Deuteronomy ~ 1:43 to 3:4

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are we ready to get back at our father's word book of Deuteronomy which is to say a repeat of the law by Moses in kind of common everyday language not beefed up to where you have to be a Philadelphia lawyer or any other kind of lawyer to understand it but write down in lay terms where about anyone can understand moses putting forth this book of deuteronomy and naturally the greek name is deuteronomy but the hebrew name is these words and these are the words the Word of God that will change your life and Moses is kind of reiterating some of the things that happened how they came to Kadesh Barnea the being the place where many of the people refused to go in to the promised land after God promised hey I've cleaned it out for you it's it's all taken care of go if there's a land of plenty and go right on in and they sent ten people in the last lecture and in reality two of them came back and we're ready to go it would be Caleb and and and he was honored for that but the others they there was a I will always believe there was an old mountain with a rugged or a little they called it the giants backbone because it looked like a backbone and I think this spooked them pretty good and then finally when God pronounces the sentence you're not going in there's a lot of people will do they decided where we are we're going on the gird ourselves up and we're going to go right on in there and the Lord told Moses in verse 42 say unto them go not neither fight for I am NOT among you lest you be smitten before your enemies in other words what kind of crew is this and you want you want to stop and remember Christ that God had already opened the Red Sea for them you he had defeated Pharaoh's army for them he had coddled them protected them and here they wouldn't trust him up to this point now they've decided they're gonna show him verse 43 as we come to the end cap tur 1 the great book of Deuteronomy let's go with it and it reads so I spoken to you and you would not hear but rebelled against the commandment of the Lord and went presumptuously up into the hill there you went verse 44 in the amorite which dwelt in the mountain came out against you and chased you as bees do and destroyed you and Sierra even unto order mine they got thumped real good you know you want to learn a lesson from this when you try something whether it's a new job whether it's a move or whatever it is do you ever talk to the father and ask him to be with you is he with you you know you go out on your own up against the enemy and you're gonna get your gourd thumped you you want to always have the father with you with in good standing ask him 45 and you returned and wet before the Lord but the Lord would not hearken to your voice nor give urine to you well you had already passed sentence on them that generation is going to die in the wilderness you're not going to go into the Promised Land verse 46 so ye abode in Kadesh they dropped Borneo Kadesh meaning holy many days according unto the days that you abode there they here abode means they're sitting still when in all reality they were supposed to be going up going into the promised land and here they sit until that generation passes away and you might say well in some probably would well god is a hard man no he's not I mean he had coddled them taking care of them fed them and and promised that the promised land was open to them and they wouldn't they wouldn't listen to him and then when they tried it on their own they got there they they got beat that's what happened to you when you go forth without the Lord chapter 2 verse 1 then we turned and took our journey into the wilderness by the way of the Red Sea as the Lord spake unto me and we compass mount see ere many days for a long time okay verse 2 and the Lord spake unto me saying verse 3 you have compass this mountain long enough turning northward verse 4 and he commanded and command bowel the people saying you are to pass through the coasts of your brethren the children of Esau which dwell in Sierre and they shall be afraid of you take you good heed unto yourselves therefore nor don't you give them any trouble don't you bother them 5 metal not with them for I will not give you of their land no not so much as a foot breath because I have given mounts the air unto Esau for a possession yea I want you to picture in your mind where we're at here picture the Dead Sea as it runs north and south and you're always at the southern you're all the way at the southern end of it and a little bit past there you have sea air you have the area of Esau ok and what what they're going to do with Barney and Kadesh Oh maybe a hundred miles or less from the tip of the Dead Sea ethos country there in a March there through there and then they're going Alta Burnley up the east side of the Dead Sea or the salt sea whichever you wish to call call it they will go all the way up to Mount Nebo which is at the head of the Dead Sea and here God will take Moses at that place and the children will have to take the land themselves but they will and they'll be in good standing but basically what we're going to do today is make that march that I'm describing to you there many things took part place in this very area let's let's just call one or two of them to memory at these very south end of the dead sea is where Lot's wife looked back and turned to a pillar of salt and what a salty place it is even the trees gather plants together salt on that end of the salt sea and also Sodom and Gomorrah very near there and this is where they're going through different times in history of course but that's where the children will march on this day okay now next verse please verse 6 you shall buy meat of them for money that you may eat and you shall also buy water of them for money that you may drink and you can dig it you will be no burden to them verse 7 for the Lord thy god hath blessed thee in all the works of thy hand he knoweth by walking through this great wilderness these have forty years that's probation ok the LORD thy God has been with thee thou has lacked nothing now you know that is really their shoes didn't even wear out a miracle but it was divine intervention when God intervenes but I wonder how those people must have felt that having a father like that that cared for the little ones that were growing up there it was only the those that were of age to war that refused that God destroyed okay and so that they would see these even as they would pass away and when they make this trip that will mean it has happened eight and when we pass by from our brethren the children of Esau which dwelt in Sierre through the way of the plane of ilat' and from a Zion Gabe Gaber we turn and pass by the way of the wilderness of Moab in other words this would be one of moab being one of the offspring of lot by his own daughters and verse nine and the lord said unto me distress not the Moabites neither contend with them in battle for I will not give thee of their land for possession because I have given are unto the children of lot for a possession R means city I've given this city it can also be a mountain or a hill like Armageddon that's the city of Megiddo are being city verse 10 the Eamon's dwelt there in times past people great and many and tall as the Anakin's there were the Giants okay this is what the Moabites called the the Nephi Lee the Giants the gaber was Eamon's okay verse 11 but I want you to make a special attention it said in times past because God had taken care of business meaning there was nothing there for them to fear verse 11 which also were accounted Giants as the Anakin's but the Moabites call them demons demons and that tongue means the Terra holy Tarot may frighten you to death they were so huge they they sure didn't frighten David he brought old Goliath down with one sling stone verse 12 the horns also dwelt in Sierre before time but the children of Esau succeeded them inherited them when they had when they had destroyed them from before them and dwelt in their stead as also as Israel did into the land of his possession which the Lord gave unto them the hora being the descendants of hora okay verse 13 now rise up said I and get you over the brook ziba and we went over the brook Z read Z read is about a quarter of the about a third third to a quarter to a third of the way on the east side of the Dead Sea it feeds into the Dead Sea and when you cross that it's kind of the boundary between Esau and you're traveling then on up into the Moabites land okay verse 14 and the space in which we came from Kadesh Barnea until we came over the brook zeroD was thirty and eight years until all the generations of the men of war were wasted out from among the hosts as the Lord swear unto them in other words God always when God passes a sentence it's usually final there have been occasions where a good man of God such as Moses or or someone else could could stay a decision on conditions that repentance or improvement would come but it's rare in this case there was no backing away from the fact that that generation would die in the wilderness they would have no pleasure from the promised land that God had prepared now let me tell you something you want you want to know that the millennium age is coming where everyone is in spiritual bodies and a person can take part in the most beautiful part of that Promised Land by overcoming and being on that side of paradise that were the overcomers abode that you can enter that Promised Land or as some of these Dodos would do you can refuse and go the other place it's your choice but this is that time to know that our Father I'll say it he means business and when he speaks and when he passes that law when he declares and as it is written in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 10 these things happened as an in-sample so you would know what would befall us in the end times in other words it's God's Way of teaching us how to act and react and interact with the peoples of the world and our own selves to see that God's blessings flow that that we have those blessings but here that thirty eight year period two years now to go on the forty okay and God is just about to cut them loose from the manna and the quail and they're going to be on their own they're gonna have to provide for themselves as they go into the promised land but that's good because there's plenty of fruit and everything there verse 15 for indeed the land or indeed the hand of the Lord was against them to destroy them from among the hosts until they were consumed until they passed on verse 16 so it came to pass when all the men of war were consumed and dead from among the people it's important that you know this was just the men of war okay seventeen that the Lord spake unto me saying 18 thou art to pass over through our the city the coasts of Moab this day I want you to get across the Z red take all the people over and go by that city of Moab or again this could be translated hill as well okay 19 and when thou comest nigh over against the children of Ammon distress them not Eman of course is the brother to Moab all right now nor meddle with them for I will not give thee of the land of the children of Eman any possessions because I have given it into the children of lot for a possession it's theirs verse 20 that also was accounted a land of giants giants dwelt therein in old time now will you under land that in your mind old time they weren't there anymore when God said the the promised land is open and ready it was ok the reason I do that I want you to know when God says something's ok it's ok and the ammonites called them Zam zuman's and what what is Sam zoom ins Zam zoom ins means great big terrors ok it's the same Emmons but it's great big so bigger than ever ok in their eyes it was but they didn't exist any longer ok 21 a great people and many and tall as the Anakin's but the Lord destroyed them before them and they succeeded them and dwelt in their stead areas that it was there's God gave it to them but God himself cleanse the land made it livable and habitable to them and how happy they were 22 and he did to the children of Esau which dwelt in Sierre when he destroyed the horns from before then and they succeeded them and dwelt in their stead even into this day and now it's important that you pick up on the fact God does the cleansing now let me remind you of something when the great battles that caused everyone to shake and quake the end of the world and they shake with fear ooh let me ask you a question are you a scholar who fights those battles you're certainly not going to be you our Heavenly Father fights them we have nothing to do with it that's why you can count on him you can depend on him you're to take care of business in your cubical let's just say your space but the big stuff God will take care of it it is written and so it shall be 23 and the avens which dwelt in Heiser in the village even into Azra Ezra should be translated Gaza you know where Gaza is even if today okay Ava means the ruins there and it was the ruins of the nether nim okay the captor runs which came forth out of capture the crown destroyed them and dwelt in their stead so it was verse 24 reiji up take your journey and pass over the river arnon behold I have into thine hand sigh hon the amorite king of Heshbon and his land began to possess it and contend with him in battle in other words s bond is stronghold I mean big I mean you know how are we still gonna have wimps or are they gonna fight God's warning here you're gonna have to fight this woman you're gonna have to do a little bit of this on your own now we have the old generation that refused of battle age gone what is the new strain going to do verse 25 this day well I began to put the dread of thee and the fear of the upon the nations that are under the whole heaven who shall hear report of thee and shall tremble and be in anguish because of thee why because God's with them that's a promise from God and you want to accept that even as we enter into the promised a you don't have anything to fear God God has promised that he gives you power and authority in the name of Jesus over all your enemies you have nothing to worry about as long as you use this best to say the gray matter as it aligns with the Word of God and that's very important I said a line with the word of God meaning doing it the way that our Father advises verse 26 and I sent messengers out of the wilderness of Kedah Mothe that's there at the beginnings okay unto sihon king of Heshbon with words of peace saying another word always send out an ambassador first and see if you can kind of say hey I want to talk with you see what kind of peace we can build together 27 let me pass through thy land I will go along by the highway I will neither turn unto the right hand no nor to the left thou shalt sell me meat for money that I may eat and give me water for money that I may drink only I will pass through on my feet we don't have war vehicles we don't have chariots of war we're just infantry you might say in children and women walking through verse 29 and the children of Esau which dwell into the air and the Moabites which dwell in are down at the city did unto me until I pass over unto Jordan under the land which the Lord our God giveth us in other words this is we'll take them all the way up to the head of the Dead Sea they'll be on the east side and is there they'll pass Jordan okay verse 30 and this is the agreement he was willing to make with them but Simon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him for the Lord thy God hardened his spirit and made his heart obstinate that he might deliver him into thy hand as a peer at this day in other words God wanted them to possess this area okay this was his way of doing it you know what does that say about our Father just that was that wrong for him no he wants you to carry your own weight he promised them I'm with you you're gonna win but you've got to fight when the time comes you've got to defend yourself 31 and the Lord said unto me behold I have begun to give Sion in his land before they begin to possess that thou mayest inherit his land what you'd have it 32 then Sion came out against us he and all his people to fight a Jay has J has meaning trodden down they're about to get it to 33 and the Lord our God Jim before us don't read over that the Lord our God delivered him before us and we smoked him and his sons and all his people you know when the Lord delivers somebody into your hand after much prayer he does it that's the way you always win whether it's political or what else is God's will God's hand when enough is enough it's enough 34 and we took all his cities at that time and utterly destroyed the men and the women and the little ones of every city we left none to remain this is a hard thing as Christians for us to absorb and to understand but know this when someone passes on where do they go they go to the father and father takes care of his own children and all people are his children he never takes anything away that for those that are good that they don't get something better you can count on it verse 35 only the cattle we took for a ploy unto ourselves that the spoil of the cities which of the spoil of the cities which we took verse 36 from a roar which is by the brink of the river of Arnon and from the city that is by the river even into Gilad there wasn't not one city too strong for us and the Lord our God delivered all unto us and there you have it who delivered it the Lord our God and here we're getting on that pretty close to the head of the Dead Sea up near Nebo where Moses will pass all this over to the children to Joshua 37 only into the land of the children of Ammon thou camest not nor unto any place of the river jaywalk nor unto the cities in the mountains nor unto whatsoever the Lord our God forbade us we did it his way that's what's important do it his way today if you warned his blessings and I'm gonna tell you something life without his blessings is not a great deal of fun okay there's no pleasure there you got to do everything the hard way and then you end up failing most of the time you've got to do it God's Way you've got to have him with you he you know something in his promises he has promised he will never leave us nor forsake us but a lot of people will leave him they get so conceited within themselves thinking I am really something special you're not okay you're a child of the Living God that makes us all special okay because we are children of God I don't care what race color or creed God owns all the souls and God gives gifts to some that deserve them that are gifts that allow them to always help others always leading others always raising others up giving them hope truth and Almighty God so always have him in your life so that you have those blessings you know he knows what tomorrow brings in most cases he doesn't necessarily know what you're going to decide to do he he knows he hopes that you continue to love him so he can continue to bless you you know it does God's heart real good to be able to give gifts and to bless his children when they deserve it but only it's like he would say in the New Testament when he would say without dude there's not one little sparrow falls to earth that I don't know what do you think I don't know about you and look how beautiful the flowers are dressed and you know that I'm I know about you and then he says it doesn't do you any good to make to worry for one minute but to trust him and then he continues to say when you do his work he says I know what you have need of I know what you need you do it my way and I will give those things unto you after you do the work okay that's God's deal it's his deal in life and he always keeps his word that's his promise chapter three verse one then we turned and went up the way to bation and all the king of Batian came out against us he and all his people to battle at every eye and here we go again do we have anything to worry about no we do not why don't we have something to worry about because God is with us we're following God's orders and when you follow God's orders you've got nothing to worry about verse two and the Lord said unto me fear him not for I will deliver him and all his people and his land into thy hand and thou shalt do unto him as thou didst into sian si Han king of the amorite switch dwelt at Heche barn and here this is our father's way of gently but turning the promised land over to the children of Israel and and so it is when God gives right it is right verse 3 so the Lord our God delivered into our hands aaaghh also the king of Bashan and all his people and we smoked him until none left to him remaining put him out of business you know this is why the prayer and asking God's leadership is they were so important today you want something to happen that is honorable moral and in God's pleasure then ask our Father and believe him and act upon it do your part you will always be a winner and those that come against you will always lose it may take a little time but they will always lose you can count on it that's our father's way one more verse to complete the lecture and we took all his cities at that time there was not a city which we took not from them threescore cities all the region of our God this is the stony place the kingdom of OGG and bass shine they took it with God's hand upon them making it just perfect making it right now precious it is when you have father with you and when father is with you then you're going to be blessed you know your life today when you have him with you it takes a lot of the pain out of life and your faith in Him brings so many good things into your path that you can hardly count them your cup will run over when you do it his way in serving him and being a service to our brethren all right bless your hearts don't miss the next lecture listen a moment won't you please the Strong's exhaustive concordance of the Bible is an invaluable tool to the serious Bible student the Strong's Concordance list every word used in the Bible in every passage where the word utilized may be found in the scriptures with the assistance of a reference numbering system the English reader may easily translate anywhere back to the original Hebrew Chaldea Greek in which God's Word was written the companion Bible is a unique Study Bible in a to the text of the King James Version Bible an extra wide margin contains a wealth of information not found in other Bibles a system of structures or outlines employed by the companion Bible will allow the readers to rightly divide the Bible the use of these structures help the reader follow the subject matter and therefore they are critical to an understanding of God's Word the 198 appendix is found in the Bible cover a wide variety of topics and information which will alight in your studies the companion Bible and strongest concordance are a must for the serious Bible student and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii all over Canada spirit moves you got a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend denomination or organization we do not judge people it just is not right to do that why we have one judge our Father you want to always listen to him for he is the final judge period it would have been much better off for that generation in the wilderness had they listened to him but sometimes there's one day too late all right then those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address again always a pleasure you got a prayer request you don't need that number you don't need an address why talk to your father that's what prayer is is telling talking with him let him know you love him because that's what he wants from you most Hosea 6:6 documenting that he doesn't want your burnt offerings he wants your grace with justice in your love let him know you love him for he sure loves you and n be blessed father around the globe we come West but you need guide wreck father touch in Yeshua's precious name Thank You Father amen okay question time and we're gonna go with Mary from Mississippi do you carry any original Hebrew manuscripts I'm interested in getting the eighth day man creation well if the we carried greens in in linear works there's a volume for volumes and it is the best set of manuscripts you can obtain I do not like that I mean his work it's better that you do your own work what it does it puts in your hand the least expensive set of manuscripts and yet the right menu scripts okay from the original that a man can obtain today but you're you're going to need a little help if next time Genesis runs or if you order the first six chapters of Genesis in video I teach how to read the Hebrew and to know the difference in Adam and that's hard on the two different men or you can pick it up on and from greens if you sharpen up and do it yourself Elaine from North Carolina what is the best Bible to study both the Greek and the Hebrew well you know you need probably I still have to say the companion Bible because it will call your attention it's one of the only ways where you have a scholar that is aware of the Messiah he was one of the only Christians that was ever afforded the right to even edit the Messiah I mean we're talking tall cotton right here my friend that's what Bullinger did and these special points are called to your attention in the companion Bible but then along with the companion Bible why do I recommend the companion Bible most of all the the scriptures have not been weakened or changed as some of the newer translations such as the NIV it's bad okay it's got some bad errors in it and it was deliberate I feel no one will ever convince me that it wasn't deliberate because it is I know this places which are ever so important to identify Kenites or Satan's workings and it just happens to be those that are changed so with that you have the scripture as it is written in English translated into English but then acquire a Strong's Concordance dr. strong was a fantastic scholar and it gives you the English reader the ability if I say a certain thing if I tell you that Moses means in the Hebrew tongue drawing from the water then that will assist you in knowing those Hebrew words you can look at if you can use a Webster's dictionary you can use the Strong's Concordance and that puts the Aramaic the Hebrew and the Greek at your fingertips whereby as an English reader you can handle it it lets you prove what I say is correct or you could prove it wrong I don't think you're going to but you can have a crack at it it is my destiny to drive people into the Word of God okay I will not force someone to believe anything or even attempt to force someone to believe anything everyone must sail their own ship but if I can drive you into the Word of God then I have accomplished what God would have me do is get you into his word we're about you have God speaking to you rather than some man Margaret from Alabama pastor Murray I work third shift 11:00 to 7:00 and my pastor is pressuring me really hard to get to Sunday school I try really hard to get to church at 11:00 a.m. but I get really discouraged am I making excuses is there a better way to do things don't you you have to sustain yourself okay and you know if your pastor had to work from 11 p.m. till 7 a in the morning I wonder how he would like to show up at 3:00 and prepare his sermon for the day wondering how he would feel about that he has no business whatsoever insisting that you harm your health to come to Sunday school when you're making every effort to get there in time for the service not Sunday school I would say you're going the extra mile and if that pastor pressured me to awful much I'd kicked the dust off my feet and let him have his church and find me one where people were a little more reasonable I cannot imagine a man of God torturing you that way that's pure torture is to insist when somebody works all night that they be at Sunday school I wonder what if he teaches the Sunday School class himself and if there's any really meat there that would make it worthwhile you might ask yourself that question everyone I never tell anyone where they can could or should or whatever everybody sells their own but don't don't let somebody abuse you you know if you listen to a fool sometimes you're a bigger fool than they are and I won't say no more Leonard from Colorado does God forgive all sins no he doesn't there is one unpardonable sin that one unpardonable sin is to blasphemy against the Holy Spirit which is to refuse the Holy Spirit an opportunity to speak through you without premeditating what you will say as it's written in mark 13 against the false Christ and and to do that if you are one of God's elect and you would have to be one of God's elect chosen before the foundations of the earth to even be able to qualify to commit the unpardonable sin I do not think it is possible that one of God's elect you know in the first Earth Age they fought Satan tooth and nail I mean they're a different type person they're not going to give in coming so they're certainly not going to deny Almighty God his spirit to speak through them at that time but that would be the unpardonable sin otherwise divorce adultery all many other things are forgivable there are a few things that are not forgivable in the flesh and that would we'll be covering those in this law that we're now reading and as it comes to pass we'll draw on it leading from Oregon beste brewery where is the scripture about rulers being like children in the end times Isaiah chapter 3 verse 4 your rulers over you will be like little children inexperienced no experience and doing childish things Jean from Oregon again I'll say it Isaiah chapter 3 verse 4 if the end of the Jean from Oregon if the Anti Christ has the power to do miracles and many people will be deceived yet these people are basically good people will they have a chance well they may basically be good people but father sent him a letter father sent them a letter telling them exactly how things were going to happen I mean he even draw drew it out by numbers seven seals that you need in your forehead seven Trump's that announce the very action and seven vials God correcting each of those things did it by the numbers told you the chronological order of events in Matthew 24 he explained all seven of those seals in mark 13 he explained all seven of those seals over and over in that letter he sent to you the explaining and even going as far as in Revelation chapter 13 verse 11 letting you know before him well he's going to perform miracles in the side of men snapping his fingers and lightning coming from heaven to deceive those that dwell on the earth if they want to be deceived they're gonna pay for it they are not going to take place in the first resurrection now they will have to remain spiritually dead not physically dead but spiritually dead here mean meaning they will still be in their spiritual bodies but they will still have a mortal soul mortal in the the Greek tongue means liable to die at the end of the millennium if they let Satan to see them again they're going into the lake of fire if they overcome they will enjoy heaven it is not a second chance because many of them don't have a chance coming out they have no idea of because of certain preachers what the Word of God says it said always teach God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse whereby it is God's word that is taught not man's marrying from Arkansas in Psalms three verses two four and eight there is a word Selah after the verses what does this word mean well it's music and it means pause stop and let me think just a minute it's couldn't it always connects something with something all right and if I remember right in let's say the verse eight four and eight it connects the prayer or the wish with the answer thereof okay always it always connects the Psalms are such a magnificent piece of work as all of God's work is but that's what it means it means stop think a statement was just made now we're going to document it statement documentation prayer answer after the Selah okay Ted from Missouri is it possible for a family to have a child who is a kin ID and a child who is not even though both children have the same biological parents and my sister is a hardcore NIV Bible user and I want to give her the scriptures where it shows they left Lucifer's name out well answer your question about can I know tonight is a race of people and if one was a kid night both would be and if you study God's Word you're not okay and neither is she but because of certain teachers and so forth things get confused but as you know the where the NIV leaves Lucifer's name out is Isaiah chapter 14 and what is very important about that and what is so damaging is Christ is the truth Lucifer means bright star warning star well that's Christ's name in other words Lucifer copies everything Christ does why he wanted to sit on the mercy seat so he calls himself the morning star Christ is the morning star okay this confuses people and when you remove Lucifer's name from isaiah 14 then you do much damage because the student the new student doesn't know if you're talking about christ the morning star or satan lucifer the bright star and you know the the prophecy concerning it is extremely important and it takes away from the Word of God what bothers me just as bad about the NIV is is in Ezekiel 13 where the manuscript very clearly state God saying I am against those that teach my children to fly to save their souls do you know what the NIV translates that birds flying it has nothing to do with birds you cannot write birds into the menus crips there unless you are deliberately trying to change God's Word and instill the rapture doctrine when God says I'm against it that's important and but newer translations there's a newer one yet coming out in the near future it's where they have no gender there's many places in God's Word there is no gender intended when many words are used among people but this is their even taking away hymns and hers and what-have-you talk about making the word confusing that Bible will be out in a couple of years don't buy it I will stand against that Bible I will even advert I will advise all students to not buy the thing do not waste your money it's a it's a contraption of deceit Benny from California Satan's name himself Lucifer why did why and is this written also where does it say that God created Jesus and why does it say that God God didn't create Jesus he's a natural birth make a note you ask you follow through on it Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 God promised way back many hundreds of years before the fact that a virgin would conceive and you would name him Emmanuel which is to say God with us and and so it was and why Lucifer did not name himself necessarily it is just and I think I answered that question in the prior question I'm gonna strange our questions run side by side like that and so be it iris from Arizona what should I do if I was a strong Christian before and have fallen repent God loves you you know he knows we have weaknesses you know the main thing is Satan know your weaknesses and he will take advantage of them don't let him this is why you need to stay focused repent and in Christ's name order him out of your life okay and be blessed by Almighty God Pastor Marie I've heard you talk about God's chosen ones bodies being changed when Jesus returns for the second time will you reveal the book in the Bible chapter and verse it's not only God's chosen ones that are changed everybody is Saints sinners good bad and the ugly everyone has changed in an instant in the wink of an eye 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 52 okay got it 1st Corinthians 15:52 and I'm unsure as if the chosen ones who live in the USA will see Jesus come since Jesus is coming to Israel who do you think Israel is do you think the house of Israel is the house of Judah then you you would sure be unsure about a lot of things and you would not be well thought would you if you're in the US of A you're in part of the ten tribes of Israel that went north over the Caucasus settled Europe Caucasians and live here today you're just a little bit confused you need to keep studying your choice okay Nathan from Pennsylvania my question for you is this what would you suggest is the best translation of the Bible for study King James Version and what is in Apocrypha the Apocrypha was a group of books that were undecided as to whether they should be a part of the King James but they were inserted between the old and new Testament in the original King James Bible but I naturally I suggested the companion Bible because the manuscripts are accurate and that's what's important you know if you have somebody study a bad set of manuscripts they're losing coming out the gate and as a teacher of God's Word it really bothers me that the right for one to make their own decision is they are robbed by some higher critic and a higher critic I I have to feel they make a living trying to destroy God's Word now that that's a hard judgement but it's true the higher critics make a living trying to destroy God's Word that that is natural and death it is blessed and that it is divine because most of the higher critics will not accept the fact that divine intervention happens many of them don't even believe in the virgin birth and you would read their writings I want why should you when you have works done by scholars of old who were trying their utmost to present the correct translation whereby you would have an easy opportunity to learn the truth as God spoke it okay Caroline from from Tennessee if we have passed by the time the Antichrist appears will we have a chance to stand against him or is it just for the ones that are in the flesh bodies well it'll be naturally the ones in the flesh bodies but during the millennium you'll have a chance to teach and and to lead the people Jack from Arizona in regards to the Antichrist and the season of the locust May through September May through September the five months period what happens for the people in the southern hemisphere since their season is just opposite of the people in the northern hemisphere does the Antichrist appear to them six months later or earlier or what I think maybe you're just in because it means when that it's a five month period if you make a study of the local regardless of what time when that particular segment of the locust life is five months God goes by nature many times and when you study nature it's easy to understand God's Word so naturally it would not matter it is simply a five month period and it isn't necessarily May through September don't go to sleep it could he could appear the Antichrist could appear in December and that would really take many people off balance wouldn't it he comes as a thief in the night nobody knows when the thief comes okay we're out of time I love you all because you enjoy studying our fathers word chapter but chapter perseveres most of all God loves you for it we are brought to you about your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that bless God he will always bless you most important though you listen to me listen good you stay in his word every day and his word is a good day even with trouble do you know why because Jesus Yahshua he is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,043
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Murray, Holy Bible, Bible, KJV, Deuteronomy, Book of Deuteronomy
Id: cgamJPbovwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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