TommyInnit and Wilbur Soot play AMONG US.

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i'm such a good streamer guys look how good i am at this where's that oh that's exactly what i wanted to do there we go i covered the code perfectly all right you ready you ready right chat we're gonna go um i love being what should i make the title crime time yeah crime time can i get a pog jam for crime time all right i'll explain this game to you all stream it's very fun we're going back on the dream s p afterwards thank you uh caroline for the prime libby with the tier one super dup with the prime bump [Laughter] yeah let me find let me find just an image i need help do i give my hand tommy who needs help me do i use the in-game music or not i guess i could use my own music though the in-game music is literally just the beginning there's no music what do i mean my name man i was thomas yesterday sir in it maybe i just me big man huge fella big t bracket i'm just spamming my keyboard okay can have numbers i kind of brackets tommy in it mister in it uh you know what maybe i'll just go for the sly tommy you know all right now now now now now oh the gun we can adjust as we go you made a proper video you are now professional at this game do we have enough i've got my vlog okay all right um yeah i can still see okay i'll use that use that to basically sorry yeah maybe because there's gonna be an advantage three imposters i'm really really really close to blocking the attack that they're leaking the code right now i can see the code good we good we good i can make it a bit smaller i reckon there we go there we go look at me pog sorry it leaks the game code all right mouse keyboard oh awesome what are they you just walk around with west west you can interact with stuff with e and then you can hit tab and show chat right mods by the way when we start the game email only until the games until i'm dead all right emma only there you go mods maybe one mod being charged that's all the briefing how long do you guys expect to play ludwig might join forever oh i don't like that i i know i'm okay with without him no no uh it really doesn't bother me if he is [Music] [Music] oh my god that looks slick oh my god yep all right minx keeps coming yeah a few things uh wait who's coming minx hello wilbur yeah that's good look at me huh i look good where are you look at me out i'm tommy i like your hat hi tommy thanks man if you haven't played slash you don't know how i'm gonna give so essentially there are five imposters and now these imposters are going to try and kill people there is not five is when you get into a game each person is assigned something you're obviously not supposed to say what you have see i can explain if you're struggling i mean i'm going to be pissing i can really explain if you i mean if you're struggling i can just explain for you how many emerging people positions i don't know about that at least do is everybody switch to the mouse and keyboard controls yes yes okay so here's what we do we're gonna start the game if you're a crewmate you just do the task around the map you can press tab to see them as i'm going down i'm going [ __ ] down i'm going down i'm going down goodbye there we go oh wait oh sorry different clues or whatever okay how do we turn on the discord overview your goal is to kill the rest of the crewmates without being caught so in between rounds we're going to discuss and like say where we saw people where the dead body might have been found it's killed no you can only imposters can kill so it's not like to rebel in terrorist time where people can just murder each other right and we can vote people off in between rounds like if we if we if a round ends we find a dead body we have sufficient evidence to say say tommy killed someone we can vote as a town to vote tommy off and we'll find out if he was an imposter or not guys how do i turn on the discord overlay because i saw that on stream discord settings and then uh there's do i have to use desktop how do i get it on obs as well you just do it on game capture who is the quest what do i do wait sneak sneak will you go generally i want to get it on so you can see all you got to do game capture snap things called overlay what what's it called in i've enabled it i think user settings i love you being my friend someone's talking to me wait yes difficult settings overlay user settings app settings overlay just enable it okay i've enabled it now what happened then you can mess with it in different ways to to toggle it in game like it takes a couple seconds for it to kick in you might even have to relaunch you just hit like toggle overlay lock which half the time like default it's shift plus uh tilde [Music] uh yeah um and then you can change like the icon size and then what i do is i make it to where they only it's not working speaking i said you have to give it some time obviously how long you got it uh what do you mean oh wait should i restart my game uh give it a little bit but you might have to all right i just will apparently do i have to install a discord stream kit one of my mods is telling me oh no okay no you're not streaming all i do is have it on yeah of course oh wait you're live right now uh-huh oh sorry i wasn't listening sorry i wasn't even i wasn't even i was like oh okay wait how do i get it it's not working snp it forgets everybody else that's fine no no please no no no no no okay wait how do i do it literally all i have is overlay setting on and game capture among us that's it and it does it all and then yeah once it's once overlay setting is enabled open up among us and hit shift and and tilde at the same time and it will pop stuff up shift plus tilde it says oh shift yeah okay it's not working have you tried doing it correctly okay i'll change the i'll change the thing to num numpad up yeah it's not showing up on my screen [Music] do i have to restart again also it might open up discord on stream so maybe do that when people can't see the game on screen i'm pressing eight it's not working they're going i am bad at this no it's it's it's worth getting it up isn't it right uh i mean yes and no i mean we all know who each other is but it might be hard for some people how do i get the overlay up so all right enable it in game shift rav is what people are telling me they're mad i'm saying tilda yeah it's not yet but it's not coming up on my screen it's not coming up on my screen i mean they're all going come on tommy that's literally all i did all i did was enable in-game overlay on discord and then where it says toggle overlay live oh i have to use discord stream kit [Music] oh yeah i've got it i've got it i've got it [Music] and then wait it might take a sec for that actually um [Music] wait how do i [ __ ] oh uk keyboards it's it's just the grave key grave or grav [Music] voice widget one oh i've got it i've got it i've got it i've got it i've got it oh and then now i put this here yeah wait wait if we go to general one now if we go to general playing this i was like wait a minute this one here hey phil i've got it working positive chat for draw [Music] okay now you can see who's who up here yeah [Music] how big do i want to make it like here where abouts do i want it on the screen like here am i in a good place for the webcam [Music] is this good would you want it here listen boys it's up to you show speaking users only all right i've done that [Music] is it going to be a new thing now okay go up to the customize and you can change it this is already chaotic [Music] top left all right i love it here i go you paid three dollars to have a child how do i get one i want my child to [Music] oh my god i can get a meatball with legs holy yo guys i got rudely interrupted by wilbur i apologize i'm in welcome this is gonna be so fun i'm so excited bigger all right might get a bit bigger but i don't think you i don't think you want it that big guys seriously hello i'm funny hi mix tonight hello hey hey we've never met yet hi minks [ __ ] off tommy oh oh you're gonna die [Music] tonight the massive accidentally is gonna be determined i'm gonna develop an accident i already feel it coming on yeah i kind of just feel like talking like this i'm just after playing among us with very nice i don't even know what you're saying i'm dreading this now i don't understand cutter shut the you need to you need to stop being so rude i think i know i know i dare you guys be nice to megs [Laughter] [Music] what about [Laughter] why are you speaking like that sorry did i did i miss something i don't think there's enough freedom in this car i'm getting a little upset wilbur oh my god hey tommy hello my friend hi tommy how are you how you doing spoke to minks yet i did you speak so stupid anyway go on you're so tommy you're so right tell me what hat are you wearing good at a good hat for that wait i was blue a minute ago oh dude i'm going to be the fire don't make me be dream i oh my god i don't want to be [ __ ] green i'm excited you excited to lose to me tommy over and over you were really [ __ ] last night when i played with you so tommy if we're both imposter can we like can we do so can we just psychologically torment them yeah yeah yeah let's let's just whatever we do just blame it on turbo every round yes yes all right we're going back all right all right if all right i'm gonna explain to everyone quickly what this game is all right we're all you ready ready ready ready this is gonna be a tommy out it video so we're all all right we're in we're in this in this spaceship and two people are murderers they're gonna try and stab the [ __ ] out of someone and they can't say you have to trick everyone else into thinking you're the stabber all right and whilst and there's two ways you can beat the game the stabbers get caught you complete all the tasks you see the tasks on the left there's gonna be a lot less of them that's all we've got to do there are loads of people here and i don't want to get stabbed i don't want to get stabbed let's do this dude oh my god the guy that like likes animals or something yeah he's fun about it's asking him about being a furry connor all right i'll ask him can we uh please fundy someone told me to ask you i'm back in vc bundy funny start the game all right do you like animals good talkers oh all right so we all have to go we have to go [Music] all right so my tactic i don't want to die i just follow around some guy all right okay you ready ready this is me this is tommy all right so we've got these things we've got to do we've got to do them and quick we want to do them a [ __ ] quick holy [ __ ] uh electrical electrical oh there's a reaction okay okay so what we've got to do you got to do these tasks boys what the [ __ ] what does this mean what is this no i don't need to do that it's beyond my understanding so all right you gotta connect the wires you gotta do [ __ ] like this okay now now make sure we're on emo only now for no spoilers all right okay we've got a group okay we're doing them we're doing them boys how do i do this i thought oh wait wait maybe i okay now we are on you um connor connor what that is a wild accusation i can back up how do we not know you're lying though yeah did anyone see it can anyone vouch for wilbur can anybody and wilbur are backing each other up and nobody else oh that's a great point okay so i found justin minx and it was just outside of um electrical on the right side near on the jerry can right i want to do uh i wanted to do the reactor saw wilbur standing in the hallway i didn't trust it went down saw connor running up i'm like okay we're with three now we're fine and connor just skips the reactor while i was sticking down and that's what causes me to be suspicious about him i didn't have this happening [Music] there's no security cameras on this map right on the left here's the thing here's the thing if it's urge wilbur if it's not conor connor i'm voting wilbur if it's not conor then it's turbo connor connor i may have messed up it may have been fundy that killed everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] wilbur i'm following around wilbur we know wilbur's to be trusted now all right we know wilbur's to be trusted all right so my strategy i don't actually do any of my because if you're with another person then they know that they're the murderer all right so we've already lost one murderer we've almost done it all right okay i'm gonna go i'm gonna go fix the wing i'm gonna go oh [ __ ] down that wait is he gonna follow me around if they follow you around that's when you start getting a little suspicious all right [Music] ready boys hockey jumps jumps okay i need to fix the wiring so you see these tasks i've got to do them [Music] okay scott hasn't stabbed me fundy's there when he's awfully awfully a bit followy isn't he's a little little little creepy boy isn't he now i'm out i'm out to do some stubborn sabotaging chat because i think that's funniest even though i'm not the murderer i wanna i want to be the murderer and and i saw minks conor was fish it was weird functions i have i have a theory okay why i don't think it can be funny okay because my first thought was it's fundy because funding was worth me yeah that's true i was waiting for you i always wait for me for murdering me i was scared so i was i saw that round filzer um scott and fundy so i don't think it can be either of them all right so sneaker tell me then okay okay i swear on my gaming keyboard it's not me it's not me and you know how much i like my gaming keyboard you know how much i like it i really think it's sneak he's the only one that i have actually if i hadn't voted for you i'd vote for sleep yeah that's true where was the body i literally found the body and then you guys are busy accusing each other so obviously because i have to be quiet that makes sense where was making sense i was in admin the oxygen went off i did the oxygen then i went to the other one because i had to go to navigation anyway then i went back because i realized i had to do a task in admin and i forgot because of oxygen and then i found over his body and feels it was right there we were alone so he had a chance to kill me so it's sneaky that is of such a [ __ ] reach it's not even funny why did i get followed because you like you you can accuse me i would always accuse tabo oh no that's actually a fair point i mean i'm standing by you oh wait all right i'm staying my turbo it's not turbo it's we're sticking together now with the boys three boys in a cabin what will they do oh we should probably not let the ship die all right come on funny don't stab me fundy i think it's him i think it's him i think it's him i think it's him nothing against him okay i'm gonna go up here i'm going to what i've got to do reactor unlock manifolds jack manifolds in this game okay funny don't stab me funny i bet it's funny i bet it's funny i bet it's funny i bet it's funny you're bad it's funny he's following okay okay is he gonna is he gonna fire me if when he follows me then it's gotta be funny can we just quickly start the reaction what the [ __ ] what's this mean you've got to do these tasks chat to try and understand it who is it who's dead so fundy's dead always sneaky it's definitely sneaky definitely i saw bundy and sneeze right next to phil just now i'm getting it okay well [Music] seen you guys just won because you guessed twice a couple of notes next to phil yeah you [ __ ] up you [ __ ] up when you tried to blame me in between rounds one person at a time talking it was a bit chaos that time okay sec second okay second do not insta vote because you cannot change your vote oh all right be sure to hold off on your vote i literally reported the body and it took a whole minute for me to talk about it because you guys were just pointing the video oh i missed the body oh my god in the lobby funny i want to say when you [ __ ] voted for um tommy instead of sneak we would have won like a round earlier had it not been for you oh wow he's just so skeptical tommy was the best third town member tommy was great thank you guys for just screaming at each other and i was like well i guess i just won't speak about the body i recorded myself all right okay sorry i'm really sorry again let's go against you yeah he didn't click play again nothing's missing oh we're missing someone there we go there we go [Music] yes yes all right all right where's turbo no actually no no that'd be too specific okay i've got a kill i've gotta kill someone who doesn't think that okay okay okay okay okay i'm gonna act like i'm a normie okay so we can sabotage can we oh my god okay okay we've got to play this right we've got to play this right oh my god i'm getting this tired man okay all right let's wait for someone to come down here stay down here for long enough she wants to die he wants to die he wants to die this is very fun oh oh okay okay i'm gonna walk this way actually i'm gonna report okay you ready i'm gonna no actually what makes sense for me to report ah aha i literally just saw sneak walk past the body no what happened was i saw you i literally was walking towards the body and then i see it to click report and then you come down from the hallway what are you saying one person sorry i'm sorry sorry from murdering he's accusing i was coming from i think you're forgetting the part where you literally murdered him and then saw me coming towards the body and then tried to kill me but you don't know that there's a cooldown on killing so you couldn't have gotten away with it so instead of just running you just sat there and saw me coming and then you were running and then you came back no no no i literally last night i watched about three ludwig videos on this game well now i know the game no i no okay well let me explain one person at a time please no what i was saying was i was walking down the hallway from what's the bit dude just oh my i didn't kill connor what the [ __ ] now walking down the hallway from the left to the right i see you at the body i click report and then because you can do this as the imposter you reported yourself you reported yourself you saw me and then you clicked because i was just walking towards you you know you're watching okay can anyone vouch for me can anyone vouch for the sneak yeah i was just doing it did we see sneak at any point and did we see tommy at any point i was in navigation i can only let me actually phrase my question did we see sneak or tommy at any point have a chance to kill us but didn't being disgust no i saw him but he didn't have it i was in navigation just then with scott yeah he told me the whole i've seen him i haven't seen so many times i saw why why i am going to say i'm going to tell you that's not fair i i on the way out i do want to say i i do want to say i saw tubbo moving when the sabotage happened so it's not tubbo i i walked past tubber at one point all right we can go off emo only okay that wasn't my best play it wasn't my best play vents next time i didn't even know that okay by the way mods make sure you also only stick to emotes when we're on email only okay that wasn't my bad that was my brother's mom's best play oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh yeah i can't oh wait the security cameras all right so we gotta watch fundy now we know fundy yeah mods make sure it's only once my other donation thank you counterfox first stream we've made it to you thank you thank you all right west fundy out what's funny [Music] really it wasn't the worst play well here's the thing it wasn't the worst play until you made it the worst play because then follow my ghost come back no i'm looking at fundy i'm looking at funny because he's all right just follow my i'm right here you see my ghost look i'm gonna still show you did you kill me like right here you go up here you see people and your reaction is i'm going to run back towards the bucket over here what would you have done i wouldn't first of all wouldn't have killed me right in such a high traffic area well i'm sorry mister hey what does sabotage do because i have well i didn't know that was the thing you can uh that'll like that'll likes yeah you can oh cool wait is this wait should i be spoiling right now i mean it doesn't matter to me i'm dead i want to watch fundy oh minx is dead i haven't found a bodyguard oh okay let's go back chat i wanted to fight chat sorry friends i was [Music] over me right then i see tubber go into reactor i see fundy look at me in security go into reactor i then go right i've got a chat reactor run in tubo's dead that's what that's awesome phil you can back me up that's all um destruct you but it goes through the two that haven't murdered me uh i got trapped in by um some gates earlier with a cctv camera i saw that happen to you jack as well he also he also trapped me he also trapped me if you're a dead imposter you can still sabotage things and two if you're a dead crewmate you still have to do your tasks for us to win without getting rid of this if it's if it's not me i want robert gone okay okay because no one backs him up on that season why is he why is he it is you you idiot that's all right as well dude the cameras don't lie the cameras don't like cameras using the damn cameras dude funny funny that is the third time because we've been playing this off stream that is the third time i've caught you out with that cheers when i when i walked up to reactor told me it closed the doors i'm like oh okay i can't check the cctv thing now and toby was just standing there doing the the little simon says how do you close the door oh free kill [ __ ] no because wilbur's in there you stabbed me with like this stick looking thing yeah wait how do you close that knife how do you close the door if you're an imposter so when you open up your map tommy is it the sabotage thing is it looks like doors and some of the rooms there's i want to be like daddy okay okay mute jack okay all right we'll just i'll just do my tasks now i'm gonna be a humble worker this game i'm gonna do my tasks i'm gonna get why the [ __ ] are they following me right admin i think the best player is to stick with loads of people at all times okay all right cafeteria fix wiring so we've gotta do these tasks chat number totally fine any [ __ ] anxiety oh wait is he doing tasks or not okay i think it's fine come on okay he's if if turbo kills me now i'm gonna be so upset okay admin where's admin security i don't know the call-outs yet that's the problem on med bay oh wait oh you can move with the map okay okay okay okay who's died well oh wait well we got a crime scene here who was it wait wait i was just with turbo and then he walked away but i can't remember him i just found the dead body bottom left i don't know that i was just running around and then there it was like um i can guarantee that i was in i was in the cameras the whole [ __ ] time went once to react and then back to cameras i went to navigation and now i'm in the bottom middle section with the the whole left side i was picking the entire [ __ ] thing he must have come from electrical like i'm in the admin room with like minks and i think sneak did anyone go to electrical this game connor yeah so i was with turbo for the whole game and then he walked off and i went to med bay but someone walked past and i can't remember who it was and i i went over to the metro no that's not that's not that's not true tell me because i saw the entire thing the whole time it's funny it's funny i walked up to med bay because i was doing my tasks and you walked past me in turbo and then i walked off because i had to go do my thing i've been in this have you i've been there hold on a minute hold on a minute because wilbur you know i wasn't electrical because we were both on the right side i remember i went to the navigation i didn't go to electrical i i passed me in that navigation i saw you could possibly i thought you were heading off to electrical you could have been no electric ones bottom left yeah this isn't daisy it's not journalist you can move across the map [ __ ] journalists but i was with sneak and i was with uh with a smidge or who said i wasn't accusing you i just thought you said you're an electrical that's what i was saying no no i didn't say that okay that's cool then i'm not i'm not i'm from electrical to navigation this doesn't matter it doesn't matter i literally just asked connor a question i wasn't accusing him like four of us and admin right now so i have no idea besides the four people around me are okay for now we have 10 seconds what are we doing without voting somebody i can that's right nice i'm sure it was funny i'm so sure i can't even look at the emo only chat you're spoiling it i'm after minimize chat dude uh admin swipe card admin oh here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay shields i might even place him this is a real doing tasks theme i'm a humble worker i don't get paid a lot but it's all right the wife and kids at home they i mean that's what i do it all for hey bum bum i mean at the end of the day as long as i don't get stabbed i enjoy my job i'm so into this i'm so into this what's that pom all right guys why did no one do that i was actually i was trying to find the option i knew it was you i was right i was right i've never lost to that i've always i literally said it was funny and the other one's in the auction room so you have to go one in half minutes you really want to prioritize radios there are a handful of things that the imposter can sabotage it's easier to understand once you get assigned a posture but one of them is oxygen and like what were said once in an admin one's in oxygen and you need two people basically basically when you hear the the loud buzzing it means you're on a on a timer you really get to focus on that there's there's two things that do the buzzing it's either oxygen or reactor reactor it's two people make sure you add them back after the stream means that there's a crisis and it needs to be fixed five gifted captains holy [ __ ] someone else for the four months yeah that's exactly why everybody needs to go to them because everybody does the bystander effect and they're like well somebody else will get it so i'm just not gonna call i'm just not gonna do it let's go let's go again i legit i didn't have a clue what i was doing i legit asked my child i was like guys how do i sabotage and i looked to the bottom right when oh i think this game this game i'm gonna i'm gonna follow someone around i'm gonna follow around big poo i'm not gonna do my tasks i'll do it if i'm dead all right i'll work when i'm dead maybe the primes if he goes to a place i can do tasks i will a lower engine it was funny again oh my ah interesting very interesting so i was in storage and i did the garbage shoot at the bottom middle south or middle bottom of the map and i walk up to admin and wilbur is passing me and then scott's body is in admin right where wilbur just walked from wait oh i literally just left ammon at the same time as jack how yeah i was in a run three in a row ed thank you for the gift itself top right and the armory thing for the bits and what did you do in admin um i was going there to do the oxygen thing from i was i was going up there for the i think it was the wi-fi signal thing on the wall that's true but the oxygen was already done you just said when i got there it was already done that's why you just said you had a flashing thank you wilbur come out of that i only saw wilbur coming south so you saw nobody walk out of the room directly for few months no i'm good i'm getting good i'm gonna be walking oh let's do it boys [Music] yeah i went out before jack so i'm now thinking it's jack but just check if you oh god the votes are just flying out you said you bastards i didn't do anything i mean it's free money dude literally i want to go get some biscuits i'm gonna i'm really hungry all right you ready boys you ready schlatt is um doing editing work forehead all right go on and pog champ i'll be back one second foreign [Music] okay [Music] one [Music] so [Music] i saw the dead body in cctv as well i want to do the button but then oxygen did you see the body getting killed no i just saw i just saw the body i can't remember what hallway um yeah i believe [Music] imposters [Music] [Music] my father was imposter not imposter and i quickly say though did people see well on the left side of the ship while i was doing cctv phil just rejoined just rejoined phil yeah i saw the body i thought a body as soon as i clicked on cctv so anyone who was on the left side while i clicked on cctv because you're not that fast i was with wilbur at the lower engine which is why i'm just him i appreciate you think that means right and your irish drawl is is very very convincing that you are the little traitor oh we're gonna [ __ ] lose we're gonna lose you're [ __ ] giving it away i'll just i just died why didn't you kill me hmm [Music] i don't want to do my tasks i want to eat my biscuits that's for hype training literally i'm gonna do it my way dead all you have to do all right click subscribe and prime just check it's free it's amazon prime everyone has it it's basically like it's sick it's sick all you have to do click subscribe and prime i'll do my tasks yeah literally just check just check i'm eating biscuits it's awesome hello connor you there after a three stop no zooming wrong with it guys you gotta join in you gotta go tommy prime tommy prime [Music] we're in this together thank you all so much by the way who died buddy in lights you died it's funny oh pink sneakers they need to vote funding come on vote funded vote funding admin with mink so it couldn't have been me it's youth bundy it's viewfinder no because i no i saw you solo in admin yeah but i was with minks so we both went through the like i passed you my guy no you didn't i didn't leave admin yeah i know i passed admin there we go oh what do you mean i passed admin i called you an admin i then went to fix the lights and sneakers panel next to me okay and i was doing the wiring next to you come on [ __ ] on your cases because i [ __ ] choose who goes here you vote each other fight your cases you [ __ ] 90 seconds uh well you should win from the start given i'm aring right now holy [ __ ] i'm not gonna need what was the last uh thing you did like what what [ __ ] the last thing i did was the buttons in um the reactor one two one two ten then it went up through med went down because lights went off via cafeteria saw only turbo but probably you as well in um in in in admin went past went to light um sneak was that in like the in between section to go to the back of electro electrical okay toba what did you do what was the last thing you did it was stuck with you you didn't want my card in admin uh when you walked off and i didn't see fun killed sneakers and you reported it oh no i thought wait wait wait wait uh make sure we're doing the the wire thing right so bye i was i remember in admin you were there you were doing something in the whole way he was just good with the admin it's either the download thing or the the warriors right we're [ __ ] stressed i don't know who i i either but it was probably back in the swiping area but the body could have already been dead and then you went to admin so i don't [ __ ] know tell me what the t wants in the front i don't [ __ ] know i don't know where the body was i don't think it was electrical when the lights went off makes my funny voice oh you [ __ ] you [ __ ] idiot well this isn't you goofed it makes [Applause] [Music] i turned off the lights to send them to electrical so they'd find the body but then you you went and found it anyway thank you so much oh no i was like i got it he won't do that he didn't even say it all you blasted you were stood with turbo for the whole game yeah we were together i didn't leave how would he have killed you emphasize the fact that you were with her the whole time you can't just like not speak your mind like that no you need to be honest he said he said suspicious to tell i had i thought it was both of you honestly you were both playing such a bad defense i was like for a second i thought wilbur didn't even kill me i was like wait a minute that's the way you told the whole story and then just like i was at admin the whole time while funding said the whole [ __ ] story and yeah my story was literally in that same room the entire time he can't weave a bitter a better story or a longer story than the fact that he was just there with you the whole time it's all about whirling man i'm sorry toby it's literally it was tubbo not me smart because she couldn't have made sure like she couldn't have known for sure that he was there the whole time because the power was off i hate this game i would say let's go it's the same one could not find the game you're looking for i'm gonna try the game yeah make it a different map i've only played this map yeah i i've only played this one as well is it the one funny put in uh it's the one i put in general this should be the code yeah i'll put it in trouble yeah we're just getting filling well i've been pretty much on pc but i'll i'll back out of the game and start up again see if it works hmm hold up watch code is s-y-w-v it's it's it's the one that isn't that one and now one of the five thousand people that really didn't feel really stupid yeah it's not the word [Music] that's funny because it's a word and it's also a fetish please tell minks to stop swearing okay i'm just getting that every time i try would you make a new game i think we gotta restart the game man we can play the same map we could just i've only played you're muted my reaction stop swearing just please please please my christian years there are children in the audience pull yourself together to stop [ __ ] swearing haven't been talking about i'm not even kidding wait really what yeah oh that's cool that's awesome that is awesome you put it in vc you need to put it in the that is a good code we can never let them know what the code is wait it says could not find the game you're looking for whatever you're looking for for everyone it takes it takes some time it takes place that's a good code and you can't know what it is hey guys this is a real inside joke right now this isn't a joke you're right it's very funny people never know hey we're like father like son although other than me still being alive and i was actually good we're missing one no mike is here there we go there we go good yeah i think we're ready all right i'm [Applause] new map not the snow map my bad okay reactor that's okay this map's gonna do please mute please remain muted we all just let this one slide as now we don't have to listen to tommy anymore [Music] okay i'm skipping bart hold on hold on who discovered the body funny who was in front of us uh i don't know where did you find the body in front of us it was literally right behind you yeah that's awesome it was behind me i haven't even left the main area that's how [ __ ] fast he died [Laughter] what just happened [Music] [ __ ] everybody important lives it's all good [Music] hi there guys sorry to bring you all in uh just thought we would avoid another murder at least you just watched tubber get into a vent in front of me just just hopped in well that's amazing if it's not tubba we've got wilbur to stop i'm pretty much confirmed because it's stupid for an imposter to throw their [ __ ] friend on the bus so right now you mean i've just bought you um yeah good job i you're an idiot you're an idiot that was a real turbo mo you killed me in front of everyone the entire server and you just just everyone decided no it was for the better you suck so you've got mute you're not i get it it's just me and you in the call we're both dead it's okay we're both dead it's okay turbo give me a sec [Music] i'm back you're a [ __ ] idiot that was a real top at the moment i pressed you stabbed me in front of everyone [Music] and how did no one i'm so angry i'm so angry that no one knew yeah i just pressed spacebar to try to jump and you died so i thought i might be an imposter that's not even though okay i'm going back to the other call that's he's so [Music] oh my god thank you ryan for the four months he's not he literally just stabbed me to death and someone's like he's so wholesome that's not even remotely close to enter id code i don't know [Applause] laying straight on the [ __ ] pathway towards oxygen moment we were we were all in um in reaction we were trying to get up the tunnel who was the reactor phil was there funny was there jack was there i was there i was that thousand bits dude i was i wasn't ready to flee the scene but he did throw tubbo under the bus yeah but it was also very weird how he threw him under the bus and then said that confirms me because exactly see i was thinking the same thing i was thinking unnecessary like that would have been something that i would have brought in not something you bring up i find myself innocent enough so i'm just gonna say i [ __ ] hate this map can we go back to the old one often [ __ ] like i literally understand the layout of the previous one i'm not i'm completely innocent there's no one there's no one there's no one no no can we just do that i like the base the base one please can we do the base one because i understand that one i just yeah yeah i thought minx was actually the imposter so when i found her dead body i was i was i was surprised but i can't say i was annoyed wait you didn't find your dead body no i mean fondly found it together yeah so when i found a corpse i was like i was like hey that's that's great but surprising why is it great oh she's dead stupid that's a weird way to feel about your fellow crewmate and she's dead oh no no it's mixed it's fine we did all cheer and skip of it when tommy was dead so we can't see one from the other one not first i'm just saying i'm just saying if you notice how peaceful and nice this interrogation is now yeah with rogue tommy as well it's great are we still gonna ignore this i'm gonna i'm honestly himself seconds away from buying a knife you've got you've got enough time you can vote me off you've got enough room with so many people asleep in the other room with my dad and i'm not going to wake up my dad for the super girl well i want you to vote yourself because then i won't be able to stream ever again [Music] that's what i mean like if it helps you guys but if you think if it helps you yeah yeah me will both walk up to her body so who is it [Music] who is it jack [Music] how do you become mod uh cupid's disease i honestly at the moment we just mod active people so okay just be active in the chat dude i don't want to do my tasks i'm bored of it [Music] don't feel like it how do i do this oh [Music] why is he just pointing at those we've got to do our tasks guys then don't no it feels a bit unfair it's phil oh my god oh it's phil is it did i not oh i clicked you're dead so doesn't that you oh wait no we don't have to be emo only if i'm dead mods are you no no it's fine i am i'm literally dead i cannot impact the game other than if i personally throw doing tasks is cruise duty and you're not true but technically i am dead crew i mean okay let's be honest what are you when you're dead because right now i'm am i still me because i guess i'm my soul and i think there's a lot more to tommy than you know just just some some crewmate who you know sits about doing tasks i don't think that's i have a life you know i don't how do i do this one [Music] how do i do it [Music] hats wallets card in the wallet where's the wallet [Music] i'll go down here there's the code in the wallet what wallet [Music] look at the prime very much there you have the wallet click on it and there's a wallet ah eight five nines [Music] my bad all guys let's go fix some wiring i guess it's good to memorize how to do the tasks so if it's filled then i wonder how we need to get the matters you know okay so they used to just quickly drag them you'll be quick tommy moment no no no no no no no [Music] begin weather download what is this game please don't ask for mods boys okay dude dude i [ __ ] know it's weird i'm so sure it's not me it's not me i just went up to the i guess so many suspicious things dude wait where is the body i was literally following a group of you earlier to make sure that i was seen no you weren't wait wait wait wait where was the body okay so this is what happened so reactor turned on and i'm always the first one there so i'm waiting for people to show up i'm like thank god reactor can be fixed i'm sitting there doing the scan i can film going to the other one and as we deactivate reactor phil murders scott okay i failed it is just on my screen oh next time don't actually mommy [Music] could be it i mean it could be filled it could be phil but i my read on that round is that it's sneak no don't keep doing it because each time each time reactor went off sneak was in there and it hadn't been done yet okay here's the thing here's the thing so we're currently with five people we're currently with five people if we vote of phil and it's nothing either one of the two that it is deactivate reactor i can't do it by myself scott walked in so yeah well i tell you what we'll stay emo only until the game's completely right otherwise we do sneak but i'm not i mean [Music] i don't know i think it might be sneak it's kind of suspicious how he witnessed the murder and report could be you i was like what's happening this is twice the reasons here's why i thought it might be sneak i didn't know you need two to do the reactor so that was completely off on my part at the same time and then also so my thought was what had happened is the first round sneak had killed them immediately and it was like played off as a bit and sneak had got them called it and then that was what happened the whole time why did you kill this sucks man this is [ __ ] yeah you guys you're starting to die you don't want to die you can win the game if impossible if the crew mates do all their why i don't feel like doing that because i'm yeah make sure if you're dead you still do your tasks you're literally [ __ ] the team over tom yeah but you all shouted i'm so glad he's dead after i died so i kind of you know i didn't have i'll give it to him [Music] you got it got it got it i'm joining you guys you still miss one person wait for you who are we missing oh jack jack you're not interested in the fish oh you post it in the other channel my bad [Music] good luck guys all right all right i'm not dying i'm not dying this game i'm not [ __ ] dying all right he's like who looks trustworthy he looks trustworthy okay group group group thank you big p big p i've got a trust big pit wilber oh who do i dress wilbur a big p robert wilbur won't screw me over okay group group stream screenshot there we go couple more oh good look oh actually i can do this as well okay follow the group follow the group follow the gang all right i got sick with wilbur because i know wilbur to be fair no i don't actually know wilbur can't stab me yet i've got a timeout there we go there we go all right i'm gonna start okay you ready wait this is how i die [Music] no no i don't trust that guy which fish was actually my editor for a while body in the cafeteria can we have tdr oh i think he's afk he might have been afk i went to gopia i mean i was with like four people there yeah what's the name of the song that goes bum bum bum bum [Music] [Music] [Music] oh okay i have ideas but not enough to go on anything yet right but that was only because i didn't know yeah listen let's all skip vote we're obviously [ __ ] just gonna we don't oh mix why are you so eager yeah you're so eager to skip that vault because she was too quick to be like let's go ages ago i'm sorry no i was you all saw me do the job mute that wasn't muted right well listen to uh fluffing a duck i'm gonna play royalty-free music this game i'm feeling royalty-free actually these two are really suspicious i'm not going to stand there all right they're doing tasks though actually yeah minx is doing tasks all right i can only guess this mix then let's just start doing tasks all right i'm going to stick with minx if it isn't you then if it isn't scott then i don't know how the [ __ ] you didn't report that body because it was right there wait a minute god if it isn't you who should we be obsessive i mean i don't it wasn't phil i know that but i don't know who it was i literally went in seen the box i saw minks doing tasks so i think minks is innocent just for the record i was doing the ask the shield first welcome i'll be st i'll be sticking by your side okay i'll stick by your side too then tommy no not that much [Music] [Applause] [Music] i might push the button hey where's mink's gone hello minx hello wilbur look at the gang i'll go with the wheel [Music] oh [ __ ] we have 10 seconds connor robert west minx where's my friend minx yeah you med bay i don't i don't want to leave the gang i've died early too many times actually i don't know i don't even have to do that stay in gangs [Music] hello minx this guy's jack's [ __ ] following me around he's been at work i'm gonna go up here let's see oh wait oh wait no no it's him it's hit me timmy it's hit me he just shut the doors he just shut the doors he just shut the doors oh you idiot you idiot i'm here i'm here [ __ ] [Music] i'm full of minks let me see is he is he gonna follow one of us if one of us goes off let's see oh it's gotta be him [Music] hey i think it's jack because me and minx's in a room with him and the door's shut hey um hey connor why were you heading from storage just as i found a dead filter in storage did you not see him which one is storage the bottom one the bot i was an electrical and i went left towards none of the four electrical before i left no he wasn't an electrical i was in there no no you were also there i saw you both in electrical but connor you came from storage and after i went past you in electrical i went to storage and there was a dead filter i was i did not see a body i don't know i seriously don't know what you're talking about i just saw i did the reactor early on you came in and did the reactor with me remember yeah yeah yeah i know but then but then you left and then we then the next time we converge was an electrical yes i was an electrical i never went into the store man if i went into it you might be telling the truth i don't know i just thought you come from that my hunch this light in the game and this is just a hunch i think it's tommy i also have a tommy hunch i've been i've been stood with minks for the whole game tommy was running with me the whole game yeah we went into a room with jack and he okay listen listen we ran into a room with jack and the door shut and there was three of us in there so you're suggesting it's me and minks but jack's dead and those three were in the room wait which one's jack with fish okay i've got a suspicion it's connor i think it's connor okay the whole game it's not me i think tommy if if i die and if there's only the only one yeah if i die vote tommy yeah okay wait who do we vote for first story so we equally i would vote tommy first because it's not me i'm voting but me and minks are vouching for each other because we've been stood there and those me minks and weird fish were in a room together for about a minute so if he's dead and i didn't kill him minks would be shouting it would be me right now people die that round well right if you if you're in a room obviously you wouldn't sorry i've i've got no idea i skipped vote oh [ __ ] it's gotta be wilbur then oh wait no i'm screwed i'm screwed it's gotta be wilbur or turbo oh thank you tubbo just locked the doors on me will we just lock the doors on me it's tommy it's not me just lock the doors on me who was it if it wasn't connor it was tommy so he should vote tommy just get rid of tommy come on you saw him knock me in there i would have killed you by now minx you know i would have i have no reason to not kill you the only reason is because i can't because i don't have a knife oh minx you [ __ ] skipped your mind good work [Music] it's minecraft this will be it's so wilbert it's [ __ ] don't don't own an email only we'll stay on email only until the game's done i would like to oh my daze man how is she this [ __ ] oh this is so fun [Music] hello hi guys hi i just want to say it can't be me i do you saw me turn the oxygen off right yeah it doesn't matter you can turn the ocean off as an imposter why am i here again why am i here again i can't no okay okay calm down calm down right okay let's talk about this reasonably taboo where's storage the bit where i found phil dead it could be turbo it could be turbo i just really don't think it is minx i have no lead on you and you've been with tommy the whole game and tommy was not an imposter oh this is all i have right now oh my god he's literally manipulating him right now to a bow to a bow to a bow i'm not coercing anyone i was hanging here there you go there you go come on now come on now i voted well you walked behind me when i was doing the oxygen thing i know but you could still disable it come on come on man and you're so sweet and so kind of little cheeks but at the same time [ __ ] you're an evil mastermind who killed us that's not what happened no no no minks minks why didn't you call the meeting if you thanks i didn't call them because i was doing the oxygen i was far away from it oh my god [ __ ] how can one little irish person be so [ __ ] [ __ ] it separates them when you kill one and we win and he still didn't do it listen listen i will say wilbur kept jumping between people which made me suss but by the end it was so obvious it was tubbo because he just kept going with the same thing that no no i completely thought it was will but i was shout because you just you weren't ganging up on wilbur you were just like yeah okay yeah you killed me i'm good enough oh my god sorry that was an accident it's a little too good to be true it it probably control me first i give [ __ ] it up i give you troubles [Music] it's all right thanks you've got it this time go again let's go came out of a [ __ ] vent right in front of my eyes for my life flying on the bed i was like wait he's not dead he was just like oh my gosh there was one point when trouble went and then wilbur went into the security room so i shut the door to trap while we're in there for trouble to kill him but then somehow i hadn't seen trouble leave the event so he wasn't in there who showed the door when it was me minks and then i saved that i got will to kill you there because i shut the door after minx went through it and then [Music] whoever's in charge set the kill distance to short because it makes it much much easier to like be able to run away from things like that i'm just i'm a digital jump pretty pretty [ __ ] far away like he had a long sword just like me [Applause] oh yes yes here we go here we go so we can then we can team with each other look at this go look at us now i'm going to act like i'm doing a task i like i'm doing this task you need to stick with roberto how do i what happens now oh that's how vents work holy [ __ ] oh oh oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay the bodies all right all right holy [ __ ] there's three [ __ ] deaths tommy okay listen we started off just let me talk she called it no you know but what did nobody slip all my days all night stop swearing i didn't even accuse tommy i wasn't going to i saw purple run away brother no i'm accusing you because i literally oh okay all right uh-huh okay all right because i literally started walking towards it you killed him i saw it i walked towards it you were there and then you reported so you can oh my days i hmm i did you know the one where you put the wires together i did that and then i was in where did you do it i think it was in the top of i don't know the call out i think it was in the top of cafeteria and then i went to med bay you know the big way in med bay the bit where you go in there in the [ __ ] the scanner and it goes unused no please i think it's minx i was with you fundy so so i know it's guaranteed not weird fish because he was waiting for me to do the garbage dump and didn't kill me there and i did the garbage jump which proved also that i'm i'm safe yeah i don't know was in the admin with like someone else i think well wilbur and tubber could vouch for me because they saw me in med bay and cafeteria and then i went down i can't vouch for you but i saw you in memphis i didn't see you once i'm sure you were up at mad day right now i'm sorry i'm sorry i have nothing to die don't don't say i vouch for you when i don't it's between me and tommy obviously we're the only ones in the room i'm telling you it's tommy oh my god what the [ __ ] you're done [Music] you bastard why did he vouch for me what happens if i do these can i just oh he could have vouched for me then he could have vouched for me why would he not vouch oh i shut the doors on him oh so that's how you do it a murderer click it i'll kill him now we'll kill him now kill him now he just vented he literally just vented you watched him vent oh my god come on will where's will why's wilbur can i sabotage right how's it work oh wait did i just open that door oh what the oops how do i do this oh well okay wait who's in there scott wilbur and weird fish so if i one of them two leaves now i can shut the doors i'm getting that will be get the kill got one of youtube back up okay wait i can shut the doors here right oh well man go to what okay all right because i can help will [Music] pretty sure i just shut some doors oh oh god trying to wiggle it phil how do i shut this door yeah again phil get him will get him will yeah look at me carrying [Music] um okay so basically i was with fundy we were kind of chilling on like the wiring room place i'm not really sure what we're doing and i walked up to security where me and fundy just were and there was a body and i'm not sure what color it's guaranteed okay okay listen uh jack listen to me tobo's fine you're fine i'm fine it's guaranteed will or minx wait yeah and to be fair we saw minks those aren't very good literally i've literally been all over i'm in the cafeteria right now you could have trapped against the walls with us earlier we got trapped in a room that was me i was strapped against the wall with you okay so who was i thinking tommy was your tommy's just spamming the door button yeah it's warm hold on hold on if we've been good you're getting focused on either will or minks and that's not a good part unless it is guaranteed tom turbo's safe and uh jack what i'm thinking is so um me fondy and uh weird fish we're completely fine so it's between you two and if you're just like you said you're being focused on on you and minks i'm gonna vote will first then minks and either way we're saying so we vote out will and if it's not will we immediately call an emergency meeting hold up this seems [ __ ] sketch this is so scary what's going on why are you collaborating well because i've already done that yeah oh my god yeah jackie are you doing the garbage so you know i'm saved yeah and i've been with tobo literally the entire game and i'm honestly funny i'm suspicious of you right now now because jackson will be doing the the thing jack jack saw me doing the thing i didn't see the garbage thing he's doing the switches he was doing the switches okay okay fine okay maybe maybe he is right and there's only one imposter left so me and fundy working together isn't because we're both imposters so it's guaranteed well you've been defending yourself with [ __ ] on here of course because i want to win the game yeah i feel like it's i know jack is safe i know telbo is saying two months you just you're willing it down to um [Music] [Applause] talk can i just say [ __ ] phil scott and [ __ ] sneak did you like my psychological place on my channel i finished my tasks i'll just go follow someone wilbur hasn't murdered me so i trust wilbur oh we've both been launching security that's odd guys jumped out of the vet and killed the [ __ ] out of me why was there any doubt in any of you and minks in that last round when she literally called out tommy the round before yeah tell me your prejudices all she could have said was that she exonerated herself by finding out tommy was the killer like why all right all right okay come on i want to stay alive in this game it's more fun when you stay alive i think for the two months okay connor scott okay i'm gonna you know i'm gonna fix the wiring i'm gonna i'm gonna make a leap no one really kills in calf this game's so sick okay i don't want to go down there by myself i want to find a group oh wait wait i can report right i can report who died he was dead already i saw it it was um it was jack and it was right you know the little room because i went up to calf because i was fixing the wires and then i saw a jack down there and then but i saw like a group of five people around jack so i don't know like out of because you were all going down and then i had to do the wiring so i went back up to cafeteria and then back down the room where you go down from catherine on the right because i don't know the course i think but yeah i went down there uh i don't because i saw like five of you in a group so i'm not sure and then you all went down he wasn't murdered in admin i don't know which one's admin admins okay you know you know the spawn i went down and to the right that he's there because i went back up to camp to do the wires did you go into the super tiny room are you talking about communication i don't know i don't know the one the one straight down and on the right what is in the room i can't see because there's a ipad in my way for what challenges uh i think it's i think it's the one i'm not sure i'm not sure i don't know well i saw it and then i went and then i went towards it because i remembered you couldn't go from cafeteria like literally a tiny bit down a tiny bit down and on the right yeah that's edmond he must have been murdered like instantly because i literally just like that because everyone went down where was the body the body was alien in the one on the right you can go look for yourself there was small people on admin when i did my thing and then i left so wait so tommy now you know where it was did you see anyone coming out after you went in because like obviously you would have seen okay well then it okay so scott you just left admin tommy goes into admin and he's no longer admin they're generally i don't know there was nobody in admin when i left that yeah there was no i left because we were all in a group so i went back down to the group and then i saw him on the right no he was i was wilber was there conor was that you know right at the beginning i was in the bottom left follow me all the way down to garbage i can verify myself what are you holding me come on follow me dude i was so worried that we're gonna think it was me then i realized that i was [ __ ] making it look like how it was me like that hit me like halfway through talking i was like oh [ __ ] wait they were gonna think it's me uh hey minx mute [ __ ] some more keyboard clacks obviously i want to go up here with more people i don't like going into the rooms by myself dude i'm gonna be safe oh wait wait that was reporting right i literally left the reactor well but i thought you killed me then that was like so perfect what do you think about minx um i was in the northern engine room i'm really sorry i need to pee i'll be right back okay all i'm saying is you know the one to the top right shields wilbur came down from there and i was walking up to do the shield task so if that's correlation i don't know the map i think wilbur is good okay all right the body is on the left side of the map the only other one i know it wasn't is trouble because he was in the left when i found the body i was doing the simon says bs on the reactor because i think it was sneaky honest i know exactly where you are because i did see fondy but i went to the [ __ ] cameras because why wouldn't you announce the dead yeah you did not see the [ __ ] dead i did not [ __ ] see the dead body like arms currently orange but i'm not gonna reveal until next round i think this round you should vote either tubbo or minx and decide between them yeah i think minx i didn't see two people trouble was in the bathroom doing a challenge of some sort i've seen minks run past our body like all right i'm voting links and then i skipped because all right and then i have a read next round too that i'm that i'll announce next if i die you can [ __ ] watch me do a [ __ ] thing like i will do something where you'll see the [ __ ] thing pop up we'll see you float behind the space when it tells you i don't think i'm gonna be honest [Music] nice it was very unfortunate link's voted turbo so i reckon it's not turbo now i'm gonna go this way see if anyone follows you need to go to med bay no oh i don't know what it means what [Music] i'm scared of dying i think i think it is sneak for these reasons no okay last round i was suss of minx well i was successful for the first round and then the next round was pretty obvious it was her because of what scott said that is why immediately last round when we started the voting i asked sneak i said sneak what do you think of minx and immediately he was kind of trying to defend minks a little bit up until the end of the round even when tubbo was accused he was trying to shift the blame over to cover that is my read that is what i did the first thing he said to me was you're really suspicious i also voted manchester united and i was doing the fuel on the north engine so i literally saw i don't think it's trouble by the way i was walking back down to the right yeah i've seen yeah no one's thought about connor it's not going to be how were you an electrical with me then just last round that that was the previous round we're talking about wilbur i went from reactor in the previous round okay okay yeah i flipped the switch with the little crystal thing and then i did the thing where you you turn up the dial we've got so many people like there's one imposter and so many people we could just throw sneak out just now i don't think it's worth it though yeah i i mean this read is wrong i'm extremely embarrassed but there is a reason why i'm wrong next time no i really don't weird out from the amount of reaching gonna think it's that that just happened this is awesome i don't think it's sneaky yeah it's gonna be so [ __ ] limber from the amount of stretching that just occurred oh my god i don't think it's con arrived okay shields i shall put it well i don't think it's wilbur oh i want to vote that'll be tomorrow i thought about using tasks [Music] anyone else [ __ ] nervous right now okay okay what i reckon all right i'm not sure but i think it's sneak if i see sneak i'm gonna run okay scott i reckon scott's fine i don't actually have any any reason for scott to be fine now i think about it he hasn't done anything that's made me think he's fine let's let's try and see what [Music] oxygen come on oh close okay i've done my tasks all right just stay alive then all right i think it's too i'd think two is fine so i thought we're doing tasks a minute ago so okay boys boys hey we're sticking together i mean the tasks are almost done who hasn't done their tasks okay toby's doing tasks come on come on come on come on come on come on come on turbo how long is he spending on a task it's quite a long time it's right here it's right here i was yelling who was it connor because it was me you and turbo were together the whole time those three have been together the whole time yeah yeah yeah that's true that's true that's true [ __ ] we've been together the whole time i've done all my tasks [Music] all he needs to do is click kill and he won't last long took a tactical p it's a play i've never seen before in my life he took a tactical piss i've never seen this you [ __ ] idiots dude just oh my i can't believe it [Music] [Music] [Applause] we knew it we knew it i am so sorry but everything backed it up did you like i know scott i know you didn't see it but i did another mind game where i shut the door and stared at you i'm refusing to do my electrical room tasks i die every time [Music] thank you and if it's not will vote me off kill me kill me kill me if it's not me and if it's not will they kill me if it's not will but kill me if it's not will but kill me how about we vote tommy and if i'm wrong you kill me what the [ __ ] please i saw you guys tommy i disagree with tommy because the last two times he did this it was because he was a killer and somebody saw him kill somebody else i saw it he's such a little girl i'm not even in anime let me speak i agree with sneeg that that is exactly what tommy has done multiple times however no however i did anybody else see anything because all we've heard so far is wilbur and tommy screaming at the top of their lungs at each other no i reported the body oh yeah i saw this i'm a gentleman who understands the right if if tommy calls a report right and i don't immediately suspect it's me because i'm [ __ ] in storage right just doing my job i'm doing wires in storage tommy of course i'm gonna defend myself tommy if it's not yeah okay fair enough tommy you did see me no they don't look great that would be too we did it we did it i did it let's go six two two three okay i'm not gonna go this time i think someone else got it okay who was who's least likely to be the other murderer after that after that interaction do you think um probably probably connor or sneak because they they were really quick to not agree with me right i'll just i'll just be weary i'll just be weary hello phil knows it's not me now doesn't he wait navigation i literally just need to get a navigation where's that oh all right oh and upper engine oh oh easy dude who is it it's [ __ ] scott what at first i suspected um conor because he was standing at the jerry can and immediately left i'm like oh okay let's go that was gonna follow connor let me speak let me speak mr s major killer so then scott went down to shields he went to do shields i'm like okay it's probably uh it's probably not connor i woke up go back down just to check i see connor's dead body skull walking away easy [ __ ] kill i literally went and if not scott against will because fundy was the only one that said it's wilbur then it was wilbur so why would funny be lying what's in it for him i swear it's scott it's the easiest [ __ ] what's in it for funny telling me i trust fundy on this one hundred percent that was worse let's go [Music] i did not i did i got the unfortunate thing that minks had where a person happened to come down the corridor just after yes so you [ __ ] secure the perimeter what are you doing that's part of the game yeah you're jumping you jumped into an event while tommy's in the room you can see nothing i just actually the animation started before tommy came in the room i have you know little little [ __ ] imposter [ __ ] little imposter [ __ ] go back to school in here i gotta say it's i always go to admin first that seems to be my play however someone always gets murdered first i mean that was fake by the way we totally just won me and funny carried the [ __ ] out electrical okay i'll do electrical [Music] [Music] okay i don't think it's phil cause phil could have killed me now if you wanted to could be wilber though the fact that it would be wilbur is pretty low you know because he's been at like four times in a row but then again i mean that's how they get you oh i just wanna die [Music] fix wiring security is that i'm quite enjoying staying down here seems to be me phil and thinking about quite a gang going on he was in the um electric room of the cables on the floor okay the whole time i was with sneak most of the time and i was in the admin room i stayed in admin room and he went to electrical after that how did you know it was i was running with phil's house what you can see on the screen the dead body that was found that's blue no there's two yeah dead bodies it could have been mink's oh no you know what vote me out sure vote me out i cannot believe i cannot believe no no no no no no no he did i mean the body is on the screen or me phil and jack were together the entire time i was near fundy i was with sneak for a while but that doesn't really help it on the screen i don't know wait no okay okay connor you were with sneak the whole time right yes i was with sneak i fought for a while i stayed in the admin room and then sneaked most of left went to electrical how do i know you're not lying oh i saw sneaking i still sneak in um in [ __ ] admin but this evidence is completely lackluster and everybody's accusing me right now everybody'd be sucks at them and they're right for all i know you're lying so tommy that's true just pay attention to who's accusing me funding so connor at what point does it come up telling you what body is it when they report a body is that what's easy who's accusing you right now it's it's it's i just don't know how you knew it was yeah connor but what i'm saying because the blue body popped up what is it when you don't stay at the very bottom of the screen yes am i really dumb [Music] oh wait i lived i'm really gonna unmute and go like that i wanna make a fart sound either let it be scott please don't know scott please don't let me scott it's not scott let's see let's see let's try and get a bit of trust in scott so i can just wilbur i can just sit and watch the cameras okay tuba and phil seem innocent wilbur doesn't seem innocent yet oh they're here wilbur andy when the funniest following oh i s sorry i saw something uh it's jack what wait you want to elaborate so you just went i saw something you have a vision of a god i went i went south i saw a vent open and then i saw and then i saw weird fish pop around the corner while we were going over to invest all right let's kill them let's kill them let's stab him from the engine room [Music] all right emergency meeting can i take you with me oh my why someone fix it me into that i'm ready remaining brain cells you've got as you smash your head against walls and maybe think about what the [ __ ] you're doing right i am i can confirm myself next turn follow me to medbay look there's so few of us left we don't need to buy everyone everyone else picks skip vote everyone's sticking together we finish our last tasks together right we've got infinite time to do tasks we go and do o2 together we go and do the engine we just do everything together we don't leave each other's sight all right shut the [ __ ] up and [ __ ] stop being idiots with oxygen and reactor do we split into threes well split into threes we'll split into three so so right side white green black goes top and orange pink purple goes bottom there we go you were very very loud just then and i disagree with you i still think it was funny i'm gonna be honest good on you today obnoxious and disgusting i'm gonna start no i'm not gonna i'm gonna stop fine fine how do we check if he what he is what does that mean what does that mean oh oh actually i need to engine wait actually no i need to go to oh no i'm on way now could be will be you know he was very very loud about that i've just been trapped why have i just been trapped oh stay away from the vent a lower engine he's trying to trap me oh i'll react to meltdown i can do that yeah because if we do all the tasks then we win right so navigation i don't want to go just wilbur [Music] just throw him out just throw the orange [ __ ] out throw him out just throw him out just get rid of him just eject just eject the [ __ ] we've almost done all of our tasks though if i just inject him i haven't done all my tasks i'll kill him but if we kill him then we're going to kill you that's you [ __ ] saw me confirm myself on the machine [Music] [Applause] i i'm going to be perfectly honest that is just a random saying and he also was the only person to vote for him so i really like how robot really swayed you you [ __ ] dip [ __ ] don't do that [ __ ] i was losing my mind literally when a body is reported the body that gets reported is on the [ __ ] screen all kinds of i never was losing my [ __ ] mind because i followed him and he was blue i never knew it came back we know for next tell me if i'm imposter this time i'm going to kill you first and it was a wrong speech us i've ever played oh no i'm gonna follow her out wilbur i'm gonna make him think it's me let me finish my story okay because it incriminates you because i wasn't i was no no come on now come on clutch up clutch up the bags of cheddars i was munching down on and i was like i was like okay let a man eat all right and i was going to swipe the card thing i walk in and i see this purple lump on the floor and wilbur's just left i'm like well two and two together there's no one else in there what do you mean i just love you you also did just i did say say vance say he was using the vents okay i went into admin i swiped the card two times sneak by two times to swipe and then i went straight up into canteen i went straight up here here's the thing and this is i'm gonna kill tommy immediately he gets the opportunity to do it he thinks of it the opportunity is there he takes it no matter what he takes that any day if wilbur and tommy were in the same room at all together wilbur was going to take it okay connor i appreciate that i appreciate that but also imagine you're an imposter there isn't too much representative that you are also going to take the opportunity i've seen displayed in this game so far no one would think that foreign that would be a smart play and no one in this game is smart enough i appreciate i like i like that you're complimenting me but it's just it's just not a good line of thought it's not it's not a good line of thinking it's what i'm trying to say you were the only one there all six people voted for me right now no sure possibly okay i'm just go i'm just going to say it was [ __ ] worth it it was worth it seeing a little child seeing it seeing it seeing his little neck snap oh my god it was so worth it oh i killed i want to see it again i want to see it again i want to i want to just watch him watch him collapse i want to see that bone jutting out of him oh it was so worth it [Music] i just i know i'm dead but connor i just want to say i am smart enough to make that play so please don't not include me okay what was that in psycho holy [ __ ] oh there's a title oh my god right in the middle of the next lobby i'll go will we go general too who is the other murderer i found a blue man i would also say i would also like to say i was literally just getting made me as the door slammed on me and i just got out so i think someone was in the vent ready to murder me five shot the door's just did i save your life can we please establish where the body was it was like where the bit where you drive the ship is you where we asked where the body was information we didn't know i i always explain where i am each round it's you isn't it you also threw funding under the backlash right yeah yep no no i can vouch for you i don't i'm definitely suspicious of them but i don't think is we're like where were you phil what were you doing you're awful client i was over i was over by the reactor i finally did the simon says machine after like three attempts every time i've been trying to do something i'm gonna try i'm gonna try and think back of what i did i did a bunch of wire stuff um i did [ __ ] it's i just did a bunch of things like i think i swapped the card once twice twice i also did the o2 yeah you saw me do that scott and they were there and trouble were in that room yeah that's true yeah stacks are high that's most of it [Music] yeah weird fish is right that i was an admin but i just don't know why they would say that like yeah it's really it's an odd i think it's well i've already voted yeah if we're gonna vote anybody i'd vote fish but i i don't think it's i think we're fine going around let's all just be certain can't we we can lose someone can't we we've got six people left right but we can also wait around and play it say just wait around skip okay fair enough all right just watch out for that weird fish guy he's a bit weird yeah just stay away from him [ __ ] you or put three on him yes we will go general too how was it tommy how was your day was dying at my house such a [ __ ] you know that child he's yeah imagine you know what the best part about it was tommy can i describe perfectly why i enjoyed it so much no matter what right you can but just remember it was me going into admin it was me going into admin and you following me right and as you follow me you stood there and stared at me almost like challenging me like oh come on then we'll do it then if you're such a big man and me just turning around and just [ __ ] twisting your ah it was brilliant it was so [ __ ] good it was like [ __ ] psychopath that is [ __ ] weird the deepest experiences i've ever had in the video game that is one of the best watching you die was up there as one of my favorite things i've ever done in a video game i absolutely loved it and i remember do it again yeah it was brilliant it was so [Music] fun why you're a [ __ ] weirdo what's wrong tommy why am i oh what's up hello hey okay so basically here's my train of thought i saw fundy was an admin okay i saw um immediately go down to storage the door shut and corner went down there everyone everyone i don't know who it is conor was with me in affects it makes the most sense phil's brick and vouch for me [Music] and then i saw weird fish go down and then the doors locked and i was from fundy and admin so i went up to call a meeting because i thought that you were about to die cheers so i heard you saying as you're using it wouldn't that make it more than at the door closed behind him yeah you were in there in storage room so i thought you were going to die so i called a meeting so do you think conor mcgregor feels very very angry right now tried to kill conor because as soon as he went through the doors give us a bible thump if you're angry in a pog champ if you think wilbur sucks yeah i got locked in storage and i think yo too are you alone in storage yeah i'm alone i'm the only one that's wearing that so what that that sounds like to me that either um it sounds like you lost someone in and you failed or it's just a weird misclick by uh it wasn't there i don't know how to close the doors yeah i'll be honest with you i don't know either i have no idea either so i believe that we can just skip i believe that but i am going to vote fish yeah we need to vote fish and if it isn't then we can be gone if it's not we play it safe and ground as a group i mean there were no kills because you guys were on a group together that's true i bet it's fish i'm sorry jack that's fine no no sorry [ __ ] off it's him we'll find out in a manner well i [ __ ] hope you guys enjoy yourself in space all right [Music] you're a [ __ ] joke good work that was a fun game thank you guys that was not his own [ __ ] i saw a weird fish walk next to me that's why i was kind of i couldn't see everything just ran down the hallway connor connor i killed i killed the next person right and i came out event just underneath you in the same room yeah i think you're working on your thing i don't know yes yeah i didn't see because the thing was in front all i saw was you go on the corner and like wait and hide so i was like wait that's a little weird and that's why i was thirsty the rest of the game i was just playing it safe in case you were playing dumb i tried to play it off that was one of my favorite video gaming experiences i want to stab you in the face i'm not going to happen again i've got ptsd i want to get that vlogging and i want to [ __ ] stick in his right face and then i want to pull no in minecraft in minecraft in a video game in a video game right do not underscore me i'm doing my tasks and i'm hanging with the crew that's my plan today right reactor start oh this task who's pink who's pink who the [ __ ] yeah oh why guys tommy's dead in reactor how the [ __ ] would he know that a lot of people were in oxygen did you see anybody else i didn't really i was i've seen a bunch of people one day security wait everyone was everyone wait everyone was in oxford who wasn't in oxygen say says [Laughter] because wondering you can report it as an imposter no i know but i see oxygen like you know anyone else right now it's like okay well there's no point in like there's enough people that are not the imposter here so i'll go and do my challenge fundy what did you see once again oxygen i didn't do much right i know but you came from up top uh did i yes oh i was i was i was calling out my twitch primes you know how it is and then it went up again okay scott i think it's i think it's you yeah yeah oh hold on someone who's in oxygen i'm telling you now there was only one place it was like we only just got the oxygen as the body was found did you just teleport across the map to find the body on the other side no i literally seen four people run so i didn't bother i just went back scott where did we run from then you run from uh the storage room up wait and where exactly did you find the body again it's in the reactor got man what's that done about not that long i was in electrical this whole i think i think it's either it's either scott or it's funny for me that's where i'm at um i think why is it me i'm happy because you're the only person that came from the only person that could have been that's fair that's right no what do you mean now i'm putting you dude what the [ __ ] i will just get either funny or skip yeah i'm sorry if you are but your story just doesn't add up i'm sorry that's true last minute blame get out of here dude right now who killed you again oh scott got me literally i was like it was coordinated oh my god oh my god yeah what do you make of the game oh it's i'm really enjoying this i need it well we need to make sure i'm doing my tasks yeah i'm a little bit confused by some of them okay what is it you don't understand uh like for instance i do the wires but then it says i've only done one and then i have to find the other like five oh yeah yeah how the wires work is you do like um you do wait one second is there lots of them how the wires work is it's like why is done one of three so i have to go so we have to go to navigation fix the y's there then i have to go to like o2 fix the wires there you have like go from white to eye to wire so the chat's pog champion at your arrival you haven't got any streams up to you uh no no well actually uh i do have a chrome open but you guys have background tabs yeah that's cheating oh i can't believe i died man i almost oh my dude i it's been like you know that game where where who was it what was it this game where no the last game where literally was it wilbur like killed me in front of you and you almost didn't say yeah that was it i was so stressed wait what do you mean i didn't say i will no no you did you did but you almost backed down and i was so nervous because he was very loud you know when he's very shouty it's hard to kind of be that loud it's quite late oh wait let's go okay wait well hidden but it was in reactor room far left oh [ __ ] i thought it was wilbur he's dead i'm literally sitting in med bay waiting for my anomaly thing to finish because did we lose two i was there i believe yeah jack confronted me i was doing the guns that's the way it goes i was doing on my task i just did the one below reactor um sneak says he was in med bay that's the closest to it but i have no evidence that it's snake beast besides that and i guess he was kind of quiet last round what i will say is as i entered med bay jack started following me and then went in there and then backed off and went towards the left come on come on come on come on right how long how long ago was that he was walking towards cafeteria and then i was walking in from cafeteria into med bay literally in that hallway he turned around called me and then he was gone yeah because i thought there was a mission in there there is a mission in there blaze man 69. thank you for the moment i didn't know you were both going scout was saying and then with the prime what do you mean both it was just me all right just you you're being a [ __ ] [ __ ] sauce [ __ ] i'm not trying to be i just don't have much information to get i was with he told me in it hey hey uh i'm getting my mods are dming me saying that everyone's everyone's being mean to me on twitter well i don't care what do i have to tell you it was a joke no what i need you to do here's what i need you to do i need you to get get on one knee and say i solemnly swear that i will that i that i will bestow i'm actually excellent friends and look up to tommy in it and respect him like he is a man and he is a man say that right now or maybe even tweet it do you think that'll be good content no no i just need it or else i hate you sorry that's just how it is that's just how my feelings work who killed you tommy who killed you it was scott it's got it it's weird fishing is scott and jack yes oh my gosh i was killed by weird fish i mean i thought i had a pretty solid story sorry i can't get yeah okay [Music] every time to come up with and jack was just ominously standing there and i'm like i'm so dead i'm so he's just waiting for me i'm so dead and i was just finishing my task like well i'll just continue and i just die like a second later like [ __ ] i i just kept giving you random things to say that you did then you kept switching them up and i was like there's no way he just like is forgetting what he thinks he's straight can you push can i give you a game fact jack yeah so when you're when you're the imposter don't just run around the corridors peeking in every room and leaving because i you did you did that to me twice and so i started following you and then you killed me yeah i don't have the i don't have the code i've tried every code in the it's the same one you just click play again you just you were just in the game yeah i accidentally left yeah i can't believe you could misspell [ __ ] that's crazy let's go yeah i'm ready i can't believe you'd misspell plky dude wow dude come on please bye chat okay i'm sticking with turbo i'm like just staying with another okay okay come with me please don't kill me tomorrow all right yeah there we go there we go he knows he knows are you [ __ ] are you [ __ ] me oh really all right i'm i'm not staying in i'm not going anywhere from now on not in a group of three i know i'm not being a team player anymore i need to be with other people at all times this this game [ __ ] bible thump man i smash my hands again i don't mothers i need to check if i have a text from my mother going why i don't let's go who killed the furry how did you guys know annoyed he's calling for okay i have i have info that was not on the cold body but i'm gonna wait to reveal it until a little bit so where where where was suspicion where was where was fundy found uh bottom left okay so i found tommy in the med bay tommy right as right as the ground ended tommy's body was in the med bay why is it going to scan myself is it tubbo then because i was in electrical phil as you saw i was the one coming out and tubbo but then there's a vent connecting med bay to electrical i cleaned i was i went into the med bay to do the samples and while i was waiting i was oh yeah he was the only person i didn't see pretty much the entire time on the right side yeah and tommy died in med bay which is he's the only person that said they were in med bay yeah if we know tommy doesn't die round one we know that he's the imposter kill him the next one i think it's a terrible idea to kill tommy oh i need to vote for your discussion that it's good for an enemy right it's it's the worst play to kill tommy he's actually the third imposter every round this [ __ ] sucks this [ __ ] song there we go there we go that was great okay turn it off for gameplay thank you you're a [ __ ] prick man you're a real you're a real piece of work you're a real i didn't know you could lie that good what do you mean lie that good you lie to them you go you go it wasn't me you actually were very bad at lying yeah i'm not very good at it i should try to get better you [ __ ] suck it's because it's because you suck i didn't even want to kill you first to be honest i want to yeah but yeah but unless you pressed the kill but yeah cause i was you know what i did you know i did i went i looked at you i did my little wiggle then you wiggled backs i thought oh he said he's [ __ ] he's on my side and then literally on the stream it's gonna it's gonna be a no dude it's gonna be a clip because i go yes yes it's me and turbo i know he's good i know he's got and then literally you just and then me and then i just start slamming that's gotta be a clip man i've gotta see that on twitter just capturing the clips like really enjoying among us right now no i'm not tweeting it i'm just i'm gonna i'm it's better to be all oh my god oh my oh connor hey he's dead it's turbo it's turbo oh oh wait should we go back okay in a minute that's a bit of a minx moment and i want to i want to see i want to see her somebody activate a reactor clearly to get people to go over there so they could kill somebody on the right side of the map but wilbur were already there so it went away really quick where were you jack i was in med bay doing the scan and then i went down the left-hand side and went into uh electrical yeah if you get if you get maybe scan you should like keep it i did see him go into mid b but i thought he was going to try and murder me so i went back into the cafeteria did you do the prime second part i don't know you just stood on it and i let the scan go through okay there isn't a second part good job i was with sneak at the end we were both too scared to go into electrical i think we both made that like well if i die i die that says i've accepted it i feel like we should probably vote for minx and then if it's not me the green guy but i've just been six months i mean because it's not because you didn't know phil's name [Music] i was like wait a minute if you just play stupid they're gonna think that you're just being stupid fell down because i came from an event and phil was on the outside i thought he saw me so you had your out the whole time the second phil exonerated you should have played in that the whole time oh that was so funny it's not guys i i have been i've been streaming for too long i need to do it i'm gonna be off one more yeah i've been live for four hours as well [Applause] perfect oh no they're gonna think it's me okay five four three two one okay what i'm gonna do actually is stick with this group i'm gonna stick with this group for a bit okay actually okay okay come on last game last game we've gotta win this dungeon okay left side left side on the map left side left side here stick with funny so if you can vouch come on funny vouch for me if me and funny the people that defuse o2 come on where was it so it was in navigation but i couldn't see the body it just came up saying report oh i was with i was in o2 with funding yeah but it was in navigation so all the way to the right yeah it was a navigation i just passed because i was with trouble and we were running yeah like because we went to go and do the oxygen then it was an adventure so when you ran navigation and it came up saying report so i had to like double back did anybody else did anybody else see weird fish throughout the game no no no because i did it because i was on the right side for most of the game and i never saw him i never saw him either so i think he's dead i don't think it matters yeah right so i'm saying whoever called it is lying about him being a navigation no no he was definitely a navigation and i was outside navigation with tommy and i saw fundy and oxygen yeah and literally there was three or four people seen me run in there and click report that would be five head of [ __ ] though i'm not gonna lie right yeah i'm thinking too far i'm sorry i've been i've been getting stressed out because almost listening to me yeah me and kyle navigation really weirdly quiet i'll recap what i said me and connor were in navigation together right and we didn't see this i also didn't see jack and i was on the right side as well i agree that it's scott i think it's like i really don't know it's not just with me i'm not sure were you with oxygen was i would no it's a medium and then me and trouble ran over you didn't come over i was doing this we ran into admin but minks had already done it so mean double started going top to go round yeah what do you think i think you're all [ __ ] not trustworthy that's mean that's a little harsh that's fair it's not fair can i just say people got so angry with me being mean to tommy i'm now trending on twitter good luck it's because you hurt my feelings yo can you all trend me please [ __ ] tommy not the feelings dude okay one dude i [ __ ] talk less smiled more i talk less smiles more okay okay phil's seen me with minx no i'm gonna go up to up to weapons i don't actually know what the thing you do in weapons is so peter thanks for the five you know i think it's i'm going to play it really slow okay now i'm gonna i'm gonna find someone that can vouch for me because i've been on my i'm on my own for too long i think i'm not gonna kill them once connor connor is the smartest player i'm just not gonna kill connor for this whole time this is how i win one two okay we've got this boys seven games [Music] literally following me around the emergency table rachel was like he even tried to cut me off okay navigation and i don't know if he didn't [Music] to cut me off and get and catch up to me he tried to go the opposite way and meet me in the middle sneak sneak can i say i have intel so i so i was watching cctv and scott ran in the corridor that you that you ran away from him on right scott came into the corridor turned around left again came in again came about to walk into a room you walked past he turned around and followed you yeah i'm [ __ ] scared let me please let me explain please let me explain so i went to navigation the reason i was quite funny is it's that one you just drag a circle over and then i finished all my tasks like all of them were done so i was like okay all of a sudden i've never done it every single task sorry i've also and the thing in the middle room but it didn't do a bun it didn't activate when he ran away from it and then i went down to the right can we all be a lot quieter my mother is getting better that's all just makes please makes please this is very counter-intuitive the internet is going to be on twitter no no the reason i followed you was that you actually said to my child i was like okay well i'm done on my time so i'll either follow tub or sneak because i know it's not them bro and then you run into the room it's like perfect to say i have something to say i'm pretty i'm pretty confident listen i'm pretty confident that tommy is safe because i was around he didn't kill me uh at least i think it's weird that makes you call him out however i'm down to vote out tommy just so i start trending on twitter so it's up to you guys no please i'm going to vote for dude i'm mink you're voting i have i don't have a horse in this race i voted i didn't vote i didn't want to vote oh that's why and that's why why would you call me out then that doesn't even make any job guys still that's the weakest designing i've ever done ah yes okay let's go to electrical i'm going to kill wilbur i think i'm gonna kill wilbur just so oh okay oh wait i can't let everyone complete their tasks they're getting a bit too close oh wait [ __ ] everyone's getting really close i forgot i forgot wait funny we've got a clutch up okay i've got to do some killing i've got this killing oh [ __ ] maybe okay i'm gonna go an event and see anyone there really oh [ __ ] [ __ ] funny let's do some killing let's do some killing funny three six [Music] i literally and then i was like someone else get the other no one did and i was like trouble we need to go table we need to go and i had to just leave because i started i don't like when i start feeling bad because i feel people voting out really yeah yeah no i played your way i don't play like that you [ __ ] little [ __ ] run [ __ ] i don't like the way tommy plays he's a snake dude he's a little sketchy man after sneaker accused me i was like i'm second to trouble because trouble wouldn't see me you were literally circling me around the table and then you stopped and went the opposite way and i was like you're straight up trying to get close to no yeah i thought i wasn't going to complete that last task on the left side i thought literally and i yeah at the same time phil finished his task okay it was scary that was my last game oh yeah same here yeah i'ma go play fall guys you do that conor no thank you i will hey hey guys i had a little fun it was a pleasure playing great it was a good time with you very much guys yeah that was fun i liked the chaos i'm a big fan of chaos and that was like i just want to be involved i want to do this again just so i can [ __ ] kill you all judging by how good you were at that game i don't think you'd know where the kill button was i'm just never going in an electrical room with are we going now hey hey scott in a bit do you want to get in the back of my plane and we'll go for a journey okay cool but i've gotta i've gotta i've gotta do i've gotta tommy we've gotta have a little moment we've gotta have a little talk all right okay wilbur okay tommy in it i'm really really sad why are you sad because you were just so mean to me and hurtful do you know why i was mean to you tommy it's because you're a bad guy because you're a little [ __ ] gremlin boy because you're a horrible guy you don't deserve respect hey can you guys stop arguing with each other please i really feel bad sitting here and seeing your friendship just tear apart you don't want to get involved in this man you don't want to get in the crosstalk no it's just heartbreaking i i'm really sad because both you guys are trending on twitter and i don't trend on twitter because all my stands are anti-stan culture so it doesn't happen i would just like to be trending for once like connor eats pants is cool or something all right well okay so tommy's chat my chat let's get connor trending everyone trent connor eats pants on twitter yeah can we just get me trending and like how about this if you guys can get connery's pants trending on twitter i will return to twitter i will tweet again thank you can we get like is cool or like sub the conor eats pants or something like that no just conor ease pants just caught up with you i'll take what i can get i'll take what i can get my mum's very very angry because i've been very loud tommy i just wanna i wanna i wanna find my piece with you yeah no i'm all right i'll see you guys remember uh send them my way if you guys are going away i'ma farm this trend i am i'm completely unashamed all right bye connor have fun oh he's gone hey tommy got me i'm getting a tweet wilbur i'm in pain are you tweeting about me i'm thinking about tweeting can't believe wilbur killed me it's always the person you last you last suspect what the [ __ ] you mean do you know why i killed you tommy because you were [ __ ] having a go at me on that one whereas me me and you as the as the as the [ __ ] imposter when it was me and you as the imposter and then we both [ __ ] up and we both lost and then you started jumping on me that's when i was like i'm gonna [ __ ] kill you no no i'm just too upset will but you don't understand tell me you're you're a little gremlin are you are you gonna do you want my raid or not no i don't want you right i would send anyone my way send it to connor dude but like tommy i'm in too much pain you don't understand so you're just gonna not until i get my vlog gun back okay okay no i see how it is so so you were just pretending to be my friend until you get the vlog come back no no no no i'm i'm your friend i'm your friend you just hurt my feelings so much bye well by stabbing me to death good you could be i'll be your friend if you want no but you can't be my friend because i feel too much sadness yeah no we'll do it we'll do it you'll be my friend but i won't be your friend yeah not until i've got my vlog done back i agree with that i agree with that so so when you refer to me you can't refer to me as your friend wilbur you referred to me the the person i am friends of willpower yeah yeah i'll get by sorry yeah i'm just i'm just too a bit upset splash some water on your eyes so people look like you're crying and then they can screenshot it and post like cancel wilbur no okay tell me i wanted to find my piece with you no no we we found your piece you are i am your friend good work good work today you're you are such a little you're a little gremlin child well you're a little dirty crime boy oh what are you gonna mug me what are you gonna oh jesus jesus christ society oh my god i don't want to talk to you anymore that's not true i don't want to talk to you you want to end stream you don't want to not talk to me bye tommy bye chat my dog my dog was is literally run outside got too scared of the dark came back in and ran in my parents room my mum has told me off twice and threatened to join the internet so not tonight thank you for 7k
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 2,077,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, tommyinnit skyblock, tommyinnit vods, tommyvods, among us, fall guys, tommyinnit among us, wilbur soot among us, tubbo kills tommyinnit, wilbur kills tommyinnit, dream, dream smp war, minecraft funny moments, TommyInnit and Wilbur Soot play AMONG US., among us xqc, among us live
Id: IoKMoqstKqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 31sec (10471 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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