Full Dream Discord Podcast - 22 Jun 2022 - ft Georgenotfound (silences removed)

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spongebob can you say hi to elliot hi elliott hello hello hello what do you have done voicing john well voice changer the one that makes you sound like an idiot this is just my normal voice it's not it is yes no yes no dream [Music] george this is my real voice learn to accept it get used to it idiot i i'm sorry i don't think i'd be your friend if this is your voice i don't think i'd be your friend george i'm sorry yeah okay it's like let's let's put the the question it's like he's a insert number here but his voice sounds like that and then what's wrong with this he's a one what's wrong with this what about what about this [ __ ] george what's is this good can i be your friend now that's good could be you could be my friend this is tolerable maybe your friend okay fine we'll stay here we'll stay here i'm trying to do an american voice we'll stay here huh i'm trying to do an uh yeah what okay that's decent is it yeah oh what do i sound like um you sound like someone with a deep voice this is the voice changes off idiot no it's not it is it actually is [Music] you've just been someone said it sounds like eric and that's funny because i was gonna say that but then i was like it doesn't really but i guess it's true i do kind of sound like error just deeper voice and like the accent yeah it does sound like error that one didn't okay wait i'm gonna try to sound like eric i don't even know what eric sounds like but wait do i i do hey it's eric i am a minecraft streamer you got a good person here's your first thing you get hey it's eric like as if he's ever done it guys it's me i play minecraft and stream it wow that really gives it away what nothing oh you gotta go no you don't what are you guys up to today nothing hi um hi hi hi hi hi dream hi george what are you doing nothing why are you mocking me because you're very remarkable [Music] it's not funny [Applause] [Music] what wait what happened it's off england when i turn on the voice like the the that thing it resets the pitch the middle that's crazy so it muffined me if you will no i am the muffin man okay i didn't ask yeah so well well well yet another dream podcast what will happen today what's on the menu what have you even talked about so far nothing wow what a stimulating why is erection trending in the united states i'll give you an idea you want me to tell you why yeah it's got something to do with sapnab yeah yeah what what does that do i don't know there's nothing to do with them should i do my sound map tweet right now do you remember the sat nav tweet no the one that was like potentially maybe mean but i thought it was funny anyway should i do do you remember what it was yeah this one are you doubting me yeah i reply with that i like talking about like your actual tweet idea i don't know what that one is or like you're going to tweet it or you're going to reply to my tweet no that one the one that i messaged you i mean that one's that's um you could obviously it's just making fun of stephanie and he's gonna he's gonna reply and he's gonna roast you but it's funny should i do it you can no should i do it you don't answer you can obviously i know i can i've actually got it typed out i just have to click my mouse like obviously i can i don't i'm not asking if i can yeah you're just like trying to involve me so if someone gets mad at you you'll be like dream dream set to do it that's why i'm saying you can just say yes i'm allowing you george you're allowed to i don't need to be allowed i can do it i'm not asking for permission i don't need your permission yeah well you have it wait i have it did you say yeah oh wait no i don't mind i don't need it i'm an idiot i thought you were talking about it that sounded like you needed it no you don't i was you confused me how did i confuse you i don't know i just i think i confused myself whatever same thing it's not the same all right look am i tweeting it or not just say yes or no you can oh my god i'm not asking if you can look everyone else is saying yes so it's their fault if someone cries about it okay should i do a dream all right whatever i don't even care if he gets mad i literally don't care it's just sam he doesn't matter what okay he took that back all right should i tweet it or not just say yes oh my god say you why are you why why are you like why am i oh no you can oh my god just say it's funny you wait you already said it was funny you already said that it's funny isn't it [Music] all right i'm gonna do it i've already okay look i've i'm holding left click on the reply button if i i don't have to i don't have to click now i'm already halfway done if i let go of my mouse it does it oh my god do i do it yeah i'm like over hyping it it's not even that big of a deal like even like if you think listen guys you think this special george does this about literally almost every decision he makes like he'll just be like should i do it can i do it and then just be gone i did it i don't care whatever cool i did it i'm awesome i'm awesome i'm so awesome he's going to be mad you go you go i don't need your permission oh yeah well you have it you go i have it wait i don't need it yeah i'm sure you thought it was funny it is funny uh he's gonna he's gonna like this is nuclear he's gonna like do something bad he's gonna he's gonna go nuclear he's gonna do something bad to me like what i don't know he's gonna he's gonna retaliate like this was just a funny joke but then he's gonna take it seriously i messed up i shouldn't have done it heard delete it before he sees it you are so like indecisive you're gonna reply something you're gonna reply something you're gonna reply something mean to my tweet to be clear what was your tweet my tweet like my main tweet i mean it's not about savannah you're gonna play about me uh which one the most recent tweet yeah oh yeah should i do that as well no why i'm going crazy i'm like i'm gonna roast everyone all right i'm gonna do it i'm replying to your tweet right now no don't don't do it explain that then it is it's funny because someone quote tweeted me and said george is being nice no i thought he saw that i thought i was like i wasn't nice i didn't mean to prefer that maybe they're just roasting now they're like come on five that's kind of that's being nice come on like maybe that's me that's what i said wait no there's no way i don't i don't think i don't think that's what they meant though i think i think that they just that's funnier to look at it like that though i think they just misunderstood but who's an mcc that i can reply adding someone who's a five no someone that's not a five that way they they know they're not oh okay um i'm not gonna steal my meme i'm just gonna steal my meme he's stealing my meme why would he steal my means oh if you were saying illumina literally kind of funny all right fine i'm not gonna do it it's just i see it's just too mean like i can't do it i'm too nice i'm not gonna do it i don't even know what illumina looks like yeah you do i don't think i do you do maybe does that sound weird that's not like star wars sounds like a two detail whoa huh huh what oh i'm an idiot you're an idiot i meant to lock like the the actual podcast and i locked to the oh my god he locked the wrong room he's an idiot yeah you better lock your room george what why because then i would break down your door and kill you oh okay interesting that you would do that mildly interesting i guess mildly um so what was the video that you're releasing um it'll be out at noon it's it's not it's not like a it's on it'll be on the dream shorts channel it's a it's not a it's not a dream shirt though it's you'll see any of you guys that uh at vidcon question mark question mark and are you guys going to vidcon question mark someone said me too fair though they might not be here if they're going to vidcon i am um yeah well there's something cool with vidcon uh i did something with youtube and so it's involved with that and there's something as well for you there at vidcon that you guys will be able to uh de-st par taken that is related to me and oh my god i can't reveal too much so but yeah that'll be that'll be that'll be at noon i think three hours or three and a half hours i think i'll be able i'll be able to talk about it i think so and vidcon starts today right um yeah youtube is always very cool you know what i'll say it i'll say it i i love youtube youtube is is they've always been they've been amazing to me they've always they've treated me very very well and they always they're they're on top of their game compared to social media i love youtube i do they're very they're very great wow what do you want to do with youtube uh i guess keep doing what you love if you love them so much fine [Music] hello fine i turned it off wow are you happy now are you happy now yes i kind of like having it on i don't know why no i just do it's nice money no i like it no like it i don't like it well i don't care what you like you do and you will what no i won't you will and you are you oh that's like two letters you are there's yeah kind of crazy right you are [Music] yeah how does yeah work like yeah it doesn't sound like anything yeah it's like you know yeah it doesn't sound like a real word that's probably why it's a sound of like affirmation um interesting it's very interesting isn't it yeah think about it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's cold it's not actually it's actually hot it's actually hot i'm serious it's hot it it is yes the temperature not i'm cold at least i am cold i'm hot i'm hot i said dream mm-hmm i said i'm nothing i just said i'm hot okay fine i'll give you my validation george one you're you're validated what do you mean though like what are you talking about oh i'm gonna say it say what all right whatever you're an idiot i'm just saying like it's hot in here that's what i'm saying yeah i'm it probably is because you don't have ec because you you like you're an idiot i'm not no the whole country doesn't have it yeah it's dumb how how how how how doesn't even sound like a real word it doesn't it literally doesn't how what how how you're being dumb how i don't know it's kind of weird i'm looking at version history of mac os and it's kind of interesting it used to be mac os x and then the name which was it was always like a cat mac os cheetah mac os puma mac os jaguar mac os panther and and then it became instead of mac osx it became just os x but they still were they were still cats it was osx lion os x mountain lion and then they transferred it to like places oss mavericks yosemite el capitan and then they changed it from osx to just mac os and before it was capital m ac space capsule o capital s mac os like two words yeah but now it's lowercase mac capital os or one word and it's places like why have they changed it's not places they're all they're all mountains right they're all mountain ranges i don't know monterey big sur catalina i don't know i don't know what they are but it's like why have they changed it three times you know like why did they do that explain i don't know i'm guessing it's just uh make it more appealing actually eventually they're not gonna run out of mountains for a long while and then the whole uh uh the whole like changing it to mac os makes more sense than os x and the ax i'm sure it's probably roman numerals so i'm guessing that probably was a version and once it got off that version then it it changed as well that could be an explanation potentially no you see that's where you're wrong because it's always been version 10 which is x in roman numerals up until the last two versions where it was 11 and then 12. it's been 10 this whole time why has it been 10 for so long why was it 10 for so long that's what i'm saying so i'm saying if it was 10 then it wasn't you you're saying mac os x was like x was removed right you said it was removed before it changed though it was still 10 when they removed it what was it 10 point what the 10.11 10.12 10.12 when it was removed yeah doesn't make sense you know i i agree with them i think the current formatting they have is the best i agree yeah but it's interesting it is interesting do they just were they just like we kind of messed up let's change it back but we thought i also think the original is pretty good i think the middle one was by far the worst os x why would they do that that's so stupid they don't even have mac in the name maybe they were like ooh because it maybe they were thinking they were gonna put it on everything like we don't want it to be called mac os because they weren't limited to max you know because maybe because they wanted to put on ipads i think they're trying to like make ipads more like a computer and maybe i feel like it's more like i feel like it's it's probably it's probably more in line to like make it match their uh like like make it match their other their other ones someone's getting rationed in the chat do you see that yeah and this is my profile picture this is like the most interesting conversation that's ever occurred in this discord because i'm i guess would be i guess would be that um like today we've said nothing we've said nothing of value this is the only somewhat interesting thing so far hey george look look they're being an idiot it's fine leave them alone um okay maybe it's not that interesting actually but it's probably more interesting than me going oh why is yeah it doesn't sound like anything and how i don't know anyway i'm gonna say is they uh all the other things like there's ios right there's like watch os yeah mac os so i'm guessing they probably they may they might change it to make it more in line with like the other ship because like i'm pretty sure uh ios wasn't always i wasn't pretty sure it was it used to be called iphone os fine i'll look it up ios history version history i think it was always ios but i'm not sure i guess it could have been oh it was iphone os one yeah and then iphone os 2 iphone os 3. yeah and then it was just and then they changed it to ios ios4 was the first ios it was iphone os isn't that crazy imagine it was called iphone os 15. that just sounds stupid yeah huh incredible incredible discovery but then they have ipad or i feel like it's just the they have i put a ipad os no no they don't it's ios it's still it's the same no it's not well maybe maybe it used to be but now it's ipad it's it's ios it's just the same i don't know do you have an ipad near you no go get it and then go to the about section and see what it says because it might say ipad yes you gotta have you gotta say i'm like 99.9 sure it's ios i don't even i don't need to look all right who is anyone in the chat currently on an ipad it is it is ipad os i have one in front of me right now okay someone who is on an ipad we need more confirmation go to about go to your settings then go general and then do software ipad os does it say ipad os or does it say ios it says ipad os wow ios when is it how long has it been i've had os was that that's that i think it's fairly new i'm guessing because it has to be that has to be since i worked at apple so it has to be in the last four it has to be in the last three and a half years has to be there's no way june 3rd 2019. that makes sense there we go we know the timing well actually that's when ios 13 was released which is probably around the time i've had os 13 came out i'm guessing yeah they they they would do it at the same time someone said ask quacky okay i'm asking him i'm gonna ask him oh he's an ipad kid i gotta i just thought it was the same like i i just thought you were saying maybe he'll know because i worked there in 2018 2018 i worked there i worked there in 2015 so what this is funny why is that funny huh it's funny okay i wasn't saying that's like too long ago but like i guess you would have been like 32 or something at that time all right are you happy the the ios conversation is over now no it's not we're bringing it back [Laughter] yeah so like i think it's i think like it's obviously redundant with them having the the x there because like people don't and people probably don't even understand that it's that it's a that it's a 10 because they're idiots so yeah it is they didn't realize the x is roman numerals they're so stupid did hmm so what like this fine i'll look i just came on my timeline i thought it was funny i didn't say it out loud what i don't gotta is it like serious or something yeah well that's fine yeah i guess it's kind of funny humorous a bear all right fine let's talk about um what show us okay watch os history let's see let's see if that's had any different names what do you think um [Music] you have three seconds no i think i think it's always been the same i think it's been watching us you're wrong [ __ ] i'm joking you're right oh my god he's right he's just always right how does he do it watch os one through watch os nine all right guess when watch os one came out what was the exact release date uh yes three june 17th 2016. it was class april 24th 2015. okay pretty close you're like a year off okay i'll say it what is the point of apple watches um it's like i guess first of all you can have a lot of what are they called eye watchers because explain that that sounds weird that sounds weird i don't think it does i watch why is it called not an apple phone then iphone because that sounds weird i think iphone sounds just as weird as i watch i guess it's weird because like i watch like i'm watching yeah maybe and then also it's like i i don't know i think i think i think apple watch sounds better maybe it's because i'm used to it but then i think apple phone would be better than iphone or maybe not i don't know i don't think so yeah um you need to rebrand it to apple phone i guess the phone made of an apple but then so does apple watch but then everyone the difference is when they made iphone no one knew what apple was but well like every other new apple was like it was still a blooming company whereas like when they made the watch apple was like everyone knows what apple was so apple watch like using apple now so then are they gonna change it ever i guess they probably weren't iphone's too iconic no iphone's too iconic or if it was cool enough i think like the new [ __ ] book it used to be wait i have law it used to be called the ibook i'm pretty sure ibook it is it was called an ibook so why do they change it to macbook like ibook is just as makes sense as like iphone why is it called a macbook well i didn't explain that one they made it i think the mac i don't know it was called someone said macintosh is a type of apple like an actual like edible apple i'm guessing yeah macintosh apple oh it is but it's spelled different it's like mc instead of mac but there is an i but there is the imac there is the imac and i guess they probably did that they could call it the the i then the ibook just sounds weird because it sounds like it's like a book like that does that makes sense i guess right and they just call it the i laptop because then it's not like yeah i guess that's why they didn't do it because it sounds stupid yeah macbook i think mac honestly i think macbook sounds stupid as well i think macbook's macbook does not sound i think i think you're used to it i actually i remember i actually this is actually somewhat of a varied memory somehow i remember this was back when i'm lit i literally think the macbook just came out or like it'd become being but saw being named macbook because it was i don't know i think it was new and i was at my friend's house and they had one and she said she said oh can you go get the macbook and i remember thinking macbook that sounds so stupid i actually remember thinking that um anyway that's the story so yeah i think you're just used to it yeah mac book sense it does sound stupid get the macbook would you call it a macbook or do you call it a laptop i call it like right now i call it a macbook why though i think i would call it you call it like an iphone instead of phone i don't think i do no no you don't no you don't if your phone was on the table you wouldn't say pass me my iphone you could say past my phone you would not say iphone that's true i just caught you lying why would you lie i didn't lie you lied you lied you lied yeah i definitely i think sometimes i would say laptop laptop for sure like past my laptop i guess i would say yeah i would say that i wouldn't say but then but i don't think i would say past my macbook i wouldn't say that you have my macbook i could see anything i could see myself seeing seeing both i think it depends who i'm saying it to as well i think i would almost always say laptop and phone i don't think i would ever say iphone or macbook i think i definitely i don't think i definitely wouldn't say iphone but um all right [Music] sure i'll brag about my word on ones of course i have 2571. wow i'll send one to george he's not going to play it but i hope but he'll lose very badly wow crazy what are you doing some stuff like i'm uh considering clicking a button that's gonna purchase something expensive i don't really want to buy but i kind of have to what i'm one button away okay people are reading into this now um it's not what you think it is i feel like he doesn't want to buy it but he feels like he has to that doesn't even make wait that doesn't even make sense that's what i'm saying it doesn't make sense that doesn't even make sense and also i wouldn't even be buying that so hmm did that's trash your trash hmm i have a headache cool i just took it's like tylenol we just help with i headaches it because i think it does but maybe it doesn't it does okay wow crazy um i have to make an account no what are you what was that was what you just like crunched something i didn't crunch it what was it then i don't know well obviously you did something i didn't do anything okay you guys heard it didn't you look you can't like pretend like you didn't do it everyone's here listening i didn't do anything obviously you did okay i didn't everyone's saying ice it could be ice but i don't think it is it was something else i think it was something else oh no what i didn't save my password all right well that's awesome i guess i'd have to reset my password oh wait i've got it i'm a genius i am a genius how do i log out i found it login does my password work it works okay it emptied my basket unable to add to your basket why i don't know i do not know imagine it's gonna have stock oh my god please no please like what is happening they tell you to just go in well they wouldn't have had it so because they don't actually have it in the store i checked so good job you'd be wrong and i would've wasted my time it literally doesn't work i can't even give them my my money take it take it get it over with he his money can you buy it no please no please you please this is me exactly where i'm supposed to be at unable to add to basket why okay okay it's fine i have to pee i don't care br b oh my god it's in my basket how is it in my basket i don't know it's there now oh my god it's in the basket is this what i want i think it is [Applause] [Music] go to checkout all right i'm back my blanket's over here choose the payment method there you want your card room i will i'll tell you what my card is if you what's something you can do um all right guess what the lowest my the heart rate was last night while i was sleeping if i get it you're gonna pay for it if you get it on the dot the exact number i will i will consider okay lowest your heart rate was hmm okay um like it's like googling like what is this that no i'm i'm looking for something where is it looking is it oh i know you're looking for you're looking for what mine what what it was another night because i sent it before where did he send it like don't look for that it's cheating no i need it when did he say i don't need it did he wait where did he send that where did he start yeah look guess i want to know where you sent her where did you send it guess guess i'm thinking wait yes okay okay okay wait low okay okay hang on normal heart rate when sleeping uh okay this is what i was thinking okay whoa between 40 to 50 is considered average that's pretty low hm can you give me a range no okay well obviously it's between like 30 to like 80 shortly it's surely in that range so realistically it is like a two percent chance that i get it and it's probably like i think realistically it's between 30 and 60. so it is like a one in 30 which is like a one in three and 30 is pretty low so i don't think it's that low i'm gonna go with oh my god this is such a hard decision if i get it right wait i want you to have a screenshot ready so i know you're not lying you're an idiot no yeah i already said i already said i would only consider it so it doesn't even if i even if you get it i'm not going to lie about you okay all right all right ready 48. it's 47 what it was 47 i'll show you look okay i was one off do something no look oh my god 47 i was one of them yesterday's was 42. i was one off i was one off now i don't even want to buy it anymore that just seems like i feel i feel like i got scammed so if i got it would you have bought it probably not you wouldn't have probably not you said you would no i did not say to consider it i would have considered it because it would have been kind of epic i would what i probably would have done is i would have said okay now 100 if you get the highest then i will like i will buy it that's what i probably would have done i'd have been like all right now i'm considering the secondary option whatever i'm buying it right now this is so much money there's something that i don't even really want i that's where i sent it that's why you couldn't find it oh my bank's making me approve it i don't want to approve it fine i approved it whatever my money's gone are you happy now yeah it's gone it's gone i can't get it back that's kind of crazy you're one off that's crazy yeah i don't think it was really that crazy to be honest i mean if you think about it like yeah it's not that crazy but it is i guess like kinda i mean google literally said it's between 40 to 50. so i mean it was like a one in ten yeah but i don't think that's i don't think that's right i don't know if that's right um it was between that right yeah is yours typically between that rate or what uh yeah i'm pretty sure you're like oh i mean it doesn't seem right but i mean i fit that so well yeah but i feel like it's it's different everyone's heart rate is different depending on like health it is but it's an average yeah like when i was my lowest was 42 yesterday well i slept trying to get a sub 40 i think i have i'm looking no i only had two fires only like a week though i'll i definitely i definitely will if i had a 42 and i get i got 42 44 45 47 48 42 that's like the lowest all right what's my heart rate right now then i may all consider reimbursing you um 68 wait no 74. 48 what how you alive 51 how you alive 56 50. wait i mean i don't even know like i don't know what mine is maybe it's normal i don't even know what i don't even know whatever give me something okay give me something else i'm relaxed give me something else that i can reimburse or whatever um today oh yeah mine mine yeah mine ranges mine just depends on what i'm doing i'm just literally nothing right now but it's just laying in my head it just it rains no people already like so low it's like well it is low but it's not absurdly low like my my average is definitely more even if i was just like get up and move probably i have it on a chart i can see it at all times i think my rank my range is generally like i don't know i'd say like probably 55 to 85 probably and then i'd say if i'm like if i'm like working out or something then i'd it'd be more 100 or 95 or something 100 it can be it can be higher than that for sure i don't i don't often but it is cool how do i see one peak i can have you guess peak peak uh day where do i see that i think my peak was today so far since since midnight um 75 83 i just can't win no you can't what's my average today since midnight 68 what oh wait i don't think that's average one second let me find it oh wait wait it's probably lower wait do you have the average yeah this actually i might i don't know i don't know if it says 50 i don't know if that's i think it says but i don't think that's right there's no way yeah i don't think that's right it says that's that's the lowest average i think that's lowest the lowest it's averaged over the period of like because it only it takes it in like sections or whatever you know what i mean so maybe like the lowest i've averaged over a period of time so i've gotten does that make sense it does whatever whatever the period of time that it measures it in that's the lowest i think that i have what's the periods of time like a second i don't know maybe a minute i'm guessing so where's how do i see hmm what is hrv what hrv um heart rate variability um what was my average heart rate when i was sleeping see i don't know how i don't know how it says my resting heart rate is 47. today my resting heart rate is 47. my [Music] then my lowest heart rate is 47. i guess maybe that's what it calculates it's like okay if your lowest is you're resting but then my average when i was sleeping was 51 it's like i was obviously sitting 47 like around in that range like 47 to 55 like or 53 or something like the entire time looks like yeah it looks like i was i was at 47 like most 47 48 like most in it but then since i've been awake um it's been higher um now my heart is 70. um what happened i don't know you don't know your honor he doesn't know hmm it's kind of cool like looking at it if i like slow my breathing and like try and relax and you can i can see the number dropping it's like okay if i'm doing anything else than it goes up well what are you doing looking at something i'm just looking you know browsing if you will um why are you muted why were you muted because i wanted to be it's none of your business huh interesting explain that no i'm gonna buy a new toothbrush head for my electric toothbrush how do you know which one to get they're all different you're buying yeah which one should i get like they look different like look at this you see this one this one looks very normal all right but then look at this one it's like hang on look at these ones uh do these ones look better uh how do you know which one's the best like there's this one's like a default one but then the other one has all the bristles are kind of angled we're not all of them but the outer ones are angled so maybe they get in like deeper or something like i don't know is the angled one better i don't know the angled ones are also cheaper somehow i think all of these types fit my toothbrush they just look different angled bristles for deeper plaque removal up to 100 percent more plaque removal 100 more than what nothing holy [ __ ] 100 more than a normal toothbrush okay let's see what the other one says it also says up to 100 more [Music] yeah but it may compare to like a normal toothbrush that doesn't have the special whatever no like they both say the same thing the angled one versus the non-angled one hmm yeah i'm saying maybe okay i don't know so many decisions so many decisions okay i guess i'll get the angled one because it sounds better fine i'll get the angled one i'm spending money today i'm buying something else as well okay fine keep buying keep going buy me something no i'm spending too much money today this literally could be the most money i've spent in one day before that's doubtful i don't think it is uh i guess if you're counting you know do you carry taxes i wanna obviously not okay maybe it is then i just checked the screenshot that i sent in the group george was 47. is that what i said no you said 48. they were both it was 47 it was 47. right like 47 yeah like the one before you yeah i didn't think i would have said the same one i don't think i would have said that there this was curious that that could have like that could have made it worse because i feel like i wouldn't have done the same maybe you would have though because like oh what are the odds it's probably less likely that it's the exact same as if it was gonna be like a couple more or less you know i don't think i would have done the same so luckily i didn't find it is there a way to see your viewing history on amazon there is okay amazing incredible i just got um shovels sweatshirt like they just they just they just arrived and um my mom didn't know what they were and like open them and then she just texted me and says can i have one of these and like a picture of it like i guess she likes it and um and then uh i didn't know if you don't know if you were like expecting them or if someone just sent you something it's like actually there's multiple right because it's for sound now no no there's just there's one of each color and then um i uh my sweatshirt um um yeah and then uh okay thank you um but yeah they look cool they're cute yeah she how does she get one um and i said i'll i'll ask i'll ask you know you know i'll ask i'll last shovel oh well i can get another one yeah hey can my mom have one my mom my mom wanted it here i'll just raise it out it's out now right shelby shuffle merch where where is it is the tower where is it um is not out i don't know [Music] oh my god i'm like rolling her twitter trying to find oh here it is okay oh it's like wait is it out now or is it was it time is everyone like going to the site or something it's like not letting me in let me in let me in okay man la mao i need to buy more deodorant yeah that's very clear to me obviously not you have no idea what i smell like i can smell you from here obviously you can't you can it was funny i've been let me get in this same deodorant pages and it's like not even that nice i don't know i get a different one i don't know what to get though there's so many different choices the thing with buying off amazon is you have to get them in packs like you can't just buy one because it's like kind of bulk so if it's bad i have loads of them and the one that i have it's not bad it's just not that good it's it's it's acceptable hmm oh this one you can get one of it has a picture of a lemon on it i mean it smells like a lemon lemon lemon scented that good i think that's not good and why not i don't think it i don't even know does that mean it's lemon scented or does it just mean it's like fresh i don't know i don't know what to get why is this so hard i don't know why but like i want the lemon one i don't even know what mine smells like in the smell of anything and he doesn't smell like anything that i even know of i don't think it smells like a smell i don't even know if there is lemon or if it's just a picture it doesn't describe the smell at all whatever i'm getting it it's just a pack of one if i don't like it i don't like it whatever i don't care i got a pack of one what if it sucks dream yeah what are you doing i was nothing just go to the store what do you mean go to the store you can't even like you're not really supposed to do that you can't just go try out the deodorant you can't try it you just smell it you can't smell it it doesn't smell anything and when it's fresh it's not like you can just open it and smell it i don't think you can i don't think you can do that spray in the cab then if everyone does that it's just going to be empty i don't think you're really allowed to do that i'm just going to smell all of them okay well i'm not going to the store so how about that okay what else do i need i don't know i don't know if there's anything else hmm the worst thing is buying something and then forgetting something and then being like ugh could have included it in the order fine i'm just ordering it whatever i can't bother to sit here and think anymore i don't care proceed to check out i shall proceed i'm checking out as well what are you checking out um i'm buying my mom instead of asking trouble for her i'm just buying this out so i feel bad asking i'll just just buy it for my because she wants it just give it to your mom but then i won't have one how many are there there's one one of each what there's two no there's there's one of each item how many items are there total like how many gree i think i think there's two sweatshirts and a hoodie and a hat i think there's four actually so there's like six things in there what there's one of each but yeah there's like six though because as you said there's a sweat oh there's only one of each oh so you got three yes one good one one like beige one or whatever the color is and then another green but hoodie so it's different when you just all have one each i guess you could just buy another one whatever i don't care buy it she liked it and i buy it i don't know i wouldn't have it buy it i don't care buy it literally buy it do it see if i care because guess what i also just bought something i spent a hundred dollars boom just like that 100 is gone never to be seen again all all right purchased all right shovel stocks rising yeah it was a hundred dollars for the other one guys what a hundred of them yeah [Music] i bought other things as well that i needed i required them i've let it go no yes you're fine come back later i've got a shower okay you'll shower you'll go to your whatever you need to and you'll be back in like an hour you're gonna stay here for an hour on your own okay idiot should i bring you in the shower yes should i yes no you shouldn't because if you do that then just just like annoying it's not like you don't do that yeah i know you do that dumb thing but it's annoying it's still annoying i guess it's not that annoying but it's it's not whatever what does that mean not it's not uh perfect yeah it's not ideal so you don't want me to you can okay we're not doing this again fine just bring me i don't care okay fine i will hello yeah wait can you hear me yeah oh hello wait okay it's on i think nice wait it's broken wait that's not talk testing testing one two three okay okay um all right i'm going to go shower and you're coming with me all right let's go okay can you hear me guess what what um actually no never mind what are you guys up to any of you going to vidcon vidcon see a couple couple yes a couple yeses um hmm am i going to vidcon no but i will be there in spirit did you say spirit yeah i did but i thought you didn't care about spirit i i said something similar not those exact words though will you kill george after he comes to america maybe i'll just have to find out stay tuned yeah maybe if i'm in a silly goofy mood i'm sleeping now no one asked good night why do you keep podcasting so early i don't know because i want to maybe because like it's there's not a lot of people on at this time and like so i get bored and then i'm like i just wanna you know podcast why not this is content that's true you better be content with the content that we present you better be present and content with the content we present oh hello hello tommy can you hear this tower can you hear it can you hear it oh my god oh my god oh my god it said i'm bro i don't know why that happened with the shower the shower head like it's one of the ones that you can remove and like hold you know it like slides the thing it's never done that but it fell out and then it was started spraying everywhere oh my god okay can you hear the water right now i mean like not really it just sounds like you're like you're mike's [ __ ] okay well the shower is running nice catch it did i should i keep talking like this or should i meet my mic it's fine i mean it's it sounds like it just sounds like you're like huh does it still sound good now i mean like it sounds like you're far away okay well that's how it's gonna be that's messed up okay well that's how it's going to be do you want it on as long as you if you yell whenever you talk then sure okay hello yeah i've been in the shower yeah that's epic i can hard it's hard to hear you say something uh yeah you say yeah i screamed okay you fix it okay it's better um what was i saying since i was saying something what nothing i said nothing to you okay stop bye so how was your shower george like your only shower for the month what how was your only shower for the month it's amazing wow i can't believe i'm gonna have to wait another 30 days [Music] dream why don't you just go to the uk and face reveal there all right here this is a this is this is that's actually that's a that is it oh i'm acting like it's dumb it is dumb it is a dumb question but i'll explain why it's dumb because i don't think it's fair to just be like that's dumb and then not explain why it's fair i i haven't first of all it's very risky going to the airport and going there just getting there let's say i assume i'm able to get there assuming able to get there perfectly fine nobody recognizes me no one no one recognizes my name or my voice or my look or anything i get there successfully and then i'm able to get to him then i face reveal and then i'm in like an unknown place with like george just alone who's obviously useless compared to where i am now because sapnap when he was there was like left out to dry and i'm just like there and my initial whatever of doing things is like me being in an unknown location out with no resources not being able to do anything with george like and george george doesn't know anything and he doesn't george doesn't know how to drive like what am i what am i what are we gonna and then i'm like i'm in i'm like that's it whereas if we go if we're here in america and then also then then like i'll have to and to be fair i guess this people can like clip this and be like oh like i have to leave then the whole point is he's going to come here and he's going to stay like what i go over there i we spend like a week or something i face reveal and then i just leave this is lame that would suck and then like me and sapnap are out like doing [ __ ] without george as well like it is just dumb it is dumb and also to be fair like we have a whole we have a whole like game plan for the face reveal and for our meetup and [ __ ] that only really works here so but anyway yeah you're dumb um can you please unlock the podcast no do i go see any music in the chat i don't mind oh and yeah i just realized as well like guys i don't i can't even go to i can't even go to the i can't even go to the uk i don't have a passport i don't know why i just thought of that but i'm sure i'll get one at some point i'm sure i will get one because i want to travel i had a passport but it is expired anyway um what's your favorite snack uh oh no are you planning to visit europe once georgia gets to florida once in your facebook i mean probably next year i think we'll probably visit i'm probably going to at least i i plan on traveling in like future i'd say i'd say i'll probably go to the uk and stuff at some point next year probably i don't i can't see us doing it this year it was definitely maybe meg just to clarify hello george i just lost my head you just washed your what my hat oh your hair yeah nice with my seven and one that's perfect it's my favorite favorite stuff isn't that crazy um shampoo conditioner body wash toothpaste um mouthwash all into one thing face wash what was happening i don't even know please use it for everything like magic yeah with the hair the seventh is the deodorant what deodorant it's not deodorant how would it block his deodorant do you wear socks to bed no why is it cold i don't get it is it colder outside today or something i feel like the inside temperature is always the same and i'm just i'm cold somehow oh it is cold today i think oh it is colder though it's not that much colder out but it is colder out oh there it is i'm not talking to you you stupid idiot it is colder though it's cold it's a little bit colder today than my husband yeah it's like 80 instead of 85 or something which i guess makes the inside colder somehow 80 isn't cold what i'm saying is like it's noticeably colder inside somehow even though the temperature inside is set at like i don't know 60 [Music] something 69 68 but then like it's like noticeably colder outside which i guess makes it colder inside because i'm guessing that it makes it i don't know i don't know why it's just i could tell that it's colder outside there's not it's not ultra hot outside fahrenheit is done fahrenheit is great fahrenheit is perfect for us to describe how hot it is because it's basically we're describing on a zero to one hundred scale it's bad but for like science lcs is better i feel like it's bad why is it bad explain i think you're an idiot it's wuss wow it just is how you need no one is zeros it's not an argument celsius is better for science but fahrenheit is better for people it's not it is just everyone knows celsius as well it works no yes if if you just asked a random person and you you gave a temperature and you asked a random person who did not have an exposure to any temperature at all they fahrenheit would be closer to what they what they would say if they were to pick a number maybe they might pick between one and ten and then it would actually probably be closer to celsius so explain that i'm saying if i'm saying if you told somebody a temperature they'd be able to they'd more be able to like they'd more accurately be able to choose what it is like if you went up to a random person who let's say they're like they're like in some like you know like tribe off of in like an island or something that had no exposure to anything it doesn't know the temperature system and they say you're telling them how hot it is and you say okay it's it's you know [ __ ] 32 degrees celsius or something um and then they would say yep that's the ritual water freeze is that what i don't think they would say yes that's cold enough to the point where it's going to freeze water they would say it's warmer what no i'm saying i'm saying compare i'm talking about celsius celsius makes sense uh it doesn't make sense on a human scale if you told someone that has no idea about any kind of temperature scales and he said the temperature is 32. what do you think it is then they would say freezing they would say they just wouldn't they'd be like way more towards warm than cold but you can say the same thing about celsius but with with with um like when it becomes like hot like what's the hottest temperature that you could possibly imagine on earth and like it'd be like [ __ ] i don't know a dumb thousand yeah i'm saying if you ask somebody if you ask the average person to rate the how hot it is outside or cold it is outside on a scale of 1 to 100 fahrenheit would be pretty close to what they would say in terms of the temperature i think celsius even even people even people that use celsius if you said george tell me on a scale of 1 to 100 how hot it is outside today you would well yeah the temperature would be it would be way closer to 100 it'd be way closer to fahrenheit well yeah because then on a scale of 1 to 100 the average temperature would be like a nice temperature would be 50 which is ridiculous in celsius that doesn't that's a dumb argument that's what i'm saying it's ridiculous i'm saying in terms of humans it's that's how we like take things in celsius is better in terms of science obviously everyone agrees with that in terms of everything i disagree oh well i guess you're wrong isn't that crazy i'm not it's it's i'm factually right i'm objectively right it's not even an opinion it's objectively right i deserve it i i think that objectively fahrenheit is better for human scale like if you're acting i think objectively if you were to take a scale to 1 to 100 and give it to a random person even people who use celsius fahrenheit would be closer and more accurate therefore in terms of describing the temperature outside fahrenheit is better are you supposed to describe the temperature outside if you have no idea of the scale that's dumb it's a dumb argument well no it's not because if right now if you what i'm saying right now is you have a better understanding of the of the weather and you told me describe the weather how would i do it what how am i meant to describe i'm talking from a perspective of i'm talking from sector right now george where you know celsius and i know fahrenheit yet you could better know the temperature when i tell you a fahrenheit temperature then i would know the temperature when you tell me a celsius temperature that's like a factual thing right now that we can do no it's not regardless of how that is that is 100 accurate not it is it's not it is it's not how this isn't how how is it not explained you get you just your argument for everything is it just isn't it and you tell me it's 60 outside how am i meant to know what that means just because i know celsius it doesn't change anything about fahrenheit it does because you know that on a scale of one to one hundred what are you bringing this scale of one to 100 from because that's easy for literally everyone in the entire world to understand if i told you tell me the temperature from one to 100 on how hot it is and you said ah okay it's about 60 and it was 60 degrees fahrenheit outside and it'd be 6 out of 10 in terms of temperature if 10 was the hottest and one was the coldest i'm not saying that it's factually right in every way i'm saying in terms of i think celsius is better in in most ways i've had this argument for like 20 times i'm gonna i just can't be bothered you can't win i think you're wrong right and that's okay you're okay it's okay to be wrong i think that in terms of how humans interpret temperature on a scale of wonderful women don't naturally interpret temperature how what do you mean we literally do how do we not naturally you you get hot if you're hot and you know it's cold how do you not naturally interpret that then define how you meant to assign a number to it if you don't know a scale you do know if you're if you're zero all right then yeah obviously because you're setting the scale but that's okay what about one to fifty and guess what celsius makes more sense idiot what how it sells just wouldn't even make more sense from 150 it would it wouldn't it would it wouldn't how wouldn't it how would it it literally would how it would work 50 how hot is 50 celsius guess what i have no [ __ ] idea well i don't know what it is in fahrenheit and you know you know you know it doesn't you know it doesn't make sense george they converge because celsius is [ __ ] ass they converge at a certain point fahrenheit equals celsius because celsius is so [ __ ] dumb what obviously they converge they're not they're sharing what do you mean is that there's not like oh my god whatever how is it obviously would converge it's not obvious they converge but it's pretty likely seeing as how is it very likely to explain explain your thought process how is it how is it likely to converge because i don't know this is how it is like what that's everything like this numbers are around like i don't know they're around zero to a hundred you know and so is fahrenheit so obviously they're going to converge yeah maybe if like fahrenheit started at a thousand obviously they wouldn't converge i don't understand what how is that relevant i mean they converge that means that makes fahrenheit just as dumb it converges they're both converging it's not like one's converging with the other they both although it is because fahrenheit is essentially fahrenheit is catching celsius at a certain point in the negatives so it's fair it's it's celsius like converging with fahrenheit not the other way around look you're wrong okay celsius is better i think celsius is better for um science no shop it's better for everything i disagree okay fine i'll i'll change my opinion actually i think it's better for science and i think it's equally as good but slightly less slightly more intuitive slightly than fahrenheit because guess what zero means something and 100 also means something whereas in fahrenheit numbers mean like 32 and i don't even know what what is 100 in fahrenheit no one even knows what is it what is it what is 100 in fahrenheit 100 celsius 100 celsius in fahrenheit i don't know 375 or something probably you don't even know i don't know why i don't why do i need to know why do i need to know what temperature it [ __ ] boils at why do i need to know how is it useful all right freezing is useful 212. i don't think i don't think i think again this this is my point for science your scale is so listen first science i agree first science it's worse but when does a human being essentially in average life need to know when something what temperature it boils at or what temperature it freezes that that's that's information that is not that useful i think in terms of describing my argument is literally just this my argument is only this in terms of describing the temperature out the fahrenheit scale is more intuitive in terms of if you were to take a random person and have them describe the temperature it's easier to understand fahrenheit because fahrenheit essentially is zero is the coldest you pretty much would experience unless it's [ __ ] like so freezing that it's below freezing and a hundred is the hottest you'll experience unless it's so hot it's [ __ ] unbearable that is that is it if you were to say zero if you were to say what what is temperature right now and i would describe it on a scale of 1 or 0 to 10 fahrenheit would be more accurate every time objectively because fahrenheit is on a closer scale of the human acceptance than it is on science science is based on boiling to freezing whereas it's never boiling outside and it's rarely freezing outside so in terms of a human's perception the average temperature on the earth in terms of what humans experience it makes a fahrenheit is a is objectively not even not even subjectively objectively a closer scale that's just an objective fact i'm not saying but then it's a subjective fact whether it's better or not overall but i'm saying objectively just objectively it is a closer interpretation of the average temperature of the earth with fahrenheit in terms of humans it's crazy how your subjective opinion is wrong my subjective opinion that it's better can be subjective so if you think it's trying anything it's wrong so i'm saying that's objective no it's not it's not it is it is a fahrenheit is objectively closer to the way that humans interpret temperature than celsius that is an objective fact i don't understand how that's not even disagreeable you can't disagree with that it's objective you disagree then you're a [ __ ] it is objectively true and this is the thing is and i'll explain here i'll explain i'll be i'll explain simpler how it's objectively true and this is what this is why it's objectively true it doesn't again it doesn't mean that it's better this is how it's objectively true there are there is more numbers with fahrenheit in between with celsius it's like when it's boiling at 100 and it's boiling at 217 or whatever it is in fahrenheit it's a larger number which means you are able to closer articulate what the temperature is with just a plain number no decimals and so i'm saying objectively objectively it is a better interpretation temperature even just even just factoring that in not even factoring anything else in that doesn't mean that it's better i'm saying it's a closer approximate to how humans interpret temperature but can we be ready yesterday we can't we can agree to this we can agree to disagree on which one's on which is better overall i we can't agree to disagree on objective fact though and fahrenheit is objectively closer to human's interpretation of temperature than celsius but that doesn't mean it's better i think if i think if everyone this is a this is something i can see it as well i think i think if everyone if everyone in america knew celsius i think the world would be better off i think celsius overall is better because of science and science is more important than humans interpretation of temperature but that's not what i'm saying i'm saying that fahrenheit is a closer approximate to describing how temperature feels to humans than celsius which i think is just the right the right answer it's not even defending fahrenheit's existence either like i'd be perfectly fine with celsius becoming the new standard i just think that if i was to describe if i could like if i could learn if i could know both and i would choose to know but no both obviously i guess that'd be with anything hi hello hello yeah oh okay are you done well if you're done huh but it's not how can you say 32 is freezing cold you say zero it makes more sense yeah but you're talking about the freezing temperature of of of of water like if i'm saying i'm talking about from human again that's a the perfect way to describe it i don't think that the average person would say that 32 degrees is actually freezing if they were describing freezing but it is actually within science the freezing temperature but nobody 32 isn't even that cold i mean it's like cold but it's not you don't you don't you you won't be like some people go out in shorts and t-shirts in 32 degree weather like 32 fahrenheit zero degree so i'm saying in terms of humans approximate humans interpretation of temperature again fahrenheit is closer because zero is like holy [ __ ] you're wearing layers and [ __ ] like [ __ ] at zero degree fahrenheit but zero degrees celsius you could go you could live your life and be fine people freeze to death at zero degrees fahrenheit i'm sure some people freeze to death at zero degrees celsius but probably a lot less american interpretation no human human interpretation human i i i genuinely think that anyone that cannot like look at that and interpret that and understand what i'm saying i think you're an idiot i think anyone i'll say to george as well i think george is an idiot i think george but i think george agrees with me i think he just doesn't he doesn't he doesn't agree with me overall he agrees with what i'm saying now though anyone can see that i think it is a it is an objective fact objective fact objective fact that fahrenheit is a closer approximation to the human feeling of temperature than celsius occur from 50 to 30 50 to 30 what fahrenheit obviously huh what what are you saying most hypothermia deaths occur in temperatures from 50 to 30 fahrenheit obviously i guess you can what the obviously the colder it is the more likely you're to die of hypothermia that's not what i'm saying i know i know it's not just i'm i'm pointing out you're saying humans don't define zero as freezing but they most likely die from hypothermia between minus one celsius which is 30 and 50 which is 10. what how is that how are you how does it disagree with what i'm saying we were saying that humans wouldn't define that as freezing but they literally die because of freezing at those temperatures i'm saying but yeah but i said more people obviously die die lower as i'm saying how does that how does that counter anything i've said no they don't what how do they not they don't how well obviously the colder it is again another objective fact obviously the colder it is the easier it is to die of hypothermia how is that that's an objective fact but they don't but they don't obviously the lord you don't know why they don't george you wonder why they probably don't why because people are probably more likely to die temperatures that they don't think are as cold as they actually are no yes yeah that actually what you just said backs up my argument times a hundred if you think look if you think it's cold out you're more likely to layer up and be safe and think it's colder when scientifically it is but if it's human interpretation of temperature you're more likely to die of hypothermia if you don't think that it's cold or you think it's not as cold as it is if it's actually freezing outside and you're outside and going oh it's freezing but it's not like ultra ultra freezing to the point you're like holy [ __ ] it's [ __ ] cold i need to be safe and that makes sense it explains it but also like to be fair it makes it also makes sense that the like obviously colder temperatures are rare right so i've said there's there's gonna be more people that die there's gonna be more people that die um at like 30 degrees celsius because there's 33 celsius more like is more common does that make sense sensor generally go that's i don't that's again i feel like that's an objective that's objective as well colder the colder the temperature is the rarer it is like it's not common to have ultra freezing temperatures so the colder it is the rarer it is so the more likely i'm saying based on what george just said there's less data of people in negative 1 000 degree weather than there is of people in 22 degree rather that is that is objective as well i think these the three statements that i've said are objective i don't understand how anyone can disagree objectively the colder the temperature is the more people die of hypothermia like you're more likely to die of hypothermia the colder the temperature is that's objective and it's also objectively true that fahrenheit is a closer approximate to humans interpretation of temperature then celsius which is a more accurate scientific measurement and easier to remember no that's just how it works you're an idiot we love you but we disagree king i'm sorry you can't you can't disagree with that you can't disagree with that you can disagree you can this way you can disagree with you can disagree about which one's better you can you can agree and you can disagree and say celsius is better than fahrenheit that's not even disagreeing because i think celsius probably is overall better than fahrenheit but i think if you disagree that fahrenheit objectively is a closer approximate to human's interpretation of temperature than celsius then you are a [ __ ] and your iq is plummeting as we speak because it is a fact it is a fact and it's a fact because it's based on it you can look up how they're look up how each of them were made is that how they were made here i'll explain i'll look up how they were made obviously celsius was made because it took 0 as freezing and 100 as um boiling right how was fahrenheit temperature scale created why did you say the only country using fahrenheit usa should use celsius and usa is done for dumb for teaching fahrenheit that's why i think i think people are misunder people are misunderstanding that i that i agree think thinking that i'm i'm saying fahrenheit is a superior system i'm not i'm saying fahrenheit this is the discussion we've had fahrenheit is a closer approximate to human's description of temperature if i was to if i was to describe on a 1 to 10 scale or a 1 to 100 scale or a 1 to one thousand scale the temperature outside and how it feels it would be more accurate on fahrenheit objectively objectively every time why did anybody's easiest just learning social dystopian idiot changing no sense i'm not arguing that you need to learn fahrenheit you're miss representing my argument my argument is not i don't i think the world would be a better place if fahrenheit never existed i'm not saying fahrenheit is good or better than celsius i'm saying that objectively fahrenheit is a closer approximate and a better descriptor of how humans interpret interpret fahrenheit that's that's my argument my argument has nothing to do with my area has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not fahrenheit is better than celsius overall or if that america is right like i don't think i think america is dumb for not teaching celsius celsius is easier to use for whether or not water boils or freezes and actually the numbers mean something the same way that i think that the metric system in general zero freezing 100 boiling that's the scale from 0 to 100 it's easier have you ever experienced boiling on a from the weather have you experienced the weather boiling you no you haven't again objectively fahrenheit from 0 to 100 is a better scale for humans describing what the weather feels like because again i don't understand how you can argue that because you you have never experienced feeling the weather boil you which is at a hundred so that 100 in fahrenheit as well if you feel 100 celsius you would [ __ ] die exactly do you know objectiveness yes i do you've never experienced zero fahrenheit you'll die herbert no i i have experienced zero fahrenheit what do you mean you've never experienced zero fahrenheit i have it's not common at all but people every year experience zero fahrenheit boiling is not 100 fahrenheit i know boiling is 100 celsius okay here i'll i'll try and explain it better my my overall statement and then i'll be done and then i'm done and then i'll we'll change the conversation that we were moved on i think people are misunderstanding what i what i'm saying here's what i'm saying i'm my my argument is not that celsius is better i mean it's not that fahrenheit's better i think that celsius is better i think that america should be on celsius and that we are idiots for straying from the pack um however i think that when describing the weather and the temperature that humans experience outside fahrenheit is a more accurate descriptor of that and here's why because celsius is based on a 0 to 100 scale with 100 being boiling water and 0 being freezing water whereas with the weather you will not experience boiling water that's only for science and for you know you cooking or whatever you're not going to experience boiling you're not going to experience boiling outside or you will be dead whereas with fahrenheit it's zero to 100 with essentially if you think of like the hottest stage you've ever experienced it might be a little over 100 117 120 and that's like [ __ ] so hot in fahrenheit and then the coldest day you've probably ever experienced in your life would probably be zero or you know negative five negative 10 whatever and the average temperature you probably experience in your life will be more around there more like 70 or 50 you know depending on where you live um so in terms of weather and temperature fahrenheit is more accurate to humans whereas celsius is better for science that's my that's my only thing that's the only thing i meant the entire time that's what i think i think that is objective but i don't think it's objective i think it's subjective which one's better but i think celsius is better personally anyway moving on you're wrong george just likes to what are we all up to i'm leaving we'll be back in like an hour perhaps okay i'll accept it goodbye you just fake a discord noise with your mouth okay i'm leaving bye oh he left it didn't make a noise he left no [Music] no he said he'd be back though well i don't know if he'll be back here but probably possibly if i'm still if i'm still here then what have you eaten today i had some chicken it was very good chicken and green beans wait no it wasn't green beans it was um the [ __ ] was it i don't remember it's a green tubular vegetable celery no asparagus yeah i'm pretty sure it was asparagus wait no yeah it was wait asparagus no it wasn't a wait was it no it wasn't asparagus what was it i don't [ __ ] know maybe it was no it wasn't maybe it was green beans and it's just they were like fried not fried but whatever it's been called your boss says hi which mcc remix was your favorite i liked the whole noel the whole nori mix was awesome so instead someone just asked who patches was man they don't know patches is my cat do you really believe george said maybe you're so wrong he said maybe i believe he said maybe i heard maybe at the time and he was saying he maybe was chasing me or whatever he's maybe cutting you off he didn't want to he just didn't want to say definitely then have me turn and then i get like messed up because of him so he said he just was saying maybe objectively it was baby it could have been it could have been we don't know we don't know what it objectively was because we didn't we didn't say it i did ask george george said he said maybe but he could be lying so you know we still don't objectively know he knows you're definitely not the person that has you're not definitely not the only person on the same birthday as me statistically there's gonna be a lot of people here that have the same birthdays man [Music] how much longer are you planning to keep patches content from us i'm not gatekeeping it'll happen when it happens do we need to go back on the fahrenheit and celsius argument so there's something to talk about and give someone voice and argue with them everyone's saying no that makes you want to do more line up debate is fun all right fine here i'll go i'm entering i'm entering debate mode all right i'm entering debate mode i look like actual debate mode before that was that was in debate mode that was that was anger here we're in debate domain mode let's debate somebody let's get somebody in here who wants to debate me this one are you it's fun i just see you all my timeline being like people are taking it so seriously good good this is this is guys this is serious stuff it is of vital importance it matters it matters the the this determination it matters the fate of the world is in the hands of this argument and it does matter you should be mad you should be pissed at me or pissed at them if you're on my side fight get mad how do i see who's in here put your put your can you put you can raise your hand if you want to you want to debate me raise your hand you have to be you have to uh actually want actually believe in the topic and not just be okay here's here's what we have to disagree with here i'll define i'll define it i'll define this is this is for good debate you have to disagree with my statement which i'll i'll stick by with my you have to disagree with my statement that fahrenheit is objectively a better interpreter of humans interpretation of weather and temperature than celsius objectively you can take that you can take that word you can disagree with me saying that because obviously that's part of it as well but i'll i'll bring someone in i'll bring someone in who who'd we bring in who do we bring in who wants who wants to who wants to friendly have a friendly discussion the raised hand thing is disabled though how do i turn it on i was like how's nobody raising their hand uh permissions huh i don't think it lets it doesn't let me open the list how do i do that how do i do that it's like all objective invites you just use the wrote wrong you went subjective um okay how do i how do i get someone in here i want to get somebody in i want people to be able to raise their raise their hand but they can't somebody tell me how to do it sometimes how to fix it you can now okay okay well then raise your hand here you go show requests hmm who so you have to have a decent mic too so it's not so it's not people can understand you as well and this is a respectful a respectful debate a respectable conversation hey george you're back yeah i'm gonna bring someone in to i'm debating them about the celsius fahrenheit thing oh my god why are you still talking about this we just went back because we weren't there's nothing to talk about and then now there's now we'll talk about it who who oh who okay here how are you still talking about ashlynn george i'm sorry that i'm i get passionate about things okay let me be passionate you're passionate about fahrenheit that's 10 no i'm not i'm i'm passionate about arguing yeah i know hello hello hello hello can you hear me yes hello so you are uh you are disagree you are in disagreement with my statement yeah okay all right before we you want to debate you want to debate sure okay before we debate we have to agree on the premise okay okay so my my statement is that fahrenheit as an overall scale is closer to humans interpretation of temperature and better for objectively for humans interpretation of weather and temperature than celsius that's my statement overall obviously objective means like cannot be disagreed with in terms of it's not a matter of personal opinion it's a matter of science right we agree on that yeah so we agree on the definition all right so my obviously my reasoning for why it's objective is because of the fact that well one okay the way it was created so obviously celsius was created based on water it was made all right zero being the freezing point of water and 100 being the um the boiling point but also i guess we have to agree do we agree that generally zero to 100 on both scales is kind of the is like the accepted scale generally yeah it's more precise okay so i believe that zero to 100 in fahrenheit compared to zero to 100 and celsius is um objectively better at telling temperatures for humans um the way that it was created obviously celsius was zero zero uh was freezing and 100 was boiling whereas with uh for human temperature zero was based on the lowest temperature recorded in the person's town who made who made it and 100 was based on the human human temperature which was 96. so that was already humid experience the coldest in the area and the highest in the area versus celsius being zero to 100 100 being boiling which again with weather there's not you don't experience that if you experienced it you'd be dead whereas obviously in fahrenheit you can experience um and taking the scale of zero to 100 in fahrenheit uh more if you were to take the average temperature at any any place on earth everywhere on earth this is not just in america or just in the uk or just in europe or whatever um more of the daily temperatures will fall within the zero to 100 fahrenheit scale than the zero to 100 celsius scale both on the extreme end and on the on the low end it's like on for high temperatures and low temperature okay so you said that water boils at 100 fahrenheit right no okay okay i just wanted to make sure sorry i'm very nervous [Music] what do you what do you disagree with that i said so the only thing i disagree with is the one to 100 excuse me oh my god 1 100. sorry i just need one second you're fine i just googled it and it says that zero was the temperature that a solution of brine froze at which is completely random and also that yeah according to physic buzz physics central uh oh yes the most um reliable source go on um where is it zero was the lowest temperature recorded uh in denzig poland and obviously a hundred was just the approximation of why what has it got to do with poland uh it's where daniel gabriel fahrenheit resided oh well on wikipedia it says it was based on the freezing temperature of a solution of brine made from a mixture of water ice and ammonium chloride well that's that's how that's how it works and then and then uh the other limit was set to 90 which was the average body temperature and then it was changed to 96 however he noted a middle point of 32 which isn't actually even in the middle and then he said which is the temperature of ice water just uh just as it all seems random yeah but why why solution of brian because uh it was made you're talking about the the scale i mean we're talking about the how the scale was set you're talking about on like an actual physical scale in order to go from zero to 100 based on the temperature you had to have it be from the bottom to the top and so obviously you had to have a way whereas the recorded temperature the coldest recorded temperature in his city could be approximated using like a chemical mixture of brine so it wasn't random the number that was determined was based on the lowest temperature and then you had to he had to come up with a solution that would start at zero from there essentially does that make sense george doesn't mention the temperature of the city here yeah i'm saying that's that's talking about how it was scientifically possible to have the thermometer it doesn't say it huh that's what you're referring to that was the brine that was used in the thermometer see the only thing i'd agree with is that because fahrenheit uses like air temperature and not water temperature it's like it's easier for us to measure like air temperature but like i understand why like celsius would use like why it would be easier for people to use water than air yeah i think that obviously people just living life um experience more temperatures within the zero to 100 fahrenheit scale than zero to 100. like not only i guess this again this this is why i think it's objective it's because not only do if you're just if you're talking about observed temperatures and temperatures that humans experience like if you were to and obviously experience temperature is just the temperature that you feel not only do you experience not only do do more temperatures that you experience fall within 0 to 100 fahrenheit because obviously the average temperature on earth like fahrenheit captures it more within that range than celsius that again that's just that's just like a fact um but that doesn't say that the way you interpret it but then also um more because there's more numbers because fahrenheit is uh obviously 0 to 212 or whatever it is for boiling so there's almost double the almost double the the numbers so you're able to be more precise technically you can go into decimals yeah without going into decimals but you can i'm saying on the zero to 100 scale what's the zero to 100 scale i mean saying zero to 100 in fahrenheit and zero to 100 in celsius there's more uh what's it called um like there's more temperatures like observable temperatures air temperatures i'm saying on earth why is that matter because that's how we interpret temperature about like us walking around on a day-to-day basis i feel like most temperatures are probably between zero and fifty in celsius we're talking about zero that's that's all i'm that's what i'm saying is that's why at the very beginning of this i said that we have to agree that zero to 100 is the the scale and that's what it is and because that's what when you have when you had thermometers whenever celsius and fahrenheit were being recorded they were recorded they were recorded on zero to 100. they're not actually well they were well they're not seeing now i'm looking at a picture of the moments a fahrenheit for monster actually i know you're talking about for like using it in a in a pot no it's uh it's a it's just a normal thermometer that you'd see outside and it goes from minus 60 to 6 to 120 fahrenheit it's on the fahrenheit wikipedia page i don't know i want to pull up the wikipedia phase not that in that specific image but you're the first thing um first so your argument is that zero to 100 is like arbitrary yeah hmm i think that's an it's an interesting argument that's why i defined originally that we're talking about a zero to 100 scale that we have to agree on that if we kind of if we can't agree on the scale then we can't it's hard to really argue that because then they're they're they equal the same if we can't agree on a scale and they equal the same thing obviously they have equivalent numbers so if there's not if there's not a scale to agree on then then it would be subjective at that point but i think that agreeing on the scale of 0 to 100 which is what see at the very beginning argument i said i think that obviously the approximation is essentially zero to 100 in uh you have to have kind of common ground or whatever and zero to 100 in celsius is what is zero being freezing and 100 being boiling and so we're going on a zero to 100 scale using the same 0100 scale and fahrenheit uh zero to 100 approximates objectively better with humans but if you're arguing that the scale is arbitrary then there's not really then it just everything just becomes subjective well see i really wanted to argue with you and then i kept googling stuff and it makes a lot of sense it doesn't you're wrong i mean it kind of does actually debate you know okay okay the zero to 100 scale the only way you're going to match if the zero to 100 is arbitrary so that's the only way if zero to 100 is arbitrary then yeah why is it okay so that's so why is it not because in celsius zero is is freezing and a hundred is boiling okay and in fahrenheit and this is why this is why because the way it was invented because the way it was invented we already just how is it arbitrary zero into 100 in celsius zero is freezing 100 boiling and in fahrenheit based on the lowest temperature recorded and 100 is based on the temperature you can go further though yeah but i'm saying i'm saying the scale is the skill is not arbitrary it's how they were both made how is it arbitrary you can't you can't say i i think i agree george that if if the scale is arbitrary if zero twenty's arbitrary you're right 100 because there's no you if there's no scale that you can agree on for both of them i think they both people the same number the scale is an arbitrary in the way it was created but it's arbitrary in the way that you're relating it to weather because it wasn't necessarily defined for weather and it wasn't it was like celsius was made from boiling and freezing of water and fahrenheit was made of freezing of whatever that stupid liquid was and the average body temperature it's not to do with weather well too fair it was made based on the lowest recorded temperature doesn't say that on wikipedia how was fair and high i think that that's where that's where the disagreement comes i think for most people is i think you're you're saying that this the scale is like you're saying the scale is arbitrary therefore it's subjective whereas i guess i'm i'm saying the scale isn't arbitrary therefore it's objective because if if you okay then would you agree with this george if the scale isn't arbitrary if the scale isn't arbitrary and it's zero to 100 like that is the set scale then objectively fahrenheit is a better a closer approximate to human temperature you can agree with that then right but then your argument is that zero to 100 is arbitrary therefore it's not i don't think it's any i don't think it's any better how i mean there are most even because i don't know why is it like it's like one's better i think because there's more more air temperatures like on earth within 0 to 100 celsius fahrenheit than celsius like that's just that is just objective like there's more there's more air temperatures around the globe no matter where you are there's more air more air temperatures fall between 0 and 100 fahrenheit than zero to 100 celsius they're larger i think they do actually they do because there's more there's negatives uh there's uh less because the celsius range is bigger so just if anything it's the same plus more i'm saying from 0 to 100 it's not because it gets colder on earth it gets it goes below zero in celsius on earth all right man yeah so there's more objects below but then does it are you sure maybe there's more that are higher that you're missing out on i guess that's probably not really what is a hundred fahrenheit 100 fahrenheit it does go over 100 it does go over 100 but definitely goes over 100 but then i don't know if it's more i don't know we have to work it out let's see highest temperature recorded it's probably like 100 and it's pretty high 134 okay lowest temperature recorded uh minus 128 okay so wait hang on so it goes from -128 to 134 and then you're saying zero to a hundred in celsius okay hang on zero celsius okay i already know that why am i googling it zero is 32 and then 100 cf is 212. so i don't know what i don't know how to okay here here here's here's the the i guess a way to explain it slightly slightly like easier like okay what's the highest temperature you've ever experienced george in celsius that you can do i'm trying to work out if 0 to 100 celsius has more than fahrenheit i don't know how to work it out it doesn't but it doesn't oh okay i thought you were agreeing with me for a second i missed okay hang on what's the highest temperature that you've ever experienced hang on wait 0 to 100 is this what is zero fahrenheit okay minus 17 wait minus 17 and then 100 is 37 okay so zero to a hundred minute open i've experienced zero to 45 um so the point i'm making is again if the scale is not arbitrary and it's zero to 100 then you haven't experienced 55 numbers on on your scale whereas on fahrenheit you've experienced zero to 100 you've experienced every number so you've experienced 100 of fahrenheit and you've experienced 45 percent of celsius so obviously that is subjective because that's just you and your experience and not the overall experience um i wanted 50 skeleton exactly kathy i i agree if it was arbitrary if a wonder 100 is arbitrary which i think is what people that are disagreeing with me are thinking in their mind well one or 100 that's just arbitrary if it's arbitrary then you're right it is subjective because the numbers are it's different i wasn't under i didn't understand that's what people were saying but that's that's i disagree i don't think it's arbitrary i think one to 100 is not arbitrary that's how it was set up is one zero in celsius is freezing and a hundred and celsius is boiling and then zero in fahrenheit is was the lowest recorded temperature and a hundred was based on the 96 or whatever of anyway but i agree if the scale is arbitrary if the scale is arbitrary then then yeah then it's completely subjective because they're they're literally equal okay what the [ __ ] is arbitrary i mean arbitrary means like if it doesn't matter essentially like if you can just apply any scale if you could just say oh well my scale is what about one to fifty if we did one to fifty then then celsius be more accurate it's like yeah celsius if you did if you did one to fifty celsius would be more accurate but zero to one hundred is the scale that's set by celsius itself okay i finally worked it out so 0 to 100 in fahrenheit exists everywhere right yeah but 0 to 100 celsius doesn't exactly so so so i won't agree so if it's a weather but yeah not in terms of weather so so that so we've found common ground we can both agree that if the scale is not arbitrary if it's not arbitrary if the scale is not arbitrary and it is zero to 100 that is the defined scale then it is objective what i'm saying is okay but listen listen the scale yes zero to 100 there's some numbers in celsius that don't matter in terms of whether like it's never going to be 100 outside 100 celsius well i guess it could be but it's not it won't be um unless we're dead um so in terms of humans but human interpretation why is it zero to 100 massive what about 0 to 50. that's what i'm saying so but just why don't you find common ground so we can't agree based on what you just said you can agree that if the scale is one to one hundred zero to one hundred if that's the scale and it's not arbitrary if that is the scale if that is the scale of that but how well like why is that the scale no no i'm not saying agree with the scale i'm not saying agree with the scale i'm saying can you agree if that's the scale we have to agree on that we can't agree on that we can't agree on anything okay if it was if 0-100 just yeah sure because okay some of the numbers don't make sense in the south yeah so a lot of numbers wouldn't like a lot of numbers wouldn't even be used at all on celsius it would be redundant but i don't think that makes fahrenheit any better because 0-100 it doesn't matter like it doesn't okay then then why if if 0-100 doesn't matter then why was the celsius scale completely built on 0-100 so it's based on water okay and they probably which is zero 100 because it's easy easy numbers that's what i'm saying so you but you agree that this the system was built with zero being freezing and 100 being that that's what determined all the numbers all of the numbers are based on what 0 and 100 were do you agree every number in celsius was determined by what zero was and what 100 was if freezing temperature was was lower then that would be zero and if boiling temperature was higher that'd be a hundred that's the whole point of the celsius right okay therefore zero to 100 is the scale that is the mo those are the most important numbers in the entire yeah but it's not based on weather it was just because the numbers were simple i know i'm not saying it is i'm not saying it is ex that's my point it was not based on weather therefore it's it's worse than uh fahrenheit in terms of interpretation in terms of interpreting weather in terms of interpreting weather i think it's equally as good because i think it's equally as good but well you know but you you agree you agreed no because listen it's equally as good because it doesn't like the scale wasn't made for the weather and neither was fahrenheit it was based off the temperature of the body and the thing like the freezing point of whatever the other thing is it wasn't based off weather just so it happened to coincide that it's somewhat relatable but guess what it doesn't matter because you don't have to think about it on a zero to 100 you think about however you want it doesn't actually make a difference no yeah but again we agree we agree we we disagree on the scale but if we agree on the scale being 0 to 100 we we agreed that objectively objectively fahrenheit would be better for interpreting human with weather but um oh yeah yeah i guess so now we're just so now now the the debate has not become it's not though this is there isn't a scale okay what what what are the other numbers mean in celsius other than zero and a hundred what wasn't what outside of zero to a hundred yeah that were that were purposely chosen for that reason there was nothing other than zero and a hundred well this just continues to scale it's it it's all like um okay it grows linear this is this is a different a different article as well i mean this is a random one this is the first the first one that i clicked off of google um about again it says the same thing that zero was arbitrary but zero was was uh the main consideration was that it should it should be colder than it ever got in denmark which is where you said it was poland the other one said poland sounds really good what's going on the different ones they're reliable which one is it i don't know franz i'm going on the third article uh i don't know i don't know what the actual story is i don't know how much it matters but i don't know what the actual story is what is zero fahrenheit anyway what does this article say i guess like i'm i was just i just thought my head like how how do we not know like how is it not like documented but i'm just like i guess it was it was a long time ago so i guess it wouldn't be it wouldn't matter what do you think ashley lin i mean i don't know the more i read into it it just keeps saying that fahrenheit is superior yeah it's probably written by americans oh i don't i think i think again i think i think celsius i think celsius is better i think people i think it's the reason it's such a heated debate because it's like celsius americans are idiots like yeah i i agree i agree i 100 agree with that i just think it it is in my mind it is i guess i'm saying in my mind so you can't be in your mind but i'm saying i think it is objective it's like i think you can i think you can scientifically prove that fahrenheit is a more accurate descriptor of humans experience with temperature because humans interpret temperature obviously you can't interpret celsius 100 because you'd be dead where you're going to interpret fahrenheit 100. but again that is only true on the zero to 100 scale which is i guess george agrees with that now but he doesn't agree what the scale is he goes oh it could be zero to fifty zero to a hundred whatever whereas i think that it is zero to one hundred because that's what that's what people have have chosen obviously is completely basically this i think it's kind of interesting that celsius is kind of based around zero because i mean aren't they well in terms of weather um you can kind of experience both ends of the scale where zero is kind of in the middle how about that i mean it is closer to zero than 100. so i guess that works well this is the thing is sorry go ahead sorry i'm gonna say like in really like cold areas it's gonna be in negative numbers whereas in like warmer areas there's gonna be positive numbers so in in in reality celsius probably goes from like minus 50 to 50 you know where the we're like the middle of zero yeah it's not it's not like ooh you go outside it's warm it's zero but it's all kind of based around zero so it's like but you can see negative numbers and negative means cold how about that it's kind of cool you got a little scale you got blue and negative red and positive and it's like whoo you know zero is the middle i'm i'm not wondering whether or not celsius is an interesting system or whether or not it's a superior system i think you are i'm not isn't the only reason we use fahrenheit because like that's what they taught us in science because i feel like it would be easier if everyone just went by celsius so there wasn't a debate i know i agree i think the world would be better off if everyone used celsius i've said that because we're the only place that still uses it right pretty much it's pretty much just america i don't think we should use it i don't think we should use it i don't think we should at all i just think that i think again that's why i think i just think that it's an interesting debate to to debate the fact that objectively fahrenheit is a better interpreter of humans interpretation of weather and temperature because you can experience you can just again the easiest way to describe it is just that if you were to say how hot it is from zero to 100 um if you're again that's only if you use both zero to one hundred that's what that's like i think it is i think it's i don't i agree i agree i agree i think that's i think it's an interesting argument to say well zero to 100 is arbitrary i think i think it's i think it's an interesting argument to say that zero to 100 is arbitrary and that you could say oh what about 0 to 50. i think that's interesting argument i don't know i i think i think in my mind which is a subjective opinion i think subjectively that zero to 100 is the scale that pretty much has been but why do you why do you an american think zero to hunt 100 is a good scale what why do you think zero to 100 is a good scale because both it's the scale that generally people use in fahrenheit and celsius was based on zero two hundred i think for both it means no but like if you only know fahrenheit you don't know celsius exists and also you don't use zero to 100 in any of your other systems like why are you thinking zero to 100 what like all the american systems don't go from zero to 100 like the imperial system is the one that's you know zero 100 i think that i think all the american systems are dumb i think i think that i think that we should i wish that was still why are you then saying zero to 100 because in technically in in your life if you only were americanized you didn't know about outside places why would you think of zero to one hundred so your your argument is that i'm being too objective you're saying i agree i agree with the rest of the world that zero to 100 is a superior scale how is your argument that i'm too objective that i should just i need to stick to like the rest of the american [ __ ] like no i think the american i think it's dumb i think that i think every system should be like i think that i think zero going from zero to 100 scales is the better way and i think that that's why i think fahrenheit in terms of human interpretation because 0 to 100 is the objectively better scale um i think that makes in terms of a human's interpretation that's why it's better i i agree i think yeah american systems don't go from zero to 100 because it's stupid americans should be should be smarter and use better systems that go from zero to 100. i think i think like objectively zero to 100 is a good system just but it's not it's not technically any better than zero to ten or zero to a thousand but i think like whatever i don't know how how it's set or whatever but so you're saying zero to 100 is better than 050 no i'm saying that zero to 100 is what is acceptable because celsius set zero as the start and 100 as the end essentially dreamy dreamy weemy and the arguments just became we because we were able to we were able to agree on that if it was zero to 100 then fahrenheit is is is uh better for human interpretation of temperature then it just becomes like zero is a zero to 100 and that's that's the scale and so we just disagree we just run that which is which is a subjective ah yeah i guess it is it's probably i don't know actually i don't know enough i don't know enough to know if zero to 100 is the the best scale possible but i'm not saying it's i guess it's not even the argument isn't if it's the best though i guess the argument is just what's the i don't know i think that this is a subjective opinion i think that zero to 100 is the most like acceptable scale for for both right if you're like in fahrenheit you're kind of thinking on the scale of zero to 100 and if you're in celsius obviously you're thinking from zero to 100 um and so i think that if you were to compare them one to one that you just pick zero to 100 on both because if you have okay if you had to pick a fair number george to compare them i guess then you'd say oh it'd just be based on what it was the comparison was about which would make sense like if you were going to say oh if it was based on weather then i'd maybe pick 0 to 50. um i don't know it's interesting it's an interesting debate also you have one scale for the entire world and you know the weather changes in different places yeah so like let's say i lived in antarctica the scale would be pretty stupid you know like the scale wouldn't make sense which scale like if you look at the lowest temperature and the highest temperature in like antarctica it probably zero to 100 doesn't make sense yeah but how many people live in antarctica i don't know 10. yeah so i'm saying something for like what about like more people russia it's still the average temperature in russia isn't you know negative 20 or something um maximum temperature russia i guess it's pretty much the same as everywhere else it doesn't get very hot there this is based on the zero generator is a good scale for general use but 0 100 isn't good for weather i think that i think i think the things you can agree on i think the common ground is that celsius is a better system than fahrenheit overall celsius is a better system for science like one million percent um if the scale was zero to 100 then fahrenheit is a better approximation of human feeling because the fact that humans would never experience a half of the zero to 100 scale in celsius um so those are those are the things we objectively agree on but we have the the conversation has become uh whether or not zero to one hundred what what is the pro what because if you have to pick a scale to apply to both i feel like i i guess my opinion would be that zero to 100 would be the scale you pick um and i guess your opinion is that it's not um like i said i think i think i think you probably i think you'd probably think if you were if you weren't if you weren't basing it on anything and for anything in particular you just you just knew what you know fahrenheit and celsius both were and how they worked and you didn't you didn't you didn't have any you just had to object like just choose what is the scale if you if you had had the scale for temperature i guess that'd be for temperature outside um but if you had to pick a scale for both that was the same for both for temperature outside i feel like you'd pick i feel like it'd be zero to it'd be zero to 100 probably maybe not maybe like seven to negative seven to that's interesting that is interesting yeah i don't know i suppose if you really want to get it right i would say the scale is your location my lowest temperature ever according to maximum temperature recorded there you go within the last 10 years how about that because then it's most relatable to you um yeah per person yeah okay wow we've done it but then that would mean everyone would need their own scale yeah which doesn't really work so yeah but like there is no skill like the scale is arbitrary because it goes beyond that there's there's no limit like you can have something that's a million degrees you know like i mean obviously there isn't but like there's not actually a limit it goes on forever yeah it does okay yeah i mean i think i think uh i think that um the only reason zero two hundred is an arbitrary is because zero to one hundred i think celsius obviously dictates it more than fahrenheit does but but celsius literally is based on zero to 100 so i think i think it's fair to apply i think it's fair but that is a subjective opinion i think it's i think subjectively that it's fair to apply zero to 100 to both as the comparison because celsius is based on zero to 100 um but that's just my opinion but i think that if that's the same theory if the skill is applied together then i think things would be easier if they use the scale that george said to be honest like going negative yes yes negative temperatures it's genius you said it just said i just set it to zero yeah we'll call it the george what's it what what they did is it fahrenheit's just like his last name let's make it oh wait it's george last name your last name we can just call it the goggy scale the goggy scale perfect yeah now i want to learn i want to learn celsius and i'll then i'll then i'll be i'll be cracked i'll know both well okay london then each of it um [Laughter] i'm so sorry [Laughter] um i don't know how do you teach it it depends it's just kind of like zero to 100 is i guess the way you teach it is zero is freezing and 100 is it's boiling but you can just look up florida average temp not average you can just look up the range of temperature in celsius and then you'll just know the only way to learn it would just be to change like my my phone or something whether i have to like have the weather is in celsius it's like for long enough to where i just get used to well just know like it starts getting hot when it's like 23. but like is that and it's really yeah then it's really hot yeah hot for me and then it's really hot at like 30 and then 40 is you know like pretty much the peak of what you'll ever see maybe 45 and then like the coldest you'll probably ever see is i don't know minus 10. it's pretty much between -10 and 40 which is 50. it's basically you can basically just probably half whatever fahrenheit is almost i don't know is that right i don't know no that doesn't that doesn't really work actually wait does it i don't know so if it's if it's 23 okay no you can't half it that doesn't work definitely doesn't work um what do you think is what would you say when you go outside it's hot uh like what temperature would you say is hot uh probably like 85 okay so that's 30. and then what would you say is called uh 35 30 because that's like zero so you used to go between zero and thirty and it says zero and a hundred now yeah i guess my thing is just like i think we've based everything on like a one to ten essentially like the reason almost everything we we know is based on one to ten is because the fact we have ten fingers like no that is why i don't know no no no that is that is that's factually that's actually why we're gonna get another debate about this okay like the th that that is that is why we that's how the whatever ever it's called it's like the certain thing is uh is like base 10 or something is that what it's called base 10 or b i think it's basically like base 10 people was like yeah base base 10 was made because our fingers are we have we have 10 fingers and 10 toes and so we use base 10 and so like i think having a scale in in that makes the most sense which would be 1 to 100 in this case which would be base 10 even 1 to 10. and so if you can divide it up into segments then there base 10 is ben's 10 base cousin [Laughter] all right bye ashlynn goodbye thank you [Laughter] i forgot she was there all right um cool they did great they were a great debater they sounded they sounded a lot like george though to be fair what do you mean oh i got them okay all right debate something else all right let's debate whether you said baby or maybe i said maybe he's just saying like he's maybe cutting you off i didn't know i mean he was but it wasn't 100 sure why would i say baby yeah doesn't make it to be fair like yeah and that situation makes sense i could totally see you like calling me baby like not in like that way but just like in like a like i mean we've done it before like sarah does it all the time and i've done it i've done it so many times i think we've all done it to each other many times just has like a like let's go baby like that or whatever i could have done but i didn't but like no yeah but in that case you didn't but i'm saying like i don't even think it makes sense in that case for you to do that but like i could see like right after my imagine like if it was if the debate was like whether you said it right after i did it where you're like oh my or something like then it would make more sense but i feel i feel like it's let's do it like i i wish uh i wish that america was smarter don't we all yeah we do it's just like annoying it's like why would you teach me an inferior way of measuring essentially everything it just doesn't it's it is just it is just dumb yeah same with all your other systems yeah this is dumb even like height like feet and inches is dumb as well it is and you can't even take your logic of like oh it's uh there's more numbers because there's more numbers and centimeters no yeah no i i agree i i think i think every photo i like but that's because i'm used to it but i agree i agree like i like it because i'm used to it but it would be better it would be better if it would be better if we didn't use it yeah i don't i don't really know height in centimeters but it would be better yeah it would be and it's it's just done it's just it's just dumb cause it's like oh how far it's like how long is like a [ __ ] mile and then it's like oh you know like exactly how long it is like you just you just be able to go yeah let's just you know whatever versus like uh [ __ ] [Music] yeah five thousand two hundred and eighty feet five two eight oh i remember like they taught you in school like here's how to memorize it it's five tomatoes like what like why why are we having to like have some dumbass like thing when it could just be [ __ ] straightforward that's quite silly of you guys isn't it it is do you use yards i i don't but like i know yards only from football like there's three feet in a yard and i feel like i don't i don't use it but i guess i i kind of do but only because of football because like a football field is 100 yards you're so american true true guys go to the dream shorts channel things uploaded it's not a video it's a short guys it's like a youtube short so it is there i'm watching it right now i'll wait for to go watch and then i'll explain i will explain cereal yes so vidcon's happening partnered up with youtube youtube shorts and vidcon to make us cereal and it's really cool the box is really cool and then also the cereal that's shown in that video isn't actually what the cereal looks like the cereal is green and it has little marshmallows in it like little marshmallow pieces that have like a dream smile on it and uh there's two ways you get it one you can get it by like being at vidcon and i think there's like a place you can go and you can like i think they're giving it out i don't know i don't actually i don't know for sure so and then the second way is if you're not at vidcon you can make a youtube short of you going like oh dream as long as you can or just the best way you can do it you don't necessarily have to be like super super long but um and then you can win and they're giving they're giving a lot away so you can like a ton of people a ton of people we sent them so um yeah there you go who filmed the video me madre i don't know why i don't know why i said that my mom did i say yeah you say that right i probably didn't you kind of did you have to see the box i i i won't you guys will see the box later i guess you'll you'll see it it's funny the box is really funny i like i like it anyway um but yeah you i think i think that they're giving it away i think that they're giving them away at vidcon i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure i'm not 100 sure but i'm pretty sure they're giving it away at i i don't know how much i can say they're giving it away at vidcon as well so you you can't buy it i think it's just free i'm pretty sure you just you get it for free at vidcon and you get it for free um uh if you if you like are one of the winners of this contest which will be a ton of winners guys there'll be a ton so if you want to submit a short you should yeah i know i'm so creative i came up with oh dreams i'm so cool for a serial you should see it says your name is on the box george i haven't show me the box you have like a picture uh i think i have the box somewhere but i don't know maybe i'll let you see it later you can see it when people post about it when they get it no i have to wait to see it since you said i was wearing your beanie in the dream shirt i saw epic do you want to know why that happened why kind of a funny story it's like we're not allowed to have like when you're doing like a sponsored language you're not supposed to have like brands in it and so like all his hats have like brands on it has like valencia he has to wear he has to wear it and he has the way he has to wear something and so like we're like looking for something for him to wear because he can't like there's none of the hats he can wear and then i i like literally had to go get that's the beanie i was wearing in uh my instagram story that one time because i just went and found it and gave it to him so it's funny george you're a very intelligent individual do you know that what you're a very intelligent individual okay and i think that one of the reasons that we've like thrived as well we have is because you're very smart and you're also willing to stick to your guns which most people don't and so you're the you're a good counterbalance for me because you um you balanced me out i just i was thinking about it so i just thought i'd say it out loud wow amazing yeah well there you go anything else you want to say uh i um huh i admire your intelligence i'm just so smart online i'm just so smart you are okay that's all um uh that's not all but that's all i said right now um i just ordered more stuff off amazon let's go let's spend another 36 dollars this is the most money i've ever spent today i'm just buying so many things [Laughter] what look at that stupid group chat which one well that's at the top of your list right now oh what on discord [Laughter] george is such an idiot i'll take it back his intelligence has been pleading but that's like pleading pleading what bleeding okay there you go i meant fleeting not pleading fleeting that's kind of that's kind of ironic bleeding what are you talking about um nothing how do you like start saying so much i was going for two seconds i didn't i just i you left and i said uh he's an idiot and then i said uh i take it back i take it back his intelligence is and i think i said pleading but i meant fleeting fleeting yeah what was the first word he said pleading pleating that's not a word i know i messed up so i said i said i was correct well pleading is a word but it's not that's not what i meant you meant fleeting i meant fleeting yeah okay i guess that makes sense i'm doing is like lasting short okay you google the definition i did last thing for a very short time i guess it makes sense i mean by the definition it doesn't really make sense but i think it still does make sense like the what did you say his until intelligence is fleeting it's like it's disappearing it's like what you meant right oh i mean no i meant like it just it was it was lasted for a short period of time like you were just smart for a short period of time and now you're you're dumb again oh they're smart again it's back it wasn't fleeting it just was they had the appearance of fleeting okay um [Music] no it's not all right i'm not done all right that was george uh we should debate on who's smarter dreamer george george is more george is more intelligent than i am i'm people smart we're both idiots though you guys argued over celsius and fairing for like an hour you call that smart yeah i do i think that people questioning each other and questioning each other's views and having a conversation especially about science it's like that was like a combination of like science and uh psychology i think that is smart i think everyone should push themselves to strengthen their mind i'm giving around person talk power okay did it work i think they have to accept oh like collect something i don't know if it did well yes they're not joining and choose someone else no pick someone else no no i literally said not to pick me but thanks oh i didn't see that you can leave if you want no i'm okay i'm sorry i'm at my therapist office right now thanks guys my therapist office oh how was that in the office huh icon i'm nervous i'm sorry your mic's like cutting out i'm on my phone what am i supposed to do be on a computer i'm nervous i don't know what to say now um [Music] hi hi do you speak another language i don't i make art of you guys though oh what kind of art um just regular art nothing weird oh okay nothing weird what's weird um well i'm sure there's some things that you guys would consider weird that i'm not gonna say because there could be children listening okay yeah that's a good idea um okay um i rep for you on twitter you what rep for you my username is well i don't want to advertise myself but like it's literally subscribed too me okay no you like go print out some posters and stick them around the town i think it's called littering no it's not um okay i i won't do that but i'll keep my username is what it is how is the room that your animals have no echoing farewell because i was in a hallway and there were opposites you should shout something what i don't know anything just make a loud noise could george not found wait they didn't hear you i don't think they hurt you what's my favorite post office they didn't hate you though right now um okay fine subscribe to georgetown oh my god i don't know that's as long as i can go well i'm not a lost person there's definitely okay subscribe to dream why did you say that one louder wow say it's even louder even louder just the top of your lungs as loud as you can gotta do that you guys are gonna get me kicked out of my own therapist office wow do it okay this is my therapy i'm just kidding don't actually i have my favorite thing before that's korean i wasn't going to anyways loud enough to tell me twice but like it was a joke that was a lot what am blowing up right now yeah hey guys it is me stop pulling up my phone thanks okay um it doesn't sound like you're trying i said that are you putting your finger over the mic on your phone oh yeah you should not do that i wasn't trying to i'm nervous you guys can't have this thing where you make people nervous but like not in a bad way and just i watch you guys so obviously i'm a fan therefore i'm nervous i'm not i'm really rude i'm not trying to be rude i'm sorry i'm nervous you're not rude i was gonna be silent and just see how long we kept it thanks dream thanks for clarifying you're welcome you're welcome picked me um i said i was in my purpose office so i didn't even see the message i just where i clicked around in person to be honest okay how many stairs are there it sounds like there's a lot oh yeah i know you don't um count them that's fine i just meant like how it's like it sounds so echoey it's like it's like you're in a church or something um for worse somehow this is the maximum i can do and like yours is more echoey i can't hear myself so i have no clue i i just do not have a mic i'm i mean i'm on my like airpods so maybe maybe that's like what it is i don't know wait how are you just like in the stairwell i'm confused [Music] but like you were just like standing in the hallway before [Music] i guess but it's like a stairwell i don't know i wasn't the only person in here right i was explaining that so the most embarrassing way this could have happened all right well lily enjoy your therapy thanks well i'll definitely have fun today i didn't understand a word you just said but enjoy your therapy bye bye there you go but i'm confused the mic is so messed up i i don't understand was he just like waiting for the session or something or why i yeah i think oh okay because i'm confused like i guess that makes sense if you're waiting you know after the bathroom what should i just give someone talk power and then leave so then dream stuck with them okay um here's a good mic okay this person um okay i'm just gonna leave now hello oh he actually left um okay this is my podcast now hello i'm sick by the way so that's why i sound like this i mean you guys don't know what i sound like hi oh my god this is so fun hi i'm actually working guys so i don't know if i should be here is george not coming back oh my god that check the dream to come back wait okay okay okay oh wait um in the meantime where do i work um i'm not gonna to myself i am not alright oh hello george left why i don't know he just gave me talk powers in love what i don't know hello i hate you george i stole your podcast by the way it's my podcast how why did this is where did what i don't know you know dream i wanted to debate about the whole i think but since that's over i don't know yeah we always we're all able to agree sure everyone say hi to me oh they say they like me more where did george oh he's listening by the way because i okay i'm not gonna tell him because what um i was like did he really live and he came back and he was like wait for a dream and he left i'm gonna troll him it's gonna be the most epic troll he's gonna come back and he's gonna have to talk to to me yeah yeah um so oh george is back george come back now now what hello hi hi hi hi hi hello yes okay okay okay what is your accent oh i'm from argentina oh yeah so i speak spanish spanish yeah i speak spanish i know do you want to talk in spanish okay vienna um that's spanish yeah it's just my accent's different because argentina like it's different accent so it doesn't sound like you know is it like what is up there's no way no no it it doesn't sound like i don't know when quackity speaks spanish it's different he wouldn't understand me in some ways i would say quack he would understand you how i meant to understand i mean he would but it i just sound different i guess [Laughter] i'm like this is hot this is like hard mode yeah this is very terrible so um what does that mean what did you eat today um nada um hungry i am hungry but if you want to say like i don't know okay um um wait um i don't know spanish anymore that sucks what if i just said like a whole sentence that you wouldn't know what i would say yeah he says um yeah wait b-o-y yeah b-o-y yeah boy what does that mean boy means i am going to okay okay it's with a v yeah so that's funny because i thought vs were bees in spanish so like like i like what you're saying voy is boy right oh yeah i said that's a quack and he's like no that's not how it is and i was like i'm pretty like i think some places like that it's like no it's never like that i was like and he was like no i'm like i'm pretty sure some people would say it like that and he's like no they don't i was like oh okay no i never said that i knew but no he he lied to me i thought it was i i knew okay it's just pronounced the same way but it's a different b so boy as in like this boy is with a like i don't know how do you say that in english um yeah like the the v about boy that boy but the boy that i'm saying is with the other b yeah okay okay say it again um i don't know that is i don't know anything i'm going to compare what's the last one you got it right you got it right sorry what i'm going to compare cakes um no i'm saying i'm going to buy cookies oh okay say something else um boy oh wait do you want me to keep with the boy or do you want me to say a whole different thing okay one more time in the park the boys yeah something in the park yeah but what's going on here that's like the they version of like i've never heard it yeah exactly i'm doing well you are you have a really really really good accent like whenever i hear you talking spanish you sound really good that's what quackity says yeah he's right okay one more time okay uh let me think of another sentence um sorry i'm thinking sure okay this is gonna sound wait yeah that's what i got to say because i sound argentinian so i don't say yo i say sho this is like too hard for me i mean it's like okay i can't do both at the same time you can you can you can you can trust yourself okay mama i call my mom yeah you got it yeah i've never heard that so you say like sure instead of yeah exactly that's um like the accent that we have in like argentina but also in uruguay because of the because of something that happened it doesn't matter anyway another sentence i like this game okay um dream okay wait wait wait wait wait sorry no i'm gonna use dream as a person so actual dream yeah okay yellow yellow yeah i don't know if you're saying because that would be like so i don't know what yellow is how do you spell that it's h i e l o h a i yellow yellow i don't know that is what's the second word yellow means ice sounds like how do you say it and like how do how do people from spain say that i don't know ice in spanish yellow i think it's just yellow oh it's the same yeah i wouldn't have thought it'd sound like that h i yellow i would've thought it'd be like yellow i guess that's the same ph you never like we never actually um how do you say this we never actually make the h sound like it doesn't have any sound yellow yeah so it's not like you're saying yellow yeah it's likely um the h will have like a sound if it's um like ch so that's but if it's the h alone then it doesn't have a sound i don't know if that makes sense okay another sentence okay um let me think um george [Music] wait because i i want to say something um escuela oh what was the something about school what say it again oh okay this is the b and v thing again okay goes to school yeah exactly okay i got it you're argentinian ba like a sheep yeah so wait in spanish the do you like you know how animals make sounds but we like say them as a word like in english we say sheep go ba do you do the same in spanish it's different we would say me yeah like yeah like meh i guess like man yeah okay but they don't but like in english they say as well but they also say bar yeah but they don't say bar in spanish no they say okay like for example yeah or the council oh that counts as moon yeah but the dog okay yeah what does a dog say well wow yeah wow like wow yeah g u a u g u a u yeah wow well wow [Laughter] yeah that's crazy they say and the cat but they don't say growl i mean i guess they don't say bark either they don't say park i have my dog right here i think it's more like bark though it's like i don't know no um they say wow like they go whoa whoa whoa you're like i don't know how they go well well they don't go wow either maybe they don't go back or while they go off i don't know people aren't saying wolf they do kind of go war for better sometimes they do they're like i mean it depends on the name on the name on the dog the brand of dog yeah all right so you know the sentence okay um you have to say it slowly okay let me think what sometimes despacito don't say that okay music i listen to music yeah that was easy okay do you want me to make it harder um i don't know it's maybe like somewhere in between because the other ones like it took me ages but that one was too easy okay um okay [Music] wait i'm trying to think laventana i don't know what either of those words mean well i mean i don't know it means i can give you a hand the first word yeah the window yeah and then one esta lundu is something well what would it make sense if i'm saying always [Music] it's open the window is open avietta means open avierta yeah means open you can also say avierto to say open you know spanish is kinda hard i guess i'm not good at spanish you are you're pretty good but like i'm just playing hard words yeah hard words like window and dog whoa you didn't know them either so yeah i mean but i don't know spanish okay i want to get i just want to get a hard one like without getting okay oh my god oh it's annoying let me let me think because i i think i can think of like easy ones my phone's going crazy um he's like i need something i need something in between music and window in terms of yeah yeah yeah like the accent makes it harder because i'm also yeah not understanding stuff yeah it does i know um i don't know man like [Music] okay wait i think i got it los chicos okay duermen j-u-n-t-o-s yeah sorry i didn't make them i didn't mean to make this weird i just look at look down my bed that's why i thought so sorry keep going um together yeah the boys sleep together yeah okay i got it you got it together i'm googling it okay yeah i think argentina accents like the italian accent of spanish we sound kind of i downloaded a spanish app like ages ago and i was yeah i like was letting it teach me words and then i i'm pretty sure i only remember like one word from when it when it when it taught me and it's such like it's such a word people like oh of course you remember that which i think i told i think george george probably knows i told i told george before i remember i don't know now i'm like getting like scared i'm going to say it and be like wrong but it's okay oh so you're a genius yeah yeah i'm a genius you're a genius i don't know how to say i'm a genius so you're from argentina is um do you like i know i knew you're gonna ask about missy i knew it it was so obvious everyone's like oh you're from argentina oh do you know missy yeah i know your friends my uncle really yeah oh my god yeah do you want me to say something to him yeah can you wait um can you uh can you tell him that i want to um play football with him no why i mean are you good at football yes um i don't know that close to his skill yeah sure i am we have you know george we have beef when it comes to football why is argentina like england oh yeah yeah yeah you guessed you think george like cares about england but he doesn't know he'd be more like a chair like the american team or something right here do you prefer messier there's no american team in the in the world country messi or ronaldo messi why because he's argentinian yeah because he's the best of the world do you have a messy shirt i do i mean i have like the they are like the it's like an argentina one with them yeah yeah is he number 10 yeah okay are you gonna watch the world cup probably oh well me too yeah i watch the world cup when it happens okay me too here's like a whole thing like we closed schools to watch the world cup i don't think we do that i think wait and then the world cups normally in summer yeah it's normally like july but for some reason this year it's like in december so it's in december yeah i think it's starting to temperature yeah it's certainly november and then it's in december it's in qatar yeah it would be too hot in summer yeah i think that's why yeah but you know we're gonna win so when was the last time argentina won a long time ago when 78 and 86. oh i'm so smart yeah do you like um what's his name might elena yeah i feel like his his hand of god well yeah it's a good play i don't like him though but he's we like messing here that's all that matters do you like di maria yeah we call him fidel which means noodle because it's he's like super tall oh yeah i don't know other players do you know he plays in manchester i think i don't think so oh he doesn't anymore no i don't know where he played but he's also a streamer wait who now oh aguero yeah yeah yeah i know aguero yeah you should you should you should invite him to the smp agreement for manchester city i don't know who he plays for now he doesn't play anymore no he got injured so yeah yeah and messi is retiring like this is his last world cup crazy how he's not to win shut up what's up heck do you like that tech talk sound with mercy i do take the messy messy missing kind of secret oh well and god is like a slang word of argentina and you say like when you want to get with someone like to kiss them you say ankara like why is he why is he saying that about messi well because it no yeah it also means like up to a goal like why would he be saying it then yeah so it it also means that so it has like two meanings so we say in karamazi when he's about to you know uh make a goal but then also you can say and gotta to someone like if you're gonna encada yen it also means like you're gonna like get someone you mean so it has two meanings and that's why the sound is like incarnation kind of messy but you are human well there you go law laura argentina how do you spell it oh i found it oh [Laughter] why do they say gold so many times i don't know i don't think that's an argentinian like i think it because i feel like i've i've seen that happen a lot but we don't do that we don't we don't do that as well they just say god [Laughter] well okay whatever i'm working right away that's why you played soccer so yeah well it must be really good i know i know i know and kara messi okay yeah we we have a lot of swirl words so i don't want to shoot because i know you don't swear all right i would never do that yeah i'm nervous wait what sorry oh okay okay no i thought you said something i think i did i don't remember what i said though and kara means face apparently yeah kada means face i put encounter into google translate and it says face well go translate doesn't know anything it does it does okay it does okay it does it knows everything okay okay yeah sure you know whenever the world cup um is happening and argentina plays against england you're gonna remember me what if they don't play england they will and we will win and you will be like ah argentina no no that would be funny and we win yeah that would be so cool world cup what are they called like groups are they already in on their we're not in the same group no we're i think argentina is in groups oh yeah didn't did it like the u.s get kicked out they're not kicked out but like they lost there um i don't know oh wait i think are they no no they're not they're here wait are they i don't know i remember i remember seeing that we were always no wait they're in the england or something they're right that's what it was i remember i remember we were in the same group as england but then like i thought that they said that they said what what or he's gone uh if that's their name oh what happened i thought that they said that um that america wasn't in the world cup that's why earlier i thought dory oh what wait i don't remember that that's what they said um i don't know well according to this website they are in it yeah i'm pretty sure we are i remember seeing that we were in the same bracket as that's funny england wait how does it work world cup um fixtures okay okay all the games are lined up so you can see them here okay so england england england plays america on the 25th of november for the group stage match no way where um it doesn't say oh it does it's in the i don't know you say i'll bite stadium where qatar huh that's where the world cup is they're all there like in different stadiums um so england so how does it work i think the top two teams of each group go through and then how does it work out who plays who after that i wanna see if england would play argentina in like the next round assuming they both get through but it doesn't say i guess we'll have to wait to see i guess we'll just have to wait and find out next time on world cup tournament so it begins on the 21st of november and ends on the 18th of december because for a whole month that's funny and we're in the same group i feel like potentially we could i think maybe we'll both be at the top of the group so then we will progress together that would be pretty funny pretty funny huh huh [Music] what are you doing george does that explain it does that explain no i guess fine whatever hmm guys i didn't kick her it was me it was me all along yes he said you did no i did not i didn't this is slander i was literally mid talking to logs can i can i check vlogs how do i check the logs um i'm checking the logs that is slander that's actually [ __ ] moderation wait audit log uh when did it happen time wasn't that long ago it didn't show anything in the logs they weren't kicked yeah they were not kicked as far as i can see wait i can literally see where you you kicked her you're such a [ __ ] liar discord kicker uh oh huh uh soup said they actually disconnected them when you join when they joined trying to connect them back now oh yeah why just one of the discord mods disconnected one accident [Laughter] exposed yeah i was getting i was getting slandered i had to defend myself in karamazi um oh oh come back what you've returned i'm back everyone's happy look they let go they like me um okay okay okay this is how we started last time yeah it is um i didn't hear your your um discussion about the world cup but i i don't care anymore anymore yeah it's kind of like pointless for you to discuss all right yeah you know we're just gonna win so okay yeah it's been like 40 years what do you think is going to change yeah i have a theory but i cannot say it loud because if i say it then we're gonna lose so okay you're just gonna have to trust me if we win you know why okay yeah hoovin wins the world cup world cup winners you know something that sucks that we i think it was on the last workout that was so heartbreaking we got into the finals and we lost oh yeah i see that you lost huh i cried you did it as well in 1990 and you lost yeah that's why i'm saying that i have a theory oh your theory is that what no i'm not gonna say it i just told you like if i say it's gonna all right they win the next year because they won the next year after the last time they lost in the fight one in 1966 so explain that i don't care how many cups do you have one it hasn't mean that many ones you know the snickers england probably has more world cups than george has cups like in his kitchen or something because he probably guys the other day actually you know i'll tell the story um george was being an idiot and george goes to like pop popcorn and he goes into the kitchen he's like can you pop popcorn so can you do it it's like yeah how much i put in he starts like pouring so much oil like you don't need that much like you don't need that much oil he feels like barely any oil but not barely feel like way too much oil and then he pours it starts pouring like that's good after he puts in more then he puts in like so many more like kernels like popcorn cornell's and then he turns it on and they start like popping he's like going crazy but he's like oh my god like i'm making popcorn like this is awesome and then like he realizes he doesn't have bowls like he doesn't have any bowl in his kitchen he has no bowls so as it's like popping he's like looking around the kitchen like trying to find bowls i was like it's popping and of course he put way too many kernels so it starts like overflowing and like the thing that it's like popping right he's like screaming and like going crazy as the popcorn's like popping everywhere and then he's like oh my god he's like running around and then ended up going under the cabinet and like getting like a mixing bowl or something and he like comes over and he's like trying to like scoop the popcorn like as it's popping into this like this this bowl and it's like popping all over the floor and like all over the the cabinet and then that's the story and it was over incredible incredible nice story [Laughter] wow doesn't have a bowl congrats yeah he doesn't i do they're like soup bowls it's like they're like not that deep you know they're shallow yeah hardly any countries have won the world cup france germany spain easterly brazil england and one of those two we won against england so uh wait what yeah the last one i believe the finals were argentina versus england it was germany no one before that no it was netherlands it was oh no i know what i'm talking about what are you talking about because the on the i don't know if it was the last one or the other one you guys um stopped playing because of us because we cut you off oh yeah so wait one two three four five six seven eight nine i think only nine countries have won the world cup how about many how many the world cup how many world cups have they been one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen point fifteen seven eighty nine twenty twenty one twenty one assuming this is all of them they i don't know i think that's all yeah i think this is every four years right yeah yeah started in 1930 oh now you know something new so what was it 23 23 world cups did i say i think so i don't know i think it's 21 and then this is gonna be the 22nd one but only nine teams have won 22nd uruguay italy germany brazil england argentina oh you know something i want to say it doesn't have to do with the work of a dream whenever you're playing geoguesser you always guess argentina right away i don't know how you do it like you're actually pretty good at that he has achieved yeah i don't i was just thinking like what could i what do i notice in argentina that would make me guess that like every time you've guessed argentina and i'm always surprised i'm like how do you know that i'm guessing it's a secret to tell everyone it's argentina i think i think i think argentina well there's spanish obviously and then i think tell me tell me if this is right do you have on your roads do you have uh uh white i mean uh white lines in the middle in the middle yeah yeah that's why oh other spanish countries don't have that well they do but a lot a lot less frequently it's a lot less frequent like argentina has it's way more frequent in argentina also the licensure about spanish speaking spanish-speaking countries not not outside obviously there's a lot of countries with whiteline in the middle that are outside of south america oh yeah the license plate oh yeah the license plate argentina's license plate has a black dot in the middle it's actually not a dog but yeah well it's just not cause it's blurry yeah it looks like yeah also you said he called d maria noodle because he's tall he's not even that tall he's 5 11. oh he's stopped for us so oh you you would be really tall here george i am really tall yeah yeah sure average high argentina oh my god let's see it's yeah that's what i'm saying so yeah i'm really tall i'm above average yeah your dream would be like giant not that giant no like his whole like history comes from him not being able to play football because he was too short so he went to like a doctor and they started like a um like a treatment to make him taller so he could play and so they made him a little bit taller and now he plays but they will like overestimate him because he was short hmm so how was he before i don't know messy law and caramel if you say encara messi to quaggari he's not going to understand you by the way why because he doesn't know what ankara means it's argentina's lang oh does he think it means face probably he's an idiot he isn't but you can say it it's fine i don't think he is he's really smart wrong okay yeah sure dream was muted i was he hates you two seconds why are you muted because i was moving and i didn't want to be annoying oh my god don't move how dare you move this is my chair my chair is annoying how dare you move that would be annoying yeah i know up up gulp gulp go yes gulp okay gulp we get it gulp okay we're good okay why do we keep doing that i don't know i don't know i always do that and i know you do it but like i don't know i can also do the water drop sound but i i don't think i'm gonna do it george wait wait no i can't okay that was good okay thank you that's not true huh that's not true it is see me see [Laughter] [Laughter] you're so funny i know [Laughter] [Music] okay [Music] that's not goofy either that's so goofy like scoobs okay someone said copying these nuts that's not funny yeah though that's [ __ ] up okay sorry no s yeah you know spanish yes i do um who asked i owned how what did he say i'm not gonna repeat it oh okay just know that you got epically owned you ain't even you don't know what happened i do he does you said who and she replied ass actually yeah george is gonna kick you now i'm just letting you know no don't people are gonna get mad if you get me george doesn't care i know he doesn't care okay okay okay okay we're not gonna start again so george do you have an ipod no no sorry i'm just do you i don't i want one so bad but like i want to be an ipod kid but i can't so i'm saying for one okay why do you want an ipad so badly because i can play games like you know those dumb games are like they have like a million ads on them and they don't make sense do you know the ones that i'm talking about um i don't really play games what the why aren't you like a gamer you don't even play games yeah i don't really play games that much well okay yeah what are you clicking oh um what why you care [Music] oh okay i'm working working what are you working on oh my job oh okay multitasking i see yeah oh okay i'm tired yeah yeah all right well i guess you should sleep then oh you're trying to get rid of me all right you guys uh talk by what george he's joking he's coming back george come back george please george george sure he's gone what he's just he's gone why is he gone why why george george [Music] church don't cry he'll come back no he won't he will it's okay george i think if you say the magic words he will come back george please i say the magic word oh i don't think that's so much at work what it's not no what the [ __ ] is the magic word um encaramisi i i will butcher it oh you have it come on yes he's not here okay it didn't work i tried my best i tried my best george so just tell us if you're leaving george so so just tell me if you're leaving so i know oh he came back holy okay shut up what the [ __ ] did you say to me why are you acting like you didn't hear it i didn't okay obviously you did everybody's telling me to teach you about a word bad word yeah say everyone's like do it do it do it right do it okay um do you want like a bad word like not that bad or like a bad bad word it's nothing offensively you want to get [ __ ] cancelled no it's not offensive i haven't set you up go ahead dream what why am i how am i why you're the one learning the bad word no i'm not you're the one who wanted the spanish lessons no you're take the spanish lessons no you're gonna take them no i am not it doesn't count as a bad word if you say in spanish that's true no i guess you just don't trust ori yeah he does huh yeah if you trust it then you do it hi my cat is talking to me just like yatto yeah do you like the detector sound this is [Music] what you do you do no way what i'll show you give me one second how do i find it oh that's [Music] what that might be um that might be an argentinian thing it's not everyone knows it look at the chat uh um someone said i know it and i'm british so oh i don't explain i'm tired i'm tired i am tired i am tired i am tired go to sleep i'm tired then go to sleep and what happened last time you told me to go to sleep you cried yeah but then the difference is this time just actually say you're leaving you're going to sleep and then we can all end it'll be fine well i can't i just ordered food so so ah i'm tired i'm tired i'm tired did you order mcdonald's no no he did didn't he i think he did i did it probably i really don't get mcdonald's that much he got mozzarella dippers and i don't know something else ah you really know me i do yeah i've had mcdonald's in a while actually i got it somewhat recently but when then but then before then it was a while oh even the most recent one was 10 days ago okay and then the one before that was a week before then well then [Music] okay wait there was another one as well what you get it pretty frequently wait i guess i get it more than i thought but then before then it's not i don't see any more i'm i don't get it that much sometimes i do hmm stop i'm sick that's [ __ ] up don't make fun of her you're making fun of me because i'm sick whoa argentina isn't that far behind me in terms of time oh no just i think it's four hours three three okay it's crazy you're like the same time basically i i know england i've been there it doesn't that doesn't add up because that means that she's too ahead of me and then that means if i say oh it's because i am i mean you say you're based the same time as that and you're basically same time as me too oh no because five is a lot further than three in my opinion but three is a lot further than like one obviously i agree like i would say like two it's like almost it doesn't matter theory it's getting you know it's pushing it four is like okay now it's kind of different and then five is okay it's different enough now there you go but now like i think it's because it's summer time so you guys change but we always have the same time no so sometimes it's four yeah summer is three exactly exactly okay can i get soggy in like 12 hours ew someone asked i'm like the translator not translator but like i'm asking everything that people want to know what happened to the minecraft server george the one that you have oh um [Music] uh i don't know okay i forgot he knows he's lying all right fine i'll say it challenge busy with some stupid stuff like um fair enough yeah i kind of forgot about it actually okay i'm messaging callahan kalyan's like listening and message you didn't he yeah i am the messenger are you listening and he said no you're not i literally like that's epic as soon as you laughed i knew that happened what nothing when will it be ready let's see no response yet not even typing why aren't you typing okay colin's typing um he didn't answer the question ah see this is messed up messed up no i forget you can hear me so i just repeat the word and i forgot um i kind of have to go okay um it was nice meeting you guys as well um yeah i don't know bye who was that i don't know all right all right dream yeah so yeah all right brandon peace nerds all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right love you guys talk soon peace this was fun thank you george for coming and chilling all right all right all right all right peace all right bye bye all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right
Channel: Swanstar Extra
Views: 13,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, clips, dream, dream discord podcast
Id: uweuSdC-I08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 242min 14sec (14534 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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