Top 10 HARDEST Mario Levels

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SuperMario is such an enigma the course Super Mario platformers are advertised as a fun time for the whole family but on the underside of that coin are occasionally dark and brutal moments levels and challenges so obscene they make you want to throw your controller out the window and Duke it out with Miyamoto himself today we're going to explore that latter half celebrating some of the most rage inducing moments the core Mario platforming series has to offer two quick things before we start I decided not to include rom hacks in this video I'd love to talk about Mario rom Hank's in another sitting but it just didn't make sense to include them in a list about difficulty especially since the sky is the limit in the hands of capable fans so no kaizo at least not for today also I tried to play through levels both winged them without items if I had the option most stages are more challenging without them so I decided to take both modes of play into consideration let's jump to the list ten stages over the years that shred it in my one-hump counter number 10 the pachinko level Super Mario Sunshine no core Mario games seems to divide fans more than this one personally I love sunshine and I like that it took a lot of risks that paid off unfortunately though with those risks came some absurdly frustrating and broken physics tasks like navigating Corona Mountain in the most tedious boat ride of all time or watermelons but for me pachinko takes the cake provided peach can actually bake it before she gets kidnapped this level seems innocent enough you jump on the platform the launch then theoretically use your jetpack to maneuver in two slots for red coins the problem is that everything getting a straight jump could be difficult forcing you to do this awkward shuffle the midair physics are super wonky making it much harder to control Mario in midair than it would sound he comes rocketing out toward the center of the stage and getting him anywhere else takes either a lucky ground pound or a favorable bounce off the pegs and if you miss one pocket you fall dear to and start all over again the camera is terrible forcing you to learn the coin pockets are without really being able to look down at them and even when you do successfully hit a pocket you have to wait for Mario to slide all the way down before giving it another go it's unnerving and finally it's just one of the glitziest levels in the entire game I wish I could say stuff like this isn't common but I swear every time I play this game I got a collision error of this nature is it the hardest stage ever definitely not but it's the stuff of nightmares earning the bottom spot on my list number 9 world 8 airships Super Mario Bros 3 ah the autoscroller oftentimes the most hated of Mario levels since they remove your previous freedom to determine the pace that you travel and perhaps one of the worst of these came in the final world of the NES is Super Mario 3 there's two flavors of airship that are particularly soul-crushing the first is slower and contains huge ships full of projectiles moving from ship to ship dodging bullets is nerve-racking enough but of course you have to deal with boom-boom at the end of your turmoil as well a second type which I have even more trouble with are the faster jet fueled kind there's less projectiles but the jumps are way less forgiving and god I hate these wrenches you can't even jump off of them every time I bumped into one of these ships as a kid I knew it was gonna be a long night picking them back up again as an adult they're still really tough number 8 tubular super mario world the super nintendo super mario world popularized a growing trend that you see a lot in today's picks adding ridiculously hard levels to the end of a game for completionists to uncover travel beyond the already hidden star road and you'll reach a treasure trove of painful tasks all named after eighties slang words on paper I'd say that outrageous is a tougher level with its a barrage of enemies and tricky jumps but tubular has always been the bane of my existence the stage is rare for Mario and that it barely involves any jumping instead your goal is to use a limited supply of pea balloons to reach the end of the stage all while dodging sports fanboys and fire if anything hits you or your balloon runs out of power you'll plummet to your death there's a very small window switch from one balloon to the next giving you very little time to memorize each new pattern before realizing that you're not gonna make it to the next balloon oh this is really not tubular actually let me lick that up real quick yes not tubular number 7 9 - 7 New Super Mario Bros Wii speaking of secret star worlds here's one that came about 20 years after the last one 9 7 is notorious for being one of the most challenging if not the most challenging course of all time when trying to collect all three star coins in a single run the level is built around a single mechanic melting ice practically the entire stage is made up of ice blocks some holding munchers other leading to a bottomless pit the fun part is that almost all of your enemies and there are a lot of them throw or spit fire melting your path as you run it the star coins of the real challenge most are encased in ice and the most reasonable way to get them before your level melts is using a fire flower of your own to melt your way in the problem is that launching a signal fireball makes it bounce melting more than one block in a single process of pressing the Run button the final segment of fire bros and wall jumping is particularly cruel forcing dozens of restarts out of me and my friends I respect nine-seven for trying such a unique concept don't man it does not respect me back number 6 C - 3 the Lost Levels remember that time when an entire Mario game didn't come out in the United States because Nintendo thought it was too hard it wasn't just any Mario game either it was the original sequel Nintendo got one look at Japan Super Mario Bros 2 and decided that the US would come to hate Mario as a character if they got a hold of such an unfair and challenging game we'd later get these stages under the US title of the Lost Levels which is one of the most consistently challenging mario games of all time the game unloads all kinds of new tricks like poison mushrooms and random gusts of wind to ruin your jumps the all-stars version also lets you replay individual levels one at a time instead of the full world and trust me you'll like that feature you especially needed 4c - three a monstrosity of a stage that features multiple springboards and huge pits between them your goal is to jump from spring to spring all while avoiding lakitu and completing other platforming challenges in between them on top of that you get the random gusts of wind throughout the entire stage the spring jumps rocket you off the stage and while the game's camera scrolls with you to an extent there's no real way of knowing exactly where you're going to land making this course a tedious series of blind leaps of faith okay I think I've got the landing I've done this a couple times I'm pretty sure oh he got me again number five special eight crown Super Mario 3d Land around this era Nintendo began adding one huge challenge to complete the end of a game as a reward for insane completion percentages but your efforts do not go unrewarded the final crown stage is a cruel one requiring some tricky jumps a double boss fight and unsought of fire bars and an electric maze then you have to carefully navigate the thank-you letter since they appear on the screen I actually almost died here oh I guess that you can actually just ride this platform down here and not be an idiot like me might be you have to complete the full course in one go and you won't be getting any power-ups during the stage this is an example of a level that ramps up considerably phew don't use power-ups especially the Tanooki suit even with it though it's still one of the most demanding mario courses we've ever seen i say one of because even at the time of that game's release i felt it was overshadowed by number 4 the perfect run Super Mario Galaxy 2 ah yes star 242 after clawing and scraping your way through the entire game you're greeted with Grandmaster Galaxy an enormous obstacle course that includes various challenges you've seen across the galaxies right after that bow is the mission once more with the added thrill you can only take one hit through the entire thing the space waifu is back at it again but this time she demands perfection it's a blend of both 2d and 3d obstacles ranging from Yoshi jumps to flip switches to gravity poles each individual part isn't extremely challenging by pulling it all off consecutively without a single mistake is asking a lot the end of the stage pelts you with a massive hoard of hammer and boomerang bros you have to defeat the boomerang grows to pass and nothing quick breaks your soul like getting smacked by a bro only to go all the way back you can't make a single mistake you have to be perfect number three champions rode Super Mario 3d World up to this game's release I never thought there would be a challenge that asked more from me than the perfect run how can you out challenge perfection right off the bat too you'll notice that this stage allows you to use full power ups multiple hits and even special characters how can this be harder I'm not quite sure how to put it but it just is this stage is much longer and is all around the most diabolical of the three gauntlet style levels even with multiple hits you still need to survive each and every deathtrap platforming running lightning-fast dream crushing Pete blocks falling platforms magikoopas spike rollers wall jumps of enemies plant jumps swimming with moving spikes and a heart-pounding collectible segment with boosts pants forcing you to run at maximum speed non-stop while still leaving to dodge five alternating shockwaves it pushes you to your breaking point to your absolute limit and if you're feeling extra daring you can even scale the challenge up even higher by using the less vertically gifted mario and toad it is by far the hardest mario level i've ever beaten in a main series game wait but isn't it just number three on this top-10 number two the impossible patch new super mario bros 2 while champions road might be the hardest mario level i've ever beaten there remain two challenges that i have not yet found the time to master the first which is the impossible pad the hardest DLC available on 3ds games coin rush mode one thing's for sure it was the hardest level to find for one at the pack costs two dollars and fifty cents you're paying money directly to Nintendo in order to have your spirit broken peckin my dad cost 180 bucks no but seriously to even access the shop you have to activate spot pass and receive a spot pass message to your system so your first obstacle is Nintendo's 2012 DLC strategy but then you get the levels the impossible pack kind of cheats on this list because it is technically three stages however you have to be all three consecutively you can't just play stage two or three by itself and your health carries over from one stage to the next also each one is so tough that they think it deserves a spot on this list even if you take just one of them in individually how do you want to die pick your poison including fish birds fire actual poison each stage tests a handful of skills but expects the impossible it's like they took that little piece of everything you hate from a Mario game crammed it all into one unforgiving package and then laughed at you you can take a hit or two over the journey if you heal from a checkpoint flag but these checkpoints that are complete and utter line you have to beat all three stages consecutively the worst part is just the sheer length of it the whole challenge is around four to five full minutes of madness I can't ever get enough time to practice stage 3 because I die so often in stage 1 or 2 going to hall the way back to the start of stage 1 I've come close enough to victory where I think I might be able to beat this someday but the massive amount of time I imagine it would take just to learn doesn't even feel worth it to me keep your 250 Nintendo I'm not coming anywhere near this pack again number one don't touch anything New Super Mario Bros u who knew the most grueling challenge I've ever faced in Mario history would come from the mode called challenge mode this underrated mode is filled with various unique and alternate goals that take your skills to the next level don't touch anything is by far the hardest like all of the coin challenges this one forces you to finish by taking 6 coins or less but if you want that gold medal you have to touch zero and let me tell you no stage makes you start pulling the Moroney faster than this collecting zero coins starts simply enough until you realize what that fully entails you have to dodge multiple lakh to navigate lightning-fast platforms and perform multiple frame perfect jumps just look at the difference between the successful jump here and a failure this is just one example of what's asked of you to complete this challenge eventually I got the idea of stealing a lakitu cloud to cheat my way through the level Oh No they thought of that too unlike most of the other coin challenges this one requires zero contact with the enemy at all if you even harm an enemy you die immediately oh yeah that's probably why the color don't touch anything I don't have anything against tight jumps the cancel challenge right before this one gobbled up a few hundred or so in my lives before I got it down and it made me sweat but these jumps all I can really do is shake my head shrug my shoulders and oh my god they have hidden blocks in here too nah I'm out don't touch anything don't worry I'm never touching this pack again for serious though challenge mode is amazing and I really hope to see it again but this stage is the hardest official Mario level I've ever played and my body wasn't ready and with the full public able to do their worst in just a few months something tells me these challenges are just the tip of the iceberg thanks for watching today's top 10 video if you want to check out some other Mario videos that I've done you can check them out right here also if you like this video or at least like tiering about my suffering consider clicking the thumbs up button or clicking subscribe to follow my channel I'll see you guys soon with more Nintendo content
Channel: TheJWittz
Views: 3,953,431
Rating: 4.8385916 out of 5
Keywords: JWittz, TheJWittz, Josh, Wittenkeller, Fact, of, The, Day, Pokemon, Pokémon, Banned, Censored, Hot, Top, 10, Anime, Manga, Red, Blue, Yellow, Wittz, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Doney, Kong, Card, Game, Deck, Review, Playthrough, Cheats, Nintendo, Lore, Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels (Video Game), hardest, difficult, challenging, Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Video Game), champions road, New Super Mario Bros (Video Game), Super Mario 3D Land (Award-Winning Work), Super Mario Bros. (Video Game)
Id: FrKlxmowB8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2015
Reddit Comments

Just out of curiosity, has anyone here beaten Don't Touch Anything because I've only had the chance to play it a handful of times it seems literally impossible and I have beaten the perfect run on Super Galaxy 2.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/alexsmart007 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2015 🗫︎ replies
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