The 3D Mario TRIGGERS You Compilation!

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warning the following video is over exaggerated most opinions shared aren't accurate to my thoughts and views because this is my favorite game ever so let's not be bowser and get thrown into spikes by their tail okay so is this the 64th mario game i'm pretty sure it isn't why can't my cursor touch the end of the screen ugh why does mario scream when you delete one of the save files i mean it's hilarious but there's no reason for it wait so if lekka 2 is our supposed camera guy who's recording like it too okay is there any good reason like it too has to hold the camera for us i don't think we need a person or an entity to hold a camera for a video game did mario really believe he was going to get cake from peach i don't mean actual cake the text is hard to read it's way too thin the camera is awful it only works when it wants to how does mario fall asleep sitting up that doesn't seem possible this game is ugly everything is just blocky or 2d sprites you can't play as luigi and there's no multiplayer i know nintendo tried to implement it but they couldn't get it to work and you know it's funny how the rom hat community was able to pull it off i know this is supposed to be a gameplay mechanic but what kind of door runs on stars i get the doors with keys but there's no noticeable locks or whatever this game has none of the iconic power ups no mushroom fire flower or stars controlling the wing cap is really annoying the power ups we do have can only be used temporarily is there really any good reason mario has this sweep kick besides the breakdance mario's broken i can go up some hills by just holding forward in a and then doing jump kicks and don't even get me started on bljs with that you can skip entire levels and clip through parts of worlds and you can also glitch into the bottom of tick-tock clock i didn't mean to do this this wasn't supposed to be in the script but i want you to edit this in john okay please do it okay thanks bye i love you bye you can only exit stages if mario is idle and not just any time you want to do wall jumps you have to almost perfectly press the a button you can't slide down walls at the end of the game you get this enhanced triple jump which is kind of cool but it doesn't really serve a good purpose why do you leave a level after getting a star can i stay there as long as i want the chain jumps terrified me as a kid thanks for the nightmares nintendo koopa the quick isn't quick even the re-race is easy i like doing the hundred coin stars but jolly roger bay only has 103 coins they really couldn't throw in a few extra why can't the mama penguin find her own kid what a terrible parent and to think that the penguin on the roof is the wrong penguin that means there's another irresponsible mama out there somewhere in that cruel world unless this penguin's mama is the one inside the slide and she's just trying to raise money so she can make it by but why wouldn't she hire a babysitter for her kid and how could she tell the difference between the two baby penguins because they both look exactly the same wait what were we talking about you can't use yoshi he only shows up at the end to give you some lives and then he jumps off the castle and drowns himself what does this snowman have against me anyway i just want a star it's not like i'm hurting him it's pretty funny that mario can lose his hat but he takes more damage than usual when he gets hit without it so his hat has some sort of protection powers anyone else struggled to get all five of these coins on the first try or is that just me how does an endless staircase even exist maybe if you run up the stairs for 64 hours 64 minutes and 64 seconds then you would get to the top the depth perception is a little funky sometimes i really hate these amps get out of my way the clues for some of these stars are so vague blast away the wall wall kicks will work metalhead mario can move watch for rolling rocks does this game think i'm like a poet professor or something instead of a bunch of big boss fights you just fight bowser three times trying to catch that stupid monkey to unlock the cannon and cool cool mountain you have to go on this tiny island which can only be accessed by a tiny ski lift why is this so cryptic some of these stars are too easy like simply sliding down this slide and winning a star feels like cheating or just talking to toad i wish i could talk to people and they would just give me things why is this piano alive and trying to eat me okay cool i killed the boo but why is the star spawning on top of the roof what the heck getting the star from this freaking eel while he wags his tail all around also jolly roger bay is not jolly the world is dark eerie and putrid looking tall tall mountain cool cool mountain dire dire docks way to add that extra emphasis using the same word twice twice so long bowser who cares if bowser is gay this is 2017 get with the times mario the toxic maze may be small but it's easy to get lost if you don't know where you're going if you get pushed to the edge of the metal cap level you're sent outside the castle and have to go all the way back to hazy maze cave the acorn puzzle doesn't really make you solve a puzzle you just run across some tiles and get the coins the music is good but it's repeated several times throughout the game was there really a point for this map nobody will remember this unless you take a picture of it with your phone pyramid puzzle huh if you count collecting five obscure out of the way coins as a puzzle then there's something wrong with you waiting for the polls to move just to get some coins this game lags like crazy sometimes what's shocking about the arrow lifts is there's no need for them you can easily teleport above the star or just long jump across all of them i freaking hate the heap hoes they make me angry when you're just going for a swim and big bass eats you in one bite that moment when you're climbing up tick-tock clock but you mess up one little jump and you fall all the way down or you die so i've actually never beat the blast the lonely mushroom star normally because of how over complicated it is you gotta talk to this red bob home land on a puny mushroom to teleport then you dry hump yourself across this wall and finally take one cannon shot at the star or die trying [ __ ] that i'll use this fly guy to get there instead i know this is obvious to everyone now but who first thought of hey let me jump into this random wall and maybe something will happen and then you're in shifting sand land gotta love how there's repeated pictures across the castle they really couldn't make some new ones here and there it's so easy to die in the tiny world in tiny huge island just tick-tock clock just rainbow ride you don't actually stop on a thwomp you kind of just run across its head and get to the star oh you 100 coins at rainbow ride well you're forced to get a bunch of the blue coins from the switch but how do you get those simple you just gotta perform about eight to ten perfect wall jumps in a short time frame but don't worry one mess up and you might as well start the star over catching mips can be really irritating what's the theme of rainbow ride anyway untextured blocks with some rainbows wow what a nice big house with basically nothing of value inside how does ground pounding two blocks drain all the water where did the water go anyway you can fall from 10 million feet but a simple ground pound or jump kick near the bottom will slow you down in your gucci wow that was an easy red coin to find and same with this one oh yeah it was totally obvious when bowser starts teleporting there is no coming back the metal cap is so useless that you could technically beat the whole game without it so if you fall in this level you go all the way back to peach's castle i appreciate the realism and all but my god is it annoying when you mess up also you gotta love how you can just stand on clouds try that in real life this has to be the worst town to live in all it takes is a flick of a switch and everything is flooded no wonder nobody lives here it that really you it that really you nice one guys what are you talking about boy wait a minute are you kevin from hobo bros and smg4 my 64 is the best you even said that yourself a billion times yeah but it was just a joke that's it mario attack here we go hey stinky what the heck say i'm hungry have you got any food yeah i've got some food not quite it's okay really i have the next best thing no no no no no so what do you think where's my burrito i don't have a burrito yeah well hey do you want to play some video games [Music] oh you don't want to play that are you freaking jealous okay okay we can play it thank you very much thank you thank you no you gotta you gotta go through the rings warning the following video is over exaggerated most opinions shared aren't accurate to my thoughts and feelings so don't splash me with water when i'm getting my tan on ok bro [Music] 7.8 out of 10 too much sun well you thought i was gonna say water are the piantas really that stupid to believe that mario is actually shadow mario what is this sonic adventure 2 we'll be watching you pal i doubt that traveling under levels is pretty cool but should it really be this easy to get down there what if a kid fell down and got lost collecting the blue coins there are 240 of them 240 and guess what they're for you give them to some raccoons to exchange for shines yes the shines these raccoons should be the ones in jail not mario red coins that swim inside of rocks all of the blue coins in corona mountain i can't do long jumps anymore you can't skip the cringe-worthy cutscenes this game controls pretty well but then you play the pachinko machine level what on earth happened here i was shipwrecked and washed up here three years ago look i know you can't swim but you couldn't get help in three years how are you even alive why does yoshi have to hatch from his egg every single time i can understand doing this the first time but just oh god this guy's on fire whatever shall he do speaking of pianos on fire why hasn't all this grass caught on fire too is it even grass guys it it can't actually be grass what is with the piantas covered in the goop like dude jump in the freaking water it's right there why does mario have to spray you you know how everyone complains about the sandberg level and how hard it is well it's really not that bad guys because guess what you've got a flood pack learn to use it i will admit to the blue coins being annoying in this level though so yoshi can be different colors like you'd expect but not his neutral green color bowser talks how dare you disturb my family vacation oh my god i can't hit this stupid piranha also who just goes around spraying birds like i know they've got goodies or whatever but that's animal cruelty where is pita why is there a time limit to collect these red coins there's no reason for that why can't these pianas get their own freaking fruits i mean come on it's not like they're that far away well except for the durian mission speaking of the durian mission well wait a minute wait a second you know what i just realized mario is just stealing these fruits and worse he could be paying for them because he's got coins and whatnot but no i guess it just takes too long to do mario's a thief throw him back in jail to get the cage shine sprite you're supposed to go through this elaborate path and whatnot but anyone with a brain will just exploit this by grabbing the rocket nozzle and shooting up from the water pinna park is not a safe park to visit he got freaking missiles being shot at you and a robot bowser breathing fire where is the inspector the chucksters never seem to throw you where you want to go mastering the spin jump basically breaks the whole game anyone else notice how annoying it is to rip off cooper blooper's arms or is that just me wearing the sunglasses would be cool if the game didn't look darker haha so clever nintendo it's totally not inconvenient for the player hope you have fun flipping the tiles for three years trying to make that picture match the king buu fight could take 2 minutes or 15. it's all luck based when you're trying to get the red coins but those stupid ghosts keep pestering you you know how yoshi usually eats bad guys and then makes them into eggs well in this game he eats fruit and pukes all of it out even petey piranha is puking like what is going on with this game so you go through all this trouble to push a freaking huge watermelon down some hill while being forced to avoid like a million cataquacks only to see it get completely destroyed at the end oh god this star i freaking hate this star why isn't luigi playable or even mentioned shooting those pink balloons on the roller coaster why does running into something while on a blooper kill you like you know i can understand losing the blooper and having to get another one but dying i never thought that cleaning teeth could be such a chore when you die it takes forever to get back into the game mario doesn't talk in his sleep anymore top 10 saddest anime deaths the lilly pad mini game the fact that it takes 60 years to get to the lily pad mini game when you get all the red coins then ride the fluff and accidentally jump the wrong direction collecting 100 coins in serena beach nuff said you thought you were safe walking across this bridge nope honestly getting 100 coins in any of the levels is extremely tedious except for pinna park but still these stupid jumps with the girders really piss me off when you're just trying to collect a coin and then a freaking fish chomps on your head for a few seconds getting through the mysterious hotel shine as tedious as all can be and getting any of the nokie bay blue coins like they couldn't have put them in more annoying places you really think this joke is fine nintendo it's not funny okay it kinda is so what's your reward for beating the game and mentally destroying yourself getting all the blue coins what could it possibly be after all of that what do you get you win a postcard that says have a relaxing vacation well guess what game i don't feel relaxed not after all that [ __ ] i just had to go through like what the heck man that's it a postcard warning the falling video is over exaggerated most opinions shared aren't accurate to my true thoughts and feels and yes i know luigi is the true god in this game herder [Music] i know this will be controversial but the controls are garbage okay moving in a three-dimensional game with a d-pad just doesn't work they should have remade this on the 3ds and you can only run if you hold a button which also feels quite awkward since in the original you just go fast right away but no worries if you don't like the controls you can always just move around with the touch screen apparently people actually adjusted to this control scheme props to them the voice clips sound pretty awful and compressed i was never able to play the versus mode online it could only be played locally they put in all this effort to add in new characters but left out our boy waluigi i mean come on this white door looks out of place i mean really where is the waifu i mean look at wario he's all alone some of the mini-games are so stupid like why is yoshi sitting on some rock picking apart the petals of a flower or what about this psychic card game this would be perfectly functional without the touchscreen let's face it the wanted mini-game is impossible to lose one time i played for like two hours straight and stopped just because i got bored it sucks when you're rolling the snowball down the hill and it gets stopped by a rock or penguin and don't even get me started on mix-a-mug matching up faces from slots is never a fun time it's so stupid that mario is the only character that can wall jump like what kind of sense does that make wall jumping should be a basic move that everyone has since it's used in like a million scenarios nobody even likes playing as wario he only exists so you can break the black bricks and that's it luigi is op as hell i can't tell you how many stars i've managed to get just by using his backflip let's have some fun and see how easily luigi breaks the game oh what's this mario's super wall kick more like luigi's super backflip ha ha or what about this giant snowman oh he wants to blow me off the track how about nope sun i can just fly over or wait what about blast to the lonely mushroom you know that's funny i think there's a typo in that because it's supposed to say backflip to the lonely mushroom yeah like seriously i could just go on all day but but my lunch hours in 10 minutes so you know what's this three file selects there's supposed to be four like the original game this is breaking tradition the idea of turning into other characters by putting on the caps is cool but wouldn't it have been so much nicer and more efficient to just push a button to swap out characters ah but hey i'm pretty sure this game kind of inspired the main gimmick in mario odyssey so there's that there's still a lot of issues this remake didn't fix from the original game one of the biggest being that when you grab a star you're sent all the way back to peach's castle when it would have been nice to just continue after grabbing it it's cool that this game added new stars to each course but most of them are just silver stars or the time switch stars there's barely any other variety outside of that i can't do bljs anymore like come on i want to take on final bowser early the power-up system is kind of confusing sometimes breaking open the box lets mario fly and sometimes it's an exclusive power-up why did they use a separate colored box for flying and just let every character fly holy crap this penguin put on some weight i don't really know why this happens after beating the game it just does why don't these walls and womp's fortress have cute little eyes anymore and why would they change the beautiful blue swamps the redesigns just don't look right they aren't thick enough if you know what i mean the only thing i think of when using a super mushroom is oh i'm playing on nuke mode that's cool you think you guys are maybe a little excessive with the bunnies i mean geez i gotta collect like three million and it's the only way to unlock the mini games you have to randomly find and catch the glowing bunnies so good luck with that it's strange how some of the worlds lets you move the camera freely while in others you only move in increments the inconsistency isn't a deal breaker but it's off-putting when you play a stage that doesn't have a fluid camera while the graphics certainly look a bit better there's a lot of places where you can see the pixels i really like that old mission where you had to use the invisible metal cap to get this star but now you just use the invisible cap and it's not nearly as nifty yoshi can't break the orange bricks or even ground pound booze i don't see the reasoning but okay if you really look at the coins they aren't shaped in perfect circles it's more like an octagon come on now i need my smoothness it's way harder to control tox boxes in this game you can't really pull back to slow them down when you're trying to save your bro luigi but go through the wrong door and get sent all the way back to the beginning they made the chest easier in dire dire docks for seemingly no reason you have to open three of them instead of four and this pole jumping segment got pretty darn simplified too it's not even difficult i mean you can aim where you jump like what was the point of this when walking through the toxic gas you get stunned in place which can get really annoying in the original you just took damage and moved on with your life there's almost no new music in this game once again songs are repeated in levels over and over you would think with this remake we wouldn't have to fight bowser three times or king boo or the big bully but we're still condemned to what's essentially filler stars i wish i could jump into this painting like it looks so cool like come on i really love the new stages but i wish they had more depth and i wish there were a couple more of them too i like how the monkey tries to convince me to pick him up like what you didn't think i'd learned from the original game going to the roof isn't as special anymore you don't get 100 lives for yoshi and you don't get an enhanced triple jump you know i feel kind of bad for the wiggler we've basically just flooded his house and now mario is going to step on him until he gives up a star kind of a dick move man tick-tock clock is still annoying to climb up flying with the wing cap is now even harder to control thanks to the d-pad and rainbow road is still the ugliest course they could have redesigned it and gave it a facelift but nope it's just untextured blocks again and it still takes like 10 years to get up this giant castle maybe they could have added like an obstacle course or something to climb up it like anything's better than just waiting on the carpet why am i only allowed to fight the final bowser as mario i can understand not being able to use yoshi but what's wrong with luigi or wario bowser is no longer rainbow in the final fight he's just generic looking bowser it's quite sad warning the following video is over exaggerated most opinions shared aren't accurate to my thoughts and feelings so please don't force me to eat hundreds of star [ __ ] in three seconds aight bro why do i have to use motion controls for the menus there should be an option for a d-pad man i can't even have luigi or rosalina's head for my save file okay so i get that we can shoot star bits and stuff but in relation to the game where the heck are they coming from you know throughout this whole cutscene peach could have easily jumped down from the castle mario could have caught her and they could have made a run for it but nope instead some floating airships just pull the castle out of the ground just a normal day for mario oh of course we're catching rabbits nintendo and their obsession with catching wabbits i can't even dive in this game that's so lame so the red star definitely controls better than the wing cap in mario 64. but why on earth is it only used in two levels one of those being the hub world nonetheless what a waste of a power up sweet sweet galaxy there they go again adding emphasis to one word to make it seem more special some of the goombas look chunky and blown i think space radiation has done a number on them i like how this luma tells me to hit all the switches after i've already done like half of them why do grand stars and normal stars have the same value you'd think a grand star would be worth more than one why can i only use the fire and ice flower for a limited amount of time i don't get that when bee boo and spring mushroom have no time limit i really don't care that much about coins anymore sure they can heal me and stuff but they aren't useful for lives starbucks have taken that over is it just me or is it kind of disturbing to be rubbing mario all over this queen bee it just doesn't feel right shooting a vine plus star bit equals instant flower yeah no i didn't know we were playing shadow of the colossus [Music] gotta love how luigi gets male from peach but it's still addressed to mario luigi gets shafted from everybody man i gotta say camilla that green lipstick really doesn't suit you while i certainly do like the comet stars let's be real here most of them are just filler content popping pterantox's pimples is just disgusting like look at that pus get launched everywhere forced motion controls this would actually be a fun level if i could use a joystick it takes literally 20 seconds for you to collect your star fly back to the dome go through the coin and starve it counter and i swear it's basically just a 20 second loading screen beach bowl galaxy because it's a beach in the shape of a bowl yeah that pun went a little far so in order to pass the final swim test you have to take a shell from this kid penguin and claim it as your own so basically you're rewarded for being a dick you know i've never seen an undersea cavern floating in the sky before interesting i don't like those pumpkin goombas that just poop out fire that's just unnatural oh no luigi stuck on the roof good thing i can just back flip waldrop and spin to him in five seconds wow what a star am i right why do people think boulder guys is so hard he really isn't his patterns are super slow and easy to learn good god how long is this worm deep dark galaxy purple coins enough said no wait worse dread not galaxy purple coins that can suck a big one if you miss even one coin you gotta start all over again at the very beginning oh great a clone galaxy you guys know how much i love clones why are there so many levels where you just catch bunnies i know we talked about this earlier but i swear like 5 stars is just getting bunnies uh randomly jenga just straight up but jenga matches going on i can't do a long jump with b mario and i can't even break open question mark boxes what the heck mario getting sucked into a black hole has to be the most gruesome death he's ever had to go through why does shadow mario always yell gappy what's so significant about this gappy is it a secret girlfriend the way this water twirls around at such a consistent pressure makes literally zero sense even in a game where the gravity is funky considering the gravity is normal on this level it's even more confusing this toad's toe should be broken nobody can spin for that long controlling spring mario is the biggest pain in the hinny it's a cool idea but he's just not fun to control this has to be one of the worst robots ever built why is it able to be destroyed from just a few screws getting unscrewed you see these star bits in the lava this is a big problem believe it or not according to the storybook starbits taste like honey which could indicate they're made of honey lava is anywhere from 700 to 1200 degrees celsius or 1300 to 2200 degrees fahrenheit when you heat or boil honey the water evaporates from it and it loses its flavors due to the volatile oils in the nectar plus it destroys medicinal properties and makes it more likely to develop bacteria and mold and what does mario do with these star bits he slams them into these poor little lumas heartless monster i dare say the fiery dino piranha is one of the most enraging bosses you have such a small frame of time to hit his tail when it's not on fire why are the graphics randomly pixelated i i swear i'm not seeing things right why is there a freaking time limit on blowing up trash i understand things gotta get done but this is mario's first day on the job cut him some slack did you know that these chain chomps are officially called chibi won one what kind of name is that um yeah you know arms don't actually work like that nintendo unless mario is secretly a robot this cataquack is so stupid will you please stop jumping into the water when you beat the game with mario there's actually one star you can't unlock and to unlock it you have to beat the whole game again as luigi for one star you can't skip the credits even after you get 121 stars peach is still kidnapped according to her letters whatever happened to defeating bowser and all that so what's your reward for maxing out your starvit counter the coconuts turned into watermelons why did i even waste my time warning the following video is over exaggerated most opinions shared aren't accurate to my actual thoughts and feelings so please don't eat me with yoshi or i'll turn into a pile of star bits is that cool mario galaxy 2 more like 1.5 well i can finally pick a luigi head for my save but still no luck for rosalina you know how many times is mario gonna fall for this oh let's eat some a cake crap like seriously bro just leave peach alone here take this 50 gift card for the cheesecake factory and buy your own cake of course i still can't dive they could have at least added a couple new moves in i know this pb piranha is a bad guy but it's just a baby and mario's going around smacking a tiny like look at him his tush is orange from the pain this plumber has mental issues does anyone else care about these blue wart pads or do you just ignore them every time like myself okay yes and that's right mean the same thing what's the point of giving me an option to pick responses why did they get rid of that awesome hub world now all we have is this spaceship thing that's just ahead of mario like come on could he be more egotistical so they brought back womp's fortress but not bob on battlefield also i can't do cannonless in this game because the star isn't there anymore and bljs were patched out there's no way to let go of the spin drill unless you get hit by something i guess the cloud flower is overpowered you can basically break the entire game when you have it would you like to make a deposit or withdrawal okay okay is not answering the question you can't avoid life like that this is the easiest puzzle ever they should have made it at least kind of challenging this rock folder power-up kind of sucks the turning feels really awkward and it's just not fun to use i really wasn't that big a fan of the motion control stars in the first game and flying this bird is no exception the controls work but like why what's the point hitting these asteroid balls takes zero effort when you're blatantly given a target on where to ground pound kind of excessive don't you think somehow yoshi can eat fruit out of his butt when you realize that the bulb berry is just the same effect as matter splatter galaxy but nintendo tried to make it sound like something new the booze moves so slowly that they're literally never a threat like ever oh come on they brought back this ball rolling nonsense yay i found an infinite live trick now i've really got zero reason they care about one ups and they brought back everyone's favorite power-up the spring mushroom boy was i enthralled to see this make a comeback okay seriously screw this shiny rainbow romp bullcrap you're given so little time to complete this star and when i run into mud i just want to give up on life oh look at that it's the sandbird sun from mario sunshine and his goddamn dog is pissing me off if you thought blowing up trash was bad wait till you break boxes with fireballs it's somehow worse and even more annoying um this is not a cannon nintendo that's a that's a launch star and you have actual cannons in the game so the fact that lumas are asking to eat coins goes to show that lumas aren't fed properly by rosalina ugh these puns are so bad just shut up toad nintendo if you're gonna dedicate a whole galaxy to referencing mario sunshine just make the sequel already alright stone cyclone galaxy is literally just a section from beach bowl galaxy in the first game don't try to convince me this is new because it ain't ugh fiery gobblegut fighting this guy is just obnoxious oh screw off sapphire blue rosalina i don't need your help 90 of these green stars are just out in the open and super easy to get but getting this green star pisses me off you have to be stupidly accurate in this one is literally just crash bandicoot having a bad day and this one throws depth perception out the window so good luck and this one can just go screw itself and this one makes me want to jump into a super volcano while holding tnt so i can super die god these stupid flap tacks are the bane of my existence they're like a fly that you just can't swat away unless you actually grab the fly swatter and hunt it down for like 30 minutes the luma just takes mario's hat at the end what the hell man you know the co-op is kind of lame instead of the second player playing as oh i don't know luigi they get a star bit cursor that can collect star bits stun enemies and grab one ups big whoopty doo the perfect run just went way overboard on the difficulty i mean good lord i get one hit point and have to deal with bombs electric fences lasers and a million hammer bros give me a break warning the following video is a parody so don't get your knickers in a knack about it the cut scenes in between worlds are so pathetic they look really rushed pretty much every single level feels uninspired and the same and the levels that seem inspired have gimmicks already done before he can't triple jump i'll bet you this the sole reason for including the tanooki suit was probably so the game would be playable and not so much for nostalgia the only mini bosses are boom boom and pom pom like come on that's just straight up lazy some of the star corns are way too easy to collect when using the binoculars how does toad know that you've zoomed in on him i know you do this to get star coins and stuff like that but it still makes no sense when you find an exit and warp ahead the game makes no effort to congratulate you on finding the secret it's like you just go there and that's it but if you collect a bunch of random coins that is celebrated why it's just coins and there's only two secret exits in the whole game and they only push you one world ahead what's even the point if it's not a substantial difference the world map looks so bland and boring there's this toad house in the game where you can look at the pictures from the cut scenes who would actually care about this the game gives you the option to move the camera but honestly it's not even useful at all the 3d function is completely pointless even those sections that highly recommend the 3d don't really require it why does every enemy have a tail behind their butt stop you know it's funny i've been playing this game for like i don't know 10 to 15 minutes i already have like 20 lives how did this happen i don't even know how it happened like what so those piranha plants that shoot ink at the screen it's not clever nintendo it's just irritating just like those bloopers and mario kart the cloud sections and levels no longer have hard to reach or hidden coins but you know then again coins aren't valuable anymore anyway so who gives a the goal post at the end is never high enough it should be challenging to touch the top it's too easy this game keeps telling me to take a break you know what why don't you shut up and don't tell me how to live my life i don't tell you how to live yours in some stages there are so many clocks you can collect but you're already given so much time that they really serve no purpose to be there well okay except for those stages where you start with 30 seconds i understand for those ones when mario crouches it sounds like he's saying poop it's not even a joke just listen to this my toaster could complete the bonus house as they're so simple so when i'm playing like an idiot and i don't touch the tippy top with a flagpole i get coins from that why are there not already enough coins in this game is it already not easy enough to get lives so when you die a bunch of times in a row in a stage you haven't beat yet the game feels bad and it offers you a white tanooki suit and that makes you invincible game game stop holding my hand look let me tell you something if i suck at this game i should be motivated to get better through practice not cheating pity points aren't the answer that's not how life works and that's not how this game should work so mario's got this new roll move but honestly it's not even practical aside from getting hidden star coins and breaking through blocks whatever happened to the dive and jump dive moves those were actually useful there is no multiplayer or mini games like in mario 64 ds or new super mario bros come on nintendo this is a newer game and it has less content how sad is that speaking of there's a lot of levels that are just recycled with minor tweaks ah just give us less levels instead of re-skinning them and calling it new come on we aren't idiots to unlock the final level in the game you have to play through every single stage as mario and luigi wasn't it enough to get every star coin and get gold flagpoles god warning the following video is over exaggerated not all opinions shared are accurate to my thoughts and views so don't gag out of furball or whatever this game is basically super mario 3d land with more characters and in hd the gesture of multiple controller options is nice but why offer the wii remote this is a 3d moving game d-pads are meant for 2d only the map screen isn't organized in sequential order how dare they break tradition i can jump around in the hub world but i can't long jump why do the characters fart when they're running rosalina is playable but not waluigi or wario or reggie this game is way too easy until like the last 20 levels or something i can tell nintendo was trying to force feet immersion by adding coins and blocks to the hub world ah it doesn't work the hitbox for touching the top of the flagpole is way too big the one up trick is stupid easy why does nintendo even bother with lives anymore they're meaningless so the lottery thing is really dumb because you always win coins even if you don't get a match what's the point i can't even touch the coins we interrupt 3d world to bring you new super mario bros 2. there's these tents where you walk in and get a stamp and that's it there's no level or mini game you just get it cat bowser looks way too adorable yoshi was replaced with this orange lapras thing multiplayer doesn't work with this game the camera pans out way too far to see what you're doing there's some binocular sections like in 3d land but now you can't zoom in or out defeating their purpose you can use the touchscreen to show hidden blocks but i've never needed it i always just find them on my own the depth perception is so wonky if there wasn't a shadow there'd be no way to tell where you were there's a spin move like in mario's sunshine which is nice but it's not beneficial why do all of the enemies have to look like cats could you all please stop meowing i can't tell you how many times i've accidentally picked up another player the bullies are too easy to defeat when you kill bowser in his car or whatever how does he float in the air for like five seconds the game tells me how to ride plessy every time when you have a coin slash propeller slash light slash cannon box or the goomba mask you can't get rid of them unless you touch an enemy the levels after the final boss are mostly re-skins of previous levels man now i feel like i'm just making the same video again without the loot crate ad you can technically move the camera but it has like no use at all i still hate that you can't dive like seriously it's the best 3d move ever why can't i fly with its nukey suit the white tanuki suit aka safe space mode why should i care about saving the sprixie princesses anyway with peach at least mario has some sort of relationship with her but the spxy's just come out of some random pipe and bowser takes them to fully beat the game i have to play every stage with all five characters it was bad enough in 3d land doing this with two characters but five g's i'm a fan of hard stages but champions road takes it way way too far there's no extra modes no multiplayer time trials mini games anything the levels are so short yet we're given like three hours to complete them except for the 30 second stages of course but still it doesn't make sense for 3d land okay i get why the levels are short because it's a handheld game but this is a console game make your levels longer this might just be me but doesn't mario sound less excited than usual i mean listen to him in the older titles this kind of sums up the whole thing mario 3d world is good but it has its issues and overall it just feels lost in the crowd warning the following video is over exaggerated there's some spoilers in this video but you've probably seen them by now so please don't possess me with a magical cap alright [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so the game starts with a menu showing two buttons with no fancy music or anything talk about bland but the menu changes after saving so why was it not like this before why the long face you look good in that hat quit your whining how did mario know throwing his cap was going to come back to him like a boomerang i'm pretty sure cappy didn't tell him that okay who would even want to attend bowser and peach's wedding i don't know anybody that would but then you actually get to the wedding and there's a ton of people there what the heck why don't you guys come help me bowser's wedding planners are bunnies how pathetic would you look at that there's a game journalist mode no wonder the review scores are all 10 out of 10. what is the point of this brochure i mean i like the map but all this text on the sides it's too much reading this is the tiniest hub world of all time if you can even call it that i don't look dressed for swimming dude i'm mario i can swim perfectly with overalls and shoes on now let me through the door why didn't this p-block spawn a million blue coins come on i need those things they actually matter in this game so in mario 64 you collect stars in mario sunshine you collect shines and in mario odyssey you collect moons so what's next then asteroids dark matter black holes uh hey mario i i think you forgot to put your clothes on um [Music] oh god klepto has returned and this time my cap really is meaningful i really love this flying lizard thing but it would have been so much cooler if he could actually fly instead of just glide around why does mario smile when i'm about to save it's not that exciting mario can we talk for a second look dude just date pauline already i mean come on she's way prettier and she's a mayor of a city and she isn't constantly getting kidnapped either i can't even wall jump in the 2d sections that's lame i'll never understand why captain toad is always in the most isolated places kind of worried about okay cappy can you stop trying to teach me moves every time we go to a new kingdom this power moon is literally just star 3 treasure in the ocean from jolly roger bay i have a newfound respect for hammer bros how they throw anything accurately is beyond me oh god clown mario is really terrifying and that's not the only scary thing look at these ma rays the hyper details to this thing is just so you can be yoshi except you possess him and give him a mustache i'm not sure how i feel about this one guys i appreciate that there's new mini bosses instead of the koopalings but they're still way too easy or maybe i've just gotten really good at platformers i don't know they're just they're too easy while jumping in the moon kingdom is broken you can save yourself if you miss a jump so easily okay this snow should have definitely collapsed gravity's non-logical apparently sorry guys but you can't play as luigi but you can get his costume which i mean does that even count i don't know so the total amount of power moons you can get in this game is 999 why not just top it at a thousand i don't like this odd number the slide levels aren't nearly as fun as they were in mario 64. you can't capture the sheep of all the things you can capture this is the one where you can only hurt it into a pen hey look it's the iroc boss but with a giant floating head now and it's also blue instead of brown for a game that claims to be open world there sure are a lot of linear sections not saying that's bad but the marketing was kind of misleading there's moments where i actually think i'm playing mario 3d world and that isn't a good thing you would be surprised how annoyingly hard it can be to get to 100 jumping this rope trying to catch this friggin bird is ridiculously dumb why do i gotta do this what the heck 999 coins for a costume how ironic that it's a skeleton costume too because i'm going to be dead by the time i get that many coins oh wow a new kingdom the dark side oh that sounds epic and it's just boss refights well i really wish there was a way to swap costumes on the fly i mean there's lockers you can change in at every world but it would have been nice to swap with a menu not gonna lie the people in mario odyssey really remind me of the people in sonico6 and i feel bad for saying that because this game rocks this game got to my heart throwing in the mario 64 costume but why aren't the mario 64 voice clips applied to the costume as well this face game is basically impossible without cheating if you tell me you didn't snap a photo of the original picture to do this then you're lying to me after looking for moons for like eight years and then fighting bowser again what do i get for all my hard work a postcard yep that's right a postcard the same crap that mario sunshine pulled after collecting all the blue coins wow
Channel: Bathaniel Nandy
Views: 3,283,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Mario 64 DS, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Super Mario 3D Land, Super Mario 3D World, Super Mario Odyssey, Super Mario Odyssey 2, super mario, mario, mario 64, mario 64 ds, mario sunshine, triggered, trigger, triggers, bathaniel nandy, nathaniel bandy
Id: rqyJb71ANtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 56sec (2636 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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