Free Boat and Motor. Sitting 20 Years, Will it Still Run?

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[Music] i'm going to take that boat hmm you guess as good as mine got some cubby holes underneath that's it some of those prizes we have to wait till we get home well we'll just leave that to a later date you need a longer trailer [Music] hey guys how's it going so the first part of the video was just showing where the boat came from uh the woman was cleaning out her property her husband had passed a while ago and this was just like stuff that was laying around the yard my friend grabbed a couple of the vw's that were there and he inquired about the boat and she said anybody who wants the boat can have it it is free he contacted me and then i contacted you guys to come along with me and have some fun see if we could bring it back to life so the boat we're not gonna worry about right now he's a bunch of cleaning out and uh restoration of the back of it so it took a hit right there or where that strap is and somebody beat it back out and of course the aluminum on top rail has been kind of repaired the wood that holds the motor is really punky which is uh barely barely holding that motor on there so we'll deal with that at another time but for now let's go grab this engine off of here bring it over to the bench and see what it takes to resuscitate it if we can i just popped it up on a couple of boards hanging out of the vise that should suffice for now it's 18 horse i'm not even sure what it is i think it's probably never nude that's how i know it's 18 horse and it has definitely been out in the weather in the sun for a long period of time you see the handles rotted right off of it and then there's a extension over here there's not much left in that whether anything turns or reefing but pulls over i'm not sure but let's get that cover off of there take a peek see if there's any critters that we need to evict first and we'll start having at it it's got a tab on this side pull down there we go no critters running spider webs i think the chances are that's gonna turn for us no it rocks a little i don't know that might be the i think that's the advance it's like a spring-loaded dance coming off the flywheel does not turn let's see if we can get these plugs out of it get some oil shoot it inside there [Music] oh that's that's the cobweb they took on the way out like well that plug's nasty let's go get some probably some marble mystery in there let's see if we shine a light in there first it doesn't look terrible i know you guys can see i know nothing i could see you know the walls look terribly rusty with the bottom one not so bad neither i'm gonna throw some oil in there anyway they will uh she can wrench on that a little bit rock it back and forth and just spin over get a spin over as long as it's got spark should be able to save it now the oil is here somewhere give a fair dose into that one sometimes it's better to you stand it up so that it's right now that's just going to the bottom of the cylinder it's not going around the cylinder if you take the motor and lay it on its side so the oil can kind of soak over time we'll do that it won't turn for us back you up a little something working something's going uh is this a start and go no neutral yeah the bottom end might be stuck you know okay that's your turn the prop that bottom end does not sound good are we neutral though almost hmm that's the initial position but i have a feeling everything's bound up down below that's that noise coming from down below i'm gonna go put a light in there see if those pistons are moving i do believe they are i think we should jump to the bottom and go find out what is stuck down below get that freed up kind of go from there yeah i gotta i don't think that's the normal noise it's supposed to make listen just a hunch so what do we have i know we went through this once before and we gotta pull drop all these you can't see can you yeah here here this one then i thought there was a bolt that we have to pull out all the way maybe access might be behind this this cover right here let's go get some bolts out of it first go from there i also don't know if this boat was parked because it had a mechanical failure which is a possibility or is it just you know stop gotten used and weather got to it it's got two different screws in it the other thing is too is although it's stainless hardware aluminum even in stainless too they've not played well they have a tendency to corrode i gotta get a impact driver oh she's chalky chalky but it's moving one now this one looks like it's the aftermarket one that somebody shoved in there surprised it was 18. that was going to be like a like a 9.9 or something i think there's a coupler in there that we have to undo yeah the whole bolts to access and that will allow the top and the bottom shift linkage to come apart let's go let's see if we can move that around so you can see if it's even moving yeah it moves but the bottom is keeping it locked in i think we got to take those right out completely actually you could probably put a socket on those let's see if they'll go feeling i'm gonna drop it this doesn't matter too much during disassembly but i can see during the assembly that being an issue okay back up a little bit there don't hit you in the head with a hammer you just drop the hammer on your foot my lighting situation kind of sucks over here i have to that's a different size three out of five i'm gonna go work those other two i'll bring you back i did have it casually i lost one but that lube didn't work yet just didn't happen it's a through-hole it's the one on this side and we could drill it out barring that she's savable i'm going to go feed this back in a couple of threads i'm going to put a whack with a hammer so you can get that bottom end to separate no don't know of any more that are in it i just saw two on each side and then the one in the back you might have something hidden that i'm not aware of we got this out that locks the shift column and then i think the coupler that goes down just relies just a coupler on the inside of it that makes the driveshaft attach to the bottom let's keep on i don't want to put anything in between and tap on it i think there's just so much corrosion in there that it's not going to have it possibly i wonder if we can find another bolt that's this size and we can uh continue to do the same let me go see if i can find something in my stash that's uh like that but longer and bent it let's try rubber hammer in it a little bit i think it's still too tight to go though it is let's see what it is the bolt that broke off part of it is in the corrosion you need some better persuasion we got two putty knives you can get both of them in there and then drive a screwdriver in between not to screw up that flange that's even a possibility guys coming in what our issue is that bolt that broke lock right there i think it's going to pop and just hit the floor and go crashing we get something to put underneath it i got a mat under it you gotta change up our size here a little bit more might have dowel pins too that's pushing off just not sure hmm uh i'm gonna go gut the bottom possibly there's a retainer holding up i don't know be nice if i looked it up but that's too easy these are fresh water only on sundays she's gonna fight you every inch of the way all the way to the very last little you have left it's gonna fight yet hmm let's see if we can angle it up everything's frozen on it as usual but i broke my wood yeah i should have done that to begin with huh instead of crawling underneath it my plan is to keep hitting it removing hardware until it finally falls apart we try taking a skeg off see if there's any then we can see inside there do that to the six bolts to get that off i should have took the drain screw out see what comes out of it i'm expecting pretty much all water this boat was uh definitely salt water actually right across my harbor hence all the corrosion we think our luck is with this coming off i think i'll go i don't know if that phillips has to come out let's give her a couple of love taps i don't that has to come out [Music] i think it wants to prop off oh jeez [Laughter] i don't think that's supposed to happen [Music] it's a dry lube i think i found your shift problem let's go pop that screw out of there i think that's holding the shift fork on let me get that pulled the rest of the way off yeah put a screwdriver in and it wasn't going to turn i put one screw back in to help hold it see if the driver will get this one watch your face nope let's get something that fits in there tighter if you can i should have done that first okay foreign so victory small victory this is mine it's gonna come apart now i think i put a tray under it to catch all the fluid yeah yeah there wasn't much of anything much of that that's always good for the gears what do i wouldn't shift that should be that coupler up top that finally comes apart which i think it just did let's go back you up uh i think we could probably tap on this whole assembly we should be able to get this whole thing to pull down just leave the impeller right on it there you go yeah i don't think uh that transmission was going to shift very well here the world's most annoying sound well hopefully the top ends are right uh i wonder if we can leave it alone or i think we're probably still bound up on the gear i'm gonna work on trying to get this lower unit off still and maybe we'll flip it back down and see if the engine will turn i think we're just kind of bound right up on that not wanting to do what i wanted to do you might need a water pump 16 feet later there you go i think oh come on you're so close the water pumps right in here they may be having trouble trying to get through it free for free which kind of carnage it caused what do you think the chances are the engine will turn down let's go drop it back down it smells like swamp yeah there we go all right just know nice yeah i always say that bottom end is uh you want to try that pull start the other thing next is see if we got spark i don't know if this electronic mission or is it old enough to even have points let's go give her a feeling his handle is going to rip right right off all right let's go give her a little shot of oil inside those cylinders actually just use this that kind of goo up those walls and get into those rings let's uh go put a plug in it well sweetness guess where i'll turn the lights down too so we can go see our chances are one there one there i see the bottom one sparking see one of them spark i don't see this top one doing anything i did see this one i don't know if they're individual that coils nice and bright let's go see if our dull student has anything to say now we got spark on one you guys aren't even looking you're not looking paying attention i swap plugs the top one is one that was not sparking let's just see if it was a plug i doubt it but hold that map the bottom one's still sparkling the top one is not we are halfway there i got to go change the wood that it's sitting on because it's cracked and it's ready to drop the motor on the ground i figured we probably have a bad coil but the more i look at the more i see that we're going to have some issues because the pull start is broke that whole bottom end is just seized up and locked up and it's going in a bunch of pieces i think we're to the point where i don't think it's cost effective to try to save this and have it come back to be a functioning engine but i have not given up on trying to at least start it so you can get the top end just to run you know not worry about water feed all that kind of stuff but just for the tenacity of seeing if we can do it let's keep moving forward looks like i had three bolts it's probably for timing i'm guessing make sure i pull that center nut out and see what it takes i think we need to take this off or no might as well huh it's got points good maybe one set of points fires one side one fires the other that's the case you can get spark back on both of them that is a good thing i'm going to try to get us a puller that will take this and pop it off without destroying it a little lube for the center that kind of rides let's see what we get that might put an impact on it give it a shock you know you get that little hammer hit yeah try to give it a whack with a hammer first sometimes it'll go i don't want to whack on the flywheel at all not that it's really going to help let's go shoot a little bit of lube down there where it's caught on it's a tapered it's going to pop off it's not like it's rusted on impact gun let's give her a couple rats let's see what we'll do ah you went the wrong way rookie two sets of points i like that let's see what they look like clean them up so you can get spark on both of them this one looks a little suspect let's go oh yeah that's got stuff kicked across the front it's black too across the face of it take a peek at the other one if you guys can see or not that one's pretty clean we'll uh we'll run a file across each one of these we'll pop the flywheel back on give her a quick spin and see if it comes back nice if that was it see huh we could all fit in here together it's just a great clean oil is your enemy on points you want a straw probably help us a little bit better good possibility when those quails are bad too let's go do that i'm gonna do the other one too i cleaned them both i want to get this thing a little bit of an air bath i threw the plugs back in it but it is really so what these are two separate coils and then on the flywheel it's got magnets or magnet right here and as that magnet passes that coil it generates electricity and then the points open close and yeah allow that electricity to come out as a high voltage and make a zap across the plug that's the short version of it so hopefully if we put that back on there i spun the motor the the cam is on the inside for the point gap both points are opening and closing whether they're making a signal going across it's still up for debate there's the key keys that way [Music] so i'm gonna go suck that back down probably put the pull start back on it we'll give her a couple tugs see if those two plugs go sparky we try to give this thing a fighting chance too huh all right now in the center i even took that broken one off gotta put it back on all right what do you think i'm going to give it a 60 success rate a little more than half uh-oh you got them both you know it's next don't you little two-stroke gas for you and a little two-stroke gas for you shall we everything this is gonna yank right out of my hand like that huh ow got me good shot on it you know this has a choke let's make sure it's open choke is open throttle is who we set on bottle's over here in the handlebar that's fast let's start actually i don't know where it is because the lever is broken that's off we'll give it half throttle let's go give it i'm gonna give it a little bit of juice down the carb hard to get in there let's see if i can work my way all the way there we go go for broke on that one about my wrist hopefully do you think the chances are the firing order backwards let's see how they want to lay let's try it something's firing at a rolling time they ain't liking that at all it's a gym i'm gonna go try squirting some more yeah they're pretty fouled you know what it is too it's all that whale i shot in there i'm gonna go clean them up default them and we'll try the the mix match of uh which one gets which know which crap is him clean him out little few for you i was kind of going by way to walk the way the plug wires are just laying i would say that was top 50 50 shot right so all right remember me to get stuff that has logic start on it so you can get the turn and get a better pull on it you know they flop them around you see the fire hopefully you did all right let's give her one more so don't peel down the intake because that gives you some fuel for the bottom end that is the oil you don't want that one all right run baby [Laughter] all right i'm going to put the fuel bottle right in the carb and so you can give it like a little squirt and keep it running let's see how that works for us a little something to keep it to fire it's we live yeah she's a little smoky [Laughter] well guys i think i i don't know what i'm gonna do with this i may make a follow-up video on it or not it just needs so much as far as bits and pieces i may have some stuff at home i've got a couple of outboards that are there but i think they are on the smaller size i think they're like uh like i want to say like a six and a ten maybe i don't think i have any twin cylinders but i'll look but it will run uh you know the carb still needs to be gone through all that kind of stuff we'll see we'll see what kind of happens in the future i make no promises again it just needs a it needs a ton that bottom end he's just crispy i'm sure we can kind of clean it up and free it up but uh it's gonna need a bunch of parts it's gonna need the pump sure that's nice and toasty two but for now at least we got to the goal of uh see if it will run and it will run nice looks like there's always i always get a kick out of that every time it happens all right guys i'm gonna sign off for now until the next one i'll see you later bye three [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 918,580
Rating: 4.8723049 out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, will it start, evinrude fastwin 18, barn finders, barn find, outboard repair, will it start after 20 years, will it run mustie1, repair outboard motor, evinrude fastwin 18hp, free, sunk boat, boat fails, boat motor sound, boat motor rebuild, boat motor wont stay running, will it run, first start in years, first start in 20 years
Id: rzvXZQSmK34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 13sec (2893 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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