II Samuel ~ 13:1 to 13:35

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[Music] god bless you welcome to the Shepherd's chapel well from this family Bible study our praise God the book of Samuel al revealing the life of David the key to David spoken of in Revelation chapter 3 verse 9 and 10 a key that gives you the entrance that many others are shut out of because you take the time to understand your father's word we're gonna learn a great deal about that key are you alert are you sharp have you paid attention when you heard jonadab ask gee who may I come up into your chariot jonadab of course was a kin ight G who let him in how wise are you do you know David's children and do you know Cain's children you see that's what the key is about you God will be warning you in this very chapter and it will be brought about by not the sin of David's children but to send that David committed that god himself would bring the I'm gonna call it a curse yes through the children upon David I do not believe in as much as Yeshua Messiah would come through this bloodline that any of it hacked happened by accident but as types and references for you today to sharpen up and know and understand what your father tries to tell you the things that would happen to our people the persecution throughout generation after generation through this family of David let's see how sharp you are chapter 13 verse 1 awarded wisdom from our Father and Yeshua's name let's go with it verse 1 chapter 13 2nd Samuel and it came to pass after this after what after David had been corrected by our Father the ammonites defeated or more bites was it not and then David's in David's great sin and this is what happens next God has already decreed what would happen to David's family back in verse 11 of the prior chapter that is to say 12 and it came to pass after this that Absalom the son of David had a fair sister I want to I want to tell you epsilon AB his father and so long as peace the father of peace was his name and epsilon would be twenty years old at this time he had a fair sister whose name was Tamar Tamar means palm tree Tamar was fifteen years old at this time and and do you remember him firstborn of David he was 22 the oldest and the firstborn the son of the son of David loved her Edmund loved her but he also lusted after her now these are not these children are not all by the same mother epsilen and Tamar are by one mother and Amnon is by another mother you remember the old boy that gave David and his herdsmen such a hard time crusty old rascal and God killed him and David took his wife she was the mother of this one and not Amnon then you see being the firstborn first-fruit would have been the child of David Christ would come through but David had sinned and God has a lesson he wants you to learn verse 2 Amnon means faithful all right I just throw that in for passing verse 2 and Amnon was so vexed that he fell sick for his sister Tamar he lusted after her for she was a virgin and feminine thought it hard for him to do anything to her in other words at this time virgins wore special clothing and they were kept secluded to themselves with the elders of the king that is to say the elders kinsmen women folk and they were never allowed to be with anyone unless there was a witness there and Emin was just he was out of business as far as trying to encourage her to come to him or him go to her with impossible and it was driving him out of his mind he wasn't eating right he was failing now how sharp are you listen to me verse 3 but Kemeny o beware friends especially if they carry this name whose name was John a dad the son of simeon David's brother and jonadab was a very subtle man now you can call this a type or you can call this whatever you want to one of the only other people in God's Word names dad who was that jonadab of jeremiah chapter 35 that was the son of rake AB 1st chronicles chapter 2 verse 55 who were key Knights which is to say sons of King and King being the son of he that was subtle above all and you have it right there he had a friend and the friend was very subtle I mean he was very cunning very cunning unfortunately in an evil way I want you to see the part that he plays in this very subtle verse for and he said it to him why art thou being the king's son mean from day to day you look scant gaunt do you look like you're eating right we'll foul not tell me question and him and said unto him I love Tamar my brother Absalom sister says he would have been his half-sister but absolutely full sister now you might say what are you trying to tell us this man is the key no I'm saying the mark is there just because he called himself david's nephew and just because he he stated he was the son of david's father doesn't necessarily make it any more so then it is written in matthew chapter 1 verse 16 that jacob begat joseph and joseph was the husband of mary unto them christ was born to the weak nam and I say to the weak but for the one that wasn't sharp you would think then that Joseph was Jesus father it doesn't necessarily make it so do you understand for in that case we know it wasn't so I contend because of the marks of Satan on this one that there was something very strange in the wood alright you got it verse 5 and jonadab said unto him lay thee down on Dai bed and make thyself sick pretend to be sick and when thy father cometh to see thee say unto Him I pray thee let my sister Tamar come and give me meat and dress the meat in my sight that I may see it and eat it at her hand in other words father I love that sister of mine and perhaps it will give me an appetite let her come to my side this jonadab knew pretty well how to disguise things did he not do you understand the mark put this in a spiritual sense how can you wheel and deal or are you wise enough that someone can wheel and deal with you with scriptures subtlety and have you eating out of their hand to seduce you even spiritually before you know what happened the idea is sharpen up when someone subtle in an evil way is in your presence Oh goody-goody preacher's Sam two-shoes all right beware for in verse 6 so eminent lay down and made himself sick and when the King was come to see him now bear in mind this is David's oldest child firstborn heir to the throne and David loves him very much a man said unto the king I pray thee left a bar my sister come and make me a couple of cakes in my sight but I may eat at her head God can weave so much into word or something they even accused me of it you remember the cakes in Ezekiel chapter 4 the undone cakes got something in the woodpile be careful beware 7 then David sent home to Tamar saying going out to thy brother Eamonn Zenon's a house and dress him eat see if you can comfort him see if you can chew him up so Tamar went to her brother a nun's house in Edmonton ins house and he was laid down and she took flour and kneaded it made cakes in his side and did bake the cakes verse 9 and understand this you remember this girl's mother she was an exceedingly bright woman she was the one that ran even her her husband was his name Nabal now Randy is camp even for him if you would I'm gonna go back to 1st Samuel in his chapter 3 about verse 3 up I've forgotten the mother's name it slipped my mind and now I think it will help you if you can remember the mother and I know you will I hope that I have the right chapter verse no I'm sorry 2nd champ Samuel verse 3 I'm back in first here second samuel chapter 3 about verse 3 this ticket is to Anjou David were sons born in Hebron his firstborn was eminent that's the oldest who was twenty-two of a hint ahem - just like us to remember that wife in his second caleb of abigail the wife of Nabal the Carmelite and the third listen the son of mayor kaya the daughter of tell Maya Delma rather king of ye sure so actually Tamar and Absalom are of this king of ghee sure not necessarily in other words kings of the foreigner if you would okay so with that in mind the will we return all right through the thirteenth chapter and we get ready for verse nine so Tamar went to her brother Eamon's house and he was laid down that's verse eight nine and she took a pan you remember in Ezekiel chapter forward the pan was symbolic of the wall I just say that for those that want to take it a little deeper and poured them out before him and he refused to eat and Eman said how about all men from me and they went out every men from him in other words I want to be all alone with my sister when you're the Kings first fruit they usually would obey an eminence said it to tame on bring the meat into the chamber that I may eat of thine hand and Tamar took the cakes which she had made and brought them into the chamber to and on her brother her half-brother 11 and when she had brought them unto him to eat he took hold of her and said unto her come live with me my sister 12 and she answered him nay my brother no do not force me for no such thing ought to be done in Israel do not thou this folly Leviticus 18 verse six and nine remember the law she knew the law but at the same time I'm sure AB loves so a blossom that said so long that said well she's my half-sister Sarah was Abraham's half-sister maybe it would work and you know something probably as much as David loved this man the son had he asked him for this daughter's hand in marriage David would probably have given into it verse thirteen as we read and I wither shall I cause my shame to go and as for thee thou shalt be as one of the fools of Israel now therefore I pray thee speak unto the King for he will not withhold me from thee you know how proud he is of you you know how he loves you ask him now when this she I'm sure she cared for this half-brother or she wouldn't have said that but then she might have been saying anything just to get out of his greasy paws fourteen Albert he would not hearken unto her voice but being stronger than she forced her and lay with her he raped her fifteen then eminent hated her exceedingly so that he so that the hatred were with he hated her was greater than to love were with he had loved her let me rephrase that one correctly the hate that he hated her with was stronger than the lust that he lusted after her with an eminence said unto her arise and be gone this would have been the insults of insults to one of the royal family to be used and dumped lust and love are not the same thing you got the picture sixteen and she said into him there is no cause this evil is sending this evil in sending me away is greater than the other that thou did is done to me did you sending me away acting as though it is my fault that this happened is a greater sin than your having forced me but he would not hearken unto her that guilt in public against the woman that would make it appear as though it was her fault by he hating her and turning on her seventeen you might say well I wouldn't think people would do that friend you know people better than that people are that way it's unfortunate that they will most often turn on the woman is very sad verse 17 many calls his servant that ministered unto him and said put now this woman out from me and both the door after her the key knighted giving the advice or the type of key Knight but I don't believe Davis brother was his father I think his father was a kid Knight has brought this shame upon the family has they ever brought any shame upon your family I don't necessarily in this respect I mean through usury or whatever method 18 and she had a garment of diverse divers colours upon her but the garment of a virgin or with such robes where the Kings daughters that were virgins apparel then his servant brought her out and bolted the door after her what an insult the heighth of insult 19 and Tamar put ashes on her head and read her garment of divers colours that was on her and laid her hand on her head she covered her face so that no one could recognize her and went on crying verse 20 her full brother and Absalom her brother said unto her has Ammon thy brother been with the question but hole now thy peace my sister he didn't she didn't have to answer it was obvious ho now you're a piece my sister he is die brother regard not this thing so tame our remain desolate and her brother Absalom house even as a widow she hid herself away she didn't tell it out publicly that is you see Absalom the father of peace intends to take care of it himself you got it and rightfully so good deal 21 but when King David heard of all these things he was very wrong he didn't do anything about it though why he remembered the eleventh verse of this twelfth chapter not that it had a verse or a chapter at that time what I'm saying is he remembered the words of God that they were coming to pass verse 22 and Absalom it's bacon to his brother Eman neither good nor bad for Absalom hated eminent because he had forced his sister Tamar what it really says so that you understand it real well is he said not a word to him and om knew that the days were numbered and the time would come but needless to say things went on because Tamar kept her mouth closed and maybe thought maybe I got away with it and they'll tell him what he called her in private that is to say and then 23 and it came to pass after two full years that Absalom had sheep shearers in bail his or which is beside Ephraim nor Ephraim and Epsilon invited all the king's sons in other words this was a time of festivities at the sheep-shearing she'll remember it was as a sheep-shearing that Judah took Tamar another Tamar his own daughter-in-law verse 24 I mean it was a time of festivity and Absalom came to the king that's David and said behold now thy servant has sheep shearers let the King beseech thee and his servants go with thy servant all of you come with me if he joined the feast and Absalom Absalom was a very rich man himself and this time was very successful he had many children verse 25 and the King said to Absalom nay my son let us not all now go left we be chargeable unto thee what this really says is David's house was large remember probably two or three hundred he said we would be a burden to you and he pressed him howbeit he would not go but blessed him gave him his blessings and went along when didn't have rather stayed home 26 then said Apple is something listen if not if you can't go I pray thee let my brother and then go with us and the King said unto him why should he go with the question still a little suspicious that the firstborn might be ridiculed are knocked down a peg or two because apple of Absalom still hasn't forgiven nor spoken to this 127 but Absalom pressed him that he let eminent and all the king's son go with him let all of them come it's a feast day we're having a party a ball let them come and I suppose David thought well after two years why not let's let's have peace in the family perhaps God has forgiven us 28 now Absalom had commanded his servants saying Marquis now when a man's heart is merry with wine and when I say unto you smite em ninten kill him fear not have none I commanded you be courageous and be that it you see the price for a man raping a woman is death and the stuff first stone cast by the nearest of kin that's God's Way it puts a stop to that sort of thing it just doesn't happen for God said others will see in fear and these things shall cease happening among you that's the price for a rapist death at the hand of the Avenger that's to say the nearest of kin 29 and the servants of Absalom did in to Haman as Absalom had commanded they killed him it's according to God's law just as legal as can be even though two years had transpired the same you hear people say well God doesn't says thou shalt not kill no you don't understand the Greek manuscripts Christ said you shall not commit a violent murder or you will be judged and you get a bunch of these punks that will go around raping and then almost murdering or murdering and then you have a few say don't bring the death penalty upon a teen a penalty on a teenager God didn't list an age he said if you premeditate murder fry them they're old enough to fry and their legal tender Birnam that's God's Way friend you won't have anymore trotting through New York Park then looking for fun they'll find out it's not any fun to be two by the hand of God well I've never heard a minister talk like that well you've never heard too many teachers teach the Word of God then you've heard a bunch of strokers and ignoramuses that don't know how to come Sikkim about god's word it's very clear in the father's word what happens to people that do that they die you need time they're the age of accountability of reason from right from wrong so eight or nine and that's less to say fourteen twelve they are to be killed and these things will stop hey you want to know what stops the crime rate God said that will stop your crime rate because it will be done publicly others will see in fear and these things will cease happening among you there's no prison charge no guard fees to be paid just kill them and bury them get it over with do it publicly I wonder how many of you call and say well where is that written in the scripture have you never read it disappoints me that people haven't have you never read the Word of God Jesus said I come not to destroy one jot of the law but to fulfill it for as you have heard and as it says in the English you have heard it is written you shall not kill and your bleeding hearts brokers don't know Greek they don't know come SiC them it says you you shall not commit violent crime or you'll be judged you be killed that's what Jesus said and that's what's supposed to happen to them well I just thought I suppose the Holy Spirit moved on that and I suppose some of you're shocked that's God's Way friend whether you like it or not so like it or lump it friend that's the way it is that's God's word it is scriptural I can document it these soft Sobers can't document what they don't know okay I'm gonna start over on that verse 29 in the servants of Absalom Absalom did unto eminent as Absalom had commanded then all the king's son arose and everyman got him up upon his mule and fled you had the donkey brayed I mean they thought this is a he's killing every one of those sons run for your life in other words it was not all that unusual that one son would kill all the others and then he had a cinch on the kingship all right they figured that was what was happening there was a massacre about to take place that Absalom would kill all the brothers those mules or donkeys our asses were over the hill and I mean gone at a fast gallop as fast as they could kick him along I'm sure that would have been quite a sight to see is this rapist lay dead on the floor as he was supposed to have 30 and it came to pass while they were in the way in other words they were on their way in high gear have you ever seen an ass and overdrive well that's what they were on their way that tidings came to David that's that's a donkey or a mule whatever you prefer and overdrive yeah and saying Absalom has slain all the king's sons and there is not one of them left now lest you've gone to sleep on me I want to reread that and it came to pass while they were on their way hey they're racing as fast as a mule can go friend and word has already got back beforehand and there didn't have Telegraph in that day how could that be do you smell something else in the woodpile friend that's then I give you an A+ saying Absalom has slain all the king's son and there's not one of them left how could that word have traveled so fast jonadab little King I'd in the woodpile 31 then the King arose and tear his garments and lay on the earth and all the servants stood by with her clothes rent 32 let's just roll along with it and jonadab all you see anytime you smell one look close you'll see him there he was the son of Jimmy I'd David's brother or at least David's brother thought it was his son answered and said let not my lord suppose that they have slain all the young men the king's sons how would he know stop and think two and two makes four friend he knew beforehand for admin only is dead he knew a blossom was gonna kill a man out there he knew what the plan was because he probably if anything help plan it he was in on it the same as he was in on getting Eman to commit the crime in the first place to help him to assist and here he is johnny on the spot for M Ninh only as dead for by the appointment of Absalom this has been determined from the day that he forced his sister came are always in the know isn't that wonderful how sharp are you happen if you got your key to David file real nice and sharp God's teaching you a lesson in the curse that came down on his own family 33 now therefore let not my lord the king take the thing to his heart to think that all the king's sons are dead for eminent only is dear old uncle I am here to save you grief and to give you the truth now you can give me a reward by letting me keeping on the inside Zeno make a few extra bucks on the side because as long as I keep up with the Kings merchandise I know word I know which stock to play don't I key Knights a key night friend reverse of what name he goes by Jesus said something very important one time by their fruits you shall know them friends that's the fruit of Satan right there doesn't matter what name he goes by the fruit is there 34 but Absalom fled and the young man that kept the watch lifted up his eyes and looked and behold there came much people by the way of the hill side behind them see they're just getting there okay they're just getting there 35 and jonadab said unto the King behold the king's sons come as I servant said so it is I told you the truth because I knew before in my didn't he didn't say knew them beforehand but if David only knew how that conniver how that God had allowed him and through him to bring the entire thing about Kenites a key Knight is a key night for him the son of Cain is the son of King a bad fig is a bad fig have you never read even as Jesus taught all right bless your hearts we'll pick this up in the next lecture
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,120
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Keywords: Book of, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Murray, Holy Bible, Bible, KJV
Id: IRCmhOuxrMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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