troubles uh he managed  to capture one of magnus's uh pawns uh and it's   infamous that two knights are uh notorious no no  notorious who is notorious b.i.g uh look at the   fork they're bad at coordinating but let's  show that on the analysis board real quick biggie biggie strikes again biggie biggie  biggie oh can't you see sometimes the fork   it hypnotizes me look at this knight to c3 you  can't take b2 because of knight to d3 check   that was why the game ended so quickly everyone  artemia was trying to hold with the rook   but no nice c3 punishes the move king f2 and after  the move king e3 you get the queen so there you go   um i had to give you credit for that unintentional  notorious big reference by the way tupac lives   that's a whole nother story  no too american for you no that's fine danny you you already contributed  with some russian grammar okay so i i got i got a   couple of free cards in your book what about this  line here in this vegeta cough it's the o'kelly   okay according to uh the eco but who believes's eco right let's talk about the   structure real quick because it's especially  cough structure even though a weirdo kelly with a6   what are your thoughts on on the position we have  here i'm not so so i'm more interested in the time   than the position because magnus has been bad  at uh his time management in the initial hour or   so of the five segment but then he he showed his  true self in towards the end of the time segment   and i feel like we have a repeat going on right  here with magnus now suddenly uh up on time in   two games in a row he's putting pressure on the  opponent he's playing confidently he's playing   quickly he's posing uh problems um it's just  a different version of magnus that seems to   uh to to come out towards the end of each uh  time control right and part of that i think   is just adapting to playing uh first five-minute  chess then adapting to playing three-minute chess   uh magnus has fully adapted he has the  pace now for uh for creating maximum damage   in three-minute chess and he's about to steamroll  our tamiya with his uh bishop and queen and rook   all pointing down uh towards that black king  yeah well said and again it's just all about what   hammer's highlighting is magnus kind of finding  himself toward the end of the time controls also   finding himself getting a little angry whenever  he loses it's like you kind of have to poke the   bear to get the best of the bear um i was just  about to highlight maybe our tim if should have   considered queen g5 to try to get the ladies off  the board instead of bishop five but magnus plays   f4 and no longer is there an opportunity to  exchange the queen so uh this attack could get   ugly and look at the clock it's your the script is  flipped right suddenly magnus loses he's not happy   and here comes the here comes the thunder and  artemia must be regretting those two big chances   he had yeah with the first two games we played  a three minute chess magnus's time management   was all over the place he was playing three  minute games as if they were five minute games   and artemiev had two big chances there to get a  win somehow magnus managed to survive those games   he got a draw out of it and now his mind is fully  adjusted to this three-minute section so much so   that he's finding all the right moves look at that  move i should have gone dr evil pinky finger cuz   man he's like you can have my bishop and  your mojo and i'll get your baby look at that   d4 magnus just removing as many pawns in front of  black's king as he possibly can including not cat   recapturing that bishop because he loved it he saw  that the bishop wasn't going anywhere that that   piece was going to be a problem for artemyev  and this has been magnus's most dominating   performance in this match he just annihilated  artemyev both on the board and on the clock   that's more of a desperate move although  obviously with kings on different sides   of the board everyone you applaud attempts to  open up lines and create attacking chances but   at this point it's sort of desperate because  of how bad the position is queen g3 threatens   e5 and rook f6 watch out here we go he plays  it shake and bake something something's coming   down on the f file it's gonna hurt right um  yeah even great great play from magnus there's   no way that king is surviving with  the brook comfortably finding shelter   deep inside black's position behind the black  pawns and now also being reinforced by its buddy   down on the first rank i'm not sure how uh  but these rooks are are going to be the end   of our time look at that movement d6 with tempo  and here comes c5 next just connecting the passers   so artemia gets desperate by the way  don't blunder it if you take c7 queen e4   wins because of the venus flytrap we'll show  that on the analysis board in just a second   uh now let's show it right now what  else we got to do d take c7 queen e4   and bob's your uncle over here never blunder  the venus flytrap kids you heard here first   okay but of course magnus defends the knight  instead and he's back to completely winning   yeah because now he's going to remove  the last pawn defending black's king   the king is defenseless artemyev resigns it's  uh that was a a second in a row for magnus and   if he keeps up this pace he will have left our  tamiya in the rear view mirror uh well before the   one minute time section so artemyev now not only  having to face a bad trend uh in the match he also   desperately needs to start winning uh because  right now the match is slipping away from him   yeah and this is the biggest whoa g4 this is the  biggest lead of the day if you're just tuning in   uh vladimir bartimi was actually the first to win  today uh in the beginning of the 5-1 segment so   um and it's been some great chess from the russian  but but magnus doing what magnus does as the chat   says angry magnus op right we need like an angry  magnus um hulk oh wait i got one of those he's not   quite angry but you know i keep something i keep  him anytime i think i'm doing something good at i just take a look at this face staring  at me over there in my room and then i know   i'm not i'll be here all week don't  forget to tip your waitress okay   um back to this position what's going on  i have no idea i i have especially no idea   after that move from magnus if i'm out of  now i'm exchanging my bishop for the night   yeah uh oh but then magnus exchanges there's  trickiness going on right now oh no he did i   thought he might take with the pawn and just leave  this just what a weird bleeping setup over here is this like this makes you wonder if there was  like a mouse slip or something right when you look   at the position you go how did the pawn get on g4  like yeah but at the same time it's very creative   play from our yeah and it's clear that he wants  to take magnus into the forest and and have a   little uh talk with him and then see if they both  return unscathed um it's typical play especially   against someone who's shown poor time management  uh to put them in a situation where they need to   think for themselves and cannot rely on um opening  moves that they know in advance now normally this   is the strategy magnus uses against everyone else  but artemyev is using the strategy against magnus   himself and then we'll see if that works out or  if that was uh simply a bad decision on his part   no but also from a practical point of view i  agree with you that artemia you know he he's   losing in the match right but he refuses to go  quietly into the night he's like well if i'm   gonna lose like you said let's drag magnus into  the deep dark forest where where no one knows   what's going on and uh and see if see if i can get  myself back in the in the match as we see though   and as you highlighted magnus is probably the best  in the world at taking people into obscure roads   right and uh he seems to be handling this  g4 approach from our timber just fine yeah he's going on the offense huh yeah a5 what's he going to do you know he's going  to do you're going to play king b7 he's going to   put a rook on a8 you're going to play a4 he's  gonna open the a file gonna drop the queen like   it's hot he's gonna do dirty things over here  magnus found his mojo there's no doubting it   right now a4 uh coming in and if that pawn is  captured magnus is going to bring the knight   to b6 and uh it's going to be a disaster the e4  play b7 first which was the move i suggested i   like it just a little more just now you have all  the options you have a4 you have rook a8 coming   you can slow jam it jamie fox style  with rook a8 and knight b6 to prepare   a4 or you can go all in with a4 right away but  i agree with what you said magnus's mojo is back   our timmy was in trouble yeah and artemia now  voluntarily opening up the position around his own   king but he feels like he has to do it in order to  kind of get his pieces uh into defensive positions   around his own king and magnus can now win upon  by capturing uh the the white pawn giving a check   after which magnus is well artemia is forced to  take with his rook and then magnus can use his   pawn to attack that vrook and and force  it uh away um and it seems like magnus   is going for this variation and i think  artemia now going to sacrifice his rook   for magnus's knight which is not what you want to  do when you're down by three games in this format   uh but maybe it's something you were forced to  do yeah i thought he would do it too but instead   he's going to give up the pawn with check maybe he  says after you take it i've actually got kind of a   solid defensive setup finally i am going to bring  the other rook to d1 and double on the d file well moving over to the other side saying that  well i can try to attack your king as well   however this has caused uh our tamiya a pawn oh  but look at the time magnus is down to 30 seconds   and his king is exposed uh this is the kind of  situation where magnus is going to be very tilted   if he loses this yeah on account of having such  a good position uh previously so if artemyev can   turn this around that would be a huge boost for  him but also uh really um stopped that momentum   uh magnus had had going i think f6 just walked  into knight takes e5 hammer call me crazy just   don't call me shirley i think magnus had knight  e1 by the way maybe crazy move that would have   used those doubled rooks yeah 95 what what's going  on here i don't think magnus saw that you see   the reaction he looks in it is 19 seconds on the  clock we got scrambled eggs here people buckle up yeah which is hilarious um but yeah he lost  control of this game and now artemia providing   the punishment magnus is down a queen  there's rook d1 you have to play brook c1 yeah this this fell apart artemia doing  a magnus carlson saving something from   nothing and if he wins this game we will  still have a match ladies and gentlemen   our timmy i'm not going quietly into the night  queen up the board putting pressure on black's   knight magnus will have to defend with his king  and then the queen infiltrates behind this coming   uh the pieces kind of a creative defense there  i know the eval bar gets better for white but   i kind of like the awkward up never mind a5  is falling i don't like the awkward blockade   uh well i think artemis is just going to move  his way into the rook's path by the way queen   a5 put a blunder 93 check with a draw which was  crazy so artemyev sees that and gets the king   out of danger what a brilliant heads up play with  four seconds on the clock yeah but it's still not   over magnus's brook is still able to put some  uh pressure on white's king although there the   white queen doing its job one second picking up  pawns on the other side of the board oh my gosh   what is going on here is magnus gonna hold this  five seconds on the clock g5 what a move check   and pawn jack and queen check and queen yeah but  magnus is still fighting because he has a fight not easy with only three seconds well our tenure  should take that pawn yeah and he does so oh   but now the queen comes in a blockading  position and magnus's knight is too far   away to put pressure on the queen but  magnus coming with the second seat what just happened what a save the  night the night up against the queen   and the knight you're gonna win he's gonna hurry  seven oh my god he's got the skewer if you take how did he do that 97 yeah and magnus  gets the fork magnus gets the win   how on earth did he get the win he had a night  against the queen and the knight wins the game   okay have you seen anything like that before  bring back the analysis board and bring   back the funk look at this  position fights up a queen but it was right here king f5 c4 and i think  you had to play king e4 you had to stop   the move c3 but apparently even king f5 was  no good i guess i guess already the position   is closer than you would like but it's it's really  hard for white to deal with the coming c pawn here   king f5 c4 kudos to magnus for not giving up  but king e4 was the way to hold the advantage   because if check everyone you go here and you  can't play c3 because the knight so when when   artemyev doesn't play king e4 all of a sudden the  eva bar says no longer a win in fact it's a draw but he didn't even get the draw  he didn't even get the draw you should have played queen takes  b2 baby i don't even know but all i   know is magnus just won with a knight  versus a queen and item nine exists magnus definitely finding his mojo in these last  moments of the three three-minute portion he won   two in a row got himself into trouble but works  his magic and goes from a losing position to a   winning position in the time scramble we said  it before the match started the time scramble   is what gave magnus uh the win against maksudu in  the previous matchup and it's what uh once again   it's what gives him the the advantage in this  matchup with artemyev he's just so resourceful and   he's so tricky you cannot even when you're up a  queen you cannot be confident that you're going   to win the game and apparently you can't even  be confident i hate those words coming out of   your mouth right there i hate those words you said  even when you're up a queen you can't be confident   you're going to win the game against magnus you're  so right it stings i was dude i'm still just like   seriously i mean i every time i think i'm  about to pass out under these lights something   crazy happens to wake me up i that that was an  incredible game that was devastating and i think   with it are tamiya imagine how he feels   how do you keep your confidence up how do you  avoid a tilt after losing a game like that and in   addition that was his third loss in a row um he's  devastated right now and if he manages to even uh   cut the gap yeah that would be impressive at this  point because i think magnus now he's got uh three   wins in a row he's confident he's playing quickly  and he's just throwing everything at black's king   artemyev is trying to return the favor with  his pawns but the crucial difference is that   when magnus pushes his pawn further forward he  will attack two pieces at once he will attack   both the black pawn on a6 and he will attack the  black knight forcing there to be some kind of uh   a confrontation uh meaning that magnus is gonna  get rid of his uh b-pawn uh which will open up   uh all of uh of the files he needs  to put pressure on artemis king well i yeah i was giving magnus credit for time  management but right now i think he should just   go for it yeah he's maybe overthinking it a little  bit he is better but may not matter if you if you   reach a time scramble with a with a full minute  disadvantage um by the way it's it's possible   this ends up being our last three minute game  everyone so a shout out to subscribe before we   hit the break uh those of you who enjoy ads will  will love um the latest edition of capital one   bringing you a new lobby where you can uh i don't  know i'm not gonna do a capital one thing they   don't sponsor the show but others will watch me  and you hammer throw down like a couple of tools   in uh in the prime time smackdown all right  95 was played it's funny because you take a   bunch of time a minute and 21 seconds to be  exact and you don't even play a good move   with the move 95 and it's funny because we've  seen this happen several times when magnus loses   magnus angry magnus played better um now he's not  playing playing too great in this game while he's   trying to go into an end game and frankly that  has brought him the results previously in this   matchup but he spent a lot of time uh thinking uh  before he reached this decision um i think he's   doing just fine and i think artemiev i should  try to put a speed on because uh he he doesn't   want to get into another time scramble against  magnus we've seen what magnus is capable of   in those situations i can't get over the knight  over the queen all right we'll have to ask them   about that game afterwards king v8 is a very good  move bar temiev he wants to use the c8 square to   put pressure on the weak and backwards c3 pawn  uh notice that he doesn't doesn't trade on d4 and   help fix magnus's structure now magnus is trying  to force him to do so so our tv says no i will not wow what a creative move by me we bring the  analysis board up real quick the point everybody   is trading queens here would create a situation  where the g2 pawn is a serious and backward target   magnus plays this move g3 says will you trade and  fix my pawns artemis says no but now g4 if you   go back to f4 i will trade because i have a pawn  that's protected and no longer backwards sort of   sort of just sneakily fixing the  weaknesses in the structure it's absolutely   i just that was a brilliant positional  idea there from the world champion   i i completely agree uh but on the other  hand it cost him a lot of time on the clock   down to eight seconds uh with so many pieces  still on the board uh artemyev has been having   um a better position several uh games so far but  he's always um wasted them and let magnus get   in at the very last moment is this the one where  our tamiya strikes back keeping the match within   striking distance as we go into the one minute  portion i think the only thing that's clear is   that this is gonna be the last three minute  game there's no way they're gonna manage to   finish within the next 50 seconds as we see on our  countdown clock on the top and that means artemia   really needs to win this game to have within uh  three games going into the one minute portion   agreed town population us um two seconds  for magnus four seconds now for our champion   okay but f2 falls when you take there and  here comes knight d3 check with b4 hanging   wow and should magnus now resign to  get another game in this three minutes or 15 seconds he's dead lost in the rook  ending magnus is going down here for sure   but three seconds look at the technique from  our tamiya i'm not even going to lose the c   pawn yet brings the king up i love it okay there's  a wall of black pawns going and moving up towards   white's king yeah and those pawns are connected  that means they're standing next to each other   and magnus is working his end game magic hold  the phone uter suddenly says it's equal what's oh my god magnus why he's around a second end game  in a row and artemyev is gonna get the abortion   on this game because they're they're done  with the three minutes the game has been   aborted uh they're down to one minute chess  with magnus winning ma four games in a row wasting one brilliant position after another i  thought with the black pawns being able to protect   each other i thought that was going to be it and  he had the opportunity here to move his rook so   that he was attacking both of magnus's pawns at  the same time and that would have ended the game   right there and then but for the second time in  a row the time trouble gets magnus's uh opponent   and the resourcefulness magnus shows and  the pressure it it it illustrates how much   pressure these guys are under uh when  they're under 10 seconds and repeatedly   magnus's opponents makes mistakes artemia should  have sacrificed his rook on this white pawn um   and with unclear consequences uh instead uh  his work kind of got torn between the two   white pawns moving their way up the board  and and magnus secured himself a new queen   as two pawns uh one square away from  queening was just too much to handle for uh   unbelievable again i was trying to move the pieces  as you were talking about the finish there partner   but yeah especially right here was the win really  hard in time pressure but you had to go for both   ben magnus again if you're if you're just joining  us where have you been magnus carlson now of five   games after a tie at one point our timid was  leading it was a close match but magnus carlson   got angry he rattles off several victories  in a row and wins two games back-to-back   from a dead lost position and we're going to  have a break here enjoy wrench versus hammer   prime time smackdown that's me and that guy right  there that guy and we'll be right back for the   one minute segment here and the first of a double  header on this speed chess championship thursday boom all right let's do oh my god stop playing bad  chess hammer i just i feel like as a countryman to   magnus you should do better you know i i agree  i i would play something more decent if i could   it's just that i i have been destroyed through  years of playing this crappy opening i've just   been dreaming i'm so bad i'm winning now though  i don't even know what to do with you it's so bad and you're frustrating me right now you are  frustrating me okay position is still horrible   i don't even care oh i shouldn't have done that  almost pre-moved rook takes f2 would have been   somewhat unfortunate a decent amount of pawns i  guess like this isn't the worst amount of pawns   that anyone's ever had no it's not but look how  many pawns you have now yeah crap your style is so   irritating i'm pretty much meaning it's a  horrible style that you have well thank you   these openings that you play you want to know  my secret i thought i was bad at openings god all right damn put yourself together get the  bishop pair and go into an end game every single   game 100 success right always imagine dan that  they're that they're at home in their underwear   and it makes you feel better always imagine that  makes me feel better don't be embarrassed there's   a little pep talk in myself whenever i feel like  i'm embarrassing myself on camera i just go like   remember people are at home naked cheeto marks  on their bare chest watching you and judging   you that's you know don't be embarrassed that's  what i tell myself i no longer wish for my kids   to have your brain oh no i'm kidding but this is  getting abusive all right here we go all right i'm   gonna be black against the stupid g3 crap you know  what's coming you literally know my first five   i know what's coming do something about  it i hate you i'm gonna do what levy did   i'm gonna play this sort of  like crazy looking sort of uh crazy looking kind of you know whatever this is okay step one acquire bishop pair  step one completely what's step two   like still have a bad position even with the  bishop bear preferably not getting checkmated because that's working out for you yeah  not right now this is this is no no i'm not   i am not doing this with you i'm up a piece  and you're gonna lose this freaking game   or i'm gonna lose my proverbial bleep okay   if i lose this game it's not because i'm a piece  down it's because i don't have the bishop pair that's the problem yeah that's how  much faith i have in the bishops   you have a problem bro the bishop  hera is not the only thing in life okay i was okay it was okay it  really really gave me a scare really gave me a scare meaning you really  gave me a scare hammer and i tried like it uh can you make that move i am not really  sure kind of scared very scared be very scared can i i'm not gonna lose to danny on camera please  no just my dude worst things have happened to   better people okay i'm not sure that's entirely  true oh wait i'm good i just do something bad fine no i lost connection no way no way no way you lose   is horrible i lost my connection this is  outrageous this is rigged are you kidding me   as much as the next chess player but  that's where the smackdowns are happening   oh come on it just happened to be during a  game against the chief chess officer whatever my connection just randomly disappeared  when i was about to go right rematch your   connection's fine that was an excuse i  just flagged you like a dirty dirty dog how'd that how did that loss feel right there  in that prime time i don't want to talk about it   how did that like you were you were in a lost rook   ending and you got flagged ruthlessly  i mean you want to talk about that all right let's go to the predictions  hammer's silent i uh i know that the   smarter chess stats say that magnus is gonna be  four games better and one plus one twist ending   what if artemia ends up being four games  better oh crap i realize he's still gonna lose   yeah uh it's been uh are you still  just frustrated with yourself um yeah   well um jokes aside this has been an amazing  day and we know that the current scoreboard is   five games to the advantage of magnus carlsen but  it's been um it's been a super close match on the   board in a lot of ways and the world champion  showing why he is uh why he is such and uh   always seems to to have the moves and the critical  moments including winning knight versus queen it's   hard to talk about anything else besides that  game right now and then the rook ending coming up good yeah magnus winning two losing games in a  row that puts that kind of puts everything to rest   i don't think artemis can can come back from that  had he got the wins the points he deserved the   score would have been eight to seven everything to  play for instead now here he is down five points   uh it just shows how how close this match was and  frankly how much the the current result is is a   complete lie uh compared to what we have witnessed  because it's been a closely contested match   with just mad magnus pulling out his magnus magic  uh at the end uh which has just catapulted his   number of points into a number that he uh he  he doesn't believe vladislav doesn't believe   uh artemia just shaking his head and i'm  still stunned that magnus got away with that   well the 1-1 section should be starting right  now any second it is going to kick off and here   we go a half an hour left for artemyev to uh  to make his move if a historical comeback is in   store for today but you know you said it all you  know the the scoreboard doesn't totally reflect   what an exciting uh day we've had how close  the games have been and the five one portion   the fact that we felt our tim you've might have  been the better player overall you know um but   but again that's why he's as you said magical  magnus and now we've got some weirdness coming   with the double fee and kettles for both sides  sign me up this is going to be an awkward party   well it's very likely that all those bishops are  going to be pointing at each other and frankly   uh they might just all get exchanged off but  it's artemia with a better position because of   magnus having his one knight out on the edge  of the board that gives white a slight edge   yeah agreed it's a double hanging pawn position at  some point the tension's going to break you got to   give white i think the teeny edge i think having  released the uh the eye of the tiger on g2 first   and now yeah now oh he took with  the pawn i wonder if there was an   awkward way to take advantage of the knight but no and magnus is going to be targeting these  white pawns uh artemyev is going to claim   that these pawns give him a very nice  central control and he's going to try   to get his knights in there artemia  now going to move this knight up to b5   trying to get it into uh d6 getting it right  in there uh annoying magnus to the maxim   speaking of annoying that move knight before  knight c6 got him annoyed artemia because   he doesn't doesn't get much out of it and if the  knights are traded everyone one thing to recognize   with hanging pawns is that as pieces come off the  board the pawns become easier to gang up on all of   a sudden it's sort of turning around and although  okay what are we doing here yeah i'm surprised   artemia went for the exchanges he's down five  points it felt as though he he needed to to keep   more pieces on the board we'll see if he can get  a win here in the time scramble uh in the end game   but frankly don't count on it because magnus  in the end game he doesn't care if he's down   a queen he's just gonna win them that has been  the crucial difference uh so far in this matchup actually gets away with winning a pawn on the side  of the board are tamiya pawn up in this end game   uh but when he didn't manage to win with a queen  up i can't get excited about him being a pawn up   it's it's hard it's not going to be the punch  line for the day because it's something we've   rarely seen uh in an event featuring you know  two super grand masters even if it is blitz so   our timmy oh but there magnus makes a huge  mistake allowing the knight to get the   double attack on the rook and on the pawn it  means our temiev snatches the pawn and magnus   uh two pawns down that i do not  believe he's going to be able to save   and artemia strikes back is it going to be too  late he's down five points in the matchup uh got   weird weird threats coming here with rookie three  even knight f4 i mean the pawn pawn is hanging   yeah and magnus is familiar with the format  there's no way he's gonna resign when he's up five   in the match here it's all about surviving as long  as possible to keep that match clock ticking yep   26 minutes left remember that is something that  especially pays dividend in a close match but   even just as an insurance policy you're up by  five make your opponent earn it right and um   when you win games down queens hammer it's hard to  ever justify resigning so uh but there are tamiya   before the checkmate he takes the first game of  this one minute portion the lead is down to four   and artemyev for the third or fourth time in this  match gets the opportunity to inflict two losses   in a row for magnus so far he has not succeeded  in doing that uh which i think is the the crucial   thing you need to do to unsettle magnus to get  magnus in a poor psychological state um can   artemyev get the second win or will magnus do what  he's made a habit out of uh which is play somehow   much better after having lost yep it's been the  story of the day our teammate has been close it   seemed at times to getting that magical second  victory will anyone in the scc be able to put   magnus on a tilt um we'll we'll find out of course  i don't i don't know that it's going to happen   today it would take a miracle for our tim you have  to come all the way back but it starts with one   game yeah it starts with one game and then there's  another game and artemyev gets his knight in an   excellent position putting pressure on white's  bishop which means that magnus cannot castle the   big question is what's next i think artemis should  just move his bishop out to d7 and he does do that   magnus's brook is out of squares magnus cannot  castle the rook is is is in trouble every piece is   in trouble it looks as though our tamiya is going  to take a second game in a row here magnus brook   has been trapped the rook has nowhere to go uh but  on the other hand magnus just got his bishops in   good positions i was gonna say everything you  said was true is what i would have commented   too but then also the exchange stack happens and  magnus's pawns are running wild what in the world his resourcefulness is just it's incredible  it's it's incredible seriously and because   that was such a such a a bad position  for white and certainly artemia blundered   but but neither you or i can exactly say where and  just like that and then i i have no idea what's   going on yeah i think bishop c7 was actually  better than bishop d6 than what magnus played but   either way he's he's back in the game after what  seemed like a dead loss and why is magnus allowing   the knight to be exchanged for the bishop i'm not  sure it feels to me like artemyev in this opposite   colored bishop end game should be able uh to hold  on for a draw um but magnus coming with his rook   magnus has a pawn one square away from becoming  a new queen artemiev is trying to eliminate   all the pawns on the other side of the board  um but now magnus will get his king involved   and there's not really much artemiev can do with  it artemis king is unable to participate in play   uh because of the white rook pointing down making  sure that artemium cannot get his king next to   the white pawn yeah and what surprises me is that  magnus is moving his king in the wrong direction   now you got to watch out that was actually a  really nice trick from our champion it might   force rookie five because the point is if the  bishop moves everyone yeah d7 falls and if he   didn't h5 was a threat so nice defense there  from artemia of forcing the rook exchange now   he should for sure you should for sure hold this  and uh okay well hammer it's not two wins in a row   but it's two decent results in a row a win and a  draw so yeah but he had the upper hand and let it   slip and even though he's happy to have avoided  a loss um i just can't help the feeling that   um artemiev really needed that two in a row uh  to get momentum and look at magnus's reaction   there magnus's reaction was not one of i wasted  an opportunity to win magnus's reaction was   i got away with that right and that three  and a half more minutes off the game clock match clock right no i'm with you i'm just  saying you know but there's a will there's   a way and right now with 21 minutes left artemyev  uh another victory here would would keep it close   so the point is point is you just i don't know for  sure if i'm right it's been a long day already but   i think magnus has always won after  losing and that was the first time   artemia drew the next game so that's all i  was saying a couple decent results in a row   yeah he i think he desperately needs to win  this one yeah no i agree it's it's time to win   or and now he knows it as well because he's going  aggressive with his pawns pushing magnus's queen   back and now putting his rook on the same file  as magnus's queen the queen gets away how are   you going to break down magnus's position here  i think part of the problem here for artemyev   is that it's going to be a 90 move game magnus is  just going to block off everything and then the   match clock is going to run its course in addition  to it being almost impossible to defeat magnus   in in such a a technical position meaning that  uh there's like uh a very limited of pieces   left um it's just also the fact that magnus can  keep the game going for quite some time exploiting   the fact that the match clock keeps running  yep and i'm liking the way magnus handled the   pressure to be honest regardless of all the other  difficulties we've said artemia faces i think that   it's roughly equal in terms of in terms  of the queen side play and the two-on-one   being the long-term advantage i feel like is uh is  good for magnus although this moved by d5 that's   that's kind of irritating because if you take your  knight is being pushed to a less than ideal square   um and magnus is spending a lot of time figuring  it out uh in the end deciding to retreat um and   both players now uh under 20 seconds so here comes  the two on one as we said uh but now artemia has   successfully blockaded are you gonna put it on  c6 go for a five minutes gonna move it forward   do it but there's knight d7 you gotta watch upward  no queen d3 what a weird move well magnus's queen   attacking both white's rook and white's knight  grabbing a pawn in the process so magnus won   quite a lot of material there but gets forced back  afterwards and now artemyev despite being a pawn   down he has this pawn running up the board trying  to become a new queen magnus up upon um seems to   have enough resources in the position to stop that  white pawn from moving forward but magnus plays white figured this out somehow i mean that what a  weird position this is one that as a chess fan i   feel robbed i wish they i wish the players had  more time to play that position a little more   accurately because the email bar was nutty and i  think um i don't think the best chess was played   but hey what did we call for we said our timmy  has to win another game in a row and it might   yeah but he's not won this one yet magnus uh as  always being very resourceful creating trouble for   white trying to can't happen again oh  my gosh trying to get he's losing in   what i have no idea what's going on hey f2  shame on you what is going on the eval bar   is is still in magnus's uh in artemia's favor  he barely knows this one pawn he has moving   forward that pawn needs to become a new queen  if he's to have any chance of winning this game   magnus right now just giving checks to the white  king repeatedly and the white king is struggling   to know and now he blundered the pawn which means  magnus now will go for the win uh our temmie of   just having three seconds left this is anyone's  game the knight and queen are the best duo in   the business when it comes to mating nets against  the king and so i i would rather have the queen   and knight here than the queen of rook this is i  agree the night is so tricky and white's king is   poorly defended uh so it's much easier for uh  magnus to hide his king than it is for artemia   yeah and just to prove the point if if  magnus wanted to draw he could offer   the queen straight now he might take it with  perpetual here indeed he does but still that was   it was a game that don't kid yourself magnus  was the one hoping to win it toward the end   and again he prevents artemia from getting that  that so desired second win in a row right it's   it's been a win for artemia and bullet everyone  two draws but not another victory that artemia   needs now with only 16 minutes left and in both  draws it was artemyev who was closest to the wind   and also in the last two games of the five  three minute portion it was artemiev who had   very promising winning positions which he wasted  in time trouble and ended up losing consider   uh danny if all of those four games had gone in  artemis favor instead he would be the clear leader   of this match but now instead he he keeps you  know having to chase a win trying to get back uh   as a result of of not exploiting the chances he's  been getting yep dog chasing his tail going in   circles not getting anywhere that's how our tamiya  feels by the way we have more than 10 000 live   viewers on youtube that might be a record for our  growing youtube channel we've been live streaming   on twitch a little bit longer over the last  10 plus years here on so that's cool   and uh still got 24 000 of you almost on twitch  so thanks for being here remember right after this   match we'll have interviews with the world  champion magnus carlson vladislav artemyev   and then we buckle up for nakamura fedo sev  uh it's that's gonna be a fun one like hammer   keep saying it's quite a day today what  a day to be alive huh take that 20 20.   two speed chess uh quarterfinals on the same day  and also it being hikaru and magnus uh it's just   perfect uh i think gtx h3 was the move there  and for some reason artemia took magnus's bluff   yeah i think he takes winning for black  yeah well based on the evaluation bar   that was definitely the case but neither player  seemed to believe the attack black had going on   well now magnus is back in the driver's  seat with a dominant knight on e5   and that knight was just shutting down the studio  in regards to any kind of action over there   on the king side so interesting sort of uh  central blockade there from carlson artemia   misses his opportunity oh man and with with only  14 minutes left if this one ends up being a dub   for the world champion i think we'll almost  have to call it our timmy you've got to hold   yeah no doubt and magnus's pawns on the queen side  are terrifying he has two pawns that protect each   other as they move forward and these pawns are  going to become queens our tamiya resigns magnus   has a five point lead and look at the relief in  magnus's face that's how close this match has been   magnus is thrilled to get that five-point lead  which normally would be more than enough to feel   extremely confident that you're gonna win this  but but magnus is like oh wow this has been a   challenge i'm so happy uh i'm about to to win this  no i agree that face says it all if any of you   were late this has been a super close match all  day our timmy have led and felt like the better   player in the first segment magnus seems to have  found it where it matters the most but that that   relief you just saw was magnus kind of feeling  like all right five games lead 12 minutes left   i think i'm gonna get this and he has a ton of  respect for his opponent in vladislav artemyev   and and magnus now uh he's gonna get more points  uh but even if he didn't get more points he would   be able to run the clock uh as it stands on these  last five games feels so close you're right like   this feels like a match that just a second ago  could have gone either way yeah artemia actually   snatches a pawn in the center but magnus with the  two bishops putting pressure on white's position   is saying that even though i'm down a pawn i'm  gonna create some trouble and this guy on the side   of the board that uh danny just highlighted  that is uh instrumental to magnus's plan   because he's gonna push this guy forward and  um white's king is gonna feel uncomfortable   at the at the pressure eleven by the way uh  speaking of uncomfortable look at the clock yeah no magnus is uh in in the in the mode now  yeah he's in his killer mode and i think he's   about to sacrifice something on white's king  position to really open up the board and create   trouble i wonder if he could have even taken  h2 with g3 and then h3 that would have been a   way to sacrifice something it doesn't  um not necessary but oh wow and now   artemia he's got an attack going on as well  both players attacking the computer massively   favors white and then changes his mind and  massively and now uh saying it's about equal   and now favors white again incredible  stuff there's an open file for a white   rook to point down towards this black king i  think that's going to be the deciding factor   when white gets the rook involved there's just no  saving it and artemia is going to finish with a   nice rook sacrifice rook b8 rook oh he had it rook  b8 and then rook over and queen in i think was   also made but this should work i think it should  be good enough we've said that a couple of times   today danny oh yeah we've said that what we mean  it magnificent exchange and then the checkmate   our tamiya gets another one back and um i mean  i guess technically he can still get a comeback   four games in 10 minutes but he's gonna have to  play faster he's gonna spend need to spend no time   on his clock while putting the squeeze on magnus  yeah it's not it's not going to be easy it it's   possible if not um improbable right i mean the  the 10 minute time is just it goes by faster   than you think right especially with increment you  feel like no four games in 10 minutes like that's   doable but you know um really really hard although  again you watched the ferruccia fedo save match   that i comment commentated on with the it was  incredible that was incredible and it was it was   four minutes and a two-game deficit but it took it  took not just winning but then starting the last   game as time expired and that's the rules of the  match format if a game starts it does count and   then winning that so even there yes it happened  but it barely got in under the wire so um yeah   and uh opposite side castling is definitely what  artemyev likes to see when he's chasing uh a lead   uh the problem uh being that magnus is creating  some trouble for black's king i guess that's just   the cost of doing business artemiev is happy to  get his pawns involved he's to be putting pressure   on magnus's bishop and i think there's a very  real possibility now that artemyev is going to win   this game i think he has a great attack going on  towards magnus's king yeah magnus taking his time   to figure it out because a4 is a problem if you  play c3 everyone the point is a4 comes with tempo   and then a3 to follow would undermine the b pawn  between c3 so that's why magnus doesn't play c3   but now he may not have any choice  right i mean a4 is coming like it or not   well matt you gotta make a4 himself i thought  because now oh this is tricky magnus is trying   to shut down everything if art artemia  plays b4 then a4 from magnus and vice versa   uh artemiev needs to try and open up the  situation get rid of those pawns so that he can   get in towards white's king and the way he does  it is very instructive or tamiya having give   given up two pawns is still the favorite to  win this game because of white's exposed king   and now it's just a matter of getting  more pieces involved in the attack   maybe knight h5 is a move brook creates a move  yeah i would go with the rook and i wouldn't   spend this much time yeah our tennis needs to keep  the the time situation within reach yeah rook c3   grace if you take 94 was a fork town and now queen  takes the pawn yes and then you take very nice   he gets back the two pawns he sacrificed  initially and now still has an attack   going while white's bishop on b1 is a horrible  nobody just hung his knight just straight up   yeah he misses it and magnus  missed it bishop c won is taking the bishop and now magnus sees the  knight in the center uh once again an end game   both players very low on time but artemia about  to bring his king into the fold i think black's   king is going to decide this end game or tim yam  strikes twice in a row for the first don't don't   i don't wanna i'm like hold your horses over there  partner given what we've seen i'm not gonna call a   victory at this point i mean our tim you've hung  his knight magnus missed it our timmy of hangs is   i mean magnus hangs his bishop instead oh yeah i'm  calling it danny artery is gonna win two in a row   but i think it's too late for him i think okay  now okay now he can play kinky five in here so   yeah yeah but now there's pressure against  these black puns i didn't really like that   trade from yeah but he's got he's six he should  be okay right yeah you take advantage of the pin   should still win yeah okay good play never magnus  is gonna play this trust a russian in an end game instructor russian and end games that sounds  like uh well like the next netflix series but despite all of this excitement despite  artemyev about to win his second game in a row   he's not able to catch up because the match clock  is running out he needs to have three wins uh   in in the rest of this match and i'm not sure  five minutes is enough to get those three wins   he's not only gonna have to play quickly  and amazingly in the next couple of games   he also needs to stop using his own clock the  only way artemium can mount to come back here   is if he in his next game plays as if it's like  a 10 second game right he needs to avoid spending   his own time because at this point spending  his own time will run down the match clock   yep and i think magnus i should like he said too  little too late not enough time um but uh that   was still a very a very impressive victory and  carlson just ensuring ensuring that every second   will go off the clock shows you how much respect  he has for his opponent doesn't want to allow   any opening cynical but it's so great this is what  this format is all about let the clock run out   you lost control of the match your opponent has  won two games in a row you need to stall to uh   to get rid of that momentum well magnus laughing  a little bit kind of like sorry man but hey this   is this is them is the rules them's the rules  he's like don't hate the player hate the game   that was that magnus laugh right there let's  let's clip it magnus don't hate the player   hate the game man where is the next game are  10 i don't know both sides trying to rematch   i'm sure they're not delaying but it happens  sometimes um yeah wow a great game from artemyev   as you said not going to be enough time and uh i  think the clock was 425 so i'm guessing we'll add   some total time back on the clock just for good  measure um i'm not sure exactly what's going on we'll check in with them but this break is uh definitely in magnus's favor  uh because he gets some time to calm himself down   and um and uh and on the heels of those two  defeats in a row you can see it's taken a toll on   magnus he really doesn't like uh losing two in a  row he lost momentum in the match and now artemyev   needs to play super quickly uh to have any chance  of uh of getting back his uh three-point deficit yeah three points and uh it get he gets a good start here artemyev  um uh with his pieces developed magnus opting for   not castling and allowing an attack to be mounted  on the black king very dangerous play here from   magnus um with the king still in the center with  an artemia desperate to get a win can he do three   in a row against the world champion that would be  the task right unfortunately with time although   let's not let's not forget everyone of the format  right every game is actually worth probably a   couple hundred bucks at this point because the  prize money while 3 000 goes to the winner the   remaining 3000 is split by win percentage and so  uh everyone goes home with cash and even if you   lose there's an opportunity to still fight down  the stretch so or reason to fight down the stretch   and artemyev going for it with a peace sacrifice  the computer hates it but black's king has been um   undressed the the the pawns no longer there  to defend the king fortunately for magnus   uh there's so many black pieces around and  he's just gonna play his pieces uh to kind of   do the job that the pawns are no longer  there to do uh trying to protect his majesty   i like the threat of f5 here i like the sack right  whether it works or not like you said artemia's   going for it in our final couple games here we're  adjusting the clock to make sure that the time is   accurate based on how much was delayed don't you  stress chad don't worry i'll feed you baby birds   the uh the clock what had time added back to it  but it now reflects the accurate time remaining um and uh artemia striking with the bishop he magnus  couldn't capture the white bishop because of the   the rook in trouble uh in the corner of the board  but magnus is resourceful and has nine oh my gosh   itself let's bring up the analysis board as the  next game start just a show because what what a   turnaround right bishop takes f7 right winning  tactic for white you know deflect the queen not   so fast magnet says winning tactic for black  you take my queen i take yours with check and   then regain the bishop um yeah and with that win  there's no doubt who's gonna win this match magnus   carlsen is victorious he's going to go into the  semi-finals against maxim barcelo lagrave um but   uh this has been such a close match yeah and uh  with better um nerves and better decision making   in in time scrambles uh our tamiya could have won  this uh match in in a blowout it's been incredible   to watch how magnus manages to create trouble for  his opponent and and get so many points in these   time scrambles even situations where he's losing  he manages to turn it around and even get a win uh   so um in the end magnus wins as we are accustomed  to but um a big fight from the the russian player yep well uh this will be the final game uh though  the result of course does count and uh it will   affect prize money and all that stuff but we're  gonna have interviews with the players we'll   get magnus's thoughts on how the match went  facing maxine bache the grav in the next round   and maybe some other things along with it so don't  go anywhere and of course uh hammer and i will do   a quick preview of nakamura fedocea before my  partner steps out and makes way for a new one   a new partner in robert hess um i'm a little  promiscuous today i'm swapping partners around   and uh hammer i know you'll be sitting  there watching hanging out with us in spirit uh anyway what a day this has been this has been  quite the match this has been a lot closer than   the final scoreboard says it felt like we could  have almost had overtime today your right hammer   might have even been a victory for our champion  if he could have converted some of those time   scrambles but i i guess it's no accident because  this is the same thing we were talking about in   magnus's last match he somehow ends up landing on  his feet he somehow has the margins in his favor   and uh artemia they're getting a double  attack on white's bishop and on the   white king or tamiya gets the extra piece it  looks as though he's going to win this last   game of the day but it's only going to be a  consolation prize uh because the final score   if artemium now brings home the bacon uh it is  going to be 13 for magnus and 10 for artemyev   so not the uh definitely not the prediction that  smarter chess went for and you know we we like to   make fun of the of the module it's it's right a  lot of the time but i do not like that decision   from our tamiya he gives and that just gave  the draw right back yeah he gives up the knight   he had extra and now magnus is just trying to  get rid of as many pawns as he can uh secure yeah and magnus able to now put up a blockade  on the dark squares the disadvantage of having   only one bishop the reason you need to have the  bishop pair is because they need to work together   one controlling the light squares the other  controlling the dark squares here magnus has been   able to put his uh king his knight and his pawn  on the dark squares there's no way for artemyev to   make progress and this last game was pretty much  descriptive of this entire day artemia playing   great chess getting advantages but magnus staying  in there showing his fighting spirit and and   managing to to get points in a lot of difficult  situations agreed agreed agreed and it wouldn't be   a show with john love the camera if we didn't end  with a reference to why you need the bishop here   okay hopefully you enjoyed that just like all  of our subscribers will enjoy the last of our   prime time smackdown between me and hammered  that took place a couple weeks ago a lot of fun   hopefully everyone is enjoying that content don't  go anywhere when we return we have interviews   with magnus carlson vladislav artemyev before  previewing nakamura fedo sayo we'll be right back you can't see what's going  on on my screen that was the   server intervened on your behalf oh wait are  you are you literally disconnected okay cool   connection for one second but in one minute  chess that's all it takes oh my god it didn't   matter hammer i was crushing you up two pawns in  a rook end game and flagging you like in a like   like a i don't even know what i want  to say because it's not appropriate   i don't want to hear it you know what you want  to say but you've decided it's not appropriate   i think it's like wait am i going to get my own  night trap yeah well ghana or already damn how did   that happen how did that happen all right my moves  are just comebacks are possible miracles happen come on come on let's do this there you go  there you go make bad moves hammer that's   what i love about you always up to make a bad  move for a friend oh you are you are just an   adorable little bad move maker by the way how's  that rook feel over there it's fine don't worry   about it does that rook feel okay how's that  it's fine don't worry about it oh you did get   out of it somehow i'm actually really irritated  about that uh come on this is so awkward for you you see everything is fine crap everything was not fine for you and you  know it i wasn't even concerned for a second oh man i'm going one time again  how did that happen i hope honestly somewhat uncomfortable  situation going down what are you doing stop attacking things   what no way you just did that oh my god  you're such a dirty player i love it no   no i'm in check oh it was a check with the fish i almost i almost rocked your world like  the little norwegian country girl you   truly are honestly i'm surprised the server  didn't come in and take my connection again   everybody blames servers when they  lose to me it's part of life you know but   you know i i thought you were  better than that i guess i was wrong and welcome back everyone we are now joined by  our players world champion magnus carlson and   vladislav artemyev guys first of all thank  you both this was uh quite the show today a   super exciting match and vlad we'll start  with you i i know the scoreboard reflects   a four-point loss it felt a lot closer  than that felt like you were playing   super well throughout the day what can you say  about those time scrambles where magnus just   continues to create resourceful problems and how  he how he how he stole some victories there from   you in those uh especially in that three minute  portion with the knight versus queen ending   uh yes i think that much was very interesting  and uncompromising but also i can say that   i i have big problems when i have last seconds  and probably i missed some great chances   but okay it fight and i it's only my problems  so thank you magnus and congratulations   uh yes maybe i lost crazy two games when  i was queen against rook and tonight   it was very terrible for me and more crazy i think  it was rooks and game with two pawns for me yes i   i was very disappointed after this and it's really  difficult play after such crazy games but i try to   make some fight and okay no normal match not good  result but my opponent was very strong so okay   um magnus back back over to you then uh one of the  things that hammer and i observed today is that   every time you lost a game it felt like it felt  like the beast came out people were saying in chat   like angry magnus is overpowering and was there  something for you that if you had a tough game   it kind of riled you one of the things we noticed  is you played faster the next game and you tend to   to really find your form is is that something you  can talk about as far as when you lose a game what   it kind of you know woke you up a little bit and  made you feel even more focused for the next game uh i have to say that uh the match overall was uh  was tough um almost every game was was tough like   i think over the course of the match there was  one game which i uh which i won without any any   hiccups so if you're talking about angry  that was sort of my constant constant mood   throughout the match like every game was was long  it felt like i was outplayed in almost every game   and so it was just uh it was just a massive  struggle uh and i played i played vlad before so   i knew that he uh he's very strong and i knew  that the match was never going to um to be uh   be easy but still like when you're when you're  there i think we both really really felt the   the tension very much in in that sense it was  a very interesting and and um yeah very open   match as well um magnus um what is the ability  you have to turn around uh difficult situations i don't know keep making moves and uh sometimes  i escape sometimes uh sometimes i don't um   i mean i've had experience  in this format as well like   i played um overall in this format so  many games with grishok for instance and   yeah he just outplays me every time a bit like  vlad does so i have a lot of experience in   trying to fight back and be as resource  resourceful as possible i think it's just knowing when to start playing fast helps and  also to be on constant lookout for for tricks i   don't think there's any you said you have a  lot of experience in this format magnus and   and talking about that toward the end of  this match here you were definitely using   the time to your advantage right and was  that just kind of a you know the show of   respect you have for vladislav you wanted to  make sure that with the lead you protected it   kind of letting the time kick off the clock  there in the final games of the bullet portion   no as i said before even though i  was leading by quite a big score um   there was no moment in the match where i  felt like i'm taking over he's starting to um   to crack it always felt like the games were  um very balanced in the sense that we both   both had chances and never felt like i was sort  of breaking away and in that sense i thought i   have to be um i have to be careful because i  didn't really feel that i could control the match   very much and in that sense it was good just to to  to let it run out i was very mindful of that who   knows if the match had gone on for another another  half an hour it could could have ended differently   yep makes sense magnus uh with the the jokes aside  we were saying about how we observed you getting   frustrated being angry hammer and i talked a lot  about how great this year has been with so many   awesome online events you have the magnus carlson  tour that you've been doing at chess24 which is   incredible we have these events where we get to  see the players on camera talk a little bit if you   will as the ambassador for the game that you are  what you feel online chess has done right giving   it sometimes feel like fans feel a little more  intimately close to you guys in online events   right because we get the camera we get to see  magnus at home kind of reacting emotionally   in ways that you don't always over the board  so if you would say how you feel about the   online events here and how great it's been  for fans to be able to connect with players   on camera like this yeah i think you hit on  on the the biggest point right there that you   i mean somewhat paradoxically you feel you  feel like you get more raw emotions when people   are on um are online than they are  irl so um yeah that's that's certainly   certainly the case and for us as well it's  it's it's good to play from uh from home and um   yeah it's just uh it's just a great thing  for for chess i think that there are now   very serious online online events  that people people can can watch   for sure well and we appreciate that and  all the events that are running online both   with chess24 and and we think they've  been amazing so vladislav i want to just say   again i know that the score obviously not  what you wanted to win the match but what   do you take away from something like this as far  as what you learn despite you know you played the   world champion that's one thing you learned  and he plays a lot of good moves but what do   you learn as far as things you can take away  and improve upon in future speed chess matches   uh yes before the match i have opinion that magnus  is favorite of course but i'm also not bad player   so i wanted to found my chances and of course  i not can say that i am happy now because   uh when when you lost it's always bad but still  i not can say that i was very bad i was normal i   think maybe i can play better i i think that i can  play a little better yes but it's a difficult walk one such long match against  magnus so i must walk more and   i will wait others great events and hope that  uh iridone in speeches championship in next year   thank you yeah well thank you and best of luck  at the russian super final we know you'll be   traveling to that and you've had you had an  incredible year you're someone who qualified   in the speeches grand prix you've been one of the  most consistent albeit dominant forces in the in   the world of online chess so uh you earned it and  great match today uh magnus last question for you   you've got mvl in the semifinals  thoughts on thoughts on that match-up and   uh how do you think you pair off again uh  face-off against the fresh the frenchman uh i think he's a very different uh different  player than vladislav in this um format like   maxim is a lot more reliant on on tactics and  and and speed so it's certainly going to be very   very different very very different experience   yeah well best of luck in the next round magnus  we'll see you next weekend um vladislav good luck   at the russian super final and uh thank you both  for your time uh thanks a lot see you in next time
Views: 94,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, magnus carlsen, magnus carlsen vs vladislav artemiev, carlsen vs artemiev, carlsen vs artemiev blitz, speed chess, speed chess championship 2020, speed chess championship, speed chess championship 2020 live, magnus carlsen blitz chess, magnus carlsen speed chess, blitz chess, grandmaster blitz chess, grandmaster speed chess, magnus carlsen bullet chess, magnus carlsen vs artemiev,, chesscom, chess tournament, speed chess tournament 2020
Id: d0FZKR9Gie4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 50sec (14030 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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