I'm Amazed at What People Throw Away

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another jigsaw oh those little tool things sell i've sold a few of those all right so that's coming with me this stuff not so much yeah halo what is wait a minute you're heavy for you oh i thought this was a mcmuffin for a second wow yeah actually i think i could use some of this hardware sweet can you back the truck up please if you watched my last video i found a gaming chair a pewdiepie gaming chair so i listed it for sale is that aluminum is that plastic that's aluminum extruded aluminum at that so i found a pewdiepie chair a gaming chair and so but it was broken and so i listed it on the local for sale app called varage sale and immediately got four responses like within 15 minutes uh with interest and so the first guy i'm like yeah we can uh you know if you want to come by right now he's like well how about two o'clock so i set the appointment for two uh uh two other people said hey i want to buy it i said well if this person doesn't buy it i'll let you know oh my god that's super heavy wow yeah super heavy so long story short um this person buys the broken uh gaming chair no problem at all um and but this other person this other person said um that sure does look like the chair i put in the trash maybe i could have gotten twenty dollars for it you know and so uh i'm like what was wrong with the chair just kind of test them see if they would watch the video or if they really are the ones that that uh threw the tread chair away and ladies like um it was my son he kept on rocking backwards two of the bolts came loose and he lost him and i said what neighborhood and she told me sure enough what else is in here so yeah the person that threw away the chair sent me a message all right so before anybody says anything this jigsaw with it being rusted up i don't know if that's just a broken piece to it yeah there's no way i'm gonna try to resell this nope it's like medical equipment or uh children's bicycles um if there's i just there's something wrong with it i don't want someone like with with a walker that already has some issues i sell them some garbage walker and uh it's broken and then they get hurt or a tool like this that absolutely can hurt somebody tv i think that box of screws is going to go up in the front seat with me all right yeah this is one thing you don't want tipping definitely scoot over man the ground has been clipped off or broken off yeah that'd be really nice for the back of the truck all right filling up kind of quick a band saw with the instructions with a price tag of 42 bucks on it what is this another type of saw what is this home improvement week yeah i'm not going to resell them but i want to they're probably heavy so i should drop the gate yeah i saw a grill but it was it was too heavy for me it was a massive grill like there's no way i'm gonna hurt my shoulder doing that wow 56 and 7 8. yeah i like the metric system better just saying the metric system it's un-american what no the colonial system is unamerican okay get in my truck speaking of it's about 14 celsius out right now which is a little chilly look at that lamp that is awesome oh the price tags are from yard sales okay is that a yard sale here so that thing didn't sell for how much do they want for it 42. they want to get rid of it for nothing 26 for that lamp wow that's why it's out here because you overpriced it this lamp though just in case someone drives by i'll leave that one alone what else we got going on here [Music] i'll take it a cheese grater yes that's a saw right there and clip the cord here then i'll grab that saw i saw has some design on it jkw three bucks they wanted it doesn't have any sound to it needs to be like a musical instrument see if i can get it make some sounds nope it's not a musical instrument decent saw though no it's all been up you see that words are eluding me this morning so i'm gonna do my bowling knot so this is the working end that's the bit end so on the working end i'm just gonna make like a six does that make sense or yeah do it like that and then with this end i go through the hole around the tree back down the hole and from underneath the hole you pull that is the bowling knot one of the best knots ever in the last five thousand years [Music] yep so i just wanna i wanna cross over so i just do a loop i want to cross over and then go underneath and then i'm just going to do another like a criss-cross so that is club pitch oh yeah my kind of metal thanks folks need more metal good morning ralph doesn't look bad my what are beekeeper catching oh wow that's not good not good at all that's better hmm looks like it was a decent bike at one point what's it next so it's a walmart special no matter what but i like that those front brakes definitely i need a seat post for that blue bike that i got um last video yeah that might be too small perfect it is a weddle a wedding metal wheelbarrow i am having difficulties with words today definitely you too don't want to whack my ankles my shins on that oh hi rufus what is up how you doing this morning he said i'm not doing good i need me put my teeth in you the dirt [Music] would be wrong for me to put the dirt in the grass yeah probably because i don't know what that looks like just regular dirt yeah i need to straighten up a little bit definitely hmm all right stay what are these things porch nice spots i bet this is stainless steel that's my guess yep that or it could be actually brass let's see if we see any yellow nope it's white and it's not magnetic and it's heavy stainless steel that needs to come off the truck when i'm at my shop all right any other goodies any other goodness another pot i can hear the g-man just can't see him let's see another chair over there see you can hear him too can't you yep another chair we have an invisible garbage man can i do it close there we go all right where you going i think pretty much where this chair is yep what is going on here one two three bikes man shutting the truck off for this one yeah that's a little cul-de-sac right here yep in the trash so that tire's flat that tire's flat the tire's flat yeah so these are not some kids bikes hey so this is empty so the garbage man drove past this yeah that's awesome i'm not sure if the garbage man saw me oh that was two dollars for a um from a yard sale okay where are they going my shoulders like don't lift them up over two dollars you tried getting rid of them didn't go very far i hear people talking look at my hair sticking out i'm so close to getting a haircut i wanted to like not get a haircut let it grow because the whole pandemic thing had me not get a haircut and i was liking it for a while but it's really irritating now yep all right what am i doing tying that one down probably doing a rope around the whole thing for my rope at uh-oh might be buried oh yeah i had to get a used tire i got a flat tire big time flat tire actually was a slice on the inside so um yeah got a used goodyear tire that's a fine tire but anyway i say that because i had to take everything out because i had a hard time uh-oh where's my ropes i had a hard time getting my spare tire out is this we're gonna catch on things nope not yay yeah actually my little wrench that goes into this hole here um was kind of messed up and it was really giving me a hard time lowering that spare tire all right let's tie this bicycle up once again just make a loop up through the hole around the tree back down the hole you have yourself a bowling knot it has a particular look to it and it's always easy to untie because of this so it's a great knot that's easy to untie okay now this one i don't know if it works or not i know someone took the ground off of it but it's still operational i think we'll see turn my fan on it does luke yeah all right so this works i know it takes the safety aspect away from a circuit human safety but i'll put this with my other ones yeah oh there's this i was looking for this when i had my flat tire i was looking all over for this thing yeah this would have came in handy okay so these are gonna get listed for sale yeah so i don't think i was saying that story very well but the chair that pewdiepie chair that i had that was broken i had a bunch of interest in it right away and including the person that threw it away sent me a message on garage sale saying hey that looks like the chair i threw away and it certainly was that is a whole bunch of good stuff in here yeah so this is my little jump drawer right here i'll deal with that i'm gonna list these things for sale i know they're just like a wood shop kind of a thing and oh yeah i got that piece of aluminum i needed to take off and also my next video i was talking with my girlfriend she said hey let's do a video of of the non-ferrous type stuff so she has not been in a video well she's made two brief cameos in of some videos um maybe you'll recognize maybe you won't i don't know so i have aluminum i have number two insulated wire which is probably at least 60 pounds or 80 pounds of that and actually i'm gonna separate those two into two garbage cans and i'm gonna keep my romex and number one wire i wanna take in rotors i wanna take in my copper i want to separate my clean brass from the brass that i need to when i say clean brass i mean the brass that has no steel or other stuff on it um so i'll make two buckets of that turn in my zinc um maybe cat5 i got the low grade wire just the kind of the junky stuff sometimes he has me throw the low grade wire right in with the number two and it was it was 40 40 cents or 45 cents so yeah i might take these apart i don't know i might just keep them there for my savings account but yeah so that's what i want to do with my next video yes well we'll see what attention deficit has to say about that this works just fine oh yeah stainless steel put that in the romex bucket stay wanna play some canasta just give this the 280 pound weight test oh yeah that works wait i feel like drumming all right i'm going to guess a decent amount i'm going to say 4 400 is it too gutsy too optimistic uh yeah 4 300 exactly so a little bit north oh it dropped down at 4 280. yeah that's a scrap pile absolutely [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right so i'm just gonna leave that scrap on my tab right now i'll probably collect tomorrow after i do my non-ferrous run so thank you god for today thank you for blue skies and warmth and uh not being too cold not being too hot you are good you got i was having a hard time this morning thinking about the theme of my grandparents and my dad and my brother that i've all passed and um a few of my friends that have passed away i don't know god i just started getting sad and i know that death separates my god you say that we'll have life everlasting god help you with my faith in the name of jesus amen yeah you're not too big you can get in my truck so yeah my my truck was getting kind of full so i thought i'd just go dump it clear out the back of the truck i'm glad i did yeah this will work just fine and a chair yep this one's kind of heavy maybe this is a little bit more than i can chew just get some of the weight out of it yeah this hasn't had a burger on it in years it's just dried up completely evaporated grease yeah this stuff's kind of heavy i won't have to lift all that weight wait a minute what is that looks like it's part of a radiator pick it up else i'll forget all right dude you ready to take a little trip take a little trip that's gonna fall right out i can tell well there's a 50 50 chance this thing's gonna fall out yep it's quite the mess not good it's rust rust recycles so a little bit of steel a little bit of steel i think my son would like this hmm that box spring looks like it's in a decent shape yeah indubitably sorry i didn't needed an excuse to say that we're only bagged trash really doesn't look only bagged all right we're good oh that tire looks a little low what's going on is that low nah i'm tripping all right you're going up front with me not the dirt and lint all right what kind of bike was this i can't tell if i can uncouple these somehow so a huffy sportsman right definitely didn't want to snap back at me all right nothing i think they're metal i definitely know i need some of these oh yeah it's rusted too those cicadas are loud i wonder if it's the periodic cicadas they come out every seven or 13 years or whatever let's see if i can break this maybe nope yeah those cicadas man it's pretty wild how they come out not every year but just um they're in the ground for x amount of years oh it's like a ethernet cable oh that might be keepable never can have too many ethernet cables i appreciate you i got some drums and brakes and all that oh right on here we back up or i think we can just carry it over here yeah that's on man i appreciate you sweet that's cool thing about having the sign people know what i'm up to wow all right you got the good scrap all right yeah yeah might as well throw that in this is good that's a couple bucks right there [Applause] right up front [Applause] thanks again man all right all right appreciate it have a good day it's a stick or a nail it's a stick time to get some insulin copper wire 40 cents per pound possibly 45. you never know because it is a commodity driven market supply and demand right sort of get a load here rotor action i like it it's rusty so it can't be aluminum yes aluminum corrodes but it doesn't rust what do you think right here perfect yeah let's put a string around it all right we're good at the scrap yard again no no no no no no no no my copper over here is singing as well what's up copper man that's that's a good couple pounds that's right five bucks worth of copper all right i'm gonna guess a little bit more than 4 300 pounds i don't know maybe no 4 300 pounds even again 43.60 sweet all that 43.60 a lot of it i'm not gonna well the rotors i'm not gonna throw off here i'm gonna bring them back to my shop all right let's not run over metal screws not in my tire please how's that hmm at the scrapyard wait where's the scrap i just okay there it is i'm like where's the scrap i just dumped it's already on top of the pile it's not so this used to be a fence these big posts yeah that was actually a working fence until the avalanche of scrap [Music] this place has gotten a lot busier man he better get out of my way michael i will not run you over and how much should we make going out 4 000 pounds that's awesome so 300 and something pounds i'm okay with that so let's have a 300 so a little bit under 20 bucks that's what i got last time so 35 day probably yeah that's my guess you are awesome just remember to be awesome stay awesome do your thing and don't get hit by a car thanks god for another safe trip to the scrapyard in the name of jesus amen and i also want to say thank you for the paypal tip jars for buying merchandise um those yeah i love getting a surprise um paypal tip and it is just nice no it really is so thank you for that
Channel: Scrap & Pallet Man
Views: 81,212
Rating: 4.8646088 out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash
Id: 758n4YnCEDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 24sec (2604 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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