Pokemon: The Metronome Challenge

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well game on I've seen so many changes over the years new forms new mechanics new systems but over two decades of Pokemon history one thing has never changed for me out of the seven hundred plus choices metronome is still my favorite Pokemon move wiggle a finger and boom random move out of nowhere who knows what's gonna happen it's fun it's dumb it's almost completely non-competitive and it's been around since the beginning of the Pokemon games I said exactly this in a video about my favorite Pokemon moves six years ago and my opinion still stands today it's the ultimate gamble and hey if they're gonna take away my in-game gambling at least they haven't taken away my metronome yet yet once upon a time dozens of Pokemon could inherit the move through an actual metronome TM or even a move tutor in today's era no Pokemon from Jen five six or seven is able to learn the move even when revisiting the old Kanto stomping grounds let's go Pikachu and Eevee I found that they had taken my old metronome TM away this leaves us with just three Pokemon that can learn the move Clefairy Clefairy a $50 bill personally I'm not gonna stand for this this is revisionist history Game Freak don't you dare pretend like metronome isn't the greatest thing you've ever done for this game and you know what I'm gonna show them they think metronome is trash that nobody wants anymore I'm gonna prove them dead wrong I'm gonna solo the Elite Four with metronome only so naturally because I am NOT in ownership of $50 bill that means I'm gonna go solo Clefairy if I'm gonna have one pokemon in my entire team I feel like I at least deserve the youngster Joey treatment this Clefairy is gonna be in the top percentage of Clefairy because I caught 300 of them in order to force feed them the max amount of Clefairy candy we also found a shunning along the way which is absolutely sick let's go with that one and now it's feeding time 200 candies coming right up thank God I dedicated an entire video to making things that can push the a button for me candy and this game is busted my Clefairy went from these kind of stats to this that is literally broken this Chad Clefairy now has stats somewhat comparable to a level 100 candy list Charizard now I don't want this to be a blowout I want to earn it how about this Clefairy gets to keep all that candy but once it learns metronome at level 18 we stop leveling it I think we can legit do it with these stats they're that good just catch like one chancing and the experience should be enough 200 oh that is a low so like I said once we hit level 23 no more leveling that's all we need that and some PP metronome is unfortunately a 10 PP move and if that's gonna be the only thing we're using we're gonna need to pump up those numbers PP max boosts that up to 16 but then we're at the mercy of ethers and elixirs like most Pokemon games our PP recovery items and let's go or a finite non participa thankfully that was a bit of a hoarder and my casual playthrough so I've got 13 in my inventory right now doing the mana that gives me 166 PP recovery let's start with a couple test runs on gym leader remodeling they also use Pokemon in the level 60s and I feel you should be a decent gauge of where we're at let's go Blaine I know he's up for a little gamblin first metronome of the day's spin the wheel what are we gonna get against blue yo earthquake let's go Oh hmm that is probably one of the single strongest moves metronome can pull and it was weakness and it did like 2/3 mag Mars health that's concerning one thing I immediately learn is that our beefed-up level 23 Clefairy is a double-edged sword our more appropriately a double shielded shield it can take a beating but definitely on the weak side immediately I start to appreciate things like status effects and multi-hit moves anything to push this petite puffball past potential problems this is a constant war of attrition attrition and explosions so initially I thought we were spinning a roulette wheel every time metronome triggers but in reality we're spinning the barrel of a revolver metronome is Russian roulette one wrong move and boom it's all over sometimes I'm just happy to see a non damaging move because I know that at least it isn't self-destruct or explosion okay what are the odds of this I feel like I'm a ticking time bomb about to go off at any second so of course we did the research and the results were pretty surprising Twitter user de la bonne fête help me decipher a data mine from catholics in order to find out exactly what moved pool metronome poles from in let's go Pikachu and Eevee it turns out that metronome in this game can select any move with an index number between 1 and 164 except counter mimic metronome mirror move and transform so right off the bat based on these stats we've got two moves that will instantly kill me out of 159 that's a higher than 1% chance that Clefairy goes nuclear at any given moment so that's scary but even scarier for me was the realization that this game's metronome can't pull a single move that was created after Jen won which is bizarre because let's go spat full of moves from newer games what the heck I took a quick look around at what other moves Pokemon can use in this game from later Jen's and I'm missing out on a ton of firepower just look at all these 70 or higher power moves that were missing out on outrage fire blades megahorn sludge bomb moon glass stone oh-ho I just realized because clefairy and clefable are now fairy-type and metronome can't pull moves beyond Gen 1 and ferry moves didn't exist until Gen 6 Clefairy will never use a same type attack bonus move so the odds definitely aren't in our favor but as han solo once famously said I think we can do it anyways and guess what Han Solo is absolutely right level 23 Clefairy was able to come out on top over various gym leaders usually only leaving one elixir for the entire fight it's not gonna be pretty but I think our green eared Yoda is ready for the Elite Four right from the first second you enter the Elite pour another weakness of his gets instantly exposed Iron Tail Lorelei's first two pokemon lead with Iron Tail and it's just miserable first dugong and then a lowland sandslash who has the steel stab bonus for one it's a move that hits for weakness but the real issue here is that the attack lowers your defense 30% at the time our whole gimmick is that Clefairy is a tank that slowly chips away at our opponent's health but when we get hit over and over and over again it's gonna drop our defense by four to six stages and we lose the one good thing that we had going for us for the rest of the battle most runs by the time I hit sandslash I'm getting two shotted and it's not just her either three elite four members have access to Iron Tail and the champion does too if you're playing let's go Eevee with Raichu I have complete confidence that this Clefairy would destroy the regularly four because they're at level 50 weightless iron tails for Less pokemon but since we're in the endgame now all I have available to me are the tougher Elite Four rematches I decided to go deep into the cheese to see if we could whip the Elite Four with the power of money and drugs ex defense ex attack ex special dire ain't all of it my main strategy is just pump and Clefairy full of drugs to overcome the iron tails and then finally when we get to +6 attack and special attack can we actually one-shot stuff it's actually disgusting if we sit and take the time to juice this thing we are pretty much installable unless we absolutely unbeatable nothing can beat us except for ourself please please or finally an Agatha for the first time I beg you please just give me an attacking boot the problem is we have evolved this is no longer a game about chance and wacky interactions it's now a game about not exploding if we don't explode we win every time we don't even have to worry about peepee as much because we're hitting a lot harder it's around this point of the journey that I've reached this sort of weird struggle I want this challenge to be an actual challenge but I also want it to be fun too much power and we're unstoppable not enough and we're dying immediately at rates of other variants like level 60 clefable but no battle items allowed but all this did was make battles where I'm too strong and the only thing that can stop me is the usual I'm sure there's a perfect cross-section of skill and luck if I just keep messing with other levels but maybe the true secret to proving the greatness of metronome isn't the end game maybe we need it the entire game let's take it back all the way back I found a mod for pokemon yellow that gives every Pokemon metronome as their only move with for TPP I went ahead and gave ourselves Pokemon pink version to continue the legacy Plus here I can play the game on turbo which gives us a whole lot more game in a whole lot less time and boom right off the bat I'm getting destroyed by Garry's Blizzard roasted by a Rattata annihilated by Pidgey using dragon rage I'm getting my butt kicked but it's kind of amazing no matter how many times they send me back to the Pokemon Center we can come back stronger but more importantly maybe a little luckier this is it we found it this is the ideal metronome challenge okay so it turns out that even my own custom metronome world hits a point where the fun stops when you use one solo Pokemon to hog all the experience you keep getting stronger and stronger and stronger and because we're normal-type in this game we're actually getting a ton of stab bonuses for attacks things started brutally but once we hit about level 10 we just cruised I played up to the first Giovanni fight and we blacked out 28 times 12 of those were before Brock ate between Brock and misty and then only four from misty discerned and surged to Erica the game got progressively easier and easier as our ferry consumed more and more Souls we've ended up in the exact same game state as the let's go games either I destroy my opponents or I destroy myself maybe Game Freak is right in a way to keep this move so limited these days it's a fun party trick but the only way to really use this move as if you're already overpowered or maybe we just need to prove that metronome is the greatest on God Arceus Arceus I don't care what you call it all stab moves that can't miss versus clefable 16 metronomes only no Clefairy not even weaker klappa Pokemon showdown klappa vs God infinite simulations surely somewhere out there there's a world where this goes toe-to-toe with this all I need is one universe one unexpected outcome one unbelievable series of events that proves to me that metronome is worth believing in most of the time a judgement does about ninety to ninety nine percent of my health-giving CLEP oh one chance to get something started with a lucky metronome maybe a special condition maybe an accuracy modifier winging something in that first attack to open a window into a realm of possibilities I've been running hundreds of simulations I've been beaten down over and over and over and over again but every once in a while I see cliff a push taking RCS down to 90 maybe even 80% health you know how they say that given infinite monkeys and infinite typewriters there's a nonzero chance that you could recreate the works of Shakespeare well I've got infinite clef us and someday there's gonna be one lucky Godslayer okay so I've been running hundreds of these simulations and I got to one where I realized that clef is at 1% usually is at 1% after getting hit by judgement or whatever why it's staying at 1% and that's because it used conversion to go to coast type because this Arceus our seas I don't care you call it because this is one that we decided to give only normal type moves it literally cannot hit us hyper voice judgement it doesn't matter boom burst 30% oh my god this is it this is the run we're gonna be stuck at 1% the entire time we've already got argues down to half elf 4% more let's go we are a half metronome and artsy's is at less than half health it literally cannot hit as we are our own enemy ah speed up okay nod that that doesn't matter at all come on come on big cliff I believe I believe no role play now there's a complete waste we have 5 metronomes left and we have to do 38% um beautiful 7% ok 31% left 4 moves we need to just keep doing like 7% damage 8% damage and we can do it volt tackle oh my [Music]
Channel: TheJWittz
Views: 1,137,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokémon, Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Sun, Pokemon Moon, Metronome, Challenge, hack, randomizer, Clefairy, Mew, Lets Go, Pokemon GO, Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu, Pokemon Lets Go Eevee, Elite Four, Champion, Battle, OP, Banned
Id: FX3-ydu4HL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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