Matthew ~ 27:52 to 28:01

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family a Bible study our we're going to get back into this 27th chapter the great book of Matthew here in a moment remember the verse we closed with we we have to give it a little more attention to it the fact that yet it was dark from 12 to 3 and a 3 Christ gave up the spirit the last verse of Psalms 22 and at that time the veil that enters the Holy of Holies was rent from top to bottom not from the bottom to the top knowing God opened it and said whomsoever will you don't have to be some chief priest you don't have to be this that or the other you can just come boldly come on in and this was reiterated in more places than 1 I want to take you you're not going to have it but I'm going to take you to chapter 10 of the great book of Hebrews where it's it is talking about this same thing the fact that this Lamb of God this Passover land that was sacrificed that he gave us a message so that you could better understand why you can't come on in why it doesn't have to be some chief priests but whomsoever will I'm going to begin with chapter 10 of the great book of Hebrews verse 5 listen to it if you would we're for when he cometh into the world he saith sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not but a body has tell prepared me his body became the Living Word and walked among us 6 in burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure God didn't get any pleasure from that that's why he would say in Hosea 6:6 I don't want your burnt offerings I want your love verse 7 and here it comes then I said lo I come in the volume of the book it is written of me to do thy will o God and this is why that in the total volume of God's Word it looks forward to this time that that veil would be rent that the Holy of Holies would be opened up so that you could walk in I mean that's God's altar but you're welcome there and he accomplished this by giving his own body that that and in the volume of this book have you read it it speaks over and over of why and how that through his love he paid this price so that you though you may sin can repent and have a free start in life he came in that volume of the book and that's why it's so important that you investigate that volume each one of them in the book to know one to understand the very holy of Holy's verse eight above when he said sacrifice and offerings and burn offerings and offerings for sin thou wouldest not neither has pleasure therein which are offered by the law the law insisted on this it didn't pleasure our Father as much as you saying father I love you and meaning of course that's what he really wants from you not not some charred animal he wants you to love him he loved you enough that he came in the volume of this book to rent that veil from top to bottom whereby you could boldly in her verse 9 then said then said he lo I come to do thy will O God he taketh away the first that he may establish the second that that Old Covenant was done away with and he established the new which is to say forgiveness of sin repentance verse 10 by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all no more sacrifices it's sacrilegious to even think you have to offer blood when he shed all when he shed his blood his body taking the stripes we get the healing verse 11 and every priest stand up daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices which can never take away sins but that's that it's Christ that takes away sin its our Heavenly Father that takes away sin well was the law bad no the law was good it was a schoolmaster of this that was to come it's written again in the volume of the book have you read it verse 12 and this man that's to say Christ the Anointed One this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever set down on the right hand of God and there he sits until the second advent verse 13 from henceforth expecting or waiting till his enemies be made his footstool well no we didn't and if he's going to sit at the right hand of the God who's going to put his enemies under his feet you are God's elect through witnessing of the Holy Spirit you've got a destiny and a purpose that's why it's ever so important that that veil was rent from top to bottom giving you the privilege of walking in and taking the sword of the Lord that's to say his word and be able to Abele administer it to those that are hungry those that are starving those that have need that you can guide direct and assist them in serving the Living God next verse we're going to go with the next verse then from after the enemies made his footstool 14 for by one offering he has perfected for ever them that are sacrificed you understand that ended it that's all she wrote he was the offering for one in all times when it comes to blood all blood ordinances were nailed to that cross verse fifteen to continue where of the Holy Spirit also is a witness to us for after that he had said before verse 16 this is the Covenant this is a contract that I will make with them after those days saith the Lord I will put my laws into their hearts as to say into your mind and in their minds while I write then and so it is that forever wouldn't you know it especially in the Millennium you're not gonna ask somebody if they know the Lord they will it's discipline that will be taught 17 what happens and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more it scrubbed clean don't you ever once you repent of a sin and it scrubbed clean bring it up again why would you do that that's that's questioning God's ability to forgive sins to erase it no more of it you're free from that he paid an awesome price to make it so it's in the volume of the book have you read it I don't want to hear about it again that's what he's saying verse 18 now we're remission we're it's totally forgotten doesn't exist these is there is no more offering for sin why sure there's nothing there to offer no sin 19 having therefore brethren boldness this is where it comes in that old veil rent from top to bottom boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus that's all that it requires you don't have to take some offering he offered all and for one one for all that his blood being offered that you can being a Christ man being a Christian you can boldly walk right into the Holy of Holies and you're at home right at the altar of God knowing from the volume of the book have you read it that you have the right with that veil rent to boldly walk in and the main thing never forget why and and because why because of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ he paid it for you in verse 20 by a new and living way which he hath consecrated for us through the veil it doesn't exist through it that is to say his flesh he made it possible twenty-one and having an High Priest over the house of God 22 let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water that's to say the living water let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering for he is faithful that promised he fulfilled that promise he was nailed to that cross as we're in the middle of here in this twenty seventh chapter of Matthew but in so doing he defeated death which is to say the devil and rip open the holy of holies were no priest can say he is necessary for you to enter he would be he would be a false priest if he were to tell you that because the blood of Christ opened it for one and all that is to say if you believe if you read the volume of the book if you understand the promises of God to claim them and talk it over with the father and so that he can justify you do you understand I just quoted a scripture that that is a promise from God you can read it in Isaiah chapter 43 verse 26 where God tell you remind me of what I've promised and this is a promise remind me of it let's talk about it you claim it and I will justify you I'll make it right with you father loves you and he wants to communicate with you he wants him through prayer of course that's what he's talking about you bet that veil was rent from top to bottom I would still as I stated in the last lecture old Caiaphas was high priest at that time appointed by a Roman governor he was just getting ready with his offerings and everything to make his little once a year pilgrimage into the Holy of Holies and when that earthquake hit in that veil rent I would love to have seen his face verse 52 to continue and back in chapter 27 of the great book of Matthew 52 reads and the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints which slept arose what did they do 53 and came out of the graves after his resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared unto many there's a reason for that it was a one-time thing of Christ warned of it in the fifth chapter of the great book of st. John he said the graves are going to open it appears to it for to be absent from this body is to be present with the Lord he was documenting the fact the reason they went into town is their loved ones were there people that had done business with them people that knew them well could see they were no longer dead they were resurrected along with Christ Christ had defeated death the grave was overcome grave where is your victory death where is your sting the Lord has crucified paid the price the veil is rent and they walked down the streets of Jerusalem as free as free could be to document two people that would be hard that would trouble believing to know the dead have been resurrected the price is paid and therefore it documents the main thing Christ was Messiah he was the son of God and in so doing he only had power to defeat death which is to say the devil verse 54 lot going on here at this moment 54 reads now when the Centurion and they that were with him watching Jesus saw the earthquake and those things that were done they feared greatly saying truly this was the son of God and I will correct them this is the son of God for he still is he will never leave us he will never forsake us he is with us continually but even the Roman soldiers the Centurion there had captain of them observed all this going on as this is not normal this this man this one this one that came in the volume of the book he is indeed the son of God and he is with us 55 and many women were there beholding afar off fun which followed Jesus from Galilee ministering unto him they never left him the women the men left he had to send John away the disciple he loved to take his mother on home but the women were stayed on a small hill nearby observing and praying no doubt and watching and God blessed them for having done that because the men scattered but they helped firm they stayed with the Lord and you know something else the Lord stayed with them verse 56 among which was Mary Magdalene ax and Mary the mother of James and Josephson the mother of Zebedee's children and here here is this one miriam begged alina do you understand she stayed she did not waver well how can we judge her well we don't judge her God is judge she was possessed with seven demon spirits seven evil spirits this woman had and Christ cleanses her many people will tell you that Mary Magdalene and was a prostitute she was not she was possessed with evil spirits Christ cleansed her and when those demon those evil spirits were gone she helped to the Lord every word every volume of the book that she could absorb stayed with him along with the other women that loved the word the very word of God and he was that word never leaving him and never parting from him they stayed they were loyal and this you know many people will who are not Christian translators will tell you that Jesus married Mary of Magdalene I might as well get this one cleared away while we're here because they are not Christian translators they do not know what it means to be true betrothed to the Lord Jesus Christ we all are that's a Christian faith that we are all betrothed to the Lord Jesus Christ for that great wedding that is to come that's what was being said and naturally a non-christian translator would simply say from that well Mary Magdalena was married to the Lord Jesus Christ which is false don't ever go there don't ever even think about it not so but the fact that in the Christian faith we all look forward to that great wedding spiritually speaking that will transpire what a woman this Mary Magdalena was verse 57 when the even was come there came a rich man of Arimathea named Joseph who also himself was Jesus disciple do you know why he was Jesus's disciple because he was Mary's uncle he was Jesus's uncle he was a very rich man he was in the mining business and and though he was a member of the Sanhedrin he still was a excellent a good man we know not from the word itself but from history the migrations of the tribes we know that Joseph of Arimathea would go to Glastonbury England and there were tin mines there and he would mind these metals and bring them back to Jerusalem and through that area that's why he was so wealthy that's why the very prophecy written in the Word of God did the volume of the book Isaiah 53 it would say along in the clothed the the the verses 8 9 somewhere along in there 7 and 8 that he was hung with Mal factors one on each side of him that's true but that he was buried with a rich man in a rich man's tomb and so it was written long before the fact that Joseph of Arimathea his uncle how is it that he of all people could claim the body of Christ I mean it's a legal thing you don't just go claim a body without having jurisdiction that is to say legal right it's called kinsman-redeemer and naturally because he was his uncle he was the kinsman redeemer that had every right to claim the body of Christ you know if anyone wants to make a side study of that history we have a book in our library and that's called the traditions of Glastonbury it's a fantastic thing they have crosses made and you'll see on some of them a little ship with a young lad 12 maybe or younger in the front of the bow of the little ship and the rich man in the back which meant that Jesus accompanying him to Glastonbury on more than one occasion this is Joseph of Arimathea Mary's uncle and certainly it let's I want this to strengthen you to this fact everything that is written in the volume of this book comes to pass exactly as it's written and you can find proof of it basically therefore it should strengthen your faith to know when Almighty God can predict even the burial place and who's crucified with him and the crucifixion itself and the very day it would happen on to be Passover where he would become our Passover lamb were that all that is evil must pass over you if you have the blood of the Lamb if you're under it you put get under it by taking holy communion the table of the Lord believing upon him the whole volume of the book that gives you are inoculated with the safety of the Lord Jesus Christ his protection forever for he will never leave you nor forsake you and certainly historically it strengthens you to know these things came to pass exactly as it is written but history itself history what does history mean it's his story it's the way it happened so it's it's very rewarding and it's something that certainly you cannot help but but love and enjoy is to know that Christ had family they weren't poor as some would indicate let's go with the next verse verse 58 he went to pilots Joseph did and begged the body of Jesus and then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered well he had he had the credentials verse 59 and when Joseph had taken the body he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth he prepared everything properly and naturally many would say that ultimately this would be the Shroud of terror verse 16 and laid it in his own new tomb he's fulfilling 53:9 isaiah 53:9 is coming to pass right here which he had hewn out in the rock no one had ever been in it before was new and he rolled a great stone to the door of the supplicant and departed so here we have Christ very many people will wonder well what what day was this well it so happens and it's important that you know that Passover on this particular year happened on the the 15th all well enough but it fell the the crucifixion crucifixion took place on the 14th which is to say it was a Wednesday and Wednesday at sundown then it became Thursday of that week they took him from the cross Joseph wrapped him placed him in the tomb before the Sun set and and that time that 15th began at that time that was Wednesday at sundown by our reckoning and then Wednesday I'm sorry Thursday at sundown was one full day and thirsty at sundown then began Friday by this reckoning and Friday at sundown began the second day and a Friday at sundown completed the second day and then Friday at sundown began the third day which would have been a Saturday and sometime after sundown on Saturday in the night Christ were resurrected in other words he had to be in many people say well it happened on Friday no that's the Friday you sundown to Sunday morning is only a scant few hours he had to be in there a full three days and more and though what the reason people miss this they don't realize that Passover the high Sabbath of Christianity falls on a different day of the week usually every year and the high Sabbath does not change the regular Sabbath okay in other words I'll simplify it in Passover week most often you have two Sabbath's in one week you have the high Sabbath and the regular Sabbath this is to help you understand the reckoning of the days and how long he was in that tomb now then continuing back we we go to the next verse please verse 61 and there was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting over against the supplicant they were watching and they were waiting they wanted to anoint his body again but here this stone has rolled against the door and I'm sure they were thinking how are we going to remove that stone and they would have another problem more than this even why verse 62 now the next day that followed the day of the preparation the chief priests and Pharisees came together unto Pilate then they wanted to work this out and they wanted to get it straight why they remembered something they remembered what Christ had said for 63 saying certain we remember that that deceiver said while he was yet alive after three days I will rise again and what does that mean they they listened they listened every word he said and they remembered this they won't they don't want to take any chances on this 64 they continued with Pilate and Pilate doesn't like this he washed his hands of it coming out the gate because he knew Christ was innocent 64 command therefore the Pharisees would say that the supplicant ill the third day lest his disciples come by night and steal him away and say unto the people he is risen from the dead so the last error shall be worse than the first if this happens if he truly resurrects that would that would be worse than his preaching to our people he would document that he was the son of God well they wanted guards placed on that tomb now unfortunately as you've heard me say earlier there there have been writings that exactly the very poor man's wine called vinegar that was passed to his lips many people say he was drugged not Christians but other than Christian that he was drugged when they took him down from the cross he only appeared to be dead and they snatched him away in the night one of the old writings that first made this so messed up was a pastor passion plot or something like that and I shouldn't give the name of it I don't want to give it publicity because it was a lie coming out the gate big time so they but here they are worried about this there they will have more on their hands than they ever bargained for coming out the gate and certainly they wanted witnesses two witnesses there this good look us on to the end times there'll be two witnesses all right and it will put the likes of these two in in desperate straits sixty-five what did pilots a pilot said unto them you have a watch go your way and make it as sure as you can or you've got a ragtag army down there and you got your sanctuary guards and they got a lot of pitchforks and sticks and so forth you set a watch I'm not going to in other words he knew Christ was innocent and of course Pilate being a Roman heathen so to speak and and not not a believer he considered this all to be superstition in the first place so if you're a mess what you do it if you're the one that's worried about it you set the watch verse 66 so they went and made the supplication sealing the stone and setting a watch maybe they put two guards there they placed a seal on that stone so that if anybody moved it it would break the seal they would know it well you could imagine what's going to happen to these two guards when the resurrection takes place they'll probably be asleep anyway but don't worry it'll wake them up and they will flat pass out with fear when they see what's going down before them these things all happen as an example to you letting you know God's love for you his power in his authority and that he trusts you with that authority then he gives you power over all of your enemies he expects those enemies to be put under his feet and as God's elect how precious it is to know truth and to be a bearer of that sword I'm talking about the swords Lord how precious it is the truth cuts lies to ribbons and the truth prevails bring a child up in the real true Word of God coming event at Christ what his destiny and purpose is and nobody nobody can ever rip that child away from the true Word of God and I don't care God's children can be anywhere from 6 to 66 and more they were not going to take them away from the truth they know he is here in the volume of the book and they have read the book all right bless your hearts you listen in a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravette Arkansas 7 2 7 36 don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the US Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves you've got a question you share it with us well if you do that please never ask a question about a particular reverend denomination or organization we're not going to judge people do you know why we don't have to because our Father is the judge all you have to do is have the gift from God called spiritual discernment when you acquire that and it is a gift from God you know whether something is truth or it's fiction and you are able to separate one from the other rightly dividing the word of God letting truth stand and falseness fall it's precious it's a wonderful thing to be in in the way with the Lord Jesus Christ the way of truth for he is that way those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the our will your mailing address it's always a pleasure no I've got a prayer request you don't need that number and you don't need an address why god knows what you're thinking right now he does you don't even have to say it out loud he's a Cardian or he knows your heart he knows what you're thinking why you're one of his elect you have a destiny and a purpose and you've known since you were a child probably there was more to God's Word than you'd ever been taught and that when that truth reveals itself in that volume of the book that truth comes forward and blesses lets go to his throne father around the globe we come West that you need guide Rick Pop touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay and question time Terry from Georgia why are Christ's words not in red in the companion Bible well maybe this is because it's not a red letter edition but you'll be able to handle it quite easily this that's no problem and if you needed a little extra to have a have a standard King James that is red letter if it confuses you but if you truly follow the subject and the object you won't have any problems okay you see the beauty of the companion Bible it it outlines the chapter or chapters whichever the case may be before you ever start reading letting you know who the hoos are and who the days are and the it's and it's all pretty well broken down for you as who's doing the talking okay this would be I don't know who this is so we'll just read it okay and this is Judith and where is Judas from I don't know here is my dilemma my you state that until I locate a Bible teaching Church to attend and support that you are my church I am in agreement with that and then what you may ask my question recently a couple of teachers say I cannot count nor depend on this type of ministry for my tithing to be counted for our Lord well that is strange isn't it to be teaching God's Word and that can't be counted as from the Lord well that's who are you listening to I do pray about this there are times I have peace and then there are times doubt slips in I am believing for guidance I hope this will be chosen as one of the that you will address on your message as taught well you know God likes for us to use common sense and naturally you ties where you're fed that keeps the feeding of God's Word coming to you and if ministers will feed the Word of God such as we don't have to worry about we're tithing comes from or who ties because people are intelligent enough that they they ties where they're where they're fed and if you truly have a ministry that is feeding people then you don't have any problem I I don't tell anyone where they should go to church if you feel that you are needed in that place I don't tell anyone where they should tithe but common sense should always prevail Lois from Louise rather from I'd like to ask you a question when a person gets saved why does the devil keep bringing things back to your memory over and over again from your past like a broken record to make you think you're not really saved that doesn't have anything to do with salvation you know did you notice in today's lecture he said hey once did you redeemed the remission is there I don't want to hear about it again he doesn't want to hear about it but the reason you remember it it is it is is a natural thing what's a human body that you learn from your errors so that you don't make the same mistakes again it doesn't mean you're still guilty it just means that you have experienced something that you know you shouldn't go back there anymore no law any longer it's simply called the experience so don't let it don't let it shake your doubt that Christ is the savior you see he's the one that does the saving don't you doubt him that would not be well but - but your God says I don't want to hear about it he didn't say you're gonna forget it totally that's called experience and that's what keeps people out of trouble Mae from Georgia I believe to be absent but the body is present from the body is present with the Lord question when the cord breaks and we are present with the Lord or we in our spiritual bodies then yes where's the flesh body it goes into the soil and goes back to dirt from whence it came everything we partake of is organic comes from the soil that grows from the soil and and even B for protein you partake of it also comes from animals that eat from the soil they're not scavengers things growing from the soil but the flesh body we're through with it why it's very temporary you get sick it gets old it wrinkles and gets withers but you have a spiritual body that is perfect time means nothing to it absolutely God created our spiritual bodies where time means nothing Zella from Missouri I've been thank you for your comment and I would like to know which Bible is closer to the to the Hebrew as there is getting to be so many different translations of the Bible thank you and may God bless you well Zola I naturally I recommend the companion Bible that we carry in our library because it gives you the ability to take doctor Strong's work than the Strong's Concordance and translate any word back to the Hebrew basically so that you have all of the meanings of that word and whereby you can check out the so-called translators but that is that is in my opinion that's the way to go you take like the NIV there's much changed in it and and it's harmful so do not purchase an NIV I'm very much against them they it's obvious the Kenites have been at work with it or somebody that didn't know what they were doing and dr. document that is the simplest thing take a standard King James Ezekiel 13 says I'm against those that cover every knuckle in my joints of my saving arms and teach people to fly rapture to save their souls and I'm against it he says the NIV change that the birds are flying does it mention souls or where the danger is of the coming of Antichrist no good and I mean no good my name is Chris and I live in Colorado my question to you is is it wrong to wish on the brightest star and when you find a penny heads up it is to bring you good luck or a penny tails up it is a an angel watching over you thank you for your time well that's a that's a very progressive outlook or whichever way it comes up it's good okay that's good but when you pray to God and he kicks all the big rocks out of the road for you that's better luck yet okay quite frankly that's not luck that's loving the father letting him guide you and lead you where you'll still have some trouble but God do let can take care of trouble no problem Ben from Virginia my name is Ben and I'm 11 years old I love your program my friend has a friend that saw a woman get possessed by the devil how do I not get possessed and when will the world come to an end I'm terrified well you don't have to be terrified you got work to do you're a champion of God's people you know Ben David was only one year older or two than what you are now when he killed Goliath I mean the whole Israel army was shaking in their boots terrified and out of the mouths of that babe he said I come in the name of the Lord Almighty and he's going to give you into my hand and God did gods on your side so you don't have to be terrified of anything that would be a shame for you to be okay and God gives you power over all of your enemies so the way you do not get possessed as you take the Holy Spirit within yourself simply how do you do that you believe upon him you know that he died on the cross for you that you have forgiveness of sins and he sent that holy spirit that's why he called the Holy Spirit the comforter to comfort you and drive away that that terrifies because he will never leave you he will never forsake you you're a champion growing right up there you hang tough and stay in God's Word you have nothing to fear use common sense and stay out of trouble okay Evelyn from Texas you're welcome my question concerning the five-month reign of Satan on earth will the deadly wound occur at the beginning of the five-month period or during the second two and a half months right in the middle of okay will Satan be on earth de facto in human form during the first two and a half months and then appear on the Mount of Olives in the second yes that is written it is so he will be here you will not see him in the first two and a half perhaps but there will be enough happening that you will know his presence is here the two witnesses will be here and they will keep us informed ray from Virginia in the two and a half month period first pastor Marie please give me scripture to show if it is wrong to file bankruptcy my husband was injured on the job and we cannot meet our finances you know when that's all you can do God gave us a parable ones of a man that owed quite a bit and he came to God and asked for forgiveness and God forgave the debt in the parable and then of course we know what the man did he went ahead then and hung a man that owed him a lot less God punished him for that but it's when that's all you can do when there's no other way out and I'm going by your husband being injured then certainly that's why we have bankruptcies okay I do it is wrong to take bankruptcy simply to get rid of debts because it does hurt your credit but you'll be fine when that's all you can do that's all you can do but pray about it and do it prayerfully Marc from Pennsylvania pastor Arnold I looked in the Smith's Bible dictionary under Kenites and under Cain there was nothing in there to connect the two can you tell me where to find the connection thank you you you go to the Strong's Concordance and you check out Cain and you check out Kenites in the Strong's and the Hebrew tongue and yeah well it will straighten it out for you and you won't have any problems Strong's Concordance will fix you up Linda from North Carolina where can I find Melchizedek in the Bible you can find Melchizedek in Genesis chapter 14 verse 18 you can find Melchizedek in Hebrews chapter 7 as a matter of fact in verse 3 it even tells you who Melchizedek is of the seventh chapter of Hebrews in the New Testament melka is Kings a deck of the just which is to say king of the elect that's Christ and it lets you know that he is as the Son of God because he was the son of God in the third verse of the seventh chapter of Hebrews so that's where you find it okay JB from Michigan did the Enoch that walk with God write the Book of Enoch also why is the book not in the Bible well there are the Book of Enoch Enochs writings are mentioned in the book of Jude Enoch was a preacher there were two Enochs and the Enoch that walked with God there are two books have surfaced and one certainly is not his writing and the other is questionable so if something you have to as a student of God's Word doesn't hurt to read it but be very careful with it I would say this anything it declares that cannot be documented in the Word of God be very careful of murray from missouri your thank you for your comments my husband and i come from Africa four years ago we used to use the NIV Bible but changed in 2005 to the King James Version when we found the translation was not quite correct and March 6 mark chapter 16 verse 9 was omitted yeah that is sad but it is it's just not a good translation your way of teaching the Bible is enjoy it was so enjoyable and simplifies the versus will think to you we believe the even cane teaching pastor Marie please confirm the chapters I can look up to prove the Trinity I believe in the Trinity but I cannot find verses to back it up it can be it's so simple all you have to remember is Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 it tells you who the Lord our Savior is and it explains why God would say in Genesis chapter 1 from the beginning but let us create man in our image and then when you continue on from Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 and read Saint John chapter 14 you read there where Jesus said if you've seen me you've seen the father why well there are different dimensions and the only way God could come personally to this dimension was through the son and so it was that we have Emmanuel God with us Dora from from Georgia I go to a church and I have read my Bible through and through I've been praying that God would help me to understand his word I have no one to study with and when my brother called and told me to watch your program it was like my prayer had been answered well praise God I watch you every afternoon because I work 9th beginning understanding more and I want to keep learning from your teaching I cannot say thank you enough well you don't have to father understands okay my church does not teach like you I'm not learning God's Word there I have been faithful to my church and I support it with my ties what should I do I never tell anybody what they should do as far as going to church and I certainly am NOT a sheep stealer I don't have to steal sheep because I've got more than I can take care of practically anyway thanks be to God's help we make it but but you have to make your own mind up you see the reason we can't is God may have you there for a purpose I don't know but God does so you have to take this up with the father but as always I would remind you of one thing you need to read the second epistle of John very closely because it could be that it would make a big difference to you in making your decision because there are there is a sin there that you sure don't want to commit but if you do not have that conviction go in peace there's no problem but again for your own benefit read the little short book of the second epistle of John and it will help you to understand been from Arkansas your teachings have been a thank you I I'm a 46 year old man who is new in my walk with Christ my questions are if I am still in my flesh body Jesus has not returned that's true when Christ returns we all change into spiritual bodies the good bad and all this why cuz God's going to judge documentation first Corinthians 15:52 is it true that rapture is not in the Bible it is true the word rapture is not in the Bible and God even says as I quoted earlier from Ezekiel 13 he's against it people teaching souls to fly to save them very much against it the recent being the China child can understands 6 & 7 6 comes before 7 6 Trump the Antichrist comes to this earth claiming to be Jesus to rapture people out the true christ doesn't return until the 7th so you see it's a very dangerous thing to teach people to fly to save their souls because they're not rather than teaching that the Antichrist comes first and you've got to stand against them if you are a true Christian Mary Ann from Tennessee I've been I've been with you for okay thank you it's good to have you with us a question Ezekiel 38 2 & 3 I have looked up in the Strong's Prince the chief Prince of Meshech Greek 53 87 less not Greek it's Hebrew okay may Shaq or Magog you've looked at up well its chief Prince is the word you want you look up the word chief in your Strong's Concordance as it's used in 38 2 and then you will find rosh which later by the volga would become ruch and today is Russia so there's there no problem there but but you've got to go to the Hebrew dictionary look up the word chief and follow it through and you'll be you will not have any problem you will know the name of that particular tribe okay hey I'm out of time I love you all because you enjoy studying our father's word most of all God loves you for it hey it makes his day when you read the volume here that he has sent to you with understanding it makes his day and when you and I'm talking to you when you make God's Day boy is he going to make yours think about it alright we are brought to you about your tithes and offerings if we have helped you and only if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that you bless God he will always bless you but most important though listen to me and you listen good stay in his word every day and his word is a good day even with trouble do you know why because Jesus Yahshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written bible study a taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1 6 Gravatt Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 4,501
Rating: 4.9322033 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, Arnold, Shepherd's Chapel, Book of Matthew, Murray, Book of, Chapel, Matthew, Shepherds Chapel, KJV, Shepherds, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's, Pastor, Arnold Murray, Holy Bible
Id: vOkjX-HRZB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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