If I Get a Coin in ALL Mario Games, the Video Ends

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okay so there's this stupid but hilarious trend on youtube popularized by the channel parashockx it's called basically if a thing happens the video ends i just can't stop watching them so i decided it's about time i made my own if i get a coin in mario the video ends except for my challenge i decided to do it for 16 main series mario games all competing against each other at the same time let's talk about it today's video is brought to you by our regular partner expressvpn the same way that there's a lot of unpredictable ways that today's video challenge could end there's a ton of unpredictable threats that you can face when using an unencrypted internet connection by using a vpn you can encrypt your data protecting your information from being collected by outside sources like advertisers internet service providers government agencies and even hackers expressvpn continues to be the best way to use a vpn service at home or on the go with top reviews reliable customer support and by far the easiest to understand app to connect to virtual networks all over the world maybe you've been working from home or using your at-home internet more often in these current times i've been working from home for the better part of the last decade and i depend on expressvpn every day to keep my personal data safe from my pc to my laptop to my phone all it takes is a click of a button to get encrypted find out how you can get three months of expressvpn free by clicking the link in the description box below at expressvpn.com thejwis alright let's avoid some coins for as long as we can here's the ground rules i decided to record a playthrough of almost every single main series mario platformer 16 in total i tried to pick games that were similar in play style while spanning as many different consoles as i could i'm going to jump between video feeds all playing at the same time with a universal timer running in the corner if i touch a coin that video feed ends and we add it here to the mario graveyard anything that is a coin regular coin red coin blue coin big coin that ends the run star bits are um those are okay i guess i also decided the game overs were okay only a coin can end an individual run in order to give the games a comparable time to each other i also decided to cut any cutscenes longer than a few seconds away from any of the game's total time also if nothing exciting or important is happening on any of the screens i might have to fast forward a bit to keep things interesting in general no sitting around was allowed i had to make a reasonable attempt to move forward in each game at all times and finally no practice was allowed for any of these games no looking up stages no testing game mechanics and certainly no nico bbq coinless tutorials i am going to be bad and hopefully constantly surprised oh you hear that it looks like the contestants are lining up to start which run do you think will go the longest which one do you think will be the most unfair only time will tell no coins allowed starting in three two one go all right let's do it super mario bros just legit the best classic mario game double blown up like unlike the other old 2d games oh look how disgusting this mario looks um i'm playing it on the wii u virtual console like the ds i'm sure we'll find something where it's like okay that's obviously it but i do remember there being the uh the infamous poison mushrooms in this as well okay like this this has got to be a mom let me at least get through the first hurdle right [Music] okay oh my god i uh [Music] there's no way right [Music] there's got to be a lot of ways to just avoid coins right like there's just so much open space right when you think you're good you might not be good [Music] watch out for the dancing coins let's just avoid this all together we don't need that i don't need that some extra moons here there it's gonna be weird it's gonna be super weird every enemy has coins also fun fact this is the only mario game that i have submitted an official ooh okay uh an official speed run for once upon a time oh boy uh read the google um but the bonus dino coins are absolutely going to be one oh no what okay do those disappear over time if you hit something with a fire flower it turns into a coin in this game and as far as i understand the the coin never disappears oh boy oh no can i i can't go over the dino coin oh no maybe i can jump off of this guy see that's the that is a crater oh oh no is there a way in that does not touch coins i don't know if that counts as a crater actually we'll save that for last let's go over here oh side scroller okay all right oh no oh boy oh my god coins no okay thank god some get i don't know man some games you touched the flagpole and it turns out it was coins so no okay we need like i don't think i can get enough horizontal momentum after the first jump [Music] this would be the greatest jump of all time i mean there he is again same deal right just have the wii u right oh my god that was cl i should not have hit both blocks there like that could have very easily had a coin in it i need to pay attention go brain okay little jump big jump don't jump again whatever the hell that was oh boy okay all right oh god uh one of these is a mushroom and i just don't know [Applause] [Music] all right i mean i hear a rabbit here i go no coins i swear to god there's just gonna be money everywhere legally don't trust it don't trust it don't trust it don't trust it don't trust it i i trust nothing don't hit the flag no trust no trust [Music] going down going up [Music] all right we gotta think with portals i think i can backflip over this coin yes yes okay no coins we're good we're good zero zero don't hit that there's oh dub i'm honestly floored at how i have not been able to collect a coin in this so far the game that gives you coins everywhere no no coin i'd rather die no mario make some of these hits like does this give me actually a better hitbox i mean basically if i'm not doing crouch jumps right maybe this is what i want if i'm not squirrel mario oh god that is such a tough jump no i thought i had it okay come on yes no [Music] dude how sick would it be if the game built around coins was the one that i ended up playing the long this oh without touching a coin i just feel like that would be the ultimate flex no arrow it's a sign from satan himself i actually wonder if they okay there are coins on the slide i'm not going to mess with that don't try if this challenge goes like hit all the coins i'm dead oh god he can break the coins open warning he can break the coins will they disappear uh yes they'll disappear i guess they really wanted to make sure that you understood the one mechanic of aiming and spraying still though that's pretty annoying this is the third time i've bought this guy um man can i go over it safely probably i think i can go over it this is this is the new mario games mario's got some serious hang time yeah no we can go over no problem all right we got some room there ooh another yes let's go i may have broken open a coin uh oh he's gone oh i i thought there would have been three cycles in that only two oh my god i got an actual star is that what you're telling me i don't think i broke open a coin still no coins i actually got one i got one [Music] that is one more star than we got in mario galaxy one some levels that you have to do that have red coins in them like i will do everything in my power to avoid as many of those stages as i can i don't think i'm going to survive long enough to make that decision i am so bad at my favorite video game okay yeah this is no this is doable just don't shoot to the top of the tree god the stick fidelity is not what i want it to be let me tell you oh my god oh boy ugh i can't center the tree to save my life okay there we go i almost shot under that was close oh my god those turned into coins oh but i didn't collect them wow i almost want to just die and reset i don't god why'd i have to go and do that palms sweaty mother's pasta oh no played classic mario in a while but you like enjoy modern mario games come back and play this game the jump physics are so wack they may even be different like if you go back and play um mario maker nes mario versus this it's just so whack all right all right finally uh yep things and things are starting to get spicy okay okay all right okay i get to see a boss i actually made it to a boss without going to get coin in money game in money game now there's no way we don't throw this right do i have to collect coins to hit him from below [Music] i feel like i would never play a classic nes mario stage on mario maker if it felt like this it just feels awful i feel like they're going to force me to grab a coin on one of these flippies i really hope not [Music] what is that we're shadow the difficulty curve is all over the place for sunshine there's some levels that are just insane and some levels that are just completely free i forgot about that oh my god no i finally did it and then i don't do it well here's how i'm going to survive the longest in mario 64 is just by being incompetent for an extremely long period of time i am so bad no coin no coin boom another star in the bank let's go oh little extra little extra work okay okay we're good we even got it with yoshi go home oh god dude i forgot how complex the very first floodless level is look at this i thought this was like one of the later ones whoa are these just all random patterns do they follow like a set oh my god i'm an idiot ah completely humiliating okay go go go go go go go go go go go go go all right we're safe we're safe oh my god that was close all right we're good [Music] hey no coins though well let me get out of here no coin no coin look at that surrounding me i've got that going for me five fails six fails maybe oh how about a seven fail okay so we want to start from here a [Music] seventh time's a charm for star number seven boom owned oh my god wrecked let's go is this the end of the level there's no way this okay oh no not again okay this one i can at least rise up and then once he's up oh oh i thought we had it no uh we're we're good so far i thought we had it i thought that was clean [Music] the game said no not please he can't get not in time he tried to hit me he couldn't give me in time we cheesed it i mean like i am following the coins i don't need to touch them you know we can hang out side by side we can co-exist because our love is forbidden oh shoot oh i used to remember a speed running way to get up here do i dare try it oh i don't know you could like go under it and hover up every time i've tried a remotely speed runny thing i have just been regularly embarrassing myself okay yeah the back flip is kind of a bad idea because you don't grab ledge but okay that was disgusting give me this guy ten double digits let me show you guys something like never realize that you could do this like doesn't that just look wrong that's how long it lasts too like so it's useless sunshine may legit be the longest we go i don't know they give you so many options like this hover nozzle is like if i had the i don't know the propeller shroom from another game except the entire game it just seems op oh boy oh i think we're good there we go nice yeah those are so fun like it's not i i know people make the joke the galaxy is that it's not exactly but if they made a game that was entirely those it would feel great like the speedy movement of sunshine because galaxy is a lot slower depth perception is so terrible oh wait the r camera this is something i never used as a kid but it's just so crucial for some of this stuff i always forget to turn it on oh no not like that no no no no baby baby you get back here this baby's going to be the death in me where is baby anything or not valve you step in this you bounce why no clue nothing about that looks bouncy here we are [Music] oh no he doesn't the whoa okay oh boy here we go we're really doing this no oh god i can't jump anymore now that i'm on my stomach so many coins i don't want to hit i can't jump i just literally cannot jump okay i'm an idiot secret coin hidden coin i call them marshmallows i mean they're technically sand squares all right tell me i'm not the only one who else like if you eat a marshmallow do you like chew it or do you just like suck on it until it slowly dissolves in your mouth all right one down ah okay i lied i sprang it with water what do you think i'm doing bud oh come on that was that was absolutely a force he was wrecked he was launched all right okay all right no that's something like you really gotta get on the tip of that don't you that didn't count either oh my god there we go [Music] he did not go very far i heard the coin sound effect i don't [Music] think do
Channel: TheJWittz
Views: 1,209,689
Rating: 4.8720584 out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo switch, mario switch, mario, super mario, Mario 64, mario sunshine, mario odyssey, mario galaxy, NES, SNES, retro, rom, speedrun, coin, coinless, Mario Maker
Id: 2NbwlnmWQow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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