I Trapped him in an Impossible Escape Room...

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ever since i killed the most powerful player his teammates have been hunting me down non-stop and in order to eliminate the rest of his team i was going to make them play in an inescapable escape room that with one wrong click of a button they would go bye-bye and just as i thought of an idea for the trap i ran into once again another issue so you guys are the people of gallantry right parrot and clown are trying to kill you my suspicions had just been confirmed ever since yesterday after killing parrot i knew they would want revenge but now that i realized i was currently being targeted by my enemy team i needed to figure out parrot's next steps but just in luck a player by the name of vortex had just the thing leo i have some information you might want to hear okay parrot wanted me to help him with a world record but i found something else so you want to check it out here on lifesteal that's keywords for deathtraps but nonetheless he had free information about parrot so i hopped on the server and joined us to call yo leo hello so i i gotta tell you something right so basically parrot asked me to be like in one of his world you know the world record video he's making right so i went there today right it's really weird because there's this random hut there right and it has the lag tight so or whatever you want to call them to sum up our conversation vortex thought the same guy that was trying to kill me was also trying to kill him which didn't make too much sense because last time i checked they were teammates but because i still need information about parrot i decided to go along with vortex's plan okay yeah i would totally be down to um to help you with that and i thought everything was going fine until this happened oh no vortex want to do thing question mark my sussed out levels had just reached the tipping point first off why is it when i agree to do vortex's thing parrot logs on second off what thing is vortex doing with parrot i know i could just leave but i was already in too deep there was no going back now but when i was just walking around looking for some clues parrot just logs out like just he's gone his internet went out or something i don't know and then on top of that i get sent a pair of cords with no context i i did not ask for them i don't know why he sent them to me okay so i just received a pair of chords from vortex i'm pretty sure i'm going the right way here see i here's what i don't understand if parrot's trying to trap him how does he know the chords the trap okay we're gonna ignore that all right oh i think that's it okay so here's how vortex described it he described it as a hut and there's drip stone under it [Music] oh oh yeah see everything vortex told me was truthful there was a trap there but the story just didn't make sense why would parrot be trying to kill his own teammate i'm out of here i'm out of here i'm gone i'm gone i'm gone i'm going ever since perry started haunting me i have not had a single second to build my trap but i made a plan to buy me some time and all i needed was a set of diamond armor the curse of vanishing enchant and a book and quill but my plan relied on vortex's thing actually being a trap but of course it is it's lifestyle smp let's be real hey i got in a little bit of trouble and i'm in a situation at the moment i kind of need your help and after telling mr cube the plan he was all in but right as we logged onto the server we ran into a massive problem hi leo wook i just made the mistake of being in a vc that any of the lifestyle members could join and the one member i didn't want just joined me and mr cube would now have to enact our entire plan in complete silence how do you get in here right there parrot is referring to my front door meaning he is currently attempting to get inside my base now i'm not going to give the villager all of the credit but i'm pretty sure it just saved me from getting caught there but besides that i had all the materials i needed and i was ready for the plan what was the plan well let me show you and that's when i got the message from vortex it was go time now all i needed to do was play along and hope my plan would work but when i had returned to the place that we checked out yesterday it was different the shack that was originally there was now completely changed was this actually a trap or could it be something else vortex then showed me a new area and told me to stand on the block and look at the chords written on the sign i did so but nothing happened no anvil no trap no ambush could i have been wrong he then showed me the stasis chamber that i was originally supposed to pull just literally all it is is little stasis down here he then led me to the stasis room and the room turns out to be a hundred percent empty except for a bubble column of water this had to be the trap it's just but once again nothing happened i i had no clue what was going on could i have been actually wrong but that's when vortex leaves the room and tells me that on his command he needs me to pull the stasis chamber oh come on and then negative 484 i i got the go ahead get ready i pulled the i pulled the stations and nothing happened yeah and i def he definitely uh backs out of you or something okay okay get ready get ready four seconds i have four but right when we thought we were gonna die he just walks in the room replaces his pearl and tells me to do it again was he making a fool of me what was his plan here but then that's when it happened i got to go ahead i'm pulling all right he's here he's here he's here what he's doing dude get ready get ready get ready go go google uh 80 80 80 84 80 80 80 80 80 yeah get in get in 80 80. yup it might have looked like my plan just failed there but in reality this was just the beginning my entire plan was to actually fall for a parrot's trap and when he killed me my cursed vanishing armor would disappear and the only thing i would drop was the book in my inventory but this wasn't just an ordinary book it was a combination of characters and random code that would hopefully distract parrot and give me enough time to make my trap and by the messages he sent me it looks like it was working this whole video i have been asking how to trap but the real question is who to trap and i found just the person i just made an indestructible vault if you can break into it you can have the contents see this is where roshambo got me roshambo is on parrot's team but he knows my dying love for puzzles and there is no way i'm turning down this opportunity so i hop into vc with him [Music] what's up hey how you doing you see this is where i made my biggest mistake according this quote that i found on google images never trust a friend who chills with your enemies and while roshambo wasn't exactly my friend but he does chill with my enemies what are the the chances of me dying probably they're not that hot but all right all right and that was my second mistake he said there was a possible chance that i could die and i just blindly accepted my fate i guess i really liked puzzles i don't know what i was doing to be honest all right and your time starts now all right oh my what the it was an ambush i had to think fast using the course route there was a tiny chance that i could teleport outside of the walls [Music] now i may have been laughing but this was no joking matter i just lost everything that i had been working for the past weeks all of my efforts to outsmart parrot were completely diminished by giving roshambo an ounce of trust roshambo is now enemy number one and i will not stop at any cost to get my revenge it was now time to build the trap all right so right here seems like a pretty decent spot it's really close to my base which will probably help out a lot right now i just need to dug out a giant space and then we'll take it from there okay okay so i just finished the first two rooms in my inescapable escape room but i just realized one huge problem killing roshambo with escape room won't be a huge problem but actually getting him inside will this server gives you trust issues and so i need to test if some random players will go inside without thinking it's a trap i strive to be like leo look me too hello follow me okay i hope you i hope this isn't a murder attempt i've i've had three assassination attempts in 20 minutes off of myself it's not oh my god that looks terrifying i i really hope it talks i've i have so many levels and i don't really want to die leo you want this clothespin i don't know man is is it worth it like it's very there's a chest in that corner i don't know what's in the chest subs could be nhs for all i know yeah i have enough assassination attempts today that's not oh i want a crappy table bye leo i even tried making an emerald trail and they still wouldn't budge all right you get your gift now here cook salmon even though at the time there was no trap people just don't trust empty boxes i need to make this more believable [Music] but i still have one problem i need a way to make this escape room truly inescapable to do this i needed some sort of redstone activated trap that could kill any target instantly and it needs to be inescapable i thought of shooting tnt through another portal and obliterating the enemy on the other side but it was a little too easy to escape and very unpredictable i would need to think of something else ravagers are the highest damaging mobs in the game and can eliminate anyone in a couple of blows yet these mobs are super inconsistent and hard to get meaning it probably won't work my final idea is something i came up myself and i call it the corner boat tnt thingy now this isn't the most coolest trap but it allows me to instantly kill the enemy with a zero percent chance of them escaping all i had to do now was to build it [Music] it was now completely finished and the last thing i had to do was to hire some of my friends to test and leave a review on the escape room so when i got roshambo to try it out he would trust it wasn't a trap blocks no placing you are allowed to interact so that means like open chests and like clicking things right just no breaking replacing all right nope and i guess we can begin okay wait it's probably yeah i'm pretty smart no way there you go you know i have like at least an iq of six i told you they scale in difficulty all right okay this is so cool no oh wait that that sounds espressed oh i was worried let's go okay yo are you kidding me you teleported right onto that are you joking oh shoot it's gonna blow it's gonna blow all right there we go wait oh freaking heck freaking out creepy yeah oh my gosh bro i'm so let's try this one the door is open all right oh oh we're going through leo we're going through all right before we begin this is your last room all right there you go oh there's a boat okay wait wait did i did i beat it yeah you beat it that was actually really fast you you are the fastest yo no that's exactly what you're supposed to do that was done that was fun well thank you for playing i would really appreciate if you could leave a review 1.57 out of the two great experience with my friend's review i could now hopefully make it so that roshambo would go into my trap without knowing a thing and your time begins once you enter the room all right go all right so i need the key i think oh gosh there has to be like a jukebox somewhere i'm thinking and there's a slab here all right what is this uh what are you thinking currently i'm thinking there's either like a jukebox or like one of the signs is different this water is looking suspicious um and also the slab is looking awfully suspicious i like oh okay let's go let's go it was off to a great start but i still didn't fully believe that roshambo trusted me and if he didn't this could end badly what do you think happens when you press that i'm just curious can't be good there's an enderpearl in here this one says press okay oh here we go perfect perfect perfect a chorus fruit oh my god you you did that so fast compared to most people oh my gosh okay am i going to get shot i don't know maybe you might might get shot it's very interesting strategy you got here not done by any of the other players so far don't take do i trust it though that's a good question up all of these what happens if you do take it what do you think girl i don't know you are three managing so far flip all of these that's really not the way to go but i feel like there's like because all of these are glowstone i feel like one of them's gotta be different right surely because like the whole room is like uniform so i'm trying to find something different do you think it's safe to step on all these pressure plates probably not have you examined the entire floor yet or 25 minutes remaining oh let's go fire charge okay okay oh interesting i wonder what that could do how do you get in do you even get in that's the question so you've seen seem to explore the floor maybe you're missing something that is not on the floor or in the netherlands ah what was that oh oh what okay hit oh i'm not at this point all right you're very trusting of this pick yeah this is scary 20 minutes remain i'm sending it let's go there he goes oh what do you see over there boat on the other side it looks like kind of like a reflection of this room interesting um what was that oh there's a lever interesting chat i think i can reach that oh oh maybe you got to be faster how did i click it you you got it you clicked it okay deep slate okay okay what changed also there's something okay so there's grass here i'm thinking i could like update this somehow by like growing grass interesting we got a baked potato maybe up to like this thing oh that's very interesting because that's supposed to open the door um technical difficulties even with the technical difficulties i still had roshambo's trust and it was only minutes until he would be falling to his death my apologies all right go ahead all right interesting [Laughter] let's go okay all right so redstone i'm screenshotting this redstone nether brick spruce planks armor stand nether quartz bow and pressure plate 15 minutes remaining pumpkins okay okay the bones can make bone meal and go like this okay something happens over here oh i'm stupid okay okay okay oh my gosh oh my gosh that took me too long okay so we got a boat it was now or never i needed this trap to work or i might never get the chance again oh is this like the wreck thing oh is it this corner maybe [Music] after months of planning and execution finally it worked i won let's go yes oh my god guys it happens to be my birthday today so if you could like comment and subscribe that would mean so much to me
Channel: Leowook
Views: 785,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lifesteal smp, Leowook, SMP, Revenge, Minecraft Revenge, Minecraft smp, Minecraft escape room, Escape room, Escape prison, Minecraft prison
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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