Dumpster diving! Never found so many before.

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what's up everybody let's see oh my god i have some goodies here why not oh cause it's attached i'll get the copper there we go we'll go get the nippers and cut them off i think there's another piece down there how's everybody doing i didn't think we this was as good as it was starting off with some a little bit of copper and brass huh yeah let's get that we managed to do i just got off working well i want to get find some goodies to get my mind off crap there's a nice still a piece of brass on there all right i don't want to take that whole thing though for it there's another sink over here put that in the pocket for now i thought oh yeah right here i wish these were on the ground or something oh come on there we go there's one chunk of it all right set you down there set you down other pieces over there there we go what else is on there oh if we can get that brass off got some channel locks i don't have my pop range though yeah is there another sink down there yeah there's another little piece of down there that's got a lot of goodies on it [Music] dang that's heavy well i don't know what to do here all right we got some more brass and copper one more chunk down there if i can reach it there we go a little chunk not bad i don't guess oh look at here there's more right there let me get something all right guys i gotta get fired up look at their stuff down that box uh huh oh there's more dang there's another sink right there i bet you somebody didn't think this was copper because it was painted painted silver there's another piece right there a little piece but we'll take it if i wasn't making a video i might sit here and take all this apart let's see just a little honk but shoot [Music] adds up in a hurry all right that actually looks like it might come off oh yeah so yeah that's a little chunk of brass anyway i don't know if we can get more of them all thank you don't have much to show for effort today so we're gonna have to do our scrap sacrifice it's gonna be a flat boy maybe we'll find something and we got about like a dollars worth of copper oh man i hope we find something big guys about these that we found last week in the dumpster got us a hoover carpet cleaner [Music] i'll see how it does oh it smells like a wet dog it's pretty oh gosh like butter cut through that like butter well one of the time it does look at that how about that huh i need to get my fingers caught up in that thing there we go i got something in here not much but old metal ace of some sort fill that with doodads ah anything else no there's a basket over there with a hole in it anybody want a basket with a hole in it it's actually not bad shape besides the hole in it usable or something since we're not finding anything and a train comes by right now so sorry about that okay since we're not finding anything at the moment we're gonna dedicate this dumpster right here to ojisan ogie-san's world y'all go over check him out this is now the ogee song dumpster i got a few more i need to find for him that's a good one though we found lots of cool stuff in that one i'm in here i thought i'd seen a bunch of construction stuff so we got to have something in here don't we i thought i've seen a lot uh i just see tiles all right well struck it out again striking out again i don't see oh i did see a lot i knew i seen a lot you guys thought i was crazy whether i can get the lot out i don't know gonna have to work for this one and the best part of it fell off the copper there is us about five cents got that part is there another one on there yeah there's another one it's only got a 100 pounds of tile on top of it there we go put that down and grab it right no balance it's got transform in it though that's cool i'll get that last little piece of tea in there maybe i ain't gonna mess with that one either guys i don't guess too much work all right let's load this little bit of junk up oh let's empty the i don't want to take the bulbs or bulb just one bulb all right clumsy today like that one fellow said just tired i was just happen to see it here poking out of this bag i don't know how much copper is it because this is attached to a center oh dude how lucky did i get on that one all right i got lucky hey what the heck nice well this is this looks like a plastic sink i mean there's no brass on at all i don't think let me get something i gotta file i got a foul yeah it's plastic well that made that easy huh that little piece right there might be brass but mainly plastic let's go the dumpster jerry dumpster it's right here see what it has to offer us today how's it going man all right all right that guy go man we'll just take the whole thing for now i need to turn the truck off because there's goodies in there well we might break the blades off here kind of blades or them things yeah break them up break them off now weird looking ceiling fan ain't it let's turn this truck off and get us get the grabber i need it but i don't think i need that chords speaker more codes a mouse oh that's a lot there in it oh painting's there i wonder oh gosh come on yeah well it's interesting all right i see yeah nicely how you work i was hoping this big old piece making a mess all right no i don't want to sell a lot or anything i just want some scrap metal today let's have some fun oh we're making it make them make a mess and make loud noises yep clumsy today folks clumsy coats here oh [Music] so some more quartz let's see if we can get this boy out of here what about those paintings what do you reckon huh let's take a look at them done with this now ain't wait see that came in handy didn't it let's look at those paintings none of them are broken nothing's really wrong with them would anybody buy that oh that oh are they all wet mildew can't tell [Applause] [Music] yeah i don't know i'm trying to look at him see if there it's a backseat 32 by 40. i'll say i guess we'll crap i don't know give them away to somebody i guess worst case scenario put them out there and bolt bulk trash week here in a week i'll take them i guess the frames are probably worth something as long as i don't destroy them back here all right see if we can get some more of them uh oh dang it's it's mildewed back there bet that's why they're in there this right here see all that yeah i can smell it and that one is i can see hey oh we got two of them we're still let's see what's in this bag okay just pizza box yeah i'll probably say those other ones are mildew too uh look at him i didn't see no mildew on these two i can see some water ran down the back of this one those seem okay we'll give them a shot dedicate another dumpster to ogisan i should stay nice and nice and dry there if y'all don't have him go check him out i'll put his link down in the description now let's see if he gets there's gonna be anything in here to have no i don't think so we'll take a look at the other end oh there's a broom actually shhh a broom handle oh here's some cool vhs tapes at least we'll take these three the postman seventh floor open range [Music] anything else in here oh man we actually may have some cords and stuff let me go turn the truck off i should have turned it off i didn't really think we'd find anything else but this box looks like it might have some goodies in it so i don't like uh you know it's not as fun in the all right that's no good on that oh my god all the good stuff already just a jump box a little flashlight and it still works there's another cord that's all i'm gonna get in there so see it's on this one oh hello cordage look at that one goodness there well i guess you're coming with us i'm not gonna sit here and separate all this stuff right here it stinks i got some cords that's about all i can say [Music] all right let's go i'll get my flashlight it's a dollar or so there's some number two insulated in there too all right i'm not finding much but at least we're finding some copper oh we got a scoocher scoocher a nasty old bill nasty paint bucket [Music] see it i see pile oh here's his pile and then there's a pile we'll get some of this pile and then we'll go down there and take that pile not gomer pile though it's got a long cord on it too let's see a bike down there at least it might be some pre-buckler pre-bulkers people that put out a week a week early decent stuff actually um this ring it's a cookie a bunch of toys and stuff we don't want that stuff all that cookie thing [Applause] i will take the cookie jar that's kind of cool if i don't break it i'll separate it all right free it says on it i took what i wanted this is a restaurant dumpster but i've seen the shop back we take it oh man we got some goodies a couple of crt tvs this is free on them there's one thrown in here too i'm gonna take them i can get rid of them there's a place in town maybe i am that one's kind of heavy i'm not taking that that's a bigger one i thought i'll take the ones on the ground but there's a place here in town that takes them somebody might bust in some glass halloween some christmas lights there's a tarp more christmas lights what is there more that's what i'm talking about come on polar bear give up your bounty hmm never going to end what a christmas lightsaber all right 15 cents a pound that's a good little chunk wow easy back oven well it's got a lot of yeah i could probably throw that shred i'd say yeah i like you lucky buddy nutcrackers i've got these glasses this is these ones i have at my house those are heavy [Music] you're scrappy enough way nothing but oh baby dolls shaper paper napkins it is it's a child seat baseball helmet where are you looking at that's a pretty decent tarp with a bungee it looked planned already didn't we yeah i got these for free so we'll get the copper out of them boy what a mess i got back there i don't know about that one's pretty big there's a nascar cup i'll live kinds of stuff down there what's that guy i can't remember his name mr b i don't remember give them to jensen oh there's a dinosaur hit my drill with me and take this part in there i don't though it looks like it takes a quarter inch drive don't have one with me i think that's gonna be it did good this go around i'm just too tired to pull anything up and out of here the tv it's a bummer i don't know about cutting the cord on this one or not we're taking it or what we'll take it of course i didn't set the tailgate down there's another one in here on the fence about grabbing it i mean i could set these up hmm a lot of plastic to get rid of i can take them to that place and they'll take them whether they'll take them whether i'm supposed to take them without the yolk and stuff i don't know but let's fix our area back up here right now look at all that man anymore no money that was good good let's get a little stuff aluminum so not only [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry the battery dad this is the stay out of dumpster no dumpster diving we got but what are you supposed to do when they leave brass stainless steel holes on the ground there is definitely some scrap in there to have he had there's there's a crt tv in there see what they did they got that this they even got this uh scrooge i think it's a crt tv in there what is that yeah we got enough of them today they probably goodies in there i'm going to take this though leave me brass nuggies i'll clean up your mess guys you're welcome that's here i'll clean it up because i know the owner of this place this is where my wife used to have a salon at or ran a booth from they have anything good in here i might have some goodies in here there's some yarn it's like attached to a and somebody came through digging and made a mess is what they did i know i guess that could have been an animal i guess there's some fishing lures on the ground yeah somebody's doing some digging or something nothing in here i want goodies we got some goodies at least some steel what else is in there what is this that's like a big old amplifier or speaker cut cord or something down dang all right let's turn on the truck off this might be a good little stop anything with the cord i'm just gonna grab it deal with it later [Applause] all right it's all on that one let's see if we can get this i don't know what this is oh let's go all right i'm going to think this through i don't think there's oh yeah it's got three speakers and some transformers okay look at the transporter as well spiker we're gonna take it things heavy it's offender whatever that's worth somebody what's all this please be cords it feels like chords it is all that is chords yep chords yep that's all christmas lights hotels christmas lights or take the busted toad no let's see what's in the suitcase what's that y'all hear that sounded like a snake i got more christmas lights and stuff oh as far as it goes silly boy oh santa yeah we want santa just because we ain't got a santa yeah oh look at this snowy made in china still pretty cool though christmas be here before you know it my wife probably want to decorate next week for it never found so many christmas lights and one day i don't think [Music] i was getting worried today christmas lights 15 cents a pound i'll dig them out all day now maybe i can pull it out let that thing unzip all right snowman there's more we found something big we're not gonna all right that's it i think yeah i got a cooler and another bag i'll see what's in this one's it got christmas lights in it too hmm i don't know what that was i wish it was i rocks just rocks some christmas pillows with dog hair all over them no thanks hey those look brassy brassy baskets oh fake fake kinda look cool though what do you think fake brassy baskets made in china i think i'll pass i want to get them looking that killer if i can there's a radio right there here we go oh there's a key i don't want it to fall down that killed her in decent shape she wrong man there's another suitcase down there in the bottom all right i guess i'm going to pull this out go through it i want to keep the cooler too jay z hard knock live where's the panty [Music] box more cords oh they look a beeper there's some change and stuff these are all like recorded stuff loaded weapon one that was a good movie [Music] i guess we'll keep it picked up some earlier dragonheart spawn yeah all right a bunch of change at the bottom so i don't wanna dump it down there's another pager or beeper oh it's just a sega dreamcast a little brass in there look at these old smarties in here from ages ago i bet you they're not good anymore do you all right that's gonna be it all right done and give a little how you doing oh here's some anklet all right there's one more suitcase down there and we'll see what's in it these suitcases ain't bad but i don't want to mess with suitcases right now this likes to be some more christmas stuff i don't want none of it just the lights [Music] maybe not to cut him out snowman gonna go with us looks like he's going with us because ain't gonna sit around here all right they're all nasty i wonder what those boxes can't leave no those boxes look like the kid has something oh that's empty well we've been here for a while there's a christmas tree scrapyard does take that but they're getting kind of full all right let's go it's a lot of christmas lots heck yeah good little stop one [Applause] hey whoo [Applause] oh my god oh just a piece to it anything else oh i don't have a battery does it [Music] nothing good in here today [Music] all the trays are here for that that would come in handy here with the lid i don't know what's in it there's something in it though oh there's just a little bit of i'm gonna i guess we'll take it [Music] it's gonna be a mess but we'll take it that toad ain't bad but a lot of crap and i don't want all right so nice to do i'll leave a motor out in the recycle dumpster oh anything else in there has anybody messed up with i think that's gonna be about it folks oh yeah i got some more cords here i can't leave that one behind can we your door is locked buddy freaking keep hawking it oh man look at that big old t-rex in there it's covered in though y'all see him back there pretty cool at one time i'm sure these apartments are about no good anymore they used to be golden not so much look anymore there i might get to find the i don't don't i don't think i have the magnet in here no i know i don't i took it out no i didn't we get to use it let me get us a bucket look at all these big old bolts and goodies and i'll see what kind of bucket we can find you're gonna work let's go fishing let's see five cents a pound on short iron each one's like throwing a nickel in there you like picking up nickels so on there saw's ugly almost got them all one more i think there it is look at that anything else in there all right let's go that's kind of cool huh [Music] ah ten pounds maybe eight pounds alrighty guys i thought i took it out of here so i'm glad we had it all right all righty guys well this is a long video only got 29 minutes left so i recorded like an hour and a half i'm gonna do some editing i don't want to stick around that long but anyways uh thanks for watching everybody's a fender look at that like a little jewel right there or something i don't know a lot i found lots of scrap good scrap too christmas lots and well crttbs but aluminum wires some copper and that cookie jar that i found i ran it down to my neighbor just now and she collects them and she was uh pretty excited about it so that's good anyways i just want to thank y'all for watching hanging out with me listening to me and all that good stuff you guys are awesome uh i love you all i'll see you on the next one
Channel: You Coonts See Me!
Views: 27,189
Rating: 4.841897 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, trash picking, scrapping, street picking, street scrapping, recycling, treasure hunting, garbage picking, scavenging, Curbside, ewaste, free stuff, dumpster dive, urban treasure hunting, scrapper, scraplife, youcoontsseeme, junkman, goldfingers, picker, trash picker
Id: KR5GN8Ehdkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 37sec (3997 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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