If Tommy Laughs, He Gets Electrocuted...

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today we streamed if i laugh i get electrocuted this was a bad idea so if you do enjoy please consider subscribing if you watch any of my other tommy unit content then you'll probably love the stuff here so if you can just check the subscribe button i'd appreciate it enjoy all right i'll okay so you're ready so the second the second i laugh you must play all right now we've got wilbur's just funniest videos from this [ __ ] [ __ ] this is what you get but we'll buy weekly streams was it worth it chat was it really worth it for me to stream never when i do it's just the worst thing of all time now freddie you have the power in your hands as soon as you so you press this why and it electrocutes me all right okay the second you press that i [ __ ] will just scream so you literally you hold the power okay all right i've got this placed on shuffle uh so we just don't know you ready and then we'll do maybe five six videos and go to media show all right okay let's do this let's do this creator of the room let me introduce you to the new joker here's hello mario this is cheese okay there's nothing funny but there's nothing funny about this there is nothing louder [Music] it's just black [Music] rocks nothing funny about this only wilbur enjoys cats i appreciate puss i don't take it for granted see i can just talk over over all 78 of these and just talk over all 78 of these we should be safe here [Music] you [ __ ] sausage roller can [ __ ] it's really good [Music] these rats in my ravioli i didn't order ravioli it's really hard we present markets of britain a new film written produced and directed by wii tit [Music] it's a good guy lead it's just the matches are the envy of the world beautiful exciting exotic erotic people come from all over to buy and to sell you can hear me laugh for when the mic doesn't go up by the way so if [Music] [Music] there he is [Music] now this is an antique sex robot it's got no arms or legs now but it's still beautiful from my taste the metal nipples are a bit too close together wait wait oh man oh [ __ ] man what the [ __ ] oh delay pudding i know this is delayed [ __ ] me no don't might don't know nothing funny about metal nipples i like the place you pause that okay no no i think why why this is so much harder than this is like three minutes in and like okay this is okay okay are we at the sub goal do i need to strap it on guys if you want me to make it so i have to stay on for more than like two seconds sub right click subscribe and prime right now if we why do you keep beeping don't say what i wouldn't yeah okay jesus i'm just saying oh thank you thank kind of thanks for the subs kind of not thanks for kind of this is this is a potent video strap it on guys how dare you say that guys i'm i'm up no comment myself that's not fair all right from this okay what is as the emperor what would you say the time between laughs is like i have what's the grace period between laughs there isn't a grace period why i've laughed since that laugh what do you mean anyway let's just keep on with the videos oh i could just oh oh wow thanks for the 20 maybe you read the subs the subs are in your interest today please keep look 25 gig about it if you see pain here it's at least you're not feeling the pain you get to watch someone else suffer so yeah and you're interested okay so freddie we'll keep setting the sub goals to even higher things after each one so the sub goals are in your interest to promote subs okay i actively want less money this is my humor man this is so bad mistakes we've all made mistakes not me i know i have [Music] man's not looking i'll have these keep walking this is excellent this is an excellent video here's the old animal market some dogs a cat i'm tired maybe we should just send stream now maybe maybe just a couple of blue whales what's this the snake i don't know these two lights are in trouble being caught stealing apples they're about to be crucified get on with it these are human eggs all from one woman the farmer's wife [Music] and these big blue ones are from his mother-in-law there she is anyone lost any butter yeah i have me i could do with a bitter butter idiot well what a marvelous day in the market time to go home although i am a bit lost i wonder if google maps will work on this piece of paper no it hasn't been invented yet did i beat it that was markets oh yes produced and directed by the tit narrated by lead hit markets of britain production filmed in [Music] [Music] do i need to okay should i unplug and replug in the batteries yeah probably wait if we hit the sub goal yet because if we have that means i have to tie it okay wait test it on the vibe right carl i don't know how to say this so i'll whisper in cheesier and he'll blurt it out and it's done vibrate yeah okay yeah okay okay wait have we hit the sub goal or not no i don't know nine three six five fourteen k low and it's all right okay okay are you upping it are you keeping it as full i love it by one oh yeah what okay yeah sure i mean man all right okay okay okay ah okay let's do some media share so i'm gonna do some media shares because i love my viewers i love my viewers i love my viewers i love my viewers i love when they go on twitter and tweet about me and trend me i let's do let's just keep going yeah hit me with some media share mods if it was a media [ __ ] they wouldn't be funny my viewers they they aren't they aren't funny they watch rambo that would come on anything for you they just sit and cry about yeah i think it works too whoever said that jake i also think it works sorry i'm 30 subs away come on let's get this strap on okay how dare you say that to me in my time of need [Music] wow he just threw it back i my god maybe the lie detector no they were bit now children rest my weary head good night 25 gifted all right that means it's guys it's strap on time why is sonic on the screen what the [ __ ] thank hey hey i'm i'm today i'm going to say [ __ ] you for the subs [ __ ] you lady catland [ __ ] you amy bimbo beans [ __ ] you lily hannah no you're a long time donator i appreciate it sorry about [ __ ] you maggie uh in a cedar okay all right [Music] all right can you okay how does this work strap me up [Music] i'm gonna get in trouble yeah yeah you're gonna you really are doing this live on television you are how are you this and what the [ __ ] that is not how you want me to go ask my dad i don't know how to do it i don't know why my dad would oh wait i'm waiting where are we guys i'm almost 18 i'm almost saying to you my arm good you don't know you don't know russ knows russ knows don't call it that what would you call it chat what would you call it sorry sorry my grandma isn't as as as as as as as a buckle buckle me up lino hey look at those red marks i love being a twitch streamer on twitch i love streaming on twitch having chilled out fun with my viewers when i went live on twitch i thought this is why i'm doing it what i love doing is is is is is hypixel skyblock with with tubbo and rudy i love going live and waiting to hang out with piglet every night [ __ ] off oh mate that is on that is on that oh my god i feel that wow you have just strapped me up leno oh wow you're just tightening it you're just tightening no go for it go for it no wow that is tight whoa oh wait can i wait no oh okay you got to tighten it up a bit oh jesus [Music] no twitch for anyone asking at twitch this doesn't actually hurt well it tickles that death star but can you try sparkling water and not burp [Music] oh my gosh can you untighten this a little bit this is like a tie this is like this is like just the metal bits just prodding into my arm gonna get banned for this oh no then all of us will head over to youtube gaming sorry i'm sorry twitch i'm taking out my rage to be you delete my earnings so listen one one is that better uh yeah yeah cheers i'm sorry you're catching me in my grumpiest don't ask me hot takes because i'll be so brutally honest right now vibrates it's still working oh that's vibrating all right don't don't today you [ __ ] will test it i'll throw this on you alright let's do a couple more media shares [Music] that's not funny nothing funny about death death is cringe right yeah don't worry twitch it doesn't hurt it just it just funny tickles i'm faking it i'm faking it it's only a vibration you just try and do that on the okay we'll get some media shares coming through media shares hey oh look at me guys i'm like spiderman oh yeah oh my god if you press it i was so tempted just like you press it when i'm like this i'll be so honestly okay if you ever press it without meaning to we'll add that one on to you and then at the end we'll do it all for you okay so if you think it's worth it for me you're gonna electrocute me when you're not meant to will i'll execute you at the end of the stream as well for that because just so you know i'm not enjoying that we ever said this stop establishment of rules uh guys that was the vibrate that was the fight but it made me wanted to see if you reacted that is not on fire that was kind that was silly you can't catch me i'm the fastest thing alive i was thinking about why so many of the radical left participated speed running huh the reason is the left's lack of work ethic why go fast rather than do it right and in a peter sony sense petersonian to elevate alternative sexual archetypes in the marketplace fastest hedgehog shadow what the [ __ ] are you hi huh sonic's a weird guy that was a no no amusement there i love the the the the the the intensity too smart for tommy no it wasn't i'm smarter than you i could make a thumbnail at double the speed of any average taboo if you get what if you get in that water to about i'm gonna be pissed i'm not gonna be happy don't don't now [Music] my good god [Music] oh my good god what did we do and we've hit the sub go all right let's do 14 40 what would you like the next sub goal to be in for what friend um i say we whack it up to 20. okay for how many subs we're on 14k now they usually go up like how many you want usually maybe like 200 subs in an hour usually 200 300 so 200 subs for it to be on the 20 setting it's on four right all the way up to 100 we got long all right okay okay 300 jesus 14 300 mate we've got a long way to go [Music] this is sad i resonated i only would have laughed at that in late 2000 early 2020 nothing fun i've changed oh fun of me yeah all right guys what did you just say i said all right okay we're gonna go back we're gonna go but we're gonna go back to the wilbur funny ones all right we all want some wilbur stuff funny seen this seen this tommy wise you [Applause] hello how are you i'm under the water please help me i've sent this to so many girls and it never works i've never tried this though okay after you take away the bread cheese lettuce that's a [ __ ] sandwich that is a [ __ ] that's a vegan sandwich it's not unless you have no he didn't that did not have any meaning [Music] here we go there's chunky he's dead nothing funny about i i i fine [Music] oh no i've seen this so many times it's a classic don't you dare do the throat gulp [Laughter] [Music] nothing funny about this why does he do that what what stop stop stop [Music] [Laughter] [Music] why are you the way you are you're just stroking his balls that's what i'm just thinking no okay we see we've seen this hey rocks okay this is okay we can sit through this one for a minute you haven't pressed it and it's not worked yet have you don't no i mean i can no no all right [Music] i need something to chill i need something to chew i need something to chew i love my my teeth are still growing my teeth are still growing my baby little teeth are you ready to leave lego island i [ __ ] these lego island ones man i've said this for the past year it's all it's the least funny thing from any you laugh you lose [ __ ] you lego island over here [Music] well i don't know why he's talking to a tree [Music] guys this is what a dime feels like gonna catch me raster no man man come on man yeah yeah is this connery's pants is this connor because it sounds so much like connor yeah mate my leg is just jittering can you just see it [Applause] [ __ ] you [Music] oh my legs like just just oh yeah mate [ __ ] you sounds so much like connor please man where's the funny yeah i'm so glad this is this cheeto yeah i didn't used to get that clip and then and then when i saw the clip of tubbo sat staring at a duck for like four minutes and then he goes chicken i get it now [Music] [Applause] i'm doing good i'm doing so good i'm doing so i'm guys oh sevens those sevens my programs gun [Music] [Applause] uh hey i'm going to the side oh cool [Music] copyrighted music i'm taking you in [Music] favorite music never legally downloaded easy easy is it easy didn't even blink an eye it worked [Music] [Music] been gathered there to say their final goodbyes to this falling louisville police officer that's why they get me in a row man it's let me come in a row dude i've left twice usually i don't laugh once within the hour these are so good [Music] the willpower i have to be watching this with one wi-fi bar oh you take in my living willpower i'd stomp on it until it was a small brown stain put these rats in my ravioli i've gotten ordered again lipsticks we got loopsies that muffin is looking awfully like a hamster someone baked a hamster into my muffin a powerful rat named charles entertainment cheese i appear to have invented a knife wielding tentacle uh if anybody would like to volunteer to come and turn it off that'd be just fine by me okay we've seen this but this is a long one we can't surely but we don't watch this again do it no surely not surely not [Music] thank you thank you farewell may you rest in peace my oh [ __ ] you man [ __ ] you [ __ ] you oh mate oh you feel that man you really feel that oh what would you mean what do you mean don't you don't laugh man nothing funny about that that was the best miss video of all time how dare you okay i could still feel stop playing it again yes okay okay stop we'll go we'll do some media chess for a moment okay we are 200 subs off having it on the crazy high setting so that's let's get the subs rolling in it's not no don't sub just don't don't sub guys just follow just check the follow button today [Music] with that's powerful okay you're in charge of the subs today freddie what [Music] no don't do that just sub instead wow i'm skipping that okay able sisters please oh comfort song my comfort song oh okay yeah so look 14 300 you can put it up to 20. but whether whatever the sub goal is wherever it goes you control all right [Music] so you control them if you want more subs you've got to ask me it's not my job my job is to get less it would be less think about it it would be funny we enjoy your sad little british screams what the [ __ ] who said that this is the prime song everyone primes to this song play the able sisters it will remove the pain thank you i've said that you're such a such a good man this is not the prime song you know that the prime song is brought up when i'm at that moment guys flash just bridging that's the prime song oh all right okay yeah we'll get some media shares many shares are typically worse typically worse wow my arm is just getting red [Music] first you say sub now don't sub i like it to sub when there isn't an electric [ __ ] thing on my arm do you understand this freddy want no no no no no no no no no no oh my i deserve an electrocution because of this one i genuinely i'm not answering your piece of [ __ ] it was a saying it was oh man you asked for it hey um i wrote a song what don't you do it first reroll in this stream here we go [Music] i failed man i've failed is it what's the point i hate all of you except you oh except that leonard oh yeah that's understandable no that's don't i don't hate all of you i'm sorry i'm sorry you've you've strung up an electric to my arm and you're all you're all subbing oh look oh wholesomeness this is why i needed some wholesomeness finally we can all take it down for a moment and relax [Music] no no wow [Music] get your balls away i'm sorry i didn't mean no i didn't mean that i don't hate you you just to be fair i'm doing this because of you right to be fair oh get off the screen balls [Music] nae [Music] spotlight excess potassium finally some positivity oh now let's go back to the awfulness yeah get it white boy not funny not funny just so mean whoever said that in chat thank you forgot it keeps you grounded because then we can put it on settings stream with amazing and uh turbo and turbo when they're going to play wrist would be making it four times more powerful than it is just saying oh yeah well oh god please don't be proud but this would be private guys i love it uh cherry thank you for the no no not thank you man let's just get some media shares in so i could oh who was behind freddie this is rambu yeah please can we get some wait and that's that's tommy i smell a cute british boy he's so awful isn't that man [Music] i was so that was abstract that was that was abstract and strange but i liked it i have extremely normal beliefs and am a chill part of a normal online community and i will under no circumstances but the best one is to why did that one just stop was that like a bad one that you guys liked that was bad oh what about you nothing funny all cool about biggest dickus all right who cares fresh and fun please she sounds like a deodorant ah how's that oh yeah my man's my man's my man yeah oh i would like it if this ended if if if if if this has been the longest stream i've ever done ever what are you guys saying charlie you know there's a problem you look like don't don't leave me hanging on the edge of a cliff oh i just want to go play a risk with tobo and wilbur and go wilbur wilbur will be well luckily we've got plenty of time before they start we don't we have 40 minutes guys and we also need to take this chair up the hill sub quickly come on you know you want to don't don't [Music] three laughs three laughs you know that's what i'm doing and i'm doing [ __ ] fine man [ __ ] fine you know how do i media share you can donate and then you can click guys why don't we just talk what what what what else has been going on we did the talent show video we did do you guys like did you guys like the new vr video i'm not stalling there's just nothing coming through can i be honest guys i was a little ashamed of myself [Music] why did you poke the frog [Music] you know i'm to show this i did an entire video with just crotch cam just crotch cam this whole just just an entire video stop get off my screen you little [ __ ] okay i held it in that and i'll admit i didn't and larry was like why did you not which why did you not point the camera upwards and i didn't have that innovation i also put up a green screen where there was just out look i'll do it again evie was cool thank you thank you i still i'm really i'm really worried i included you so you know mr beast's take he does in the video where he's like i i i'm gonna give you guys what i just included it and i felt just relentless built since i did it look guys now it's like i'm not here now it's and i don't know there was really no point in doing that but i just you know i added it and now i'm kind of really uh nervous i'm gonna get a really angry message from me can i add a green screen no way all right i'm gonna get on some comfort images please all right that's what i needed some comfort images right now you just got off why have you got a folder full of goggy pics no no no everyone has a follower oh my god oh he's here he looks at me he waits for me he makes sure i'm going to be safe he looks after me he says tom i won't let them electrocute you tom they get small and humble he gets ever so small and ever so humble and he says what is it goggy i won't let i won't let them do you any wrongs really goggy you are the great one tub the no no no no no no no no no no have you pressed it no okay okay listen listen listen listen it was listen it was him it wasn't me you've gotta you're gonna have don't you don't do it i know my fingers get a bit tense i know you're obsessed with me what are you doing holy [ __ ] you did this you did this this is your fault doggie oh i'm going to shrink you i'm going to limit yeah [Music] i would never throw it back not for the prettiest woman not for the queen let me find another image guys only 80 subs away no no no end same just saying if you have prime wait what have i done no no no no no no no no no no that's not real sorry that's not really wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i was knocking what was that hey apple's in my right chest oh wait no no no no no okay we need to delete this that was not meant to be what was it was the image that me and phil talk of that should nev oh no guys i promise that that's just a frame there's nothing oh no oh no no that's what else could i have behind me what what would add comfort to behind me just looking oh let's get on the able sisters oh come on i've gotta have some covers goggy is only wow that is just a that is a yeah all right i have that that's a potent image of doggy wow cocky doggy wow okay [Music] oh yes [Music] see he look he he he looked down on me he say he say you'll have no this is how i laughed last time all right we gotta leave okay no no doggy you're leaving for a bit you're leaving wait you better not be down here get out okay no no no no no stop stop stop stop stop okay we go back to the okay we're gonna have some we're gonna have some we're gonna have we're gonna have some media shares some more media shares some more media shares no no no no i have no idea what that weird photoshopped image with snot was that strange made-up goggy images yeah it's just look at some good beauty shirts in fact no we'll go to the wilbur one we'll go to the wilderness oh my arm stings in a video game you know yeah right hey guys look at this look at this look at it no i'm not i'm dribbling out i can it so you are quite the dribbler i am known to dribble out my no yeah i can dude i could that is not that's not already that's not real man that's just that's just guys being dudes you know ice not on tumble kobo snot's on me a snot party you guys have all been to a snot party right oh yeah oh yeah we're snotting i'll do it now oh that is well friendly in the middle of a pandemic that is disgusting that is that is absolutely disgusting that you would do that you need to omni get out of here pun by the way just so you all know me and freddie did negative cover tests before today as did our family [Music] okay wow wow wow pushing the line that was towing the toe in the line toeing the line like this by the way look at this like 69 subs away no it's from the look at this everyone look minecraft sent me this look oh the green slain's copted wait wait wait let me try and find him bit lower wait this is sick wait wait wait this is awesome wait wait this is all wait no okay wait that didn't count wow oh where is he tell me still here oh yes wait yes we don't you don't need me anymore chat you just need him this is all guys this is this is the coolest this is the sickest [Music] [Music] how can i prove i would never exactly oh yeah i was i'm even oh yeah it's really good good spot freddy all right let me try and find another good image that i can you know you can't just go back and watch it on youtube thank you for watching oh god percentage of my balls of harry's no no no no no not funny not funny are your headphones came undone i don't even know yeah but i'm not you wait it's a speaker isn't it freddy you some innovation why are you wearing them um because it's because look at me without the headphones i'm an eerie mess you can see how large my hair is how big my head is i keep them up the head the headphones constrict my growth have you noticed in every single thumbnail i have my headphones on you take them off you see my ears you see my pog through the pain you're right you're right you're right i needed my old catchphrase i needed it you're so right whoever said that in the chat thank you you're ready to blog why i'm trying to get another good image for the screen i'll let you off thanks fred let me get another good image guys just 65 subs oh 65 of you with prime we get to rank it up yeah guys don't times the amount see there's only 70 000 you're so okay in a minute i'm going to ask for subs just to prove how much how much better than you i am but i don't want to just you know interrupt the stream you know oh dude i've got so much integrity why wait why can't i not find that one it's just 70 people so wait that's not even out wait what what is the final name 20 yes pandas so you know how it is i literally couldn't see i'm i'm literally trying to get an image up for you guys because literally because literally literally literally trying to get an image up of rambu crawling and image that not all that now i don't want to delete the file i want to scream not all the zombies all of a sudden i'd be trying to prove that i'm not crazy when i knew i wasn't crazy um [Music] i couldn't even see we could even sit wait okay wait you just send it so you can copy it in yeah oh my god oh my god okay so i know we're okay wait image 20 subs away just saying dude oh my freddy mate this is the okay wait unknown one yeah you crawl you crawl now i can put him down here i can put him behind here do you guys want to find rambu you guys want to find rambu [Music] he crawl he crawled and he gone and he this is my new favorite this is so guys tell me this is the coolest invention of all time like [ __ ] you freddie i want rambo on the floor that's fine he crawled though okay comfort rambo uh he on the floor did your mother call me on a cell phone hi bill said you're going nowhere mate you are so you are you're you're you sir disappointing is the word is look at this angry on this one oh he hit he hid in the corner on the floor yes ah we got a glimpse of doggy all right i'm gonna put this this is i got this for hitting one trillion views by the way on minecraft and this and see thank you i did they sent me this wait you didn't hit one of them all right for hitting one trillion views look at you single-handedly hit one trillion years look they sent me it look guys should i read you what they put i'll show you what so that's on you celebrating one content of you every video every video counts read this freddy read this let me wait wait literally read this every video counts especially yours oh dream sad map captain sparkles go [ __ ] yourself especially mine thanks for your dedication reaching 1t minecraft couldn't have happened without you yes exactly so you didn't really exactly exactly especially yours especially yours not not especially captain swanies small person especially there's only one you and it's me um [Music] thank you for the subs no not thank you thank you for the subs just letting you know before we wrap it up he's a good boy oh this is what i wanted just a bit of good boy action [Music] meme okay i'm sorry man i'm sorry i'm just dude dude wait so what are you ramping up to now somehow currently at 20. was it before five it's four times more it goes all the way up to 100. no okay we'll do it on oh my god all right we'll go back to wilbur videos for a bit media shares halt [Music] it's a good because it's boy used to your ipad instead of mine it's not charging my ipad and it's all your fault i hope you're happy because i'm told mom [Applause] yeah i like to solve the puzzle all right go ahead yep that's it yeah um cheese [Music] [Music] what is happening what is going on what [Music] [Music] if is accept the definition of a word with some letters surrounded by a gap then clump it your mom looks like oh man hey how's it going i've actually got something for you this is the bread that you asked me to get and you can now go and make me a salad oh wow oh wow wow wow oh [ __ ] man holy [ __ ] who knew sexism was the cure till after oh my god oh wow wait what did i just say it was it guys i said that under excruciating pain hello to vote guys if they ban me we'll just we'll just move to youtube can we can i get all can i get all can i get can i get understood it's gonna get all lowercase can i get understood in chat if they ban me we'll all just move to youtube we'll get double the viewers there i'll gift you all memberships all right understood understood if they ban me we'll all just move to youtube gaming i'll gift you all memberships all right we just will understand that all right i understand thank you thank you thank you very much no objections in the court thank you oh my god we're not i'm we're not staying on this platform i'm telling we're gonna get banned chat oh god thank you all right good good good good oh my god the face of twitch everybody oh my god [Music] that one was a lot more [Music] now let's get pog champs [Music] what is how what is this video what the white [Music] no mark mark robert you never no zuckerberg you never fail me oh i get it i got yeah ah yeah uh [Music] this is i did not call this video sick until i knew about this [Music] guys i see you all on youtube gaming all right we've got another car [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey josh look at this huge moth that i found out here oh there it goes you [ __ ] isn't that cool yeah that's cool get it out of here man for sam it just doesn't add up no i don't deserve you you should be with the real girl can you come to my concert here that's just a stupid owner it's not just a folder [Music] hi this is gilbert godfrey hey jeffrey epstein i heard what you did and that isn't very poggers come on get you waiting huh okay guys i have 10 okay chap i have 10 minutes until i have to be on turbo stream and in that time me and freddie have to take this chair all the way up a hill okay and i have enjoyed one hour and 12 minutes of this do you understand can i can i can i all get a load of good looks in the chat you'll be there for a long time just saying i'm going to be on risk for ages as okay guys i'm taking it off what now yeah thank you no no no all right no we're ending we're ending wondering what [ __ ] you okay you okay i'm doing one on you i'm doing what i'm doing one on you put it up put it here put it put your arm on put your arm out put your arm out why are you doing one of them put your arm out how red my arm is man holy [ __ ] oh no [Music] okay tighten it tighten it tighten it one sec what's it what's a good song that you like oh i know freddie i want you to sing man i'll remove it no medicines please [Music] [Music] my you have ten minutes before the turbo stream it's a seven minute video shall i publish a new vlog right now just right now do it do it do you what is that what you want is that what you want hey all right boys new vlog has been let's just do whichever that's all fine yeah yeah you did you did all right and [ __ ] publish you need to credit the editor we'll do in a second um all right go watch that go watch that give it all go why seven minutes long you can go watch all of it wait let me spam the link why is it not what give me a give give link give them link go watch go watch all of it go watch all of it but first new vlog new vlog all right but guys you know what you got to do freddie wait you know when you bring it in come meet up my mind now i understand who i am don't want to muff it [Music] i'm a man i'm a muppet it's not working it's not working no stop wait switch modes you got out free [Applause] [Music] all right i'm gonna raid turbo i'll be on turbo stream in 10 minutes see you all there bye [Applause]
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 1,410,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, tommyvods, tommyinnit vods, dream smp, tommyinnit dream smp, minecraft funny, minecraft mods, minecraft but, dream, dream minecraft, I Get Shocked When I Lose Hearts in Minecraft, I Get Shocked When I Get Damaged in Minecraft, Minecraft But A Robot Shocks You If You Lose Hearts, challenge, Minecraft but, Minecraft but challenge, Minecraft survival, Minecraft shocked, Minecraft tazer, Minecraft shock, shocked, If Tommy Laughs, He Gets Electrocuted...
Id: 5ok_uJwUus0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 41sec (3401 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 23 2021
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