Epic Trash Picking Jackpot

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the first street of my scrapping today there's a grill right there let's get it good morning welcome to the scrap and pallet man channel this one had a wreck and it's a little japanese fighting biting beetle you want to go to the scrapyard little bug you do okay and the goal is to be super quiet in the neighborhoods in the morning so we are good is that trash is that trash now if there's flat tires rusted chain or missing chain things like that i know it's trash now this bike looks like it has everything on no it's missing a pedal yeah so i know that this is just out here in the trash so yep get in the truck that's how i can tell if items are trash or not are they trashed stay are they um inoperable and is it garbage day and usually garbage morning is um so i mean it's but almost 7 a.m and are there people out riding bicycles missing a pedal nope they're not there's some geese out here i should go this way you hear him honking i can there's some morning pickers looking at stuff i see some goodies hello scrap goodness how you doing right a few scrap items is that a tv antenna i think it is yep digital and analog antenna antennas don't know the difference between digital and analog because to them it's all a signal coming in okay yeah so just a couple of these well these lamps this lamp one lamp i don't know where the other one all right get into my truck ah come on i have not used up my 10 snaps yet stupid probably should stomp on this one i think it will oh this glass oh yeah i don't want you really let's go on here oh that's what's going on what's going on in here candles smells so good that some paraffin wax of some sort some cologne nice new candle flip the cord here take this whole thing most likely i like these little wax burners it's going back okay now we're done so they had a yard sale let's see little dollar stickers so i just clip the cords and which i'll put away i'm gonna leave the garbage can thanks folks this stuff's getting recycled right can you come off easily all right guess not hey that's come on yay you're going back into the trash plastic i wish all plastic was recyclable like you just put on a big old vat melts and we're good it's just not reality most plastics never get recycled morning ralph morning sam looks like a baby that's a smack-o-matic baby gate ready to take you out it's falling apart this would not be good for the tires plastic plastic no fan yep now this looks like a lot more plastic so i'm leaving that but i'm taking the 40 cents per pound insulated copper wire and as you have seen the garbage man is around the corner so if anybody wanted this particular item or any other item that i take the cords off of they've had all evening and all morning to do so i just grabbed the stuff right before the garbage man shows up as close as i can be i'm not taking it from someone that could use something that's useful make sense what's up there shadow man don't go anywhere i would really like for that to be in that little nook i think it's too narrow though maybe these things are not light so it's like a stretch yes i'm clipping the cord i don't think i've clipped this many cords in the first half an hour of scrapping ever record-breaking court day all right dude i need you to cooperate nope there's some math issues there i see what i think i see a lot of aluminum oh yeah wait a minute it's attached to steel never seen that before okay fine come with me i just don't want to hit the tailgate probably should find a different home for that huh ah wait a minute trying to escape might be stainless steel turn your camera on paul okay hmm my scrap is a little fluffy today yeah little brick areas there yeah you're a lot of plastic it's not what i want to give to my scrap yard i want to give them higher quality shreddable scrap this isn't even rusty this bike it's not has street tires on it which i like this might be a paw bike yeah i might keep you around mister 26 inch yeah this looks a little less fluffy don't want the plate are you in there yep plate is gone so i'm wondering about that aluminum ram that's aluminum it's probably three or four bucks just in aluminum it's because it's so thick yeah i'm gonna have to figure that out i know what i'm saying about figuring out one of the um bolts and the nut is rusted the other one isn't here let me show you if i can sell this one super rusty yeah this one isn't that one is so that one's galvanized which has a coating of zinc on it to keep it from rusting now when i see a tub all torn apart like this i like to stop just in case there's a bunch of copper in the trash nope i don't see it but sometimes there is but not in this case i bet it's attached to something down there that's large and i can't get it out because it's underneath all of that stuff that's my guess unless you're praying for me hey thanks for the prayers you guys are awesome not for climbing okay where are you going up up and away wonderful any other goodies what is that is it potting soil it is and i need some potting soil for my plants at home really what is that it's a voter i can't quite pick it up oh wow that's crazy i bet it works too yep wow thanks folks oh that one beat me up it's a lamp day all right god said don't put your lamp under a bowl let it shine all right let's let it shine what about this one it's a cortask day too all right that was kind of a stretch wasn't it is this an interesting pile or not a couple of things but all that stuff perched on top and i'll be attached to something else i don't know we'll give it a quick little try of that vertical is my friend there we go okay let's do a quick walk around nope we're good what in my truck bed frames without stepping into that hole i'm like walking off and i'm like hey all right how vertical can we go [Music] i don't know if there's anything left on this side wonderful that's what i want i have a feeling the rest of them are going to be tangled yeah i might need to hit the shop and then the scrapyard pretty quick be quiet ball people are sleeping nah just kidding not sure quite where it's gonna go throw it on top come on look at this spiderwebs if you follow my instagram you'll know that i have a new passenger in my truck yeah charlotte has moved in these rotors are still good look at that plenty of beef on them all right mower it's like ready to start it it's down there somewhere one step at a time oh i'm gonna break you i don't like driving my tailgate down i really don't i'm a throat literally now i'll tie roper oh look at the size of this truck up here wow is that all aluminum i don't know it's a mess all right i'm going to guess 4 300 pounds on my fluffy-ish scrap load stop honk proceed on green okay my weight is 4 forty i'm okay i'm not the only scrapper here oh he's moving out so i think i'm gonna take his spot if he moves quickly enough yep sounds good there [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] and i we out at 4040. this was a 400 pound uh run yeah and so it's nine o'clock so two hours thank you god thank you for this time just to enjoy the day have some stress-free scrapping [Music] it's good for my heart good for my soul thank you for that god lord i'm gonna pray specifically for those that are having a stressful day today lord be with them in the name of jesus send angels into their life to straighten up what's going on god this is your fight this is not our fight this is a fight in the spiritual realm that's just attacking us and lord we need your help in that spiritual battle that's going on it's not just of this world it is supernatural and we need supernatural help in the name of jesus come into our lives and just fix things god amen [Music] yeah that might i need a deep socket to get that off i think [Music] all right so it's in the off position sorry gonna have some fan noise wow works totally works now if i wasn't so accident-prone i probably would hook it up to the wire stripper and engineer something but i know myself after 50 something years of being on this planet yeah i'd hurt myself all right so this is a schwinn skyliner sun tour what's up with these kickstands they're all wonky extra wonkified yeah i think we got ourselves a keeper so i just need a new set of pedals unless this is stripped out um probably i like it requires two hands yeah why not let's do that i am iron man can this come off easily the cloth hey don't open up on me i'll never be able to get you closed i don't know the secret combination that's not gonna stay i'll bet it's gonna slip right out you getting rid of all this thank you sir anything metal car batteries wire got a whole bunch of car parts oh yeah yeah dude i would love them there's plastic on some of them yeah as long as it's not more than like i try to give my scrap yard stuff that's 70 percent metal or more okay so yeah cool man right on dude let's get this in there first this one's a little bit lighter right on most excellent are you gonna race that actually i'm getting rid of this oh are ya okay cool um is this gonna work it didn't work at all this is awesome man i'll just will right over the back of my truck if you don't mind wow you ain't kidding bro yeah yeah yeah i know they just didn't huh what yeah well we're gonna get paid thanks man i'll put the i'll put the bin back up in your grass oh look at this yeah that was a good stop with those car parts that's an old-school skateboard right there that's not metal this is santa's workshop [Applause] yeah those car parts were very very oily so uh yeah you see my gloves just sitting over there and they got they get pretty mangled that's for sure so i'm gonna leave them right there until i have to offload um yeah some of the stuff is dripping um yeah you see they there's antifreeze right there from something over here i think this is an all aluminum radiator so that's going to go right into the shred pile yeah yeah everything except for the rotors right into the tread pile yep but yeah these gloves got kermangled i think i'm gonna have to soak those in dishwashing liquid trying to separate the oil because i don't want to put that in a washing machine nope i do not want car oil in a closed washing machine yeah just yelled and want some steel like yes sir [Music] all right wonderful thank you yeah definitely cool okay okay i got my old oil gloves in the back of the truck oh thank you sir all right have a good day the free sign that or it says 100 bucks on it what's it say not garbage not today anyway okay um okay frame kind of day as well good day bed frames so this is the new addition on the egyptian theater there used to be a bunch of dumpsters right where this is yep a whole whole bunch of dumpsters so they just moved it over to this side hey it's a pallet people been asking about pallets and my main pallet buyer went out of business and so my current pallet buyer only buys premium pallets so this one wouldn't wouldn't uh fly he said he'll take them for free but he won't pay for them and only two bucks for a perfect pallet so but so i've been selling my pallets on marketplace online and uh yeah not doing so hot lately how's this yeah so this goes that way do i kick it probably that should go down because that's on the inside he wants to take me out i can tell i'm gonna guess the exact same way four thousand four hundred forty we shall see and the weight is no four thousand four hundred forty seriously oh four thousand four and twenty 440 so it fluctuated that is awesome uh i get a kick out of myself wow you can tell prices are going up yeah she's a viewer um and she's there with her grandfather and her son rick um that has his own scrapping business that's right see this is why i like having a small truck you just sneak into little places all right you know i think i'm gonna do a cash out um yeah and we'll see how much i got just in shred steel for today and then um yeah and i think i'll do no music no fast forward on this so this will be uh just just us doing our scrap time oh wait a minute i want the other gloves my greasy gloves on grease gloves go there's one man i found this pole my camera actually shut off so i didn't capture this i just replaced my battery but this was right next to where i got the bed frames actually the camera turned off as i was getting these bed frames [Applause] see how this is just aluminum steel surefile yeah off-roading actually is probably more dangerous i think than uh out scrapping these things can fall and all kinds of stuff has shifted like this uh deer kind of stopping everything from coming out properly [Music] [Applause] so that's really what i want to move right now no rotor get back in the truck here's where it gets a little precarious this kind of stuff bonking me hey [Music] what is this it's super heavy [Music] so all right it's time to lower this stuff down i think it starts catching and it gets a bit frustrating i wonder how long this was stay right here yeah this is kind of why i don't like doing auto parts because i don't have to wash out the truck it's going gonna like cost money because now it's like i can't put groceries back here can't use it to move someone's couch you know but regular scrap hey that'd be a good dumpster ladder wouldn't it able to climb in and out of a dumpster [Music] yeah this is why i fast forward it boring to me these gloves might actually get tossed so yeah that's probably why mr brown doesn't want to pick up the oddest parts if you're gonna thrash gloves you gotta clean out everything i'm doing a lot of complaining paul do not want my ropes getting oily no way not with auto oil oh forget that one yeah is that fluid looks red so the only thing i kept were those four rotors my way out is 39.40 so that was 500 pounds so 39.40 to 40 40 41 42 43 44 40. 500 maybe 480 matters how they uh calculated it all right let's go cash out yeah and thanks for everyone that uh has bought merchandise and the paypal tip jar thank you for that i got a few uh tips and uh it's appreciated and the merchandise sometimes i wonder if i'm a scrapper or if i'm a salesman of coffee mugs i'm a masked salesman of coffee mugs all right let's go catch out um it was supposed to be initially the caution tape that's on the back of like um power uh utility trucks but then i couldn't get it to work quite right and just kind of morphed into this yeah like on the back of a truck it has a caution tape of like orange and yellow yeah so that's where i wanted to make it but it kind of mushed down it was a little bit too fat and then youtube had a circle around it and i'm like i like that better than my actual logo and so i cr i made a circle around it too and then youtube made it a circle over the circle which made it even cooler yeah i wish it was some grand like thing but no it's a series of happy accidents yeah i think it looks good it looks pretty um pretty modern cool man 50 57 i will see you tomorrow probably um um none that i know of but uh that's how i just live my life see you man [Music] oh here comes the big truck whoa a little bit more there you go that's a scrap truck but you're driving this with the neighborhood just throwing scrap in the back all right so 130 dollars in that ton the first run was 31 the second run was 20 sorry first run was 26 bucks second run was 31 bucks yeah sweet deal so total of 880 pounds today and of course i got the bicycle and the rotors and a bunch of wire uh thank you lord you are good it's going to praise you and just we just want to rest in your love in the name of jesus amen
Channel: undefined
Views: 81,044
Rating: 4.911705 out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash
Id: rPpsFme53kQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 50sec (3110 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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