Crazy Things Found on the Curb

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it's the exact same barbecue that i have at my house no mine's a little bit bigger not much though how rude of me good morning welcome to the barbecue floor lamp channel barbecues and floor lamps all day every day um oh good enough maybe that's why i don't pull these out of the bottom a little bit of helium i think yeah i think it is helium steel is that gonna work no okay the same with this one i'm hearing animal noises attack of the squirrels what else is loose here these two all right i think we're good tied up uh morning ralph and these guys start early not a bad little desk not at all hey a pinch-o-matic yeah pinch a mac 2500 series where is this one gonna go there oh dude uh-oh where'd you go seriously that's not cool oh right there oh you don't get that getting in your tire no no no it's the eater oh scrap my number one fan now if i would have put this barbecue sideways i could probably fit a lot more stuff in vertical i'm kind of blocked i blocked myself no bueno i did break these things off you know what that's not a bad idea now we gotta get some stuff in vertically don't go anywhere definitely like the stuff being up and out of the way up up and away what might you be an exerciser total gem total scrap is this a pinch-o-matic no this is a whack and smack 5000 right here oh yeah it's ready to take me out it is so humid out here now how am i going to pack you in here you're not going to cause problems later no yes wait now we're cooking now we're cooking with gas um i think there's a car coming but there's not i'm good clove hitches are your friend a little bit wet from the condensation let's take a gander a glance i see some metal and some metal and metal and metal and stereos no this computer and computer looks like just scrap to me looks like particle board particle board um stereo i thought scrap only argued with me in the truck i might not need it right now now that's shelving i want to grab right quick look at this tangled mess already so two pieces here it's a puppy you see that it's a chihuahua and i don't think yeah his lease is attached it is a chihuahua hi chihuahua how are you you're a nice puppy yeah you are a nice puppy all right i'ma grab just a couple things and i'll be out of your hair i kind of don't want this fan it's a little yikkified wow you know you're staying out here and that cord is next so rolly i think we're good so one two three four chairs i'm sorry yes awesome thank you yeah yeah yeah there's about three or four of us scrappers that run around thank you i don't grab it one of us will should i look let's just scrap out this is my doppelganger friend i don't know 15 videos ago i can grab it if you'd like all right wonderful have a great day thank you very much yep see ya wonderful i think you can go right there maybe not that was not cool scrap is out to get me either aluminum or plastic oh jackpot oh yeah that's what i'm talking about i think that is cast aluminum you don't like a little bit of ball no just like aluminum oh yeah this whole thing it's either cast aluminum or a die cast which is a an alloy of aluminum someone asked me do you find bed frames at every scrap day i'm like pretty close pretty close it's gonna work i don't over think and then that way i'll tie you up once i i'm done in the neighborhood just tying down the load i don't know if that's fog or smoke you can hardly see the trees that's really strange wow i mean it's it's crazy humid so it's almost like we're in a cloud wow see i'm from las vegas where humidity just isn't really a thing what kind of is now i mean i haven't lived there in 13 years um but like when i was a kid it definitely was never an issue wow you see how much it cleared up just now we just went through the little fog area look how clear it is now you can see all the trees wow i don't i'm glad you witnessed that the same time i did well yeah you get it amazing now is my scrap fluffy i don't think it is so i'm gonna say 4400 um that's yeah that's kind of gutsy going that high four thousand three hundred i just dropped to four thousand two sixty yeah these scales are a little wacky all right 4280 is settled screw up and they're doing such a good job keeping all this clear i'm gonna drill this stuff off right there right in the front a lot of times i go back over there should we do the music i should do a live offload how about this i'm gonna turn the camera off i'm gonna untie most of it then we'll do a live offload first thing to go is the fan but i am keeping my aluminum some nice illuminati that thing as well wow just don't get confused this offload is actually it's a little bit stressful oh i'll have to admit when i'm taking scrap off the truck i think i've gotten hurt more than um putting stuff on the truck like everything was vertical i just wants to fall and this is kind of where i am all right this might even be dangerous too [Music] all right so the dangerous pieces are off the ones that were kind of tall that i knew could bonk me do you think this is stainless [Music] nope it's like one big hug oh that's not what i wanted like how did that happen uh now normally i try not to let things slam my tailgate because that's how the death of tailgates happen [Music] yeah it's about eight o'clock in the morning because the sun hasn't risen up enough so it's all shaded quite nice but it's warm it's past 80 degrees fahrenheit it's actually a high of 90 fahrenheit which is what 32 33 celsius all right let's go way out oh see i almost forgot and the weight is 39.60 and i'm going to leave that on my tab all right let's go drop this stuff uh my shop and then uh we'll continue thanks god for nice scrap off load where i didn't get hurt the name of jesus amen aluminum aluminum oh yeah i wire yeah this thing has to be a hundred pounds [Music] so i have to separate that into uh two garbage cans probably tomorrow who knows score four score and seven years ago should i tie it up here what is going on over here you should donate your organs um there's some interesting stuff in here i'll bet how about just a little bitty baby hole [Music] oh yeah there's all kinds of stuff in here little oh man i had my biggest fan no i have my littlest fan yeah there's stuff in all of these but i'm not gonna go picking through it i'm gonna leave the cord on the organ just in case someone stops by and wants it but this shelf thing i don't know no i'm gonna leave that there just in case as well you never know actually i do know the garbage man's gonna be here in minutes my glasses are up hopefully the camera's not fogging up they're being so steamy out here there we go probably right here let's try it again hello all right what's going on there a little rust i'm mesmerized fan wants to keep doing what a fan does no i'm not the one that started it the wind was doing that sorry dude i feel bad about breaking your wings not terrible that's like i don't want to scrap it now now these are finger tight so they can they come off easily this is kind of cute little while there's like 500 in there it doesn't open all the way there's something in there catching can't tell what's in there to take these off probably i have never seen a metal bed like this wow i'm not sure if i can handle it huh that is crazy heavy hi how are you i'm thinking about recycling your metal here you okay with that fine how'd you get it out here does it look so heavy oh okay you gotta slide it huh so [Music] um top heavy oh is it gonna fit so nope so i need to go vertical with it yeah it only has about yeah it's bottomed out right there all right let's get this scrap away from it and then scooch it you're good right there yeah i'm gonna tie it with a rope all right we have a good day thank you scrap friendly so what does he weighs 60 pounds what is that king kong's barbecue grill back window protector oh gee man eating my scrap oh okay yep i'm dropping the tailgate i can't wow so [Music] we're good don't fall out there we go okay it is mail metal wait a minute that's plastic that's better that's not helium either nope it's carbon steel you know what this is for we've been through this keep the grease off my hands all right so i'm going to guess the center is about there maybe to the left a little bit we're getting all that's not gonna discombobulated my windshield is it okay they're good it's falling back yeah that's pretty much what i wanted good stuff that's recyclable huh this isn't working it's kind of not working either deja vu so recycle dude is here um so i think like that nice little tangled web here hmm that's metal at least it's actually kind of cool i'm sorry i'll keep it almost that's a lot of spider eggs you know what's really strange is i smell chlorine like a chlorine pool but there's no water around unless that dark cloud right there is going to rain some pool water on me or whatever that is but the reason why i stopped why do i want it i don't know why this homemade i can't get my finger in there i don't know why i want it smells very fresh like it was made recently very recently i like it thanks what about a little scrap truck like that that'd be cool yeah a little isuzu in due time in due time i had to change out my battery on the camera okay so i'm thinking if i park on this closer half of the scale will weigh me heavier let's see so if i stop halfway it says 4260. okay oh got a text if i scoot closer 4240 yeah all right so that's 20 pounds is what a dollar 42-60 just went back up all right so it's just fluctuating all right i'm gonna zip all the way in front park like right there yeah right there what do you think should we do no music live offload all right we'll do it the same way i'm going to untie this stuff and we'll do a live upload all right i mean more i want to be more cautious because of this large bed frame okay so yeah i do not want that big frame falling over i should handle that right now then cash register that's a big old scrap truck right there you picture that driving down the neighborhood throwing scrap in there hmm so far we can go there throw this whoa uh all the way all right we are good so 4260 going in heavy and i'm wearing out light i'm guessing it was the same as before yeah 39.60 that's my guess what do i see 39 40. cool all right i did see the light cool i'm gonna leave this on my tab thanks for hanging out with me remember to just be awesome stay awesome do your thing i want to thank you god for another safe scrap run where i didn't get hurt thank you laura you are good lord let us continue to look to you for the answers of the problems that we have in life and for us to realize that you got it handled you've already won yes thank you god for that in the name of jesus [Music] amen you
Channel: Scrap & Pallet Man
Views: 84,008
Rating: 4.9189343 out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash
Id: t8V7JHT2AcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 3sec (2943 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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