Why Is This So SCARY | The Mandela Catalogue

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[Music] the video you are about to watch is make sure that your doors are locked and that you are aware of any presence in your home checked under your bed and in your closet [Music] don't move so we played that maple county game recently and the mandela catalog was something that was referenced in it as the inspiration for that now i loved the game it was really fun to play albeit short but if the mandela catalog inspired it then this must be really good as well and has a bunch of views and i am very excited to see what it is because this type of horror is right up my alley the united states department of temporal phenomena receiving countless reports of an unidentified hostile organism that will refer to as alternates until we have a complete understanding of the threat it's important to stay home lock all doors and windows and have access to a loaded firearm or any ranged weapon at all times you will know if an alternate exists solely based on their physical characteristics so they're called alternates we kind of saw them in the game they had slightly uncanny features like their eyes were slightly too far apart maybe a little too big they had longer limbs and they kind of imitate people if you see another person that looks identical to you run away and hide if you see a person that has a biologically impossible characteristic run away and hide if one manages to break into your home refrain from any kind of communication or contact with the threat oh that's so freaky well i think this would be fine i would i would run away from these people anyway if someone's coming at me upside down or has a hot air balloon head or stretch armstrong arms i'm going to run away anyway if i saw myself on the street i think i would just be freaked out naturally i don't think i would go anywhere near me these intelligent life forms utilize elements of psychological warfare to take advantage of their victims that's so cool well we heavily discourage any form of contact or communication with an alternate we make exceptions for attempts at executing them yourself just shoot them if you see one just shoot it that's not going to get you in trouble in the event of an alternate encounter follow the think principle tell an authority figure about your encounter hinder the alternates movement you told me that i shouldn't interact with it identify the class type oh this is some svp stuff neutralize the alternate if safe to do so i'm getting mixed messages in this i would say very far away there's not enough room for the two of us oh god know your place in reality that's so freaky know your enemy yeah let me see what i'm up against type one doppelganger oh man you said they had different features these look they look like twins i don't know which one is which i don't know who the alternate is and who's real oh this i figured it out i know which one it is here that's like shiver material victim one victim two are your eyes gone mark heathcliff cesar torres that's so unsettling it's such normal pictures too hello hey it's caesar i hope it's not too late no it's fine don't worry what's up are you right yeah it's not me it's my mom ah this is from the game i have no idea why i'm on my way to the er but could you do me a favor yeah of course what is it i just need you to come over and turn on the cameras we have set up you know the ones that we installed after we were robbed oh yeah would you mind if i asked why well she screamed really loud right before i found her on the ground i i just well do you have your doors and windows locked like what the broadcast told us to do yeah that's the weird part maybe she saw something i don't i don't know now i don't know if he's real all right i mean it shouldn't be too bad i'm just gonna switch them on and get out of there though you know how i feel about your house yeah that's fine your house sucks bro one last thing try to get a good view oh my god so weird see that's the thing okay all right i gotta go i'm almost at the hospital thank you see you don't know who's an alternate or not if they're able to mimic you and they're able to like copy people then is that guy bad and he's just trying to get the other guy to the house it was the mom and alternate there we go nice how many cams do you have that's like paranormal activity now is that it three cams i don't know what i'm looking at here nice okay in and out motion detected at 3 31 am recording start oh god the suspense oh is that a person that's gonna be different yeah it's gone now oh door's open duh you can see sound increased detected at 5 34 am recording start well that wasn't really motion detected it was just who are you get away from me no oh that's so weird it followed me home caesar i have a gift for you oh i hate i this a surprise i will not don't open that door oh god it's making me like dance my feet jesus i guess that's one of my fears having someone show up at my door that sounds like someone i know never knew i had that fear before do not want to see what is on the other side i would not either but it has been days i've been in your room for days and nobody has come to help me [Applause] [Music] it's so funny oh bad decision mark what's happening oh what are you stop staring at me nobody came for me well you tried to shoot it i don't think you followed the think principle though attention viewing of the following footage is illegal and punishable by law if not previously cleared with your assistant if access is recording or not part of your local authority please stop the video and discard the tape immediately i love this stuff mandela county police department training video oh this is we saw some of this in the game as well emergency call operator while at the station the situation may occur where the local 911 dispatchers run out of operators to handle calls so they are given to us instead there are three and only three scenarios that you will handle with a caller okay when a caller needs the police send available personnel to the address where's old footage so scary looking when the caller has a fire related emergency contact our neighboring fire department with the address and a brief description of the event okay please fire medical when the caller has a medical emergency immediately contact the mandela community hospital oh it makes my skin crawl here at the mandela county police department we thank you for viewing this instructions [Applause] [Music] do not help a caller reporting an alternate encounter oh that's messed up no matter how frantic their screams are family reassure the caller that help is on the way even though it's not the call can be ended when they stop responding to your questions do not speak too much oh you might accidentally reveal your fear whoa nice worth the risk nothing is worth the risk nothing is worth the risk the scary night by mark aged four mandela elementary school grade oh you're in 4k bro don't get caught daddy didn't check under my bed last night so i went to mommy's room i was scared it was scary knocking on the door and the scariest part is walking by the dark room by the stairs yeah i'd be scared too kim almost at mommy's room and i saw the man in the corner him lovely looking fowler and then i fell asleep the end oh should i be remembering these oh there it is the dark room no wonder you're scared to go by it i'm scared to just look at it hi an intruder what's wrong with his face module complete if anything unexpected occurred during the test let your advisor know immediately um sir i'd like to report a problem everything damn that's cool special thanks to the analog horror community for your ongoing support yeah people keep telling me that i need to get into more analog horror stuff i didn't really know what it was that was awesome i think what i like the most about it is that it's so it's so kind of consistent with itself but it doesn't rely on over-the-top jump scares it doesn't rely on the same sorts of tropes as everything else it doesn't really like there's a narrative to it and you're putting pieces together in your head and you're attaching this to that and you're like what if this was real and it happened to me so your imagination does most of the work and then just kind of like nudged a little bit by some of the imagery in it just enough to give you like an overall picture that your brain can complete itself and i love that i love that it's kind of it's connected to itself but it's kind of disconnected in the different pieces like there's a training video there's like a thing for a kid there's real life footage there's cameras from someone's house it feels like this is sort of a thing that's plaguing this community already like it feels like a world that's lived in and it's really well thought out and some of the stuff it's just so subtle and just like the creepy sort of robotic voices and something that's left to hang a little too long and then the kid already talked about the person in the doorway that you don't want to see and then it just shows the doorway and you're kind of like where is it where is it what am i looking for i love it really really well done i think that's the only one so far in regards to like the mandela catalog yeah volume one 2.2 million views i'm glad that's getting views because that's cool um but there's a bunch of other stuff like the think principle is on its own the end the mandela catalog exhibition what's this [Music] enter the damn phone that's the same one from the other video [Music] noah went out of his house for some fresh air i know her oh my god [Music] i don't like knocking i realized that i really hate knocking but i also really hate fast footsteps that get closer to you anything that's sort of like [Music] but especially if you can't see it that freaks me out more than anything sometimes what is going on mandela county crime investigations 1992. hey i was just a wee lad heathcliff altercation evidence reel thatcher davis 3 21am mark heathcliff's bedroom personal camcorder is this the one we saw i can't remember the names oh no oh i'm already freaked out just looking at that not so bad no that's the same doorway from the picture it doesn't even show anything what are we looking at oh oh oh oh god i thought there was somebody standing in the door i'm freaking myself out for no reason [Music] flashlights and dark hallways name as scarier duo there's some noisy ass stairs i don't want anything to show up no no thanks [Music] footage implies that heathcliff has been paranoid for a prolonged period reasons are implied ah we're back to moses he built his boat well done mosey [Music] how did you turn a cartoon into something horrible sounding oh no oh for god my message you will bring another creature on the bones you want to notice it at first just wait wait until you start to feel something a change happening in your wait what did that say first the death of mark heathcliff and then a change to the united states department of temporal phenomena the usdp ah if you or a loved one has recently been affected by the result of exposure to analog television and mirrors contact your local authority immediately financial compensation will not be available [Music] if you have any further questions in relation to the recently issued television and mirror destruction order call the number below television and mirror destruction order he did have a run-in with the television for the preservation of security season one finale exhibition oh oh so they're all connected to each other so all of these like back to back all did something should i have watched them from like start to finish oh whoops don't be afraid i bring good news of great joy for you and all people oh that's why tonight your savior was born in david's town [Music] rejoice jesus is born so this makes a little more sense now because this is noah starting in his journey and that angel was the same face that we saw that was giving him a warning right [Music] [Music] oh lord what does that mean see i think these subtitles are actually put in by the i'm so used to fan submitted subtitles for things that i want to know what this means [Music] okay bye is this something oh that's the face of the i angel know their greatest fear i will ruin your greatest fear wake up joseph wake up wake up wake up wake up oh my god it's so scary the angel of death hath come do not be afraid my dear there it is no i know you have a lovely face underneath that [Music] nevermind wait is this gonna are they gonna say it or is it just stuck here have frozen i became empowerless then ask it not reader for i write it not because all language would be insufficient i did not die and i alive remained not think for thyself now hast thou out ought of wit what i became being of both deprived i deceived them such weak minds i am bound to chains on my ankles that grow heavier with every step the infinite amount of sand will be my tomb and my foolishness will be my legacy if there is a god please help me [Laughter] [Music] overthrown by alex kister alex you're awesome i'm not gonna watch all of them because i feel like i feel like i've watched too much of them already i feel like you guys should go to this channel the mandela catalog subscribe to it give them views and not just watch it through me here watching it um there's clearly a story going on across all of these that i'm not privy to right now um but it would be cool to go into the comments and kind of read what's going on but i really love this style of things being like put together and just little tapes here and there and bits and pieces of different things it's so fascinating how you can make such innocent looking footage so scary all it takes is like a little bit of editing and a bit of um like a couple of filters and sound effects and different music goes a long way as well but god i love this this is right up my alley this kind of um this kind of content people keep telling me to react to like local 58 stuff as well i think that's another type of content in the analog horror as they call it but again i didn't know anything about this until recently so maybe we will maybe we'll take a deep dive into some of that but i feel like i need like a guide to some of it like where to start and what to watch and what's the scariest stuff in it so if you guys watch any of this stuff please let me know um i would gladly uh take it on board and we'll react to some of it and i can get involved in some of this community because i think it's awesome but yeah alex kister you're dope that's gonna do it for me i need to go do something normal um so i don't have these voices stuck in my head anymore because those are incredibly unsettling to listen to thank you guys for watching the video don't forget to leave a like and subscribe if you're new here [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,031,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, the mandela catalogue, horror short
Id: yJ8iYWT_6WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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