Deuteronomy ~ 33:12 to 34:12

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our father's word book of Deuteronomy these are the words in the Hebrew that's what it means and these are the words that Moses brought to us it is the law condensed down and lay terms where anyone can understand it and he brought it forth it worked we're kind of reviewing God's promises to the children of Israel as they're entering the Promised Land and as we review them you kind of have an overlay of Genesis chapter 49 these prophecies concerning the children are very important because you can it helps you it enables you to understand where these children are today if you observe closely so with that having been said a word of wisdom from our Father chapter 33 verse 12 in the great book of Deuteronomy verse 12 with that word of wisdom and it reads and of Benjamin he said the beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by him and the Lord shall cover him all the day long and he shall dwell between his shoulders what's between your shoulders your heart in other words is going to be successful and naturally Paul himself being a Benjamite as it is written in Revelation I'm in Romans chapter 11 verse 1 and Paul being of that tribe and it would seem that blessed of a certainty chapter verse 13 and of Joseph he said blessed of the Lord being his land for the precious things of heaven of the dew and for the deep that couches beneath it Joseph of course well let's let the word explain it 14 and for the precious fruits brought forth by the son and for the precious things put forth by the moon we can see that our father is really blessing this one this one Joseph 15 and for the chief things of the ancient mountains and for the precious things of the lasting hills 16 and for the precious things of the earth and fullness thereof and for the good will of him that dwelt in the bush who appeared in the bush the burning bush reminds our Father let the blessings come upon the head of Joseph and upon the top of the head of him that was separated from his brethren well why was he separated they sold him because God had so blessed him even as a youngster when they were more mature with vision with understanding was speaking to him they were very jealous of him and they sold him into bondage and of course with God in control it was this bondage that allowed him to take over Egypt to cause it to be successful and therefore to save his own family ultimately when the drought came and he was able to feed his family and to protect them Joseph mightily used of Almighty God verse 17 his glory is like the first thing of his bullet and his horns are like the horns of unicorns or the wild ox there's no such thing as a unicorn with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim and they are the thousands of Manasseh where are those people many people today believe that Ephraim and Manasseh or the United States of America and Great Britain and it is Great Britain were the throne sits today the Stone of Scone in skin these things didn't happen by accident and naturally to be blessed as these nations were then they were - there's no accident that the United States of America is a superpower of superpowers it's blessed by God and that's why these prophecies concerning the nation's are so very important that's as it is and no man can change that many politicians might try but no man will change the prophecies of Almighty God so certainly very blessed indeed through ephraim and manasseh that ephraim of course is what was usually the ten tribes that were north over the Caucasus Mountains were usually called okay by Ephraim the larger of the tribes and there you have those migrations we know where they are today verse 18 and of Zebulun Zebulon Manasseh incidentally means forgetting and Ephraim means a double fruitfulness so that's they fit that they fit that rule forgetting Manasseh because they forget who they are and where the blessings come from and Zebulun which means habitation or habitat he shall said rejoice Zebulon in thy going out and ishik our reward being translated in thy tents 19 they shall call the people unto the mountain there they shall be also sacrifice offer sacrifices of righteousness for they shall suck of the abundance of the Seas and of treasures hid in the sand actually many of their treasures they even had two dike to keep the sea out away from them as we know from a documentary we run occasionally concerning Zebulon in each car from verse 20 and of GAD GAD being translated means a truth he said blessed be he that enlarges GAD he dwelleth as a lion and tarath the arm with the crown of the head and makes making room for him if you would 21 and he provided the first part for himself because they're in a they're in a portion of the lawgiver was he seated and he came with the heads of the people he executed the Justice of the Lord and his judgments with Israel and so it is that takes the troop and the troop gets it done verse 22 and of Dan and Dan means judged okay he said Dan is a lion's whelp he shall leap from vation in verse 23 and a Natalja that mean that bela meaning translated wrestling he said o net tula satisfied with favor and full with the blessings of the Lord possessed thou the west and the south and so he would 24 and of Asher being blessed he said let a sure be blessed with children let him be acceptable to his brethren and let him dip his foot in oil 25 the shoes shall be iron in brass and as thy days so shall thy strength be and so it always has been with asha verse 26 there is none like unto the god of gesture run this this is shows great love over a father because Jesse run is a poetic name for Israel when they're playing goodtime charlie he still claims them they're still his children who ride it upon the heaven in thy help and in his excellency on the sky 27 the eternal God is the refuge and underneath are the are the everlasting arms and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee and shall say destroy them and so it is our father doesn't mess with the enemy God takes care his own you know many people think that God demands unconditional love and he does but he means it used with tough love being throwing in that means occasionally you have to destroy the enemy well and that is love for your children otherwise the enemy will kill them and they will have no opportunity even be blessed of God so there must be discipline and God's orders must be followed and so it is that's the way when God blesses a nation then the people of that blessed nation need to stand up and be accounted as children of God verse 28 Israel then shall dwell in safety alone the fountain of Jacob shall be upon a land of corn and wine also his heavens shall drop down do numbers they're going to be blessed superpower of superpowers not only being a blessing to themselves blessed of Almighty God but a blessing to the world that truth that food that compassion can go forth 29 happy art Thou O Israel who is like unto thee O people saved by the Lord that's a true salvation the shield of thy help and who is the sword of thy excellency and thine enemies shall be found liars unto thee and thou shalt tread upon their high places and naturally well what is that sword the sword of the Lord is only one thing and I've told you many times Revelation chapter 1 verse 15 16 and 17 the sword of the Lord is the tongue of the Lord Jesus Christ which is to say his word his word is power in other words if you ask anything according to his word building his work and caring for his people it is going to be so and that does not mean that everything you asked for yourself personally for your gain is going to be given no not at all that's not what that's not the way God operates but those that in leadership the same as leadership must first be accountable that is to say judgment starts at the pulpit and those that are in leadership also in as much as they that do righteous have certain rights to ask for certain things and those things will be given that's our father's way he is always fair he is always just and he is always righteous meaning he always does what is right we have a lot to be thankful for that our Heavenly Father's on the throne he's in charge and he blesses these nations around the world there are people and things even if Satan himself that will try to slip in unfortunately there's no room for them and be that as it may chapter 34 verse 1 and Moses went up from the plains of Moab unto the mountain of Nebo Nebo means prophet of course and Moab of his own father to the top of fish and that is over against Jericho and the Lord showed him all the land of gill add on to Dan in other words God took Moses up on this highest peak of Nebo and which means prophet and let him overlook the promised land not gonna let him enter though because God demands discipline Moses was the leader Moses broke the law Moses broke the Word of God therefore as a leader he's gonna have to pay for it but at the same time God's love and compassion reaches out to this one though he will not let him lead the troops into the taking of that land now 120 years old but he does give him this look across Jericho into the Promised Land where the children will certainly go verse 2 and all Nephilim in the land of Ephraim those ten tribes as you look north there in Manasseh and all the land of Judah unto the utmost seen all around you could see from that High Point verse three and the south and the plain of the valley of Jericho the city of palm trees unto zou are you know it is a strange thing and sometimes we think things happen by accident and yet at the same time you wonder you know grab it Arkansas from which our broadcast come was not always named brought a Gravatt but the railroad came through and a man named Gravatt owned the land for which them but railroad went through and naturally wanted to move the town from where we call today old town up where it would be at the train depot and near the tracks Reza's town always will but if you look on an ancient United States man you find that grab it was called Nebo and just as you look out the door of this studio you have what is called Old Town or Nebo where we have big mama we call our uplink to satellite that carries this signal around the world coming from Nebo the old town how precious it is well is that an accident well a lot of people would say it was but our Father Knows and certainly that signal does get carried and it grows magnificently as the years move on carrying forth the real truth of God's Word and I can't but help think of this one this leader that brought this word to this point and yet at the same time knowing God is a disciplinarian don't ever forget that verse for to continue and the Lord said unto him this is the land which I swear unto Abraham unto Isaac and into Jacob saying I will give it and to thy seed I have cause D to see it with thine eyes but thou shalt not go over thither now or you're not gonna make it and certainly there was a reason for it and and that reason certainly we know is because he struck the rock twice but what really listen let's analyze it just a moment before we go on why did Moses strike the rock twice because the people were murmuring growl and complaining and it agitated Moses not God but the people but yet Moses was a leader and a leader does not get agitated in that respect at God because that rock was symbolic of Christ Christ is our rock and when he struck that rock twice that would be like trying to recruit by Christ twice and that doesn't fly so from the leadership for this reason the price would be paid but yet as we continue on you will hear me teach this different than most people do why well because I know our father pretty well and to and to always makes for and when you use common sense then the truth comes forth and you can see the love of our Father for this one man Moses Moses in the Hebrew tongue means drawing from the water this little baby that was put in this basket and pushed into the Nile I mean all kinds of dangers there in that River but here the little girl that walked along the bank watching maryam his sister as it would drift into Pharaoh's camp and Pharaoh would take care of him for forty years then he would be disbanded to go into the land of the Kenites where there was a family there Jethro being one of the offspring of of Abraham by his second wife cateura and being of the house of Almighty God and then for 40 years he would be there and then at the age of 80 God would send him to Pharaoh with many miracles and wonders to free the children of Israel and here he is now at 120 that's three sets of 40 where he will pay the penalty but yet at the same time I want you to see and follow God's love within this next verse please verse 5 so Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab according to the word of the Lord 6 and he buried him in a valley in the land of Moab over against beth PR but no man knoweth of his supplicant to this day I think I know why no man knows of the supplicant one because if you read in the great book of Jude in verse 9 the Michael and the devil argued as to where was the bones of Moses and the Satan couldn't find them Satan hated Moses and yet at the same time who appeared with Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration in Matthew chapter 11 well it was Moses Moses was in a translated body on the Mount of Transfiguration anyway you want to slice it and who was represented there well we had three of the disciples but we had three others the Lord Jesus Christ in a transfigured body shown as the morning sun bright we had Elijah and we had Moses those three so what did you have there you had Moses the law God's Word you had Elijah the Prophet who the prophet of prophets and you had Joshua the savior of saviours that would pay the price and would deliver all men that would believe through this combination the word brings you to the prophecy and the prophecy brings you to salvation and salvation brings you to Almighty God the full circle of Transfiguration so Moses had a very strong part in this that's why you want to be very careful when you realize and understand teach the love of Almighty God for those that are loyal to him even when they make a little error they'll pay for it but they still have the blessings and there is Moses stood on that Mount of Transfiguration we know that the love of God reached out and touched him used him mightily as he had always used Moses in bringing us these first five books of the Almighty Word of God the pinna took brought forth by the hand of this one what a magnificent servant of the Living God verse 7 to continue and Moses was in hundred and twenty years old when he died his eye was not dim nor was his natural force abate he was very spry he could still get around and he he was able to perform his memory was good he could record he could quote that law from stem to stern and deliver it with authority verse 8 and the children of Israel wept for Moses in the plains of Moab 30 days so the days of weeping and warming mourning for Moses were ended that was customary that was the the usual time for this leader verse 9 and Joshua this was translated earlier in the ancient writings as hosea which both means savior or even the word Jesus in English is Joshua Yahshua properly pronounced and Joshua the son of nun was full of the spirit of wisdom for Moses had laid his hands upon him and the children of Israel hearkened unto him and did as the LORD commanded Moses in other words the mental passed from Moses to Joshua and Joshua who would fight that battle of Jericho Joshua would be that leader of leaders he was wearing that mantle that was placed there by none other than Moses at the hands of Almighty God you see not many things happen but the things of God happen at God's time God's place in God's way and you never have to wonder or worry because God is always in control and whether it's up or down punishing or blessings God's hand is there and you wanna if you want to be blessed one of the first things you learn whether it's correction or blessings is to say thank you Father thank you lord I needed that and I appreciate it I love you for that well it pays great dividends don't ever try to con him you want to mean it when you say it so here we have those three sets of 40 40 being probation in numerix and certainly those endings of probate probation in Moses life changed immensely the times oh man and brought forth this leader that the people would mourn that 30 days but God never leaves us without a leader and therefore here comes Joshua verse 10 and there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses not only was he of the law but he was also a prophet whom the Lord knew face to face in other words he was the only woman that God appeared to in the bush Boake to him one on one leading him guiding him giving him the law the Ten Commandments therefore how adequate that Moses would be the one the Prophet the lawyer that would bring forth this very law itself which is simply to say the advice of Almighty God to keep blessings coming in your family and in your life by obeying and being truthful with Almighty God receiving those blessings God loved him indeed and therefore that's why you can say in that ninth verse of Jude Satan just chomping at the bit with Michael wanting to know where did God bury Moses I can't find it well I don't think it ever existed myself many would disagree with that that's fine but the scripture said there's many ways to have a supplicant transfiguration is you know when you go back to the very beginning there was another preacher his name was Enoch and Enoch what was he not teaching against that same book of Jude will tell you this Enoch was teaching against the daughters of Adam mixing with the fallen angels preached his heart out about it could not hardly abide could not stand for it and he was so adamant against it that God simply loved him to the point that he transfigured him also and and so it is that our Father stays in control God loves those that serve Him God loves those that he can trust but there doesn't come along a Moses every year and here is this one that knew God face-to-face and obeyed him when all the rest of Israel was down below could not stand to hear the voice of God Moses loved it because Moses loved his father verse 11 to continue in all the signs and the wonders which the Lord sent him to do in the land of Egypt to Pharaoh and to all his servants and to all his land verse 12 and in all that mighty and in all that mighty hand and in all the great terror which Moses showed in the sight of all Israel God in control all the way guiding this one and and so it is that even in this Israel was certainly blessed at the hand of this one prophet this one that brought forth the law one so loved of God you know when he went when he climbed just just look at Moses a moment and think about him when the rest of Israel trembled he climbed Mount Sinai by himself it was a fearful thing to see the fire and to hear the voice at the top of that mountain but he longed for it he longed for the touch of God but how brave and how wonderful it was that he would seek truth in in God's blessings enough on behalf all the children of Israel not for himself but for the children that he climbed that mountain and God did see him face to face by that I mean spoke to him face to face naturally we know God is in a different dimension but through the flame in the fire you could see the image how precious it is that God loved this one that one who was so bravely and lovingly would take forth of the very word of God and deliver it back to the children and how upset he was was when he came back into camp and these orgies were taking place and the love for the tab tables with the Ten Commandments he would crash against a wall but God would rewrite them God understood the anger God understood the disgust for the people and Moses took charge as always and straightened the people out that's what the Word of God does it straightens us out because God is always he always gives the correct law to correct statutes and the correct judgment each of those three things being separate the law wasn't destroyed the law wasn't done away with some of the statutes were but not the law and judgment has never changed judgment has two parts blessings and correction and so it is even to this day our Father a disciplinarian very disciplined carrying forth the word bringing blessings bringing truth and blessing the very children of Israel and the people of the world whomsoever will believe upon that one he sent the Savior the real rock not their rock our rock don't ever forget that great song of Moses entailed in this very book all right book of Deuteronomy I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed bringing it to you god bless this in a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravett arkansas 72 736 don't be deceived by Satan and Bacchus have the 800 number please 1 864 three four six four five that number is good from Puerto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves and you have a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about some Reverend some denomination some organization we do not judge people father is the judge hey he does not need our help in that department it is proper that you discern who you should fellowship with and so and things of that nature a wise person does this but don't judge leave that department to Almighty God he takes care of business those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address and again always a pleasure now you got a prayer request you don't need that number you don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking do you know something he created you different unique he wanted someone just like you but he does want you to love him why because he loves you and he wants you to be close to him so let him know that she loved him once you do that and get ready to receive his blessing it makes his day and when you make his day boy is he going to make yours father around the globe we come we ask that you lead guiding direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name Jesus thank you Father amen okay and question time both from Canada I write to you from Vancouver yes your teachings reach up here and beyond well thank you we appreciate that you always tell us that every bad day is a good day if we stay in God's Word but that is hard when those who don't listen to God's Word hurt us on a daily basis well you you know the thing is a bow that you want to use discretion and be wiser than the serpent be wise enough to to pick your own friends and you don't have to associate with someone that hurts you life is too short for that and certainly you might pray about it and many times somebody that is hurtful there's an old saying snow I'm under with kindness and love and see what happens sometime sometimes that works sometimes it doesn't but that's the discerning of the Spirit Denise from California please explain when and how often we are supposed to take communion I want to do it correctly well Jesus told us to partake of it as oft as we met they met three times a year Passover Pentecost and Feast of Tabernacles so three times a years when it was taken now if you are ill and you need Communion take it it's very healing because it is the table of the Lord and I have nothing against someone taking it as oft as they meet if it's even weekly but it kind of gets to be a tradition if you're not careful when you do it every week and therefore I'm kind of against doing holy communion every week because it is a precious sacred thing and I like to do it as the old way three times a year and we do that on television three times a year ginger from Oregon please explain the first Earth Age and what was happening during that time I've never heard of that time please keep it simple well it really is simple okay the fact that before this earth age there was another earth age that's what my science can describe this earth as being millions of years old why it is and God's Word also explains that this earth is millions of years old you have to go into the Hebrew manuscripts to understand that but if you have a companion Bible which we recommend appendix 146 gives you the foundations of the world and also in in the New Testament in 2nd Peter chapter 3 he tells you of all three earth ages and three heaven ages there's only one heaven and there's only one earth that is mentioned in God's Word basically other than the planets and the stars but by that I mean there are different the word is in the Greek as Eon eons of time and sometimes that's translated world okay so all it means is age earth age it is it is a real sad thing because if you don't understand the three earth ages you don't know why Satan fell and why God destroyed the first Earth Age because the third of God's children followed that rascal and God being a loving God had a choice he could Satan and that third of the children destroy them or he could destroy the earth age and start over causing man to be born innocent of woman forgetting what happened before and deciding within themselves whether they would love God or whether they'll love Satan that's what this earth age is about and and so it is it's a it is a it is a terrible thing that the three earth ages are not taught because it handicaps Christians when you get some bible-thumper that'll say this earth is only six thousand years old that's a lie okay and God's Word will not hold to the fact that this particular age is about 6,000 but there's one before it and if you don't understand it you're not even going to understand the one that follows this one there are three altogether Ray from Illinois thank you for bringing God's Word you are so welcome some say that Jesus was not God in flesh please document where I can find verses to prove them wrong was it's real easy st. John chapter 1 verse 14 the word became flesh and walked among us and that word being flesh was the Lord Jesus Christ as he did walk among us or you might you might say Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 what does Isaiah 7:14 say it says in the prophecy that a virgin would conceive and and would bear a male child and you would call him Emmanuel being translated as to say God with us so in Christ we had God with us so it's real simple to prove that okay Karen from Texas could you please explain how to use the olive oil for anointing a house and also for people how much of the house should you be annoyed well I understand this it isn't the oil that gets the job done so you only have to use just a tad on the end of your finger and anoint the doorpost of the house and in the name of Jesus Christ order anything negative from ever crossing that threshold and God is giving you the power and the authority to defeat all your enemies in his name Luke chapter 10 verse 18 19 and so forth and likewise when you anoint someone you do the same thing a tad on your finger on the forehead and not them with you all of our people and ask God to fulfill whatever their desire our needs are healing or whatever the case may be and again it isn't the oil that does it but it's your obedience to use it because God ordered you to and many people will say oh I didn't know Christians were supposed to anoint that's what the word Christ means Christos in the Greek means The Anointed One and when you leave off the anointing in the New Testament James 5 insists that if somebody is ill that you anoint that person with the oil and then ask God for the healing otherwise you leave a step out and when you leave a step out your chances grow pretty slim sue from Wisconsin when when we are delivered up before the synagogue of satan' for a testimony against him you said to think of David in the lion's den and the three Hebrew children and the fiery furnace do you mean when the Holy Spirit speaks through us our faith will save us and that we won't feel that when they cut off our heads or kill us well let me ask you a question where did you read that the three Hebrew children were killed in the fiery furnace or where did you read that Daniel was killed in the lion's den the reason you want to think of that God's gonna let anything happen to you the beheading took place during the the the time of the Roman Empire and the Colosseum's and so forth when Christians were brutalized krytus Antichrist is coming as Christ himself so he can't behave in that what matter the only reason I say that is no who did they see walking in the fire with the three Hebrew children Shadrach Meshach and Abednego that's the son of God he was with them they weren't even singed God has a way when he says I will protect my own he means that as it is written in Luke chapter 21 they cannot harm a hair on your head William where's William from don't know where Williams from if Adam and Eve were the first people on earth doesn't that make us all related and incest Adam and Eve were not the first people on earth God created all the races on the sixth day he made some of them fishers some of them hunters and told them to repopulate the earth that's why we have different races today I mean how did they get here God created them it states it and then it says God looked in the last verse of chapter 1 Genesis and it was good God was pleased with every race but then on the first day of the week the eighth day he wanted a husbandman through which Christ would come and he created a different person altogether his name was Earth ha Adam not Adam as in the first and it was through eighth hadam that Christ would come that's that's why Carolyn from Missouri what chapter in the Bible says that if you steal your parents property that you will be punished for that thank you Exodus chapter 20 verse 15 that's the Ten Commandments verse 15 says you shall not steal I think maybe you are thinking about mark chapter 7 verse 11 consider korban okay if you if Corbin is call if you take money from your parents or your inheritance or your parents is money or money that you have that's supposed to take care of your parents and some preacher tells you it's alright if you let them starve or do without give the church the money and you will be blessed and in mark chapter 7 verse 11 Christ is very much against that said you don't you do not abuse your parents not for Corbyn that means to a gift of the church you take care of your parents and so it is and that was as it was at that time Joseph from California I'm confused about the Millennium is this a second chance for all of us or is it a second chance for those that don't know what's going on well don't use the term second chance because with what is taught in this world an example the little lady that asked earlier about the first Earth Age she'd never heard about it if you don't if you have never been taught more of God's Word than that you're at a heap of hurt because you're not going to know as it's written concerning the Church of Smyrna in Philadelphia those that claim to be of our brother Judah and do lie and are in fact the synagogue of Satan they're going to get in the sack with them and they didn't have a chance coming out the gate so it's not a second chance where many is their first chance because they're not being taught the truth Mike from California do you know who the Antichrist is and if you do will you tell me I would be happy to and I and I it at least every week it'll come out in the scripture somewhere there is only one entity that is Antichrist it is written in God's Word and any time you hear some I'm trying to say it somebody else he's lying to you there is only one person that is the false Christ and it's he that wanted the seed of Christ coming out the gate that's the cherubim that covereth which is to say the king of Tyrus none other than Satan himself that is Antichrist the word anti in the Greek means instead of instead of Christ he comes claiming to be Christ he's wanted to do that for ages and ages and ages as a matter of fact we're going to be doing another book soon called Thessalonians and in Chapter two it nails the fact that the son of perdition which is Satan that's and we'll teach that in just a few days only he can be the false christ if anybody tells you it's somebody else you will have types of people that portray something so negative that they make a good example but there's only one that is the true false Christ that's Satan Harvey from Missouri I've tried to explain the eighth day creation to a friend of mine and he always asked me why we don't have an eighth day in the week what do I say to him well let him know that every seven days we start a new week okay no problem just we started every seven days we start a new week so it's the first day of the next week Margaret from Missouri I need to know I hear you said that we we were in heaven before we were on earth we're in the Bible does it tell us that we were in heaven before coming to earth well many places in the Bible but how about in the beginning when Christ said let us create man in our image that means the angels in heaven that were with him just as Christ looks exactly like Almighty God for God was created Christ was created in the image of God so you are created in the image you were in the spiritual body exactly I mean an exact copy basically so that documents and it's just like in John chapter 3 Saint John chapter 3 where it says many people falsely translate born again there's no such thing as born again the Greek is very specific the manuscripts is born from above above what above heaven where you came from all right throughout the Word of God Gussie from Georgia thank you for teaching you're so welcome why do you say Paul wrote the book of Hebrews my Bible says the author was unknown well it probably was to the people that wrote your Bible okay but it's very obvious to us scholar of God's Word Paul wrote the book of Hebrews yeah he was writing to the people the children of Israel where he didn't have to go all the way around to explain where Gentiles would have to know and understand he went he cut right to the quick I mean and this makes some people think it's almost a different type and it's so simple all you have to realize first off Paul spoke colloquial Greek and and that's kind of like street Greek his scholarship was in the Hebrew tongue and Aramaic therefore when he wrote to the people who spoke in the Hebrew tongue he studied at the feet of gem yet one of the greatest scholars there ever was aside them Christ himself and was very learned so naturally when he would write to the people called Eber Hebrews those that crossed the river that's what the word means he wrote directly to them and cut out anything that might pertain so it's obvious his fingerprints are all over it Paul wrote the book of Hebrews Wayne from Florida I have a question about Genesis 415 whosoever slayeth Cain vengeance shall be taken on him Sevenfold and the Lord said a mark on Cain best finding him should kill him question why should we not seek to kill Cain and does this apply to his fallen angels that follow him Satan has the Fallen Angels not Cain okay use have you ever read the parable of the tares this is why you don't kill Cain Cain is doing a service you might say for Almighty God seeing how many people he could deceive how strong are you can you be had that's what God wants to know that's what this age is about therefore God says you leave the tears alone because they look just like we do and if you destroy one of them you're going to destroy some good wheat along with them so you leave them alone and the Angels will take care of them that's God's way of doing things and that's why we don't to bother destroying Cain Cain destroys himself soon enough and and so it is parable of the tares mark Mathew chapter thirteen read it carefully okay we've got Ken from California a question will there be an astronomical event when the Antichrist is cast out of heaven or the sighting of a UFO you may not you may see you don't have to worry about it being an event it's going to be worldwide do you know what they're going to say Christ has returned the headlines all over Christ has returned there's just one problem not the Christ it's the Antichrist and well how do we know which one it is because he comes first at the sixth trunk the true Christ doesn't come until the seventh so a person that knows the truth cannot be deceived by this fake but it'll be it'll be headlines the world will pour after him like you've never seen anything else I mean sometimes people get carried away with the stupid politician thinking he's some kind of special rock star or something when he's nothing but a faith maybe but they'll still get carried away and that's they'll do the same thing with the Antichrist Dave from Kentucky my question to you is there still any angels or spirits in heaven to be born a woman and if there are why would they want to be born if they are already in heaven well that's a good question only it's God's orders okay god that's mean it's God's plan and you take one of God's elect they know they have work to do and they're not going to be shy about volunteering even though God they're going to because God's going to insist and they know they can help the people that's why the mark of one of God's elect is always a person that has compassion for other people you can always tell if you just pay a little bit of attention you can talk to somebody for five minutes and you can pretty well determine by what they say what their attitude is and so forth and you will always find one of God's elect has compassion if they don't then they are not probably one of God's elect but they would like to be kandi from Florida help me understand loneliness and death and help me understand I don't understand and help me understand why amen you sound a little confused why why do you think that you're why are you lonely when if you're a Christian God States he will never leave you alone I will never leave you nor forsake you so you're never alone you got to talk to him you got to love him you got to understand that he loves you and let him know won't you do that today and that understanding his touch of love will come to you and pick you up and he will love you let him know that you love him in return and don't be lonely I'm out of time again hey I love you all because you enjoy studying father's word most of all God loves you for it makes his day when you study the letter he sent to you when you make his day boy is he going to make yours brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that you bless God he will always I do mean always bless you know most important though you listen to me good you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day yes even with trouble why because Jesus Yeshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five twenty four-hours-a-day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas seven two seven three six once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas seven two seven three six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,197
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Murray, Holy Bible, Bible, KJV, Deuteronomy, book of deuteronomy
Id: rDdCtJQ_z1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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