Acts 29

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welcome to the shepherds chapel network family bible study hour with pastor arnold murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor murray's unique teaching approach brings god's word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of god's letter to you the bible and now here is pastor arnold murray all right good day to you god bless you welcome to the shepherd's chapel we're just going to visit a little bit today about the book of acts and and we're going to talk about acts 29 is it scriptural or is it not well i'm i'm going to stay just like hopefully you will we're just going to consider i think that many times when ancient writings are found and some near ancient and some as i call it far ancient it's still it doesn't hurt to look into it to see to understand we do know that paul traveled after rome i guess we could call that ar after rome and history itself we could say well document that in the scripture well it's not in the scripture it's history and history is very important in tracing the migrations of our people and the apostles and i find it quite interesting as a matter of fact in some of the travels of paul we have in this acts 29 a little record of that now first we'll ask a word of wisdom from our father as we just talk about this discuss rap about it whatever you wish to use i want to mention again malta we talked about it a great deal and how our president in in december of 19 the year of our lord 1990 as the world leaders were beginning to discuss a new world order and of course disarmament was at the head of the list on this and that is biblical very biblical especially when it has to do with ourselves and russia as many call the russian chapters and indeed that's what the subject is i know some people have difficulty with edom being russia well edom in the hebrew tongue simply means red and it has always been known as the red nation especially after it fell away from the fall and the king line leaders which many of you would know as czars ceased to rule in that area even down to the fact that in the minor prophets it speaks of how that that the bones of the king of edom would be placed in lime or a lie substance that's exactly what happened when the last tsar alexander and victoria and their family were murdered by the bolts of the communists in that year of the great revolution which meanwhile has shown itself for what it was that anytime someone decides to design a heaven on earth it won't work unless it happens to be the real king of kings and lord of lords so you see there is a marriage between scripture and history and if you're not attentive to history certainly you're going to miss out a great deal on understanding prophecy and basically even what the season is and that's what watchmen are for is to watch the seasons watch the time and if you have faith in our father surely you have belief in what he has written and our father though men's names may be affixed to each portion or segment of his holy word it was still the same author one only almighty god that is the author of his word his word is simply his plan and after all when you create a marriage between that that was prophesied by our father and he only in touching a man can predict the future men always fall short way short when it comes to predicting the future without the aid of the word of god but history is simply what does the word mean it means his story his story who whoever wrote it and in man's history unfortunately that's where there is fallacy whereas in the word of god there is no fallacy except man himself in the interpretation of the word the translation or the transliteration whichever the case might be that makes the error in bringing forth the fruit of god's mind which is to say his meaning that is to say to read the word with understanding so history is very important am i saying it can be considered as as scriptural no no but at the same time the importance is tremendous because it again creates that marriage with the word whereby you know what time it is i suppose there are a few people left in the world that can drift through a day without ever having to wonder well what time is it but in a high tech age time is a very essential thing time and speed equals distance or distance and direction well so much for that uh time is essential time is important in our father's plan father uses dates on many occasions and he uses a combination of times not to not to fill space on blank pages but to show you that it is important to know and understand in what season you should have your eyes wide open and that you should be alert so i want to go back to malta it's the year of 1990 and it is the early month of december which is the approximate time that paul also wintered or spent those days 30 days on malta and our father many times gives a like set of circumstances to get the scholars attention and as much as i was i was fascinated by the video pictures i wish i had some of them i could share with you i don't of the boisterous storm that came on that area at that time and even as paul and and the 276 or five he making the sixth that were with him threw out the four anchors from the aft section and had to wait until daylight to make a run for what is called paul's bay even today those names are not there that is to say on malta paul's bay it wasn't named that for naught and i'm going to go into this 29th chapter as some call it of acts some call it the lost chapter john had called it to my attention that amen is not used at the close of the book of acts in the at the 28th chapter and perhaps some would call this an oversimplification be that as it may but when a man leaves a thumbprint on one most of his books with the clothes of amen but it is ironic that this 29th chapter does close with amen which was the mark of paul so as our father leads us and directs us and we live in this generation of the fig tree i would caution you to be alert of all things why do you study your father's word if not to at least be worthwhile to him in knowing the times and seasons they are important and when we see these things for what is an example since that meeting some might say well what about that malta meeting what possibly could that have to do no one will ever know the depth of agreement that was made at that place but it was soon after this that communism began to unravel it was at this time that gorbachev president gorbachev began to make concessions between the warsaw pac nations and the nato nations that set that actually changed the course of the world basically where we come to this point where where disarmament is foremost and the problem is not how to discharge an atomic weapon but how to burn it up that is to say destroy it dismantle it destroy it that's a good problem that also is very biblical i made the the lecture many years ago there shall be no nuclear holocaust that is written in our father's word and as much as its absence documents the fact listen carefully as we talk concerning these things listen very carefully the absence of the holocaust means it won't take place so sometimes you have to study god's words by alleviating the fears of mankind such as a nuclear holocaust if it is not written in our father's word then it does not happen our father has greater plans for this planet than to destroy it or to allow man to destroy it furthermore satan himself does not want the planet destroyed in that respect because in his own plans he feels he is the king of this earth and that he shall rule on earth and he will as the antichrist or instead of jesus which is to say and even he has no interest in the destruction rather than the spoiling of souls so as we came to the close of that book and paul at rome it does end rather abruptly and for that fact i'm going to read some from this so-called lost chapter of acts now we have this little booklet i'm i'm going to turn it to a camera and perhaps we can get a close-up i i'm not going to cover all of it but i would recommend that you acquire if you don't happen to have it for your own consideration many much of the documentation that is written aside from the very verses themselves so you yourself be the judge now let's come back if you would to me if we have this available for those of you that perhaps do not have it i want to cover this would be that 29th chapter then in verse 1. i'm going to just read it to you and paul full of the blessings of christ and abandoning and abounding rather in the spirit departed out of rome determining to go into spain for he had a long time proposed to journey to the wood and was minded also to go from fence to britain and many might say well how did he know how did they call it britain the romans called it britain verse two for he had heard in phoenicia that certain of the children of israel about the time of the assyrian captivity had escaped by sea to quote the isles afar off unquote as spoken by the prophet ezra that's the greek word for ezra and called by the romans britain and quite uh frankly who were i said uh yesterday the phoenicians were on malta quite frankly it seems to me in the lecture i might have said the philistines and i certainly meant to say the phoenician okay verse the the land of the palms that's what the word means verse 3 and the lord commanded the gospel to be preached four hints to the gentiles which is to say nations and to the lost sheep of the house of israel it was god's direct order through the son that paul would go to rome that he would take the word in acts 9 15 to the house of israel as well as the nations or ethnos in the greek which means ethnic peoples or today in the english gentiles verse 4. and no man hindered paul it's obvious if this were to be a true account that he has overcome his bondage or his prisonship at this time for he testified boldly of jesus before the tribunes and among the people and he took uh with him certain of the brethren which abode with him at rome and they took shipping to austria and having the winds fare were brought safely into a haven of spain five and much people were gathered together for from the towns and the villages and the hill country for they had heard of the conversation of the apostles and the many miracles which he had wrought or that they had wrought the touching of christ you must understand that during the assyrian captivity this report is accurate in that respect i must testify the assyrians took the ten tribes captive and paul had heard and christ had taught go but to the lost sheep of the house of israel well judah wasn't lost the other tribes not lost to god god has known where they have wondered and scattered it was his prophecy and isaiah as well as many other prophecies that he would scatter them and he used the assyrian to accomplish this verse 6 and paul preached mightily in spain and great multitudes believed and were converted for they perceived he was an apostle sent from god these lost tribes of course knowing the scripture knew that a messiah was promised and all paul is taking the word is yes the messiah has come has been crucified and your sins can now be forgiven and they departed out of spain and paul and his company finding a ship in armed arm aurica sailed unto britain they were they were therein that's and passed along the south coast they reached a port called rafinhas and a good friend of mine has put an insert this is the roman name for sandwich in kent in saxon times there was still standing in sandwich an old house called the house of the apostles and tradition has it that paul was one of the apostles and i believe if my memory in history is not incorrect that it was in this particular sandwich at kent that we today have our present word sandwich because it was sandwiched between and thus sandwich verse eight now when it was voiced abroad that the apostles had landed on their coast great multitudes of the inhabitants met them it has been a trait of our people that they've always been hungry for truth so i have no problem with any of this quite frankly and they treated paul courteously and he entered in at the east gate of their city and lodged in the house of an hebrew which means one that passed over the river the whole house did what river the euphrates and it comes from the name eba from the other side and one of his own nation that would have meant if it was of his own nation it would have meant that the hebrew was a benjamite for paul was a benjaminite verse nine and on the morrow he came and stood up on mount lewd do you know what mount lewd is loot gate hill and broadway where saint paul's cathedral stands in london england there it is and the people thronged at the gate and assembled in the broadway and he preached christ unto them and they believed the word and the testimony of jesus how did christianity spread from jerusalem up through spain rome and so so forth by the apostles of course i have no problem with that if you expect me to swear that this is absolutely doctrinal scription scripture i cannot but i will find no fault with those parts which align with the word of god and which are obvious from such works we have another work here i wish i had brought a copy down saint paul and britain or at least i we should have it if we don't and it's a fascinating account those ancient names affects two places such as ludwig the temple there of saint paul's cathedral it's it's no accident that's where he stood and that's where he taught verse 10 and at even the holy ghost the holy spirit fell upon paul and he prophesied saying behold in the last days the god of peace shall dwell in the cities and the inhabitants thereof shall be numbered and in the seventh numbering of the people their eyes shall be opened and the glory of their inheritance shine forth before them the nations shall come up to worship on the mount that testifieth of the patience and long-suffering of the servant of a servant rather of the lord now that's very biblical very biblical in this sense what is the seventh number seventh is of course the millennium era it's the seventh dispensation the new dispensation which begins in the 21st chapter of revelation is quite frankly and simply the eighth dimension the eighth dispensation eight meaning new beginnings and certainly there will be a new beginning at that time so why does it say that they will all be taught and eyes will be opened every knee will bow to christ our eyes will be opened on the first day of the millennium this is very biblical it's scriptural and all of you though not from this particular verse but you have heard me teach that from the recognized word of god itself and how that god will number the people and a lot the land it's it is so scriptural that it is uh beautiful that the spirit would have touched him in this place eleven and in the latter days new tidings of the gospel shall issue forth out of jerusalem and the hearts of the people shall rejoice and behold fountains shall be opened and there shall be no more plague why christ will have returned and we will all be in spiritual bodies why will the word come from jerusalem for when the savior at the second advent touches his feet upon the mount of olives and opens the gate to jerusalem the millennium temple is built as it is well recorded and documented in ezekiel chapter 40. and there's eight or nine verses following that speak nothing uh but of the millennium and the numbering of the peoples that is to say the dividing into families into nations and the study of the word for within the temple itself is not only messiah but the prince of the people who i believe to be david i don't think there's any doubt in a syria scholar's mind or should be that the prince of the people is david himself brought back to work and teach on this earth verse 12 and in those days there shall be wars and rumors of wars and a king shall rise up and his sword shall be for the healing of the nations and his peacemaking shall abide and the glory of his kingdom a wonder among princes the prince david as well as the ruler of rulers he that returns on a war horse with a staff of a rod of iron as a staff and there will be some serious very serious leading at that time persuading using the rod of iron as persuasion i know this paints a quite quite a different picture than most are accustomed to hearing but the words i just stated are not from this chapter of acts but from the great book of revelation as well as other prophecies in the word of god verse 13 and it came to pass that certain of the druids came into paul privately and showed by their rights and ceremonies they were descended from the judaites which escaped from bondage in the land of egypt and the apostles believed these things and he gave them the kiss of peace there are within the ceremonies of ever so many people even in some of the american indian ceremonies a very near kinship there are certain dr mahan and i'm not connecting his name with anything i'm saying here other than the fact that dr man which you're all familiar with from our documentaries with him is very familiar and has the professor has made quite a quite a study extensive tracing the ritual pra practice by certain american indians even with that on the other side of the atlantic in iran as well as other places the migrations of those people again i'm not connecting his name whatsoever with the study we're doing here but simply to illustrate that a christian scholar is not the only person that is familiar and recognizes these certain rights that even the druids practice i know the druids in some people's minds have quite a reputation well don't judge all of any tribe or people or family by certain reports for a family is always made up of people with various complexities in their beliefs and mannerism verse 14 and paul abode in his lodging three months now that is strange is it not remember the 28th chapter of acts how i told you to pay attention to the number three and how paul would be using that here it is again three months confirming in the faith and preaching christ continually that divine number fifteen and after these things paul and his brethren departed from ravinius and sailed into a tourium in gaul 16 and paul preached in the roman garrison and among the people exhorting all men to repent and confess their sins now i'm going to stop there and if you wish to acquire that for your library and look a miracle of miracles here sits a copy of saint paul in britain that is available here at the chapel and just request a book list if you want to make a further study of that it's very rewarding it's important for you to know how did our people come to be in this great nation america in the first place how did christianity travel did somebody just put wheels on it and shove it no real people had leather on their feet or otherwise another substance and they traveled as god stated they would when god sends one forth then so it is sent i i wish i knew i don't know the price of of the donation for these books perhaps another miracle could happen and i could tell you what the donation was after the break on the lost chapter of acts and this saint paul and britain that part of the ministry i try to keep totally away from but maybe again that miracle will happen and that information will appear on this desk of teaching so there you have it saint paul and britain and that 29th chapter of acts or better what some call the lost chapter of acts and it does at the very end it states amen amen at the close of that 29th chapter so how precious our father's word the book of acts i hope you have enjoyed the overall teaching by that i mean from chapter one through even this so-called lost chapter i hope that you have absorbed the acts that those men and women and i know there'll be some now that will say well what do you mean women well aquila and priscilla priscilla is paul has made it very obvious that she was the teacher in that family and there was philip the man that had four virgin daughters and every one of them was a prophetess teacher so all those that served in the acts those people that god sends forth and i might even further illustrate in acts chapter 2 that it was both sons and daughters in the end times many of you say well paul wasn't a prophet oh listen wake up to the mysteries of the writings of paul illustrated by peter in second peter chapter 3 there what was it verse 14 somewhere right in there that that to even the learn wrestle with those deeper truths taught by paul and the prophecies that he brought forth paul even before he entered in again illustrating that there is only one writer whether it would be paul or peter for god spoke in acts 2 before paul's conversion even of the events that would transpire but those acts that were set forth for you and i as an example that in taking his word forth there would be persecution if you teach god's word chapter by chapter and verse by verse today it is usually resented even by the christian community in allowing the word to flow and some would say well how how could that be because it differs with their traditions the actual word of god differs with many traditions of men which is to say their church austin their their church doctrines i be this or i be that paul taught against that you know one says i'm of paul and i say well i'm a i'm of apollo and i'm of this and i'm of that there's only one christ and in teaching his word today you're going to serve suffer some persecution but i hope that if anyone has set an example in the end times of how much time you should commit to worrying about persecution that you would look at your old pastor here because i don't care what people think i think that would be quite obvious i don't care what they say it is my prayer that they will absorb the word that they will adhere to the word of god if and never think for one moment that is my desire to have everyone believe as i do not quite the contrary to have everyone get into the word of god and make their own mind up use the gray matter for you see beloved everyone will be judged individually god is not going to judge this group and that group and this other group their beliefs is what i'm talking about now and say well all these will go here and all those will go there now there is no scripture anywhere in any book in any of our father's writings that stipulates that people will be judged in a national or religious sense that is to say as a group but individually so you need to take a lesson from that and learn that you must decide for yourself for you will be judged on your own beliefs and merits your works your acts your acts in doing or being about your father's business i have found the book of acts to be so inspiring in this at this particular time because some of the hardships that paul brought forth and was subjected to are so real even at this time in the sense that we're in a confused world god is not confused and god's people are not confused but the people of the world are that think of the world as their home eternal that is to say the world system kind of like sadducees which the sadducees in the english works out real well because it's kind of sad don't you see it's very sad when you say today we live and tomorrow we die and that's it just like a dog nothing to it that's real sad it's more than sad it's it's depressing but that thought and those links to various men have brought us to a place that we live in a world that the people really don't know they have not been taught the word of god though we are churched i started to say to death and i think i will though we are church to death in this little city of gravid arkansas i think we have 18 or 19 churches and there's only 12 or 1500 people here you know boy you really got quite a choice and one of those would even be shepherd's chapel and not just everybody in this town likes to flock to the shepherds chapel because they belong to the denominations and they're wonderful people but take time to listen to your father's word and absorb and enjoy his counsel it's the only true counsel you will find and then beloved as you grow and mature in his word let the world be confused you shan't be you won't be because god is not the author of confusion and this is scriptural but the author of peace come into his peace come into his understanding come into his word there would be some in those specific doctrines that i forementioned that would really i mean they would turn upside down and rotate for having mentioned the lost chapter of acts oh dear god no if it isn't in the king james well the king james is a wonderful work and i love it but it doesn't why would someone be so frightened that they would be afraid to read something if you are a true believer you do not have to be afraid of what you read or where you step as long as you use common sense and know that our father is in control i can tell you briefly that perhaps some would call it an oversimplification be that as it may they're afraid their doctrine is so weak that they're afraid to hear or to allow their people to hear another report well don't be that way yourself understand and that when you have truth there's no room for fear and i promise you god's word will stand any test if you will always keep his word foremost in your mind and consider other things history and other things as that that is true and that is false using god's word as the rule the ruler of uh truth and fiction you'll never have any problems and you never have to fear all right hope you've enjoyed the book of acts and i hope you've enjoyed this little discussion on that so-called lost chapter i think it's fantastic reading and i think you'll enjoy it all right bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on cd is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived christ said in mark 13 23 behold i have foretold you all things jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived and pastor arnold murray takes you on a step-by-step study of god's word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the cd is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 800-643-4645 to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free cd by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravid arkansas 72736 don't be deceived by satan all right bless your hearts there we are back again hey i want to show you an 800 number if you have a question and please don't don't ask me a question about saint paul in britain or about the lost chapter just simply oh and incidentally there's a miracle happened again the donation price on those showed up here just as you could think and pray for the saint paul in britain is a ten dollar donation and the lost chapter is a five dollar donation and of course i hope all of you realize that these donations go to cover air time basically so that we can come with you and have these wonderful visits on our father's word all right now back to the 800 number 1-800-6434645 if you should have a question if the spirit moves share it with us that 800 number good from puerto rico up through the caribbean all of the united states including alaska and hawaii and our great neighbors to the north canada those of you that listen by short wave around the world your announcer at the end of the program we'll give you our mailing address always a pleasure to hear from you if you have a prayer request hey no problem you don't need an address you don't need a telephone number take it to him he's the one that answers prayer he's the one that hears prayer and he hears every prayer if he chooses not to reason to answer a prayer to your own good then consider trust him perhaps you didn't repent before you prayed and you have a sin charged to your account in his book he's not likely to answer it unless there's an emergency of some kind until you come to that repentance and you're showing your love to him and the fact that you deserve a blessing or an answer then sometimes at that time he will come forth i do not wish to at all leave the impression that i know what makes god answer prayers i know my father pretty well and i know that he's much like any other pro father if if some young man wants to borrow the old man's car for the night you don't usually go to him asking for the keys when you kind of on the outs with him you usually butter him up hi dad anything i can do for you dad you got anything around here what could i do something to help you you know and oh dad you're you're pretty good old father i'll tell you for sure dad and then pretty soon oh by the way dad um little mary bell needs to go a ride tonight and i thought i'd take her over there if you could see fit to loan me the car keys tonight you notice most of them don't say the car they say the keys you know it sounds simpler that way you know to say i'd like to borrow the car keys tonight you know it's really the car they want say and and dad knows it see so what i'm saying is our father is very natural to his children so think about it won't you when you talk to him let him know you love him you don't don't try to con him by buttering him up do it in truth and he'll always return the love father we ask around this globe as we come to you at this time that you lead guide touch prosper and heal in jesus precious name thank you father he's sure good to us and he sure loves us okay let's get right into our questions here what do we got we got teresa from minnesota i have a question which two churches did jesus find no fault with well it's you'll find it written in revelation chapter 2 and it is smyrna and philadelphia philadelphia being in chapter 3. but take real good note there teresa why it is he found no fault with them they knew who the kinites were if if you're in a church that isn't teaching who the kinites are and how that applies to scripture god's not if the father nor the son nor the spirit is happy with you because you've kind of gone to sleep at the switch okay karen from delaware can you hear the holy spirit audibly or just in your heart well i've done both he doesn't speak audibly too often but i assure you one thing not too many people would want to hear him speak audibly it's an awesome thing it isn't necessary that he does but there are some that kind of get a little slow in finally hearing him or someone might be if you were a teacher such as myself if there is a thing he wants talk he can get a little rough about it you're gonna if you're a little bit stupid he has a way of getting your attention and he's in control but he loves you so it happens in many ways as a matter of fact it could even be in the wind itself which is the spirit the rurak that he could try to get your attention it's a real strange thing karen i can go out in the late evening and i can hear the insects let's say if it's a summer day the crickets are cricketing and the frogs are frogging and whatever maybe i'd better be careful how i use some of these terms making their little noises in the night and all of a sudden a hush comes over the whole landscape why you might have been praying father let the spirit touch me and when that spirit comes close the insects know there's a hush whether it's a good or a bad spirit some people are just discernment dead and i'm not saying you are karen i'm just teaching always be attentive to god's creation and you'll learn a great deal more about our father irene from oregon do you think that the dissolving of russia is the deadly wound no i don't i don't um i think that the the communist party had to fall apart before we could have a one world system because it's like the iron in the clay in the book of daniel and we're going to be going to daniel very soon while that iron clay won't stick together you can get as hot as you want to you can do whatever you want to with it but iron and clay will never stick so do i think it is connected yeah yeah i do i sure do it's leading up to the solidification of the one world system maryland from idaho i believe it is we really enjoy listening when the two witnesses come to earth which will be ten days before antichrist comes to the earth well you've been studying with us i can see will we see that on tv not probably not they'll soon there will be reports of it sooner or later but not necessarily because they god won't be controlling television at that time will we that is to say he controls everything but he will not have taken over will we know that they are here maybe so maybe no right away okay uh but when they begin to do what they must do then certainly you will know okay uh don't worry about i understand you live in a small place and it's difficult to store things and so god takes care of his own i wouldn't be that concerned about it that is to say to have you know everyone as far as that's concerned should have at least three weeks food in their house you never know what's going to happen like truck strikes or things of that nature doesn't hurt a gladwin from pennsylvania pastor i would like to know if ethiopia really received the true ark of god from king solomon no it didn't i heard through another ministry that ethiopia since the day of solomon guarded and protected the true art no listen have you never read the 11th chapter of revelation it tells you where the ark of the covenant or the testament is god wouldn't leave it here with man in his cruddy way of handling it all right man couldn't respect it it's not here but you'll find out where it is if you'll read the last two verses in the 11th chapter of revelation this just says from wisconsin someone okay someone will we know each other after death the answer is yes very definitely it's scriptural you can document it in ezekiel chapter 44 where it states that god's elect will know their blood relatives when they see them and can help them if they fail to overcome eugene from illinois if i give part of my tithes to the red cross and so forth could they that be considered part of my tithing the answer no you can certainly tithing belongs to god and if you're being taught it should go there you may be taught from three different places if the red cross teaches you about almighty god then the red cross is worthy of part of the tithe now that's why if you read malachia you'll find that there are ties and offerings certainly it's well enough to give if you feel led the red cross an offering many of us olex military people don't think that much of the red cross i know that may shock some but and i wouldn't say it without just cause but we just don't care that much for the red cross salvation army hey great people red cross if you want to give them something well but don't give them god's money all right donald from pennsylvania i have a brother who was in an auto accident over 10 years ago he his head was crushed and he has been in a coma for all the time doctors said he will never recover he's just there i would like to know if his soul is retained here or if if it is somewhere else please answer well donald old partner i wish i could answer that i can't that's god's business okay but his spirit is still there at least part of the time as long as there is metabolism that circulates i'm very sorry we'll be remembering him in prayer many times a person that is in this condition can hear you talk they may not be able to acknowledge or anything else it's just something man doesn't know the medical field doesn't know so i and i understand by you're saying is he there or is he somewhere else when god decides to ultimately call one totally home the flesh dies i hope that's of help to you but there could be in and outs if you understand what i mean ac from texas is satan the only one who has been condemned to hell thus for if so what verse in the bible can i turn to for the answer you must know that he's the book of ezekiel chapter 28 speaks of the king of tyre that is the cherub that covereth which is to say satan it's one of his names tyrus in the hebrew means rock uh he's the false rock and in the 18th 17th and 18th verse you will find his conviction to death but he's really not the only one there are seven thousand of fallen angels that are held in chains for destruction because they left heaven and came to earth and seduced women in the sixth chapter of genesis you can read of their incarceration in the book of jude in the first six verses okay you can find the number of them and the time of their death in the 11th chapter is it the 11th chapter let me think yes the 11th chapter of the great book of [Music] revelation okay anna from nebraska can you divide your tithe between two churches is it scriptural uh yes it's scriptural in as much as the tithe goes where you are fed god's word all right and you can do that now for example if you're fed god's word here seven days a week or five days a week or whatever and you are fed in your local church 20 minutes out of each week then i would take that into consideration too the reason we are able to come to people is because thais pay the bill in your local area and the satellite bill and unfortunately and i might as well touch on this because in closing i have a time or two i have ordered a couple of places cancelled and the first will take place on the eighth of the coming month and we will no longer be on that particular network but remember this we're on satellite 24 hours a day we have the largest direct broadcast ministry and um in the united states and i can say that with a surety that means direct from satellite to where you are all not only in the united states but in puerto rico and canada and alaska and we have one of the strongest beams direct into hawaii and i thank god for that but the and it really grieves me but i try to stick with god's word in the principle way i don't threaten people such as the people that are going to be cut off they don't know and i'm not going we'll just be gone why i'm not a beggar and we don't beg and we don't send letters saying in your area we're having to leave because it's obvious that god doesn't want us there and hey we're out of there and but you as an individual and i know we've met a lot of wonderful people in some of those places and we love you so much you continue studying by tape or by dish or who knows maybe on a different network we'll be back we love those that are a part of this ministry of almighty god but again we're not beggars and we don't threaten people god decides whether we stay in a place or we're gone and he has a fixed rule if it's supported his his scriptures document that then stay and teach and if it's not kick the dust off your feet and you're out of there all right it's that simple and that way you don't have to beg you know wherever we are it's because we are the word is appreciated okay enough said gene from north carolina uh after years of looking for a schedule for shepherd's chapel in orbit magazine and never finding one i changed to onsat and i find it has it all uh thanks for your suggestion well onsat and and pre-tv also has um a good record of shepherds chapel and it even breaks down as does on as does onsat the books that are being taught in each specific hour and we do recommend them and thank you for calling that to attention i think what i'll do i think i'll i'll give the name and address i won't be able to that's too much of a miracle to expect today because we're out of time almost but i think i will because i believe in helping people that help us and certainly onsite and pre-tv do help the shepherds chapel by taking the trouble to actually give the books that we're teaching in and so forth larry from texas since i am an alcoholic do i still have a chance to go to heaven well do you love the lord do you believe him do you have faith in him you see your soul is eternal and your flesh that likes the alcohol is very temporary it's going to die and of course that alcohol will really expedite the trip if you're not careful and god's not too happy with that alcohol is a very temporary thing it's not permanent now a person can always be an alcoholic but it can be temporary as to how long you participate in the substance i would seek help and i highly recommend the aaa for those that really need a crutch and just can't say to the flesh shut up sit down and listen to me you're not participating in this it's a habit and i'm shucking it you know sometimes a person needs help and they can help don't ever god there the unforgivable sin is for those that totally and completely know god's word and to know when they're delivered up before antichrist that they're supposed to allow the holy spirit to speak through them and they deny the holy spirit that pro privilege then that's the unforgivable sin i don't i don't think that will ever happen but god loves sinners and god only knows we all sin we're not all alcoholics such as you happen to be one but we all have our own brand of sin unfortunately in shortcomings for some people it might be way way too much sugar that's unhealthy that's a sin and i thank our father that everyone has the price paid on the cross and he loves you even though you bib a little in a while partake of the thing he loves you and he's hoping that you'll repent of it and get help too so that he can serve you i want to tell you something god can always use rather satan can always use habits to entice he knows our leaked weakness think about it don't let satan con you out of doing god's work austin from texas do you believe in rapture i know the words not in the bible but what about being caught up in the air i thought this was the rapture well take that word air and take your strong's concordance and you'll find that at the last trump you're turned into the breath of life body air which means the spiritual body paul spoke colloquial greek and unfortunately in that you're quoting from first thessalonians chapter four that colloquial greek got a lot of people in trouble and that's why paul hastily wrote the second letter to the thessalonians in second thessalonians 2 he said don't let my first letter deceive you there's not going to be a rapture. all right that's what he said he said i want to talk to you specifically about gathering back to jesus christ and that's what the so-called rapture has to do with and that's why i pun a little but that's okay it's not going to happen he said until after antichrist appears in jerusalem deceive those that think they're going to fly away okay we're out of time hey i love you also very much you know why you love studying god's word more in depth and how i've enjoyed this spending this time with you if we have helped you improve your quality of life and to understand our loving father in a better way help us to do that by so we are brought to you by your tithes and your offerings if we've helped you help us to continue coming to you we'll never learn all of the word before christ returns but we're going to work at it we're going to try it but there's one thing that's more important than anything and that is that you stay in our father's word hey every day and it's a beautiful day you know why jesus is the living word hearing god's word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying god's word here on the shepherds chapel family bible study hour with pastor arnold murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherds chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audio tape our monthly newsletter with a written bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 800-643-4645 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravette arkansas 72736 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravette arkansas 72736
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 837
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Murray, Holy Bible, Bible, KJV
Id: 1BJRTrnQ3eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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