Employers, What Was the Craziest Results You've Seen During a Routine Background Check?

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employers of reddit what is the most scandalous thing you have ever encountered during a background check of an applicant did you know that when you get drug tested they also test for alcohol i didn't know that but someone we were about to hire was legally drunk when they peed for their drug test since there is some interest i'll give some additional details my boss interviewed this person then had them come back for a follow-up interview and i interviewed them as well mostly discussing video games but then from what i understand a day or two later my boss called and offered them the job starting the following monday but they needed to take a drug test before they started so they needed to call and make an appointment for some time over the next couple of days monday came and i was like so is new person starting today boss was like uh no they failed their drug test for what alcohol they test for that yep apparently new person was above the legal limit for alcohol at like 10 a.m on a thursday yep at a test that they scheduled the time for yep better than illegally drunk i was interviewing a guy for a manager position and was planning on hiring him mentioned that he'd have to do a background check straight out said he would not pass because of an armed robbery and assault charge seemed like a normal guy to me he probably was he knew you'd find it and that honesty is the better option when i used to do background checks i put more stock in how honest the person was with me than what the actual data said except for that guy with the rape and assault charges no amount of honesty was gonna get me to hire him had a guy apply for a teaching position called his previous employer and the way they spoke of him raised an alarm googled his name and school district and found out he lost his job for sex with students i'm not sure why he wasn't in jail or still had his license hs students can be over 18 and charges can be dropped due to lack of evidence someone who did 20 years in prison for murder someone else who was arrested for attempted murder someone else who was arrested for throwing oranges at people hire the murderer no half measures my sister's boss found out not through a background check but through word of mouth which was later verified that the i.t guy there had been convicted of taping ladies in the shower also jerking off in their shampoo what a [ __ ] you're supposed to jerk off into the conditioner instead because it looks alike and is harder to detect i've told this before and it didn't progress all the way to a background check but i was interviewing a guy for a mechanic position in a plant we were reviewing his work history when he nonchalantly volunteered that he had spent several years in prison for raping his daughter since no one else has mentioned it there are some circumstances when a person would want to prove that they were looking for employment by going on job interviews but also really not want to get a job seems like a pretty foolproof way in my company standard practices do search on their name phone number and email addresses from their cv occasionally it turns up interesting factoids like patent applications directorships etc a few years ago a guy sent in his cv and it read excellently he was called for interview morning of interview i did the basic search and the guy's email turned up all his personal ads where he was looking for hung guys to frick his butt draw stuff about role play and other looking for information on best places for gay cruising in several different cities plus his nude picks it throws a zillion red flags on the web filter and i get called into hr explain and it's all good i get asked to sit in an interview and the guy aced it bright qualified well presented knew his stuff inside and out an hour later he got offered the jobs but turned it down cause not enough international travel he took a lower paying job at a competitor and travels a lot in europe hopefully he found the right kinky guy to keep him happy mtl dr applicant's kinky personal ads get me an interview by hr he still didn't accept the dang job knew his stuff inside and out so did everyone else apparently 248 counts of sexual abuse of children tampering with evidence and creation design of obscene material apparently he was secretly videotaping his stepdaughter using the bathroom then selling it online not a background check but this story literally happened last week first let me set the stage i am 24 and have been working the current job for a little over a year one of the members on our team was a really good guy and helped train me he was always joking and seemed to be a pretty happy all the time well about three weeks ago someone says he is out sick the week goes by and then the next week he is gone again at this point no one really knows why he isn't showing up for work but we have our team meeting last week and are told that our co-worker is no longer with the company but the head manager will not tell us why then later that day a co-worker calls me over to my desk and says in a whisper i found out what happened she doesn't say anything and just pulls up some google search results our co-worker got sentenced to 35 years in prison for sexually assaulting a relative that he lived with like two years ago it was a complete shock to pretty much everyone my dad owns a business and had a resume of someone who he thought was perfect for the job maybe a little too perfect so he called up the man's recent employer and asked about him apparently the guy photoshopped seven of his previous co-workers into illegal situations for example smoking marijuana drinking on the job and got all of them fired my dad did not hire that man we had an application come through and it had a number of red lights applicants stated they lost a job due to a month in jail but there was a six-year employment gap but they also walked in for info on the position that usually is a flag also we need people that can drive and usually walking means no license we hadn't run the bg and we're about to but i did some searching first and there she was lifelong sex offender first degree on a minor multiple times six years prison also a number of duis two duis are enough to not get tired but throw in the whole raper thing nope i had a doubleheader trying to fill and construction estimator position the first applicant just got out of prison for defrauding some cities and counties on construction contracts not quite the right person for an estimator then the next guy turned out to have a sex offender background on this one hr was willing to let the guy explain the situation maybe he was 18 and she was 17 etc but he firmly said no and walked out i worked in a sandwich shop in london for a while two of the girls there were always up to some crap and stole more ingredients and food than most i'm pretty sure both were treating the place as a free supermarket but whatever i can't deny i sneaked a few free dinners myself hey i was a student one day i went to the bathroom to find them walking out with two long bread rolls and big grins on their faces i saw the same bread rolls later under the counter a certain man came in and ordered two large bread rolls with fillings one took them from under the counter and began to prep them i asked the other what was up as she was watching and trying not to laugh she told me the guy was a creep and they didn't like him so they ran the bread rolls around the toilet bowl and other things apparently he would always order the same thing i immediately walked over to the prep area faked a trip and sent both preps to the floor and they had to be remade with new bread i later told the manager and both were fired on the spot i left a few shifts later as the other workers there didn't seem too pleased with my actions i don't care how creepy the guy was he was a little slimmy but i thought more just socially awkward nobody deserves that kind of crap i also took the time to report the outlet to the head office i had been in there since and it did seem like entirely new staff working there thank you for being a decent person a friend of mine was asked to review candidate resumes for a technical position and one of the resumes was copied verbatim from my friend's own resume down to the last detail the guy applying had found the resume somewhere changed the name and contact details and didn't even change the formatting my friend had a good laugh about it busted the guy for submitting a false resume and forgot about it three weeks later the guy who had copied the resume had the audacity to threaten to sue for racial discrimination since i was clearly the most qualified candidate the only reason they had for not hiring me was that i'm indian my friend's company loyaled up presented him with the concrete evidence that he had stolen someone else's resume and faked his credentials and employment history and proceeded to blacklist the gaian unfortunately for the [ __ ] in question was a very small industry ironically the guy did have the skills and credentials to cut it in the job he applied for but apparently faked a better resume so he could argue for a higher starting salary burned his bridges and rendered himself unemployable in a field that he had worked hard to get a foot in the door stupidity on almost every level i wasn't responsible for hiring the individual but i was one of his managers after a few complaints from both customers and his co-workers i started to urge upper management into looking through this guy's background because something didn't seem right sure as crap he was let go from his previous workplace for sexually harassing someone and he had been to jail for domestic abuse best part someone at corporate ran his background check before he was hired and still offered him a job i took a job once that let me get a copy of the background check all it had was that i had changed my address one time seems like there are differing levels of background checks sometimes i get crap because in my same state within an hour of my hometown some guy has the same name i do i have a pretty rare name so you don't see it very often this dude was convicted of sexually assaulting children when people did google searches on my name the articles about his trial are first on the list it helps now that he is in jail for decades but sometimes they have to do a closer look to clear me i worked with a cook for a while i left the job for school and when i came back for winter break he was gone apparently earlier that week he had been arrested for having tens of thousands of files of child pee he had been a really nice guy from what i knew of him and everyone i talked to was completely shocked we were looking through resumes for a data entry clerk one of them was the son of a prominent executive at the company we found his myspace page and it was something to the effect of i love p anything with a vagina is awesome i love b and drugs and p see and marijuana helps yeah yolo all kinds of pictures of underage drinking and drug use you get the idea we did not hire him and i felt bad for his father the executive our boss who was quite religious and obviously dealing with a rebellious son and this is why just yesterday i deleted my myspace photos i have a pic where i was holding a stack of money i was 20 now i am to almost it's way too late but my aunt's husband had his identity stolen by his identical twin brother the twin proceeded to commit a bunch of felonies so that shows up on every background check dang evil twins i did a background check on a construction worker and found the following confusing combination rape stalking securities investment fraud i imagined that he was a debauched 80s guy and dubbed him patrick bateman one time while i was working at a nursing home one of my fellow employees was fired when i asked my boss what happened she said the police called and said he was wanted for breaking his parole apparently he had been arrested trying to smuggle sea in chicago or something and then ran when he got out no no no i was just trying to snuggle elaine i swear i'm not a manager but one of my co-workers was fired recently because of me i work in a fairly small office and this guy was someone i worked closely with he and i shared an office with another co-worker both myself and other co-worker are female for a year and a half he started walking around the office with his dong hanging out off his pants i honestly thought it was an accident because he was a really nice guy went to church multiple times a week had a wife he'd been married to for years owned a home and had two kids and he was just generally a nice dude until one day he walked up to me and started asking me a bunch of questions about a hobby of mine that he's not interested in and at the end of the convo i noticed his junk was hanging out off his pants all the previous times he'd been coming from going to the bathroom this time he specifically stopped washing dishes to come talk to me i ended up telling my boss after the weekend and the guy said it was an accident due to weight loss the guy was not wearing underwear when it happened and my boss said he'd lost the same amount of weight before and hadn't had any pants-related problems and not intentional my boss ended up firing him the next day and the guy confessed that it was something he'd had problems with in the past and that he'd gone to counseling for but that he fell back into old habits he immediately went back to counseling which is the one plus side comma one of my co-workers was fired recently because of me no he got fired because he let his dong hang out my father owned a marketing business for a long period of time he would organize a lot of in-store demos for products so they were always looking for people in multiple states that could train to learn about the product and then go into the store to sell that product he had one guy in his 50s come in extremely smart and friendly individual automatically clicked with everyone he came into contact with had knowledge about multiple products from this company even had a few degrees like for hyatt does so well at the store level my dad brought him into the office to become a trainer about a year after he was initially hired things got odd he was really secretive about his personal life which wasn't that big of a deal was getting into arguments with multiple co-workers out of nowhere and some products he was set to demo never returned to the office my dad and his vp decided to do a background check on the guide to see if he had any criminal history regarding theft etc well there wasn't any theft but they dug up that he had just served a plus 20-year jail sentence why he got into an argument with his parents and took them both down with a shotgun when he was in his twenties utl dr dad hired and promoted great new employee after background check discovered he just got out of jail for murdering his parents not an employer but we tried to get an apartment with an old friend one time and the apartment complex did our background checks and was told to come in to explain some things now our friend has had a rough past but he truly changed into a better man an actual productive member in society if you will we knew he would have some stuff that would show up that still haunts him from the past but we were hoping that since it's been so long ago that maybe they would be forgiving anyway the lady checked my record clean my wife's record clean when she did his record we very quickly realized that he wasn't entirely thorough with us about his past the lady looks at us looks back at the screen and just sits there i'm thinking okay we'll say his name is fred fred what the heck didn't you tell us she so very calmly asks so can you explain what this felony position of weapon of mass destruction is all about mine and my wife's faces both go white and slowly look at fred with the look of what the serious frick on our faces only to find him grinning and chuckling saying ha ha oh yeah i forgot about that one to make an even longer story short in most states it's a felony to be in possession of a modified weapon such as a modified pistol that he failed to tell us about and no we didn't get the apartment if i ever have to go to prison i hope it's for that no man fricks with the wmd convict my company will happily employ child molesters but not people with any conviction of anything that has to do with drugs you must work for the vatican bank makes sense this is related sort of my eighth grade teacher had a warrant out for her arrest for an assault and dui she wasn't supposed to drive didn't have a license and still drove for multiple school trips she ended up getting arrested a block away from school not so much scandalous is funny i worked for a payroll division of company one summer we dealt with taking out employees who had not worked for the company in over a year my supervisor's job was to call any new applicants who had checked yes that they had a felony she calls this woman up and speaks with her for a few minutes and hangs up bursts out laughing we asked what was up and this girl has a record because she was driving a boat in florida and accidentally hit a manatee she said that was one of the dumbest reasons she heard someone having a record that is actually a serious offense here in nfl because manatees are endangered well we had this one guy who told us that he got a dui but his lawyer got rid of the charge after we had hired him on his application he answered no to the question have you ever been convicted of anything other than a minor traffic violation so i decided to simply look on the public records database his dui showed up along with domestic violence and a few other things we let him go the next day still could have been expunged i don't know from first-hand experience but i've heard that in many cases a lot of additional notarized paperwork is needed to completely clear one's record just because the judge has expunged his record doesn't mean that it's immediately reflected in whatever system your background checks run on we didn't find out till after we fired this guy we weren't doing them when he was hired not a bad dude calm and polite turns out every story he told us was a lie because he just got out of prison for brutally murdering his dad when he was 16 served 20 plus years for it he was only 16 when it happened and served his time people change not an employer but i have a fun background check story when i was in college i worked through a temp agency during the summers they liked me and i was reliable so i got good assignments they called offering a choice gig that required a background check i jump at it a week passes well into the time they told me i'd be working and no call about when and where to report i call them and my rep tells me she's really sorry the job was already done but got misfiled as current i accepted the apology knowing they'd find me something more soon enough then my rap ads oh we did a background check before we realized the mistake your record is totally clean but ah somebody else has been using your social security number not a background check but a good story hired a guy he was 50 or so everyone liked him my client even interviewed and liked him but one day he doesn't show at his office of sight call him no answer next day same story day after no changes on the fourth day at 10 pm my phone rings it's another employee yelling for me quickly to turn it to a channel turns out my employee made the lead story he went to her bar picked up a younger girl and they went to his place well he changed her to his bed starts popping viagra like tic tacs and rapes her repeatedly over then next few days he finally passes out due to exhaustion and she escapes and is picked up by police naked running down the road his bg check was spotless you never know a good story okay he chains her to his bed starts popping viagra like tic tacs and rapes her repeatedly over then next few days okay i'm not convinced of the value of background checks my employer doesn't do them anyway i interviewed one guy who pointed to a five-year gap in his employment record during the interview and told me that was when he was growing pot he had picked up lab techniques and was self-employed during that time hired worked out well worked with another guy who had spent 18 months inside for dealing and was on parole fantastic worker and leader i helped him get promoted on the flip side i hired an ex-cop who it turned out was awaiting his trial for sex with multiple minors another guy was arrested but acquitted on a flimsy excuse for raping an intellectually disabled girl another filmed and distributed the gang rape of a miner none of these would have shown up in a background check and they all caused a lot of grief at work i have a big one at a public policy type job i had years ago a resume was circulated just in case any of us were hiring the applicant was new to our country and had held the position of justice minister in a country well known for war violence etc etc curious i talked to someone i knew in a relevant government department and to the national office of amnesty international turns out the applicant was basically a warlord who was part of the losing side in an ugly civil war and he'd been responsible for who knows how much torture executions etc in his african country edit as a quick conclusion it was a borderline evil but clueless colleague who circulated the warlords cv along with her handwritten recommendation that he might be a good candidate for something i resisted the urge to embarrass her over it but i did return it to her with a note that she might want to be careful about who she recommends i am on the other side of this coin if you will while i was fortunate enough to get a job right out of prison dismantling cars at a junkyard i have not been able to get past the background check ever actually since i always disclose my past i guess i never make it to the background check one time i was pretty close to getting a job but they withdrew the offer after the background check came back despite the fact that i had fully disclosed my convictions and prison time on the initial application and talked with the interviewer about them i though that was weird it was as if they didn't believe me when i told them i had been convicted offered me a job then decided not to go through with it after they saw that i wasn't kidding if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: UE Stories
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Keywords: background check, background check interview, work background check, job background check, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: YrnM7kah3sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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