IFSC Climbing World Cup Vail 2019 - Bouldering Finals
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Views: 1,042,047
Rating: 4.8456063 out of 5
Keywords: Sport, climbing, ifsc, 2019, #ifscWC, world cup, men, women, finals, semi-finals, boulder, bouldering, live, streaming, replay, Vail, USA, US, Last, season, champion, winner, gold medal, competition, colorado
Id: 3zE_InotBGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 252min 24sec (15144 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Bloody hell Janja is not human. She was engineered in a lab for the sole purpose of climbing, I'm convinced
Twat with the laser pointer needs a slap.
Massive congratulations to Janja, 6/6 was amazing to watch!
That was crazy from Janja, congrats to her! Felt bad for Fanny, she climbed incredibly all year, any other year and she'd have a win or 2.
Janja Garnbret just won to become the first person to win every bouldering world cup in a year!
Feel so bad for Ondra.. he knew after M2 too.
Dude in the crowd with the Miguels shirt...I see you
Anyone else noticed the little bows of Nakamura to the judges before starting every problem? Just so friendly and respectful and damn cute!