What Really Happened At Edenville and Sanford Dams?

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Grady does an excellent job on all his videos. Lots of great information in this one,

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/ARAR1 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

Love this, strain softening for newbies.

the end is the most key, who fixes these when they just become landscaping features of huge hazard potential?

the rich neighbors? it seems like it in this case

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/syds 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

Fun fact, you can see my house in this video

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/chejrw 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SassHole1756 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

This seams to be the same phenomenon as the tailings dan failure in Brazil a few years ago. It slumps away just like the one in the video.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BuzzKillingtonThe5th 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
On May 18th, 2020, heavy rainfall in  Michigan raised the level of Wixom   Lake - a man-made reservoir impounded  by Edenville Dam - higher than it had   ever gone before. As the reservoir  continued to rise the following day,   the dam suddenly broke, sending a wall of  water downstream. As it traveled along the   Tittabawassee River, the flood wave reached and  quickly overpowered the Sanford Dam downstream.   The catastrophic failure of the two dams impacted  more than 2,500 structures and caused more than   200-million-dollars in damage. The independent  forensic team charged with investigating the event   released an interim report on the failures  in September 2021. The conclusions of the   report include a discussion of a relatively  rare phenomenon in earthen dams. Let’s walk   through the investigation to try and understand  what happened. I’m Grady, and this is Practical   Engineering. In today’s episode, we’re talking  about the failures of Edenville and Sanford Dams. Edenville and Sanford Dams were two of four  dams owned by Boyce Hydro Power along the   Tittabawassee River in Michigan. The dams were  built in the 1920s to generate hydroelectricity.   Edenville Dam was constructed just upstream  of the confluence with the Tobacco River.   It was an earthfill embankment dam  with two spillways and a powerhouse.   The water impounded by the dam formed a reservoir  called Wixom Lake, nearly the entire perimeter of   which was surrounded by waterfront homes. State  highway 30 bisected the dam along a causeway,   splitting the lake between the two rivers with  a small bridge to allow water to flow between   the two sections of the reservoir. Sanford Dam  downstream was a similar structure as Edenville,   but not nearly as long. It consisted of an  earthen embankment, a gated spillway, an emergency   spillway, and a powerhouse for the turbines,  generators, and other hydroelectric equipment. Edenville Dam, in particular, had a long  history of acrimony and disputes between the   dam owner and regulatory agencies. Most dams that  generate hydroelectricity in the US are subject   to oversight by the Federal Energy Regulatory  Commission (or FERC). But, Edenville Dam had   its license to generate hydropower revoked in 2018  when the owner failed to comply with FERC’s safety   regulations. Their report listed seven concerns,  the most significant of which was that the dam   didn’t have enough spillway capacity. As a result,  if a severe storm were to come, the dam wouldn’t   be able to release enough water to prevent the  reservoir level from climbing above the top of   the structure, overtopping it and likely causing  it to fail. After losing the license to generate   hydropower, jurisdiction over the dam fell to the  State of Michigan, where disagreements about its   structural condition, spillway capacity,  and water levels in Wixom Lake continued. The days before the failure had already been  somewhat rainy, with small storms moving through   the area. But heavy rain was in the forecast for  May 18th. The deluge arrived early that morning,   and it didn’t take long for the water levels  in Wixom Lake to begin to rise. By 7 AM,   operators at the dam had started opening gates on  both spillways to release some of the floodwaters   downstream. Gate operations continued throughout  the day as the reservoir continued rising.   At 3:30 PM, all six gates (three at each  spillway) were fully opened. From then on,   there was nothing more operators could  do to get the floodwater out faster,   and the level in Wixom Lake continued to creep  upwards. That night, the lake reached the highest   level in its history, only about 4 feet or  1.3 meters below the top of the earthen dam. At daybreak on May 19th, it was already clear  that Edenville Dam was struggling from the   enormous forces of the flood. Operators noticed  severe erosion from the quickly flowing water   in the reservoir near the east spillway along  the embankment. Regulators and dam personnel   met to review the damage, and a contractor was  brought in to deploy erosion control measures.   And still, the water kept rising. By 5 PM, Wixom Lake had risen to within around a  foot (or 30 centimeters) from the top of the dam.   As crews worked to mitigate the  erosion problems in other places,   eyewitnesses noticed a new area of depression  on the far eastern end of the dam. This part   of the embankment hadn’t been a significant  point of focus during the flood because it   wasn’t experiencing visible erosion, but it was  apparent something serious had happened. Photos   from a few hours earlier didn’t show anything  unusual, but now the top of the embankment sank   down nearly to the reservoir level. Eyewitnesses  moved to the nearby electrical substation to get   a better look at this part of the dam. Within  only a few moments, the embankment failed.   Lynn Coleman, a Michigander and one of the  bystanders, caught the whole thing on camera. Over the next two hours, all of Wixom Lake drained  through the breach in the dam. Water rushing   through the narrow gap in the causeway washed  out the highway bridge, and all of the waterfront   homes and docks around the entire perimeter of the  lake were left high and dry. As the floodwaters   rushed through the breach into the river, the  level downstream in Sanford Lake rose rapidly.   By 7:45, the reservoir was above the dam’s crest,  quickly eroding and breaching the structure. With   the combined volumes of Wixom and Sanford Lakes  surging uncontrolled down the Tittabawassee River,   downstream communities including Sanford,  Midland, and Saginaw were quickly inundated.   Google Earth shows aerial imagery before, during,  and after the flood, so you can really grasp the   magnitude of the event. More than 10,000 people  were evacuated, and flooding damaged more than   2,500 structures. Amazingly, no major  injuries or fatalities were reported. In their interim report on the event, the  independent forensic team considered a broad range   of potential explanations for what happened at  Edenville Dam. Although the spillway for the dam   was undersized per state regulations, this storm  event didn’t completely overwhelm the structure.   The level in Wixom Lake never actually  went higher than the top of the embankment,   so overtopping (one of the most common causes  of dam failure, including the cascading loss of   the downstream Sanford Dam) was eliminated as  a possible cause of failure for Edenville Dam. The team also looked at internal erosion,  a phenomenon I’ve covered on this channel   before that has resulted in many significant  dam failures. Internal erosion involves water   seeping through the soil and washing it away  from the inside. However, this type of erosion   usually happens over a longer time period  than what was witnessed at Edenville Dam.   No water seepage exiting the downstream face of  the embankment or eroding soil was evident in   the time leading up to the breach, ruling this  mechanism out as the main cause of failure. The forensic team determined that the actual  cause of the failure was static liquefaction,   a relatively unusual mechanism for an earthen dam.   Soils are kind of weird but don’t  tell that to geotechnical engineers.   Because they are composed of many tiny particles,  they can behave like solids in some cases   and liquids in others. Of course, most of our  constructed environment depends on the fact   that soils mainly behave like solids, providing  support to the things we build on top of them. Liquefaction happens when soil experiences  an applied stress, like an earthquake,   that causes it to behave like a liquid, and it  mostly happens in cohesionless soils - those where   the grains don’t stick together, such as sand.  When a body of cohesionless soil is saturated,   water fills the pore spaces between  each particle. When a load is applied,   the water pressure within the soil increases,  and if it can’t flow out fast enough, it forces   the particles of soil away from each other. A  soil’s strength is derived entirely from the   friction between the interlocking particles. So,  when those grains no longer interlock, the ground   loses its strength. Some of the most severe damage  from earthquakes comes from the near-instant   transformation of underlying soils from solid to  liquid. Buildings sink into their foundations,   sewer lines float to the surface, and  roads crumble without underlying support. Liquefaction typically requires cyclical  loading, like during an earthquake   or extreme, sudden displacements to trigger  the flow. Gradual increases in loading will   only cause the water within the soil to flow  out, equalizing the pore water pressure. But,   some soils can reach a point of instability and  liquefy under sustained or gradually increasing   loading conditions in certain circumstances.  This phenomenon is known as static liquefaction.   A good analogy is the difference between glass and  steel. Both materials have a linear stress-strain   curve at first. In simple terms, the harder you  push, the harder they push back. But both reach   a point of peak strength, beyond which a soil  will fail or deform. Well-compacted sand is   like steel. It fails with ductile behavior. If  you stress it beyond its strength, it deforms,   but the strength is still there. In other words,  if you want to keep deforming it, you have to keep   applying a force at its peak strength. On the  other hand, loose sand is like glass. If you push   it beyond its peak strength, it fails with brittle  behavior, suddenly losing most of its strength. The independent forensic team took samples of  the soils within the Edenville Dam embankment   and subjected them to testing to see if they were  liquefiable. The tests showed brittle collapse   behavior necessary for static liquefaction.  They also reviewed construction records and   photographs where no compaction equipment was  seen. The team concluded that as the level of   Wixom Lake rose that fateful May evening, it  increased the hydraulic load on the embankment,   putting more stress on the earthen structure than  it had ever been asked to withstand. In addition,   the higher levels may have introduced water  from the reservoir to permeable layers of   the upper embankment (as evidenced by the  depression that formed before the failure),   increasing seepage and thus increasing the pore  water pressure of saturated, uncompacted, sandy   soils within the structure. Eventually, the peak  strength of the embankment soil was surpassed,   and a brittle collapse resulted, liquefying  enough soil to breach a downstream section   of the dam. A few seconds later, lacking  support from the rest of the structure,   the dam’s upstream face collapsed, and  all of Wixom Lake began rushing through. Edenville Dam was built in the 1920s before most  of our current understanding of geotechnical   engineering and modern dam safety standards  existed. Most dams are earthen embankment dams,   but modern ones are built much differently  than this one was. Embankments are constructed   slowly from the bottom up in individual layers  called lifts. This lets you compact and densify   every layer before moving upward, rather than  just piling up heaps of loose material. We use   gentle slopes on embankments to increase long-term  stability since soils are naturally unstable on   steep slopes. We have strict control over the  type of soil used to construct the embankment,   constantly testing to ensure  the properties match or exceed   the assumptions used during design. We  often build an embankment of multiple zones.   The core is made of clay soils that are highly  impermeable to seepage, while the outer shells   have less stringent specifications. We include  rock riprap or other armoring on the upstream face   so that waves and swift water in the reservoir  can’t erode the vulnerable embankment. And,   we include drains that both relieve pressure  so it can’t build up within the soil and   filter the seepage to prevent it from washing away  soil particles from inside or below the structure.   Edenville Dam actually did have a primitive  internal drainage system made from clay tiles,   but many of the drains in the area of the failure  appeared to be missing in a recent inspection. Although it seems like an outlier, the story of  Edenville and Sanford Dams is not an unusual one.   There are a lot of small, old dams across the  United States built to generate hydropower in   a time before everyone was interconnected with  power grids. Over time, the revenue that comes   from hydropower generation gradually declines  as the maintenance costs for the facility and   the danger the dam poses to the public both  increase. However, the reservoir created by the   dam is now a fixture of the landscape, elevating  property values, creating communities and tourism,   and serving as habitat for wildlife. You end up  with a mismatch of value where most of the dam’s   benefits are borne by those who don’t incur any  responsibility for its upkeep or liability for the   threat it poses to downstream communities. Even  owners with the best intentions find themselves   utterly incapable of good stewardship. Combine all  that with the fact that the regulatory authorities   are often underfunded and lack the resources to  keep a good eye on every dam under their purview,   and you get a recipe for disaster. After all,  there’s only so much you can do to compel an   owner to embark on a multimillion-dollar  rehabilitation project for an aging dam   when they don’t have the money to do it and  won’t derive any of the benefits as a result. Since the failure, the dam owner Boyce Hydro filed  for bankruptcy protection, and the counties took   control of the dams with a nonprofit coalition of  community members and experts to manage repair and   restoration efforts. Of course, there’s a lot more  to this story than just the technical cause of the   failure, and the final Independent Forensic Team  report will have a deeper dive into all the human   factors that contributed to the failure. They  expect that report to be released later in 2021.   Dams are inherently risky structures,  and it’s unfortunate that we have to keep   learning that lesson the hard way. Thank you  for watching, and let me know what you think!
Channel: Practical Engineering
Views: 892,843
Rating: 4.9639549 out of 5
Keywords: Wixom Lake, Edenville Dam, Sanford Dams, Tittabawassee River, earthen dam, Boyce Hydro Power, Tobacco River, hydroelectricity, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC, hydropower, failure, floodwater, erosion, embankment, Midland, Saginaw, static liquefaction, cohesionless soils, stress-strain curve, rock riprap, practical engineering, engineer, Grady, civil engineering
Id: sKeQe7oc2gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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